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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Also, I guess there is a rumor that Danny gets sick.  Just a RUMOR right now.


Maybe Jake puts ground glass in his apple juice.


I hope it's not a occurrence of his cancer since Dr. Silas "Your baby has cancer, laters!" Clay has left the building.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Do you know something that we don't? I haven't heard, nor read, that Jonathan said he would be back for brief stints. If he didn't do it before, like for the 50th anniversary, I can't see him doing it now. Just because his show is over, that doesn't mean he doesn't have other projects on his plate. And just because Kimberly agreed to come back for brief visits, doesn't mean that Jonathan will.


I understand why those that love Jonathan want him to come back as Lucky (Hell, he is the ONLY Lucky as far as I'm concerned and I love him to death, but I don't want him coming back to this craptastic shitfest unless I have a GUARANTEE that Sri Rao will be penning his dialgoue or that Jonathan himself will and that AIN'T EVER gonna happen), but I don't see it happening. Not unless this show is being cancelled and then he returns to say adieu.

No I don't, but the guy has kids and bills to pay and his music career isn't going anywhere.

No I don't, but the guy has kids and bills to pay and his music career isn't going anywhere.


I dunno, even if "Nashville" gets cancelled, I don't think he'd rush right back to GH.  He'd probably go out for pilots and continue touring with his music.


As for those Sam/Liz/Jason reveal spoilers...horrible.  No public outing of Liz's knowing?  Boo.

  • Love 7

The WSB never made sense to me for Robin or Lucky, though. These two seem to crave the stability (or Lucky did until he was decimated for...reasons) as a response to their chaotic lives growing up.


Especially for Robin, I think, since she lost both parents (or thought she did) because of that lifestyle.


Where Robin is concerned, since KMc was leaving, Scrubs could have just divorced post-Lisa (and I say this as one who likes them) and she would be free and off screen. A split would not have precluded a reunion if there was decent writing (Ha!) and Patrick atoned somehow...


And at this point, if JJ can't commit full time as Lucky (and why would he go back to GH now?), get a recast (assuming GV is not asked back).

While I agree in theory, I think its the best "excuse" to explain the characters not being around when the show doesn't want to recast.

And I don't think they should recast either. But Lucky staying away because of "the darkness" and Robin having been a endless prisoner is ridiculous. I'd much rather Lucky & Robin be mostly perpetually away on vaguely described dangers.

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Jason needs to fall off the dock into the harbor again, with his blood turning the water completely red. What a prick.

SBu's version was a total asshole to both women for years, and BM's version seems like a douchey bore from everything I've read in the episode thread. I mean, at least Sonny has dimples, Nik has money, and Patrick has a license to practice medicine. What the #### does Jasus have?

  • Love 3

SBu's version was a total asshole to both women for years, and BM's version seems like a douchey bore from everything I've read in the episode thread. I mean, at least Sonny has dimples, Nik has money, and Patrick has a license to practice medicine. What the #### does Jasus have?


A golden cock.


Seriously, I figure he must be an AMAZING lover, otherwise, yeah, what does he bring to the table? I mean, you'd think he'd be as selfish and passive in bed as he is everywhere else, but possibly that's his great talent?* I also fanwank that he's a carrier of some kind of STD that destroys a woman's sanity and intelligence.


*I frequently thought the same thing about John McBain. Not surprising, since McBain was basically OLTL's Jason Morgan, just like Ryan Lavery filled that role on AMC.

  • Love 4

A golden cock.


Seriously, I figure he must be an AMAZING lover, otherwise, yeah, what does he bring to the table? I mean, you'd think he'd be as selfish and passive in bed as he is everywhere else, but possibly that's his great talent?* I also fanwank that he's a carrier of some kind of STD that destroys a woman's sanity and intelligence.


*I frequently thought the same thing about John McBain. Not surprising, since McBain was basically OLTL's Jason Morgan, just like Ryan Lavery filled that role on AMC.


I seem to remember someone here (or TWOP at the time) saying, around the time AJ and Carly were getting together, that she was so blinded by wanting Jason that she may have built up how he was in bed, not wanting to admit that AJ was probably a lot better, both in 1997 and 2013.


I could be wrong, though.

  • Love 2
MHO, it would relatively easy and solve a lot of problems if Lucky joined the WSB and was 'on assignment' between Jonathan's stints.


It didn't do Frisco any favors.


Also, I guess there is a rumor that Danny gets sick.  Just a RUMOR right now.


We knew that was coming eventually. I'm surprised Joss hasn't had some sort of kidney-related illness, but I guess that's because the higher-ups put the kibosh on most of the kiddie stories. Just as well, since we probably wouldn't see Jax at all.

  • Love 3

So I guess some spoilers are out over at SZ from the new issue of SOD (Or SID, I get them mixed up)


What I read was Sam confronts Liz, and Jason arrives.  Liz denies it and tries to make Sam look crazy and jealous.  Jason says something "hateful" to Sam (something like "we are never getting back together") and throws her out.  He goes to see Sam while Liz is putting the kids to sleep, and Sam lays out all her info.  Jason arrives home and asks Liz point blank.  She confesses everything.


I hope when this fucker tries to apologize to Sam she kicks HIM out.  Asshole.


Also, I guess there is a rumor that Danny gets sick.  Just a RUMOR right now.


STFU Jason, you bitch ass bitch. The only reason why I don't wish for you to get stuck with Liez's crazy ass forever is because I don't want her to get what she wants. 

  • Love 7

I seem to remember someone here (or TWOP at the time) saying, around the time AJ and Carly were getting together, that she was so blinded by wanting Jason that she may have built up how he was in bed, not wanting to admit that AJ was probably a lot better, both in 1997 and 2013.



I could totally buy this.

  • Love 2

Are we supposed to see Robin this week?








What I read was Sam confronts Liz, and Jason arrives.  Liz denies it and tries to make Sam look crazy and jealous.  Jason says something "hateful" to Sam (something like "we are never getting back together") and throws her out.  He goes to see Sam while Liz is putting the kids to sleep, and Sam lays out all her info.  Jason arrives home and asks Liz point blank.  She confesses everything.




Surely this means that Sam will be clinging to the door-frame with her bitty little claws, sobbing and begging for her precious Jason to believe in her as he coldly pries her loose and then casts her aside as Liz smirks in the background while Cameron attempts to see if Jake's hair is flammable.


Oh what fun is sure to be had by all...


Jason is the biggest ass to have ever assholed in the history of assholedom. I hope Sam runs over his ballsack with his goddamn bike.

  • Love 5

I can fanwank that Jason and Brooklyn are having some tears while in-character talking about things changing because they know this is the beginning of the end of their characters playing father and daughter. I've gotten the impression the actors are very fond of each other. Also, Emma's talk with Spencer in the park (before the 'stranger danger' stuff) showed that it's not so much about thinking Sam is the best thing evvvaaa (as Patrick's been spouting), but more about happiness that there's a woman present in her home doing mom-type things with her and that Emma is afraid of her stable family environment getting destroyed yet again. That girl must be craving stability more than ever after losing her mother twice and losing Sabrina, too.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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I'm not disagreeing with you at all. That's what the story should be and it's probably what the crappy writers are "going for."

I'm just tired of the actual dialogue coming out of the characters' mouths. It won't be until mid-December when anyone gives a thought to Robin. Up until then, all we've heard is Patrick call her a mistake and tell Anna he's annoyed with trying to "understand her" and her possible PTSD. Emma was terrified Robin would come home and ruin Samtrick's wedding.

These are not characters that have showed even an inkling of missing her.

And, once again, we're getting another scene of Sam devastation while, on the SAME day, Robin will be shown being threatened for the billionth time.

I'm just over it. Plain and simple. They've wasted so much time and are continuing to do so. It's petttttty. It's obvious and hilarious. Frank ain't slick.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 6

 Emma was terrified Robin would come home and ruin Samtrick's wedding.

These are not characters that have showed even an inkling of missing her.


I think little Brooklyn has *tried* to play that Emma misses her mom/is sad in certain moments. I think maybe it was when Emma and Anna were talking about the upcoming wedding, Anna said something like 'Mommy is doing very important work that really matters to her (which sounded to me like the PC version of "Mommy's career is more important to her than you are" - I personally hated it because Robin's not you, Anna!). Emma looked like she was trying not to hear in that comment "Mommy doesn't love me," and put on a brave face like yes Grandma, I totally understand that. Emma said something about lighting a candle for Mommy. To me her "fear" of Mommy breaking up the Samtrick wedding is about the promise of permanent stability ending abruptly once again, only this time being certain Mommy wouldn't come home with her and stay. 


Then in the recent scene in the park, I could swear there was a forlorn tone to her voice when she told Spencer that her Mommy "went away" and that she just wants "everyone to be happy."  Also, children can feel when it's not okay to talk about someone to a parent. She probably doesn't talk to her Daddy about Mommy because she can feel his anger/disgust/frustration and doesn't want Daddy to be upset.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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I think little Brooklyn has *tried* to play that Emma misses her mom/is sad in certain moments.

I just need the dialogue at this point, though. I'm beyond the point of analyzing actors or analyzing these scenes. I want the words "I miss my mom" or "Why can't mom come home yet!?" out of her mouth. It shouldn't be this hard, especially since the reveal and KMc coming back.

  • Love 6

The spoilers for next week: http://tvsourcemagazine.com/2015/12/general-hospital-spoilers-december-7-2015-edition/


The big news?  We're getting two more weeks with Monica, that's FOUR in a row!  And I'm intrigued that she notices something funky about Sabrina's sonogram.


Oh, was the big news supposed to be Liz being exposed?  Meh.  The whole thing sounds so anticlimactic. 

Edited by TeeVee329
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something funky about Sabrina's sonogram.


I'm glad show is having Liz finally 'fess up. If her punishment consists of Jason yelling at her and then leaving her and Carly yelling at her (because that's what Carly does), and then Liz doing some hard thinking and getting some therapy, it might go some way towards mollifying the Liz fans. Hell, they might even start watching the show again!

  • Love 4

I'm glad show is having Liz finally 'fess up. If her punishment consists of Jason yelling at her and then leaving her and Carly yelling at her (because that's what Carly does), and then Liz doing some hard thinking and getting some therapy, it might go some way towards mollifying the Liz fans. Hell, they might even start watching the show again!


But what of us (and I was mostly pro-Liz previous to this story) who were hanging in there that this stupid story would at least end in a soapy, public denouncement where Liz and Nikolas were taken to task.

  • Love 3

But what of us (and I was mostly pro-Liz previous to this story) who were hanging in there that this stupid story would at least end in a soapy, public denouncement where Liz and Nikolas were taken to task.


They've already made Liez even more of a crazy loser than she already was so her fans are going to be mad regardless. At this point the least these people can do is cater to those of us who want to see her get her face slashed. 

  • Love 4

So Liz will get her umpteenth public flogging, but I don't get to see Monica pull out Carly's hair and beat the shit out of her. "Oh Monica so what if I covered up her bio son's murder and barely got a slap on the wrist, Liz lied to Jason and kept him a away from me...uh... you, Sam and Danny."

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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