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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Yup, Ghost!Connie for Sonny & a vision of doom for Olivia about Carly' s wedding. I wonder what Olivia will see in her vision, maybe James Franco's Franco?


That would be awesome! Although I doubt they have the cgi to make it look good to splice in their footage of Franco. I guess they could use a flashback.

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Wow, Olivia, you're really okay with a giant typo on the dinner menu? I'm firmly Team Carly on reading the riot act here. (Though spellcheck wouldn't catch "desert" if it were spelled properly.)


irritated that Lucas apparently has a SECRET MEDICAL DEGREE that nobody in his wide extended family knew about except Bobbie


I thought Lucas was a doctor in Seattle, and everyone knew that. We were complaining about Lucas not being at GH when he came back to PC. This sekrit crap smells like a retcon.

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This would require an individual with depth, talent & the ability to write, skill asshat Ron doesn't have.



I remember this as well. Maybe this will lead to Lucas working at the Waterfront Clinic vs at GH. I'm hoping it doesn't mean he will be working for Lulu at the HS or for Sonny at the Coffee warehouse instead.


Brad interacting with Bobby & Lucas is so cute. Why can't we have more interaction scenes like that?

I definitely think he's going to work at the Waterfront Clinic.  I don't find it a coincidence that nephew Michael is currently hiring while uncle Lucas, who's now revealed to be a doctor, is being pushed and persuaded to finally get a job using his life-saving skills.

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I thought Lucas was a doctor in Seattle, and everyone knew that. We were complaining about Lucas not being at GH when he came back to PC. This sekrit crap smells like a retcon.


That's what I thought. Unless it was an LSD-induced dream of Olivia's that I shared in some parallel world, I remembered a previous visit of Bobbie's when she mentioned med school, doctor, and Lucas all in the same conversation.

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That's what I thought. Unless it was an LSD-induced dream of Olivia's that I shared in some parallel world, I remembered a previous visit of Bobbie's when she mentioned med school, doctor, and Lucas all in the same conversation.


Like I said above, I do remember Bobbie and Scotty talking about Lucas last year when they both returned, but she didn't specifically mention him being a doctor.  I do think there was a one-liner about him going to medical school when the character first disappeared from the show.


The way Bobbie kinda paused before spilling the beans in front of Brad, it definitely seems like the SECRET MEDICAL DEGREE is not something Lucas has shared with anyone.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Hopefully it's something about him almost killing a patient, or something along that line, that makes it realistic why he's not a doctor anymore. Realistic? Who am I kidding... As long as there is a Tony mention I will be happy.

This AJ shit is still dragging? I just can't.

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It won't go anywhere. I guarantee it. Especially since MB just re-signed.



Which is irritating because the only way MB is going anywhere is when the show decides they are done and they will never be done with him (even though everything with the character now is pretty much same shit different day).

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I hope that lucas secret of being a doctor will be good.Although I reallycan't feel sorry for carly about someone freeloading off of her lol.


I really feel the character of sonny needs to be reset maybe for a few months.

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IDK why his doctor status has to be such a secret. And I don't want it to be because he killed a patient, we did that with Steven Lars not that long ago. Maybe his secret is he's a butt doctor & didn't want to deal with the jokes.

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Maybe I'm incredibly blindly naïve, but I firmly believe Maura is going absolutely nowhere. They'll have a riot on their hands if they do. ;)


I hate to be "that guy", but I feel like the writing has been on the wall for Ava for quite some time. I absolutely believe she's going to end up being another Claudia.



Elizabeth continues to bond with "Jake" as she opens up to him about her past


Liz is so thirsty.

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I hope that lucas secret of being a doctor will be good.Although I reallycan't feel sorry for carly about someone freeloading off of her lol.


The one teeny tiny thing I've found amusing about the Carly/Franco relationship is that, for once, she's the one being sponged off of.

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Maybe being a doctor makes Lucas sad because he misses Tony. I'd rather that. Screw you, Carly. Tony was a good man.


Hey now, Carly once actually uttered the words, "my good friend, Tony Jones", and lightning DIDN'T strike her dead! (This was around some charity bachelor auction back in 2006, just before, if I don't have the timeline confused, Sam was shot. Patrick was one of the bachelors, and he and Robin were still doing their courting dance.)


I recall the loud screams of outrage across many sites after that gem of a line.

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Hey now, Carly once actually uttered the words, "my good friend, Tony Jones", and lightning DIDN'T strike her dead! (This was around some charity bachelor auction back in 2006, just before, if I don't have the timeline confused, Sam was shot. Patrick was one of the bachelors, and he and Robin were still doing their courting dance.)


I recall the loud screams of outrage across many sites after that gem of a line.

I will post my reaction in the history thread.

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WdV told people at his PA yesterday we'll have a resolution about who Fluke is in about a month. The studio is dark for 2 weeks and according to Twitter, TG is back and taping when they get back November 3.

Edited by TarHeelTeacher
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WdV told people at his PA yesterday we'll have a resolution about who Fluke is in about a month. The studio is dark for 2 weeks and according to Twitter, TG is back and taping when they get back November 3.

I can't wait till this story is finally over, especially because I won't have to hear, "Well, SPENCER said...."

Edited by HeatLifer
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I'm rooting for Franco.  I want Sonny to eat sh!t.

I'm rooting for anybody who can make Sonny eat shit, and I like Franco, anyhow.  My finger is developing arthritis from FF'ing through all Sonny's crap.

Edited by movinon
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This show makes me want to cry in frustration.  I hate Nina and Franco.  They are unnecessary, and RHo (as Franco) and MSt (every character she's ever played) are such overrated muggersons.  The hyperbole that surrounds these two is just, ugh.


Sonny and Carly are fucking awful and their comeuppance is way past due, but it should come at the hands of people who actually have a connection to this show and have a real history with their toxicity.  Carly cheating on Franco doesn't even place in the top twenty-five shitty things she's done to people, so Franco's pain means nothing to me.  And I really don't care anything at all about Nina, her pain, her coma, her mental instability, her plans, or her revenge.  I just want her and most of her family gone.

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Carly cheating on Franco doesn't even place in the top twenty-five shitty things she's done to people, so Franco's pain means nothing to me.


Are we really supposed to feel bad for the SERIAL KILLER because he got cheated on? He and Carly should have never been together in the first place. I wish he would slit his wrists and Carly walks in and laughs at him while he bleeds out. 

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And why are we supposed to feel sorry for Carly being semitrapped into marriage with said SERIAL KILL when she's the dumb shit who told him her deepest, darkest secret in the first place? I want a murder-suicide with Carly, Franco, and Sonny.

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According to spoilers from gh happenings, that promo is nothing like what will happen.

Next 2 weeks:

10/21- Micheal confides in Lauren, Jordan considers coming clean to TJ

10/22- Lauren warns Morgan that Micheal is going to the PCPD

10/23: Jason gets a random visitor, possibly Carly

10/24- Sonny gets a blast from the past, Lauren warns Ava someone is on her trail

10/25- Sonny calls his plan off

10/27: Sonny listens to Micheal's theory on who killed AJ

10/28: Franco and Scotty feel they have reason to celebrate

10/29: Carly tries to talk sense into her kids

10/30: Carly realizes what Franco has been hiding

10/31: The wedding day, and it takes a stunning turn

Carly tries to discourage Micheal from perusing the truth about AJ. Sonny confesses something to Morgan.

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According to spoilers from gh happenings, that promo is nothing like what will happen.


Well of course it's not going to be wall-to-wall Franco and Nina for the next two weeks.  But they are what the show, the network, whoever decided to spotlight, to promote.  And it sucks.

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And I really don't care anything at all about Nina, her pain, her coma, her mental instability, her plans, or her revenge.  I just want her and most of her family gone.



This, a million times this. I.Don't.Care.About.Nina! Her baby rabies or her pain. MSt needs a fucking month off the damn screen. All those spoilers tell me is the next 3 weeks will be filled with Sonny, Nina & Carly.

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According to spoilers from gh happenings, that promo is nothing like what will happen.

Next 2 weeks:

10/21- Micheal confides in Lauren, Jordan considers coming clean to TJ

10/22- Lauren warns Morgan that Micheal is going to the PCPD

10/23: Jason gets a random visitor, possibly Carly

10/24- Sonny gets a blast from the past, Lauren warns Ava someone is on her trail

10/25- Sonny calls his plan off

10/27: Sonny listens to Micheal's theory on who killed AJ

10/28: Franco and Scotty feel they have reason to celebrate

10/29: Carly tries to talk sense into her kids

10/30: Carly realizes what Franco has been hiding

10/31: The wedding day, and it takes a stunning turn

Carly tries to discourage Micheal from perusing the truth about AJ. Sonny confesses something to Morgan.


It's times like these my TV speaks to me in code and thanks me for no longer watching this rancid cesspool of toxic waste. (It also told me that if it had arms, it would hug me!)

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I'm all about Nina/Franco, so I liked the promo. Listen, I'm not proud, but whatever, I don't really care!


Of course I do agree that a promo about Michael searching for the truth would be 100 times better and would possibly even bring back some people who are on the barge.

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It wouldn't be hard.

Insert Dramatic Voice Over Guy "A father murdered in his prime. " Scenes of AJ and Micheal in suits. "Another father hiding the truth. " Sonny shooting AJ. "A son seeking justice." Micheal holding AJ's death certificate. "Families torn apart. Truths revealed. Justice served. " Sabrina saying Carlos didn't shoot AJ. "Tune in to see the real killer" insert flash shots of Carlos, Ava, Carly, Franco, and Sonny, "Of AJ Quartermaine" flash shot of AJ and Micheal, "revealed. " Boom. Ratings.

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The new baby is so that when Lauren is revealed to be ComaBaby, Ava isn't bereft of children. It's GH law. There is no woman under 20 on the show (currently appearing) who doesn't have kids.


ETA: Rosalie and Nina are childless, though Nina is working on that. Maybe Ava will have twins, and there will be one for each of them.

Edited by dubbel zout
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ETA: Rosalie and Nina are childless, though Nina is working on that. Maybe Ava will have twins, and there will be one for each of them.


My first thought upon reading this was what if Ava has twins and one is Morgan's and one is Sonny's. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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