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S01.E07: Tying the...Not

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I wonder why Jade's addict mother is so against her marrying Sean? Does she know something about him that we (and Jade) don't? I was a bit suspicious that he quit his manual labor job so easily with a newborn at home and wondered if his primary source of income was being a so-called street pharmacist. The guy doesn't look healthy. He always looks strung out.

  • Love 8

Soooo here’s my take on this episode. .Kayla is pissing me off and I like her (not her dumb decisions but her as a person) ! “I’m just trying to be optimistic” . Really ? You literally just came home from having a baby and you’re driving Stephan back home so he can go play ball ? Seriously ? She needs to open her damn mouth and tell him he needs to be a father ! She’s walks on egg shells around him because she thinks if she doesn’t tell him about his behavior and continue to go along w. him , he’ll eventually see she’s the one for him and want to get back together . *rolls eyes* news flash hunny , it ain’t happening ! Move on w. your life and find somebody better ! 

I know most of you guys like Ashley but I strongly think she’s a undercover hood rat and I’m not too keen on her . I love Bar though , such a respectable young man! I have no doubt that even if they don’t work out as a couple , he’ll still be a good father . I didn’t like what Ashley’s Mom said about them getting married . Do I think they’re ready for marriage ? Absolutely not , none of them on this show are . However , if Bar has growing to do(which he does) so does Ashley . Just because she’s your daughter doesn’t make her exempt! And “I’ll do everything in my power to ruin it” *huge sigh* that’s extremely petty and childish to say regardless of whether you agree w. their decision or not. Just like Ashley went to Vegas and became a stripper , she can go to Vegas and get hitched ! 


Watching Kylie oops I mean Lexi and Kyler is like watching paint dry. . . and that’s all I’ll say about that .


Jade , Jade , Jade , what is it about this girl . I can’t pinpoint whether I like her or not . She seems to be the only one who has the best head on her shoulders but at the same time she doesn’t . Sean is the only boyfriend I empathize w. on here . You can tell he  genuinely loves her and the baby and I’m glad he’s tryin to prove that to her . However , marrying her is the worst way to prove your love to someone ever ! You don’t marry someone because THEY feel like you don’t care about them anymore or show them any ATTENTION . Come on now . You’re not ready Sean she just broke up w. you because she doesn’t know how to be an adult and have a conversation w. you . She didn’t agree w. a decision you made and decided she was done w. you ! Smh , I can’t ! 


Danae NEEDS TO GO !!!! I have been screaming that in my mind since the very first episode ! Their arguing got so bad that Brianna felt the need to call the police ! When her mother said less than 12 hours later Brianna changed her mind about Danae , it screamed some kind of abuse . I also feel extremely bad for her mother because their relationship is definitely taking a toll on her and she really is trying her best to get Brianna to see the light but it’s like she can only do so much . This is the one relationship out of all on the show that will be the worst and the messiest ! Somebody will end up in a mental hospital or in jail !

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, lexsaysso said:

Soooo here’s my take on this episode. .Kayla is pissing me off and I like her (not her dumb decisions but her as a person) ! “I’m just trying to be optimistic” . Really ? You literally just came home from having a baby and you’re driving Stephan back home so he can go play ball ? Seriously ? She needs to open her damn mouth and tell him he needs to be a father ! She’s walks on egg shells around him because she thinks if she doesn’t tell him about his behavior and continue to go along w. him , he’ll eventually see she’s the one for him and want to get back together . *rolls eyes* news flash hunny , it ain’t happening ! Move on w. your life and find somebody better ! 

I know most of you guys like Ashley but I strongly think she’s a undercover hood rat and I’m not too keen on her . I love Bar though , such a respectable young man! I have no doubt that even if they don’t work out as a couple , he’ll still be a good father . I didn’t like what Ashley’s Mom said about them getting married . Do I think they’re ready for marriage ? Absolutely not , none of them on this show are . However , if Bar has growing to do(which he does) so does Ashley . Just because she’s your daughter doesn’t make her exempt! And “I’ll do everything in my power to ruin it” *huge sigh* that’s extremely petty and childish to say regardless of whether you agree w. their decision or not. Just like Ashley went to Vegas and became a stripper , she can go to Vegas and get hitched ! 


Watching Kylie oops I mean Lexi and Kyler is like watching paint dry. . . and that’s all I’ll say about that .


Jade , Jade , Jade , what is it about this girl . I can’t pinpoint whether I like her or not . She seems to be the only one who has the best head on her shoulders but at the same time she doesn’t . Sean is the only boyfriend I empathize w. on here . You can tell he  genuinely loves her and the baby and I’m glad he’s tryin to prove that to her . However , marrying her is the worst way to prove your love to someone ever ! You don’t marry someone because THEY feel like you don’t care about them anymore or show them any ATTENTION . Come on now . You’re not ready Sean she just broke up w. you because she doesn’t know how to be an adult and have a conversation w. you . She didn’t agree w. a decision you made and decided she was done w. you ! Smh , I can’t ! 


Danae NEEDS TO GO !!!! I have been screaming that in my mind since the very first episode ! Their arguing got so bad that Brianna felt the need to call the police ! When her mother said less than 12 hours later Brianna changed her mind about Danae , it screamed some kind of abuse . I also feel extremely bad for her mother because their relationship is definitely taking a toll on her and she really is trying her best to get Brianna to see the light but it’s like she can only do so much . This is the one relationship out of all on the show that will be the worst and the messiest ! Somebody will end up in a mental hospital or in jail !

Danae is an awful human all the way around.  I have no sympathy. So incredibly selfish and immature. Pretty sure he’s jealous of the attention the baby is getting because when they visited his mom he was pissed when hismom gave Briana attention.

  • Love 8
10 minutes ago, Kalamityjayne said:

Danae is an awful human all the way around.  I have no sympathy. So incredibly selfish and immature. Pretty sure he’s jealous of the attention the baby is getting because when they visited his mom he was pissed when hismom gave Briana attention.

Omg yes ! Like what is his deal ?! He’s extremely manipulative too ! So I guess in the next episode Brianna decides to live w. Danae , so what are they going to live in a hotel w. a newborn baby ?! I wonder what’s going to happen when they get into another really bad argument and mommy isn’t there to break it up ! 

And what the hell does Danae do for a living ???? He had his own apartment and was paying rent at Bri’s House .  he has money to afford a hotel and take care of Brianna and the baby ? He just has to be rolling in dough ! 

  • Love 4

What is up with Jade's druggy mother? "why didn't you ask for permission to marry my daughter?" So wait a minute. You and your druggy boyfriend are crashing at your daughter's place, apparently not working or doing anything to help out. And you are some sort of matriarch who must be appeased? You can see where Jade gets her attitude, though. The two of them are birds of a feather. Histrionics, door slamming, escalating any interaction to a yelling match, stalking off, "I'm done!", saying wildly hurtful things to get a reaction. And Jade left her baby in her mother's care?? This girl is a mess. 

Pastor Tea needs to take a seat. Who are all these people who are living their grown kids' lives for them? Ashley is not 16. 

Lexi. Jesus. That child is dumb. 

But not as dumb as Brianna! 

  • Love 15

So Danae feels that because he pays someone a few dollars a month in rent that gives him the right to be abusive to their daughter?  I really cannot with him.  Briana will move out for a little bit to feel strong and independent but she'll be back under her mother's roof in no time.  Danae is a nasty little something and it won't take him long to lash out again. 

  • Love 10

Gah all these people are steaming messes.  So Jade has issues with her mom watching her baby.  EXCEPT when it benefits Jade so they can go out to dinner.  And the whole "I can't kiss the baby, it'll mess up my lipstick" was telling.  And how do 2 unemployed people with a newborn baby afford a nice restaurant like that?  

Lexi seems to think her life is just perfect.  Her parents need to make it a little harder on her otherwise she's going to get knocked up again very soon.  Labor wasn't bad, the baby brought her and her boyfriend closer together.  She doesn't need to worry about money or a job because her parents cover all that.  She still has time to sit around with friends and talk as slow as she did before baby.  Life is good in Lexi's little empty head.

For Pastor Tea with her no-nonsense and know-it-all attitude, she surely has no control over her daughter.  Girl speaks to her mom with zero respect.  I get teenage girls will do that, but PT walks around like she's HBIC and won't take smack from anyone.  She sure takes a lot of it from her pregnant teen daughter.

Brianna and Kayla, at what point in life did you both lose your self esteem?  Leave those men.  Denae is so manipulative with his, "every time you do _______, it's a reminder this kid does not have my DNA".  It's a verbal abuse tactic.  And if Denae is around as the kid gets older, he's going to hear that A LOT.

Edited by ShaNaeNae
  • Love 11

I cannot believe that Brianna's mother has not intervened--the situation with Brianna and Danae is toxic in the extreme. I would never allow my daughter to be manipulated in the fashion, and treated so disrespectfully in her own home. Fuck him. Sideways. He's bad news. Starry eyed little Brianna thinks they are star crossed lovers. But they are poison together and she should get out, for her baby's sake if not her own.

  • Love 12

I haven't finished the episode but I can't help share my thoughts on this mess so far...

Shen and Bar's relationship creeps. me. out. Saying her son looks "fine", Bar with her name tattooed on his chest, I think Shen had an inappropriate comment at the baby shower when the two of them took a picture together...I can't. There are too many red flags with the two of them.

Pastor Tea sure likes to pick and choose which parts of the Bible she likes to live by...

Thank GOODNESS Brianna did not put his name on the birth certificate. She needs to get as far away from Danae as possible.

I would be FREAKING OUT if my baby's room smelled like cigarette smoke. Kick them OUT!

  • Love 18

Pastor Tea (for what it's worth) left out the principal figure when she stated the Biblical hierarchy for marriage and family.  God should have come first, then husband, followed by wife and children.  

Besides that little omission, the Pastor does not reflect a loving heart or spirit.  The manner in which she reacted to Bar just seemed so callous, so devoid of compassion.  I think she's a fraud and I don't like her.  I do like Ashley, though, and find it quite remarkable that she is able to maintain her composure and poise during her mother's soapbox antics.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I cannot believe that Brianna's mother has not intervened--the situation with Brianna and Danae is toxic in the extreme. I would never allow my daughter to be manipulated in the fashion, and treated so disrespectfully in her own home. Fuck him. Sideways. He's bad news. Starry eyed little Brianna thinks they are star crossed lovers. But they are poison together and she should get out, for her baby's sake if not her own.

I said the same thing but really their isn’t much her mother can do at this point . “Danae isn’t allowed back in my house” so Brianna goes to stay w. Danae . There’s not much else she can do besides kick Brianna out and NOT let her come back . Let her find out the hard way about Danae when something really goes left between the two of them and she’s not allowed to run back and live w. mommy .

  • Love 4
20 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I cannot believe that Brianna's mother has not intervened--the situation with Brianna and Danae is toxic in the extreme. I would never allow my daughter to be manipulated in the fashion, and treated so disrespectfully in her own home. Fuck him. Sideways. He's bad news. Starry eyed little Brianna thinks they are star crossed lovers. But they are poison together and she should get out, for her baby's sake if not her own.

This is what shocks and saddens me. Wtf are these mothers teaching their daughters? They all are groomed to take shit from guys and be doormats, walk on eggshells, and follow them like puppies to not piss them off. I want to smack some of these parents. Speaking of parents, they too seem to walk on eggshells around their own kids, having conversations with them in tones that try so hard to be kind and understanding when what some of these girls need is a smack in the head (not a physical one. well, maybe....) a la Cher and a "Snap out of it!" 

Bar's mother made my skin crawl when she said "You are so fine," or whatever, on the phone. Ashley has a lifetime of fun ahead of her as long as Bar's mom is around. I did think Pastor Tea was wrong to tell Ashley that Bar was planning to propose. That was pretty fucked up, actually. She could have let him surprise her (even if she would have said 'not now') and then had a sit down with the two of them and voiced her displeasure.

Jade's parents should be kicked to the curb. Smoking in a baby's room? So that when you leave all of Kloie's stuff is infested with gross smoke? I am not wild about Jade but did feel bad that her mother threw cold water on her when they returned from the restaurant and she was still basking in the loveliness of the evening and trying to tell her about it. 

Lexi is a dim bulb with an enabling family. Look for her to not do much in life except chase the Staypuft Marshmallow Man around town.

Danae is such a manipulator and abuser. I don't see a genuine smile from him ever. It's all about  Good for Brianna's mom for saying he's out and not coming back.

  • Love 11
18 hours ago, lexsaysso said:

I said the same thing but really their isn’t much her mother can do at this point . “Danae isn’t allowed back in my house” so Brianna goes to stay w. Danae . There’s not much else she can do besides kick Brianna out and NOT let her come back . Let her find out the hard way about Danae when something really goes left between the two of them and she’s not allowed to run back and live w. mommy .

Of all the parents on the show I think I like Brianna's mom the most. She at least gave Brianna the three options of what she could do-one of them being go move out and live with Danae, but I think part of it too is she knows deep down Brianna is over it too and she will make the decision to leave him on her own sooner rather than later.

  • Love 11
27 minutes ago, BXD said:

Of all the parents on the show I think I like Brianna's mom the most. She at least gave Brianna the three options of what she could do-one of them being go move out and live with Danae, but I think part of it too is she knows deep down Brianna is over it too and she will make the decision to leave him on her own sooner rather than later.

I like Brianna's mom the best also. She just seemed so exhausted and tired of dealing with the situation, I felt bad for her. I think she was hoping with kicking Danae out and the police being involved, it would be over between the two of them. I hope Brianna comes to her senses regarding Danae. 

Seriously, what is wrong with Lexi? She just seems so....flat. She never seems happy or sad or mad. When Kyler called and said he got baby poop on her comforter she reacted the same way she reacts to everything. A flat tone. I could not deal with her on a daily basis. For once, I would just like her to scream at Kyler.

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, BXD said:

Of all the parents on the show I think I like Brianna's mom the most. She at least gave Brianna the three options of what she could do-one of them being go move out and live with Danae, but I think part of it too is she knows deep down Brianna is over it too and she will make the decision to leave him on her own sooner rather than later.

I was just watching this, and I had a realization about Brianna's mom. She sounds exactly like Molly Ringwald!!! Every time she talks, if i look away from the screen and picture Molly, it soooo adds up. I like her too. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders, and has been a lot more patient with Denae than i would have been. 

  • Love 6

I feel like Denae put himself in between a rock and hard place.  He's not the baby's father yet wanted to take responsibility, therefore if he just bolts (as he should) then he'll end up looking like an asshat who abandoned 'his' baby.  I think that guilt would kinda crush him. 

And I feel really bad for Jade... I can't imagine having shitty ass parents and wanting to kick them out and not being able to. and her mom couldn't even change the baby's diaper while they were away.  

Ashley's mom.... is she expecting Bar to cut off his mom??? There are plenty of couples where the wife and mother in law don't get along and it doesn't effect the marriage THAT much.  If she loves Bar she just needs to realize that his mom is a psycho and learn how to avoid her, which i think at this point in time she's willing to do.  But to tell a guy that he can't marry your daughter until he cuts off his mom is WAAAYYYY extreme.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, gunderda said:

I feel like Denae put himself in between a rock and hard place.  He's not the baby's father yet wanted to take responsibility, therefore if he just bolts (as he should) then he'll end up looking like an asshat who abandoned 'his' baby.  I think that guilt would kinda crush him. 

And I feel really bad for Jade... I can't imagine having shitty ass parents and wanting to kick them out and not being able to. and her mom couldn't even change the baby's diaper while they were away.  

Ashley's mom.... is she expecting Bar to cut off his mom??? There are plenty of couples where the wife and mother in law don't get along and it doesn't effect the marriage THAT much.  If she loves Bar she just needs to realize that his mom is a psycho and learn how to avoid her, which i think at this point in time she's willing to do.  But to tell a guy that he can't marry your daughter until he cuts off his mom is WAAAYYYY extreme.

I wonder how much Danae is using the baby as a manipulation to make Brianna feel bad about discarding this loser who "stepped up" and said he'd be a dad to the baby. It was a nice thing for him to do, but it just doesn't feel sincere to me. It's as though Danae is using that stepping up to trap Brianna into staying with him out of guilt because after all, look how wonderful he was for saying he'd raise some other man's child. I could be off base here, but I just don't get a sincere vibe from Danae at all. About anything.

Jade is in such a terrible spot but she has a baby now and that has to trump her druggy parents. Easier said than done, I know but Sean knows what time it is. Ideally, they'd get away from that area if at all possible.

I think the issue with Bar and his mom will continue to cause trouble because he does not handle the situation well. He doesn't realize or admit that his mother is nuts and treats his girlfriend like shit. For Ashley to watch him on that face time call not speaking up for her, but instead laughing it off and saying in a amused voice, "That's not right, ma," or whatever he said, makes Ashley feel as though he doesn't care how mean his mother is. His mother can get away with anything because he doesn't say, "Look, if you want to see us again, stop trashing on Ashley." His lack of action gives more power to Shen and she will continue to ramp up the drama and enjoy driving Ashley nuts. That's no way to live. 

  • Love 11
9 hours ago, gunderda said:

Ashley's mom.... is she expecting Bar to cut off his mom??? There are plenty of couples where the wife and mother in law don't get along and it doesn't effect the marriage THAT much.  If she loves Bar she just needs to realize that his mom is a psycho and learn how to avoid her, which i think at this point in time she's willing to do.  But to tell a guy that he can't marry your daughter until he cuts off his mom is WAAAYYYY extreme.

Omg , so I thought I was the only one who thought this was disturbing to hear! And then Ashley’s mom had the nerve to quote that bible scripture . . . Now either I’m tripping orrr she can’t be a real pastor pulling quotes out the Bible and twisting them to mean what she wants them to . Yes that quote means when you find a wife, your life becomes about your new family now in which you cling to your wife . However , in no way does that quote mean to cut off your mother because your wife and mother in law can’t get along w. her ! 

And for Pastor Tea to even come out of her face and tell Bar he needs to cut his own mother off is ridiculous ! Shen is definitely problematic but she loves her son and he loves her . Better advice would have been to tell Bar that if his mother and girlfriend can’t get along , he should probably hold off marriage for a while ! But of course that’s too high level of thinking for Pastor Tea.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, Mr. Minor said:

He already looks like an asshat turd! What's the story on Danae? Is he a girl that wants to be a boy? I'm confused.

I'm not sure if we know the complete story if he's fully transitioned or not.  Part of me thinks he has because he seems to be clinging to the baby and could care less about Brianna. As if he has no other chance to have a child of his own.  Even though obviously if he has fully transitioned then he can have a mature relationship with a women later in life and they have multiple ways to have a child.  But then I think it was his mom(?) that kept calling him "she" and one of Brianna's friends did also so in that aspect it seems like his transition might be on the newer side if some people in his life keep seeing him as female. 

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, gunderda said:

I'm not sure if we know the complete story if he's fully transitioned or not.  Part of me thinks he has because he seems to be clinging to the baby and could care less about Brianna. As if he has no other chance to have a child of his own.  Even though obviously if he has fully transitioned then he can have a mature relationship with a women later in life and they have multiple ways to have a child.  But then I think it was his mom(?) that kept calling him "she" and one of Brianna's friends did also so in that aspect it seems like his transition might be on the newer side if some people in his life keep seeing him as female. 

I think that Danae is still a girl who wants to be a boy in large part because based on his age, I cannot imagine where he would have gotten the money to transition past taking some hormones to get that wisp of a moustache. Given the mum is still working on thinking of her as he, I doubt very seriously that she has footed the bill for anything because where the hell would she have gotten the money and she has other children to care for. So while he may be committed to being a he, he most likely still has his lady bits. He has so much more growing up to do before he can be a parent to anyone. How the hell old is he, anyway? Either way, the attitude sucks and he gets extremely aggressive when he doesn't get his way. Also, Braeson was the result of Briana cheatng on him, so there's also that...

  • Love 5
On 4/25/2018 at 9:50 PM, lexsaysso said:

And for Pastor Tea to even come out of her face and tell Bar he needs to cut his own mother off is ridiculous !

I was too distracted by that big, half-dead plant behind bar to pay attention to what Pastor Tea was saying.  Thanks for filling me in.  Lol 

Speaking of Pastor Tea, is she a pastor of an actual church, or does she just talk loud and call herself a pastor? 

  • Love 4
On 4/23/2018 at 11:20 PM, lexsaysso said:

I wonder what’s going to happen when they get into another really bad argument and mommy isn’t there to break it up ! 

Somebody's dialing 911. Somebody's going to commit violence in front of that baby. Eventually, someone's probably going to get hurt enough to go the hospital. Rinse and repeat 874958735 times until Brianna wises up or moves on to a different abuser.

Pastor Tea forgot about the fact that "Honor thy father and mother" made the top 10. In other words, it's incumbent on people who take that book seriously to try to balance the competing needs of the spouse and the parents. Pastor Tea has never given us a reason to think she takes that book seriously.

I'm a feminist agnostic, but Pastor Tea makes me want to pull out First Corinthians and remind her what Paul said about women staying silent in church. Jeez. What kind of middle school mindset does it take to tell someone "I'll do my best to ruin your marriage"?

  • Love 5
On 4/24/2018 at 10:21 AM, ShaNaeNae said:

Lexi seems to think her life is just perfect.  Her parents need to make it a little harder on her otherwise she's going to get knocked up again very soon.  Labor wasn't bad, the baby brought her and her boyfriend closer together.  She doesn't need to worry about money or a job because her parents cover all that.  She still has time to sit around with friends and talk as slow as she did before baby.  Life is good in Lexi's little empty head.

And her parents are letting her and Kyler sleep in the same bed while he's staying there! I understand them allowing Kyler to stay overnight for awhile to help with the baby but in my house, he'd be on the couch.

  • Love 3
19 hours ago, OtterReality said:

And her parents are letting her and Kyler sleep in the same bed while he's staying there! I understand them allowing Kyler to stay overnight for awhile to help with the baby but in my house, he'd be on the couch.

Woah, I missed that! No, that would not be happening in my house either.  Her mom bugs, she tries WAY too hard to be the cool mom.  She reminds me of Chelsea's mom who is always asking the stupidest questions to try to seem cool.  

  • Love 3

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