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The People's Court - General Discussion

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But she needed her TV!!


Really, these days WATCHING TeeVee causes me emotional distress. I avoid it whenever possible.


As for the DirecTV installers - I doubt they give a rat's ass what happens after their job is done. Probably told the plaintiff that was the only place to get a clear picture and she said "Do it." Her problem.

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When I was a renter, my DSL and cable company told me I had to have written permission before they would install anything, I wouldn't put it past that woman to forge a letter from her landlord.


The first woman was a nut. I certainly feel for her, someone hit my car once and took off, but she was parked where she wasn't supposed to and just assumed, with no one evidence to back it up, that the person came from the defendant's bar. She's lucky he didn't have her arrested when she came in there and started yelling at his customers. I would have.

Edited by WhitneyWhit
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It was clueless plaintiff day for sure! First plaintiff drove me nuts and I was afarid JM was going to fall for her strategy. I have dealt with too many jerks who believe that if you talk really loud and assertively that makes you right. Second case plaintiff was just as clueless, left momentarily speechless when JM read the Ebay terms out loud. By the way, if you are going hustle Ebay printers, learn the difference between ink and toner. Third plaintiff, yeah pain and suffering for not having TV. However, she was the only one who seemed in the hallterview to get the message.

Edited by DoctorK
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Second case plaintiff was just as clueless, left momentarily speechless when JM read the Ebay terms out loud.


For some reason, he bugged the daylights out of me. This is one case I wish had been on Judge Judy. She would have mercifully shut him down PDQ as he rambled on and on and on about his skiiing and his kids and the school and printers and Grandma and excitement and blah blah blah.


I really don't know what he wanted anyway. He got his money back and JM couldn't order def. to give him his $147 printer.  Def. was a weirdo who saw some sort of suspicious plot in the whole non-transaction.

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Another good day on Peoples Court, the new season is off to a good start.

First case: The plaintiff really came across as crazy, the defendant as sad and lonely. The defendant looked like an attractive man, well spoken, with a good job. I think the show should have given him an 800 number and posted it so all of the similarly attractve and normal women plaintiffs we have seen who hook up with meth heads, jail birds and other equally lousy people could call him.

Second case: Seemingly normal plaintiffs with a crazy neighbor/friend who was an illiterate, incoherent, violent thug wannabe who was so high in court that he was twitching.

Third case: Overly entitled ignorant deadbeat tenant abandoned her furniture when she moved out (not having paid that month's rent) and wanted a bunch of money from the landlord. The landlord (who is a lawyer who for once actually came across reasonably well) could have done better, stumbled on whether there had been discussion prior to a text message, but was smart enough to keep his mouth shut until asked, and let the plaintiff hang herself (finally admitting that no, she hadn't really called him when she claimed she had).


A very satisfying day with JM.

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There's a special place in hell for people who make false accusations of rape. The first plaintiff was an absolute lunatic.  I wish JM would have pressed her on what kind of violence she was encountering at the shelter that would make alleged daily rape seem like the better option. My guess, if she even went to a shelter, was that they knew she was a lying liar who lies.


The third plaintiff: maybe she would have rent money if she spent less on eye shadow.

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There's a woman in the gallery who has been providing extra entertainment (she was in the first case and in previews for future cases) --- she has blond hair cut in a bob (pulled into a low ponytail) and very pale skin. She sits behind the defendant side in the second to last row. She doesn't do a great job of keeping her opinions to herself. I saw her say, "that's bullshit" when the teary-eyed EKG Romeo was testifying. Then, she was shaking her head in aggravation. She seemed to be struggling to keep her cool during that case.


In the second case - I know the defendant was trying to look tough, but his hair was saying 'preschool girl.' I was envisioning those skinny braids swinging to and fro when he was repeatedly begging the huge guy to 'fight like a man.' Sounds like they live in Ne'er Do Well Village. I will say this much, I was glad that Pigtails admitted his guilt to JMM and apologized to the plaintiffs.


In the third case, I would have sentenced everyone on the plaintiff side to a shower or bath with extra soap and shampoo. No job, was living off her now-incarcerated son's SS, no money....but full of big high-priced tattoos.


I know I've said it before, but I have to say it again....Douglas's expressions during hallterviews are so great.

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a crazy neighbor/friend who was an illiterate, incoherent, violent thug wannabe who was so high in court that he was twitching.


I watched the pig-tailed def. in fascinated pleasure at seeing what appeared to be a 100% gen-u-wine, purenteed, meth-cookin' hillbilly. He was great. As docile as the plantiff seemed with his out-the-package, giant, new shirt you have to wonder about him and his girlfriend when they had the def. as a friend.


"January" made me ill. She lives on her son's disabilty, well, she DID until he got his ass put in the slammer. Hardly surprising, since his momma is a violent felon.


Poor Mackie, who got raped on a regular basis by the man she chose to live with for a whole year. I guess the lesson is not to invite someone you meet in the emergency room to come live with you that day. I believe she flashed her boobs and I believe he thought, "Wow, hot stuff here!"


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The woman from the emergency room hookup case made me sad. She admitted to having some serious mental health issues - these are obviously still on going. Not that I thought she should win, but clearly she is seriously lacking decision making skills.

I want to know where the family members were who dropped her off at the ER...when they came back home did they not corm looking for her? Not that they could have dragged her away from her "rescuer" I'm sure.

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I am confused about the case of the two children of the deceased "ex-fiancee" and the man who was arrested 77 times. When the defendants spoke, I got the impression that they were brother and sister.  However, when the plaintiff spoke, he made it sound like the male defendant was the young woman's husband.  (???)  The defendants told stories of growing up together; the young man said the safe was in the house before he was born; he said his father didn't get to watch him grow up.


Later, the plaintiff gestured toward the young man while saying that he was the young woman's husband who punched her in the face when she was 8 months pregnant. He also said that the two defendants recently had a fight in which the young man locked the girl out of the house -- I know that's a possible scenario for siblings, but I really think the plaintiff alluded to a different kind of relationship.

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The woman from the emergency room hookup case made me sad. She admitted to having some serious mental health issues - these are obviously still on going. Not that I thought she should win, but clearly she is seriously lacking decision making skills.

I want to know where the family members were who dropped her off at the ER...when they came back home did they not corm looking for her? Not that they could have dragged her away from her "rescuer" I'm sure.

I also though the part about her family was really bizarre. She may have been having a mental episode at the time - maybe she doesn't remember what really happened. But, if the scenario was just as she described, the family members swung through the ambulance drop-off area, pushed her out of the car, and kept on rolling toward their planned vacation. Sadly, that's totally possible, and it's no mystery why she was desperate for affection. Next time, I hope she calls Uber instead.

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I was more surprised that JMM kept her composure after the 77 times in jail deadbeat father told her basically she needed to shut and listen and he's seen the show before and he wasn't going to let her talk over him.

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he's seen the show before and he wasn't going to let her talk over him.


Is that what he was saying? I must rewatch. If he thought he was going to intimidate JM or talk over her, he hadn't watched this show often enough.


Can anyone tell me how the hell someone who has been arrested 77 times is walking around free? And I'm pretty sure there's a lot of violent crimes in there. How is this possible?  Anyone?


I was kind of surprised the issue of the son punching his preggo sister in the face wasn't addressed. That is some fucked up family.

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That was the gist of it AngelaHunter.  I had to rewind it a few times since everyone was talking at that point.  I totally believe he was going to kidnap his grandchild from the daycare and hold her for ransom for that damn ring.  I really hope they all have restraining orders against him b/c I can totally see him taking "justice" into his own hand damn the outcome.


I would have loved to have seen this case on Judge Judy, b/c I think she would have read him for filth and not let up.  That woman goes for blood.

Edited by CMH1981
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 I totally believe he was going to kidnap his grandchild from the daycare and hold her for ransom for that damn ring.  

Really good insight, CMH1981


And, yes, how is someone with 77 priors walking the streets? With a rap sheet like that, it seems like he has a hard time making it through the day without committing a crime. He was caught 77 times -- I can't imagine how many things he has done without getting noticed.

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I bet whenever there is an unsolved murder his DNA is one of the first to check against in that city.


I do think the judge as well as the daughter came to the same conclusion about him showing up at the daycare that day, but they couldn't outright say it on air.

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I'm enjoying the new episodes, too. MM has had a parade of crazy characters this week.

The case with the 77 times arrested father made me cry. When the daughter was describing the abuse her mother suffered and how she took the photos of the bruises when she was 10 years old just slayed me.

MM is right; if that girl is looking for love from her father, she's going to be disappointed her whole life. Some people are just shitty parents, and if yours are, then you need to let them go and find your happiness elsewhere. I sensed that the son understood that better, although he was no peach, either.

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That guy scared me. If I were his kids, I would look into a protection order, or move and make sure he can't find me. And if I were his girlfriend and heard all that, there would be a vapor trail behind I would be running so fast.


As for the punching in the face; was it ever established that that actually happened? Everyone was talking over each other and I heard that a voodoo doll (!) told someone that it happened.


The broads in today's first case are desperate need of lives. I like that MM was so exasperated by them that she snapped and told them both to just knock it off.

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Yeah, I don't even know what the reason was for the first case today other than both sides are just sniping at one another.  It's like I told my ex when we lived in a bad neighborhood, sometimes you just don't make nice w/ your neighbors...it never ends well.  You either get into arguments/squabbles or they take advantage of you.


That lady in the last case was looney.  I won't pay for your car damage b/c there is no proof....there is no debris laying around.  Uh...honey, the broken pieces of bumper were either obliterated by the sheer force of your cart of crap ( loved how JMM wanted to call it that but corrected herself ) careening into it or it's inside the bumper.  Hell if the car was outside the studio they should have went out there and fished it out of the inside of the bumper.

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re;  The plaintiff in todays case;  I'm taking up a collection for some shampoo for her and her obnoxious daughter.  Their hair was collectively FILTHY.  One would think, knowing they were going to be ON CAMERA, she would make sure  they both looked clean, at least.  Both plaintiff and defendant had way too much free time and spent it in each others business.  I'm glad MM read them the riot act she kicked their asses out.  And I fell asleep again during the show and missed the other two cases.

Edited by One More Time
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re;  The plaintiff in todays case;  I'm taking up a collection for some shampoo for her and her obnoxious daughter.  Their hair was collectively FILTHY.  One would think, knowing they were going to be ON CAMERA, she would make sure  they both looked clean, at least.  Both plaintiff and defendant had way too much free time and spent it in each others business.  I'm glad MM read them the riot act she kicked their asses out.  And I fell asleep again during the show and missed the other two cases.

YES!!!  They did not look clean. And then the defendant mentioned the story about the dad dousing the kids with baby oil to keep lice away (huh?), which was ridiculous but believable. God help those kids' teachers. Granted, the defendants needed to cool their jets.....but the girl's behavior was odd (it wasn't about being shy, because she was throwing attitude when she was sitting in the chair), the kids play in the prison's dumpsters (WTH?), and the mother looked like she was restraining her rage when the defendant talked about her screaming in the apartment. 

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Both plaintiff and defendant had way too much free time


What a bunch of nasty, vile lowlifes. I was watching them rant and rave when 90% of their testimony was not just hearsay, but idle gossip. "Finally!" I thought, when JM  shut them down and gave them both a reaming for good measure. The only thing I heard that I believed is that the plaintiff's litter is like a pack of wild animals.


The bounced check case wasn't very interesting, but I couldn't help wishing that someone had told the sawed-off, Shrek-ish def to button up his damned shirt! Looking at that nasty gorilla chest peeking out was making me a little queasy.


Cart Lady is a certifiable looney-toon. "Debris" and "junk" were good descriptions of the Crap Cart.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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The first woman was a nut. I certainly feel for her, someone hit my car once and took off, but she was parked where she wasn't supposed to and just assumed, with no one evidence to back it up, that the person came from the defendant's bar. She's lucky he didn't have her arrested when she came in there and started yelling at his customers. I would have.


I think this woman is being personally targeted (or her son is). Two of her cars got hit but it didn’t sound like any other cars were. The odds of you – and no one else -- being hit by random drunk drivers twice are quite small.  It makes no sense for the owner of the bar to do it because all he had to do is ask the property owner to get the car towed away.  Plus no one made mention of the bar patrons having difficulty finding parking. It’s only the residents who have issues because they do not want to park on the street and walk.  So there was really no motive for the bar owner to do it.    It could be a drunk person from the bar, but if it was, I still think it was personal.  Maybe she got her Irish up with the wrong person.

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I don't have their names (watched yesterday) but the case with the man wanting money from his baby momma for a bed was sad and enraging.  And honestly, I thought the defendant was a transgender person until she said she'd had children.


These two winners - both drug addicts, both jailed felons, domestic violence (she was beaten while pregnant), abused going back with the abuser ("I loved him"), loss of two babies.  Ugh, I need some antidepressants and a Silkwood shower.  This guy has nothing better to do than to sue for the return of a bed.  People are so petty; I suspect his anger was because she has sworn off men and was using HIS bed with her new girlfriend.   I wish they could never see each other again, but since they have a child, I foresee shenanigans from these two.

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She really scraped he bottom of the barrel for yesterdays first case--the plaintiff was lower than the shit on my shoes and the defendant needed about a year of inpatient therapy to sort herself out [and I'm not so sure she was off drugs}.  Plaintiff thought he was going to manipulate MM, you could see he thought he was a charmer, but she had both their numbers and sent them on their way with a minimum of fuss.  Sometimes I think you ought to have a license to procreate.....

Edited by One More Time
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This was quite the premiere week.


Yesterday's first case was just sad all around. I agreed with MM that the plaintiff needs some help. Her boyfriend, or whatever he was, demanded that she get an abortion, then when she refuses, he beats her. She then stays with him because she "loves him" and wants her daughter "to have a father". He beats her to cause a miscarriage (they didn't say it, but beating her because she wouldn't have an abortion pretty much says it all) and she thinks that man would be a good father? The same man who wouldn't even visit her and their child in jail, which I can't even with that.


I had absolutely no sympathy for her. I don't believe she's off the drugs, and I believe she would go back to him in a the bling of an eye.

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I had absolutely no sympathy for her. I don't believe she's off the drugs, and I believe she would go back to him in a the bling of an eye.


Really, now I understand JM when she said she needed to take a shower after listening to certain litigants. Those two made my skin crawl. Mr. Weston, utterly repulsive, disgusting POS felon likes to get violent with his dim-witted baby momma who just can't let go of "that man of mine!"  That's the way they like it and that's fine, but really, how dare she keep getting knocked up and subjecting a a child to the way she chooses to live?

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Today's first case -- the woman who had a horrid experience with Liberty Cabs in upstate NY....the plaintiff was one of the most believable litigants I've seen in a long time. She presented her story so concisely and efficiently. She was a cool lady to boot! 


I felt so badly for her -- feeling foggy from being sedated for a medical test, having to put up with inappropriate/moronic behavior from cab drivers, told to get out of the cab at 17 degrees below zero in an unknown place while still coming off of sedation, knowing the cab driver tried to scam her and her caretaker out of money, being mistreated and ignored (most likely because they just prejudge her as a Medicaid patient).  And the weak answer from the defendant, "Well, February was a really tough month."  Not tough enough, fool!  I know JMM encouraged her to take a $50 gift card to the cab company, but - just as the plaintiff did -  I would have told them all to shove the gift card. I loved the plaintiff even more for two things:

1) telling the defendant that he can donate that gift card to charity

2) saying "Whadda YOU want, CURT?" in a snarly tone while entering the hallway


Sidebar Comment: I'm seriously thinking about muting Harvey's segments with the street urchins. I can't take any more of their empty-headed gibberish, and his continued annoyance when people don't give the answer HE wants.


Oh my Lawd. ETA: I fully expect Dr. Reverend to break into a rendition of "Solid as a Rock." Except the Ashford and Simpson guy probably wouldn't have rocked that brown striped suit.

Edited by CoolWhipLite
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I'm seriously thinking about muting Harvey's segments with the street urchins.


You haven't been doing that? I not only mute, but FF and have to turn my head as I do it, so as not to see The Shyster whipping his mic back and forth in his peanut gallery of morons  and sticking his fugly face right in the camera. He literally makes me ill, as does the No-Neck Hall Clown, and if it weren't for Judge M, I would never watch this show, which has been degraded to TMZ level by the two former creeps.


I never imagined that breaking a bone years ago could disable someone for life. Okay, the treatment by the cab company was shoddy, but not shoddy enough for a $2500 "Bo-nanza." For anyone planning to appear on this show: Toadying to JM - "It's an honor and a privilege, etc." is not going to help you win your case. Not so much of an honor when you lose, I guess.


Rev.Dr. Durr (or whaever his name is) should consider pawning his bling and getting some teeth, maybe? LIstening to Willie, as he struggled to form his "We wuz" and "tooken"  sentences, was excruciating.



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^ I just fast-forward through every Harvey's comments, Kurt is a bit more tolerable, but the bar was set so low, so anything that's not Harvey's segment is a step up.  But oh yes, the Reverend Doctor, holy cow, I thought Rick James was still alive after seeing him. 


And the Plaintiff in the first case, I want to feel bad for her, I really do, but she came off extremely beyond indignant, which I could stand if she wasn't overly enunciating every other word.  After awhile, I got so tired and uncomfortable of hearing her talk.  And there's something else I don't understand either, she was reasonably drugged out when she left in the 1st cab as her anointed cab was pulling into the parking lot, but she said there was arguing between the two cab drivers while this was taking place and she couldn't convince her 1st cab to let her out because she was out of it.  What about her friend who was with her?  Why didn't he say something when they heard the arguing so the 1st cab driver would stop and let them out then?



I never imagined that breaking a bone years ago could disable someone for life. Okay, the treatment by the cab company was shoddy, but not shoddy enough for a $2500 "Bo-nanza."

That's that part I have trouble with too, you broke your ankles running away from something scary 14 years ago, and your ankles haven't healed for 14 years?  Did she ever said what she did as a "productice working professional of society" in NYC?  The whole frivolous lawsuit makes her unlikeable for me.  Also Cabcaid(?), is that what the service is called?  So it's like cab for people who are on Medicaid?  I've never heard of that.

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You guys are right -- $2500 was too much to ask for. But the cab company was so disorganized, and screwing up so badly with a pick-up from the hospital who's coming off of sedation seemed a little like messing with the powerless. 


But seriously -- what was up with her caretaker?? And when JMM asked why he wasn't in the courtroom, the plaintiff said that he's incapable of speaking in front of people. I understand the challenges of having anxiety, but when a friend needs a witness in court, you find a way to make it happen. I have to admit --- when she said he was incapable, I wondered if he was developmentally delayed. I mean, a competent carer is able to transport a person to the medical appointment, and I'd think a carer would have done a bit of problem-solving with the cabbies to avoid "being left in the middle of nowhere." I don't know why a broken ankle 14 yrs ago would cause disability (didn't think of that initially)...maybe it was incorrectly repaired? 

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Disability: she's probably claiming mental problems as well

Medicaid cab: the Medicaid program (or the managed care company paid by Medicaid) contracts with regular cab companies to transport patients. This was a private company named Liberty Cab.

Judge should have ordered cab company to pay $50 cash. It was too much to expect plaintiff to take credit requiring more rides with the offending company. I thought Judge MM was objecting to the large money demand and would have ordered a smaller recovery. I'm surprised she went that way. She seems to have turned on the plaintiff for displaying the above-mentioned annoying behaviors.

Edited by GussieK
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And when JMM asked why he wasn't in the courtroom, the plaintiff said that he's incapable of speaking in front of people. I understand the challenges of having anxiety, but when a friend needs a witness in court, you find a way to make it happen. I have to admit --- when she said he was incapable, I wondered if he was developmentally delayed.



Illegal or there's warrant out for his arrest.  The plaintiff got on my last nerve and I'm glad all she got was the offer of a gift card.

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The plaintiff got on my last nerve


Mine too.


I love how JM nearly had an orgasm when the StoveLady presented a signed contract AND a video showing the weaselly little def. agreeing to the price and then stiffing her by stopping the payment. HIs froggy little wife was no better. You know she was the one who came home and told him to do it.  At least he had the fortitude to admit he was embarassed in the hall. He should be.


Love the dog plaintiff, whose adorable little dog has a luxating patella - epidemic among backyard bred little designer dogs - and tried to blame the def. and win a 5K lottery. The groomer shouldn't have cut the poor little thing, but she paid the vet bill and a cut on the head has nothing to do with the genetic problems of the dog. I can picture plaintiff and hubby, sitting around and coming up with the scheme of getting someone else to pay for everything.

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I love how JM nearly had an orgasm when the StoveLady presented a signed contract AND a video showing the weaselly little def. agreeing to the price and then stiffing her by stopping the payment. HIs froggy little wife was no better. You know she was the one who came home and told him to do it.  At least he had the fortitude to admit he was embarassed in the hall. He should be.



That was great, wasn't it?  I absolutely HATED the defendants. The plaintiff ought to have a seminar on "How to Present Evidence on Court TV Shows"!  She was great and definitely could smell a loser.  Good on her for checking about the check BEFORE she deposited it, thereby saving herself some bank fees.

Edited by One More Time
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Judge should have ordered cab company to pay $50 cash.

The reason the Judge didn't do that is that the plaintiff really lost. Besides being inconvenienced a little, she wasn't damaged.  They eventually took her home.  She blew it all up about the weather and the possibility she could have been murdered or raped, but she wasn't hurt by their actions.  JM was trying to get her to take what the cab company was offering because she was going to rule against her because it was a pretty frivolous lawsuit.  Every annoyance a person suffers is not a payday. 

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love how JM nearly had an orgasm when the StoveLady presented a signed contract AND a video showing the weaselly little def. agreeing to the price and then stiffing her by stopping the payment. HIs froggy little wife was no better. You know she was the one who came home and told him to do it.  At least he had the fortitude to admit he was embarassed in the hall. He should be.

I have such a girl crush on MM.   She was so happy with The Stove Lady's evidence that she glowed.  Totally cracked up when she saw some of the evidence and said " I need to smoke"  No doubt her panties were damp, Stove Lady was flawless.  Mr & Mrs Weasel should have been too ashamed to show up on TeeVee. The lack of self pride with some of these litigants is mind boggling.

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For years, JMM has been saying "Money doesn't leave one hand without a receipt in the other", along with the "Grab a roll of toilet paper and a crayon and write the receipt/contract then and there if needed." So when she gets these contract cases where the contracts and receipts are all lined up, she gets absolutely giddy.


I remember one case a year or two ago when someone actually did grab a crayon to write up the receipt with and she was almost as giddy about it. Now we have someone who not only got a signed contract, not only videoed the contract (and the stove); she also videoed verbal confirmation from the customer. That was almost as perfect as it gets.


Now we just need a car accident case where someone videos the damage after the fact. (I'd be happy with a car accident case where someone gets it all on a dash cam :) ). 


The look of the litigants on the wrong side of this sort of prep is almost as good as JMM's glee when it happens. They always have the "But I wasn't *really* agreeing to that!" type lost looks. 

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Every annoyance a person suffers is not a payday.


It is now. These days, if someone is "disrespected", or called a name they immediately have their paws out, looking for money.


Edited because it seems I am losing brain cells.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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My girl crush on MM wavered a little today when she repeatedly called a chimney a "chim-i-ney". Someone talk me off the ledge! Is that a regional thing?


I didn't think it was possible for Curt to ramp up his assholishness any further, but he has found a way. Stop badgering people and assaulting them with your microphone and your dated vocabuary, jerkwad! We shall not even speak of The Evil One on the street.


Despite the above, I am thrilled to have new episodes! Seemed like a long freaking wait, didn't it?

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I loved today's first case with the Haitian couple (the man who was married to his sister's sister)! They were so entertaining....the man's super-dramatic testimony, the woman's sound effects, the sister's sister details; the man's claims about beastly behavior from the wife. The theatrics were on par with:


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My girl crush on MM wavered a little today when she repeatedly called a chimney a "chim-i-ney". Someone talk me off the ledge! Is that a regional thing?


I didn't think it was possible for Curt to ramp up his assholishness any further, but he has found a way. Stop badgering people and assaulting them with your microphone and your dated vocabuary, jerkwad! We shall not even speak of The Evil One on the street.


Despite the above, I am thrilled to have new episodes! Seemed like a long freaking wait, didn't it?

I haven't seen today's yet, but we had one litigant recently who was giving Curt a lot of lip. It may have been the taxi cab plaintiff, but it was definitely one of this week's episodes. I remember I didn't care for the litigant, but I did like when she basically told Curt to f off.

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They were so entertaining..


I wish I thought so, but really, with the yelling and the melodrama and the 50th repetition of "Henry", I felt the way JM did and just wanted to kill myself. For sure I didn't want to hear about Henry taking the virginity of his sister's sister. omg.. gross.


Idiotic roommates: Wow, those girlz play rough, don't they?


Third case: I was actually thrilled with the Chimney Liner case because the litigants all spoke like human beings - no talk of virginity, Green card scamming, animalistic fighting, assaults or face-spitting. I was so happy for this I didn't even notice the  "chim-i-ney". I don't even know if any of the litigants said "real-a-tor" which normally drives me batty.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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