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S01.E08: Head of Household #4; Nominations #4

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Talk about EZ Mode wall comp. Where's the torrential downpours? The coloured goo to the face? The animatronics aiming for women's boobs and men's guts? No doubt that James Huling and Jackie Ibarra are at home cursing at their televisions. 

So Brandi has a fire lit under her by being put on the block? I'm not sure she should be near an open flame.

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I knew as soon as Mark started posturing in his THs he wasn't going to win this. He really is a non factor in this house. 

I was really hoping for a Brandi HOH,  just because I think it would be very popcorn worthy. I also don't think her Mark vote was a huge deal. She told Ari immediately after. She didn't hide it from ANYONE. It was a last minute pity vote and it didn't hurt anything. I know this game makes you paranoid, and I cannot stand RH Brandi, but I really don't see this as a big beach of trust. But I guess it really sealed her fate. 

Poor Metta and his loss of beans.

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3 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

This ends next week or so right? Are they going to have a quadruple eviction at some point?

I have been wondering about this exact point. How do they get through this in a week?

It must go the Survivor route, and there are five people left in the finale?

Edited by vb68
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Brandy’s vote was a big deal because these people who get voted out get to go home and watch. Brandy wanted Shannon to go home and watch Brandy feel “so” bad for her (she really didn’t), that she just couldn’t vote her out. Bull. Shit. If I was in her alliance and saw how she was ready and willing to advance her end game, basically throwing me under the bus? No. Glad it backfired on her ass.

At this point, I’m on board with Omarosa and her new group to get out one of the four. And at the next HOH I will be equally on board anyone wanting to get out Omarosa. Because this is how this season works for me. It’s not about who I am rooting for, it is about who I am rooting against.

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OMG what a bunch of crybabies!  That wall challenge wasn't nearly as nasty as usual.

Brandi was stupid throwing that hinky vote, but the rest of them need to get over it.  

That "we love you, but you were a bad, bad puppy" routine was gross.  I hope she flips on them.

Good on James making the deal with Oma.  Safe for now and he gets to play next time.

Marissa, the "giggly horny over-40 woman" thing is not a good look on you. Eww.

I'm voting Spotlight.  Ross or Marissa have to go.

Oma doing what she has to do to get numbers.  Then getting the women to dump info.  Smooth.

Not sure about nominating Brandi since she's on the outs with her gang.  Oma's spiel was convincing, but why not use Brandi for a vote.

They need to kick this up a notch with only a week left.

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1 minute ago, willco said:

I hope when the inevitable Omarosa book comes out, it sells about 20 copies, all to relatives ! May the rest of the world not give a flip with hearing whatever she thinks she knows.

+1 International sale over here. I do love me a good scandalous tell-all, no matter if it's true or not. 

If I could popcorn my way through both the Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey book series, I can popcorn through Omarosa's "truth".

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10 minutes ago, MsJamieDornan said:

Get it from a library !  lol

Nah. There's a spot on my Bookshelf of Shame for her, right in between my Kitty Kelley books and the Tom Cruise unauthorized biography by Andrew Morton. I'll even buy it in hardcover so it makes a satisfying thud when I toss it across the room in frustration. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Diamond Veto:  "The veto winner has the power to remove one of the nominees from the chopping block and also name the replacement nominee."

VIP Veto:  "The veto winner has the option to use the Veto once or twice or not at all in the same Veto Meeting.  If the winner of the Veto removes one of the nominees, he or she will wait for a replacement nominee to be made before deciding if they want to use it a second time."

Spotlight Veto: "The winner of the Veto is guaranteed to be in the spotlight at the Veto Meeting, because this Veto HAS to be used to save one of the two nominees from the chopping block!"

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3 hours ago, vb68 said:

I have been wondering about this exact point. How do they get through this in a week?

It must go the Survivor route, and there are five people left in the finale?


The schedule they released lists a one hour live eviction for tomorrow (Monday ) the 19th.  There is also the usual live 2 hour Friday eviction.  And the Finale on Sunday is live 2 hours.

One hour tomorrow is probably just the veto "twist" (I think I like Diamond best) and with one hour I imagine that is it, one eviction.  But I would not be surprised if Friday's regular two hour show included a double eviction leaving us with one on the Finale Sunday which would mean a final four?  I know the houseguests have been doing the time/math and think it might be a final four anyway.

Just to be complete about the remaining shows, Wednesday's show is listed as "Normal" as in no eviction and so is the extra show they will have on Saturday night.

This episode was pretty tame.  I liked the last one with the veto house of food horrors clips better.  Main thing in this one is that Brandi proved she is too emotional or spare of the moment to be trusted to keep to "the plan."  And I think that was where the vote came from because I don't think she is that good a player to try a pity vote to win Shannon's support on the jury.

I hope Ross, Omarosa's main target, survives because I find him really entertaining and he has a good, healthy attitude towards the game unlike Shannon's.  I'd like to see him in the finals with Metta and, I don't believe I am saying this, James, because I have to give the latter props on how he is playing this despite his Paul impersonations in the diary room.  And Ari is playing a good game so far.  She slipped back under the radar despite having been HOH last time.

Edited by green
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5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Talk about EZ Mode wall comp. Where's the torrential downpours? The coloured goo to the face? The animatronics aiming for women's boobs and men's guts? No doubt that James Huling and Jackie Ibarra are at home cursing at their televisions. 


4 hours ago, PaperTree said:

OMG what a bunch of crybabies!  That wall challenge wasn't nearly as nasty as usual.

I know, right!?!?  TPTB weren’t even aiming the popcorn at the contestants - it just sort of fell randomly around the room, like snow flurries.  And why popcorn if you’re not also going to drizzle butter-flavored oil on the players?  Really dropped the ball on this one, Production.


4 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Brandi was stupid throwing that hinky vote, but the rest of them need to get over it.  

Yes, Brandi’s vote was stupid; Ross/Marissa/Ari dogpiling on Brandi over it, however, was even stupider.  

So y’all are certain at least one member of the alliance is going OTB - and your response is to go out of your way to alienate one of the few votes in the House...?


(Not really.)

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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

I know, right!?!?  TPTB weren’t even aiming the popcorn at the contestants - it just sort of fell randomly around the room, like snow flurries.  And why popcorn if you’re not also going to drizzle butter-flavored oil on the players?  Really dropped the ball on this one, Production.

I thought the tshirts were bad though, I'd rather have raining popcorn butter than get nailed in the face with a tshirt when I can't defend myself! Same with the balls. But yeah it wasn't really up to Big Brother regulation. I blame Omarosa's obvious 'no goopy stuff on me in any comp' clause.

Also the group of little campfire girls was "'so upset' *frowny face*" about the one hinky vote that Brandi cast that we had to spend what seemed like half the show on it? Are these people THAT boring now? I really hate that whole group. I hope Brandi votes with Omarosa's new four. Mainly since the only thing more ridiculous than the group chastising of Brandi was them then panicking that they'd lost her vote. The following 'Oh we love you so much that's why we were hurt but everything is okay now!' *glitter* was such transparent gameplay they deserve to be in the minority with their three remaining votes.

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3 hours ago, MsJamieDornan said:

there are 5 shows remaining...

Yeah and I mentioned the other two non-eviction episodes as well in the next paragraph.  But the first poster was wondering about the evictions ones so I listed them first. Sorry if it caused any confusion.

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48 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Multiple alliances have been burned, broken up.  Some of them by the very people whining about what Brandy did.   They can "pound sand".  If they are going to dish it out, they ought to be prepared to take it.

This happens every season and it never ceases to annoy the crap out of me.  The oh so righteous hypocritical whining that somebody else dared to play their own game. 

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

I put my 20 votes on the VIP Veto, because I thought that could shake them game the most,  creating more paranoia.  And also, because I have never seen that power before.

I personally think Spotlight is better because it ensures someone from the Four to go. VIP Veto has a risk of James going up and getting evicted, if someone like Marissa wins veto and takes down Ross and Brandi or Ari (if Omarosa puts up all of the Four). Of course, that's only if you want one of the Four (Ross/Marissa/Brandi/Ari) to go. 

I do find it ridiculous that Brandi's getting blamed and possibly targeted all for a hinky/sympathy vote. It's just odd to see everyone overreacting to such small things. Shannon overreacted with the Keshia/Chuck stuff (Chuck has to go because he's talked with Keshia), and Ross/Marissa flipping on Shannon so quickly over, I presume, her veto win and somehow being the best BB player ever, despite that really not being the case. 

8 hours ago, green said:

One hour tomorrow is probably just the veto "twist" (I think I like Diamond best) and with one hour I imagine that is it, one eviction.  But I would not be surprised if Friday's regular two hour show included a double eviction leaving us with one on the Finale Sunday which would mean a final four?  I know the houseguests have been doing the time/math and think it might be a final four anyway.

Well, there's still eight people in the house, going down to seven people tonight. I'm positive there will be a DE on Friday, but that still haves five people in the house, so there's definitely another eviction before Sunday, though I do think you're right in that there'll be a F4 finale. There's a Saturday episode, so I'm feeling fairly positive that it'll be the last eviction. So it'll be DE on Friday, HOH that night, veto on Saturday, and then a possible live eviction Saturday night? UNLESS Friday is a Triple Eviction.

I am happy to see Omarosa as HOH because the house needs to be shaken up. However, I'm still rooting for her to go before the finale. Her and Brandi are still both people I simply do not like. However, I'm totally fine with a Ross eviction this time around because he has screwed up his game, but if the houseguests knew how much he's screwed up, they should be thinking of dragging him to the end, as I don't know if he'd get the votes. Same with Marissa, actually. In fact, Marissa could be the perfect goat to take to the end because of her DRs and how she's screwed every single one of her alliance members behind their back. With it being a shortened season, a bitter jury isn't out of the realm of possibilities. 

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I've been enjoying this Celebrity version right up until last night's episode.  The easiest and kindest competition ever.  The much ado about nothing Brandi fuss.  Omarosa posturing. Constant makeup retouching. It was a boring slow episode IMO.

Hope things liven up next time.

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6 hours ago, green said:

Yeah and I mentioned the other two non-eviction episodes as well in the next paragraph.  But the first poster was wondering about the evictions ones so I listed them first. Sorry if it caused any confusion.

Thanks.   I'm still confused about evictions , they are really dragging them out !

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Fuck off Omarosa.  You are trash and I do not give one goddamn shit what you have to say about ANY administration you “worked” in.

Ross made me laugh with his “that’s how you let someone finish.”  I hope he wins veto because he amuses me.

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4 hours ago, MsJamieDornan said:

Thanks.   I'm still confused about evictions , they are really dragging them out !

I think they figure the more people in the house the better. After all, they're celebrities. Hard to believe there's only a week left.

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