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S06.E05: The Great Patriotic War

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11 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Renee does bring on the pretty, so I hope she stays til the end.  I'm still hoping that she is there to bring Stan down, and that she is working for the U.S.

That sort of plot development would have no relationship to the real world  since U.S. government agencies do not have undercover agents marry agent of U.S. agencies, as part of investigatory efforts. 

Of course, the KGB did not have illegals in the United States piling up corpses like at the Battle of Gettysburg, so a relationship to the real world is not really pertinent, in terms of it being a possible plot development.

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6 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Renee does bring on the pretty, so I hope she stays til the end.  I'm still hoping that she is there to bring Stan down, and that she is working for the U.S.

While I think that Stan has become cartoonishly oblivious over the seasons, why would you root for him to be "brought down"? He's ostensibly a good, if clueless, guy.

  • Love 15

I was surprised at the final segment -- thought the episode had ended with Stan outside with the police.  Then, I suddenly thought for a second that he was testing Philip's reaction to the killings, the way he looked at Philip *intently* while his back was turned.  It seemed odd to suddenly show up, and to talk about *that*.  But then it was just old Stan again.

Edited by jjj
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, crgirl412 said:

27 million Russians lost in WW II????  Fact check time!! 



The Numbers
The populations of the United States and the USSR were about the same, 130,000,000, when both nations went to war within six months of each other in 1941. To Americans, we were sending our boys to fight a foreign war that we'd never experience. To the Soviets, it was an up front and personal war of monumental savagery. America would lose slightly more than 400,000 soldiers (killed or missing) and almost no civilians during World War II and the USSR, depending on which historian you believe, would lose at least 11,000,000 soldiers (killed and missing) as well as somewhere between 7,000,000 and 20,000,000 million of its civilian population during the Great Patriotic War.

Looking only at Anglo-American forces engaged against German soldiers on our two fronts, northwest Europe and Italy, the United States lost 139,380 soldiers (killed and missing) during the conflict. General Eisenhower had just over 3,000,000 men under his command, with about a third of them safely in England, and faced a German Army of less than 1,500,000 of which our forces killed 834,314. At the same time, Soviet armies in excess of 20,000,000 soldiers were fighting German armies totaling 5,700,000 at their strongest and killed 2,415,690 of them as they fought their way out of Russia and on to Berlin.


These are the numbers that make Russians bristle when they hear Americans say to each other that we won the war in Europe. For every American soldier killed fighting Germans, eighty Soviet soldiers died fighting them. On the other hand, Americans deeply resent Soviet textbooks telling their children their version of history with passages such as:



  • Love 18

Oh, Tatiana, Oleg really has your number. 

Did we know he had done some reporting on her "operation"?  I think she was actually angry, but also trying to make him feel guilty to get information out of him.  Please stay safe, Oleg. 

Oh, and I noticed that this episode was directed by Thomas Schlamme  ("West Wing") -- don't know if he has directed other "Americans" episodes. 

Elizabeth's "first time I had sex" story was a complete fiction, right?  I thought it was when she was raped by her trainer. 

  • Love 13

I enjoyed all of the scenes without Paige. The “drink vodka and talk about sex” scene missed the mark. Ugh! It wasn’t insightful or funny and the acting was awful.

8 minutes ago, CaliCheeseSucks said:

Honeypotting her own husband, a new low – even for Elizabeth. They sure are making easy (easier?) to really want to see Elizabeth dead by the end.

Thank god Philip did the right thing with regard to Kimmie. The show's recent suckage aside, Philip (and Rhys) continue to be compelling television.

Frankly, Philip is one of the only reasons I am still watching. (The other being Oleg.) I think that he has finally found a path that he can live with after years of being so tortured. 

  • Love 21
14 hours ago, crgirl412 said:

27 million Russians lost in WW II????  Fact check time!! 

27 million Soviets. There was almost no family that didn't lose someone.

Speaking of WWII, I wanted to slap Paige when she laughed at Claudia for having sex with a soldier in exchange for food. People did much worse things for food. My grandfather, at 11 years old, was searching dead soldiers’ bodies for any food they may have had on them. That little snot Paige knows nothing.

13 hours ago, jjj said:

Oh, Tatiana, Oleg really has your number. 

I think it's the other way around. Oleg is trying to fly under the radar as much as possible. It's Tatiana who's pissed and wants to get back at him.

I love that Philip finally took a stand, but if Elizabeth finds out, he'll be a dead man. Do you guys think he'll be telling her he's going to Greece but will actually change his identity and get the hell away from her? I feel like he's already emotionally detaching himself from Paige.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 22
10 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I think it's the other way around. Oleg is trying to fly under the radar as much as possible. It's Tatiana who's pissed and wants to get back at him.

That's what I meant -- he knew perfectly well he could not trust Tatiana's "you can trust me, Oleg".  He know why he is there, and that he can have no distractions.  And hey, he has to study for his final exam! 

  • Love 5

OK, Paige is at GW (with Russian parents) and doesn't know the basic facts of WW2? I know it's often portrayed that the American education system downplays the Soviet Union's role in the Great Patriotic War but that wasn't the way I was taught it in the 1980s.

Not buying Elizabeth killing Gronk as easily as she did...maybe if she caught him off guard, maybe.

  • Love 12
33 minutes ago, jjj said:

Oh, Tatiana, Oleg really has your number. 

Did we know he had done some reporting on her "operation"?  I think she was actually angry, but also trying to make him feel guilty to get information out of him.  Please stay safe, Oleg. 

I really liked Tatiana, and she owes Oleg NOTHING, he did fuck up her career. 

11 minutes ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

Damn. Elizabeth was a bitch in some of this. She got on my nerves. As for Philip, he was showing Paige that she doesn't have a chance against others who know how to fight. The ones she were up against didn't know how to fight.

Anytime Paige is taken down, I'm happy.

I'm also glad Philip did the right thing with Kimmie.  He's all in now, full out traitor.  Wow.

  • Love 17

I wont say this show is crap or anything (I am still getting enjoyment out of it, and I am dying to see where it all ends), but we are circling the drains a bit. Elizabeth, Claudia and Paige are such a mess, and I just dont care about the Paige Jennings Spy Academy. I am holding onto it, and I still love this show, but, I think its good that we`re nearing its end date. 

Philip and Oleg could just wrap the show out on their own, their scenes are by far my favorite. Philip has really come a long way, and this was a great episode for him. Telling Paige to screw off, sabotaging the kidnap plot, ending the Kimmie stuff, he`s fully on Over It mode, and its great. But, it also makes me worry about his chances of survival. Philip has always edged around traitor territory, but has kept to the company line enough to avoid trouble. But this? This is big. And he and Liz are starting to already circle each other. 

You know, Elizabeth, it doesn't say much when I can say "at least she didnt kill that sleeping child." and thats as nice as she gets. 

Paige really is just the stupidest, most sheltered kid on the planet. I mean, was she not aware that WWII was...a thing? That the USSR has a really shitty time of it, and that it really sucked, to put it VERY mildly? Thats really news? I mean, I know that American schools tend to downplay what the non US was up to during WWII, but I read in my damn American Girl books about how hard the way was on everyone. Going by that logic, I knew more about the cost of war at 8 than Paige does now! And I was the daughter of teachers in middle America! "You mean, people in wars...like...die?" 

Nice to see Tatiana, even if it might spell danger for Oleg. Now for my weekly "If Oleg dies, I riot" reminder. Dont cross me, show. 

  • Love 22
Just now, Sader87 said:

OK, Paige is at GW (with Russian parents) and doesn't know the basic facts of WW2? I know it's often portrayed that the American education system downplays the Soviet Union's role in the Great Patriotic War but that wasn't the way I was taught it in the 1980s.

Not buying Elizabeth killing Gronk as easily as she did...maybe if she caught him off guard, maybe.

More than underplayed, it honestly barely exists.  People still think the USA and Britain won the war, to this day, MOST Americans think that, and have no idea about the sacrifices and horror of the Russian side of the war.  Staligrad IS what broke Hitler, and it barely gets a mention.

I wonder if it would have if the USSR didn't take over the Uranium Mines in East Germany and divide the city, thus starting the "cold war" with the west?

Probably not.

  • Love 14
24 minutes ago, CaliCheeseSucks said:

Then again, I can't believe they thought the audience who has been there from the beginning were clamoring for scenes of Claudia, Elizabeth and Paige getting drunk together, the better to teach Junior Spy how to hold her liquor.

That was honestly one of my favorite scenes of the episode. It was also an important scene for the Elizabeth/Paige relationship -- it's where Liz finally stops trying to hold her daughter apart from the work they both do and recognizes the importance of showing her that they're all in the same shit together.

And that's what the whole episode was about, I think -- how you can't hope to triumph on someone else's territory; you have to make your stand when you live, not where they do.

9 minutes ago, mattie0808 said:

Another meaningless scene with Stan's wife. Ok.

The Stan/Renee scene plugs into that same idea, I think. In their previous conversation, he recoiled at the idea of his wife joining him at the FBI. Now, after experiencing the crushing loneliness of Gennadi's single life in an alien country, he's willing to work out a way that she can meet him on his home turf.

  • Useful 1
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5 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

I really liked Tatiana, and she owes Oleg NOTHING, he did fuck up her career. 

Anytime Paige is taken down, I'm happy.

I'm also glad Philip did the right thing with Kimmie.  He's all in now, full out traitor.  Wow.

I am too. She's got a long way to go.

So am I. As much as I liked him and Kimmie, it was time for him to leave.

  • Love 3

Estimates of Russian Deaths in The Great Patriotic War are even higher now.

42 million.  Stalin tried to play down the number of Russian dead according to this.


In total, according to Ivlev, the Soviet Union had a population of 205 million in 1941 and 169.8 million in 1945. Taking into account the 17.6 million births and natural deaths at the 1941 level, that leaves almost 42 million in war-related losses.

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

More than underplayed, it honestly barely exists.  People still think the USA and Britain won the war, to this day, MOST Americans think that, and have no idea about the sacrifices and horror of the Russian side of the war.  Staligrad IS what broke Hitler, and it barely gets a mention.

This is how WW2 is taught in Massachusetts' public high schools today.....the Soviet role in the war is given due justice....just saying.

  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, Sader87 said:

OK, Paige is at GW (with Russian parents) and doesn't know the basic facts of WW2? I know it's often portrayed that the American education system downplays the Soviet Union's role in the Great Patriotic War but that wasn't the way I was taught it in the 1980s.


The Elliott School Of International Affairs at GW is highly regarded. I would have expected that by having her attend GW, it would have been part and parcel with getting her into Elliott's program and on that path to a career post in government/international relations/diplomacy. But not only isn't she doing that, they keep revealing her as so dumb, it boggles the mind that she was accepted into any university with a halfway competitive admissions process. 

  • Love 24

I kind of like that the missions have become a bit messy and cracks are starting to form.  That was true of communism at that time so I guess it's symbolic. 

I also liked Paige As A Spy story in this episode.  I even liked her pushing back at Elizabeth because I've been dying for someone to do that for a few episodes but the best scene was Phillip showing her how easy it was for him to flip the script on her when fighting without even breaking a sweat.  No, Paige doesn't fully get it but that's on both Elizabeth and even Phillip.  When Paige said she likes what she does, like Elizabeth, it would have been a good time to point out that the suicide she thought was a suicide was not a suicide.  They're protecting her from the full truth and hoping she'll just follow demands.  But Paige isn't Elizabeth.  Unlike her mother, she wasn't raised to be a soldier and to follow orders.  She's not acting out of patriotism.  I think she's acting out of a sense of empowerment and connection to her mother.  That makes her unpredictable.

And I do think seeing how Paige is being brought into it is playing a part into Phillip going rogue. 

The kid whose parents were kid did a good horrified look.  I wonder if Agent Hill seeing Elizabeth's face will come back to haunt her.  He seemed to be a little wary of her. 

13 minutes ago, Sader87 said:

This is how WW2 is taught in Massachusetts' public high schools today.....the Soviet role in the war is given due justice....just saying.

It's mentioned in history books and to what extent depends on the book used.  But when Paige likely learned about it, she didn't know her parents were Russian.  Annually, the US doesn't celebrate Russia's losses in the war.  And while she is in college, I don't get the sense that studying is really why she's there.  Isn't it just part of her cover?

  • Love 8
24 minutes ago, Sader87 said:

This is how WW2 is taught in Massachusetts' public high schools today.....the Soviet role in the war is given due justice....just saying.

I'm glad to hear it. 

It certainly wasn't when I was in school, at best, it got a passing mention. Or dates of battles to memorize, but none of the passion or reality of the human lives.

It wasn't until this summer that I completely delved into actual situations and conditions in WWII Russia, I was honestly shocked at how much I didn't know.  I thought I knew quite a bit about that war, but realized quickly that most of my previous focus had been about the European and Japanese sides of the war, and of course, of the Concentration Camps in Germany.  Of course I heard about the horrors of "The Eastern Front" but that was mostly from Germany's side of things.

It was eye opening, and as someone who actually studied previous Russian wars, kind of shocking that, even though I love history, I was never really spurred to look into the Russian side of WWII, let alone know why they called it The Great Patriotic War.  I certainly never learned about the The Siege of Leningrad., or what that meant in reality, the absolute horror of their lives cut off from all supplies, and bombed daily for 871 days. 

Edited by Umbelina
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1 hour ago, PreviouslyTV said:

Witness relocation is the least of Gennadi and Sofia's problems in our latest EPIC OLD-SCHOOL RECAP!

View the full article

I'm using Amazon to watch, so I really don't get to see the episode with everyone else.

Just a shout out to you guys, because reading your recaps is almost like watching the show.  They are very clear and detailed, and I really appreciate them.

I'm a recap junkie anyway, love to read other people's opinions, but yours are always my first stop, because you cover what actually happens, with wit and opinion as part of that.

  • Love 11
30 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

More than underplayed, it honestly barely exists.  People still think the USA and Britain won the war, to this day, MOST Americans think that, and have no idea about the sacrifices and horror of the Russian side of the war.  Staligrad IS what broke Hitler, and it barely gets a mention.

I wonder if it would have if the USSR didn't take over the Uranium Mines in East Germany and divide the city, thus starting the "cold war" with the west?

Probably not.

Americans aren't quite as ignorant as is commonly supposed, relative to other countries....


...and, truth be told, "Which enemy of the Nazis lost the most lives in WWII?" is not anywhere close to synonymous with "Which enemy of the Nazis did the most to defeat the Nazis?". WWII may be the most complex event in human history, so any broad question invites an answer that obscures more than what is desirable. It is true, however, that absent American material contributions to the Soviet Union, the German military likely would have prevailed in the east. 

  • Love 12
36 minutes ago, CaliCheeseSucks said:

The Elliott School Of International Affairs at GW is highly regarded. I would have expected that by having her attend GW, it would have been part and parcel with getting her into Elliott's program and on that path to a career post in government/international relations/diplomacy. But not only isn't she doing that, they keep revealing her as so dumb, it boggles the mind that she was accepted into any university with a halfway competitive admissions process. 

To be blunt, this is yet more crappy writing. It also boggles the mind that so many television writers think that stupid characters are good for holding the interest of the audience.

  • Love 8

WHY didn't Mr. and Mrs. Teacup and their CHILD not have FBI guards present when Elizabeth broke in?

Honestly that's ridiculous.  Two nervous and unpredictable Russians and a child UNGUARDED?  To quote June in The Handmaid's Tale, "What in the actual FUCK?"

By the way, if you wondered where all of The American's incredible tension went?  I think The Handmaid's Tale got it all, so if you liked that, I highly recommend watching it.  Compared to this season and last years?  That show makes The American's look like a sit com.

  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

WHY didn't Mr. and Mrs. Teacup and their CHILD not have FBI guards present when Elizabeth broke in?

Honestly that's ridiculous.  Two nervous and unpredictable Russians and a child UNGUARDED?  To quote June in The Handmaid's Tale, "What in the actual FUCK?"

By the way, if you wondered where all of The American's incredible tension went?  I think The Handmaid's Tale got it all, so if you liked that, I highly recommend watching it.  Compared to this season and last years?  That show makes The American's look like a sit com.

It's worse than that. Liz has been on a slaughter spree with obvious national security implications for weeks now, and yet the FBI gets conveniently stupid enough to leave two defectors unguarded. 

If the writers don't care, why should the audience? I think I'm putting this on the hate-watch list, along with Homeland. The acting on The Americans is better, however.

  • Love 9

Might Kimmie mention to her father the bizarre warning she got from a friend?  That would set off all of his alarm bells.  The KGB "inside guy" might hear about it and the KGB would surely put out a contract on Phillip.  They would try to make it look accidental so as to not freak out Paige.   Could they actually ask Elizabeth to do it?  Hopefully, Phillip survives the attempt, maybe grabs up Henry and heads for an FBI office far from DC.   F the KGB, F Elizabeth, F the travel agency and lives happily ever after in Witness Protection.  

  • Love 12
8 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

Wow, I didn't see that at all. I saw Elizabeth and Claudia continuing to tell stories about the old country, which is their favorite topic. They didn't seem to all be in any shit at all.

I mean, they were teaching her tradecraft to help her keep her head in sexual situations, and sharing awkward stories about trading sexual favors to survive and trying to get laid in communal housing. It was hardly Sex and the City-type girl talk.

And while "bleak stories about the old country" has always been Claudia's favorite topic with Paige, up till now Elizabeth has been pretty hesitant to join in. Even at the beginning of this episode, Liz mostly just sits there and lets Claudia tell the story of the Great Patriotic War, until Paige's ignorance of the topic gets her worked up. So it's significant, I think, that she ends the episode by opening up to Paige about her own awkward sexy-times, especially since sex is the area she's been most hesitant to engage with her daughter about.


I think the scene was supposed to be a crowd pleaser because badass Granny and Elizabeth are drunk and talking about awkward sex.

Considering the show's rigorous adherence to its episodic themes, such that it's willing to forgo satisfying thriller beats or even narrative logic for the sake of thematic coherence, I think it's highly unlikely that the writers decided to include this one scene just to be crowd-pleasing. Indeed, I'd be vastly more apt to believe that I'm mistaken about what the scene means thematically than that it doesn't mean anything at all. To me the theme o' the week is just such a fundamental element of the series that I don't even question it, any more than I would question whether Philip and Elizabeth are meant to be the main characters in this episode.

  • Love 12
26 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

WHY didn't Mr. and Mrs. Teacup and their CHILD not have FBI guards present when Elizabeth broke in?

Honestly that's ridiculous.  Two nervous and unpredictable Russians and a child UNGUARDED? 

And there should have been two agents keeping watch:  whoever was on duty assigned to Gannady, and the one watching Sofia.  They would not have let her go wandering around. 

Whoever mentioned Agent Gaad, above -- I wonder if there will ever be resolution to that?  There were hints that we would learn more a season or two back, then crickets.  So, another thread probably lost in the rush to the finish line. 

  • Love 8
25 minutes ago, jjj said:

Whoever mentioned Agent Gaad, above -- I wonder if there will ever be resolution to that?  There were hints that we would learn more a season or two back, then crickets.  So, another thread probably lost in the rush to the finish line. 

It honestly angers me that it's just been dropped. He was an important supporting character for four seasons, one in a critical role. The matter of his death, particularly for someone in the sensitive intelligence position he was in, just doesn't seem like one which would be completely insignificant in the long run. Then they cast Peter Jacobsen as Gaad's successor and I thought, "Well, they must have something in mind since they put a recognizable face in this role." Nope, nothing.

Honestly, they've shown more concern for fan-servicing mail robot appearances/references than following up on the people and story-lines that we invested our time in watching. 

Edited by CaliCheeseSucks
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