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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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So if they're 6 weeks out in filming, that means they've filmed the Jiz wedding, right? And we've got no spoilers yet? WTF??

We were told several weeks ago that the Jason reveal was like a train roaring to its destination.

Which is soapspeak for "We're stringing you along until we've arrived at three miles past DoNotGiveAfuckAnymore."

  • Love 11

We were told several weeks ago that the Jason reveal was like a train roaring to its destination.

Which is soapspeak for "We're stringing you along until we've arrived at three miles past DoNotGiveAfuckAnymore."

Heh, true. I just wanna know whether it will be entertaining or not. For all the crap that was the reason for the HalloWedding, at least I was pretty entertained by the actual event and erbody's spot being blown up. I have no expectations that it will be satisfying. I want Nik and Liez exposed - how long they've each known, what they've done to protect the secret - and I want the end of Jiz. For good. And Liez and her children to get therapy. All of them. Nik needs to leave and take his bad ass kid with him. And that whole family needs to be stripped of whatever the fuck titles they've accumulated through the years. I say the townspeople of Wherethefuckever Island nation overthrow these mother fuckers and establish a democracy. Cassadine island gets turned into a museum, complete with a very alive Helena who refuses to leave, but because she's so old and frail, the children rebels surround her in a giant Red Rover circle while the museum is built up around her and she's eventually enclosed in glass just like the other museum pieces. Of course the new, democratic government would have to erect some sort of sound proof enclosure as they would get tired of listening to her same empty threats over and over.

Where was I?

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Either this show is wearing me down, or I dunno.... but I like HE now. I'm glad KA isn't Kiki now.



I like her better than KA as well. But it could be that they are showing her with flaws and cracks, like a real person. RC liked the vets, I'll give him that-and I don't think the new writers do. However-a lot of his new characters were one dimensional cardboard cut outs, Kiki among them. I'll take Kiki over her awful mother any day of the week. And I like her with Franco and Nina. They are doing *now* with her, what they should have done in the beginning-giving her a POV and purpose outside of whatever man she was chasing.


And about JVP possibly being back as Carlos. I am going to say that when they showed the newspaper headline of "the SAME Rivera twice", (about the Sonny shooting-did he shoot Sonny once before?) I thought-"is that a hint?" Because why that particular headline wording? And then I thought-JVP will be coming back, but as Carlos's TWIN or lookalike. He will either pretend to be Carlos, or the audience and the characters know from the get go he isn't Carlos, but he IS back to cause trouble. I think Sabrina will lie and say she and Carlos had one night together and that Carlos is the father of her baby-she thinks she's safe because she thinks Carlos is dead. Anna, Ava, and Paul all think they are safe, because they think Carlos is dead.

It smacks a little of Luis/Lorenzo Alcazar, but I think that's where they are going with this. OR-we find out that the man Anna killed wasn't Carlos, but the lookalike relative, who took Carlos's place so Carlos could escape, never expecting he'd be killed before he could get away, also. Which makes more sense, in terms of revenge, because the guy coming back really being Carlos brings more danger and emotional stakes.

Then again, it could be a one day dream sequence, and if so-that really sucks. I really like Carlos-he's a fun character.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I'd trade quite a few for JVP as well. And yeah he's kind of Telenovela, but that's part of the fun of the actor/character. The greasiness-it must always have a disclaimer. I think he's hot in spite of the greasiness, and heck ya he'd make a great Doctor at GH. Perhaps at the AJ Q clinic? Yes, please. That.


And if *I* were plotting this show, and the show was determined to make Paul a bad guy, I'd so put the Carlos doppelganger in Tracy's path so the two of them could gaslight Paul. I hate that there may be no turning back from Paul being a bad guy, but if that's not going to change, it MUST be Tracy or Dillon who brings him down.

Nothing else to me is acceptable.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 3

That's true, this Dillon isn't, but SC's Dillon wasn't all that bright, either. So it would have to be a sting with the three of them. I'd love it. Probably won't get it that way, but what fun it would be if we did. Ah, well. Can't have the viewers *enjoying* a storyline, much less one with a Q saving the day.

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I think Sabrina will lie and say she and Carlos had one night together and that Carlos is the father of her baby-she thinks she's safe because she thinks Carlos is dead. Anna, Ava, and Paul all think they are safe, because they think Carlos is dead.


Do Sabrina and Ava now know Carlos is dead, too?


I'd love it if JVP came back.  If he does, I hope it is as Carlos, as well as not Ghost!Carlos.

  • Love 1

Do Sabrina and Ava now know Carlos is dead, too?


I'd love it if JVP came back.  If he does, I hope it is as Carlos, as well as not Ghost!Carlos.


You know, I never really thought about it, but I guess everyone but Anna and Sloane believes Carlos is still alive? I wasn't really watching during the time Carlos was shot, and I just assumed everyone jumped on the Port Charles Viewmaster that allows everyone to magically know everything. Much like I just assume Tracy and the Q's  ALL know Ned wasn't Olivia's baby daddy and the baby is really alive. Even though we never saw that on screen. For reasons.

 Anyway- Paul doesn't "know" Carlos is dead, he only believes it because it's what Sloane told him. For all he knows, Carlos IS alive and well-which really makes him going along with blaming Carlos, kind of stupid. Finding a gun(if indeed he did find it?) don't mean diddly if you don't have a body with a bullet in it.

So  if everyone does think Carlos is still alive, it will be interesting if Sabrina does say he's the daddy of her baby. I wonder if it means Paul will play cat and mouse with HER, next.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 1

We need Dr Carl Os stat. I like to imagine JVP walks in and is like Sonny's new physical therapy doctor (which makes more sense than Serial Killer and Baby Snatcher Art Therapy 101). Sonny starts freaking out, then Dr Carl Os gives him a sedative, all "Calm down, Sonny. You're in good hands now." That is a Sonny clan story I could deal with. But I'd make the Carlos twins actual Lily relatives because I really enjoy the idea of JVP torturing them all as a kind doctor.

  • Love 3

We need Dr Carl Os stat. I like to imagine JVP walks in and is like Sonny's new physical therapy doctor (which makes more sense than Serial Killer and Baby Snatcher Art Therapy 101). Sonny starts freaking out, then Dr Carl Os gives him a sedative, all "Calm down, Sonny. You're in good hands now." That is a Sonny clan story I could deal with. But I'd make the Carlos twins actual Lily relatives because I really enjoy the idea of JVP torturing them all as a kind doctor.



We need any new doctors, stat. With my luck, JVP just came back to be a corpse or a "ghost".  But heh yeah him being a doctor ala Silas coming back as his twin, would be worth it for the look on Sonny's face alone.

  • Love 1

TeeVee329, your guy is coming back! Be HAPPY! :D


I am!  KEVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That moment of joy over, if Kevin is just here as a prop for Morgan's bipolar storyline, I will not be happy.  He better get scenes with Lucy, show.  Hell, I'd even take him mentioning that he and Lucy have started dating again off-screen.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3

I am!  KEVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That moment of joy over, if Kevin is just here as a prop for Morgan's bipolar storyline, I will not be happy.  He better get scenes with Lucy, show.  Hell, I'd even take him mentioning that he and Lucy have started dating again off-screen.


Currently on barge for a while, maybe forever.  But seriously, love Kevin and love John Lindstrom.  He is one hot older guy and I am not interested in young beefcake.  


What I don't love is Lucy, the character's self obsession and her aging sex kitten persona that she is locked into has me done with her.  Nothing against Lynn, I think she's great.  But Lucy is an annoying yawn of constant ridiculous histrionic drama.


What I would really love is if Kevin had a mature relationship with someone.  I could really go for truth-telling and over it Laura.  We have needed adults on this show for a long time. Both of those characters have seen some shit.  I'd like to see the POV of people who have grown the fuck up and make better choices.  If you are worried they aren't drama enough, let's see them snark on the other characters stupidity and bad choices.


I think Morgan's stupid bipolar is a good way to get Kevin back in the mix.  I think show will go there for now, and you are probably right about limited joy.  Please, Kevin, don't be yet another Sonny apologist.  That clown car is way too crowded.

Edited by Reo
  • Love 6

I wouldn't mind Kevin interacting with Laura.  I forget, is her Wig On A Stick disease physical or psychological?


But it's all about Kevin and Lucy with me.  I've always found them to be a classic case of opposites attract.  Ron definitely used Lucy too much as a Wacky Lady Of A Certain Age (i.e. Roxy), but I still love her and them.  And this might be the last shot to fix them because it's not like Jon Lindstrom's on lock.

  • Love 3
Dr Carl Os


It took me way too long to get this. I think all the rage blackouts are starting to give me brain damage.


Jon Lindstrom is back next week, which I guess means we are getting Morgan's bi-polar storyline.  Oh, joy.


Yay to JL returning; boo to why. He's very classy about returning.

  • Love 4

I wouldn't mind Kevin interacting with Laura.  I forget, is her Wig On A Stick disease physical or psychological?


But it's all about Kevin and Lucy with me.  I've always found them to be a classic case of opposites attract.  Ron definitely used Lucy too much as a Wacky Lady Of A Certain Age (i.e. Roxy), but I still love her and them.  And this might be the last shot to fix them because it's not like Jon Lindstrom's on lock.



I liked them when they lived in the lighthouse with the duck, oh lo, those many years ago.  Lucy had a good heart even though she did stupid shit, and they had quite the Lucy/Ricky thing going on.  But for me, Kevin has always been an intellectual and a therapist who isn't going to be successful unless he confronted his own demons (including a sociopath identical twin), and Lucy is....not.  It never made sense to me that he could patiently deal with all of her (not so amusing if you have to live with them) quirks through decades of marriage without insisting she get help.  It made total sense to me that he was over her during vampire days.


We've gotten kind of OT on this subject so I would like to say I don't blame you for loving what was, TeeVee329.  I'm just grasping at straws hoping the new writers will make better sense and feature some different types of characters instead of aging narcissists and clueless enablers (male AND female of both, our leads, ladies and gents) that is so prevalent on this canvas.  That's why I keep lurking in spoilers and hope to see something different coming up.


I know, I know.  Definition of crazy.

Edited by Reo
  • Love 4

If this show cared about the Qs, I'd wonder seriously if Ned weren't the character that's going to be presumed dead. I just find it odd that they are paying WK for a day's work to come back ONLY to break up with Olivia. There has to be more to it, whether anything happens to Ned or not. Let's just be real: the only reason Olivia was ever relevant, was when she was dating Sonny. She wasn't even really relevant as "Sonny's first baby mama", at least not more than about the first five minutes of that sl.  And I can't fathom WHY an onscreen break up is needed. She could have come back to town and announced they'd already broken up, she could have gotten a Dear Jane letter, there could have been a discussion with Tracy or Dante that she and Ned broke up.

But to bring WK back for a day just to cut ties with her? Spin it however-but there's more to Ned's one day appearance than "Hi Olivia, bye Olivia".  FV had to specifically get permission from Days/NBC to get Wally. There HAS to be a larger purpose at work here.

It could simply be that they want Ned's presence fresh on the audience's mind for when they recast him? (hopefully soon, because Ned is needed, *unlike Kristina and Josslyn*.)

If they can bring back ALL of Sonny's useless spawn and step spawn, they better give WK a scene with his brother and mother.

My bet is though, Ned's other interaction will be with Paul. And what comes of that, guess we'll have to wait and see.

Edited by IWantCandy71

Ned and Olivia weren't really a couple in the first place. They dated, but they'd only just started before the dead-baby lie started, and that's going to get busted sooner or later. They might as well resolve the Ned/Olivia situation before that. I don't need Ned involved any further in Olivia's idiotic plan. He was a dolt to get involved in the first place there.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Nah. It's Dr. Carl Os Rivers. He's from um the islands. He was adopted. And stuff. Oh and he does charity work and like owns a dog.


And he sits by the fire with his lady love, while they listen to music and the dog naps in the corner and he (Carlos, not the dog) feeds his lady strawberries with whipped cream. As jazzy music plays in the background.

  • Love 1

I dunno why they'd bother having Ned interact with Paul given this is definitely a one-day appearance and then he goes back to "Days" for the foreseeable future.  The relationship with Olivia is the dangling thread that needs to be snipped.


I'd love it if it went like this:


Ned: So, you wanna come back here and idiotically live in the same town as the bio dad of the baby you "adopted"?  After my daughter and I gave up our ELQ shares to keep your big secret?  And you're stanning for Sonny?  Bye, Felicia!


Felicia (sticking her head out of a closet): Did somebody say my name?

  • Love 12

I dunno why they'd bother having Ned interact with Paul given this is definitely a one-day appearance and then he goes back to "Days" for the foreseeable future.  The relationship with Olivia is the dangling thread that needs to be snipped.





Ned hated Paul back in the day, Ned was married to Jenny, and IF Ned were written in character, once he heard Paul was in town, he wouldn't pass up the chance to threaten him in regards to Tracy or Dillon. Perhaps no scenes with Paul-after all, it's the Qs we're talking about, not the Corinthii.

But there's something else up here. And if there's not, that's a glaring reason Frank could be let go. He just spent money to bring back an actor for a day's work to break up with someone. It even sounds stupid. Talk about a waste of funds-and it's Frank's job to NOT spend money that's not needed.

Ned hated Paul back in the day, Ned was married to Jenny, and IF Ned were written in character, once he heard Paul was in town, he wouldn't pass up the chance to threaten him in regards to Tracy or Dillon.


I get it, but the problem is, we know Ned's not coming back anytime soon.  So dropping him into the story if he's never actually going to be part of the story wouldn't seem like something that would take priority.

Edited by TeeVee329

I get it, but the problem is, we know Ned's not coming back anytime soon.  So dropping him into the story if he's never actually going to be part of the story wouldn't seem like something that would take priority.


That's exactly my point: why bother bringing him back at all? Olivia can be having a phone call with him that Alexis or Julian overhears where she talks about the baby being Leo. Instead, Frank is wasting money to pay an actor for one day of work for basically nothing.

And you are probably right, there's probably nothing more to it than that. He and Olivia will argue, Julian, Alexis, Ava or Paul will overhear it. The end.

I forget this show is run by people who don't care about anyone if they aren't mob related.  And I guess it makes me mad at myself that I'm stupid enough to bother thinking otherwise. *shrugs*

Edited by IWantCandy71

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