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S01.E05: Power of Veto #2; Live Eviction #2


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2 hours ago, candall said:

--Are they showing the Celebrity Houseguests the billboards while they're being quizzed about the billboards?  The challenge is who can count to five . . . faster?


I was wondering about that too, because it didn't make sense.

Maybe they were only showing the billboards to the TV audience so that we could follow along. The POV contestants would have seen them earlier and were trying to recall them from memory. 

But really, who knows?

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15 hours ago, Christina said:

I haven't liked Keisha for a long, long time, and I don't even remember how it started. I also don't think she is a good actor. There was a Tyler Perry movie where she played a prostitute and was groan worthy. In her defense, that whole part of the story was weak, in my opinion, and I don't think another actor would have made it better.

So, I was quite annoyed that I felt sorry for her tonight. I was unable to pump myself, and had trouble nursing in general, resulting in my milk drying up at six weeks. My son lost so much weight that his pediatrician ordered me to supplement with formula, and a breastfeeding support group (I'm not naming it on purpose because a lot of women do get support) sent a woman over to help me on day sixteen. She told me that supplementing is the reason I couldn't make enough milk and only a very small percentage of women can't nurse. His home-health nurse said that was bull and that statistic referred to women who didn't have milk ducts and other defects, not all women in general and doesn't include women who had traumatic births or early deliveries and many of those women don't produce milk because the body doesn't send the signal to begin nursing. The human body is quite the asshole.

I couldn't carry to term and had miscarriages before finally having my son, couldn't produce milk, couldn't pump and thought I must be the most worthless mother alive. Later, my gastrointestinal doctor explained that my body shut down the milk production because my body needed the nutrients. My midwife had me taking all kinds of herbs that were supposed to help, but didn't. There are now prescription meds to help.

I share this long, too much information post to say that as ridiculous as I find Keisha, having trouble pumping breast milk can cause terrible mental distress. By now, I think she knew that she was unlikely to make it to the end and used it as an excuse though. 

Still don't like her and don't like that I have sympathy feelings for her, though. 

I feel you, I had similar issues.  I still rolled my eyes at Keisha.  Her baby is ONE.  It's not like the baby needs breastmilk to survive at this point.  She should've moved on to solid food and regular milk by now anyway.  And if nursing was THAT important to her, she wouldn't have agreed to leave her baby for nearly three weeks.  I think she wanted out and this was the easiest path to go so no one would fault her for it.

  • Love 10
51 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

All that talk and at the end of the day neither Ross nor Marissa had the balls to make a big move.

Could we fucking stop with the subtitles whenever Metta speaks?  I can understand the man, thankyouvermuch.

Maybe I’m the only one but I didn’t find Julie’s ‘cough’ funny….wouldn’t have been so funny if Omarosa had wound up in ER now would it? 

Well they DID, but Keisha prevented anything from happening with her "woe is me my child is starving to death you must evict me now so I don't lose my stipend" routine.

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56 minutes ago, lezlers said:

I feel you, I had similar issues.  I still rolled my eyes at Keisha.  Her baby is ONE.  It's not like the baby needs breastmilk to survive at this point.  She should've moved on to solid food and regular milk by now anyway.  And if nursing was THAT important to her, she wouldn't have agreed to leave her baby for nearly three weeks.  I think she wanted out and this was the easiest path to go so no one would fault her for it.

Right.  I am a huge advocate for breast-feeding.  But going away for three weeks and pumping milk to give a toddler is not breast-feeding. A huge reason to breast feed past a year is for the bonding, the comfort it gives the baby.  Breast milk in a sippy cup doesn't do that.  And, a toddler who is off the breast for three weeks might not return to breast feeding anyway.  If you want to wean a toddler from the breast, after three weeks they kind of "forget" about it.  

I didn't like that Keisha wouldn't just own up to wanting to leave and QUIT.  No, she had to save Omarosa from elimination by begging to be voted off.  That's not the way the game is played! 

  • Love 7
17 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

To be honest, I'm just as confused as you are. They were supposed to be, but I guess that was false? I mean, it's evident with how pouty Marissa got when she couldn't play an active role in evicting her supposed super secret friend from the outside. 

I don’t think it’s false. I think Marissa is probably just leaving their friendship aside for the sake of the game. My guess is that she also knows she can’t beat Shannon in competitions.

Edited by Sara2009
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I can't speak to anything on the breast milk issue (although, I was raised on formula…it being the 1960s and breast-feeding being thought primitive…so maybe that's the source of some of my problems), but obviously Keshia's child is dependent and if she thinks the child needs her breast, then she's right to go.  

That said, how did the editors/production manage to completely miss this developing storyline and instead give us 40 minutes of "will Ross backdoor Shannon?" without the complicating factor of "what about Keshia wanting to go home, though?" even being mentioned until after the Veto was played?  Sloppy team, sloppy.  All so we could get incredibly obvious filler such as Metta splashing with his "ducks".  Very disappointing.

Mind you, I'm glad that Shannon is staying (embarrassing that she goofed up and hit the wrong button, though), but if the story of the episode is "Keshia and her breast pump", then there should have been some coverage of the breast story.  It looks as though BB didn't have its ear to the ground on this one.

And I guess Ian was right about James being able to slide to the back of the pack.  He was barely mentioned this cycle, and now Omarosa, Shannon, and possibly Ross are ahead of him in the line of fire.  Even if he somehow lands on the block next to  Shannon, he stands a good chance of surving the vote.  Interesting.

  • Love 3

As another poster previously pointed out, if you've been coughing for 24 hours, you will cough weakly and pathetically in an effort to stave off the pain in your ribs from coughing. That's legit.  However, you won't just do it once. You'll be clearing your throat and walking around bug-eyed trying to avoid anything that might set you off (and you'll cough in your sleep as well, so sleep is no solution) 

However, I don't recall seeing any footage of Omarosa coughing in the house at all.  She left the yard with her hand on her mouth and went straight to the diary room.  In the past hamsters with various ailments have sought refuge/help there and been filmed sobbing on the couch waiting for transport to a medical facility.  Okay, maybe they're kinder to celebs.  But not so much as a soundtrack of a coughing fit from behind closed doors? 

Once I start I cannot stop - seems weird that there wasn't an audible peep broadcast.  Makes me think she went in the room and launched straight into a talking to about her guaranteed three elimination survival "deal" (I'm making that up but it's the sort of thing that would not surprise me) and that she was not going to be humiliated on national television and they'd better come up with something to stop the house gang-up on her or she would not rejoin the cast and would [insert typical Omarosa threat].  What they came up with was 24 hours out of the house allegedly in hospital. After which she continued to not cough.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Vixenstud said:

All that talk and at the end of the day neither Ross nor Marissa had the balls to make a big move.

Could we fucking stop with the subtitles whenever Metta speaks?  I can understand the man, thankyouvermuch.

Maybe I’m the only one but I didn’t find Julie’s ‘cough’ funny….wouldn’t have been so funny if Omarosa had wound up in ER now would it? 

Yes, but to be fair, Julie did that after O was already back in the house and had been checked out by the doctors. I don't know if the DR cough was fake or not, but it sure sounded fake.

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Just now, willco said:

Yes, but to be fair, Julie did that after O was already back in the house and had been checked out by the doctors. I don't know if the DR cough was fake or not, but it sure sounded fake.

...or Julie’s cough, for that matter; it was a live bit, after all.  Could’ve been a coincidence - but if so, what a great and entertaining one.  :D

23 minutes ago, kassa said:

As another poster previously pointed out, if you've been coughing for 24 hours, you will cough weakly and pathetically in an effort to stave off the pain in your ribs from coughing. That's legit.  However, you won't just do it once. You'll be clearing your throat and walking around bug-eyed trying to avoid anything that might set you off (and you'll cough in your sleep as well, so sleep is no solution) 

For me, it's less about the coughing and more about the fact that she didn't sound like she had an irritated throat at all. Maybe it's me but if I'm coughing up a lung for an extended period of time, I spend the next 36 or so hours talking barely above a whisper because of how raw my throat feels from coughing. Obviously it's hard to judge because we don't know when the DR session occurred (two hours after she came back? 12? 24? 48?) buuuut when they showed her up and moving after her nap - and in true drama queen fashion, she waited until everyone in the house had peeked in on her - her voice sounded pretty normal to me.

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I’ve followed Metta on Twitter for awhile so I know he’s all “peace love and panda” now but it still cracks me up that this is the guy who tried to murder a fan (who was in the wrong, but still) and was suspended for a year.  I just adore him.

Fuck off Omarosa.  You don’t know half as much shit as you think you do.

So much buildup for so little climax!  Hopefully they started playing again today.

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8 hours ago, backformore said:

I didn't like that Keisha wouldn't just own up to wanting to leave and QUIT.  No, she had to save Omarosa from elimination by begging to be voted off.  That's not the way the game is played! 

Sometimes I hate you can only 'like' something once... anyhow ITA here, not only did she cause the game to crash to a screeching halt she saved the irredeemable Omarosa. That's a double foul.

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2 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Sometimes I hate you can only 'like' something once... anyhow ITA here, not only did she cause the game to crash to a screeching halt she saved the irredeemable Omarosa. That's a double foul.

She actually saved Shannon.  Only James wouldn't vote for her (Shannon's) eviction.  Everyone else was on board.  It was a done deal.  Then Keisha messes up everything.  And since I want Shannon out more than anyone else at this point it was more than a double foul.

Funny how Shannon was my favorite for the first show then fell to the most annoying person in the house between her flipping every other day, over-zealot playing when there was no need to go 70 in a 30 mph zone as it were and now her down right super paranoia when there wasn't any need for it.  Originally that is.  Of course that paranoia has now contributed to her fears coming true now.  She is her own worst enemy in this house.

Edited by green
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I was on board with Keisha's reasons for leaving right up until she needlessly threw Shannon under the bus to James. She wasn't lying but it was unnecessary. If you want out for valid reasons (and I believe for her they were) then fine. Talk to the HG about that. Don't randomly throw in game right before you leave. It was so strange.

I am very confused by something. Are they playing for charities? Shannon seemed to indicate yes during her intro video but she was the only one. Then Ross thought she was playing for her animal charity as well. But again no one else has mentioned playing for a charity and Brandi has indicated she's doing this for the money for herself/family.

This episode was boring but overall the condensed format is better than the regular version. Agree with all those who have said the lack of showmances and the focus on actual game play have been great.

  • Love 3

I think Keisha's tears were real because, frankly, I don't think she can act well enough to fake or force herself to cry. However, I think the tears were because she realized she was not going to win not because she felt her breast milk depleting. It can cause mental distress, a bit of hormones and a bit of feeling like a failure as a parent like every decent first-time parent ever in the history of the world.

After she didn't win veto it became crystal clear to her she wasn't making it to the end, bringing on the tears and forcing the fake reason. The producers probably didn't have any coverage of her concerns before the live show because she didn't really have any, other than the malfunctioning breast pump and missing her child.

I also think that people don't realize how much they will miss their families and how much it will hurt the first time they sign on to be away for awhile. For instance, Brandi has done it several times by now and if she has given more than lip service to missing her kids, I missed it**. I don't know if this is Keisha's first time away because I don't like her and don't follow her comings and goings.

**Right as I was about to hit send, Brandi commented on BBAD about not bringing stuff with her that reminded her of her kids. I didn't watch the RH shows and don't listen to her podcast so I don't have the extreme dislike of her that she has apparently earned.

20 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Keisha wanted to be evicted, and then she pays back the houseguests that remained in the game by blowing up Shannon's game.  If she wanted the other houseguests to show compassion and boot her out, she should have returned the favor and kept her mouth shut.

That is totally different than if Keisha wanted to stay in the game and was evicted.  In this scenario, I wouldn't care how Keisha left the game.  She could have blown up everyone's game and I wouldn't care.

If it were me, I would still have voted out Omerosa, and then force Keisha to self-evict.  No one forced Keisha to play BB.

YES to this entire post! Keshia begged them to vote her off and they did, out of kindness, even though it screwed up their game plan. I am absolutely with you, I would have voted out whoever I wanted to vote out and, if Keshia wanted to quit, she'd have to do it herself. 

2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Keisha wanted to be evicted, and then she pays back the houseguests that remained in the game by blowing up Shannon's game.  If she wanted the other houseguests to show compassion and boot her out, she should have returned the favor and kept her mouth shut.

That is totally different than if Keisha wanted to stay in the game and was evicted.  In this scenario, I wouldn't care how Keisha left the game.  She could have blown up everyone's game and I wouldn't care.

If it were me, I would still have voted out Omerosa, and then force Keisha to self-evict.  No one forced Keisha to play BB.

Again, Omorosa would NOT have been voted out.  The veto would definitely have been used and Shannon would have been voted out.  So self-evicting would have seen both Shannon and Keisha gone the same night.

And no way would production allow anyone to self-evict in this short a season with this small of a cast.  They would have put the thumb screws to her.  Also she would have broken her contract and lost her "stipend" or whatever it is called and there have been some rumors they are paying the "celebs" upwards of $200,000 to appear on the show.  (Rumors because no one knows how much each of these "celebs" individually have been paid but 200K was mentioned at one point in a rumor anyway and I'm sure Omorosa gets even more).

7 minutes ago, green said:

Again, Omorosa would NOT have been voted out.  The veto would definitely have been used and Shannon would have been voted out.  So self-evicting would have seen both Shannon and Keisha gone the same night.

Er - at the time of the vote the veto had most definitely NOT been used, Shannon was safe, and Omarosa and Keshia were the only two eviction options.  I believe this is what @icemiser69 was referring to - voting to evict Omarosa at this point, and let Keshia DOR if she was so committed to heading on down the road.

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11 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Er - at the time of the vote the veto had most definitely NOT been used, Shannon was safe, and Omarosa and Keshia were the only two eviction options.  I believe this is what @icemiser69 was referring to - voting to evict Omarosa at this point, and let Keshia DOR if she was so committed to heading on down the road.

But it was only because Keisha was begging to be voted out that the veto was not used.  So I have no idea how anyone could ossible think Omorosa would have been voted out period.

If Keisha self-evicts before the voting, Shannon is put up and evicted.  Because there is no way Keisha could self-evict AFTER Marissa doesn't use the veto.  Marissa only refused to use the veto after Keisha begged out and they promised her they would vote her out.  If she was making a shady move to get them both out I don't think Big Brother would allow that to happen.  Plus Keisha didn't want Omorosa to go anyway.

Either there would be no vote after the self-eviction and that eviction becomes THE eviction for the night or the HOH would be allowed to put up another nominee and it would become a default double eviction night.

6 hours ago, green said:

But it was only because Keisha was begging to be voted out that the veto was not used.  So I have no idea how anyone could ossible think Omorosa would have been voted out period.

If Keisha self-evicts before the voting, Shannon is put up and evicted.  Because there is no way Keisha could self-evict AFTER Marissa doesn't use the veto.  Marissa only refused to use the veto after Keisha begged out and they promised her they would vote her out.  If she was making a shady move to get them both out I don't think Big Brother would allow that to happen.  Plus Keisha didn't want Omorosa to go anyway.

Either there would be no vote after the self-eviction and that eviction becomes THE eviction for the night or the HOH would be allowed to put up another nominee and it would become a default double eviction night.

Sigh - don’t know why, but I’m taking one more stab at comprehension before I give this up:

@green: in this post...

9 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Keisha wanted to be evicted, and then she pays back the houseguests that remained in the game by blowing up Shannon's game.  If she wanted the other houseguests to show compassion and boot her out, she should have returned the favor and kept her mouth shut.

That is totally different than if Keisha wanted to stay in the game and was evicted.  In this scenario, I wouldn't care how Keisha left the game.  She could have blown up everyone's game and I wouldn't care.

If it were me, I would still have voted out Omerosa, and then force Keisha to self-evict.  No one forced Keisha to play BB.

...@icemiser69 wasn’t talking about Keshia self-evicting - not before the PoV, not after the PoV, not on St. Swithin’s Day. :)    

Ice was talking about Keshia’s speechifying -both post-PoV and pre-Vote - begging the others to evict her, which is a different thing entirely.

And I’m right with Ice on this one, especially after Keshia’s non-truth revelation.  If Keshia wants to bail, let her bail - but she can do it under her own power, without any help from me.  I’d be taking the opportunity to show Omarosa the door - after which Keshia can feel free to follow her, if Keshia still feels so inclined.

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