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The People's Court - General Discussion

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Yeah, overbearing dad was really annoying but interesting. His breathless indignation really called for tearing out hair and rending garments, and I wish JM had asked a little more why a fully grown daughter couldn't represent herself, it seemed like she barely said anything even though she was the plaintiff. Of course, dad had enough anger and disdain for the defendants for both of them (and the audience too).

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Yeah, overbearing dad was really annoying but interesting. His breathless indignation really called for tearing out hair and rending garments, and I wish JM had asked a little more why a fully grown daughter couldn't represent herself, it seemed like she barely said anything even though she was the plaintiff. Of course, dad had enough anger and disdain for the defendants for both of them (and the audience too).

I got a little lost watching that case. Was the dad also living there? He kept saying things like, "When we moved in." I can't imagine being an adult and still having my parents fight my battles. I found him to be a major pain in the ass, and I wished MM wouldn't have let him talk so much.


Ha! Great episode today. The stress over a bathroom caused my pregnant daughter to require a c-section. Loved it.

I guess the stress of not having a working bathroom made her fetus so angry that he wrapped the cord around his own neck in protest. (I fell down a flight of stairs while I was 9 months pregnant and STILL didn't go into labor) I cannot understand the audacity of people who figure everything that goes wrong in the world is somebody else's fault and deserve monetary damages. 

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Oh my, I really don't know what to say about the Mr. Poopy case this afternoon. The plaintiff was sort of funny, when JM [corrected from JJ] said something to the effect that most people would be too embarrassed to come on TV with this story, he said something like It's embarrassing but not $2500 worth! He actually took responsibility for his out of control behavior, but I don't think the defendant (who came across to me as the woman scorned, as well as a hustler or out and out thief) presented a much better picture. Just too many visuals in that case, need the brain bleach.

Edited by DoctorK

Oh my, I really don't know what to say about the Mr. Poopy case this afternoon. The plaintiff was sort of funny, when JJ said something to the effect that most people would be too embarrassed to come on TV with this story, he said something like It's embarrassing but not $2500 worth! He actually took responsibility for his out of control behavior, but I don't think the defendant (who came across to me as the woman scorned, as well as a hustler or out and out thief) presented a much better picture. Just too many visuals in that case, need the brain bleach.

I've had my share of evenings in which I've drunk way to much alcohol, but never to the point of crapping all over a room. WTF was wrong with him? I agree with MM; I'd have been way to embarrassed to pursue a case on TV court. 

That's because they were PLUTONIC FRIENDS!!! OUT OF THIS WORLD!!! hahahaha!


Mr. Poopy didn't bother me half as much as Ms. Cant-Touch-The-Door-Handle-Cos-I-Gotta-Smoke. Hey you smokey dingbat, put a towel or a plastic bag over your hand and open the door so you can go out and SMOKE and stink up the air for the nonsmokers. 

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That's because they were PLUTONIC FRIENDS!!! OUT OF THIS WORLD!!! hahahaha!


Mr. Poopy didn't bother me half as much as Ms. Cant-Touch-The-Door-Handle-Cos-I-Gotta-Smoke. Hey you smokey dingbat, put a towel or a plastic bag over your hand and open the door so you can go out and SMOKE and stink up the air for the nonsmokers.

That's what I came here to say. For Gods sake woman, grab a towel, a tissue, some toilet paper and just open the door! I feel sorry for the cleaners that had to clean that up!

Today's Landlord has got to be the creepiest yet. "I took the TV because I though you weren't using it" " I thought it was my Narpoxen" I would have been out of there PDQ before I woke up and found him watching me sleep

Absolutely. The taking the TV was odd. The taking the medication was even worse. What a nut. I would've called the police on him too, not sure why MM thought that was overkill.

Like MM, I had a landlord who liked to come in to my apartment while I was gone and comment on my things. Needless to say, I didn't stay there very long. It's way creepy.

I thought it was a law (or at least in every lease I'd ever signed) that a landlord cannot go into a rental unit without 24 hours advance notice unless there was an emergency (like a broken water heater etc). I guess checking the linen closet for leftover drugs COULD be an emergency but for prescription Naprosyn? Dude, that only 500 mg per pill and you can just take 2 1/2 of the over the counter ones for the same thing. 

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I thought it was a law (or at least in every lease I'd ever signed) that a landlord cannot go into a rental unit without 24 hours advance notice unless there was an emergency (like a broken water heater etc). I guess checking the linen closet for leftover drugs COULD be an emergency but for prescription Naprosyn? Dude, that only 500 mg per pill and you can just take 2 1/2 of the over the counter ones for the same thing. 

It may be a law in certain localities, I don't think that is a federal law that would apply to landlords anyway. But many landlords neither know the law nor care about it. For example, there are laws about not being able to discriminate in housing, and it happens all the time. They may not tell you they aren't renting to you because of your race or that you have kids or whatever. They just won't rent to you.


Also many tenants, particularly those who are living paycheck to paycheck and/or have poor credit, aren't in a position where they can risk their living situation so they don't formally complain about a landlord's actions. Judge Judy likes to demand that people move when their living situation is bad, completely overlooking how hard and expensive it is to do so.


Regarding yesterday's episode, MM told a plaintiff he needed to sue the city of Philadelphia for damages to his car. I was surprised that she didn't acknowledge that most municipalities have immunity. I had some damage done to my car (incidentally, in Philadelphia) that was the city's fault, and I had to look to my own car insurance to get it repaired. Maybe if cities didn't have such immunity, their employees wouldn't carelessly leave a freaking pole sticking out of the ground unmarked.

She looked like a hot mess. I don't think MM has ever commented on a litigant's apparel, but maybe she needs to start doing it.

Off topic, but I went to a wedding a few weeks ago at a swanky country club, and at least a tenth of the people there were in shorts. I couldn't believe it. Granted, it was hot as hell outside, but it's a freaking wedding!

Agree on the poochy belly in the skintight dress and in that same vein there was a lady with those horrible, so long they are curled into claws, fingernails which MM ignored.  That was probably the correct thing to do- don't encourage that shit.


And no comments about the rats video? - that was the worst along with the horrible mother daughter relationship. 


I am confused as to whether these are new episodes or repeats especially when the rats evoked no comments.


Agree on the poochy belly in the skintight dress and in that same vein there was a lady with those horrible, so long they are curled into claws, fingernails which MM ignored.  That was probably the correct thing to do- don't encourage that shit.

I call it "club wear". Club wear (including skin tight hoochie mama butt skimming dresses, dagger nails, stilettos or Kardashian Clydesdale pumps, gigantic coifs and multi-color wigs, earrings the size of trash can lids, etc) is not appropriate anyplace but a club (and possibly a wedding). Likewise male defendants can actually IRON the shirt before putting it on (thus eliminating those pesky I-just-took-this-out-of-the-package-fold-lines on the shirts), comb the hair and shave, and refrain from the shorts they use to mow the lawn in. I know it's only COURT but geeze people have an ounce of sense.

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Regarding the wig the guy was wearing:  I work as a nurse outpatient administering chemotherapy.  We used to have a  donated wig just like that that a co worker would put on and call herself Miss Eva The Cleaning Lady.  The wig looks like the one Vicki Lawrence wears when she plays Mama. 

As to the shorts:  Last week Judge Judy chewed a guy up and spit him out for daring to wear shorts to court.  And he was just the significant other of the defendant.  

I remember years ago going to Disney World and being amazed at the stillettos and other uncomfortable foot wear that women were wearing walking around the park.  Makes my feet hurt to think of it.


What about the landlord who expected the tenants to do all kinds of chores for her?  Just for letting them use a tiny closet.  She even wanted the guy to move a fence for her.  I have learned one thing from Harvey.  Take pictures when you move in, and when you leave.  I even told my husband this.  

Edited by howiveaddict
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The wig on the TV repairman was hilarious. I could barely see the case through the tears that were rolling down my face from laughing so hard. He seemed to have an odd relationship with his employee, who seemed like she really ran the place. My goodness that lady was mean. I've heard of taking your job seriously, but calm down; it's not that serious. I think wig man was trying to reel her in, to no avail. She seemed personally offended that someone had the audacity to sue them.


The crazy landlord made me wonder if the tenants met her before they moved in. You can't hide that level of crazy, not even for a moment. They had to know something was off with her before they agreed to rent from her. She wanted $50 a month extra + labor around the house for a tiny closet? MM was right - how can you enforce something so ambiguous? My definition of helping around the house does not include installing doors and moving fences. Then she claimed she spend 25 hours cleaning a 600-square-foot apartment. Seriously? I have a 2,000-square-foot house, and it's never taken me anywhere near that long to clean, even when I've done a top-to-bottom deep cleaning.

Thanks to Bella Lugosi for posting for the youngsters in the crowd what a trash can lid looks like. I have those recyclable bins now but the old round metallic lids are still around. 


I remember years ago going to Disney World and being amazed at the stillettos and other uncomfortable foot wear that women were wearing walking around the park.  Makes my feet hurt to think of it.

I am in no way dissing Hispanic ladies (being half Cuban myself) but I see a lot of Hispanic ladies that do this - they drive in and out to Disney from Miami with the stillettos on (I will often see them at the stops on the turnpike in South/Central Florida wearing teensy shorts and the highest heels I've ever seen) I also see them at the beach (WTH is up with that - the heels just stick in the sand! Oh well)


I think the guy with the wig must be on my DVR waiting for my perusal. I've been known on more than one occasion to take pictures with my cell phone and text them randomly to my kids in order to share the People's Court love. I thought (erroneously perhaps) that a wig was supposed to imitate real hair unless it was a costume. . . 


The wig on the TV repairman was hilarious. I could barely see the case through the tears that were rolling down my face from laughing so hard. He seemed to have an odd relationship with his employee, who seemed like she really ran the place. My goodness that lady was mean. I've heard of taking your job seriously, but calm down; it's not that serious. I think wig man was trying to reel her in, to no avail. She seemed personally offended that someone had the audacity to sue them.



When introduced wig man stated that the lady was a co-owner not an employee.

Edited by maya1959


When introduced wig man stated that the lady was a co-owner not an employee.

I would hire that lady (or let her manage my business) in an instant. She was on her game. I get the feeling that she thought the plaintiff was a scammer and was trying to get a new TV cos her old one was broken and she just was NOT having it. 


As for the Wig Man - I cannot even. . .  I swear he had a poodle sitting on his head. 


As for the Closet Lady (the landlord that kept insisting the guy do things for her). . . I think she possibly had a stroke in the past but all I could think of was a skit on SNL where Lady Gaga was an old lady reminiscing about her past. 

The defendant in yesterday's first case was a complete loser. I loved that his defense for not paying his cousin back was because he didn't have a job due to being "Mr. mom" or some nonsense.

They always seem to miss the most obvious solution to the problem of not having a job.


He was really snarky with MM, at least in the beginning. I was surprised she kept her temper in check with him. I wanted to punch him in the throat.

RE: Judge Marilyn keeping her temper in check - what about when the deposit-and-rent-seeking woman that called her "lady"? I would have sliced and diced that chick in a thousand pieces for that (which is why I'm not a judge lol). She really thought she had some scam going with her "whatever" attitude, trying to collect the money "welfare" put up for her deposit and rent (and the landlord wasn't much better)

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Would somebody please explain the train wreck yesterday that was the inarticulate guy suing his baby mama to pay for a car that was not in his name plus impound fees, and he had fake plates on the car?  I couldn't even understand what he was saying half the time, and Judge MM seemed a bit baffled too.


I just gave up after a while. 

Agree on the poochy belly in the skintight dress and in that same vein there was a lady with those horrible, so long they are curled into claws, fingernails which MM ignored.  That was probably the correct thing to do- don't encourage that shit.


And no comments about the rats video? - that was the worst along with the horrible mother daughter relationship. 


I am confused as to whether these are new episodes or repeats especially when the rats evoked no comments.


MM called the woman's wife "him".  I thought it was a woman, then when she said him, I thought I must have been wrong.  But then outside the mother said her daughter's wife. 


I wonder if the mom had a problem with her daughter being married to a woman? Or just that woman?  The wife started to say something like that, but I think their problems went back further than that. 


The rats video was disgusting! 

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I thought we could have a topic for the silly things that are said about the cases as the litigants are standing there waiting for the Judge to enter and the case to start.


Today I watched the case of a guy who claimed he sold his friend an electronic drum set and the guy won't pay. He's accused of....not banging on the drum all day.

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The case with the rats intrigued me.  I kept imagining JJ yelling "You ate the steak, you have to pay for it!" at the daughter for not paying her rent.


I know picking up an moving is not easy, but I can't imagine keeping my kids in a place with rats the size of dogs running around.  Then again, the open trash bag hanging from a door knob might have been part of the problem.

I know picking up an moving is not easy, but I can't imagine keeping my kids in a place with rats the size of dogs running around.  Then again, the open trash bag hanging from a door knob might have been part of the problem.

Amen. I'd go work a street corner to raise enough money to get out of a place with rats. Just the thought of them makes my skin crawl.


Maybe we can stretch the topic a little for unusual things said by people during the annoying on the street interviews? A recent one was about a he said/she said fender bender and Curt was asking people who should pay for the damage. One guy responded simply with "the one with the most money".


Actually, Harvey, not Curt - Thanks goodogcarl for the correction, maybe I am stretching the topic more than I thought.

Edited by DoctorK
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