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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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That's random and weird. I guess they already used up her time during this Fluke storyline.


Honestly, I can't complain too much, I think it's weird they couldn't shell out some yogurt money for Bobbie to sit in the background, but she's been used well the past couple of months.

Edited by ulkis
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And Patrick will sing a song to Sam, professing his love and (probably) proposing marriage. Emma will be so happy and sing a song called "Daddy and New Mommy Rock!".

And then after Sam says yes to the proposal, a huge earthquake will hit. After the shaking, Sam spots her wedding ring, which miraculously traveled to the MC from the house. She turns to Patrick and says, "Jake said he saw two rings."

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The fuck, no Bobbie at the NURSES' BALL?!?!


I think that's fucked. What, do Franco and Nina need more time and chair space? I wonder if Liesl will be brought out of Recurring Monopoly Jail. I'd like to think Ron has tired of her the way he has so many, but I thought that of Sabrina too and here we fucking are. I think Obrecht is coming back in force soon.

Edited by jsbt
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Oh Obrecht will definitely be at the Nurses' Ball.  Hopefully she'll be the one to point out how Sabrina was fired from the hospital for trying to kill an unborn baby.


What they better not do is have Fake Kevin show up.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Yeah, that Nathan Varni fellow said she was coming back. I knew they were probably saving her up for the Nurses Ball. Maybe a piece of plywood will start falling on Nathan and Obrecht will push it away in time. It'll be the new "I wouldn't have tried to kill you if I knew you were my son".

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Oh Obrecht will definitely be at the Nurses' Ball.  Hopefully she'll be the one to point out how Sabrina was fired from the hospital for trying to kill an unborn baby.

Then can someone point out right after how she kidnapped and terrorized Robin? Sabrina at least seems remorseful (though I still don't want her as Avery's nanny).

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Everybody knows what Obrecht did to Robin.  Nobody seems to know, while lauding her as the heart and soul of the Nurses' Ball, that Sabrina got her ass fired for trying to kill a baby.


It doesn't even have to be Obrecht.  Kiki, Rosalie, somebody needs to ruin Sabrina's night since Britt will be out of town.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Rosalie is the least bad. Besides, even though it hasn't written up in the paper, it seems like it is common knowledge at this point, if Kiki's screeching is any indication. Since she was the bestest student nurse eva!!!,people would probably be curious why she was let go. Sabrina got a consequence for her action by being fired (though it wasn't jail time like it should have been), and Dr.O is the freaking chief of staff. How long has has had that position, shouldn't Monica dug down deep into her inner bitch and maneuvered way back into her old position? Neither have been on screen, it could one of those good storylines that takes place entirely off show.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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Well, Laura Wright is the best candidate to play Lena Eckert Spencer - moreso than the other existing actors playing original GH characters. Her character is actually the biological granddaughter of Lena Spencer, and the only descendant of Lena's who is age-appropriate to play her.


I must say I'm puzzled by the indignation over the ouster of Ian Buchanan. Duke is the original "mobster with the heart of gold" - a theme which is rightly held in contempt. It's not good enough for Sonny to be seen as beloved and rootable; it sure as hell shouldn't be for Duke. Plus, this character and actor was only ever brought back to life under the auspices of the current showrunners; before that he was barely a blip in the long history of GH, and that too not entirely played by this same actor. The "veteran" and "legacy character" designations confound me. I can't say I'm a huge fan of IB - since his return he has played Duke unconvincingly as a heterosexual. I don't know what it is because he was much better when he was on B&B. With the current portrayal, it would have made more sense for Duke to seduce Julian's gay son as revenge against the Jeromes.

Edited by Aymery
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I'm not upset really about Duke because the writers destroyed whatever was likeable about him so he can be Sonny's bitch.  One less of those is no skin off my nose.  What bugs me -as it was with AJ and Sean Kanan - why bring these people back from the dead if the only plan you have is to decimate them and then kill them off again?  Stop wasting viewer's time with that nonsense.  And stop bringing old characters/vets back when you have no real desire to actually tell a decent story with them.  Fans who loved Anna and Duke were pretty much screwed (just like those of us who liked AJ were screwed) and for what reason?  Another mob war?  So Duke can kiss Sonny's ass?


And this is all in the two minutes a month of airtime the guy gets - again why did they bother?

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Well, Laura Wright is the best candidate to play Lena Eckert Spencer - moreso than the other existing actors playing original GH characters. Her character is actually the biological granddaughter of Lena Spencer, and the only descendant of Lena's who is age-appropriate to play her.


All of that is true, and it's not like I think Laura Wright is without talent, it just caught me off-guard.  And now I'm scared we'll see Sonny cameo as Mumbles the hospital janitor.


As for Duke, I wouldn't call him "barely a blip in the show's long history".  His romance with Anna was very popular back in the day.  But I can't say I'm sad because Ron pretty much ruined Duke the last year or so.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I don't like what they've done to Duke.However in the day Duke was very popular and quite frankly the only Jerome that was popular was Olivia.However back in the day Duke was in the mob but it was more of a rectltant also the mob was considered bad back then.Robert wasn't considered horrible when he found out that duke was back in the mob and he took robin out of the house ect.

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I must say I'm puzzled by the indignation over the ouster of Ian Buchanan. Duke is the original "mobster with the heart of gold" - a theme which is rightly held in contempt. It's not good enough for Sonny to be seen as beloved and rootable; it sure as hell shouldn't be for Duke. Plus, this character and actor was only ever brought back to life under the auspices of the current showrunners; before that he was barely a blip in the long history of GH, and that too not entirely played by this same actor. The "veteran" and "legacy character" designations confound me. I can't say I'm a huge fan of IB - since his return he has played Duke unconvincingly as a heterosexual. I don't know what it is because he was much better when he was on B&B. With the current portrayal, it would have made more sense for Duke to seduce Julian's gay son as revenge against the Jeromes.

Back before the current crop of writers destroyed him, Duke was a palatable mob guy precisely because he wanted out but kept getting sucked back in and - even after he tried to do the right thing by turning states evidence - it got him killed. Being part of the mob was portrayed as a bad thing back then, and Anna's efforts to get him out of a life of crime were portrayed as a good thing. His death was a tragedy because he was trying to do the right thing but his mob connections doomed him.

It wasn't until Sonny's endless reign of terror that the mob shit got so out of hand and glorified. Even when Luke was mixed up with the mob in '79 and '80, it was portrayed as a bad thing and something Luke wished he could be rid of.

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Another sneak peek at today's episode:


Hold up...I thought Luke's childhood home exploded...

Considering all the shit this show asks us to swallow, I have no problem believing that the bomb only damaged the basement.

ETA: I have to give kudos to Laura, Becky, Jason, and Ryan. I don't see a trace of any of their regulars characters in those clips.

Edited by Tiger
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The 30 year old bones that the bomb was sitting on weren't destroyed. Sonny wasn't even bruised by the other bomb. I can believe that these limp, ineffectual sweeps bombs didn't affect the rest of the house

Edited by Oracle42
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So Frank Valentini tweeted this today...


@KarenJNTN @RebeccaLHerbst Liz's family will grow this summer... @GeneralHospital #GH


Sarah Webber?  Jeff Webber?  A new Steven Lars?  Her MIA mom? Cameron and Aiden being SORASed into moody teenagers?

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I could see them bringing back Steve for Olivia


Same here, especially since Ned is out sooner or later. 


SORASing the kids won't add to Liz's family, unless Jake didn't die in the accident and Helena whisked him away after the organ transplant. Actually, I kind of like that idea. Hee.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I too think Steven Lars is a good bet, to sub in for Ned with Olivia.


Frank Valentini's use of the word "grow" made me think it could be Cameron and Aiden being SORASed into lanky teens.

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Maybe the kid who played Young Luke today as a soras' ed Cameron?

I just posted this in the episode thread. He actually resembles Micheal a bit. He would've been a smart Morgan. But I can't see a world where Morgan is smart.

If Cam ages...... does this mean au revoir Old Man Kid Spencer?

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It better not be another baby. I can't take another baby story. I'm babied out until at least 2020.


Finally, something about Liz both her fans and haters DO agree on! ;) 

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I bet BH agrees, even though Liz has only two kids. 

I  miss back in the days when characters didn't have babies.I mean can you imagine how many kids alan and monica would have had if someone like RC had been writing or Robert ect.I mean in the last decade its like they don't do anything but give characters baby stories sonny is the worse.

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The actresses don't like baby stories much, I don't think. If  it's a story pregnancy, they have to wear the padding, which by all accounts is uncomfortable; if they're pregnant IRL, they have that to deal with. And there are union rules about how long they can work (and likely what they can do), so the pressure is really on to get their scenes done before they have to leave.

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Scott Reeves was a terrible Steven Lars. If they do bring back SL, please recast.


If they do bring him back, just for my own personal amusement, he has to still wander around shocked - SHOCKED! - that Lisa Niles turned out to be a homicidal maniac.  He was such a moron in that storyline.  

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