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The People's Court - General Discussion

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why oh why did MM comment on that man's stupid red beard?  He looked like a giant fool and that nonsense should not be encouraged.

I actually was interested in his red beard. . . I have an older neighbor who dyes his beard red. My nosier neighbor says he uses henna (I believe they are from Pakistan and he occasionally wears a polo shirt with a long skirt that looks like a dish towel)  But he's got this skinny little beard that is about 16 inches long that's bright red. I was hoping the plaintiff's beard would have an explanation but alas his wife wishes his beard was a poodle butt so she could decorate it for the holidays. 

All that whah whah whah for the dog getting killed. I have zero sympathy for a woman who has no control or supervision of her dog or her 5 year old baby. 


Not one of those boo hooers gave a thought to what would have happened (on Christmas Eve no less) if that baby had followed the dog into the road. 


And who cares if it is Christmas Eve – if he had waited to tell her his car was damaged he would have had a different type of fight on his hands from those morons. 


On the other hand 17 days car rental while you are waiting for parts to replace a bumper?  The guy was probably too vain to be seen driving a car with a damaged front end.

MrsEVH- I think that is shorthand for: " I didn't get my way, I'm a scammer/sleaseball and even though everyone knows it, I'll never in a million years admit that I am wrong."

Judge Milian said "it is what it is" during yesterday's episode. I decided I just have to give up my quest to ban that expression. If she starts saying it is as often as she says some of her other favorite expressions I will have to bid adieu to my beloved People's Court.

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Sometimes, "It is what it is" is okay.  ("You have a ding in your door.  It is what it is; it is not that your whole car is totaled.")


And then there's the loser's lament (which in my way of thinking is an admission that they knew they didn't deserve to win).  "Well, the judge should have made the plaintiff pay for a new car for me because they dinged my door, but she didn't.  It is what it is."


So don't be hatin' on Judge Marilyn for her little lapse.  LOL.

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Sometimes, "It is what it is" is okay.

Nope, nope, nope. It's never, ever okay for me. There are many expressions that drive me crazy, but that one has got to be the most annoying of them. 


It was like when, a few years ago, everyone started to say, "You go, girl." I hate that one, too. Or "YOLO." For me, it's not about whether or not an expression rings true. I just can't stand when something gets overused to the point where no one ever says anything else. As soon as the losing litigant walks into the hallway, I already know it's coming. Much like Harvey's "(Blank) her, he hardly knew her." Ugh.

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PC doesn't come on here until 3:00.  Thanks for letting me know I have something unique to look forward to!

Seconded. Now I'm looking forward to it. I don't actually know what time it comes on here, but I watch it on the DVR when I get home - usually after Jeopardy. I may watch TPC first tonight just so I can see this couple!

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Okay, what was wrong with blonde-dental assistant's mouth?  She kept poking her tongue out, and KEEPING it there, poked out.  Eww!  Not an attractive look, lady.

Are you talking about the dental implant people vs the little old man with the implants? They were so slimy. And the teeth on the "doctor" were creepy looking. I figure if your dentist's teeth don't look good, you shouldn't let him in your mouth. 

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What a refreshing change to see a mature, literate, socially adept couple in court today! 


I had to laugh though. Old guy had no proof at all except his "flapping gums". Judge Milian didn't say that, I think out of respect for the old guy. It cracked me up that he thought it would be crass to ask for her promise in writing but didn't seem to think that it would actually be crass of her to spontaneously volunteer that if they broke up she would pay!

Edited by Eliza422


What was wrong with that videographer's mouth?  He looked like he ate a chocolate bar and didn't wipe his mouth.

He also had a wandering eyebrow. He reminded me of when I've bored out of my mind while waiting in the doctor's office and defaced a photograph in a magazine with a Sharpie. He was really full of himself, saying "most brides" wait up to a year. I tell people all the time - if you're going to scrimp at a wedding, DON'T scrimp on photographs or video - you'll never get those moments back. 

Oh Dear.  When MM came off the bench to shake WWII vets hand, I got the dreaded leaky eyes.  She is just so smart and cute as a button sometimes!  I want her to make more money than JJ!


People's Court has really had a good run of more interesting cases this season.  Good stuff that I am in interested in like home repair and services.  Simply because if you ask to be on my cellphone plan or borrow money, you are totally wasting your breath. 


Yes, I do have an awfully big girl crush.

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People's Court has really had a good run of more interesting cases this season.  Good stuff that I am in interested in like home repair and services.  Simply because if you ask to be on my cellphone plan or borrow money, you are totally wasting your breath.

I have also learned a ton from Judge Marilyn on home repair and contracting services. I find it interesting that she has family members who were contractors and when faux contractors get on there, she really corners them. I also enjoy when she gets really flash-angry and that pointy finger comes out. I cannot imagine what it must be like in her household with all those females. 

So nobody is going to talk about the side piece of 19 years who finally became the main piece when the old school Playa from the Himalayas moved in with her? She decided to sue when he moved out while she was at work.

But to sue over rent in a Section 8 apartment she was barely paying for? I think she just wanted to go on national TeeVee and let the world know he had Herpes.

Edited by Brooklynista
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So nobody is going to talk about the side piece of 19 years who finally became the main piece when the old school Playa from the Himalayas moved in with her? She decided to sue when he moved out while she was at work.

But to sue over rent in a Section 8 apartment she was barely paying for? I think she just wanted to go on national TeeVee and let the world know he had Herpes.

...IIRC, she didn't care about the ruling in her hallterview, it was all about the closure...and of course trashing the guy on TV...

I would comment, but there's so little action on this thread I sometimes think I'm posting in to a black hole!


He was a piece of work, wasn't he? But he's apparently been successful in getting women to take care of him for his entire life. Why anyone would want to live that way, I have no idea. I like to have my own, but to each his own. If she was stupid enough to let him use her, I don't have any sympathy for her.


With the added bonus of her suing for rent that (as JJ would say), you and I are paying for, I'd say they deserve each other.

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Today I nominate the Mercedes (not really the buyer) hustler for the top ten most annoying people we have seen on PC. The actual buyer had limitations but has not been determined to be incompetent to handle his own affairs and I liked JM ending up with reassuring him that he had done nothing wrong. His "adviser" was all kinds of shady (and as obnoxious as hell) and I agree with JM that he was running some kind of scam with his "charity organization", using the actual buyer as a pawn. Plus, if an actual charity needs a seven passenger vehicle, why does it have to be $24K used Mercedes, bought by a third party? I guess a Mercedes has more style than a van.

In addition to the horrible examples of human failure, TPC had some interesting medical anomalies today.  There was the case of the older gentleman suing his friend of 40 years, the latter who had an accident while driving a truck for him.   I cringed like whoa when man #2 took off his large dark glasses to show MM that he'd just had cataracts surgery.   OMG, his eyes looked like the doorways to hell.  They were black and red and I imagine if vampires existed, that's what their eyes would look like.


Later, there was the case of the woman who was suing a guy over some chainsaws.  Other than the horrible tale she told about her partner hanging himself in their bedroom, I was mesmerized by her mouth/jaw movements.

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I have the mathematical answer to the question of the too fast appearance of repeats.


TPC is an hour show.


Judge Judy and Hot Bench are two half hour segments.  Two or three weeks ago they switched to one segment new, one segment repeat. 


If they had stuck with two new segments they would be out of new shows by now also.  I figure at this rate JJ and HB will have new episodes for 2 maybe 3 more weeks.


My complaint about the repeats is why show us TPC that we just saw a few weeks ago.  I never want to see the sex teacher and the apartment case again.
I would like to see some previous seasons that we either missed or forgot we loved.

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I just watched the episode where the guy gave the woman he just met $400 for her aunt's electric bill or whatever.  I just can't believe some people are so desperate to make friends like that.  I really think Judge MM would have called the case a wash if the woman didn't go out of her way to ignore him for months at a time.  I only say that b/c he gave her money after just meeting her, and within seconds of giving her cash, plus he gave her like almost $150 more than she needed, she was buying cigarettes at the convenience store in front of him.  I just think he needed a lesson learned by the hands of Judge MM.  I do understand they made a text agreement on the day it was to be paid back by.  I just had no sympathy for both parties here.

I doubt that the guy was the first and hardly the last that she has done this too.   She has probably burned all the bridges w/her family and friends, and knows how to go about asking for money w/o actually asking for it for herself.  The fact that she spent the cash on cigarettes and then spoke of how she might use the cash to go buy clothes right in front of the mark (let's face it, that is exactly what he was) shows how she has done this before. I've met people like that who can ask for money w/o actually asking by telling others their sob stories.

I love the lines that Levin (gotta be him!) gives the Hall Clown to read as the litigants come in. Sorry, Levin, but describing someone as a "louse" or a "rat" went out with James Cagney movies, you fool. The best, however, was "Lying sack of garbage." Really?


Curt the Clown in the hall? Someone clearly wins a case for good reason, i.e. someone suing them because they bought a car that's 15 years old then want their money back when something goes wrong with it, and The Clown asks, "Don't you feel bad about this?" OH how I wish someone would just say, "Fuck you, you no-neck tool!" and walk away.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Wow, the crazy guy in the Who's Who case gets his money back?  Why?  The publishers gave him what he wanted.  I didn't understand MM's reasoning.


And using a phony title of nobility in the UK will get you arrested.


I'm sure his crazitude is why his daughter wants nothing to do with him.  Maybe he wanted her to bow down to him.

Edited by Rick Kitchen
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Wow, the crazy guy in the Who's Who case gets his money back?  Why?  The publishers gave him what he wanted.  I didn't understand MM's reasoning.


And using a phony title of nobility in the UK will get you arrested.


I'm sure his crazitude is why his daughter wants nothing to do with him.  Maybe her wanted her to bow down to him.

...I think he was one of the craziest I've seen in a while...I've missed a few episodes, so maybe I'm wrong though.  What a whack-a-do though.  I missed part of the title thing...so he did have some sort of title, I was doing work and was like...come again?




I had never heard of Who's Who except for the like of the HS related editions.  I didn't realize there were profession based...or whatever the plaintiff was doing.  Maybe that says more about me though.

Edited by CyberJawa1986
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