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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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On 9/7/2017 at 11:36 AM, TeeVee329 said:



That "I'm not going to let YOOOOOOUUUUUUU take Jason..." line reading is one of the weirdest ways to approach that dialogue I've ever heard.

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1 hour ago, yowsah1 said:


That "I'm not going to let YOOOOOOUUUUUUU take Jason..." line reading is one of the weirdest ways to approach that dialogue I've ever heard.

Sounds like Sam's kitty litter disease is flaring up again, as the doctors' said it could. What do you want to bet she really does see OGJason but no one believes her because she's been "acting crazy"? 

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I don't know if everyone has been assuming this and it just went over my head, but that Jake Doe and OG Jason really are twins, and they both had Burton face. One of them will turn out to be the kid raised as Jason, but it will take us a long time to get there. And Franco is still a cousin, but maybe he was raised to think of the Jason twin as his brother and then blocked out some Helena-level tragedy?

That sounds crazily convoluted....so probably I'm right!

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It's too bad that the writers are so incredibly shitty. This terrible story won't even be entertaining in a trainwreck/hatewatch way. And, since it's FV, it's going to be badly paced, have excruciating dialogue and it's going to look cheap

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5 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Kevin and Laura are back in the next two weeks?  That's good.


5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

It's too much to ask that they have a story not involving Spencer or Valentin, right? Sigh.

God forbid we have a nice story about a healthy, mature, loving relationship of commitment and respect: two people finding each other later in life after both being unlucky in love and starting a new phase in their relationship by living together!

Edited by LexieLily
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3 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

God forbid we have a nice story about two people finding each other later in life after both being unlucky in love and starting a new phase in their relationship by living together!

They're saving that for SBu's Jason and Sam. Their story has been gravely underwritten, you know.

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On 9/8/2017 at 10:06 PM, Auntie Velvet said:

Sounds like Sam's kitty litter disease is flaring up again, as the doctors' said it could. What do you want to bet she really does see OGJason but no one believes her because she's been "acting crazy"? 

Oh God.  Its gonna go like this:

Sam and Carly get in an argument.   She faints and gets admitted.  While she is waiting for her lobotomy, errr resting,  SBuJason happens to wander into her room.  She opens her eyes and calls to him.  He feels drawn to get.  She grabs his hand.   Then she starts having a soap seizure.   He runs from the room scared.  When she comes to or whatever,  she tells the tale of seeing him.  Every one passes it off as an illusion,  except for Carly,  who gets Spinelli involved.  And from there we all vomit

8 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

The quote is "I did not replace Rebecca," but I don't know who's being quoted.

LOL that SID is using the old "change GH forever!" line. Nothing on GH changes.

I think it's Steve Burton and the phrasing makes me ship a Jason Robot/Finn love story.  Because it could be funny 

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9 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

The quote is "I did not replace Rebecca," but I don't know who's being quoted.

LOL that SID is using the old "change GH forever!" line. Nothing on GH changes.


It feels like its reverting. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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5 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Sam and Carly get in an argument.   She faints and gets admitted.  While she is waiting for her lobotomy, errr resting,  SBuJason happens to wander into her room.  She opens her eyes and calls to him.  He feels drawn to get.  She grabs his hand.   Then she starts having a soap seizure.   He runs from the room scared.  When she comes to or whatever,  she tells the tale of seeing him.  Every one passes it off as an illusion,  except for Carly,  who gets Spinelli involved.  And from there we all vomit

I wonder if the hospital installed cameras in the hallways after a serial killer was on the loose earlier this year? How many patients and staff members were murdered at GH?  It's kind of basic security 101, but this is General Hospital so logic does not apply.  Just think, if there were video cameras, Carly would just have Monica check the security video so they could see who was in Sam's room.  Instead we will get MONTHS of SBuJason sneaking around Port Charles before he is seen and the Two Jason's story can begin.

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13 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

I wonder if the hospital installed cameras in the hallways after a serial killer was on the loose earlier this year? How many patients and staff members were murdered at GH?  It's kind of basic security 101, but this is General Hospital so logic does not apply.  Just think, if there were video cameras, Carly would just have Monica check the security video so they could see who was in Sam's room.  Instead we will get MONTHS of SBuJason sneaking around Port Charles before he is seen and the Two Jason's story can begin.

Steve can't pull off a Lurking Tour like Roger did in um that small PA town.  For starters,  dude won't grow a beard.  

It's going to happen like this, he will wear a black hoodie and a hat.  Jake will see him spying on *insert person here*.  He will befriend Jake and save his life with a gun because Jason hearts guns.  BM will remain in a coma.   Steve will sneak over and spy on him.  Weeks pass by.   Carly will see him and sleep with him.  

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Huh. I'm starting to wonder if Oscar's mom is going to be the Jason twin's ex. Making Oscar a Q. If the look alike IS Jason Q's twin brother. Pure speculation on my part. Which could be a reason why SB's character heads to PC. He is looking for his son. Outside of the boring overused mob crap that will probably win out. But it would be different. Let him be drawn in by Franco's search. It would make sense for Franco to realize that this guy looks like Jason, have him freak-out about bringing him around Liz and Jake. But then the guy gets a lead on his son/family living with in PC and sets off for Port Charles. Not knowing how his presence will blow up TFGH.

Edited by stlbf
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Anna’s determination to solve the mystery behind Spencer’s diamond grows.

Oh geez-us, another Spencer-centric storyline when he's not even on-canvas?

Also, the show needs to change the record with Anna.  Didn't we just see this with her and Valentin for months on end?

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Sonny and Carly put two-and-two together.

And get five.

1 minute ago, TeeVee329 said:

Anna’s determination to solve the mystery behind Spencer’s diamond grows.

Oh geez-us, another Spencer-centric storyline when he's not even on-canvas?

I think that's just to ID the diamond. 

Will Finn be reluctant to support her crusade?

Here's hoping! I like FH and ME together, but Anna and Finn don't work.

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Halena doesn't really make sense as the source of a Jason double, but Franco does. And he's actually obsessed enough with Jason to know private details about his life and his relationships. So, if Heather stole a Jason twin and gave it to Franco's insane mother that would explain some of his obsession with Jason and also his ability to substitute a "better"* Jason when Jason "died". It would just be another expression of his obsession with Jason.


*And by better, I mean a Jason that wouldn't kill him on sight. #DeadFranco2017: There's Still Time!

Edited by Oracle42
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Lulu begins to see Valentin in a different light.


Let me guess, either he martyrs himself or she overhears that he was the one to spearhead Ava getting her reconstructive surgery without telling Lulu the part where he bullied Ava into recanting her statement about Nikolas' death.

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6 hours ago, Greta said:

A dirty-hot affair between Valentin and Lulu makes perfect soap sense which A) is why this show would never choose to do it and B)I really can't see with these two actors.


But then again, these asses believe that Friz is romantic. 

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On ‎9‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 11:57 AM, Greta said:

A dirty-hot affair between Valentin and Lulu makes perfect soap sense which A) is why this show would never choose to do it and B)I really can't see with these two actors.

It does?

Edited by LexieLily
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Meh, the secret father of your long-lost child who is An Enemy! of your family? Who you think killed your half-brother who may or may not be dead? Yeah, that's who a soap heroine ends up in a torrid affair with.  But of course this show's writing makes sure to avoid leaving open the possibility.

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2 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Valentin/Lulu in ANY capacity except Lulu killing her de facto rapist? TRIPLE PASS.

It was uncool of Valentin to keep Charlotte from Lulu, but isn't her rapist, imo, even de facto. He got his hands on the embryo but he didn't take the egg from her.

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3 minutes ago, ulkis said:

It was uncool of Valentin to keep Charlotte from Lulu, but isn't her rapist, imo, even de facto. He got his hands on the embryo but he didn't take the egg from her.

Maybe "rapist" is strong here. But he is the father of a child from her egg, without Lulu's consent. I don't know what term would really designate that crap. So, physically, yeah, Helena is the rapist, I know. But it still must be some sort of mind fuck to have to share a child with someone not of your choosing.

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Not to mention Stavros' part in all of that.

Like WendyCR72 said, Valentin didn't take the egg from Lulu, no. But once he knew the embryo was created and a child had been made - a child that was genetically his AND Lulu's - he made the choice to have a surrogate carry the child and made the choice to raise his and Lulu's child. Without Lulu's consent or knowledge of a child ever being made. All the while knowing Lulu was the bio-mom, donator of the egg. What exactly do you call that? He violated her somehow. 

Edited by LexieLily
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An affair between Lulu and Valentin might have worked in different circumstances - if Helena had been the one who had a surrogate carry Charlotte without either of their knowledge, if Valentin had come to Lulu right when he found out, if Valentin hadn't "killed" her brother the first time they met, etc.  You could have had them both thrown into this situation of parenting this child they both had found out about and had them drawn to each other that way.  But under the present setup, no, an affair between them would make no sense.

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12 hours ago, LexieLily said:

What exactly do you call that? He violated her somehow. 

Fraud? Theft? There's no physical violation to Lulu by Valentin, so assault and those kinds of crimes don't apply. The law hasn't caught up to reproductive realities as far as IVF goes. 

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1) And here we go with yet another story that is presumably about another character, and Charlotte, but will end up being all about Valentin.

2) Lulu and Valentin are there as Charlotte's parents to support her. I get that. What I don't get is why Nina always has to tag along when there is no sign of Dante.

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