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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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I liked watching this show when it first started But lately all these women do is fight every single time they are together.  I hate to say but these fights always seem to have Terra involved one way or another. 

Terra can say she wants to be friends with Elena but is always making stupid remarks about her.  She does the same crap about Christy.  Elena and Christy can sit there and not say a word to Terra and Terra will still say something about them.  Terra is just a shit starter.  Terra's bestie Tonya has even mentioned this in the past.

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Whenever a "friend of" is introduced on LW or RH, you can just see how aggressive some of the women react. What a set up this last episode was for Elena! Don't you think it was, "Elena, you can't just hide at home and send videos out to the cast. Get dolled up because we're going to act trashy at local pubs and VFW halls and New Girl is going to come at you!"  It was rather gratifying for some reason. Terra really is full of herself; what is the line between confident and arrogant?

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Obviously Autumn had to wait until she was 18 to be adopted if her biological father refused, nothing wrong with that - Todd was very sweet to offer to do that. Elena did have puss face during the party, but again, I would too if I was taken to the dumps they were. Terra is an ass and thinks she "runs LA"  -  

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Not feeling the new chick at all. Of course she has to be Terra's buddy. It was painfully bad acting when she plopped herself next to Elena and started shit with her out of nowhere. Elena was not having it. Then Jasmine had to stick her big nose in on it. Just so fake fake fake! 

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16 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Not feeling the new chick at all. Of course she has to be Terra's buddy. It was painfully bad acting when she plopped herself next to Elena and started shit with her out of nowhere. Elena was not having it. Then Jasmine had to stick her big nose in on it. Just so fake fake fake! 

it really is so ridiculous with this "fake drama" I honestly thought the chick that left Dallas for her "acting" career would have been the new girl.

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You're right!  I was sure Amanda would show up in L.A., too!  I watched Terra's YouTube videos with Mika in them and I really liked her, I hope her fun side is shown soon.  I think Elena was really happy being a SaHM, playing with makeup while her sons were napping. Preston is very sweet and seems to be willing to let her do almost whatever she wants with her income. It's too bad she's so scatterbrained and can't see the value of saving her money instead of trying to blow it on get rich quick ideas. Bethenny Frankel busted her hump for many years before coming up with Skinny Girl at the right time and right place, but Elena thinks she can say "Makeup Empire" and it will happen.

Edited by HadleyFields
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On 3/30/2018 at 6:36 PM, HadleyFields said:

You're right!  I was sure Amanda would show up in L.A., too!  I watched Terra's YouTube videos with Mika in them and I really liked her, I hope her fun side is shown soon.  I think Elena was really happy being a SaHM, playing with makeup while her sons were napping. Preston is very sweet and seems to be willing to let her do almost whatever she wants with her income. It's too bad she's so scatterbrained and can't see the value of saving her money instead of trying to blow it on get rich quick ideas. Bethenny Frankel busted her hump for many years before coming up with Skinny Girl at the right time and right place, but Elena thinks she can say "Makeup Empire" and it will happen.


I do agree Elena needs to stop with all these schemes if she’s actually wasting money on them and they are not just a storyline.  Somewhat lukewarm about using Bethenny as the Golden example, girl was starting on third base bragging about hitting a triple.  I do think she works hard but the advantages she had/has over Elena were/are immense.  If anything I’d use Terra  or even the dopey Roloffs as an example even though I don’t like them.  Not that I think they have huge empires, but they seem to be financially secure and attempting to build a brand. I dont think they came from any sort of money/connections growing up (could be wrong)

On 3/30/2018 at 4:35 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

it really is so ridiculous with this "fake drama" I honestly thought the chick that left Dallas for her "acting" career would have been the new girl.

Yes, I thought Amanda and van dweller, Chase would pop up in LA too.  It’s only been one episode but Mika seems like a try hard/mini Terra and God knows I can only put up with one of those. Injust don’t see the appeal of acting like drunken college students.  Most of these women are pushing 40 or over it (Tonya).  I guess they relied too much on the trash Matt and Briana brought to the show and have to come up with this nonsense.

Edited by Irate Panda
Added the trifling Roloffs not bc they’re LP but because I know a limited of reality “stars”
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Kerwin has been the same way for probably the 70 years he’s been alive.  Tonya is the one who begged him to come to LA.  He was off living his life in TX or wherever, she clearly needed a storyline, and he was it.  I mean do we really need “My activewear line:part 1000000000000”.  The whole pretend wedding just made her look pathetic because it didn’t even remotely look believable, which is sad since they actually were a couple at some point.  

Honestly, half the time Tonya looks like she’s reading off cue cards and Kerwin looks like he’s falling asleep.  Although, I guess it’s better than the constant screeching of Terra.  I wish it were more like Season one, really seeing their lives instead of the constant screaming matches and fake lesbian makeout sessions on the top of a bar.

Edited by Irate Panda
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I felt bad for the patrons at the first bar they went to.  (They obviously signed waivers though, so not too bad).  It looked like a bunch of average Joes at their corner bar and in comes these hooligan old chicks trying to re-live their youth. 

If you want a trashy girl's night out, go to a trashy place.

To have Mika call out Elena for not being trashy and not "having fun" was lame.  Not everyone enjoys dancing on a bar and doing shots from their friend's crotches.  I would've been totally out of place there.  Then again, I think elena was being a bit difficult.  But hey, why let her ruin your good time?  Like calling her out was all the sudden going to make her take off her bra and dance on the bar?  Ignore her and do what you're there for.

If Mika lives in NorCal, she isn't going to be a regular, is she?  She was obviously asked to act just like Terra.  I mean, who calls out someone they don't know and only met 5 minutes ago?  Really?  It's your place to police the fun of the evening when you don't even know some of the women there?  It's ACTING!  (In my head that is shouted out like Jon Lovitz used to do on SNL so many years ago). ?

Edited by Destiny74
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Has Kerwin’s cane ever been explained?  Did he have a stroke?  Was he shot?

My unstanding is that Tonya is in her late 40s.  But they keep saying they have been dating for 30 years. So they started when she was a teen?  And unless he’s had a very rough life, he appears to be in his 60s.  So did he start dating her when he was in his early 30s and she was 17 or 18?  And how old was she when he knocked her up?

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22 hours ago, Spike said:

Has Kerwin’s cane ever been explained?  Did he have a stroke?  Was he shot?

My unstanding is that Tonya is in her late 40s.  But they keep saying they have been dating for 30 years. So they started when she was a teen?  And unless he’s had a very rough life, he appears to be in his 60s.  So did he start dating her when he was in his early 30s and she was 17 or 18?  And how old was she when he knocked her up?

Tonya is 54. Too old to be hanging in bars and acting a fool. Most of the others are in their late 30's. Not sure what she has in common with any of them. They're all still in the baby making stage of life and she's way past all of that. Oh yeah, they have famewhoredom in common!

Edited by bichonblitz
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I am finally watching the couples retreat from last summer and Tonya and Kerwin’s big problem was that he won’t turn off the tv when she wants to go to sleep.  Really?  Has she heard of ear plugs?   Has he heard of earphones?  If the light bothers her, has she heard of a night mask?  Can he watch it in another room and then come to bed ?  I’m sure she would then complain that when he comes into the room she wakes up.   If people can’t compromise on such simple things they should live alone.

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Tonya and Kerwin got freaky in the bedroom?  I can't see Kerwin doing much of anything.

After seeing the condition of Mika's rabbits - she is dead to me.  They're crammed into metal cages in no better condition than puppy mills.  She can FOAD.

I'm not really buying the sudden resolution of Elena's and Terra's issues.  I think Elena doesn't want to lose her spot on the show.

On ‎4‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 8:15 AM, Spike said:

I am finally watching the couples retreat from last summer and Tonya and Kerwin’s big problem was that he won’t turn off the tv when she wants to go to sleep.  Really?  Has she heard of ear plugs?   Has he heard of earphones?  If the light bothers her, has she heard of a night mask?  Can he watch it in another room and then come to bed ?  I’m sure she would then complain that when he comes into the room she wakes up.   If people can’t compromise on such simple things they should live alone.

Considering Tonya is the bread winner, in my opinion Kerwin is very selfish to watch TV while she's trying to sleep.  Why should Tonya have to wear ear plugs and a sleep mask if she's not comfortable doing so?  The slug should have watched TV elsewhere.  It's not like he worked, or cleaned the house, or did laundry, or prepared meals.  The guy did nothing, yet still puffed up his chest like an alpha male.

On ‎4‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 11:16 PM, Spike said:

Has Kerwin’s cane ever been explained?  Did he have a stroke?  Was he shot?

My unstanding is that Tonya is in her late 40s.  But they keep saying they have been dating for 30 years. So they started when she was a teen?  And unless he’s had a very rough life, he appears to be in his 60s.  So did he start dating her when he was in his early 30s and she was 17 or 18?  And how old was she when he knocked her up?

Shot??  Lol.  I think Kerwin is a broken down old man.  I'm guessing he's got a few deteriorating joints - osteoarthritis?

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On 4/1/2018 at 8:35 AM, Irate Panda said:


Yes, I thought Amanda and van dweller, Chase would pop up in LA too.  It’s only been one episode but Mika seems like a try hard/mini Terra and God knows I can only put up with one of those. Injust don’t see the appeal of acting like drunken college students.  Most of these women are pushing 40 or over it (Tonya).  I guess they relied too much on the trash Matt and Briana brought to the show and have to come up with this nonsense.

I don't know who this is, but I laughed out loud at it anyway!  Who is the van dweller?

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Chase is a drug addicted homeless disgusting guy who doesn't believe in wearing shoes who lives in a van. He treated Lil Twerk awfully and got her pregnant and then Amanda fell in love with him and decided to quit the Little Woman Dallas show and live in a van, shoeless with Chase and try to be an actress in Hollywood.

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Oh Autumn.... clearly she does not want a driver's license, she begged the doctor to convince her mom that she had the eye sight of Stevie Wonder.  If the girl doesn't want to drive for whatever reason so be it - most likely fear, but I would not be driving her ass all over, I would buy her her 1st monthly bus pass and say have at it.

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Autumn doesn't need a license but she does need some sort of picture ID. 

I don't think Christy and Todd should push this license thing.  She obviously doesn't want to drive.  But, if she doesn't drive and still wants to move out, she can find her own transportation.  Unless she is living in a seriously urban, downtown area, she'll need to spend money and time on the bus.  That could cost a pretty penny.  If I were Christy I would help her get into a college and into a dorm.  Without a dorm situation, I promise this girl will be moving back home before the semester ends.  She has no clue what it takes to live without mom paying the bills and filling the fridge.  She can't get an apartment, she has no clue.

I'm shocked and suprised that Terra cancelled her book tour.  Maybe she did learn something from her time on DWTS.  I hope she was being truthful and not just cancelling because she knows it'll look good if she does.  I just don't trust anything about Terra, she is a drama queen through and through.

Jasmine shut down that could be fight at Benji's party.  Good for her.  More hostesses on these LW shows should learn from her.  

Did I mishear or did Elena say she wouldn't start anything with Terra at Benji's party because she would never do anything to ruin a child's party?  Um, did she forget what she and Terra did last week at Autumn's party?  Maybe she only meant parties for children under 2?

Elena needs to slow down with this beauty bar idea.  Good idea, I suppose, but she (much like Autumn) has no clue. She needs to do more research and learning before throwing her and her Preston's nest egg I to a business that won't work because it was never fleshed out.

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10 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I don't know who this is, but I laughed out loud at it anyway!  Who is the van dweller?

Chase and Amanda were in little Women Dallas.  On the last episode Amanda and Chase were headed to LA so Amanda could become an actress.  Chase lived in a van (down near the river) when he was in Dallas, so presumably that’s were he and Amanda live now if any of that storyline was true

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3 hours ago, Destiny74 said:

I'm shocked and suprised that Terra cancelled her book tour.  Maybe she did learn something from her time on DWTS.  I hope she was being truthful and not just cancelling because she knows it'll look good if she does.  I just don't trust anything about Terra, she is a drama queen through and through.

I doubt that she did. Her agent or publicist or who ever that guy was would have been mighty pissed off if she did cancel. It takes time and effort to book the dates, the accommodations, flight arrangements, etc...That was all for show. She's a money hungry famewhore and wants to strike while the iron is hot. On the other hand, Joe needs to support her. She's the major bread winner so what's the big deal. He's not physically equipped to handle the kids so that's what a nanny is for. He just needs to be there with the kids and give them his attention, he doesn't have to do the major physical stuff. As for Terra being gone for weeks at a time, it's not a constant thing. Most of the time she's not even working and she tapes the show for 3 months or how ever long it takes right there in her hometown. 


3 hours ago, Destiny74 said:

Elena needs to slow down with this beauty bar idea.  Good idea, I suppose, but she (much like Autumn) has no clue. She needs to do more research and learning before throwing her and her Preston's nest egg I to a business that won't work because it was never fleshed out.

Elena has never been successful at anything or stuck to any of her pipe dreams. She doesn't have any business sense at all. She dreams big, then becomes easily bored when she realizes how much actual work is involved. I think she's jealous of Terra's success and that is what's causing a problem in their friendship. What happened to her make up line? Her fashion line? Now this stupid beauty bar as if there aren't enough of those in LA. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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13 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I doubt that she did. Her agent or publicist or who ever that guy was would have been mighty pissed off if she did cancel. It takes time to book the dates, the accommodations, flight arrangements, etc...That was all for show. She's a money hungry famewhore and wants to strike while the iron is hot. On the other hand, Joe needs to support her. She's the major bread winner so what's the big deal. He's not physically equipped to handle the kids so that's what a nanny is for. He just needs to be there with the kids and give them his attention, he doesn't have to do the major physical stuff. As for Terra being gone for weeks at a time, it's not a constant thing. Most of the time she's not even working and she tapes the show for 3 months or how ever long it takes right there in her hometown. 


Elena has never been successful at anything or stuck to any of her pipe dreams. She doesn't have any business sense at all. She dreams big, then becomes easily bored when she realizes how much actual work is involved. I think she's jealous of Terra's success and that is what's causing a problem in their friendship. What happened to her make up line? Her fashion line? Now this stupid beauty bar as if there aren't enough of those in LA. 

I agree about Elena.  She quits everything we've seen her try and do.  Her passion is great if her success is easy.  If it takes work, perseverance,  and figuring a way around all the "nos" that get thrown at her it is too much and down the toilet it goes.  I was afraid she was going to get Jasmine sucked into being her partner, or if she still will suck her in later this season.

That is one thing I can give to Terra.  She hustles.  Maybe too much, forsaking anything else.  But she finds an "in" and runs with it.  I wonder if LW was her idea and her hustle or if she was brought into the idea and ran it all the way to EP.

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8 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

Chase and Amanda were in little Women Dallas.  On the last episode Amanda and Chase were headed to LA so Amanda could become an actress.  Chase lived in a van (down near the river) when he was in Dallas, so presumably that’s were he and Amanda live now if any of that storyline was true

Ok I need to watch this!

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4 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Ok I need to watch this!

No, don't.  You will hate yourself for watching that show. And the whole time you will feel dirty and have the need to take a shower.

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13 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Ok I need to watch this!

I agree with AZ Curls.  Please spare yourself.  Just go read the posts from last season of the show.  They will give you a taste to the icky.

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Really, when are these shows going to stop forcing these ridiculous sex trips on us? Strippers, yolo 'eggs' or whatever they are, and now 'training' in BDSM. Fast forwarded that and Terra as usual. I'm with Elena; these antics are childish.

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On 3/27/2018 at 3:21 PM, RedheadZombie said:

I'm actually on Tonya's side when it comes to Kerwin.  She's better off without his 150# of dead weight.  Her own daughter didn't want Tonya to marry him.  He's a good for nothing.  He sits around all day while she makes the money, then bitches when his meals aren't served on time. 

This a thousand percent! He doesn't do a darned thing except expect her to say "How high?" when he says "jump!" I'm more of a traditionalist than most, but especially since he appears not to be contributing in any significant way, it wouldn't kill him to prepare some meals himself. At the very least, stop harping on her about it constantly. I'm glad she dumped him; he didn't seem all that heartbroken to me. Their daughter seemed to realize how things really were.

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On ‎4‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 12:20 AM, bichonblitz said:

I doubt that she did. Her agent or publicist or who ever that guy was would have been mighty pissed off if she did cancel. It takes time and effort to book the dates, the accommodations, flight arrangements, etc...That was all for show. She's a money hungry famewhore and wants to strike while the iron is hot. On the other hand, Joe needs to support her. She's the major bread winner so what's the big deal. He's not physically equipped to handle the kids so that's what a nanny is for. He just needs to be there with the kids and give them his attention, he doesn't have to do the major physical stuff. As for Terra being gone for weeks at a time, it's not a constant thing. Most of the time she's not even working and she tapes the show for 3 months or how ever long it takes right there in her hometown. 


Elena has never been successful at anything or stuck to any of her pipe dreams. She doesn't have any business sense at all. She dreams big, then becomes easily bored when she realizes how much actual work is involved. I think she's jealous of Terra's success and that is what's causing a problem in their friendship. What happened to her make up line? Her fashion line? Now this stupid beauty bar as if there aren't enough of those in LA. 

e did cancel.

She would have had an obligation to her publisher as well.  I think it was for show.

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Omg Terra and her wine venture. Black face wine or black woman wine or whatever the eff she wants to call it? Are you effin kidding me? She should be embarrassed to show her face ever again. is there nothing she won't glom on to? I have lost all respect for her this episode. I wish somebody would take this bitch down a few notches. 

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Terra is disgusting.  Not sure why Tonya would want Kermit to stay, he is a loser who wanted her to wait on him hand & foot. I can get they have history, but not worth the price.

Jasmine just seems very sad this season, I know her husband works for the railroad so he is gone alot, they seem like they have a good relationship and adorable boys.

I wish Elena would focus on a career path and stick to it, I think her clothing line would have been successful if she did keep it to LP - and not try to expand so soon into 

average size clothing.

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I just binge watched the first three episodes. ?

It must be in their contracts to fight at every single event otherwise they are all socially stunted.

I’m so over Tonya. She can’t make up her mind with Kerwin and Kerwin can go pound sand, too. They both can live alone because they’re both miserable. I’m over Tonyas lame storyline.

And I don’t want to ever about her “lil boss” clothing line or “lil boss” PERIOD. Quit trying to make lil boss happen. You’re not the boss of ANYTHING. And no more vlog closeups. That one scene in her bed where I got to see up and close that she needs chapstick was not pleasant.

Terra is a shit stirrer. An argument at a little boys birthday? Really? And what’s with the stupid one piece hoodie outfit? You’re not 21. 

Jasmine is the only one I can stomach lately and that’s not saying much. 

The adoption scene was touching. My favorite part of the new season. I hope it was all genuine because it was lovely. ?

ETA: I wonder if it’s too late for Autumn to have her high school diploma show the new last name?!

Edited by Calm81
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12 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

Terra is a shit stirrer. An argument at a little boys birthday? Really? And what’s with the stupid one piece hoodie outfit? You’re not 21. 


As long as she is the loudest and the camera is on her more than anybody else's, she's happy. Ruining a party means nothing to her.

Jasmine is my favorite. The most real of the bunch. She has a husband that actually wants to work, her boys are adorable, I love her close knit Mexican family and she has a profession outside of this show. She gets in other people's business a little too much but only because she tries to mend their own stupid fences. She doesn't get jealous of the other's friendships or success, either. The kind of friend I would like to have. 

Oh, and she shut that fight right down at her son's party. she was having NONE of that. Go Jasmine!

Edited by bichonblitz
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It's silly how Terra called the name "controversial".  The name Black Girl Moscato is more un-creative than controversial.  And I wonder who this "gorgeous black female friend" of Terra's is who created this drink in the first place and why she doesn't want her face or name attached to the project.  I really feel like this is a completely fake storyline, but Terra is making herself look really bad.

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AZ Curls, I am with you 100%. Just when I thought Terra couldn’t stoop any lower, she proves me wrong.  I don't believe her.  Why would a black woman approach a white lady to pitch a wine for black women, when they are other black celebrities that she could approach, instead?  This is a storyline designed to rile up Tanya and stir up controversy.  If she wants a storyline, how about she let viewers see what is really going on in her home.  She won’t because then we will see that her kids aren’t thriving, and her marriage is on life support.  And now that Matt and Briana are no longer on the show, guess what else is on life support. 

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The way Terra told Tanya to just forget about Tonya's wine business was so messed up.  Terra doesn't care about anybody but herself.  How can she even claim to be Tanya's bf when she doesn't even support her friend in anything.  I hope Tanya realizes that Terra really isn't a good friend afterall and goes off on her. Everything Elena once said about who Terra really is was right.  Terra is a fake friend.  

As for Elena starting her own business I don't think she will stick to it.  She quits everything she starts.  

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Crazy that Christy and Todd seem to be the most normal and decent and real of all the couples. Jasmine and her hubby are second but Jasmine gets in people's business too much and she's another one who is overly focused on her looks. 

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22 hours ago, PreciousGem said:

The way Terra told Tanya to just forget about Tonya's wine business was so messed up.  Terra doesn't care about anybody but herself.  How can she even claim to be Tanya's bf when she doesn't even support her friend in anything.  I hope Tanya realizes that Terra really isn't a good friend afterall and goes off on her. Everything Elena once said about who Terra really is was right.  Terra is a fake friend.  

As for Elena starting her own business I don't think she will stick to it.  She quits everything she starts.  

I agree with what you said.  If Terra wants to jump off a cliff by naming the wine she is backing something that is obviously going to cause issues, fine.  My problem was how nonchalantly she told Tanya to dump her wine idea and be the face of Terra's.  Ridiculous!!!!  Yeah, Tanya, dump a business idea you have been working on for a while to play second fiddle to Terra.  Sounds like a great life choice.

Now that I am thinking about it, Terra knows this Black Girl Moscato is going to cause waves.  She also knows she's going to get interviews and press to explain her terrible decision.  Lastly, she thinks that having a black partner is going to exonerate her from being labled because of her awful choices.  If this thing is real, she's doing it to keep her name in the tabloids.  I guess she really believes that any press is good press.  Gotcha number on this one, Terra.

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On 4/6/2018 at 12:34 AM, Destiny74 said:

I agree about Elena.  She quits everything we've seen her try and do.  Her passion is great if her success is easy.  If it takes work, perseverance,  and figuring a way around all the "nos" that get thrown at her it is too much and down the toilet it goes.  I was afraid she was going to get Jasmine sucked into being her partner, or if she still will suck her in later this season.

That is one thing I can give to Terra.  She hustles.  Maybe too much, forsaking anything else.  But she finds an "in" and runs with it.  I wonder if LW was her idea and her hustle or if she was brought into the idea and ran it all the way to EP.

Yes I have read that Little Women was Terra's idea and she pitched it to the network. This is why first season  (and the others) she is sort of the leader because it was all her idea. She really wanted so badly to be famous. She was making these stupid music videos when she can't sing (no need to these days I guess).

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I think if Elena is serious about her blow out business she should first work in a salon to at least learn what goes on and know exactly what needs to be done. Jasmine would be better at running a salon business then Elena would.  Jasmine has experience working in a salon. It just doesn't seem like Elena has ever had a job in her life.  

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I think I need to switch over to the Scientology channel for my viewing displeasure.  Tonya, yes, I get the wine idea/name is bad - but now you are running back to Jaa ?

She seems so desperate to be loved. Elena, your husband is a saint for backing you on your ideas, not that they are bad, just not thought through. I hate siding with 

little Juicy Joe, but Elena only wants $$ from Terra, whereas Jasmine has the experience. When Elena went to the salon, I first thought the salon owner was Alexa from Jerseylicous

Thankfully no Autumn and her whining. I still can't stand Terra.  

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Oh my Goodness what a mess we have going on here.

To start, Jasmine needs knock off the crap she's giving Mika.  I might not like Mika but she has every right to ask questions, even if they are a bit shady.  Jasmine needs to realize that Mika and Tonya for way back.  They both claim to have been friends for 10 years.  So yeah, Jasmine, Mika might know more about Tonya and her ability to see things through.  I think Jasmine's storyline for this season includes not liking the new girl so she has to dig to find crap to complain about.

I was totally Team Tonya last week.  "Black Girl Moscato" may offend her greatly and being told to drop her wine endeavor to join Terra was insulting.  However, get over it girl.  Tonya has a tendency to pout and she ruined that balloon flight, not for everyone else, but for herself.  Her pouting ruined what should have been an exciting day.  

Then at the end of the episode we get to the deep down, long held grudge.  I believe Terra and Tonya may have brainstormed the LW:LA idea.  But, Terra took that idea and ran with it.  She shopped it around and got the deal.  Hell yes, she deserves the EP if she did all the legwork to get the show on TV.  "Well, you never invited me to the meetings!". Maybe, if you had wanted it as bad as Terra, you would have run with it too.  Sorry, LW is Terra's franchise because she hustles for it.  And, when Terra told you the show was going to film and asked you to be on it, why not bring it up then that you thought you deserved credit too?  I don't like Terra but she hustles and sacrifices to be famous, so she deserves that fame when it comes.

Then, correct me if I am wrong, it sounded like Tonya was saying that Terra should dump her wine venture because Tonya is doing a wine and frienda shouldn't compete!?!?  What the hell?  First that is as insulting as terra saying it to you last week.  Second, why can't there be two more wines on the market?  In my viewpoint they don't even really compete.  I mean, if I want a Moscato, I am buying a Moscato, not a red.  And vice versa.  Or, I can pick up both if i am having a get together.  Or maybe, I'll just stick to my box o' wine and call it a day.   Third, Tonya, you look scared.  Terra is shooting herself in the foot by letting this wine for to market with that name.  Just do you and let her fail on her own.  I feel that next season we will learn that BGM failed and Terra will whine about no one giving the product, the actual wine, a chance.  Yeah, because the name is so damn polarizing!

Finally, Elena, do you have a cosmotology degree?  I don't think she does.  If not, you're going to have to pay skilled professionals in this salon you want to open.  That means even more bank needed.  Thinking of asking Terra to partner is a HORRIBLE, I REPEAT HORRIBLE, IDEA!!!  Terra will not be a silent partner.  She will try and take over.  And Elena will get her panties in a twist whenever Terra has an idea she insists on.  Terrible idea.  Let's take your newly healed relationship and pile a ton of manure on it.  It would be a faster and easier way to the same conclusion.  You really should partner with Jasmine.  At least she kinda knows the business and has a license to practice.  Or hell, give up the business you have no idea how to start and continue on YouTube.

Ugh....these ladies.  Christy is the only sane one this season.

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25 minutes ago, Destiny74 said:

Finally, Elena, do you have a cosmotology degree?  I don't think she does.  If not, you're going to have to pay skilled professionals in this salon you want to open.  That means even more bank needed.  Thinking of asking Terra to partner is a HORRIBLE, I REPEAT HORRIBLE, IDEA!!!  Terra will not be a silent partner.  She will try and take over.  And Elena will get her panties in a twist whenever Terra has an idea she insists on.  Terrible idea.  Let's take your newly healed relationship and pile a ton of manure on it.  It would be a faster and easier way to the same conclusion.  You really should partner with Jasmine.  At least she kinda knows the business and has a license to practice.  Or hell, give up the business you have no idea how to start and continue on YouTube.

We can all predict where this is going. Good friend Jasmine will have hurt feelings about Elena asking Terra to partner up with her. There will be a rift in that friendship. Then, if Terra and Elena actually do go in to a partnership, it will be a disaster. I agree, Terra will definitely try to take over, tell Elena she doesn't know what she is doing (probably true, too) and Elena will tell Terra to eff off and so it goes..... these girls are something else! I was surprised to hear Tonya's deep issues with Terra. There are no genuine friendships with any of them, I don't care how long some of them have known each other. As soon as this show went in to production, all bets were off. Jealousy and resentment are a bitch.

Edited by bichonblitz
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38 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

  Tonya, yes, I get the wine idea/name is bad - but now you are running back to Jaa ?

Her pastor was 100% correct. Nobody is going to fill the holes in her except her. Is she afraid to be alone? Has she learned nothing in 54 years? Listen to your pastor, Tonya and start by getting to know yourself!

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Well, she did say there was no romance between her and Jaa.  I had just started watching when slug demanded she diss Jaa as a partner and I thought Jaa was so gracious over the situation. I wanted to see more of him and now I get my chance. He seems like a really nice guy.

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1 hour ago, renatae said:

Well, she did say there was no romance between her and Jaa.  I had just started watching when slug demanded she diss Jaa as a partner and I thought Jaa was so gracious over the situation. I wanted to see more of him and now I get my chance. He seems like a really nice guy.

Before you started watching, there was a romance, Tonya was crazy about Jaa.  Then he told her he wanted to take it slow and that wasn't good enough for Tonya, so she called Kerwin in Texas or wherever he was living, convinced him to leave his girlfriend and come live with her because this time she was serious. Kerwin picks up and leaves his girlfriend and moves back to Tonya. Kerwin is no prize,quite a jerk in fact, but Tonya is a real peice of work herself. It's just a matter of time before she gets romantic with Jaa again. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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I loved the look Christy had while sneaking away from Jasmine and Elena's argument.  It was too funny.  I am really liking Christy. Jasmine was spot on about Elena.  Something tells me she only made up with Terra because she wants Terra to help with her "fantasy" beauty bar business idea.   Elena has given up on all her other ideas so I don't see her following thru with the beauty bar.  

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OK, come on. These frozen face dopes want us to believe that any of them were strangers to botox? Please. We’ve been bouncing quarters off of their faces for several seasons now. What a joke.

Still whoozy from the neon yellow hair on the salon girl. Wtf. Why do I watch this crap.

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Where do they get these rediculous party themes from? 

That was the lamest party - I have seen 3 year old birthdays at Peter Piper more fun than that shit show.  You go Jasmine, you were spot on about Elena only using Terra for money, and I am glad she got called out on it. It was earlier in the season Elena wanted Terra in a You tube video to boost her followers or something as well. I am over the Tonya/Kerwin relationship - she needs to focus on herself and stop with the Jaa/dating thing.  Not surprising Autumn failed her drivers test, it is clear she does not want to drive, so I hope Christy and Todd stick to the non-chauffeuring her around.  

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