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S02.E15: Summit

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I like this show more when I think of it as Jack/Audrey AU fan fiction. Tom and Andrea look at each other like they’ve met in another life. Which they have. Now they are sneaking into Camp David’s kitchen to eat ice cream. Adorable. I’ll take the 24 fan service I can get.

One or both of them is bound to end up in a Hun Chu prison.

Death by triathlon! Whatever. Now that those two are conveniently widowed…

Toronto looks cold.

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I'm glad that Seth broke it off with Emily. I never bought into their romantic relationship and prefer them as good friends and colleagues - although now, the "good friends" part might be going down the drain. I was surprised that she was so bothered and upset by the forms she and Seth had to fill out. They were a formality - almost meaningless - yet Emily was giving it great importance and letting it mean something it really didn't. Seth has shown her that he's ready, willing, and able to be all in with Emily. The words he used on the paperwork are not how he literally perceives their relationship and I feel as if Emily should've known better. What did she want him to write on the form? What language would've been acceptable to her?"Girlfriend"? That sounds very 8th grade. "Lover"? Well, yeah, I am assuming they're lovers but that word doesn't really jive with a government form. Maybe deep down, she actually doesn't want to be in a relationship with him, and balking at the paperwork is a convenient "out." But whatever is going on with Emily, I really felt for Seth when he confronted her. He was pretty hurt. I actually quite like Emily but she's screwed this up, possibly for good. Maybe she'll swing back to Aaron now. Or maybe...she could simply exist for a moment WITHOUT a man in her life! /sarcasm/

Meet your new First Lady! I suspect the First Children will hate her upon sight. Fun times ahead for the First Family. Can't wait for that. /moresarcasm/

I still don't like Lyor/Leor (how the heck is his name spelled?!). Yes, that British guy was a shmuck, but that didn't change how I felt about Lyor. I still feel as if he's of no use to the show. What exactly does he DO? We actually see Emily, Seth, Aaron, and Kendra doing things, but other than annoy his co-workers, what the hell does Lyor do? 

I know Chuck the computer whiz guy is supposed to be a bit inept socially and a geek, but jeez, people are really rude to him! He's the one who ended last week's black out, but did he get any recognition for that? No. In this episode, he found where the weapons are stored and revealed that Cornelius Moss is the leak - any thanks for those two bombshells? Nope! Does the President even know who he is? If not - he should! #chuckpower!

Edited by Biggie B
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12 minutes ago, Biggie B said:

I know Chuck the computer whiz guy is supposed to be a bit inept socially and a geek, but jeez, people are really rude to him!

Not to mention the fact that, similar to Hannah Wells being the only FBI agent on the eastern seaboard, Chuck apparently is the only IT guy in the Washington-Baltimore Metropolitan Area and gets called into the White House to hack someone's phone records.

Also, I'm really annoyed that Aaron, who has the title of National Security Advisor, always seems to be walking around during business hours sans tie and with several buttons unbuttoned. It just looks wrong and, I would imagine, totally contrary to the typical dress code of DC higher-ups and staffers.

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Totally agree with what was said upthread about chuck.. Who Hannah treats like dog poop can old boy get some respect plz....  Emily and Seth too bad.. I liked the pairing if only because it had a female superior and male subordinate and he wasn't all up in arm's about it. And also becuz Penn isn't usually shown as a romantic ( very few Asians are)  but she either didn't really want it or just had the too  many hangups..  Too bad.. 

I like kirkman less and less... He speaks to other world leaders like trash constantly barking at ppl. It just doesn't seem diplomatic

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I always thought Emily didn’t like Seth (in a romantic way) nearly as much as he liked her, and it’s too bad he didn’t have enough sense to see that. Her hesitation in 2x11 seemed to be conveniently connected to Aaron, and now she freaked out over seemingly nothing. She doesn’t want Seth, and I genuinely wish they had never become anything more than friends. I used to be very fond of Emily, but now? Not so much. I enjoyed her and Aaron’s chemistry and romance, but unless she stops being an insufferable b....., I’d rather she leave him alone as well. 

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The show has already confronted a named North Korean threat...now there are suddenly two Asian countries that need a summit meeting more urgently than N & S Korea???  WTF

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at least it was resolved...I hate it when an international crisis lasts goes on for more than a day

trying again -- at least it was resolved...I hate it when an international crisis goes on for more than a day

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5 hours ago, AAEBoiler said:

Also, I'm really annoyed that Aaron, who has the title of National Security Advisor, always seems to be walking around during business hours sans tie and with several buttons unbuttoned. It just looks wrong and, I would imagine, totally contrary to the typical dress code of DC higher-ups and staffers.

I haven't been watching, but I still check these threads just to see what's going on with this show.


Is that what's going on? Sexy Aaron roaming the hallways with several shirt buttons undone? Maybe I should start watching again.

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The summit felt really rushed to me. It's almost as if the first mention that we are having a summit is that there is some crisis "back home" and we need to get the players in the same room NOW! Then, we hardly get through introductions when Tom shows up with Dr. Only Weapons Contractor in the US, tells everyone who's getting what and how it's being paid for and expecting that it's all now said and done. Wait! Has it been five minutes? Breaking news...how could ex-Prez have even had time to make that phone call...hey wait...if he'd already been fired, how did he leak that tasty morsel? And it was just bam, bam, bam after that. I was dizzy by the end of it.

On the Hannah front, way to expose the fact that the son is missing! Maybe there's no other way to get Girlfriend out of the complex, but I was not surprised by how quickly that leaked out. Two unconscious guards? Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone I'm here.

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3 hours ago, Princess Lucky said:

Is that what's going on? Sexy Aaron roaming the hallways with several shirt buttons undone? Maybe I should start watching again.

Also, Hannah’s hair continues to be excellent.

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I disliked Lyor before this episode, and disliked him more and more as this episode went on. Starting with his using "introvert" as an insult, and going downhill from there.  I would wonder what their plans for him are, if this were a better written show.

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Does the Doctor's company own stock in Acme, Inc.?  Because one of their anvils is damaged from being dropped.

It seems to me that the WH could easily get a warrant in double quick time for a check on the phone calls.  I think that entire scene was played out for some purpose in the future.  And now that there is a dirty bomb somewhere in DC, civil rights must be curtailed, no doubt. 

For someone who was so well schooled in English, the West Hun Shu (or maybe it was East, I don't remember) leader dropped the ball with nuk-yu-ler. Go to school with the Bushies, did you?

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12 hours ago, atlantaloves said:

And what going on with Kiefer's ugly flat hair.  Stop doing this to that beautiful man, it's bad enough you gave him dark hair,

He’d make a splendid Silver Fox.

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11 hours ago, Princess Lucky said:

Seriously though, maybe I'll check out this week's episode, since I do also love Kim Raver,

How could Kirkman not know Audrey Dr. Frost was a widow? DOD/ FBI/ NSA would be tracking high profile military contractors....maybe dude did NOT have a heart defect...

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13 hours ago, atlantaloves said:

And what going on with Kiefer's ugly flat hair.  


5 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Does the Doctor's company own stock in Acme, Inc.?  Because one of their anvils is damaged from being dropped.

The answer...Audrey flattened his hair by dropping anvils on it....

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Definitely a good night for the "Hey, it's that Canadian character actor!" crowd, with Lyor's nemesis being played by the guy who played James Stuart in Reign, and the reporter was Alvis on Killjoys!

Other than that, Kirkman basically has deal with a crisis between two nations that are totally North and South Korea, but aren't because... reasons?  But in the process, he finds out that Moss was apparently the leak this entire time, because the show has apparently decided to make him a bad guy.  Maybe next week we'll find out he actually paid the driver to kill Alex.  But, hey, he's totally found a new love interest in the form Frost/Kim Raver, especially since she just revealed that her husband past away only a year ago.  Yep, time for some "Our significant others just past away!" bonding and romance!

Classic Hannah!  Need to break someone out of a compound, where getting caught would totally cause a national crisis?  Why, yes, just simply sneak in and knock out a whole bunch of guards to do so, totally leaving a "Some sinister happened here!" trail.  And it worked!  Ha!

Seth finally breaks it off with Emily because she refuses to sign some form and make it official.  What is her deal?  More importantly, why should I care?

Chuck continues to almost single-handily fix whatever problem the White House is currently having.  What would they do without him?

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8 hours ago, paigow said:

Then Chuck...no WD-40 form required...

Or Mike! Or maybe she could go after the newly-widowed President himself. Although that would probably require more forms than just one. The possibilities are endless, though.

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Nope, nope, nope. Not feeling Kim/Kiefer part two. Bring back Virginia Madsen, let him flirt with D.C. mayor Aunjanue Ellis, let him be a grieving widower for a couple of weeks, just no Kim and Kiefer again.

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11 hours ago, paisley said:

Nope, nope, nope. Not feeling Kim/Kiefer part two. Bring back Virginia Madsen, let him flirt with D.C. mayor Aunjanue Ellis, let him be a grieving widower for a couple of weeks, just no Kim and Kiefer again.

LOL! You know they are going there!  I agree though.  It's crazy to have him with a love interest already!

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14 hours ago, paisley said:

Nope, nope, nope. Not feeling Kim/Kiefer part two. Bring back Virginia Madsen, let him flirt with D.C. mayor Aunjanue Ellis, let him be a grieving widower for a couple of weeks, just no Kim and Kiefer again.

I totally agree.  I've nothing against Kim Raver, but I've disliked most of the chararacters she's played and this one is no exception.  I was actually rooting for her to be the bad guy in her first episode, but no luck there. 

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On 3/29/2018 at 8:08 AM, paigow said:

The show has already confronted a named North Korean threat...now there are suddenly two Asian countries that need a summit meeting more urgently than N & S Korea???  WTF

Yes, East and West Korea!

Hannah's embassy infiltration was so ridiculous. Ermagerd, there's a thousand guards! That's okay, I'm tiny and Asian and can easily pass as an East Korean! I'll just knock out one security guard and steal his coat and from there I can get away without a hitch! At least on 24 when Keifer stormed an embassy someone always ended up dead because it was always a really dumb idea!

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