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The People's Court - General Discussion

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her own family weighs in at a ton

Now, now, no need to be excessively cruel, they only weighed in at 3/4 ton if I did the arithmetic correctly. Reminds me of a local news story about three deputies who had trouble controlling a 150 pound suspect, the paper helpfully pointed out the the deputies together weighed in at over 1,000 pounds (we had some big ones in those days).

Haven't had the chance to watch the new shows, but I am glad it's back!  I kept having to delete old episodes from my DVR since they would tape as new.  I am thinking of getting rid of the scourge of the earth that is Time Warner Cable, but then I won't be able to record People's Court.  It sadly is the only thing I record on my DVR!   New episodes come on at 3:00 pm.   I'm at work!   It's like Sophie's choice here...

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I don't even know what to say about the two losers on today's episode.  The guy who cheated on his girlfriend with her friend, right in their own house, was so indignant about it all. No shame at all.  She wasn't much better with putting photos of herself with a guy, in bed, on social media. And saying he choked her, but she told him she'd take him back if he gave up his side piece.


God help their daughter. She can't look up to either of them.  If People's Court is around in 20 years she'll be on fighting over furniture & pots & pans herself.


HAHA Dr. Audrey doesn't want to say her last name on TV, then proceeds to say she has an honorary doctorate and says the name of the book she wrote. It took me seconds to find her last name. What a dummy.

Edited by Bella Lugosi

That episode was gold.   I felt sorry for poor Dr. Audrey's son.  I'm sure he's use to all of this.  She was out there...who gets checks done up with a fake title?  I mean, you don't see Oprah having Dr. Oprah WInfrey on her checks.   She should not be going close to people's mouth.


Nothing to be said about the couple who moved in with another couple.   If you live in a 2 bedroom house and you have one kid, why do you need to move into a 4 bedroom house with another couple?  That just makes no sense!

Dr. Audrey was just precious.  Something tells me that wasn't the first time she's pulled a stunt like that, but probably the first time she came across someone who wouldn't let her get away with it. The story she was telling about how she came to purchase those couches got more ridiculous as it went on. Perhaps she should turn the tale of being lured into a dark dungeon and forced to buy a couch into another book, maybe she'll receive another honorarium and she can be Dr. Dr. Audrey.


What more can be said about the couple who moved in with another couple? You're a family of three who needs more space so of course you move in with other people. I feel like there was a lot about that story they left out.


Dr Audrey was bat crap crazy! She bought the couch because she was afraid? Weird.

Dr. Audrey was so full of brown mushy I could practically smell her through the TV. How pretentious to put "Dr" on your checks. And how can somebody intimidate another person into buying a couch for $500 and having it transported to your house? I had the feeling she was seriously coveting the couch and then got it to her house and her son was like "Mom-  WTH did you do?" and Dr. Audrey came to her sense - or else the couch was fine and she's a wackadoodle. 


LOL I can't wait until the next time I get my teeth cleaned and I can start calling my hygienist Dr. Marva. 

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That guy was so irritating! I kept wanting someone to say: "What if it had been a child?" Sure, the kid shouldn't be darting out in the middle of the street, either, but kids do that, and you have to be following far enough behind that the car(s) in front of you can stop to avoid hitting the kid without you hitting them. Same legal issue, sir.


And he kept smirking, too.

Edited by Gilmel
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Yesterday's episode featured two people who were running a scam. The woman was upset that the $100 she "invested" was lost and was suing to get it back. She didn't know it was an income tax scam, she thought it was only a bad check scam. She thought she'd get her money back because she had facebook messages where he promised her he'd return the money if she didn't. 


The nerve of them to come onto TV with this! Talk about clueless!

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And he was on probation, no less.


The TV case today was a classic. I loved that the plaintiff had managed to convince the defendant that because he was in the military, he could spy on him.


I felt like some Judge Judy litigants had accident wandered into TPC this week, we don't usually get this kind of foolishness on this show.

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Wow. The first case today was so distubing. The Defendent actually used the "n" word! And did not seem to see that it was a terrible thing to do. And MM's reaction to the dead butterflies was hilarious!

But I can't understand why you would continue to live next to someone that makes your life so miserable. Why would not one of them move!


Wow. The first case today was so distubing. The Defendent actually used the "n" word! And did not seem to see that it was a terrible thing to do. And MM's reaction to the dead butterflies was hilarious!

But I can't understand why you would continue to live next to someone that makes your life so miserable. Why would not one of them move!



10 years of roots can be hard to pull up, especially with families. But yeah, the first case was just wow. Hopefully the daughter can escape the cycle her mother is in; but they seem very Honey Boo-Boo-ish. 


The other two cases were quite wow-worthy as well; they pulled out the stops for Sweeps it seems. 


So this is where everyone has gone.  Poor Judge MM is very lonely over at TWOP.


I was horrified by this case too.  The monkey in the little chair was disgusting. The defendant had a hard time figuring out what the big deal was.  "Finally caught you, you sneaky n*****."*  In her own defense she said, "But I caught him! He's sneaky!"  MM said, "You don't understand.  It's not the word 'sneaky' I'm having issues with"


But by the end of the case, the plaintiff was looking a little less than sane too. It sounds as though he may have been poisoning things on his side of her house.  I think they were both bad news.\



* There's a large contingent of the population in the United States who insist racism is dead in America!

Edited by goodogcarl
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I'm about three episodes behind (damn work schedule - imagine having to work ALL DAY! LOL) But I just had to comment - what. .  da. . hell was up with that guy that didn't pay the contractor guy his fee for finding him an apartment? Was it just me or was he creepy? He had a million different excuses but frankly I think he has somebody's grandma tied up and hidden in the trunk of his car. And he kept flashing those spooky pop-eyes with that scary grin! 


Loved the idiot who thought the General was spying on him from Google Earth. You can-NOT make that shiznit up. 


Then we had the tax scam lady. I was hoping Judge Marilyn was going to give them a better tongue lashing and then threaten to turn the tape over to the cops. I was thinking they somehow were getting the money and issuing a fake check for the person to cash but it turns out it was an IRS scam? Maybe they stole some identities and were giving free SS#s for the people to declare on tax returns - no that might take too much effort and smarts. Anybody figure out what exactly they were trying to do? 

Today's theme was apparently Idiot's Day. The big Harley rider was an idiot. He rode the bike hundreds of miles after he noticed a problem, claimed the defendant was obligated to do everything he asked for at the last minute after having been advised that the mechanic was already overbooked. He denied that he was told when he picked up the bike exactly what had been done and what was not done, then the defendant produced the work order that clearly showed what was done and what wasn't. On top of that he didn't have a shred of evidence that what was wrong with the bike was the result of the defendant's actions or inaction. What was interesting to me was that the plaintiff might have been able to make a case. If he had proof that the trasmission failed because there was no fluid in it AND proof that the transmission had fluid in it before the defendant worked on it, he could have argued that it was more likely than not that the defendant or one of his workers, under time pressure, drained the transmission without knowing that that work wasn't going to be done and nobody noticed this so it never got refilled. A long stretch, but would have had a better chance than his hopeless approach.


Second idiot was the condo buyer who couldn't understand that a mirror hung on the wall and free standing night stands are not "built-ins". He didn't help his credibility when he admitted that he offered to buy them for $250 but sued since he didn't get them for $2500 (I think I got this right, the numbers were flying by pretty quickly). His argument that because he paid $800K+ he should be able to keep anything in the condo that he liked was just delusional. If I were the defendant I would do everything possible to never have any contact with him again.

I love Judge MM.   From her doling out Rough Justice to giving some of the dolts who walk into the courtroom the smackdown they rightfully deserve.  Sometimes I think she cuts litigants off too short and goes a tad too far with them, but I get the impression they're probably after she's heard several cases that day and has just lost all patience with the idiocy she's had to put up with.

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So we had the repeat of the Awning Entitlement Whore. (on another board that's a term for certain customers that tend to think they are greater than God and all must serve them). His true colours certainly came out as the case went on, revealing his racism and possibly even sexism. I wish the judge could have justified giving them a little more at least, but the basic "Make right" amount was proper. 


She should've made explicit that he now owned the new awnings, whether he wanted them or not, since that would have made both parties completish, (though assembly/installation would be on his head at that point. Being an awning expert as he was claiming, that should be trivial for him)

I actually think Judge Judy was crankier than she is now (saw the primetime show a few weeks ago where she was a family court judge and was just as mean)


Judge Milian reminds me of a lot of older Cuban ladies I know (including my late mother) who could be charming as hell and then turn on you and slice and dice you in a second with a hot pile of righteous indignation which I think can be much scarier than JJ. 

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What has been up with the episodes these past couple days? They've been very Springer-esque.

What about the one where the two women were dating the same guy? This segment seemed to go on forever. They appeared to be a couple of jerks to me. And did we have to know what great sex she had with the guy? Twice?!

Edited by slensam
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What about the one where the two women were dating the same guy? This segment seemed to go on forever. They appeared to be a couple of jerks to me. And did we have to know what great sex she had with the guy? Twice?!

What bothered me most about that case is what bothers me about most cases of this type. You have two women, both of whom could do better, fighting over some asshole who can't keep it in his pants. And he's nowhere to be found as they duke it out.


I loved MM saying she understands when some of her litigants put up with cheating bastards because they're desperate, while both of these women were attractive and seemingly intelligent. I was surprised she went there but also pleased that she just seems to get it. Judge Judy would have just hurled insults at the women. MM has a more subtle way, which I love her for.

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