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The People's Court - General Discussion

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Today's cat lady case brought to mind something my granddad used to say sometimes when we'd watch TV together --  "I can smell her from here."


I got a call after the first few minutes, but I saw the photo of the cats --- one of the poor cats looked emaciated. 


By the time I got off the call, the liars who were not really defending themselves for driving through the plaintiff's house were on. I actually fell out laughing when JMM asked the stoned, face- and neck-tatted defendant, "What do you do all day?" and after trying to focus his eyesight, he mumbled, "moozic."


Dude had a huge case of paranoia in the hallway, actively looking around in every direction. When Curt asked him if he ever apologized to his (lying) mom, he told Curt through gritted teeth (maybe a case of lockjaw from a grill) to mind his business. Sure, Curt's no prize, but come on. I wish judges could order litigants to go into training classes like 'How to be a Gentleman" or "How to Answer Questions, Have Small-Talk, and Engage in Conversations."  And throw in a handbook called "Foolish Tattooing: Don't Do It."

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Today's cat lady case brought to mind something my granddad used to say sometimes when we'd watch TV together --  "I can smell her from here."


O.M.G. Judge M deserves a special award for listening to this. The cat lady (those poor cats. You just know that shrill, gross bitch never took proper care of them and I hope they got good homes) had a voice that made my ears bleed and she could NOT shut her ugly pie hole for one second. Defendant was nearly as annoying. Calling the judge "Sweetie?" Um, no.


Crazy Landlady: She stands there with her giant, toothy, Mr. Ed smile, proudly stating she locked a tenant out of her house even though she knows it's against the law. She continued to be oh-so-proud of herself in the hallway. I'd rather live alone in a cardboard box than rent a room in anyone's home.


JMM asked the stoned, face- and neck-tatted defendant


Plaintiffs get a wrecked car and wrecked porch because that moron can't drive without crashing. He reminded me of drawings I've seen of Neandrathals, only I'm sure they had more brains. He "does" music, and I'm sure he does it well! I did love how both he and Insurance Fraud Mommy had exactly the same blond braids.

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It always astounds me what people will admit to in open court; we've had check fraud, tax fraud, drug dealing, and now insurance fraud. I'm waiting for the day someone confesses to murder.


I wonder how old the defendant in the last case was? He said he's been driving for about a year, but he looks like he's in his 20's. I hope their insurance provider sees this and drops them.


I couldn't deal with the crazy cat lady. Eight cats? Why? And I know they weren't being properly taken care of


And the only thing going through my mind during the landlord case was that he didn't want to give her any. 

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The litigants in the tale of nine cats case were all ear-achingly shrill. OMG. Who in the world would voluntarily listen to them have any sort of conversation? I kept screaming shut up at my television, until I realized I could just fast forward through it. I didn't even care how it ended. Next!

Then MM apparently opened up her confessional booth, wherein two litigants confessed to crimes. Did they mistake her judicial robe for a pastoral one? Wtf is wrong with people? One idiot proudly declares she knew she couldn't lock out a tenant but did it anyway. I missed it; had he not sued for treble damages? He certainly should have. If you have that many rules for your home maybe you shouldn't turn it into a damn YMCA.

Then we have the genius defendant in the car crash case who needs to go upside her son's fool head. If you can't enunciate a sentence, maybe you shouldn't have access to a car. I can't stand that disinterested mumbling talk. It drives me nuts. However, I liked him basically telling Curt to fuck off, because I do so mentally many times myself. Was there someone in the hallway with a sniper rifle trained on him or something? Why were his eyes darting around?

He does music, right? I'm sure that's his dream. Mine is to write the next great American novel. But until Harper Collins starts returning my messages, I have to work a regular job to take care of business. It's called being an adult. Mama should make her baby try it out. The neck tattoos might make it hard for him to get hired, though. I remember my dad almost killing my brother when he got an earring. This one has done something much more stupid, and permanent. Mama is going to be cleaning up his messes for a long time.

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Was there someone in the hallway with a sniper rifle trained on him or something?



teebax, funniest comment I've read in a while.  Thanks for brightening my morning.


I almost liked it when the kid told Kurt that how he felt about the decision was none of his business.  Almost.



It's hard taking a side when each side is an ass!!

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When he said he "does music" all day instead of working, my first thought was iTunes.

My first thought, especially as he had to dig deep for an answer, was that he realized "drug dealer" or "complete slacker" would not go over well.  Yes, I'm a horrible person, but that is honestly what I thought.  Does Mom think that the insurance company won't find out somehow from this show that she lied?  She must have made a quick decision that lying to MM would be worse than lying to the insurance company.


I'm not quite as horrible as the horrible landlady who thought the right to control someone's life came with the room.

Edited by cattykit
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Was there someone in the hallway with a sniper rifle trained on him or something?


Heeheehee!! As much as I detested him, I think I detest Curt more and it would have made my week if the surly, inarticulate Music Man had punched him in the face. Or kicked him in the nuts. And then go outside and do the same to Levin.


horrible landlady who thought the right to control someone's life came with the room.


It's not the first time we've seen a middleaged woman renting rooms to very young guys (??) and expecting them to act like elderly clergymen who have taken vows of abstinence, temperance and silence. What are they thinking? 

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Where can I get me some of that?


It's the "Gun Play" tat that got to you, right? That's just so badass. I guess we'll be seeing you on TPC... wait, better make it JJ, because MM would rip you a new one... when The Music Man crashes the car you bought him (but of course had to buy, register and insure in your name) because you have such a great big heart. Good luck.;)

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I actually fell out laughing when JMM asked the stoned, face- and neck-tatted defendant, "What do you do all day?" and after trying to focus his eyesight, he mumbled, "moozic."

Y'all, if I was his mama I would be slapping him upside the head for showing up to court totally baked. I could smell the stink weed right off of him. Or maybe she thinks her son is the next big rapper (most people who are musicians says "I'm a musician" as opposed to "I do moozic". Who DOES moozic?) And it's remarkable how cool you can be getting all thuggy with it while wearing your mama's sunglasses. 


I couldn't deal with the crazy cat lady. Eight cats? Why? And I know they weren't being properly taken care of


Can you imagine the Cat Lady trying to convince you over and over again to keep her 5 cats in her brain-addling whine? I had four cats at one time back in the day and it was a full time job trying to keep up with the litter boxes (and they mostly went outside because I lived in a house with a yard at the time). I can't imagine the Wiggy defendant wanting her entire apartment to smell like cat butt and poop. 


Did anybody catch why those cats were so special? I had one cat with six toes on each front paw and people told me she was descended from the Hemingway cats (although her poop still smelled). 

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I totally agreed with MM's ruling.  It's unfortunate that you were sick, but that's no one's problem but yours.  But I wanted to bitchslap the defendant every time she said that she wouldn't reveal to what shelter the cats had been taken because the plaintiff would cause a "scandal" (it loses some of they annoyance factor not being in her whiney voice) because 1.  she meant a "scene", and 2.  how was that her damn business?


Both of their whiney ass voices made me want to gouge out my own ear drums with a grapefruit spoon.

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I've semi-repressed the Crazy Cat Ladies case, but I seem to remember the cats were Siamese (?) but had a mutation that made their short hair very curly, which apparently made them a new breed. I remember the plaintiff going off on a tangent explaining that the cats were originally going to go to... someone (3rd crazy cat lady?) to be bred to propagate the new breed, but said third party fell sick with... something, and the cats somehow eventually went to the defendant.


The implications of these poor cats being "bred" by these people was actually the scariest thing about the whole case, for me at least.


And that's all I got.

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The first case today: Woman buys dog from a pet shop, dog dies, woman sues pet shop. I was sorry the dog died, but I just can't get behind anyone who buys a dog from a pet shop, just knowing what those poor dogs go through. And sorry, Mr. pet shop owner, there are no "good" pet shops, they all get their dogs from shady breeders.


Second case: One of the dumbest defendants to ever set foot in the courtroom. Did this fool really think that JM would believe that the DMV told him that a mother can't sell her car to her son? What an idiot. He's girlfriend wasn't any better "He was in a fecal position". Poor deer is confused, her boyfriend is a piece of fecal, not in a fecal position. 


Third case: Shady landlord keeps money for cigarette smell that showed up two months after tenants leave. We got a special treat with this one: doctored evidence.

Edited by WhitneyWhit
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Second case: One of the dumbest defendants to ever set foot in the courtroom. Did this fool really think that JM would believe that the DMV told him that a mother can't sell her car to her son? What an idiot. He's girlfriend wasn't any better "He was in a fecal position". Poor deer is confused, her boyfriend is a piece of fecal, not in a fecal position.


This idiot and his GF deserve a speshul award in the PC Hall of Fame. Perhaps she was confused because the relatives beat the SH&T out of him and threw him down the stairs, causing him to assume a FECAL position. Or maybe because he is full of brown mushy stuff. And again we have a woman whose BF is literally a piece of poop treating his mother (who clearly has some issues and bless her heart, she wins a serious real prize in my book for not continuing to drive her car) the way he does. 

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I just can't get behind anyone who buys a dog from a pet shop


I skipped that case as soon as I found out the plaintiff is financially supporting the unbelievable cruelty of puppymills. These days with information at your fingertips and plastered everywhere, ignorance is no excuse. Ugh.


Disgusting, mealy-mouthed POS who scammed his mother and actually had the gall (or the stunning stupidity) to inform JM that NY doesn't allow someone to sell a car to a relative? If that moron were my b/f, I'd be heading home to pack my stuff and dump his dumb ass.


I guess MM is getting used to people thinking she's a fool. She didn't even tear a piece from the shitty, money-grubbing landlord (who got dumb advice from a lawyer who seems to be a worse shyster than Levin) and who offered up doctored docs. Maybe she figures the humiliation is punishment enough. It's not!

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I had a first-world problem today; my stupid DVR taped the early rerun but didn't catch the new episode that ran aired hours later. I know it sounds whiney and petulant, but I really hate coming home from work to find out my DVR failed me again. I missed someone saying "fecal" position, too. Damn, damn, damn (channeling Anthony Anderson channeling Esther Rolle.)

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I just can't get behind anyone who buys a dog from a pet shop



It's like these people have never heard of rescues. 


Shady landlord keeps money for cigarette smell that showed up two months after tenants leave. We got a special treat with this one: doctored evidence.


As far as I was concerned the plaintiffs won as soon as they told the story about the twenty-three surgeries their son had endured (which had no bearing on the case).  I know the Judge has to rule by evidence, I was just happy in this case, justice and my desire were on the same side.

Edited by momtoall
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my stupid DVR taped the early rerun but didn't catch the new episode that ran aired hours later.

If your local channel works the same, the reruns are usually less than 3 weeks old.  Fecal is in your future!


Hmmm... if the POS defendants breed (and of course, they will) does that mean that the offspring will start out as a fecus?  Similar in intelligence to a ficus?

Edited by zillabreeze
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Judge M is certainly fed up with these scammers who seem to have all the time and know-how in the world when it comes to concocting ways to get other people to support them. Mother ("Right") suing daughter who was living for free on people's taxes and still blew every  dime from her pay, so Mom decides to help her fraudulently squeeze yet more money from the weary taxpayers to get a place to live on Sec8. And people wonder about soaring deficits?


Ditto for the mechanic, who is way too disabled to work on the books, but not too disabled to work on cars under the table and earn money tax-free. Odd.  But even he didn't seem all that bad compared to the defendant - yet another one who suddenly gets on a high horse about the lack of credentials of the person she hired when she has to actually pay the tab.



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Judge M is certainly fed up with these scammers who seem to have all the time and know-how in the world when it comes to concocting ways to get other people to support them. Mother ("Right") suing daughter who was living for free on people's taxes and still blew every  dime from her pay, so Mom decides to help her fraudulently squeeze yet more money from the weary taxpayers to get a place to live on Sec8. And people wonder about soaring deficits?


Ditto for the mechanic, who is way too disabled to work on the books, but not too disabled to work on cars under the table and earn money tax-free. Odd.  But even he didn't seem all that bad compared to the defendant - yet another one who suddenly gets on a high horse about the lack of credentials of the person she hired when she has to actually pay the tab.

I didn't understand the ruling in that case at all. They're both scamming. Neither of them has clean hands, so how could the mother recover any money?
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I didn't understand the ruling in that case at all. They're both scamming. Neither of them has clean hands, so how could the mother recover any money?


Mr. AZC and I were watching this episode and said the same thing.  Maybe "clean hands" would have been an issue if the plaintiff had admitted that she had saved the money from her welfare checks?


And it seemed from the halterview that Mama still didn't "get it" . . . when Curt asked if she was setting a good example, she said she was helping her daughter, so she was setting a good example for her.

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I was disappointed in MM's ruling in the case of the mom loaning money to her daughter to defraud the government. The mom was an active participant in the fraud yet she got her money back. Did MM think her 'talking points' to the mom and daughter would set them straight? If so, she is just wrong. Instead they were both rewarded with the show paying back the disputed monies. Had MM ruled against the mom, she might think twice in the future about helping her daughter defraud the government as she may lose her money.

Really disappointed.

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The mom was an active participant in the fraud yet she got her money back.


I'm puzzled too. Could it be because Mom didn't state that her $900 came from welfare, being paid to care for grandchildren, or disability, etc? Or maybe her complaint says she got it from the death of a spouse or some other legit means. Whatever the case, she knew it was being used to rip off taxpayers and I'm sorry she got it back.

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MM did say "How do you think they {gov't agencies"} are going to react when they see this?" so I'm confident that the poor victim of society shelter dweller {who sports an elaborate and expensive looking hair-do and gold jewelry} will be dealt with by said agencies.  Until the little bitch figures out another scam.


I SO wanted MM to ask her "So you have TWO CHILDREN in the shelter--how much support do you get from their FATHERS?"  And her mother alluded that she had lost custody of them for a while.  Gee, I wonder why.


If she put as much effort into finding a job and actually bettering her life as she put into scamming you and me , she just might be able to get somewhere in life.  Gah, I hated the bitch. 

Edited by One More Time
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I didn't understand the ruling in that case at all. They're both scamming. Neither of them has clean hands, so how could the mother recover any money?

I wondered the same thing. . . but I think Judge Marilyn was thinking the daughter committed a much bigger fraud than the mom (who was actually an accessory) and wanted to send the daughter a big old message. I'm hoping somebody in Section 8 was watching so that the daughter would get in trouble. 

Also the mother has to learn to let her daughter screw up on her own. Bailing somebody out with perpetual money problems (not occasional stuff like an unexpected car repair, etc) is useless and only teaches dependence and lack of accountability. . . **and get off my lawn hahah**

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Just when you think you've heard the outer limits of idiocy, we get the case of the "Van - Sunglasses Bobsey twins". So, here's someone who rents an old van for 9,000$ when he could have bought it for 3,000$ and thinks it's a good deal. He wins the Dumbass Award. 


Plaintiff comes in second in idiocy for thinking def. is going to buy new tires, engine, etc. for the old beater, when he'd already been paid three times its value.


Plaintiff would NOT be "disrespected" and the way to ensure that is to yell at scream and... well - disrespect the judge. Good way to get your disrespectful ass thrown out. Douglas showed great restraint in dealing with this asshole.


Sun Roof Fiasco: I believe the plaintiff did hook up with sleazy car salesman and I'm glad she realized in time that his attitude sucked. I also believe he told her he was the owner of the dealership, the little worm.

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I wondered the same thing. . . but I think Judge Marilyn was thinking the daughter committed a much bigger fraud than the mom (who was actually an accessory) and wanted to send the daughter a big old message. I'm hoping somebody in Section 8 was watching so that the daughter would get in trouble. 

Also the mother has to learn to let her daughter screw up on her own. Bailing somebody out with perpetual money problems (not occasional stuff like an unexpected car repair, etc) is useless and only teaches dependence and lack of accountability. . . **and get off my lawn hahah**

I get what you're saying, but it's never been my understanding that the doctrine is: clean hands, or at least cleaner hands than the other person. I've always thought that if you're culpable in the bad act, then you can't collect. I could be wrong, though. 

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I get what you're saying, but it's never been my understanding that the doctrine is: clean hands, or at least cleaner hands than the other person. I've always thought that if you're culpable in the bad act, then you can't collect. I could be wrong, though.

I thought the same thing...before she ruled I was sure mom would get nothing because of the clean hands doctrine!!

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Just when you think you've heard the outer limits of idiocy, we get the case of the "Van - Sunglasses Bobsey twins". So, here's someone who rents an old van for 9,000$ when he could have bought it for 3,000$ and thinks it's a good deal. He wins the Dumbass Award. 


Plaintiff comes in second in idiocy for thinking def. is going to buy new tires, engine, etc. for the old beater, when he'd already been paid three times its value.


Plaintiff would NOT be "disrespected" and the way to ensure that is to yell at scream and... well - disrespect the judge. Good way to get your disrespectful ass thrown out. Douglas showed great restraint in dealing with this asshole.


Sun Roof Fiasco: I believe the plaintiff did hook up with sleazy car salesman and I'm glad she realized in time that his attitude sucked. I also believe he told her he was the owner of the dealership, the little worm.

We missed a chance to see Douglas pound the disrespectful plaintiff to a pulp! Did you hear MM shout at him not to touch her bailiff? I would have loved it if Douglas had knocked him out. What an ass he was. He finds some sucker to rent his old van for $9,000 and then sues to get a new car out of the deal?

The defendant was really stupid to agree to the deal but, to his credit, he followed the terms and paid every month as agreed.

I think the plaintiff had more of an incentive to burn the car. He may not have had full coverage on it, but it gave him a chance to sue for damages and possibly get a new car. I don't see any motive the defendant had for torching the car; he'd made the rental payments and was all set to return it the next day.

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Woman who was hit by the tow truck: OMG, I hated her, and not just because she's a money-grubbing liar. Her posturing, squirming, enormous toothy grin and non-stop blabbing made me want to slap her. She acted like a six year old and really thinks she's cute. I'm glad JM disabused her of that notion. "Ohh, my mechanic told me to ask for five thousand dollars!" she chirped, giving her "Aren't I just adorable?" ear-to-ear grin.


I knew what happened way before we heard the awesome tape. It was obvious. I'm sure we've all nearly hit someone who stops then changes his/her mind and pulls back without warning into traffic. She was in shock. Okay. Now you've publicly humiliated yourself. Good job.


The momma, son with armed people after him, roaches in the food, the eye-poking and cart-stealing, son who had to be told to "sit" because he just couldn't control himself... I simply couldn't take any more of that. I did like the "I'm his wife." JM: "Are you married?" "No."  Then you aren't his wife, you idiot. You're just his girlfriend. Lucky you.  



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Someone needs to tell car crash plaintiff that she is too damn old to act like ditzy teenager. I really think she thought her cutesy "I'm just a silly little woman, I don't know nothing about negligence" act would work. I practically applauded when JM told her, rather bluntly, that she's not cute. I felt sorry for her daughter; I have a feeling this isn't the first time, nor will it be the last, that she has to make excuses for her mother acting a fool in public.


In the second case; did anyone notice that the couple who had a "rent subsidized" apartment strolled into court with diamond earrings and a Louis Vuitton bag?

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Someone needs to tell car crash plaintiff that she is too damn old to act like ditzy teenager. I really think she thought her cutesy "I'm just a silly little woman, I don't know nothing about negligence" act would work. I practically applauded when JM told her, rather bluntly, that she's not cute. I felt sorry for her daughter; I have a feeling this isn't the first time, nor will it be the last, that she has to make excuses for her mother acting a fool in public.


In the second case; did anyone notice that the couple who had a "rent subsidized" apartment strolled into court with diamond earrings and a Louis Vuitton bag?

The car crash plaintiff was an embarrassment to women drivers. I could not stand her and wanted to slap her through the TV. Good on MM for calling her out on her behavior, too. I hate when people get caught lying and blame it on nervousness. Nerves don't make you lie; being a shitty person makes you lie.

As to your other comment, I get what you're saying. But I don't really care what people on the dole spend their money on. When corporations stop accepting welfare, then maybe I'll worry about an individual who has nice earrings and accessories. They could have been knock-offs, anyway. They could be gifts. They could have been purchased before they hit hard times. I don't know. Hell, I have three handbags that are "designer" and didn't spend more than $50 on any of them.

If I never hear the words "shopping cart" again, it'll be too damn soon. I can't believe I sat through that whole case. Those folks didn't need TPC; they needed a therapist. The mother never could articulate why she had so much disdain for her son's girlfriend. Also, as someone who just recently (finally) got the right to legally marry, I'm not bothered by unmarried couples referring to each other as spouses. I considered my long-time life partner my wife and referred to her as such for years. However, if a judge had asked me in court if were married, the answer would be no. I just thought MM overreacted to that a bit. I wish she had been that snippy with the crazy mother. That's 20 minutes of my life I'm not getting back.

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As to your other comment, I get what you're saying. But I don't really care what people on the dole spend their money on. When corporations stop accepting welfare, then maybe I'll worry about an individual who has nice earrings and accessories. They could have been knock-offs, anyway. They could be gifts. They could have been purchased before they hit hard times. I don't know.



Well said teebax.   I posted this on the Judge Judy forum a while back:


A family of four in New York City makes $497,911 a year but pays $1,574 a month to live in public housing in a three-bedroom apartment subsidized by taxpayers.  In Los Angeles, a family of five that’s lived in public housing since 1974 made $204,784 last year but paid $1,091 for a four-bedroom apartment. And a tenant with assets worth $1.6 million — including stocks, real estate and retirement accounts — last year paid $300 for a one-bedroom apartment in public housing in Oxford, Neb.


In a new report, the watchdog for the Department of Housing and Urban Development describes these and more than 25,000 other “over income” families earning more than the maximum income for government-subsidized housing as an “egregious” abuse of the system. While the family in New York with an annual income of almost $500,000 raked in $790,500 in rental income on its real estate holdings in recent years, more than 300,000 families that really qualify for public housing lingered on waiting lists, auditors found.


I find these situations more outrageous than some (possible fake) diamond earrings and designers bags.


Edited by momtoall
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Today's case with sister suing sister --- The defendant needs to get some Obamacare or charitable dentistry work. I have no snark at all about folks who have articulation issues because of genetics, illness, disabilities, and the like.  But that woman was missing a bunch of teeth...just because. Poor JMM couldn't understand a damn word she said. The plaintiff said her sister was jealous of her job. Well, get some teeth and get a job yourself! Without front teeth, you'll have to deal with your jealousy and the fact that everyone makes you repeat what you've said over and over again.

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Regarding the two McDonald's employee sisters, I believe that the one sister was jealous of the other.  The plaintiff sister was svelte, pretty, well dressed, articulate and had her teeth.   Other sister was baggy, dentally challenged, scraggly haired.  She seemed childish so I can see her not wanting her co-workers comparing her to the shiny sister.  It was pretty low to take it to the restraining order level.  


ETA:  I turned the channel for a few mins. and missed the verdict.  I KNOW MM didn't give Pink Suit $5K - what did she get?

Edited by patty1h
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