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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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I do think we got a little bit of AJ with Cameron and Aiden.  I recall super cute scenes of Liz, AJ, and Aiden in the park on Patricia Spencer's favorite holiday.




Damn I miss them.  Why the show ruined that, I'll never understand.  

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GV's Lucky had a warmth that I don't think JJ's ever did, though his was the most soulful by a mile. If Guza hadn't resented writing for someone other than JJ, I think GV's Lucky could have been a genuine success. But we got Larry instead.


He fine in his regular scenes but he was awful when required to actually do something. He was bad in the drug story. imo. He would have been fine as another character I think but not as Lucky.

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He fine in his regular scenes but he was awful when required to actually do something. He was bad in the drug story. imo. He would have been fine as another character I think but not as Lucky.


I was rooting for GV because I adored Lucky but he was bad. I don't think Guza resented writing for a non-JJ Lucky, I think he resented writing for a hair model who never showed a trace of real acting ability - he was basically RP except with an ability to actually generate chemistry and occasional connection with his scene partners

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Because AJ was fat, of course.


I remember actually feeling positive about the show back then.  We had AJ and Liz.  We had Michael bonding with AJ and rooting for him to be with Liz.  And then it just all went to hell.  

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I was rooting for GV because I adored Lucky but he was bad. I don't think Guza resented writing for a non-JJ Lucky, I think he resented writing for a hair model who never showed a trace of real acting ability - he was basically RP except with an ability to actually generate chemistry and occasional connection with his scene partners

I don't agree. JJ's Lucky likely would have been Jason's best friend and all mobbed up had JJ stayed in the role.

GV's Lucky was, for the most part, a respectable member of society and Guza's second favorite punching bag, after BW's AJ.

And GV on his worst day was better than RP is.

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I don't think Guza could've gotten away with putting Lucky in the mob, he was too much Laura's son for that but I am grateful that Guza's feelings for GV's Lucky made it possible for Lucky to be a cop instead

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I don't think Guza could've gotten away with putting Lucky in the mob, he was too much Laura's son for that but I am grateful that Guza's feelings for GV's Lucky made it possible for Lucky to be a cop instead

I agree there.

I'm sure Guza didn't intend for me to root for GV's Lucky as an Everyman, but that's exactly what I did. I hadn't rooted for Lucky since 1998, but I started rooting for him again.

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Is Ric still in town? Have he and Elizabeth shared any scenes since the Ball where Carly exposed his scheme?

If he is still around, I hope he is present when Liz is exposed. She'll need at least one person to try to shield her, especially from Carly.


I would hope that Laura would reach out to Liz and show her compassion, since she knows what it is like to do something horrible in the course of a psychotic break.

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I would hope that Laura would reach out to Liz and show her compassion, since she knows what it is like to do something horrible in the course of a psychotic break.


Laura has already shown her more compassion IMO then is necessary by keeping Liz's secret and not looking at her with contempt for the stunt she's pulling. Liz may be cray cray right now, but she's not having an actual psychotic break. What Liz is doing now doesn't even compare to Laura legitimately going crazy and being a wig on a stick for years. Liz knows damn well what she's doing is wrong, but she doesn't care because she's determined that the universe owes her Jason and she's doing anything to hold on to him. Though I'm sure the show will try and trot out the "Liz is too crazy to be held responsible for her actions" thing again and she'll skate like she has time and time again.



I was rooting for GV because I adored Lucky but he was bad. I don't think Guza resented writing for a non-JJ Lucky, I think he resented writing for a hair model who never showed a trace of real acting ability - he was basically RP except with an ability to actually generate chemistry and occasional connection with his scene partners


I loved GV. I thought he was great in the drug storyline and he was the first Lucky I ever truly rooted for and loved. I would take him ten times over JJ's Lucky. And, I seriously doubt, that Guza's reluctance to write properly for GV was because he was a hair model who couldn't act. It's not like they couldn't have fired him at any time before that if that was his problem with him. And GV's Lucky got pretty much the same treatment as BW's AJ and BW was a wonderful actor. Plus, it's not like lack of talent held them back from writing for NL's Emily.

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RC made all of the people who care about Liz complicit. Laura, Lucky and Nik know what she's doing and haven't told the truth. The "whole town" isn't going to shame her but Jason's family and friends are going to be angry. She's probably also going to get some side eye from her co-workers because she took home an amnesiac patient, kept his identity from him,  and tried to marry him knowing he was already married.

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Welp, I'm done with this shit show. Just read on Twitter that Jason stays with Liez because he still doesn't have his memories. These asshats have had A YEAR to get this shit right, and they still fucking it up. I love me some Billy Miller, God knows I do. But Jason, and Uncle Frank, and Varni, and the new writers/sycophants can eat a dick. This Nielsen family is out.

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Welp, I'm done with this shit show. Just read on Twitter that Jason stays with Liez because he still doesn't have his memories. These asshats have had A YEAR to get this shit right, and they still fucking it up. I love me some Billy Miller, God knows I do. But Jason, and Uncle Frank, and Varni, and the new writers/sycophants can eat a dick. This Nielsen family is out.


Jason's bitch ass probably doesn't even get mad at her SMH. 

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I guess the truth about Elizabeth, and others, knowing he was Jason isn't coming out yet?  ::sigh::  That's your payoff, writers!  The fallout from that!  Are they going to string us along till the next sweeps, or longer?  Oy.

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I can definitely see this happening. When I saw the rumor that Carly discovers and out the truth, I suspected something like this. Carly will only know about Lake being Jason, not the lies of Nik, Liz, and by default Lucky and Laura.

TPTB probably think this is a great tension filled story full of secrets that they can play out for Spring sweeps. NOT!

GH knows how to drag shit out way past it's expiration date. I can't tell you how many people have said they just want this Jakeson story to end yet they find the most predictable and lamest way to extend it longer.

At least, I now know Robin's well being won't be tied into this schlock. I have no doubt she would have been kept a prisoner with Patrick fighting for Sam's love. There's a reason they gave him that line about wishing Jason were alive, so he could fight him for Sam.

I'm even happier JT decided to leave this shitfest.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Yeah, folks were freaking out and other rumors popped up. One says the wedding plays out from Nov. 4th thru Nov. 12th, and Jason finds out that Liez lied beginning on the 11th. I will watch the shit play out if he doesn't stay with Liez. Othetwise, if he knows she lied to him for 6 months and still chooses to stay, then he's a chump and I don't want Sam anywhere near him.

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What's the source of the rumors/spoilers? Although I could see how they'd change the reveal of Liz's lies if they could no longer do the Sam/Jason/Patrick triangle. I dunno. I think they should just get it all out in the open. They've waited too long with this anyway. Viewers have to be sick of it.

But I'm just happy I no longer have to watch The Brady Bunch aka Samtrick and their brats after Tuesday, so I'm not that hard to please.

Edited by HeatLifer
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The bigger problem for me is that just because Jakeson finds out he's Jason doesn't mean he'll instantly get those memories back. Knowing Liz lied to him won't do that, either. The show has kind of tied those two things together, but we haven't seen Jakeson have flashbacks or feelings of déjà-vu or anything that might show his memories are returning. So to a certain extent, the identity reveal and Liz's lying is the least of it. 

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What's the source of the rumors/spoilers? Although I could see how they'd change the reveal of Liz's lies if they could no longer do the Sam/Jason/Patrick triangle. 


No one has any interest in doing a legit triangle with Sam/Jason/Patrick so Robin coming back and Patrick leaving should make it even easier for them to resolve this shit. Patrick and Sam can spend a few weeks going through the motions and then Patrick and Robin will get a rushed HEA and leave town. Jason gets his memory back and reunites with Sam while Liez checks into Shadybrook. Of course, these writers don't know how to make good choices so obviously Jason won't get his memory back and will choose to stay with Liez, prolonging this trash story even longer. 

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I think there is a spoiler for this week that Jake(son) feels a major rush of deja-vu, but yeah,  I don't think his memories coming back anytime soon.


But again, because Jake(son) already likes all the important people in Jason's life, there' s no drama in his memories coming back.

Edited by TeeVee329
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But again, because Jake(son) already likes all the important people in Jason's life, there' s no drama in his memories coming back.


Getting his memories back would put an end to the disgusting Jakeson/Liez "relationship" and Liez would be left out in the cold where she belongs. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
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I think there is a spoiler for this week that Jake(son) feels a major rush of deja-vu, but yeah, I don't think his memories coming back anytime soon.

But again, because Jake(son) already likes all the important people in Jason's life, there' s no drama in his memories coming back.

If TPTB really wanted to throw in a good twist, they would have a reveal where it turns out that Jake knew he was Jason all along and did the amnesia thing because he was sick of being a Borg and wanted to push the reset button on his life.

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Um...so...where is the part where Liez gets dragged? If Nik is getting his ass beat I expect the same for stalker nurse.

I'm sure it's coming. Maybe not in that moment, but if Liz then pretends not to know? The dragging will be even more epic when that truth comes out.

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I would bet on Jason and Sam being back together for Christmas or NYE at the latest. The show is clearly putting all its eggs in that old basket.


I will watch the public reveal from when it first airs (this Friday?), but my main focus is waiting on Liz to get clowned and then Robin's return. If they space those out I have little inspiration to watch daily.

Edited by jsbt
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I would bet on Jason and Sam being back together for Christmas or NYE at the latest.

That's what I think, too. And he'll have his memories by then. Mostly bc I don't see Robin being back and her not interacting with a fully back Jason.

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It might play differently during the actual episode, but how Billy Miller played the "I'm Jason...Jason Morgan" moment is...not good.


I don't see Laura there.  I wonder if Liz locked her in a broom closet or something.  I do see Lucas though, and sans a date?

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I like the color of Sam's dress, and Liz looks pretty.  I really hope Liz is outed although it doesn't seem that way from the promo.  I feel like Sam would be more upset.  

Edited by tallyrand
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Sam is so matter-of-fact about it. I expected more emotion from her than her basically saying "Duh!" to Patrick.

Right? I expected blubbering gross tears from both of them, but nothing. Maybe they just didn't show that part? Who knows.

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The second should be - holyfuckingshit, I have to call Anna

Pretty much. If they want a fan like me to believe any type of Scrubs reunion, they need to have him all about her safety and whereabouts the SECOND he knows about Jason.

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It might play differently during the actual episode, but how Billy Miller played the "I'm Jason...Jason Morgan" moment is...not good.


I don't see Laura there.  I wonder if Liz locked her in a broom closet or something.  I do see Lucas though, and sans a date?


Laura already said she wasn't coming.

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I'll guess he grabs Nik because he knows now that he's Jason and he remembers the scene with himself, Nik, Patrick and Sam at Patrick's house about Jason's wedding ring. Jason had a problem with controlling his anger, so realizing his ex brother-in-law Nik has known for so long prompts the rage.  

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That spoiler doesn't really surprise me.  I've been saying all along that him being told he's Jason isn't going to change his feelings instantly.  Deciding he needs to get away and figure out where he goes from here is probably the smartest (and most proactive) thing he'll have done since he woke up as "Jake." 

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If this is true, and Liz doesn't get her much-deserved comeuppance, I'm going to be po'd.

That entire thing reads like insane, badly written fanfic...but I thought the same thing when I read the Zombie!Jake spoilers.

Why would TIIC want to have any movement on this incredibly compelling story when they can stall it completely and drag it out for several more months?

Edited by Oracle42
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I hope Billy lands a pilot, exercises the out in his contract, and ditches this sewege thinly disguised as a tv show.

Then Uncle Frank will have to pay Constance to strut back on set in her white queen furs to explain that "Jake Doe was never Jason Morgan, you see . . . [iNSERT COMMERCIAL BREAK] . . .and that's the whole story".

Edited by Tiger
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ETA: If Connie Britton can find time to tape another tv show, I dont see why JJ can't do a few eps of GH a year. Get him in the studio for a day or two and crank out material for 3-5 eps.Put Lucky in the WSB, leave "the darkness inside" crap to OUaT, and move on.

ETA 2: Similarly, the show needs to go let Robin/Patrick/Emma go live happily off-screen in some other city. Depending on Kim and Jason's schedules, bring in Robin and/or Patrick for a few episodes a year to visit Anna for Christmas (or she visits them) or for a specific story.

Other actors (and other entertainers) juggle multiple projects. With block taping, I don't see why this is so difficult.


I don't agree with this. It sounds like the actors owe the viewers and are obligated to return to this shitshow, just because the writers aren't able to write the characters that are no longer on this show, decently. JJ has found success in prime time. I am happy for him.  He returned when Luke left because Geary was his mentor and they are good friends.  Kimberly keeps returning because she loves the cast and crew and does it for the fans, although I have to wonder about the last, because as a diehard Robin fan, I HATE what happens and is done to Robin in her past two returns. They don't have to do anything. If there is a need for Lucky, then recast the character; and I say this as someone who loves JJ and for me he is the ONLY Lucky. And now I'll wear my hypocrite hat and say I won't buy or accept a Robin recast. Not that I'll be watching once she's gone after her next return next month.




Now, if this show had good writers and runners who actually cared about its history, characters and success? I'd be first in line wanting my favorites to come back. But it doesn't, so that's why I don't want them back. I'm happy that Tristan is coming back for a visit, because that way, they can't fuck up his character. Or at least I hope they won't.  I want the RobertFucking!Scorpio of 2012 and 2013. 


But that's just me.  and my two cents, for whatever it's worth.

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If this is true, and Liz doesn't get her much-deserved comeuppance, I'm going to be po'd.


I honestly don't buy that article. Not only does it seem to come from a huge Liz apologist, but there's a mention in there about things being complicated because of a quickie elopement between Sam and Patrick. When exactly would that have happened? There's no way they eloped anytime recently and there's no time for it with the wedding about to take place. Plus, how would that really complicate things since Samtrick wouldn't legally be married anymore than Liz and Jake would be.


I can see Jason being conflicted and still having feelings for Liz after the reveal if he doesn't get his memories back and doesn't know what Liz did, but I can't see him wanting to stay with her after finding out about all of her lies. Especially since Jake has been constantly harping about the importance of loyalty and honesty.

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