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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Franco needs to be killed, and there needs to be gore with brain matter, guts and severed limbs all over the place so there is NO QUESTION he's dead.


Now that Ron's left the building, we'd hopefully be spared the "Helena" in five (actually four) years.

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At this point, I actually enjoy Silas more than most of the characters, but idgaf if he's killed. Hell, they can kill literally anyone and I'm not gonna shed a tear. Well, maybe for Laura. She's my new fave.


I think they need to cut out all the newest characters/RC pet projects first really. Franco really needs to be #1 on the list.

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As long as they kill Silas and Franco I don't care who goes first. They can line them up against the wall with Kiki, Nina, etc.


He may have less airtime than he used to but he still has absolutely no reason to be here sucking up precious Frank Valentini seconds which can go to someone, anyone else.

Edited by jsbt
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He may have less airtime than he used to but he still has absolutely no reason to be here sucking up precious Frank Valentini seconds which can go to someone, anyone else.


This is very true. But it is literally seconds, so like I wish they would've went for some of the useless, terrible characters that are sucking up days of airtime. But yea beggars can't be choosers so I'll take what I can get!

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I'm not big on Silas (though I do enjoy his occasional snarky one-liners), and he's most definitely welcome to go at any time.  But he's barely noticeable in comparison to other, more offensive characters, IMO.  (In fact, he could just go to the attic to polish his skis one day and never come back, and I don't think anyone -- characters or most of the audience -- would even notice.)  At least he's not constantly in my face as a gentle farmer SERIAL KILLER trying to rescue his batshit crazy, womb-ripping fair damsel.  He's easy enough to ignore.  But I do agree that he needs to go.

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But it is literally seconds, so like I wish they would've went for some of the useless, terrible characters that are sucking up days of airtime.


I say seconds because that's how long most scenes are for most characters.


He should have been disposed of over a year ago, quickly and summarily, so I'm not going to give them any stick for finally getting around to doing it now.

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(In fact, he could just go to the attic to polish his skis one day and never come back, and I don't think anyone -- characters or most of the audience -- would even notice.) 


LOL. They should do that with most of the characters really. Like kill Franco for sure, and violently, but the rest of them are so meh they should just pretend like they never existed in the first place. I'd accept it!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Silas doesn't need to be killed off. He's boring but inoffensive. Just let him leave town.

I like ME, but for real, send Silas off to NYC, where he can talk offscreen to Lauren, who does not need nor deserve the story a murder mystery would give her.

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I cannot believe I am even semi-defending Liz's existence, but the fact that her parents have not been on in 18 years of Liz as a character tells me no regime really gives a shit about her. She is a utility character. Yes, L&L2 put her in the spotlight, but in most everything else, Liz has morphed into "spoiler for the destined couple" and not much else.


I think she is only still here because of her fanbase. Especially since BH was fired, at one point. But unless the character has some sort of epiphany, even if she stays, I think she is basically screwed as she is forever stuck in that rut.


I wonder if part of the reason Jeff Webber was never recast is because of the fact that he was played by Richard Dean Anderson, who, needless to say, had enough success after GH with MacGyver and Stargate that he never has to return again, so no one ever bothered bringing Jeff on at all. That said, I could have seen Frank and Ron at least (fool-heartedly) trying to get him on the show. 


Funny story: Becky's RL husband (the former VHJuan!) once said in an interview that he saw RDA at a Starbucks and introduced himself by saying, "Hello! I'm married to your daughter."


Any bets RDA had no idea what he was talking about? :P

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I need RAPIST SERIAL KILLER & WE (-2) NEVER CARED to either die or vanish, either option immediately.  If I log onto this board at work and read that they're gone, no joke I will jump on top of my desk at work and do the Chandler Bing dance I don't care who sees.  And then when I get home, Ill park my car and then do cartwheels down my street!


Ron, Roger, and Michelle can carpool to the unemployment office, IDGAF!

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I am just hoping it isn't Ric.  I need him to stay around so a) I don't have to listen to Molly whine and cry and b) once Liz's lie is revealed he can call her out on her complete hypocrisy about his lies to keep her. 


Silas hasn't bothered me much since he left Sam's orbit, but I am not sad to see him go.  I'd rather it be Franco or Kiki, but I'll take it.

Edited by mybabyaidan
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In other news, do we think the stuff being filmed this week with Lucy and supposedly her daughter is gonna get scrapped?  Or, since JP is in place in some capacity already, is that gonna continue?


That's a good question, actually. I just remembered this, but Lynn had a very brief stint on ATWT* during the last year or so of that show (and she got to work with Stuart Damon again, too!), when Jean would have been there, so it's possible it might continue. 


*I want to say there was a meta "I know you" scene between her and Jon that I saw on YT once, but I can't remember. 


ETA: Kin was on ATWT at one point, too. He may have been in on a meta scene like that himself.

Edited by UYI
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I am just hoping it isn't Ric.  I need him to stay around so a) I don't have to listen to Molly whine and cry and b) once Liz's lie is revealed he can call her out on her complete hypocrisy about his lies to keep her.


Ric has no place to call out Liz on anything. Fake marriage to Nina, anyone?

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Seriously, how are they gonna fix her? Trot out another dying cancer patient for her to bond with?

I would go with mental breakdown after Jake's "death."

As a mother, it isn't that difficult to imagine a mother slowly becoming unhinged after the Seth of a child. Jake being discovered alive wouldn't automatically repair the mental break.

Every character has lost it at some point and done something the majority of the audience swore would be unforgivable. A good writer can get her out if this.

They need to call Sri Rao. Take him out, get him drunk, and ask him for ideas.

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Ric has no place to call out Liz on anything. Fake marriage to Nina, anyone?


I know of all of his misdeeds, I still want to see his reaction to learning she is doing exactly what she condemned him for.  

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I would go with mental breakdown after Jake's "death."

As a mother, it isn't that difficult to imagine a mother slowly becoming unhinged after the Seth of a child. Jake being discovered alive wouldn't automatically repair the mental break.

Every character has lost it at some point and done something the majority of the audience swore would be unforgivable. A good writer can get her out if this.

They need to call Sri Rao. Take him out, get him drunk, and ask him for ideas.

Apparentely someone tweeted sri and told him they wished he was the new headwriter and he said nobody asked him.

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Let Nik stay away from her and get his own day of reckoning. He should be raked across the coals as much as Liz. Sam, at the very least, needs an opportunity to read him the riot act. He's the one who knew the earliest who Jakeson really was.



I think Nik needs to be raked over the coals a lot more than Liz.  Liz is doing this one thing, and it's most likely going to be explained as some kind of mental/emotional breakdown in response to things like Jake's "death."  Nik is, so far as we've been shown, just being a selfish, greedy bastard.  And he's actually orchestrated a lot of shit, like the takeover of ELQ, where Liz basically had her lie fall into her lap. I don't actually expect Nik to get more shit than Liz (or even as much), because that's not how this show rolls, but I'm going to be pissed when it ends up that he basically gets a "tsk tsk, you naughty boy!" while Liz spends a while having people screaming "Lying Whore!!!" as she walks down the street. 

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I haven't watched in ages so he very well might be but at least Silas has a connection to GH/PC history.  


You mean through his "vampire" twin brother nobody's mentioned since his first day?


I'm fine with Silas gone in any manner - murdered, moves away, his rocket crashes on the way to his home planet, any and all of those work for me.

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You mean through his "vampire" twin brother nobody's mentioned since his first day?


I'm fine with Silas gone in any manner - murdered, moves away, his rocket crashes on the way to his home planet, any and all of those work for me.


Saying that I loved Port Charles so the sight of ME doesn't make me furious would have been a better way to clarify my feelings re: Silas versus Franco and Kiki and most of the newer additions to GH.  (Although John McBain actually worked better as a character.)  I stopped watching even sporadically when Michelle Stafford was brought on and I'm not sorry - I've seen enough clips to know it was the right thing to do personally.  I just don't like the idea of them killing Silas as long as Franco and Kiki are still breathing. :-)

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My hope is the first thing the new writers do is get rid of the following characters: Nina, Rosalie, Kiki, Ava/Denise, Sabrina, Madeline, Nathan (sorry, cute doesn't cut it), Obrecht, Franco and Hayden. None of them are necessary or legacy characters - bye bye.


On one hand, I don't disagree with your cut list.


But I am also one who is leery that every character MUST be a legacy character, part of a legacy family.  Maxie's love interest, for example, doesn't have to be a Spencer or a Cassadine or whatever to work, he just needs to be interesting.

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  Maxie's love interest, for example, doesn't have to be a Spencer or a Cassadine or whatever to work, he just needs to be interesting.


So, Nathan can go then? I'd still like to see Maxie/Lucky if there was a good recast but anything besides a big, dumb hunk would be fine.

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Eh, Nathan's the least objectionable to me on most of these lists.  And I fear that his ejection would make room for Spinelli (NOOO!).  So I'd keep him for now and ditch the rest of his nutty family.


You know, I wouldn't mind him and Maxie getting mixed up in the Brad and Lucas story, especially if that meant we could lift Felix out of it.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Brad needs to go too. If they refuse to bring on another gay/bi character I would accept talking tree sticking around if they made him bi and put him with Lucas. Make him a physical therapist or personal trainer so he can work at the hospital.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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We don't want to over-moderate you good folks to death, but this is still going off topic. As above, characters who should go/be fired belongs in the spec thread. This is just for outright spoilers or rumors, to clarify. So please use the spec thread for candidates to be torpedoed.


Carry on!

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What's Rosalie's secret?


I know. It's...zzzzzzzzzzz. (I think everyone forgot.) But until it is in the mags, it is also spec, assuming not everyone is bored to tears and wants to. LOL.

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What's Rosalie's secret?


Everything about her secret is boring af! I could care less unless it involves a way to get rid of Franco, Nina, Kiki, Ava, etc. 


Honestly, I just got bored reading those spoilers. Another missed week for me. 

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Her secret is, the revolving door is for her. Bye ,bye Rosilie. Her so called secret is moot. She should accompany nina on her way out. She came with her, she should leave with her.

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I think originally Roslie's secret was that she's transgender but B & B beat GH to that punch. Thank God because that doesn't need to be campy much less as campy as Ron would have made it.

They should have dropped Kiki altogether when KA left. Kiki could have just left town after Ava "died" and she decided the man who wanted to murder her mother was the father-of-the-year.

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Yes, please. Let's kill a doctor while serial killers and mobsters live carefree. That's excellent writing for General Hospital. No.

Kill Nina. Kill Franco.

And please add Kill Sonny and Carly to the list. Then we might have a show again!

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I had to laugh at "Oh no, we're losing a doctor!" because, really, Silas was pretty much McBain with a stethoscope and Michael Easton was never believable as a doctor.


Those Sam/Silas fans who somehow keep them on the top of SOD's couple lists or whatever must be losing it.

Edited by TeeVee329
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But, also, the hospital is like, a non-factor. We only see it when Liz is in street clothes, using the computers to probs check her email. And then Patrick walks up (like he just haphazardly put on his white coat) to gossip about patients or Jakeson or Sam. And then Sam is always walking around the hallways to "pick up Patrick" but never seems to find him.

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