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S02.E03: Champs vs. Stars: From Rainbows to Storm Clouds

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Not sure how Devin was rude and disrespectful to Hennessy. I guess calling out someones bad behavior is disrespectful. I'm not sure what "brand" she is trying to protect all I know is that she is famous by association. I'm not a Twitter/Instagram person so I know nothing about this chick so for all o know she is doing more than mooching off her sister's success. Oh but I do know that she is from Brooklyn. You don't talk to her that way because Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn. At least I won't need to hear about it anymore. 

This might seem weird but I don't really think about famous people being actually people. I only care about them as entertainers not their personal lives but from now on I'm going to side eye JLo. Casper is a dick. 

Tony time is still the worst. And I love that some of the star women see right through Shane and his a-holeness. To bad they all saved him.


Edit-> LoL. I've been informed that she is from the Bronx. Farewell Hennessy I can't imagine why I would ever hear from you or about you again.  

Edited by notcreative enough
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6 hours ago, notcreative enough said:

Not sure how Devin was rude and disrespectful to Hennessy. I guess calling out someones bad behavior is disrespectful. I'm not sure what "brand" she is trying to protect all I know is that she is famous by association. I'm not a Twitter/Instagram person so I know nothing about this chick so for all o know she is doing more than mooching off her sister's success. Oh but I do know that she is from Brooklyn. You don't talk to her that way because Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn. At least I won't need to hear about it anymore. 


7 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Hennessy should have been tossed out on her loud-mouthed ass.  I'm tired of women becoming physical with men and getting away with it.  Why the double standard?  Haven't they thrown out a woman for hitting a guy before, or am I making that up?

Seriously...no idea who Hennessy is and why the f** this annoying chick is on my screen. She should have been tossed from the show the second she hit Devin. Don't disrespect her??? She was disrespecting everyone by being late and screechingly loud. And damn you Hennessy for putting me on Devin's side for something.  I didn't even know who Cardi B was until the music awards (showing my age LOL), although I do loves me some Bruno Mars! She's like an amped Frankie Grande! Which is saying something. 

On a side note, I just love CT! He has always been my fav, even back to Paris Real World. I love how he has grown into the voice of reason on these shows. He just dominates on these shows and I love it. I think he's smarter than a lot of people give him credit for and he's just a true athlete, including his back. 

And show PLEASE PLEASE stop panning to Tori for everything! 

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I have a very limited tolerance for people talking about their "brand." I think it is post-traumatic Kardashian disorder... so buh-bye Hennessy. If annoying AF is your "brand" you have it down perfectly.  I was glad to see that the Stars on the Blue Team at least saw what the Red Team was up to.  Wonder why they didn't tell the Red Team Stars.  Tony is so annoying.  I really took a shine to him when he took his shot at Bananas in Vendettas, but he is so arrogant I almost want Bananas to annihilate him in the next real challenge.  Almost. 

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While the Champs are usually trying to get under someone's skin during these games, that was definitely not the case with Devin/Hennessey show down.  Devin didn't disrespect her at all, just called her out on her shit.  How in the hell does she hold up the entire production for however long, but then stroll into the room, eating bacon, without one apology and then goes straight to complaining and bitching because she was asked to be somewhere on time and to take off her sunglasses.  People in there were being real nice, cause if I was there, I would have cussed her ass out the second she walked in that room and started with the toddler shit.  



13 hours ago, notcreative enough said:

Oh but I do know that she is from Brooklyn. You don't talk to her that way because Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn. At least I won't need to hear about it anymore. 

Lol!  She's from the Bronx.  Be careful or you might end up with some sunglasses upside your head like Devin!  I still can't believe she broke them on his head and she wasn't kicked off.  Good riddance.  Cardi B has more charisma and common sense in her pinky than all of Hennesey.

I'm still chuckling at how Casper rushed to finish his piece of the star instead of helping out his team.  And then when Mike asked him about it, he was all, "we realize we made a mistake."  Who is "we", bitch?

Red team Stars are definitely gullible, but I like how Lil Mama and most of the Blue team stars are hip to what's happening and are ready to play the mental game, as well as the physical one.  That has definitely been missing in the previous seasons of this.

  • Love 8

Bye Hennessey! You won't be missed! I thought the same as you all...how was Devon disrespecting her? But its ok for her to be disrespectful? Nope! Doesn't work that way.  

CT has really matured into a lovely man.  I used to think he was terrible and shouldn't be invited back. 

Brooke sure looks like her momma!

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Apparently "disrespect" has changed from what used to considered real disrespect to today if anyone calls you out on your shitty behavior you are disrespecting them.  Total and utter bullshit.  Words have meanings as do actions and behaviors so it annoys me when shitty people act upset when their bad actions are pointed out.


As for CT, he went to a University for engineering initially  although I believe he switched to Business Administration which he got his degree in, so does have above average intelligence.  However, his bad upbringing and choices including using lots of drugs and not dealing with his pretty severe anger issues and overload of testosterone in his 20's made him do and say stupid stuff which made him look like a dumb meathead.  He is not.  Also the Boston mumble can have a negative effect on how some people perceive his intelligence level.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Lol!  She's from the Bronx.  Be careful or you might end up with some sunglasses upside your head like Devin!  I still can't believe she broke them on his head and she wasn't kicked off.  Good riddance.  Cardi B has more charisma and common sense in her pinky than all of Hennesey.

Really oops. Guess I know even less about her that I can't even remember what she says. I've been thinking about I think I thought Brooklyn because I kept seeing promos for Tracy Morgan's new show. 

I really have to determine why I watch this show.    Who is this Henessey person?  Why should I care how she feels? Who is Cardi B?  The only cardi I care about are my doctors' evaluations of me.  In any case, watching Wes and CT somehow makes up for the rest of the idiots.  Can we somehow ban Ashley from ever appearing on TV again?

  • Love 7

Hennessy is the worst kind of person to deal with. Everything is on their own terms and anyone that challenges that is automatically being disrespectful. Wes didn't speak to her disrespectfully and neither did Devin and she went batshit crazy on Devin. Hennessy you're disrespectful and someone called you out for your inconsiderate behaviour and you wanna act all tough. She deserved to go home. Her aggressive behaviour shouldn't be tolerated because her sister is currently trendy. Her only image is being Cardi B's sister and her personality is ugly.  Good riddance. 

Selita seems like an exhausting person. She catches feelings so quick and I'm not even a big Shane fan to defend him but she asked the question with a slight tone and she received a slight tone back and then quickly took offense. It ain't that serious girl. 

Is CT totally committed to this Stars vs Champs thing? I don't think he cares as much as the others do, lol.

  • Love 9

This still isn't "watch live" for me. Basically, it's a scaled-down version of the "real" thing, albeit with the same amount of relative drama. Didn't know who Hennessy was, don't really care. She had to go. Had she stayed, somebody would've gotten hurt. Well, maybe less so if Devin wasn't there. Yet another in a long line of dudes that will keep running their mouths until they get a whupping.

6 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

As for CT, he went to a University for engineering initially  although I believe he switched to Business Administration which he got his degree in, so does have above average intelligence.  However, his bad upbringing and choices including using lots of drugs and not dealing with his pretty severe anger issues and overload of testosterone in his 20's made him do and say stupid stuff which made him look like a dumb meathead.  He is not.  Also the Boston mumble can have a negative effect on how some people perceive his intelligence level.

Sooooooo . . . if CT hadn't been a bad boy from adolescence through Duel II, he could have been a successful as Wes? Huh. I know, lots of BMP folks have degrees, but I figured CT would have a Magna Cum Laude from the University of Hard Knocks-Massachusetts. And yeah, if he was a little more articulate, he'd be a good option to replace Mike or TJ. Johnny is an annoying fucker that needs a beating (see above), but at least he can come off as witty and charming . . . at least to those who don't tire of his shtick. Oh, and BMP? I credit CT with two wins, not three. "Champs" seasons do not count. Maybe in our hearts, but that's it.

ETA: Shane is never gonna make it to a finale or win an endgame. And it would be painful if he wasn't being a little snot. I mean, we can't make Oompa Loompa cracks about him, but he's hard to watch. And, again, it tickles me that Sarah won a Challenge and he hasn't. Sarah.

ETA2: And Shane did beat Tony in IOTC. My point on finales still stands. Apparently, you can cash in enough participation trophes to be considered a "Champ."

Edited by Lantern7
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Casper looked like a turtle in that oversized jacket he was wearing in his confessionals.

Cardi B honestly sounds like she's a few eggs short of the dozen whenever I hear her talk (like it feels even in interviews the hosts have to talk to her like she's actually a 12 year old girl and then try to decipher what the hell she just said. It's not cute.) and Hennessy isn't much better. Ugh.

Tony's starting to look like he should be on Jersey Shore instead. Ease up on the fake tan, bro. He looks bloated. CT can pull off the bloated look. Tony... not so much. 

Hennessy has a brand?   Fuck that.  Oh sorry Selita...fudge that.   Many of the champs have more of a brand than Hennessy does.   She is famous by association.  

Also, I'm pissed that she was allowed to stay.  She is the one who not only disrespected Devin, but then hit him with her shades.  She should have been bounced.   

CT is my favorite person ever.   I do love the old man he has become, while still killing it on the challenges.   I love his old man wisdom of saying it took him a long time to learn what fights just aren't worth it.....cause we watched those hard learned lessons along the way.   I never would have thought thug fighting CT would turn into this adorable teddy bear (while still being a beast) that I adore.   

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Hennessy should have been bounced the second she said the n word, IMO.

Ya gotta give respect to get respect.

Brooke I don’t know a lot about but I hope she extracts herself from the Ashley Fly Trap.  Don’t be fooled, Brooke!  She’s terrible!

Although, as someone whose father died suddenly in December, Brooke seeming to one-up Ashley with the story of her LIVE father complaining about seeing her twice a year (and what’s up with that anyways?) was gross.

Tony Time sounds like what happens when it’s time for the Valtrex dose.

12 hours ago, mojoween said:

Hennessy should have been bounced the second she said the n word, IMO.

Ya gotta give respect to get respect.

Brooke I don’t know a lot about but I hope she extracts herself from the Ashley Fly Trap.  Don’t be fooled, Brooke!  She’s terrible!

Although, as someone whose father died suddenly in December, Brooke seeming to one-up Ashley with the story of her LIVE father complaining about seeing her twice a year (and what’s up with that anyways?) was gross.

Tony Time sounds like what happens when it’s time for the Valtrex dose.

I thought that was weird too, I thought they were close. From what I vaguely remember from their show, she seemed closer to her dad than her mom.

12 hours ago, mojoween said:

Hennessy should have been bounced the second she said the n word, IMO.

Ya gotta give respect to get respect.

Brooke I don’t know a lot about but I hope she extracts herself from the Ashley Fly Trap.  Don’t be fooled, Brooke!  She’s terrible!

Although, as someone whose father died suddenly in December, Brooke seeming to one-up Ashley with the story of her LIVE father complaining about seeing her twice a year (and what’s up with that anyways?) was gross.

Tony Time sounds like what happens when it’s time for the Valtrex dose.

Sadly, as we learned from Camilla....it doesn't matter what horrible things you say, you can stay....you just can't touch someone.   The cast even brought that up as something they thought was fucked up.   

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I can't help but root for the champs.  The first season with the professional athletes was one thing, but the celebrities have become ever more obnoxious.  The NFL/NBA guys have been beyond arrogant and entitled, and the celebrities this season are hilarious when they act as if they're above everything.  That loser with the famous father who had his tough guys march in last season and try to threaten people was unbelievable.

Brooke is sweet, but her family is an ugly mess and it all played out on TV.  Hennessy and Selita only wish they were true celebrities.  Casper marches around as if he's hot stuff because he was JLo's boy toy, which is probably more pathetic than Hennessy coasting on her sister's fame.  These people are too soft, obsessed with image, and entitled to play the game.  I actually find it hilarious how the champs easily manipulate them.  Too bad Louise is figuring things out.  Wes had better hope that Louise doesn't tell the champ girls that he was planning on offing one to bring Louise in.

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What did I just watch? Is that really how Hennessy talks? It’s a weird mouth hanging open while frantically giggling thing - idk. ? 

Hennessy broke her glasses on top of Devins head while screaming in his face, yet, SHE made the choice to leave to protect her “brand” i.e., mooch off her sisters success on social media.

It should have been PRODUCTION sending her frantically giggling mouth hanging open ass home for DISRESPECTING Devin. All he did was tell someone to be courteous to other people waiting on her. I know Devin can be annoying but I love how he’s the only one that has the guts to put people like bananas and Hennessy in their place (I kinda have the hots for the bananas, though ?).

Brooke is super sweet. I know her family is nutzo but I can’t really fault her for that, aside from the stupid music career she tried to pursue lol, she’s alright in my book. She’s definitely not a stuck up “celeb”. It might have been weird to share the “only see dad 40 times” part.

Why is the big brother dude considered a celeb? I wonder what real actors think about all of the people recognized for just reality tv or social media calling themselves celebs? Back in the day, you had to memorize lines and perform for an audience or video camera to be considered a celeb. Now it’s your follower count or being on a game show. ?

Many of these people are exhausting to watch. Too sensitive. Snowflakes. Settle down Serina, Hennessy, Tony and Casper.

I hate Shane. I was sooooo hoping they weren’t going to save him after he volunteers knowing he will be guaranteed a safety. Punk.

Ashley used to be so sweet. I don’t like her this season.

CT. My man from my hometown, always a man of reason now. 

Drake is very quiet. If it weren’t for Tori declaring her love for him I’d not know he was on this program. BTW, Tori is adorable and I was hoping for an onscreen romance between her and drake but previews show kailaih snagged him.

Tony is way too arrogant these days. His cockiness has grown to way higher levels than I’ve seen of him throughout the years. He’s one of those people that REALLY take advantage of power once given the taste of it. 

I think I typed too much ? 

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