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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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I thought the idea was that Tomas spent time undercover masquerading as Lorenzo. Tomas was Tea's brother so she'd know whether or not he existed, right? 

Edited by Oracle42
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Also, Alexis and Julian got married five minutes ago.  Of course, couples on soaps don't get to be happy forever, but why the rush to blow up their relationship, given these writers' claims that they wanted "more romance" on the show?


Because Julian and Alexis already have 6 kids between them and can't have a dragged out "how will we have a baby" story for years, I guess?

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I used to think that they'd use Olivia to break up Julian and Alexis. But since that doesn't appear to be happening, can someone tell me what Olivia is here for? Other than to play matchmaker/referee/marriage counselor between Dante and Lulu. I love LLC, but what a waste this character is.

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I'm still disappointed we never got to see Olivia bonk Dante over the head with her lasagna pan for cheating on Lulu.  


And I'm no fan of Ava, but I will absolutely support any and all rage blackouts if her brother fathers a baby with the woman who tried to steal her baby directly from her womb.  (Side note: a character like Nik or Sonny would totally do something like that.)  

Edited by KerleyQ
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I thought the idea was that Tomas spent time undercover masquerading as Lorenzo, Tomas was Tea's brother

That was the consensus from the fan speculation, but Skye and Carly did seem to think that Tomas was really Lorenzo; it's hard to say what would have actually turned out to be the case.

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Nothing was resolved; RC lost interest in Tomas on OLTL once he got to do his Two Todds story.

He never seemed to have any interest in the character to begin with. I think it was similar to the situation with SK's AJ, with FV getting an actor but RC not wanting to write for said actor.

Even the Tomas/Lorenzo "story" seemed to have happened only because RC likes to read the messageboards and he wanted to pursue Todd and Carly as a couple.

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I thought the beginning of the Tomas story was pretty good, and TK and KdP had fantastic chemistry (no surprise). But then it rambled into rogue-CIA-agent territory (which would have been okay if he hadn't involved Todd), a totally unwanted and unnecessary son, and general Ron stupidity.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Well, stupid is gone. So...I mean, we have a jello mold writing now, but they could create a whole new character for him. Honestly? Just have a literal blood bath or a damn tornado. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do your dumb Nurse's Ball. Whatever. Then, a huge tornado comes. Whoops! People die. Big ass cool stuff like that gets ratings. Then, bring on some cool name actors for good parts that aren't constantly losing to Sonny. No one will sign if they have to be Mo's bitch.

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That will never happen. Sonny will always win until the show is canceled.


The worst thing about Julian being back in the mob?  That Sonny can now tell Alexis "I told you so."  Sonny being right about anything is always wrong.

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Co-signing, Kim looks great and those two are super cute.

Which reminds me...I read a RUMOR that Robin shows up slightly before the Nurses' Ball re: Anna's legal troubles.

Oh, really? Sweet. I'm so excited to see Robin and Emma just...together and happy. I AM EASILY PLEASED.

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Soaps In Depth ABC ‏@soapsindepthabc
Something is coming up... I can't say what, but I'll tell you this: Fans have wanted to see it happen for AGES. #MyLipsAreSealed


Unless it's dead Sonny, shut up Soaps In Depth.

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Soaps In Depth ABC ‏@soapsindepthabc

Something is coming up... I can't say what, but I'll tell you this: Fans have wanted to see it happen for AGES. #MyLipsAreSealed


Unless it's dead Sonny, shut up Soaps In Depth.


Franco is murdered. Liez has her tubes tied. Franco is murdered. 

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Soaps In Depth ABC ‏@soapsindepthabc

Something is coming up... I can't say what, but I'll tell you this: Fans have wanted to see it happen for AGES. #MyLipsAreSealed

Unless it's dead Sonny, shut up Soaps In Depth.

The show has been cancelled!?

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Soaps In Depth ABC ‏@soapsindepthabc

Something is coming up... I can't say what, but I'll tell you this: Fans have wanted to see it happen for AGES. #MyLipsAreSealed


Unless it's dead Sonny, shut up Soaps In Depth.

 Which one is the Soaps in Depth guy?  Whom does he like and whom doesn't he like?


And not to get anyone's hopes up, but I heard through the grapevine that Frank's email address has been shut down.  But his intern is still tweeting for him, so maybe it means nothing.

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And yet, I'm already making the mistake of imagining answers to this riddle that I would love.  Like...Serena!  Or...a chandelier falling on Franco!  Just setting myself up for disappointment.

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Soaps In Depth ABC ‏@soapsindepthabc

Something is coming up... I can't say what, but I'll tell you this: Fans have wanted to see it happen for AGES. #MyLipsAreSealed


Is Jason getting his memory back such a big deal that it needs its own hashtag? I think the big secret is someone returning for the Nurses Ball. I hope it's not Brenda (unless she's there to throw rolls at Carly; otherwise, so played out), but it might be. Didn't VM tweet something cryptic a few weeks ago?


Jax would be a very welcome sight.

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Soaps In Depth ABC ‏@soapsindepthabc

Something is coming up... I can't say what, but I'll tell you this: Fans have wanted to see it happen for AGES. #MyLipsAreSealed


And not to get anyone's hopes up, but I heard through the grapevine that Frank's email address has been shut down.  But his intern is still tweeting for him, so maybe it means nothing.


Maybe these two things are connected and Frank's been canned?!  Lord knows many fans have wanted to see that happen for ages.

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Soaps In Depth ABC ‏@soapsindepthabc

Something is coming up... I can't say what, but I'll tell you this: Fans have wanted to see it happen for AGES. #MyLipsAreSealed


Unless it's dead Sonny, shut up Soaps In Depth.


Tiffany's returning?!?!


Hey, I dream big. :P

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Tiffany's returning?!?!


Hey, I dream big. :P

AGES is capitalized, so I'm going to dream small and say that Cameron is finally being SORAS-ed.  You heard it hear first, folks.


*Though Brenda returning is probably a better guess.

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Sadly, Sharon Wyatt has had major health problems for years. It'd be so great to see her, though.


I took a chance that maybe her health issues had resolved themselves enough that she could make an appearance, hopeless or not. And she's definitely someone fans would want to see again. 

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AGES is capitalized, so I'm going to dream small and say that Cameron is finally being SORAS-ed. You heard it hear first, folks.

*Though Brenda returning is probably a better guess.

Ooh, that's a good guess!

And I don't think it's Brenda. I haven't seen a huge group of fans wanting her back for "ages." She's already been back multiple times.

Edited by HeatLifer
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I used to think that they'd use Olivia to break up Julian and Alexis. But since that doesn't appear to be happening, can someone tell me what Olivia is here for? Other than to play matchmaker/referee/marriage counselor between Dante and Lulu. I love LLC, but what a waste this character is.


For nothing. I like LLC okay, but they need to stop forcing her into these D list "stories". Put her on recurring (so we no longer have to have contractually-mandated-well-LLC-has-to-hit-her-minimum-so-insert-Olivia-sucking-up-to-Sonny scenes) and have her pop up as town aunt once in a while.

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AGES is capitalized, so I'm going to dream small and say that Cameron is finally being SORAS-ed.  You heard it hear first, folks.


*Though Brenda returning is probably a better guess.



AGES is capitalized, so I'm going to dream small and say that Cameron is finally being SORAS-ed.  You heard it hear first, folks.


*Though Brenda returning is probably a better guess.



If ages is a clue, I guess Cameron as well, but won't they also have to age Spencer-and they are aging Jake, right?

If ages is not a clue, perhaps it's about Obrecht.

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If ages is a clue, I guess Cameron as well, but won't they also have to age Spencer-and they are aging Jake, right?


The recast Jake is about the same age as the last one.  And Cameron is supposed to be older than Spencer by several years, yes?

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The recast Jake is about the same age as the last one.  And Cameron is supposed to be older than Spencer by several years, yes?


In reality, Cam was born two years before Spencer, so not THAT much older, but who knows with this show and SORASing.

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Eh. Jason had a memory flash today so he's probably getting his memory back - which is a problem. I like BM but I don't think he can do Stone Cold... and I'm fine with that but the writers are going to need to provide a reason for it

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Eh. Jason had a memory flash today so he's probably getting his memory back - which is a problem. I like BM but I don't think he can do Stone Cold... and I'm fine with that but the writers are going to need to provide a reason for it

I just busted out laughing picturing SBu's Stone Cold going, "There's that SMILE!!!!"

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Soaps In Depth ABC ‏@soapsindepthabc

Something is coming up... I can't say what, but I'll tell you this: Fans have wanted to see it happen for AGES. #MyLipsAreSealed

Tom Hardy (along with son Tommy) shows up with a paper declaring that any Hardy heir must be appointed COS walks into the COS office and says to Dr O: "Get the Hell out of my father's office, it's going to take me months to get the smell out of here"


Then I could tolerate Franco and Nina, put up with Sonny again and all the rest because Show will have stopped shitting on the memory of John Beradino/Steve Hardy. I'd like to get off the barge before the Show sets sail forever

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Tom Hardy (along with son Tommy) shows up with a paper declaring that any Hardy heir must be appointed COS walks into the COS office and says to Dr O: "Get the Hell out of my father's office, it's going to take me months to get the smell out of here"

Then I could tolerate Franco and Nina, put up with Sonny again and all the rest because Show will have stopped shitting on the memory of John Beradino/Steve Hardy. I'd like to get off the barge before the Show sets sail forever

Was it ever explained why Frisco or Robert didn't simply undo Victor's arrangement with O and arrest her when they took charge at the WSB? Did Ron explain it on twitter?

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I'm pretty sure you can't retroactively cancel pardons/plea deals.  And that's not why she's the chief of staff, she's chief of staff because she donated a truckload of money to the hospital.  So really, it's Nikolas' fault!

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Okay, the thing we've been waiting for for AGES...prior to the Ball, our erstwhile and often naked host, Lucy Coe, is determined to right a wrong. She goes to the home where an old friend has been holed up for AGES, rescues him, and brings him back just in time to take the stage. Ladies and gentlemen, RICHARD SIMMONS!


And I just threw up a little in my mouth.

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