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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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This is only my second season, and I find that I prefer the NY cast.  I can't stand Tanya.  I don't like Elena and the way she takes advantage of her husband.  I liked Brianna last season, but can't stand the Matt storyline.  I do not like Brittany - she has mush mouth and I can hardly understand her.


I know she's unpopular, but I like Christy.  I like Terra with her baby.  I'm waiting for an opinion on Jasmine.

LIGirl, I don't recall Christy and Todd ever mentioning how they were suddenly able to afford IVF, but I have no doubt that if its not all together show sponsored, theyre using the LWLA funds and its at a deeply discounted rate for showcasing the clinic on the show. I got the same feeling about Elena's butt doctor guy, its pretty common in LA, discounting elective medical services for advertisement. I think Terra's doctors are real though, and insurance covered. I just cant really see her shopping physicians in the case of both her pregnancy and now her daughter, who has very distinct health issues.

Christy's kids are 18 and 16. I think their infertility is both age and weight related, tbh. Obesity can make it harder for a woman to conceive, even when she's ovulating normally. Combine that with her nearing her 40s, and it makes achieving pregnancy spontaneously just that much more unlikely.

Im pretty sure this whole Matt thing is for show, I just cant see her ex being cool with Lianna and Matt staying under the same roof. I know I wouldnt be, he's not a good guy for her at all. She shouldve revisited with the guy who they went to his comedy show, he was nice and even funny.

No words on Tonya, hard eyeroll at her. Or FreakaBritt

LifeTime needs to bring some realism back to its shows, you mean to tell me an unemployed man and a stay at home wife can afford a valet? Puhlease, obvious producer setup is obvious.

Elena is my favorite because she seems the most real by far... I hope that one of these days she decides to have kids with Preston, he was so into little Penelope at her introduction party, if theres a male version of broody he's it lol

Tonya is vile and not in a entertaining reality character sort of way either. She's just so angry and downright unlikeable. 


I'm actually enjoying Christy this season, not because of the fertility storyline, but because she appears to be so over the drama in scenes. She's been pretty 'quiet' in that respect. I wonder if it's an effort to avoid being piled up on the way she was last season at the reunion. 


I don't really care one way or the other about the newest additions to the cast. I do miss Tracy though. Only because with Tracy came Eric who I really liked. 

Elena is my favorite because she seems the most real by far... I hope that one of these days she decides to have kids with Preston, he was so into little Penelope at her introduction party, if theres a male version of broody he's it lol

Elena is the most real to you? Elena with the new lips, nose, boobs and butt? Does she have any original parts? Her personality seems super fake as well.

I'm also pretty sure she is playing Preston. She treats him like shit. She's never having his baby he's just a means to a green card to her.

Edited by heatherchandler

Elena is the most real to you? Elena with the new lips, nose, boobs and butt? Does she have any original parts? Her personality seems super fake as well.

I'm also pretty sure she is playing Preston. She treats him like shit. She's never having his baby he's just a means to a green card to her.

Point taken, i guess her persona she portrays is the least irritating to me. Everyone else on the show is like level 10 irritating whereas she's more tolerable at a 6 or so for me. The plastic surgery/extreme use fo makeup screams self esteem and body image issues to me, not necesarily "fakeness"; this probably stems from the one thing she cant change: her height. Didnt she talk about how awful things were during her childhood in Russia as a result of her dwarfism?

In regards to her playing Preston, if that was the case wouldnt she have left by now? Theyve been married for like, 4 or 5 years by now, and if theres anything 90 Day Fiance has taught me about the citizenship process, you have to be married only 2 years for your green card. The vibe I get from her in regards to having a baby is not so much against having one with Preston, but the fear of her body being changed in ways she cant control.

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After a fight with the girls, Briana takes Jasmine to Seattle to meet Matt. Christy and Todd struggle with intimacy as the IVF process puts pressure on their relationship. Brittney's dad, David, throws a "Leaving the Nest" BBQ for Brittney and tensions run high as Jasmine calls Tonya out about the problems from their past.

Point taken, i guess her persona she portrays is the least irritating to me. Everyone else on the show is like level 10 irritating whereas she's more tolerable at a 6 or so for me. The plastic surgery/extreme use fo makeup screams self esteem and body image issues to me, not necesarily "fakeness"; this probably stems from the one thing she cant change: her height. Didnt she talk about how awful things were during her childhood in Russia as a result of her dwarfism?

In regards to her playing Preston, if that was the case wouldnt she have left by now? Theyve been married for like, 4 or 5 years by now, and if theres anything 90 Day Fiance has taught me about the citizenship process, you have to be married only 2 years for your green card. The vibe I get from her in regards to having a baby is not so much against having one with Preston, but the fear of her body being changed in ways she cant control.


Ha ha!  I guess you are right, it is like - she is the best of the worst.  They are all terrible.  Jasmine is ok so far, I guess.


I hope you are right about her not playing Preston.  He seems genuine and sweet - I am just worried about him. 

Edited by heatherchandler

As someone currently going through the IVF process including fibroid surgery recently and a lot of the tests Christy is having I really appreciate them showing the process. It feels like one of the few real things about this show. I like Christy... I think she was goaded into being a major shit stirrer for drama in the past but I feel like age honestly tries to be a good person.. she just has flaws like all of us do.

Edited by GracieK

So after last nights episode I think that Elena probably initially married Preston to stay in the country. I also think Preston probably knew this since he married her 5 months after meeting her. Over time that probably blossomed into a real marriage hence why they are still together.

I also think early on in the marriage Elena probably did sleep with David and the whole "David developed feelings for me " is a cover.

Edited by bluvelvet
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So after last nights episode I think that Elena probably initially married Preston to stay in the country. I also think Preston probably knew this since he married her 5 months after meeting her. Over time that probably blossomed into a real marriage hence why they are still together.


I definitely think it's plausible. Especially when she said, 'The first year of marriage was horrible.'


Tonya is unpleasant to say the least. Yet, during the party the way Jasmine approached her to talk came off as rude in my opinion. If she was truly trying to make peace with Tonya and trying to co-exist with her in their social circle, she should've tried a different and much less antagonistic approach. Which doesn't mean I agree with Tonya's behavior and the way she put her hands on Jasmine. Sure, it was a head push from behind, but Jasmine didn't put her hands on Tonya first. She put her hand in Tonya's face, but there wasn't any physical contact. Her running after Jasmine was ridiculous. 

Edited by jonesingjay
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So did anybody change their mind about Matt after seeing last nights ep? Not me.  What does he do for work? Do they even discuss financial issues?  Her family is going to flip when they find out Briana has moved him in with her and her daughter. Poor Brianna. I see alot of pain in her future. 


That BBQ was stupid. I can't believe that bully Tonya put her hands on Jasmine like that. 

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Matt is fucking weird. He gives me the heebie jeebies.

His little boy seems very sweet and was happy to see his dad; I wonder why Matt was able to pick up and leave his son on a whim to move to LA.


Because he doesn't care or at least not half as much as he should about his son and the distance between the two of them. 

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Wow - how many other families are split up due to a parent being in the service or having to move out of town for employment? Trevor is the one that has a fetish. I don't condone all that we know about Matt but how much of it is the truth? This is a producer driven reality show - we don't know circumstances or what's embellished to get this exact reaction.

Yeah, I think something definitely happened between Elena and David that she regrets. Why Brittany didn't just come clean I have no idea, but it always gets a chuckle out of me because eventually it's going to be aired on television. I guess when you're in that moment, you can't think that far ahead to eventually being found out. Christy's mom Sharyn really is a piece of work. She doesn't hold any punches. 

From what I've seen Terras an excellent Mother. Having said this Id like to know why they DONT hold their baby while feeding her?

It's much healthier for her both physically and emotionally regarding bonding etc.

I'm really bothered when I see them propping her bottle .....come on first time Mom I hope you see my post. I love you and your show....

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Tonya should be proud of her daughter. I still don't like her, though. How she manages to always have men interested in her is beyond me. She's not all that nice to anybody, really. I can't believe she just let that whole thing about not being invited to Christy's party blow over. Yet, she won't give Jasmine a chance.  

I was surprised to learn Christy has 2 kids! I agree with her mom, stop already. She's in her 40's so why does she want more? Does Todd have any kids? If not, maybe that's why she trying to please him so much? 

Edited by bichonblitz
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I was surprised to learn Christy has 2 kids! I agree with her mom, stop already. She's in her 40's so why does she want more? Does Todd have any kids? If not, maybe that's why she trying to please him so much? 


I wasn't surprised that Christy had two kids. I know there were references to them and her previous marriage in the first season. Todd had a double dominant child that died. I think you're onto something about her wanting to please him. He seems very intent on having a child, despite it being physically painful and emotionally draining. He doesn't seem overly concerned about what Christy is going through. 

Edited by jonesingjay
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Tonya should be proud of her daughter. I still don't like her, though. How she manages to always have men interested in her is beyond me. She's not all that nice to anybody, really. I can't believe she just let that whole thing about not being invited to Christy's party blow over. Yet, she won't give Jasmine a chance.  

I think Tonya's secret with men is they aren't exactly catches. Sorry to be mean but they look like homeless people. I couldn't believe her baby daddy asked for sex! IMO Tonya's not exactly a catch either. I think she looks and acts rough. I don't remember saying this about any reality show cast member but I think they need to get rid of Tonya. I'm so tired of listening to her call everyone bitches and heifers. I think she's a bully and needs to be gone.
  • Love 5

I have never seen an episode of Little Women, but I saw a commercial fro this show and searched it out online.  I just binge watched the first 8 episodes on Lifetimes site.  Terra annoys the hell out of me when she "cries".  She whines and makes crying sounds, but there are never any actual tears.  She also continually wipes away these fake tears, under her eyes, over and over.  I really thought she was going to rub the skin away from under her eyes.


It drove me nuts how many times she said she was overwhelmed, and how there wasn't time to get everything done.  Huh?  You've had 9 months, what the fuck have you been doing?  It doesn't look like either of them work.  What the hell is there to do?  Buy some baby clothes, diapers, a crib, and a car seat.  Without working, with 2 people, you could get ready for a baby in a week.  Okay, they have limitations, but really?


And yes I do have a child, and I can't ever remember crying about being overwhelmed with so much to do.  And I worked full-time.


Stop whining...whiners make me want to smack them.


Can someone tell me what the feud with Christy is all about?, since I've never watched the "parent" show.


Joe cracked me up on the "Sip and See" show,  when he said he didn't want the guests passing the baby around "like a joint".  And when she asked if she should open Christy's present, he asked her "Is it ticking?"  Hee.

Ha! Happy to see Tonya's boyfriend shut her down. That shrew deserves it. 


Brittany admits she was just stirring shit and telling lies and all is supposed to be ok now? Can't stand her. 


I like Jasmine and still don't understand what she did that was so offensive. However, girl can't act. Her talking heads are painful. It's so obvious she is reading. every. word. 

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I like Jasmine and still don't understand what she did that was so offensive. However, girl can't act. Her talking heads are painful. It's so obvious she is reading. every. word. 


I don't get it either. According to Tonya, she claims Jasmine interrupted a conversation she was having and then proceeded to ignore her at an event. That's left her with a bad taste in her mouth and a sour look on her. If that happened I could understand Tonya being annoyed with Jasmine but it's more than that. Her behavior has been hateful and in turn Jasmine reacts to that in the same manner. I don't care for Jasmine one way or the other, but Tonya's dislike of her seems to be a bit too much. 


Oh, and I had a good chuckle out of Jaa shutting Tonya down in regards to taking their relationship in a more serious direction. 

Edited by jonesingjay

Tonya is just down right hateful. She's loud, rude & one of the most obnoxious people I've ever seen. It seems as though everyone has to listen to her and watch her but if someone else has something to say she could care less about them or their feelings. No wonder she stays single, no man can put up with that ugly "I'm better than EVERYBODY" attitude. They need to dump her from the show before they start losing viewers!!

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Sorry, Briana, but Kerry Gordy is right - you don't have it.  Hell, just from that one second that Jasmine sang, she sounded better than her! Briana sounds mediocre at best, so I don't see how she's going to make it very far in the music industry. I kind of appreciated Kerry Gordy putting the smack down on Briana by saying she sounded awful or horrible and that she can't half-ass it.  He was totally spot on.

Edited by LIGirl
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I have not watched this season at all but decided to watch the wedding.

Tonya was one of the MOH's and she acted human for once. Just proves to me that maybe she's acting a bitch role on LW:LA. I hope this was the 'real' Tonya because this Tonya was very patient and nice.

Elena was also in the wedding. What happened to her clothing line? Now she's doing make up?

Traci was also in the wedding. But she was in a wheelchair? What happened?

The wedding was nice. I'm happy for Terra, Joe and Penny.

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Sorry, Briana, but Kerry Gordy is right - you don't have it.  Hell, just from that one second that Jasmine sang, she sounded better than her! Briana sounds mediocre at best, so I don't see how she's going to make it very far in the music industry. I kind of appreciated Kerry Gordy putting the smack down on Briana by saying she sounded awful or horrible and that she can't half-ass it.  He was totally spot on.

Wow, Kerry Gordy was rough! He was right, of course. Probably gets sick and tired of wannabe's wasting his time thinking they have a future in the biz when there isn't a chance in hell they will make it. She has a nice voice but nowhere near strong enough for the big leagues. Female Miichael Buble. Ok, then. Poor, delusional Briana.  Girl needs to get it together, though, and stop dreaming of the singing career because it was established last night that her boyfriend isn't working so I guess she is the breadwinner in that relationship.  On second thought, they both have income from the show. Snort... Dude knows exactly what he's doing!

Edited by bichonblitz

Briana really thinks the women are jealous of her relationship? Seriously? This has to be solely for show drama, eh? If this "relationship" is legit and her bf is legit sketchy the ladies should back off and let the friendship cool... Watch out for her from a distance... Not worth the emotional energy if B is not willing to listen to anyone, family included. She's dickmatized...

Edited by BodhiGurl
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Briana really thinks the women are jealous of her relationship? Seriously? This has to be solely for show drama, eh? If this "relationship" is legit and her bf is legit sketchy the ladies should back off and let the friendship cool... Watch out for her from a distance... Not worth the emotional energy if B is not willing to listen to anyone, family included. She's dickmatized...


Not only that, but she and Matt think Terra is "threatened" by her?  Um, no and please excuse me while I hyperventilate from laughing too hard.  Seriously, though, I hate when people think that the reason someone thinks negatively about some aspect of their life is because that person is "threatened" by them.  While that may sometimes be the case, more often than not - and certainly in Briana's case - the other person is voicing some legitimate concerns about some dumbass thing(s) you're doing in your life, you delusional moron.  I can only hope this whole Matt fiasco is made up for the show because otherwise it's pretty fucked up that Briana is shutting out everyone else, especially her family, for this guy.

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I'd rather bleed than defend anything about Briana's "Ride or Die, Bonnie & Clyde" relationship.  But there was one salient point - accusing him of fetishism when several other ladies have relationships with non-little people, and no one has accused THOSE partners of the same.  It is rather demeaning to suggest that only weirdos would be interested in forming a relationship with someone "different"; without proof I'd stick to the "Matt is not a good guy" route.

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