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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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The Little Women embark on a booze cruise, but it's not all smooth sailing. Traci accuses Briana of lying about why she didn't attend Traci's wedding, but are Briana's mysterious medical reasons true? Terra gets an offer that could change her career, but it would require a huge sacrifice she might not be willing to make. And the baby race is on between Elena, Christy and newly married Traci. But after a pregnancy test comes up positive, the question is, who's pregnant?!?



The Triple T's aren't as tight as they used to be, as Traci and Tonya begin to question Terra's loyalty. And when Traci gets the news she's been dreaming of, she struggles with whether or not to tell her best friend Terra. Hoping to change her luck with men, Briana takes a chance on a guy she met online. But when he flies in to stay with her for a week, will her parents think he's taking advantage of her? And when Christy throws a barbeque, some of the secrets she's been spreading around the group come back to slap her in the face.

It's after 10pm EST so we can talk right? 


Well not who I expected to be pregnant.  I'm glad the show is back.  I'm shocked she went to Elena first.  Looks like trouble for Terra next week going to her too (thanks Christy?). Not a fan of Joe's last season and still not one now.   While I didn't care for Terra's first single - or video, I kind of want to hear the other songs.

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My jaw dropped at Terra's pregnancy announcement. I just wasn't expecting it, but I am happy for her. I hope she can deliver safely. I was surprised she told Elena first...I thought her and Tonya were really close off-camera?


I just really don't like Christy. I saw the reunion episode before the premiere and I thought it was tacky of her to be so dismissive of Traci's feelings, re: how Christy acted towards her when she was an alcoholic. She kept acting like Traci should get over whatever hurt is there because she's been sober (allegedly) for 5 years.

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I was looking forward to this silly show but this episode didn't hold my attention the whole way through. The previews for the season look good though. 


Did anyone else think, that during the previews, Elena didn't look happy when they show her taking off her red jacket/top on stage? I remember during Terra's stage show, Elena likes to keep her stage shows classy, so I'm thinking she didn't want to be up there faux-stripping. 


Joe's reaction to the pregnancy was the opposite of supportive and loving. Still don't know why Terra thinks she has to settle with him. I see nothing redeeming about him at all. 


I don't know why everyone jumped down Brianna's throat about not going to the wedding. I think the most truthful part was that being single, she didn't want to have other people's happiness rubbed in her face. But that's a painful thing to say outloud, and they would have probably said she needed to get over it. 


I don't like Terra's long hair. I think short hair suited her much better.


Elena has the best style. Christy is hilarious, and Tonya is too judgmental for my taste. 

  • Love 2

Suffice it to say not who I expected to be pregnant. While Joe's reaction wasn't the best I think he was just in shock and we may see a change later on.

I really felt bad for Brianna, she was very supportive of everyone in season 1 and it did seem as if they were just piling on her. Her health issues are her business and she shouldn't be pushed into saying anything in an open forum. Did not like Traci that much this episode, she could have been more understanding.

Surprisingly I liked Christy a lot this episode. She was less "loud". She has her ring so she's happy.

Looks like Trevor will be up to some shenanigans based on the preview. I do wonder is he's in this relationship to be on TV.

Edited by bluvelvet

I binge watched season one on Thursday and found the show entertaining. I was disappointed though that in the Season One recap, I could totally tell Terra was pregnant, so it gave away the premiere. I hope that means her baby is healthy. Though I felt bad for her with Joe's reaction. If he doesn't come around, let's hope she wishes up and doesn't stay with him just because she's pregnant.

I don't know what to think about Christy...she seems rather immature to me. It seems she's in a competition with Traci over every aspect of their lives. Such a turn off from a supposed friend.

Looking forward to more episodes, I guess I've got another reality show on my schedule now!

Edited by CSunshine76
  • Love 1

I really felt bad for Brianna, she was very supportive of everyone in season 1 and it did seem as if they were just piling on her. Her health issues are her business and she shouldn't be pushed into saying anything in an open forum. Did not like Traci that much this episode, she could have been more understanding.

I agree with you that Brianna's health issues are her business, but IDK, if I weren't feeling well enough to attend a good friend's wedding, I'd tell her as soon as I could. I wouldn't just not show up and then play dumb when she asks what happened. Brianna didn't have to explain everything, imo, but providing a quick explanation after the wedding that she wasn't feeling well would be good enough. Those Instagram posts Brianna made probably didn't help matters.


I really like Brianna otherwise - she's the only one besides Tonya that I've consistently enjoyed on this show.

  • Love 1

Elena is beautiful!  I think that a friend of my son may actually have the disorder that causes her type of dwarfism but his parents intervened medically.  The kid was very small for his age and didn't seem to be growing.  They had all kinds of tests done and found out he had absolutely no human growth hormone.  He is getting it now and has grown quite a bit, although he is still a bit smaller than other boys his age.  I suspect if he had not been diagnosed he might have ended up like her.

So glad I found this forum! Didn't Lifetime use to let youi comment below the episodes?  Anyway - like another poster - I watched the last season yesterday. I never knew of this show until seeing a commercial on Lifetime for this season's start.


I was disappointed as I too liked Elana better when she was with Brianna and Christy. Yes Christy can  be loud and outspoken, which I think was tamed a bit throughtout last season, but I much prefer that group than the other. I thought I'd really love Tonya but she really is catty, Traci has to chill out and get the stick out of her butt and Tarra has to realize she's not all that.


Wathcing the first episode of this season reminded me of Mean Girls. They just couldn't let up on Brianna. Yes - it's scripted and certain things are encouraged to create the drama and tension.


Also - these women are in their 30's - except Tonya who's at least 40, and Elena who I think is the youngest. Not only do they have to worry about dwarfism but their age.

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I have always thought that Trevor was in the relationship just for the  show. If you know and understand all the crap you went through as a "little person" why would you want to bring a child into the world to have to deal with that ?

If this is in regards to the whole Traci doesn't want a LP child drama, ITA. Any parent wants the best start and best health prognosis for their child. Not saying that a normal height child will automatically be more healthy than a LP kid, but more often than not thats the case. Like the Roloff twins, Jeremy was pretty much a picture of (racist a-hole) health, but Zach was in and out of the hospital for shunts well into his teens. On LWLA, at least 3 of the 6 women showcased as adults are experiencing spine or nerve issues. I can understand Traci not wanting that for her child, she seems very softhearted. She'll be a really good mom IMO, regardless if her child is LP or not.

I also see her as the only one who will pursue IVF treatment to make sure her kid either has 1 copy of the achon gene or none at all, I just cant see her leaving it up to fate with a 25% chance of double dominance. Christy though, yes. She does not at all seem empathetic, and does things just to be the center of attention regardless of the long term implications. She reminds me, very slightly, of Jenelle Evans. I bet of her ex signed off on it she would parade her kids on the show.

  • Love 3

If this isnt written for the show, he definetly did it. She was wrong for calling him out in front of his mother like that, but the writing was on the wall when the mama kept her mouth shut and Trevore started getting overly defensive. I hope Tonya is able to maybe work something out with her childs father, they seemed content together, but it seems like she wants all this passion and fire that always eventually dims out. She needs to realize that, especially if her daughters father is a "good kisser" lol.

I dont think Christy can ever do anything that will redeem herself in my eyes. She knows Todd has serious reservations about preplanning for a baby, which is totally understandable, but eff that, whats the harm if she wants it? She makes me want to throttle her with her ridiculous lack of basic empathy for her own spouse, let alone her friends.

I felt for Traci at first, but then I realized why her and Christy got along so well before they broke up. They are both self centered, with Christy being more on the diva, my way or the highway spectrum, while Traci is in "why me" land. It would be one thing if theyd been trying for a year or something, but they just got married in like, August. At the time of filming it couldnt have been more than 2 months after her wedding, shes worse than Anna Duggar, who started crying to the baby gods after 4 months of marriage. To just immediately start sobbing was ridiculous. She said it herself, shes older than Terra, not to mention she AND her husband have achondroplasia. She just needs to bite the bullet and go for IVF, they can be more selective and avoid embryos that test positive for double dominance. If I had a 25% chance of a fatal disease impacting my future offspring, thats what I would do. Still, roll my eyes so hard at her preview for episode 3 ,"I think I might have fertility problems". Really Traci, really? As I live and breathe you've been married 5 months; most fertility docs wont even see you until you've been trying a year under 35 and 6 months after. Shes delusional.

Briana as usual has a boring storyline, but her daughter is really cute. The counseling she gave her though shouldve been less "you're a dwarf, did you know that" and more on what was actually going on at hand with the bullying. I also hope off cam she went and got in that teachers ass, wtf kinda advice is "tell her to stop louder". The girl told her to leave her alone more than once, and once is enough at any volume.

Elena is starting to give me 90 day fiance teas. I would be interested to know how long shes been married. No baby is coming out of her until shes a citizen, and probably not from Preston. Ive noticed that about all of the couples from 90 day Fiance, both the American and Foreign spouses expressed a wish for children right away, but none have came up pregnant. I really hope Kirlyam can escape Alan's trap baby.

Terra is Terra, I thought it was so hypocritical and ironic for her to be calling Trevore all kinds of slimeballs and cheaters, when Joe is the exact same thing. At least Tonya had the good sense to not make him a permanent fixture in her life, Terra will be forever connected to Joe, even when she snaps out of it and sees him for what he is, a douche loser, they have a child in common. And I rolled my eyes so hard at *former* drunk mcskunk trying to come for Terra for being an unwed mom. Of all people, Christy knows how it works out when you have to wed out of pregnancy rather than wanting to be together long term. Ugh.

Anyways, this was a pretty good episode, season 2 is definitely still on an upswing from season 1.

  • Love 2

I have trouble watching Tonya.  She has such a bold brash attitude.  She causes a lot of her own relationship and friend issues.  I do think she needed to confront Trevor, but not in front of his Mom when she was hosting her for dinner.  However, that seems to be her only way of discussing issues that annoy her.  


As to Tracy's wedding, and Brianna not being there...  It seemed well attended.  People don't show up for a lot of reasons even when planning to... and usually 's due to something going on in their own life.   Tracy didn't need to get all boo-hoo about it.  It was certainly none of Terra, Tonya, and Elena's business.  I'm sure they have skipped people's weddings before.   Tracy seems like a much more normal person than those 3, but the world does not revolve around her. She also needs to quit attacking people in groups as she did Brianna at a party.  She also needs to chill out about the pregnancy, give it a couple years. 


Christie is just self-centered and immature.  I've heard that addition stops maturity growth at the point of addition, and it restarts when the addition is mastered, so she is still playing catch-up, I guess.  


Terra is going to change a lot in the next few months- hopefully.  She also is self-centered, and she's going to have to grow out of that when the baby gets here.   Her 'career' won't work well with a baby on board - not at the salary level she appears to be at.

Some people think Christy is the villain of the group, but I feel like it's Tracey. She was a snob about her wedding. Annoyed that Christy got engaged too. She even said that Christy was trying to steal her spotlight.  I understand being frustrated about getting pregnant but who would not be happy for one of their closest friends? I was so happy when she told her hubby & he was happy for Tara. 


Trevor was looking for nothing more than a meal ticket. He thought these little women would swoon over him. Tonya has a nice house & is on a tv show. He thought he had it made. I'm so glad Briana told on him & that Tonya believed her. Trevor asked Tonya to move in with him but then in front of his mother the he didn't know how he felt. I normally don't like to see people argue in front of someone's mother but Trevor deserved it. BTW, his mother kept right on eating. 


I loved the scenes with Briana & her adorable daughter. Them shopping together was cute & you can clearly see she adores her daughter. I thought Christy gave good advice too.

  • Love 2
I normally don't like to see people argue in front of someone's mother but Trevor deserved it. BTW, his mother kept right on eating.


And even made sure she hugged Tonya before they left. Something tells me Momma knows her son. But, you rarely get a mother to talk against her son. That's her baby. If he can't defend his actions and acts like that, it's on him. He's a grown ass man. Man might be giving him too much credit, though.

  • Love 1

I was surprised that Brianna's daughter was a little person. I always thought she was average-sized. She doesn't have obvious features common with dwarfism. Just surprised.

I also was surprised . I was actually afraid the grocery cart was going to tip over when I saw Brianna lift her little girl out of . She is an adorable child and when she told her mother that she really did not want to be any taller than her mother, it made me smile. What a sweet little girl

  • Love 3

I was worried the grocery cart would tip over also, but she looked pretty comfortable,  I was wondering about Brianna's daughter myself so glad to have that question answered.


I am so over Traci, I mean your friend said she is pregnant and you start crying because you haven't gotten pregnant yet. She has only been married a few months and as mentioned above, you have to try for at least a year before you would be considered to have problems. Her husband seems like  a nice guy, he respone, "that's awesome".. How he puts up with her "woe is me" is beyond me.


I don't think Tonya planned on outing Trevor while his mom was there, but he invited her to meet his mom while talking about moving in together. Then when said mom arrives it become "we're dating" not "we're in a relationship"..so I think she got pissed. As for Trevoree...he is an idiot, you send someone a facebook message and then turn around and say she's lying.    What a douche..Also they said he didn't have  a job, so how was he buying a house.


As for Elena, from her husbands response it looks like she has been back and forth on the baby train.

Edited by bluvelvet
  • Love 1

Elena is an asshole. Her husband seems incredibly supportive and very sweet. She is going back and forth because either she doesn't want to "ruin" her body, or she doesn't plan to be married for very long.

I feel like she thinks she's hot shit and that she can do better. She is gorgeous, I will give her that. But she just seems like a jerk.

I think Elena is in a marriage of convenience.    I don't think her husband knows that.    I'd be surprised if  it lasts past this season. 


I don't think she's really an asshole, but do think he fetishizes her.   It's really icky, especially when he carries her around.    She's tolerating it until she gets established.   


Terra's wig is really, really bad. 

  • Love 1

I had no idea this show was back! Terra's new long hair is awful. Christy seems more toned down, now that she got wife'd up. Elena also seems to have this air of bitchyness that she didn't have last season and the others just kind of grate. But I will watch anyway cos I am a glutton for bad behavior, regardless of who it's from.

  • Love 2

I also do not think that Tonya intended to "out" Trevor in front of his mother but coupled with  his recent inquiry about co-habitation , Brianna's reveal about him, his statement of  "just dating" and possibly some "liquid courage" that she poured out of the silver flask into her drink before their arrival was too much for her. I wonder if Tonya is a woman who possibly seeks men who fail her because she is afraid of the closeness. Tera needs to gets real --- even though she was right about Trevor  she has little room to talk when it comes to Joe.

Overall, I find many of the womens reactions and some of the behavior to be somewhat emotionally immature in respect to their ages. I don't know if that is the edit or the realistic fact. Time may make that more clear in my mind

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Chisty just can't help herself, she has to start trouble.  Elena tells her she knew about Terra's pregnancy ahead of time, and not to tell the others.  She just couldn't wait to tell Tonya and Tracy.  Terra is a grown woman, she can tell whomever she wants whenever she wants.  Tracy has been trying to get pregnant 2 months,  a little over emotional at this point.


Elena does not understand what a burlesque show is... of course random women will set on her husband's lap.


Is this a show about 6 little women's lives, or just their sex lives?  Because after the first 10 minutes, I wasn't sure. 

  • Love 4

I hope the show loses the baby focus, it feels as if that has been the recurrent theme for the past three episodes. I hope Tracy and Christy get pregnant but I would like their storylines to not only focus on that. I am not tuning in to see Tracy cry every week that she isn't pregnant or find out how many ways Christy and Todd can have sex.


Also agree about Christy, I felt that she was calming down but why is she telling people who Terra told about her pregnancy first, that's Terra's choice.  It's just starting trouble.


While I do think Elena over-reacted about the girl and Preston, however it is her right to be upset and her marriage. I get that Terra was just trying to be helpful but she just made the situation worse. . She went home and it seemed as if she and Preston spoke and dealt with it, Terra didn't have to bring it up again.


I haven't been Joe's biggest fan, but he did get me with his comment about why he would want an average size child.

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I was also disappointed with Christy opening her mouth - especially when I thought she had changed. What I was more upset about tho is Tara's dismissal of Tracy's feeling. Yes Tracy is obsessed with having a baby  and she needs to calm down and not think about it - but Tara's talking head was so nasty - it always has to be about Tara. I can understand with Tracy being not only a dwarf but 40 yrs old  - she feels the need to hurry up and get pregnant and so should her friend.

  • Love 1

Christy thrives on fighting and discord, i'm convinced. The way she smirked to herself after telling Traci about Terra convinced me. And Todd is no help, he was the first one who walked in talking about "The pink elephant in the room". Shes what keep me watching the show, as shes a real life villain and I watch to see what she'll do or say next to cause problems in the group.

Wasnt Elena's excuse for not having a baby with Preston her career? Now she's quitting it. Unless she's planning to go to school or something or pursue a different career field, way to go Lifetime on nonsensical editing; it won't make sense at all if Elena goes from I want a career not a baby to I dont want a career I want a baby in the span of 3 episodes.

Wow I did not know Traci was 40, wow. She definitely needs to go to a doctor stat, even average height women that age often need help in the conception department, especially if its their first time trying to conceive and theyve been on birth control for years prior.


Tonya- blah, but I did feel bad about her mom passing. I wonder why her daughter hasnt been on this season. Then again shes in college, and the last season was filmed during summer break, this one is in the fall.

Terra- i hope the baby is ok! Joe seems alot less POS than he did last season, im sure its 50% happiness about the baby and 50% editing

  • Love 1

I'm with y'all about Christy. What a piece of work. I'm surprised she wasn't texting the others when she was sitting at the table with Elena. I don't like Todd very much but can't pinpoint why.

I meant to ask a couple episodes back about Tracey's living arrangements. DIdn't she mention after the wedding that her and Eric lived together before the wedding but dIdn't share a room? That seemed really strange.

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Wasnt Elena's excuse for not having a baby with Preston her career? Now she's quitting it. Unless she's planning to go to school or something or pursue a different career field, way to go Lifetime on nonsensical editing; it won't make sense at all if Elena goes from I want a career not a baby to I dont want a career I want a baby in the span of 3 episodes.

I think her reason for not having a baby is because she doesn't think she will be sticking around with Preston. You can tell she thinks she can do better.
  • Love 1

I think her reason for not having a baby is because she doesn't think she will be sticking around with Preston. You can tell she thinks she can do better.

Definetly, she reminds me of Aziza from 90 Day Fiance season 1. But she threw me off at getting genuinely upset when the burlesque dancer sat on Preston's knee. Then again the tears could all be for the cameras. I think she's a wild card, and she plays her hand close to the chest. She also said that she and Preston have been married for nearly 4 years, and if I learned anything from 90 Day Fiance, its that you can apply for residency two years in, rendering your spouse unnecessary.

Maybe shes grown to fall in love with him a bit? Im sure its happened before, the woman comes just for the green card but ends up actually loving the husband. I hope for Preston's sake thats the case, he seems like a pretty good guy and it would be really messed up for her to just play him like that.

Living in South Florida, it I had a dollar for every man who gave a woman he insisted "loved" him citizenship because "American women are greedy and domineering, and foreign ladies aren't" and later found himself a dupe supporting her extended family until she married up or he wised up, I could buy some stuff.   All I'm saying is caveat emptor.   If you can't find a suitable woman in a country of 300 million,  you have a problem and probably deserve to get duped. 


I think Preston is a dweeb who was duped.   Shame on him for being dumb. 


I thought double dominance affected couples with the same kind of dwarfism?    If I recall correctly, Joe had the "beautiful people" type with Elena, and  Terra had a different type.     IMO, Joe is the homeliest man on this show, with Traci's husband being downright hot.   Way to go, Traci. 

  • Love 2

I don't think Elena is with Preston for citizenship reasons, it seems as if they have been together for a few years and I get the sense that she genuinely loves him. I don't she was faking on the show last night, she was genuinely upset and you don't get that upset unless you really care.  She also mentioned that what helped her get through the act was thinking it was just her and her husband, so he is of value to her.


I didn't realize Tracy was 40, she sure doesn't act like it. I will say this though, her stressing about getting pregnant will just make the situation worse.

  • Love 2

I think Elena really does love Preston.  She was upset to the point of tears over that girl dancing up on him, otherwise she'd have shrugged it off.  He seems to be completely in love with her, too.


If Traci cries anytime another woman's pregnancy is mentioned, she's a mess.  I get the impression she was rather spoiled by her father and doesn't know how to handle any kind of disappointment.  She's not as big a mess as Christy, though, always stirring the pot.  Christy must've made a hell of a mean drunk when she was off the wagon.  Manipulative.

  • Love 2

I don't think Elena is with Preston for citizenship reasons, it seems as if they have been together for a few years and I get the sense that she genuinely loves him. I don't she was faking on the show last night, she was genuinely upset and you don't get that upset unless you really care.  She also mentioned that what helped her get through the act was thinking it was just her and her husband, so he is of value to her.


I didn't realize Tracy was 40, she sure doesn't act like it. I will say this though, her stressing about getting pregnant will just make the situation worse.


I thought Elena's reaction was sincere as well. 


Does anyone know if this is Tracy's first marriage? 

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