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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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The SOD write up said he wanted revenge on someone in Port Charles. I assume he has an Agenda about The Revenge. His illness is probably why he doesn't have many patients if I had to speculate. It really seems to be like it's tying into the Mystery Kidney that Ron forgot about. I think Dr O either did the surgery in Switzerland at her clinic or knows something about it, and the kidney was Finn's and his remaining kidney is failing.

An Agenda about The Revenge? Will The List 2 be making an appearance? The List 1, owned by Nina and created shortly after she arrived, was a magnificent piece of college-ruled perfection. I still remember how painstakingly Ninugh pored over it and The List 1 didn't disappoint. The List 1 retained its dignity even after being so horrifically abused in those man hands of hers. Pour out some liquor, y'all.

Is it possible to tell a difference between a 10-12 year old kidney and a oh what's Dr. Michael Easton? Bout 55-60ish? So let's be generous and allow for time and say, maybe a 30ish year old kidney? I assume organs grow as we grow, right? And nobody noticed the difference between a healthy, 12 year old kidney and a washed up, dusty ol 35 year old kidney? Oh, that's right...Helena. I'll allow it, if for no other reason than to watch Sonny's head explode as Dr. Michael Easton bonds with his remaining kidney. Located inside Joss. As Carly looks on adoringly. Heh.

Edited by Badsamaritan
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Actually, http://www.seattlechildrens.org/clinics-programs/transplant/kidney/kidney-organ-donation/yes, an adult can donate a kidney to a child. The link explains more. Would anyone in Port Charles notice the difference between an adult kidney and a child's kidney? I'll say considering it was a situation of trauma- a dead kid, almost dead kid- things could have been overlooked in a hospital where some people don't show up to work a murderers get hired. Or Helena paid someone off.

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I am not sure, but I thought the whole "ME's new character comes to town for revenge" was a false spoiler first started on DD or someplace, by an anonymous poster, who later admitted, or was found out, they'd made it up. I think what I remember reading in the mag was "maybe" he was coming for revenge, and should Jason and Sam be worried? But I don't remember any confirmation from the actor or the show about that.

Oh, he obviously has an agenda of some sort. The whole picking up and moving and no one or nothing to leave behind is just too suspect. But I don't know about revenge, per se. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Oddly enough, years ago, there was a fan fiction kind of similiar to the prior scenario I posted. I've always wondered what happened to Mikkos, Tony and Alex Q if Stavros could be frozen and thawed, and Helena also, at one point? Why wouldn't Helena also bring the other ones back? And the fan fic had an alive Alex Q getting revenge on everyone because Tony did not survive.

What if he did, though-and the situation was the opposite, and he was trying to bring Mikkos and/or Alex back to life?


I watch way too much Doctor Who, and I don't want this show to turn into some silly sci fi or Passions-lite show. But I do think that's always been an unanswered question. What DID happen to Mikkos et al ? Because I can't buy Helena wouldn't *try* to bring them back.

Is Finn either Mikkos or Tony with a new face?

I've heard rumors that after she recovers, Tracy's new story will also involve Finn in some way-and that the promised storyline that would involve both Laura and Tracy is going to happen. So I guess I'm giving too much thought into what it could be.

No doubt half the posters here could come up with better stories for both ladies than the show will.

Ugh. Is there some reason Sam couldn't investigate Rebecca Budig out of a desire to hurt and embarrass Nik?

Cause seriously? Fuck that douche and his bratty, annoying child. Nik spent months actively keeping her son from his father. He sat in a church waiting for her to watch her amnesiac husband marry his best friend.

Literally, the ONLY thing I was looking forward to during this interminable Jakeson story was Sam's bitchtastic revenge on Nik. Instead, there's a half-hearted 'go to hell' and now there's genuine sympathy because he has once again allowed his dick to make his choices and he's married to a woman he barely knows. There should be schadenfreude at the very least!

Instead of being justifiably angry and then being conflicted about how much revenge she wants when she finds out he shot Rebecca Budig, she's going to be one more person trying to protect him from the woman he TRIED TO MURDER and it will be especially gross and dumb because she is married to a FUCKING HITMAN

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 7

I hope Dr. Michael Easton's secret is that he hates Franco and then he kills him dead.


Speaking of hating Franco, are we ever going to hear more about Curtis' history with the SERIAL KILLER?  They dropped that little tidbit in on NYE and haven't mentioned it since.  The pacing on this show, 'tis terrible.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Speaking of hating Franco, are we ever going to hear more about Curtis' history with the SERIAL KILLER? They dropped that little tidbit in on NYE and haven't mentioned it since. The pacing on this show, 'tis terrible.

I know! On the show in my head, Curtis was a cop in NY and Franco murdered his first partner. The crime scene messed him up and turned him from DEA to drug addict. That's his past with Franco and Roger Howarth and the guy who plays Curtis are killing it.

Also, RE: Sam and Nik: When Rebecca Budig got shot on Nik's payroll, Jason could've gotten killed again too, or does no one realize that? These people are written to not even think.

Edited by Grrpants09
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Speaking of hating Franco, are we ever going to hear more about Curtis' history with the SERIAL KILLER?  They dropped that little tidbit in on NYE and haven't mentioned it since.  The pacing on this show, 'tis terrible.


I don't think they hinted at a history. Just that Curtis was a cop and knew Franco's past. I'm cool with that. It would be nice just to have someone down on Franco because he is an ex serial killer, just like it would be nice to have a cop who hates Sonny without Sonny having supposedly killed his mentor or his retconned sister or whoever.

  • Love 8

I don't think they hinted at a history. Just that Curtis was a cop and knew Franco's past. I'm cool with that. It would be nice just to have someone down on Franco because he is an ex serial killer, just like it would be nice to have a cop who hates Sonny without Sonny having supposedly killed his mentor or his retconned sister or whoever.


Oh man imagine if they let Curtis hate Sonny in addition to hating Franco. Man of my dreams!

  • Love 12

Oh man imagine if they let Curtis hate Sonny in addition to hating Franco. Man of my dreams!

Yeah, it'd be freaking great if a PI that knew stuff knew serial killer was serial killer and coffee importer was mobster and was not impressed. Curtis knows Shawn and is his friend. I'll speculate strong dislike of Sonny since he led him down the path to prison.

spoilers from SID


Monday 4/4
Hayden blackmails Nikolas with the truth about the shooting
Curtis makes Hayden an offer
Nina and Julian make a deal about Crimson
Tracy's condition gets worse
Tuesday 4/5
Tracy needs surgery

Wednesday 4/6
Carly warns Sonny about Carlos

Thursday 4/7
Carly asks Jason for help

Friday 4/8
Sam and Carly don't agree about Jason
Tracy's condition changes

  • Love 3

I think Sam has generally supportive o Jason reconnecting with his family - partly because family is important to her and partly because she's not a big Carly/Jason/Sonny fan

Plus, there's a difference between Jason: professional mob enforcer working for Sonny and Amnesiac Jason relying on instincts trying to do the same job

  • Love 1

I hope the rumors are true and Tracy has something to do that's about her, after this surgery stuff is over. I have enjoyed not having to grit my teeth while watching this show, and I am enjoying Finn in scenes with Tracy. Hoping WK gets put back on contract, as we need a truly good guy in that age range. Tracy needs both her boys in town.

  • Love 3

I hope the rumors are true and Tracy has something to do that's about her, after this surgery stuff is over. I have enjoyed not having to grit my teeth while watching this show, and I am enjoying Finn in scenes with Tracy. Hoping WK gets put back on contract, as we need a truly good guy in that age range. Tracy needs both her boys in town.

I hope Dillion gets more Dillion things to do and less..... silly things to do. People aren't prizes to "win".

This isn't addressed to anyone specifically (I swear!) as I have seen many do it. And I'm usually not anal about spelling. But "Dillion" makes me laugh. Note the extra i! It would be pronounced "million" with a "D"!


Maybe that fits, since he's a Q!


Why the show didn't just spell it "Dylan" instead of "Dillon" is a mystery. Unless the former is associated with Bob?


But this guy is so milquetoast. I guess it doesn't matter how his name is spelled. When is Scott Clifton's B&B contract up?

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Why the show didn't just spell it "Dylan" instead of "Dillon" is a mystery. Unless the former is associated with Bob?




I honestly like that spelling better than Dylan. Don't know why, I just think it's nice. And I it was actually then-HWs Maralyn Thoma and Bill Levinson who wrote Dillon's birth in 1992.


For the record, though, Dillon was named for Dylan Thomas, because Tracy loved his poetry (Dillon's birth is on YT, and Paul asked her who her favorite poet was as a way to come up with his name). 

Edited by UYI
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It's been years ago, now, but I could have sworn Tracy said she wanted his name spelled "with two l's and an A" meaning Dillan. And yes, it was in honor of Dylan Thomas.

I'm just surprised Tracy hasn't said anything about not going gentle into that good night, considering her current state.


And I've seen Scott Clifton, briefly, on B&B. Really....I think some good memories of him are pure nostalgia. Not that I think he's a horrible actor, but I don't think he's half as great as maybe some other people seem to remember. And I'll say again that I think the main problem with Dillon is the writing for him-or really,the lack of it. Writing which would likely be the same for Scott, if he ever came back. But he's kind of stated emphatically more than once that he has no plans to ever do so.

  • Love 1

And I've seen Scott Clifton, briefly, on B&B. Really....I think some good memories of him are pure nostalgia. Not that I think he's a horrible actor, but I don't think he's half as great as maybe some other people seem to remember. And I'll say again that I think the main problem with Dillon is the writing for him-or really,the lack of it. Writing which would likely be the same for Scott, if he ever came back. But he's kind of stated emphatically more than once that he has no plans to ever do so.


I can't speak to him on B&B, but Scott Clifton was really great on OLTL in 2009-10 as Schuyler, someone who had his quirks, but also had to deal with demons like a history with drugs and his mother committing suicide.


But to your larger point, I do think the problem with Dillon right now is less about the acting (not great as it is) and more about the writing, and the basic lack of purpose for the character. 

Edited by TeeVee329
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Whyyyyyy is Sam suddenly Nik's biggest cheerleader? WTF is wrong with the women writing this soap? Why are they so damn determined to write a Rebecca Budig/Nik romance?


It says "more than he has to". I think that means, "please don't murder him or toss him in jail, let's use it to get ELQ."

  • Love 1

I can't speak to him on B&B, but Scott Clifton was really great on OLTL in 2009-10 as Schuyler, someone who had his quirks, but also had to deal with demons like a history with drugs and his mother committing suicide.


But to your larger point, I do think the problem with Dillon right now is less about the acting (not great as it is) and more about the writing, and the basic lack of purpose for the character. 


But wasn't Farah Fath his main romantic co star on OLTL?

Farah is such a weak actress, even Ryan P would look better by comparison. I saw a bit and piece of OLTL when he was on it, and maybe my opinion would have been different had I watched his whole SL, but I really felt he was just playing Dillon.

Agreed again, it really is mostly about the fact that the writers don't seem invested in  giving Robert anything substantial of his own, to do.

Edited by IWantCandy71

I can't speak to him on B&B, but Scott Clifton was really great on OLTL in 2009-10 as Schuyler, someone who had his quirks, but also had to deal with demons like a history with drugs and his mother committing suicide.


But to your larger point, I do think the problem with Dillon right now is less about the acting (not great as it is) and more about the writing, and the basic lack of purpose for the character. 


SC's character on B&B sucks hard.  I don't know what actor could make that work, although there are times, when he's not in scenes with a love interest, where he's quite good, still.  His strength, I think, lies in the more quirky kind of characters as opposed to the bland pretty boy stuff that's being written for Dillon these days, so I don't know how good he'd be as Dillon today, given the writing.  I do think he'd be amazing doing the family scenes opposite JE, though.  

  • Love 4

But wasn't Farah Fath his main romantic co star on OLTL?

Farah is such a weak actress, even Ryan P would look better by comparison. I saw a bit and piece of OLTL when he was on it, and maybe my opinion would have been different had I watched his whole SL, but I really felt he was just playing Dillon.

Agreed again, it really is mostly about the fact that the writers don't seem invested in  giving Robert anything substantial of his own, to do.


There was a bit of Dillon at the base of Schuyler, but Schuyler was a more...mature?...adult?...character?  And yes, while Farah Fath's Gigi was his main romantic co-star, they actually had good chemistry and he got some good performances out of her vs. Fath with JPL.  He was also great with other actors/characters he interacted with, particularly Ilene Kristen his last week when their characters discovered they were mother and son.  Siiigh, Schuyler.


But yeah, we agree on the larger point - the show isn't properly investing in Dillon.  His role as a Lante spoiler fizzled out quickly, the show's only so interested in the Q's, he has no romantic interest (though that's preferably to the RUMORS about Kiki heading his way), so he's just kinda floating pointlessly.  Dropping Scott Clifton back in wouldn't fix any of that.

Edited by TeeVee329
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It says "more than he has to". I think that means, "please don't murder him or toss him in jail, let's use it to get ELQ."


I'd love her using the information to wrench ELQ away from him if she hadn't been offering him tea & sympathy for weeks. The idea that Jason/Sam -of all people!- are going to bond over mercy for gross Nik is stupid and aggravating

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Next week's spoilers: http://tvsourcemagazine.com/2016/04/general-hospital-spoilers-april-4-8-2016-edition/


Sonny and Anna are called out on their hypocrisy.


By fuckin' who?  And oh, it makes me sad to see Anna lumped in with Sonny.


Carly and Finn come to a new understanding.


I guess they really are trying to chem test these two.  ...why?

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Dante is concerned that their father may be looking for revenge on Carlos but Michael feels that Sonny wouldn’t do anything to put Sabrina and her baby’s safety at risk. Meanwhile, Carly reminds Sonny that going after Carlos could have negative ramifications.


If Michael can forgive Sonny for killing his father, hurting Sabrina is nothing. Spare me.


Ava comes home to something horrifying.



Carly and Finn come to a new understanding.

Carly promises she and anyone else will knock and wait for Finn to answer the door himself.

  • Love 6

I'm reading on Twitter that Maxie dumps, or at least considers dumping, Nathan over this Claudette bullshit. This drama between them is so forced, it's rivaling that Judge Naxie Spoiler garbage.

I think it's just wishful thinking on some people's part cause unless he is still married which he just said he wasn't why would she dump him. She ani't going too dump him for lying about something stupid, she don't operate like that.

She just going to be mad that he lied too her about being married in the past when she has been nothing but open about her past with him. She could give zero fucks that he use too be married or has some ? Things in his past if he was up front about it. Shit Her past is shady too. I see her going about her business after cooling down which is cowardly Julian sabotaging Crimson & her livelihood.

They're clearly making this shit up as they go along cause it don't make a lick of sense. I could come up with a better story then this. It's rooted in history, & it's character driven. 2 concepts they don't understand or comprehend.

  • Love 1

No, Michael, the mobster who forced your father to surrender his parental rights via meat hook, shot your mother during childbirth, made you collateral damage (which got you shot and in a coma and raped in prison), kidnapped a woman he loved (which you saw), murdered your father and lied to you about it for months, choked your grandfather, took advantage of a teen sex abuse victim, took advantage of a teen street kid, threatened to kill numerous women he "loved", shot your brother in the chest, slept with his alleged bff's sister, and probably makes subpar coffee would never evvvveeerr hurt the mother of the child of a man he believes shot him because you love her. Lol. Nah. You're good, kid. Keep eating that Yoplait and don't forget your Aveeno.

  • Love 11


Sam and Jason pursue a new theory in their investigation on Nikolas. The duo makes a discovery about Nikolas and Hayden’s disastrous past. However, Nikolas is still family and Sam does care about him regardless of his mistakes. Will she be able to convince Jason to show some mercy? Jason chooses love over hate.


I'm throwing up. 



Nathan makes a confession to Maxie about Claudette but is he telling her the whole truth?


Who cares. 



Ava comes home to something horrifying.


Ava comes home to find a crate filled with drugs and starts screaming and crying because she's never seen anything so horrible. 


Franco and Kiki work through their problems with art therapy.


When is someone going to kill Franco?

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 8

Sam and Jason pursue a new theory in their investigation on Nikolas. The duo makes a discovery about Nikolas and Hayden’s disastrous past. However, Nikolas is still family and Sam does care about him regardless of his mistakes. Will she be able to convince Jason to show some mercy? Jason chooses love over hate.


Sam and Jason pursue a new theory in their investigation on Nikolas. The duo makes a discovery about Nikolas and Hayden’s disastrous past. However, Nikolas is still family and Sam does care about him regardless of his mistakes. Will she be able to convince Jason to show some mercy? Jason chooses love over hate.



So Nik simply made a mistake. Right, show. Whyyyyy does Sam want to show him any sort of mercy? Nik and Liz have proven that they'd do everything exactly the same and screw Sam over again if they had the chance to do it over. Why is this show making Sam defend them??

Edited by LexieLily
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As a bodyguard? WTF why are these writers so dumb?

This is TFGH. Why do you need to ask this redundant question?

These dumbfuck hacks can't figure out one of the 1000+ ways to explain an actual reasonable excuse to pair Ava and Scotty. My 8 year old nephew could come up with a better lie. And that boy couldn't lie to save his life.

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