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Naked and Afraid XL - General Discussion

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I am a city slicker and do not profess to be an expert on swamp stuff . . . or testicles (since I don't personally have any).

However, the nutria itch parasites thrive in the mud of the swamp.  The guys on the show may get a lot of dirty, muddy water all over their bodies, but the best place for something to burrow in and create problems is on wrinkly parts that aren't easy to keep clean.  Men's scrotums sound like nutria parasite breeding grounds for sure.

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13 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

It’s a form of ringworm apparently.

Is it really? I was raised by a pet hoarder, and with 30 indoor cats I got ringworm frequently. I would get plagued with dozens of patches at a time. Never had the symptoms these guys are talking about. If I got bitten by a flea or mosquito or spider, I would have a histamine overdrive and whole limbs would swell up, lol. And the itching was horrendous. But not with ringworm. They have endlessly complained about itching.

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I once found a beautiful long haired pure white, blue eyed young cat that had been dumped at the end of our road in the middle of a snow storm. My daughter spotted it as we drove by. It was clinging to a downed branch so it wouldn’t have to have its feet on the cold ground and he was crying his head off. Normally I don’t pick up strays, but this one, I did. I had two bengal house cats that I was not going to subject to unknown disease from a stray, but this one was special. I also told my daughter, I wouldn’t be surprised if the cat was deaf, which can occur often with pure white, blue eyed animals. 

He was deaf.


I checked that cat ten times with a fine tooth comb and magnifying glass to make sure he did not have any fleas. No flea cat was going to come into my house and contaminate my cats, no sirree.


I didn’t need or want another cat so I gave him to my cat nut friend after a few days. She brought him to the vet who said he had fleas (LIE) and also ringworm. The vet pocketed extra dollars for the flea lie and put him on flea poison medicine. He also prescribed Gentian Violet to be applied to the ringworm areas on his face. This turned the cats beautiful white fur, into black stained mess. He said it will take months and months, about 6 months of this before the ringworm would clear up.


I laughed after hearing this, knowing she had one of those vets who knew nothing and would lie for an extra dollar or two. Ringworm only affects the top layer of skin, maybe 2 microscopic layers of skin and is a tinea fungus. You can clear up ringworm with jock itch medicine from the pharmacy, over the counter creams. 


I mixed her up a solution of about one ounce of water and 20 drops of Nutribiotic Grapefruit Seed Extract. Thats a very strong solution. Probably only needed about 10 drops per ounce. Thats an anti fungal, and anti a lot of things, like parasites, bacterial, etc. It kills more baddies than operating room disinfectant will and its non toxic. Also 35 drops of it in a spray bottle quart of water is good for killing fleas on pets and sprayed around the rugs and upholstery incase any flea eggs thought about hatching. I’ve used it on so many things including my own respiratory ailments adding to orange juice, 30 drops or so (it tastes nasty, like chewing on grapefruit skin). Birds too, any animal, for a number of fungal, parasitic, including internal, and bacterial problems. Just a little bit in their water, or dilution sprayed on them. I used to work in a bird store. No bird of mine would ever have parasites or respiratory problems! This helped the owner of the bird store immensely.


The cat cleared up of its ringworm in one application. Did two applications for good measure. My cats never did show any signs of being exposed to ringworm , nor did any of her other cats. He lived a very long life and enjoyed a (defrosted) frozen shrimp every single night for dessert, after his dinner. I have a funny story about that too.

Thought I’d toss that info out there 😼

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Team Savage’s bridge was freaking awesome! They are the best XL team ever, IMO. If Jeff was allowed to keep playing  that time after being hauled off to the medic tent for treatment, then they ought to give Riley anti-nausea medicine and an IV to rehydrate herself. 

Geeze, EJ, get room. I was surprised he didn’t try to dry hump his new teammates in his delight. 
Oh, 🤢. Looks as if Steven and Douche Bro set up camp next to Riley, Ryan, and Matt. I hope Team Savage doesn’t let them use the Bayou Bridge.


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Well EJ was super happy to see Gary and Max.  I hope it works out for them.  Good catfishing.  Is Max immune to the itch, going in the water?  Glad he wasn't the gator's lunch, now the gator has a hook in him, heh.  The Doctor visit was hilarious.

Riley was doing better.  Mushrooms?  Uh oh!  How does she avoid the nutria itch going in the water?  Bummer she gets sick again.  Is it the nutria?  I hope she recovers.  Great white hunter Matt fails.  They didn't show much of his deer hunt.

Nice dock build, then they kick it up a few notches building a bridge.  Impressive

Jeff was pretty bearable tonight for a change.  Steven is cool as always.  Lucky he only got stung once and had somebody to get that thing out.

That bear was waaay too close!  No more sleep tonight.  Time to move!  Smart to build the raft out of the dry shelter wood.  Scary night with no shelter.  That raft is riding really low.

Whose shelter did they stumble on?  Why not stay another day or two, rest some and use all that wood to improve their raft?  Build another raft and tow it with other resources?  So close snagging the gator.

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6 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Well EJ was super happy to see Gary and Max.  I hope it works out for them.  Good catfishing.  Is Max immune to the itch, going in the water?  Glad he wasn't the gator's lunch, now the gator has a hook in him, heh.  The Doctor visit was hilarious.

EJ was happy to supervise the work Gary & Max did.  EJ seemed to think cleaning a fish was below him.

6 hours ago, PaperTree said:

That bear was waaay too close!  

Jeff says he was charged by a bear, probably did not think the incident was going to be shown to viewers. I wonder how Steven puts up with Jeff's continuing crap, while Steven continues to do a majority of the work.

6 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Whose shelter did they stumble on?  

 Amber's shelter

That bridge was really something. 

Riley's question about Matt's erections was interesting.  It was also odd that for a second time Matt & Ryan stood around and watched Riley hurl.  Hey, if I'm puking my guts out, give me some space would ya.


Edited by Liberty
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Something I've noticed is how much Jeff plays to the camera. The guy knows darn well they are making a tv show and works it. The way he talks to the camera and narrates -- he's a pro. An annoying one, but he knows how to work it. Steven too. There's something about these two that is very polished. Jeff's hyperbole kills me. 

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Glad to see Gary and Max join EJ.  EJ said he was alone for 2 weeks?   That’s a long time even when going for 60 days.  It worked out nicely for Gary and Max that they didn’t have to build a shelter for themselves as EJ had enough room for them.  Gary hasn’t been as weird with food so far, I guess since they were catching a lot of fish.
That bear lurking around at night was scary.  While it was clever to use the shelter as raft material I wonder how much sleep either Jeff or Steven got that night while laying out in the open.  I know I would have gotten none but then I’m a survivalist from the comfort of my home, 😆 
I am wondering how Jeff and Steven came upon Gary/Max/Amber’s shelter then next week it seems they join up with Matt/Ryan/Riley who I thought were further up river from EJ.  Seems like we’ll revisit the “neighbors not roommates” theme again, 😆
I really hope Riley recovers and doesn’t need to leave the challenge.  That team is really working well together.  That bridge was genius.  They caught a 2nd nutria! When I saw Riley grab those mushrooms…. always need to be careful with them in the wild.  

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I'm hoping for a scene in which Jeff catches a fish from the bridge and declines to share it with the other group.  Matt looks at him and says, "There's a toll to paid for using OUR bridge, and it will be HALF of whatever you catch from it."

Jeff really needs to have someone stand up to him for his selfish behavior.

Either that, or - as he pulls in a large fish - he jumps up and down screaming, "THIS IS WHAT I LIVE FOR" and the bridge collapses and his nuts get  infected again.  (This last option was based on input from my husband.)  LOL.

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15 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Jeff was pretty bearable tonight for a change

Funny.... I was thinking the same thing.

1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

Jeff really needs to have someone stand up to him for his selfish behavior

I agree. Looks like Jeff and Steven show up to the party and become obnoxious neighbors in the next episode. I would hope Steven has some common sense and does not easily join in with the bad behavior, but tries to tone Jeff down instead. It looks bad for anyone who is Jeffs sidekick to NOT encourage reasonable behavior and actions and anyone who doesn’t, deserves to be lumped in with the jerk, as just another jerk. Laura should have stepped up way earlier than she did and put the brakes on Jeffs insistence it was them against the world no matter how cruel it appeared. I think it appeared very cruel, and that Laura was a coward to not nip it in the bud as soon as it showed its ugly face. We will see what Steven is made of in the next episode I believe. 

So far we see Steven has “man bits” that can fend off the dreaded nutria rash. Lets see if they are big enough to fend off the dreaded Bad juju Jeff pulls his fellow “partner” into if that fellow partner hasn’t the guts to tell him to fuck off and that he’s on his own if he's going to treat the other tenants of the environment, like crap. 

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That bridge was nuts! @LittleIggy is right, they are the best team I've seen on XL.  Don't know that I'd go out on it, tho.  Hope Riley holds on; she's the only female left.

EJ wasn't doing much, was he?  Hey, you guys do this and do that and I'm not cleaning no stinking fish.  WTF, EJ?

I would NOT have slept out in the open with a bear that damn close.  Nice exaggeration, Jeff.  That bear didn't charge them.  They ran back into the shelter as soon as they saw it.  Did he really think the footage wouldn't be used?  

I figured they'd come across EJ/Max/Gary and Jeff would drop Steven like a hot potato now that he found his best bro EJ .

I didn't catch the whole preview - I try not to so I'm not spoiled - but could they be faking us out?  Like maybe some animals moved in next to Riley/Matt/Ryan and they just showed the Idiot and Steven?

Edited by madmax
Because I keep calling EJ Ed for some reason
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2 minutes ago, madmax said:

I didn't catch the whole preview - I try not to so I'm not spoiled - but could they be faking us out?  Like maybe some animals moved in next to Riley/Matt/Ryan and they just showed the Idiot and Steven?

What we saw could be selective editing, who knows.  I was surprised with what they showed given how they ended the previous episode as in “who will Gary and Max find” then this week they’re practically telling us who Jeff and Steven will find.  So maybe it is a fake out.  

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10 hours ago, Mambo Gladys said:

Can EJ, Gary, and Max just kiss already and get it out of the way?? 

omg when EJ was having his follow up doctors appt and he's all spread wide out laying back arms behind his head just talking away.  Probably anything just to get through the exam. I just kept saying put a blanket or something over him would ya please there Meathead.  Cover him up a lil for privacy or maybe for our privacy lol.  Do hope hes healed ok.

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3 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

What we saw could be selective editing, who knows.  I was surprised with what they showed given how they ended the previous episode as in “who will Gary and Max find” then this week they’re practically telling us who Jeff and Steven will find.  So maybe it is a fake out.  

Yeah they do like the fakeout don't they.  They teased G&M finding finding R/M/R and turned out to be EJ.  All those initials could be F'd up.  If so, sorry. Just tired

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18 hours ago, Liberty said:

EJ was happy to supervise the work Gary & Max did.  EJ seemed to think cleaning a fish was below him.

Jeff says he was charged by a bear, probably did not think the incident was going to be shown to viewers. I wonder how Steven puts up with Jeff's continuing crap, while Steven continues to do a majority of the work.

 Amber's shelter

That bridge was really something. 

Riley's question about Matt's erections was interesting.  It was also odd that for a second time Matt & Ryan stood around and watched Riley hurl.  Hey, if I'm puking my guts out, give me some space would ya.


What was her question about Matt's erection?  I missed that one.  Ditto on the puke space

8 hours ago, ForumLou said:

What was her question about Matt's erection?  I missed that one.  Ditto on the puke space

If I recall correctly, the team was walking down a trail single file, (it could have been on the other side of the bridge, I'm not sure). Matt was pontificating about how snaring nutria was similar to finding the right woman, the more snares one set the better chance of snaring a nutria.  Riley says 'so women are like nutria? and continues to ask do they give you an erection?'

If they use this language in front of the camera, imagine the conversation after the camera crew leaves at the end of the day.

The puke comment was based on the camera work of her sitting on the bridge vomiting, and Ryan and Matt standing by watching her.  It seemed as if she was getting enough attention from the camera crew without needing to have her every heave supervised by Matt and Ryan.  (I have thought for a couple of years that recording and editing of vomiting scenes was more graphic than needed.) 

Edited by Liberty
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I’ll admit I was multitasking while watching but did Team Bromance set a gator hook on the opposite side of the river? Max swam over there to set the hook so how do they plan to wrangle the gator if they get one? I guess they could swim over a little ways downstream but just seems like an odd choice. Seems to me the gator would easily come to the other side of the river for a hanging meal. 

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13 hours ago, ForumLou said:

What was her question about Matt's erection?  I missed that one.  Ditto on the puke space

Matt, Ryan, and Rylie are walking across their bridge to check Ryan's snare for a nutria. 

Ryan: First nutria we got was how many days ago?

Rylie: Two weeks.

Matt:  Two weeks ago by the way.

Rylie:  Yeah.

Ryan: Yeah.

Matt: Yeah. But you know what though? Our odds increase every time. Like back in my single days, you know, dating. 

Rylie: Oh no.

Matt:  Just throw it out there.

Rylie: God. Are you comparing women to nutria?

Matt: I definitely will never do that.

Rylie: Did they give you rashes as well?






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2 hours ago, Mambo Gladys said:

I’ll admit I was multitasking while watching but did Team Bromance set a gator hook on the opposite side of the river? Max swam over there to set the hook so how do they plan to wrangle the gator if they get one? I guess they could swim over a little ways downstream but just seems like an odd choice. Seems to me the gator would easily come to the other side of the river for a hanging meal. 

That was my assumption.  How is EJ going to help with that?  Or will he let the others do it like he seems to be doing already?

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The look on both Ryan and Matt’s faces when Jeff and Steven showed up was priceless.  Ryan’s remark about the 2 loudest Naked and Afraid contestants showing up was funny.  
Jeff telling us he’s been fishing for 30+ years yet he continues to scream and yell after each catch like it’s the first time he’s ever caught something is obnoxious.  I’m glad the elephant in the room was addressed amongst the teams regarding Jeff’s past behavior.  Yet he is making it difficult for Ryan/Matt/Riley to get anything due to his yelling.  
Gary goofing around with those eyeballs was disgusting.  Sad to see him tap the way he did though.  

Edited by Cobb Salad
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6 minutes ago, Cobb Salad said:

The look on both Ryan and Matt’s faces when Jeff and Steven showed up were priceless.  Ryan’s remark about the 2 loudest Naked and Afraid contestants showing up was funny.  
Jeff telling us he’s been fishing for 30+ years yet he continues to scream and yell after each catch like it’s the first time he’s ever caught something is obnoxious.  I’m glad the elephant in the room was addressed amongst the teams regarding Jeff’s past behavior.  Yet he is making it difficult for Ryan/Matt/Riley to get anything due to his yelling.  
Gary goofing around with those eyeballs was disgusting.  Sad to see him tap the way he did though.  

All of this!  I was never a Gary fan, but it was sad to see him go out like that.  Can a gator eat Jeff?  Please, please?

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I loved how Matt and Ryan deferred to Riley to see how she felt about Jeff’s arrival after being such a complete and total ass to her in past challenges. Also loved the level of respect that Max is showing towards EJ for his age and experience rather than treating him like a useless old guy. Also enjoyed watching Team Savage become (rightfully) more annoyed by the Jackass Boyz.

Edited by rlc
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2 hours ago, PaperTree said:

All of this!  I was never a Gary fan, but it was sad to see him go out like that.  Can a gator eat Jeff?  Please, please?

Yes, please! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 The only way that douche bro made the 60 days in the Philippines was because he got taken out to spend the night in the medics tent then was allowed to return to play. I still don’t understand that. I like how Riley and Matt mocked “boys with a z!” 😆
I was sorry to see Gary leave like that, too. His eating anything and everything finally caught up with him. 
I hope EJ and Max’s dugout canoe is a success. 
Who else wanted that gar to bite Jeff?

Edited by LittleIggy
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I’m not a Gary fan because his histrionics exhaust me, but I hope he finally learns a lesson with regard to his cavalier food choices. I think he enjoys the notoriety and the attention he gets from consuming anything and everything. 

Is it out of the question to calmly explain to Jeff and Steven that all their hooting and hollering causes potential food sources to leave the area? 

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26 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Yes, please! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 The only way that douche bro made the 60 days in the Philippines was because he got taken out to spend the night in the medics tent then was allowed to return to play. I still don’t understand that. I like how Riley and Matt mocked “boys with a z!” 😆
I was sorry to see Gary leave like that, too. His eating anything and everything finally caught up with him. 
I hope EJ and Max’s dugout canoe is a success. 
Who else wanted that gar to bite Jeff?

Jeff probably tastes bad so the gators don't want him.

Funny that two of my best friends are named Jeff.

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10 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

When Jeff said, "If it's just a 13" fish, we'll keep that in the group that caught it," I wanted someone to ask, "What about if it's a 14" fish.  Does that have to be shared with the other group?"

He's a  moron.

Jeff's the kind of guy who believes that his micro penis would make make John Holmes feel inadequate. 

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14 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I’m not a Gary fan because his histrionics exhaust me, but I hope he finally learns a lesson with regard to his cavalier food choices. I think he enjoys the notoriety and the attention he gets from consuming anything and everything. 

Is it out of the question to calmly explain to Jeff and Steven that all their hooting and hollering causes potential food sources to leave the area? 

Honestly, I'm glad to see Gary go. I have no patience for his eat anything and everything shtick. His constant grandstanding about eating gross stuff and how that's survival, otherwise, you're just camping was ridiculous. It would be about survival if that's all you had to eat, but you don't. Playing with the eyeballs was disgusting. Glad he got meds and is recovered, and glad he's gone from my TV. 

I was wondering about that too -- no reason Team Savage can't talk to them about their volume. I used to like Steven, but he's become completely insufferable this season around Jeff. All that talk of "dinosaurs" and the constant hyperbole and loudness. They are just too much. It might knock him down a peg or two... maybe?

Jeff is such an arrogant douche. I'd love to see him on Alone. He would be great with the cameras and narration (annoying as he is, both he and Steven know how to do that part of it well), but I don't think he'd be the last one standing. It might knock him down a peg or two... maybe?


Edited by jackjill89
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21 minutes ago, riverblue22 said:

I think Gary got sick from his food choices in a previous XL but he recovered and didn't have to tap.  Anybody else remember if that happened?

He did finish his first XL challenge but I don’t remember if he got sick from eating something weird.  There was some friction between him and Matt after Matt showed up with a lot of food to share with the others that was more acceptable and not rancid.  On his original (non XL) challenge he ate some bad food that started burning through his insides later on so he was medically tapped.  After that you’d think he’d learn.  Oh well.  

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17 minutes ago, 4N6MAL said:

I am happy to see Gary go! Too many unnecessary choices about food. Without a firm diagnosis he will never admit to anyone, including himself, that he made a mistake with the food.

For once i wasnt.  I felt sorry for him, he wanted to finish so badly and to have to medically tap must have killed him.  The eyeball stunt was gross and in the end it did him in. We'll see if he learns anything from it.  Still, he was just being goofy. Bummer for Gary.

P.s.  loved the Bro-ship with Max and Gary.  They were so good together, I'm sure that's a friendship for life.

Edited by ForumLou
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I really do wish I had been wrong and it wasn't the Idiot and Steven that moved in next to Camp Savage, but we wouldn't have such great entertainment then.

Loved the passive-aggressive sign smash.  But seriously, they need to just open their mouths and tell them to quiet down, they're scaring away the other game.  Steven is not as bad as Jeff, and seemed at times to be giving Jeff some side eye for the screaming, but I am afraid he is going to go down that path.

Idiot only mentioned twice that he's the only one to do 60 days.  I would so love to see him get tapped for something.  Anything.  But I don't think it's in the cards.  Maybe the nutria itch can travel through his whole body.

Not sad to see Gary go.  He had to have some kind of bacterial infection; they gave him antibiotics.  Now I know they're typically handed out like candy, but there had to be something that made them give them to him.  It wasn't the flu; how would he have gotten the flu in the jungle with only 2 other people and the occasional masked visitors?  It was something he ate (all those nasty alligator parts that no one else would eat) or did (who would ever think that putting a dirty alligator eye against your own eye is smart?).  So totally his fault.

Like the dugout idea.  Just hope it works.  I like Max and am tolerant of EJ, so I'd like to see them succeed.  They work well together.  Hopefully the loss of Gary doesn't change that.

8 hours ago, jackjill89 said:

Jeff is such an arrogant douche. I'd love to see him on Alone. He would be great with the cameras and narration (annoying as he is, both he and Steven know how to do that part of it well), but I don't think he'd be the last one standing. It might knock him down a peg or two... maybe?


He'd never make it on Alone.  No one in person to see how awesome he is.

Edited by madmax
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15 minutes ago, madmax said:

I really do wish I had been wrong and it wasn't the Idiot and Steven that moved in next to Camp Savage, but we wouldn't have such great entertainment then.

Loved the passive-aggressive sign smash.  But seriously, they need to just open their mouths and tell them to quiet down, they're scaring away the other game.  Steven is not as bad as Jeff, and seemed at times to be giving Jeff some side eye for the screaming, but I am afraid he is going to go down that path.

i hope he doesn't.  Steven has a strong reputation in the Survival Community. I think so anyway.  I'd  hate to see him have some misguided camaraderie  with StupidHead over there.    You would think Jeff, of all people, would get the concept of noise = no food. Come on Steven, you're getting too close to the Darkside.  Come back, come back to the light.  We have room for one more.

Idiot only mentioned twice that he's the only one to do 60 days.  I would so love to see him get tapped for something.  Anything.  But I don't think it's in the cards.  Maybe the nutria itch can travel through his whole body.

too bad it can't travel to his mouth and sew it up from the inside.  Like an old 80s horror movie heheh

Not sad to see Gary go.  He had to have some kind of bacterial infection; they gave him antibiotics.  Now I know they're typically handed out like candy, but there had to be something that made them give them to him.  It wasn't the flu; how would he have gotten the flu in the jungle with only 2 other people and the occasional masked visitors?  It was something he ate (all those nasty alligator parts that no one else would eat) or did (who would ever think that putting a dirty alligator eye against your own eye?).  So totally his fault.

it was.  And it was his best XL yet, imho.  A double suck.


15 minutes ago, madmax said:

Like the dugout idea.  Just hope it works.  I like Max and am tolerant of EJ, so I'd like to see them succeed.  They work well together.  Hopefully the loss of Gary doesn't change that.

He'd never make it on Alone.  No one in person to see how awesome he is.

 Plenty of bear though LOL

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11 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

That bayou Black Bear around their camp was nothing compared to the Grizzlies on Alone this season.

No kidding! I would kind of get a kick out of his hyperbole for a truly large animal.

Jeff can go on Alone, hooting and hollering and chasing away all HIS potential game. I really wonder what he'd be like if he didn't have an audience. 

I do think Jeff rubs off on Steven for example --the whole "dinosaur" conversation and their bro backslapping. He's not that obnoxious when not with Jeff. 

Jeff is the type of guy who would tap on Alone, but if you talked to him about it, he'd swear he won the whole thing.

Edited by jackjill89
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30 minutes ago, Liberty said:

IMHO Jeff took Laura Zerra to a lower level of social interaction too, in his 59 day challenge.


Totally agree.  I really liked Laura, but she became just as obnoxious as he was.  It wasn't until almost at the end that she finally realized she didn't need to be an ass.

I can only hope that Steven realizes it as well.

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22 hours ago, jackjill89 said:
On 6/14/2021 at 12:45 AM, Auntie Anxiety said:

Is it out of the question to calmly explain to Jeff and Steven that all their hooting and hollering causes potential food sources to leave the area? 


Cosign. "Hey bro, can you keep it down a bit? I had a deer in my sights and you spooked it. Thanks!" 

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1 hour ago, madmax said:

Totally agree.  I really liked Laura, but she became just as obnoxious as he was.  It wasn't until almost at the end that she finally realized she didn't need to be an ass.

I can only hope that Steven realizes it as well.

Yes he did! Steven and Laura were great together in the arctic -- they've proven they aren't total douche survivors many a time. It's Jeff. He whips everyone he's partnered with into an obnoxious frenzy. 


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