Guest May 11, 2014 Share May 11, 2014 The couple spend some time with grandma. Link to comment
eributterfly May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 I liked this episode, probably because of the sincere love that you see from Bill's mom. It is so genuine and I love seeing older pictures of either Bill or Jen. I was against Jen taking Zoey out of the stroller in Grand Central but the backpack harness was a great idea and It seemed that Zoey just wanted to stretch her legs. All scenes with Bill and Will are great. Overall just a good episode. Jen didn't even get on my nerves. 1 Link to comment
roamyn May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 We had a harness for our son. It was a stretch wrist one. We got all sorts of looks - good & bad. But when ur son has a tendency to get lost in Sears -and only Sears for sone reason - u need it. (Oddly, that's where he works now.) 4 Link to comment
joanne3482 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 The commercials for this episode were very misleading. They implied that Jen lost Zoe in Grand Central and when she was walking up to that lady it was if she'd seen Zoe. Link to comment
DkNNy79 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 Yeah from the commercials I also thought one of the kids (Will) got lost in Grand Central. It was nice to see Bill's family interacting with the kids. The kids were really well behaved in GCT and didn't rebel against their "leashes." I loved Will calling chicken "bok bok." So cute. Link to comment
all4mom May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 (edited) I would hardly call this "a visit to see Grandma." Apparently the purpose of the trip was for Jen to appear (again) on Dr. Oz -- a crucial step in her covert ambition to have her own TV show or at least a spot on someone else's -- and "Grandma Barbara" just happens to live nearby on Long Island. It would be hard to avoid that visit... Even then, SHE had to come to their hotel room to meet her granddaughter! Where was the rest of Bill's family? Only his father, stepmother, and one brother (along with his family) live in Florida I liked "Grandma Barbara's" crack about needing angel wings (a plane) to see Bill's kids -- apparently the comic apple doesn't fall far from the tree -- and wishing they had the time to get to know each other. It's clear that there will be only one Grandma here, and that's Judy. Jen is able to keep up with Will, but not with Zoey? What; since when? But glad they solved that problem with the dog leashes; the shop has come in handy at last! Edited May 14, 2014 by all4mom Link to comment
bybrandy May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 Even then, SHE had to come to their hotel room to meet her granddaughter! She might well not have wanted television cameras in her house. 5 Link to comment
Everh May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 I agree that the promos for this episode were misleading. Typical TLC lets exploit these kids for as long as we can, because the parents are ok with it. I happened to see that Dr. Oz episode when it aired and it was disgusting. They had real female organs on a table, while Jen and Dr. Oz discussed the cancer and its affects while handling the organs. Jen will not be getting her own talk show. Her voice and laugh/tic is too distracting and annoying. I do not say that to be snarky, its just the truth. Also, there is not enough warmth and personality to be attractive to an audience. Take away the dwarfism and you have just one more doctor who is not on tv, but rather just doing his or her job. As I have many other times, I question Jen and Bill's motivation. Trips are great, but I also agree with this trip was nothing more than Jen being on Dr. Oz. The kids need routine and stability, not constant trips for a tv show. Now we have dog leashes. People can call them by some other name, truth is they are dog leashes and they are for dogs, not children. We have two educated parents who seemingly have no clue on teaching their children that there are certain times when you must hold your parents hand. Show us, as you claim you want to educate us how you cannot handle your children outside your home with a lot of help. No one would fault you. I do however fault them for putting their children on dog leashes. I can already hear it when Will goes to school Hey, ''keck' boy, where is your leash? Jen and Bill, choose your children over your addiction to fame and money. A chronic neediness for fame and money is crystal clear when Jen holds her own phony press conference. A new low. Link to comment
jodo May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 Well that was some sham of a press conference! I saw 2 people in the "audience" in the beginning and they never showed the "audience" after that...I am not sure what had to be announced that the hospital personnel did not know after all these months and them being on tv with their own show and on People magazine covers over and over again. Give me a break. TLC and Jen and Bill are treating us like idiots more and more every show. I also completely agree about the promos, lies lies and more lies, enough already. I thought they were going to tell us they brought out the harness/dog leash because they had lost either Will or Zoey. Now we see Jen and Bill both admitting they are unable to look after their children without assistance, be it human or with a leash/harness. I am just glad they are admitting finally how challenged they are to look after children. Bill wandering around GC station alone was cute but also showed how vulnerable he is to a lurking predator after Will/Zoey for money. It looked pretty remote where Bill took Will. Guess I am paranoid! I felt Grandma Barbara's love and sorrow at not being able to see her grandkids due to distance. Maybe she doesn't have a lot of money to spend on travel and time off work. It was funny hearing her say how one load of laundry for Bill as a child was enough! Also heartily agree Jen's voice and persona and annoying nervous laugh would not be marketable to a viewing audience. She has no more to offer than any other doctor. I no longer watch Dr Oz who has become a fear monger and I hate his "show and tell" segments. Having Jen on (yet again) and a phony press conference is overkill and milking the cancer now. It is over and she has less than a 10% chance of recurrence so can we say thanks (yet again) and finally move on please. And now her ringing the bell has become part of the opening of the show.....can you say fast forward.... I was glad to see Jen somewhat calmer than she has been. Bill is looking tired, he is likely doing too much along with taking medications for his back pain. Link to comment
joanne3482 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 Bill wandering around GC station alone was cute but also showed how vulnerable he is to a lurking predator after Will/Zoey for money. It looked pretty remote where Bill took Will. I presumed the area where Bill took Will was a sectioned off area specifically for show purposes and not conveniently empty. And I'm sure there were producers etc there. The leash debate is one that is common in the mommy wars. I'm personally for them and we used them on my nephew when he was a toddler and we were all average sized adults. I don't view their using one as another example of how they cannot parent their children due to their disability. 6 Link to comment
MrMattyMatt May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 What a bizarre eposide! The press conference about Jen was nice, but I agree that it seemed like a TLC set-up. I've never cared much for Dr OZ, but it would be nice to see that episode. I love Billy's mom, she's so down to earth and relatable. This was classic: Grandma: "So which one of them rules the roost?" (meaning the kids) - Bill: "Jen" followed by the cackle from hell. The entire trip seemed rushed. It's too bad Will could not have taken a short train ride. Bill seemed to have to over-explain that it was a "daddy and son" thing to like cars and trains. Why did they have to split up in the first place? I should know by now about TLC's false editing, but I was also tricked into thinking that Zoey was going to get lost and that Will was going to have some sort of emergency at the restaurant. I am glad they have them on leashes, but those kids are smart, soon enough they'll be able to release themselves. So Will doesn't like pickles? I guess he won't survive a day with the Duggars! (who could?) Where was Zoey when they were at the restaurant? Maybe asleep in the stroller? She seemed fussy and tired the whole time. Link to comment
bybrandy May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 (edited) The press conference about Jen was nice, but I agree that it seemed like a TLC set-up. I really don't know here. My dad did public relations for one of the hospitals in the medical center when I was a kid, and they had press conferences anytime they had a treatment that was new or different or interesting. Jen's treatment was new and interesting and would give publicity to both Anderson and Children's Hospital. They might have staged that particular presser for TLC cameras, but the hospital would have had one in any case. Edited May 14, 2014 by bybrandy 6 Link to comment
all4mom May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 (edited) How many people were at that "press conference"; five? Sort of like that bell-ringing ceremony, with three. I thought it was very gracious of "Grandma Barbara" to give Jen such a lovely compliment, considering that she's ensured that Bill's family is out in left field. Again, it's clear it's going to be Bill/Will and Jen/Zoey from here on out, as this is clearly the "girly-girl" Jen has always wanted (with the added bonus that she's so incredibly tiny that Jen can -- literally -- control her) and Will has been cast aside by Jen like a forgotten toy. She was rejected by him on national TV, and I seriously doubt that "competitive" Dr. Jen will soon forget OR forgive. Next week: arts and crafts? Oh, boy! Edited May 14, 2014 by all4mom Link to comment
mojito May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 (edited) ...and Will has been cast aside by Jen like a forgotten toy. Jen's hatred towards Will is unbearable. Call Child Protective Services! The father does "guy" things with the rambunctious boy and the younger, quiet girl sticks with the more sedate activities with mama and Grandma. What planet are these people from? Uneventful. That's what I'd call this episode. Uninteresting press conference that offered no new information to the viewer and a visit on Dr. Oz that was equally as flat. I know Grandma met her granddaughter, but the footage was short and it was dull. Another episode that felt forced. I would've liked to see more of Grandma and get a better feel for the person who raised a kid who turned out to be Bill. Edited May 14, 2014 by mojito 5 Link to comment
MrMattyMatt May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 It was nice they showed the pictures of young Billy. He didn't seem all that different looking as a small child from what I saw. Just "small" kind of like Zoey. It all was plugs for Texas Children's, Dr Oz and Junior's and of course "Jenn" 1 Link to comment
mollybygolly May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 I agree that Will seems to have bonded more with Bill than with Jen, but to say Jen hates him is quite a stretch. I see no evidence of that at all although at least on camera she seems to spend more time with Zoey when they are out and about, possibly due to Zoe being easier to handle due to her smaller size. As much as I love watching this family, I do think the shows have gotten less interesting of late and I, for one, would enjoy watching a few specials a year rather than a weekly show with sometimes contrived story lines and story lines that are not always that interesting. Enjoyed seeing Grandma meet Zoey, but could have done without Dr. Oz. 2 Link to comment
4leafclover May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 Jen's hatred towards Will is unbearable. Call Child Protective Services! The father does "guy" things with the rambunctious boy and the younger, quiet girl sticks with the more sedate activities with mama and Grandma. What planet are these people from? lol--thank you for that! 2 Link to comment
Everh May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 I have liked Bill's family the times they have been on. They seem like a large loving tight-knit group. What I wonder about is, where are Jen's siblings? Does anyone know why we have never seen them? Again, feel lucky you all missed that Dr, Oz show. They literally had grey cadaver female organs which were really gross and not at all educational. Good point about the children being bigger targets for kidnappers and other dangerous things because of being on tv. I have tried to come up with one genuine reason for them to continue this show and I cant. So, what I have "learned" from Jen and Bill is that they do not have the best interests of these two beautiful and wonderful children in mind. Their desire for fame and fortune trumps the kids. What do you bet they now have one of those TLC bodyguards with them? I have also learned that both children prefer Bill. Jen mentions on every show how Zoey prefers her which I don't believe. I agree with the poster who said that because Will bonded quickly and lovingly with Bill on national tv, that Jen now has to keep reminding us how Zoey loves her more. If Bill is indeed on narcotic pain meds he should not be driving, let alone with his children. They should stop filming, Bill can get his surgery and Jen get can some much needed therapy and parenting classes. 3 Link to comment
MrMattyMatt May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 If Bill is indeed on narcotic pain meds he should not be driving, let alone with his children. I agree as well. This could also explain his sometimes strange speech and the back and forth serious then humor when he talks. Or maybe that's just how he is. I hope Jen got off the tranquilizers she was on with the chemo too. 2 Link to comment
all4mom May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 (edited) Bill clearly adores his family and looked forward to many "family reunions" when they were building the house, or so he said, but I can entirely imagine Bill's family not being made to feel welcome at the Klein's Texas mansion and perhaps even a little snobbishness from the Arnold side. Jen was very obviously (again, to me) "done with that" after the entire tribe descended one Christmas; in fact, Bill had to extend a make-up spa weekend at the beach to assuage her, as she was "so exhausted" afterward. And, of course, lately we've had the famous excuse of cancer and being "immuno-compromised," flights to San Francisco notwithstanding. Perhaps there's a similar rift between Jen and her brother, as it's true that we've seen nothing of them since either of the kids was adopted, unless I missed that visit. Agree that Jen has stars in her eyes when she walks up on Dr. Oz's stage and is not about to get off the TLC fame train while it's still giving her ego strokes... "All aboard!" Regardless of Bill's health or the ultimate well-being of the two kids who deserve to grow up in privacy and not under the glare of cameras... Edited May 14, 2014 by all4mom 1 Link to comment
LoLo May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 I would hardly call this "a visit to see Grandma." Apparently the purpose of the trip was for Jen to appear (again) on Dr. Oz -- a crucial step in her covert ambition to have her own TV show or at least a spot on someone else's -- and "Grandma Barbara" just happens to live nearby on Long Island. It would be hard to avoid that visit... Even then, SHE had to come to their hotel room to meet her granddaughter! Where was the rest of Bill's family? Only his father, stepmother, and one brother (along with his family) live in Florida I liked "Grandma Barbara's" crack about needing angel wings (a plane) to see Bill's kids -- apparently the comic apple doesn't fall far from the tree -- and wishing they had the time to get to know each other. It's clear that there will be only one Grandma here, and that's Judy. Jen is able to keep up with Will, but not with Zoey? What; since when? But glad they solved that problem with the dog leashes; the shop has come in handy at last! Jen can keep with with Will because he listens better as he's older. They were not dog leashes, it was a back pack that is made for that reason. I personally do not like leashes on kids but when you look at their height & strength level it makes perfect sense. I don't see anything wrong with fitting in a visit with Grandma during a work commitment. They've traveled so much in the last year, then the sickness on top of it. I don't blame them for not traveling to Florida with the kids or having everyone over as she needed to be quarantined from germs. It's really no ones fault that Grandma Judy lives in the same town & owns 1/2 of the dog business. Maybe Bill's mom still works & can't take off to travel. My mother-in-law only saw my kids 3-4 times a year as she worked & lived out of the area while my mother lived 5 minutes away. It doesn't mean we loved one more than the other, it's just how it worked out. You are making it sound like Bill & Jen deliberately avoid his mother & I don't see that at all. Some grandparents are not heavily involved & are fine with that. 8 Link to comment
all4mom May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 (edited) Jen very calculatingly moved her parents to Houston (in fact, to their house), ostensibly to help raise their future kids, and the business was started to give them something to occupy them until the kids arrived. I do believe that Jen (not Bill) deliberately keeps his extended family at arm's length, so to speak. It happens all the time; the dominate partner's parents get to be the "main" grandparents, while the more submissive partner's must make do with leftovers. Already Bill has given up his home city, his house, his dog, his family, and an active role in his business to accommodate Jen and her "dreams"; this is merely a continuation of that pattern. I don't say it's dysfunctional, because it apparently works for them, but Jen definitely "rules the roost" here, and it seems unfair to Bill's family. That, however, is on him. Edited May 14, 2014 by all4mom Link to comment
walnutqueen May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 wIf Bill is indeed on narcotic pain meds he should not be driving, let alone with his children. I haven't seen him popping pain meds, but even if he did, it would not necessarily preclude him from driving responsibly or safely. Again, it's clear it's going to be Bill/Will and Jen/Zoey from here on out, as this is clearly the "girly-girl" Jen has always wanted (with the added bonus that she's so incredibly tiny that Jen can -- literally -- control her) and Will has been cast aside by Jen like a forgotten toy. . This is not at all clear to me, and I see no evidence that Will has been "cast aside like a forgotten toy". I see two children who are adored by both their parents and just about everyone else who meets them. It all seems pretty natural to me. 10 Link to comment
Lillybee May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 I don't think that Jen forced her parents to move to Texas, they did it on their own power. Since Judy still manages the pet store, I don't think that the pet store was set up as a stop-gap thing to keep Judy busy until the grandkids arrived. The apartment above the garage was used as intended to provide a place for her parents to live until they find a house for themselves. The apartment is now empty. 1 Link to comment
jodo May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 "All aboard!" Literally bust a gut laughing out loud at this one! I love Will cupping his little hand into a megaphone and wish I could say it the way he does...."all boor" or something like that, cracks me up! Link to comment
eributterfly May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 Jen very calculatingly moved her parents to Houston (in fact, to their house), ostensibly to help raise their future kids, and the business was started to give them something to occupy them until the kids arrived. I do believe that Jen (not Bill) deliberately keeps his extended family at arm's length, so to speak. It happens all the time; the dominate partner's parents get to be the "main" grandparents, while the more submissive partner's must make do with leftovers. Already Bill has given up his home city, his house, his dog, his family, and an active role in his business to accommodate Jen and her "dreams"; this is merely a continuation of that pattern. I don't say it's dysfunctional, because it apparently works for them, but Jen definitely "rules the roost" here, and it seems unfair to Bill's family. That, however, is on him. Why is Bill's mom, grandma Barbara, even if they referred to both mothers as grandma why is a name attached, it makes it sound really impersonal to link Barbara to grandma. So why not NiNi Judy. Maybe it's me but grandma is grandma no name needs to be attached. Once again, Jen controlling what is done in the household. Link to comment
Guest May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 I have deleted a couple of posts that were not show related. Please remember to talk about the show and not each other. Link to comment
4leafclover May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 Why is Bill's mom, grandma Barbara, even if they referred to both mothers as grandma why is a name attached, Probably because Bill's father has remarried and there are 2 grandmas on the Klein side. Not so unusual in such a situation. Maybe it was even "Grandma Barbara" who thought of it, who knows? 1 Link to comment
minx May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 Uh, attaching a name to Grandma or Grandpa is not unusual, particularly if there are remarried grandparents. We have that in our family and it's merely a way to identify the the grandparent, as in "Grandma Margaret is coming over." But when the child is talking TO the grandparent they obviously just say "Grandma" not "Grandma Margaret." 2 Link to comment
bybrandy May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 Isn't that relatively common? My parents always distinguished between my grandparents by their names (their last names) and my nephew with multiple grandparents always called my mom Grandma Chris. 1 Link to comment
kb3 May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 (edited) We had a "bus gramma" and "cat gramma" in our family. One came by bus to visit and the other had a cat. And a "ganny" - thanks to the oldest grandchild's pronunciation. There are nanas, omas, mormors, bestemors, yayas, And always the too young to be a grandmother, "Helen". I think that "leashes" also know as "sanity savers" are the only way to really deal with a wandering child. It only takes a moment for a born runner explorer to set out on an adventure-to-them, lost-child-to-parent. As noted it is a long standing debate in parenting forums. Personally, after two "adventures" my daughter had her "walking" suit on before we even got into the car, and the "traces" were snapped before leaving the car seat. It only takes a moment in a parking lot or store for something to happen. I choose to enjoy the selected moments that this family shares with us. That the Klein/Arnold family respect the privacy of their siblings and parents is admirable. They are not extras in a fictional story. This is the Little Couple (and immediate family). Not everyone wants to be a star (see Kardashians for the "how not to" example). I've have learned many things from this show. I've learned about working with the hand you were dealt. That attitude, perseverance, love and faith are some of the tools that can get you to success. So take that TLC. No amount of Honey Boo Boo and Gypsy Weddings ever did that for me. Edited May 15, 2014 by kb3 8 Link to comment
Lillybee May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 I have no problem with Jen and Bill using those backpack tethers. Some normal sized parents also use them. I was lucky because my kids tended to stay by me and not run off. When my ex was a toddler, if he wasn't tethered, he would have been up on the roof. 1 Link to comment
4leafclover May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 Thank you for using the correct term of backpack tethers and not "dog leashes." I think they are wonderful and if I had small children today, I would not hesitate to use one. It shows concern and responsible parenting. 4 Link to comment
LazyToaster May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 This family, because they face challenges, will have to have help and use tools (such as the tethers) to take care of their kids and keep them safe. They have to make accommodations for their physical limitations all the time, which is part of what is interesting to me. I feel that criticizing them for it would be like criticizing them for using a step stool to safely reach things. 7 Link to comment
mbutterfly May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 Thank you for using the correct term of backpack tethers and not "dog leashes." I think they are wonderful and if I had small children today, I would not hesitate to use one. It shows concern and responsible parenting. Only one of our 8 grandchildren was a wanderer/darter. Her parents had a backpack tether for her and I was glad to use it when I had her in a store or mall. She knew the rule was tether or stroller period. She's now 8 (happily got there with all limbs intact) and is perfectly fine to shop with. 2 Link to comment
Ina123 May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 My sister had twin boys born in the 80s. The one son stayed with her and was never a problem in crowds. The other ran as soon as his feet hit the ground. He never walked. She and her husband were forever chasing him. Long before it was heard of, they put an actual dog leash on a belt loop when in crowds. It was only for a couple of months but it gave them peace of mind. They took a lot of grief from many people and withstood the dirty stares, but they have 2 happy, healthy young men today. 1 Link to comment
jodo May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 I haven't seen him popping pain meds, but even if he did, it would not necessarily preclude him from driving responsibly or safely. I am sure we will never see Bill popping pain meds on the show!! They haven't even told us on the show about Bill's back problem and needed surgery have they or did I miss it? I have only picked up about his back from other posters telling us what he says on Twitter about why he is laying face down as much as possible. A lot of pain medications are considered narcotics and no one should be "operating machinery" while under the influence, same as alcohol. Link to comment
Bella May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 I am not a physician and can't speak about what drugs Bill is taking for his back. However, the only car accident I've ever caused - a rear-ender at a stop sign - occurred 48 hours after I took pain medication. That medication was supposed to have been completely out of my system by then, but it obviously wasn't. So I'd be concerned about Bill driving after taking pain meds. But we don't have his medical information, so we can't be certain about what his physician said, what cautions come with the medications, etc. 2 Link to comment
all4mom May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 (edited) "Grandma Judy" and "Grandma Barbara" (and "Grandma whoever is married to Bill's father, although apparently we're never going to see her") would be parallel and equal; a "Grandma Barbara" and just plain "Grandma" is not equal and gives more emphasis to, again, the MAIN grandma, Judy. I concede that they are not the Kardashians or Boo Boos or even Gosselins but, again, that's setting the bar pretty low to the ground. I already knew about "pushing through obstacles," etc., from my own life challenges and those of actual friends in real life; I really don't need a "reality" TV show to show me that this can be done. As to "educating the public," not much of the public is affected by the things that affect Jen, be it dwarfism, a very rare form of cancer, life as working physician/now celebrity mother, or international adoption. And, finally, as to "inspiration" (again) I found the challenges faced by the Hennons or the Table for 12 family -- that is, with a normal-sized, single salary and no hired help -- much more impressive, genuine, and interesting to watch. But, again, YMMV. When is Bill getting his back surgery? I worry about that man! Edited May 15, 2014 by all4mom 1 Link to comment
walnutqueen May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 I'm not a medical expert either, Bella - but I do have considerable experience with pain medication (narcotics!!!). Which is why I take issue with people who think anyone taking pain meds is somehow impaired or unsafe (or becomes dependent or addicted, for that matter). I remember the kids' leash/harness debate raging strong about half a century ago. Nice to see the times haven't changed too much. ;-) 3 Link to comment
MrMattyMatt May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 (edited) I have never heard that Bill is on narcotics, so I won't judge. I have been on them on and off for various reasons and it really depended on when I took them, some days they simply killed the pain and other times they made me completely loopy. It's better to be safe than sorry. The dictionary definition for leash is "a strap or cord for restraining and guiding a dog or other animal.", so apparently it's not correct to use that term when you have kids on one! Oops! Edited May 15, 2014 by MrMattyMatt Link to comment
alykhan May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that we saw Bill's father and stepmom in the episode where Bill, Jen and Will flew to Florida to visit with his parents (and possibly for a Baptism?) Bill's dad and stepmom watched Will in the backyard while the baby's parents asked Bill and Jen to be godparents. With the grandmother names - really can't compare as Bill's side they are choosing "Grandma" whatever and Jen's mom decided on NiNi (spelling?) 1 Link to comment
all4mom May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 (edited) Correct, but that was before Zoey came. I should've said I wonder when we'll see the step-Grandma again. As they live in Florida, where Jen prefers to vacation, it shouldn't take long! Edited May 15, 2014 by all4mom Link to comment
Absolom May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 Little Couple ratings this week: 2.792 M viewers and a .8 rating. 1 Link to comment
minx May 15, 2014 Share May 15, 2014 I dunno, personally I feel that where Bill and Jen live, where they vacation, which family members visit, what those family members are called, who is close to whom, etc. are not driven by some treachery or ulterior motives. The Klein/Arnolds are a middle aged, educated couple, and I go on the assumption that they are doing what they want to do. They seem happy, they have a nice life and two adorable kids. If Bill didn't want to move to Houston (I mean, is that an issue?) or have Jen's parents move there, or vacation somewhere other than Florida, or see or not see a particular family member, I would think he would say so. He doesn't seem like a guy who can't speak up for himself. On the contrary, he--and Jen--seem very happy with their lives, particularly after the cancer experience. 10 Link to comment
Absolom May 16, 2014 Share May 16, 2014 I agree. I remember Bill saying his business he could do anywhere while Jen was tied to a hospital. His mother had obviously already met Will so they have contact that we don't see. I don't see anything odd in calling Grandma by Grandma. My grandson does that and calls one great-grandmother by Grandma (First name). It's no big deal. 5 Link to comment
eributterfly May 16, 2014 Share May 16, 2014 I am sure we will see all the grandma's, grandpa's, NiNi, and grandBABA at the wedding renewal on the season finale. Link to comment
mojito May 16, 2014 Share May 16, 2014 As to "educating the public," not much of the public is affected by the things that affect Jen, be it dwarfism, a very rare form of cancer, life as working physician/now celebrity mother, or international adoption. Some people are naturally curious and enjoy learning things, even if they don't directly affect them. There's this thing called intellectual curiosity. Some people have it. 13 Link to comment
4leafclover May 16, 2014 Share May 16, 2014 If something is already well known to us or our lives are directly affected, then we don't need to be educated about it. I have learned quite a bit from this show because I knew very little (if anything) about dwarfism and I appreciate the insight. I had never before given much thought as to how difficult everyday things are to them--things average sized people take for granted. I think that is what the show is about at its core--the family interactions and the peek into their children's lives are just added bonuses. What the children call their grandparents and how often each set of in-laws visit are not issues that are important to the makeup of the show--what we as viewers feel within ourselves when we see their challenges is what I think this show is all about. 6 Link to comment
Lillybee May 16, 2014 Share May 16, 2014 I also appreciate the insight into international adoption that this show have given us. 4 Link to comment
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