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"The View": Week Of 2/12/18

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Monday: Former "The View" co-host Sherri Shepherd guest hosts; "View Your Deal" with hot items at affordable prices.


Tuesday: Former "The View" co-host Sherri Shepherd guest hosts; actor Chadwick Boseman from "Black Panther."


Wednesday: Former "E! News" host Catt Sadler guest hosts; actor Michael B. Jordan from "Black Panther."


Thursday: "Shark Tank" cast members Mark Cuban, Daymond John, Kevin O'Leary, Barbara Corcoran and Robert Herjavec.


Friday: "Day of Hot Topics." 

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Remember back in the day when the View actually had guests?  Aren't we in sweeps?  They have two actors promoting movies and the cast of an ABC reality show.  I'm wondering if they can't book guests or they don't want to book guests.   More time for them to have all those in show commercials.

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6 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

Remember back in the day when the View actually had guests?  Aren't we in sweeps?  They have two actors promoting movies and the cast of an ABC reality show.  I'm wondering if they can't book guests or they don't want to book guests.   More time for them to have all those in show commercials.

Yeah, and those two actors are promoting the same movie.  Thursday will just be an unpaid advertisement for the products the various sharks invested in.  Sherri for two days?  Eh.  Low interest week.

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Not happy about Sherri if it's an audition, but otherwise I'm fine with it. Sherri is fine in small doses.

I'd rather see Mark Cuban there alone, talking politics. He's richer than Trump and not afraid to speak his mind.

Weren't there two guests they recently said would appear who didn't? One was Stormi... whatever, the stripper, and I can't remember the other.

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I am so happy that Chadwick Boseman and Michael B. Jordan will be guests on the show promoting Black Panther...Black Panther is going to be really good.

Chadwick Boseman, like Taraji P. Henson, Sterling K. Brown and Viola Davis have been working steadily, in Hollywood, for years. They are  all finally getting their due. I am so happy for them.

Michael B. Jordan was awesome on All MY Children.  I loved him as Jack's  adopted son.. The Montgomery-Kane family had so much potential to be a great family, but, the idiots in charge ruined it..

Edited by Apprentice79
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I would love to see Joy Reid, guest co-host, on the show. Megan would lose her mind.  Joy does not suffer fools gladly. She is awesome on her show.. A panel with Both Joys, Sunny and Starr would be Megan's worst nightmare..lol Their combine intellects alone would push Meggie to have a breakdown on air... They would not let her deflect, deny and distort the facts, to suit her agenda.

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I had stopped watching by the time Sherri became a co-host, so I missed most of her "moments".  But because she was guest hosting the day of the "split screen" and was begging for them to go to commercial, I'll always have a bit of a soft spot in my heart for her. So I'll probably watch Mon & Tue.

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1 hour ago, Apprentice79 said:

ichael B. Jordan was awesome on All MY Children.  I loved him as Jack's  adopted son.. The Montgomery-Kane family had so much potential to be a great family, but, the idiots in charge ruined it.

He was fantastic in Fri Night Lights too.  Very talented actor. 

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6 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

Not happy about Sherri if it's an audition, but otherwise I'm fine with it. Sherri is fine in small doses.

I'd rather see Mark Cuban there alone, talking politics. He's richer than Trump and not afraid to speak his mind.

Weren't there two guests they recently said would appear who didn't? One was Stormi... whatever, the stripper, and I can't remember the other.

Diana Ross?

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7 minutes ago, Tammee said:

Diana Ross?

Not only did they not reschedule Diana Ross, who had to cancel due to the flu, but that narcissist Tonya Harding was supposed to have come on the show on January 22, per Whoopi’s proclamation. I’m glad Tonya never appeared-she’s already getting tongue baths from Hollywood as it is, but it would really be nice if they could get Diana on this month, as it is also Black History Month.

As for that PORN star, Stormy Daniels not appearing-that was more of why bother when it’s clear she would only be coy and her lawyer decided she couldn’t be on. To which I said “GOOD!” Don’t need her.

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I would have gotten this week's schedule from ABC's site but they haven't updated it to show this week's lineup yet. I checked more then one online guide before making this post to make sure the Sherri on two days wasn't a misprint by one of them. I guess we'll see for sure about Tuesday if ABC updates The View's schedule page tomorrow morning and find out more about Friday maybe. They were getting slow about updating at least a couple months before they moved things over to the ABC News site. They still post the current episodes on what's left of The View section on the regular ABC site though.

Edited by Jaded
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7 hours ago, Jaded said:

I would have gotten this week's schedule from ABC's site but they haven't updated it to show this week's lineup yet.

On the View's section on the ABC site, it shows Sherri both days under "Tickets".

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11 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

I think I'll make it a drinking game. One toot every time Sherri talks about Jeffrey, makes a joke about ex-husbands and/or alimony, and two each time she mentions her weight.

I'll be drunk for lunch!

She mentioned Jeffrey within the first minute, LOL. Get your shot glasses ready, gals. We should also start drinking every time Meggie tries to turn everything into a personal attack against her.

Seeing Whoopi cut off Meghan (for once) makes me smile. Am I a terrible person? :D

Edited by Alexis2291
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16 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

She mentioned Jeffrey within the first minute, LOL. Get your shot glasses ready, gals. We should also start drinking every time Meggie tries to turn everything into a personal attack against her.

Seeing Whoopi cut off Meghan (for once) makes me smile. Am I a terrible person? :D


 Whoopie is definitely pushing back on Meggie.  She does not want to have a discussion, just, spew her talking points about North Korea.

Edited by Apprentice79
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13 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Oh, and I want to say I love Sunny for bringing up Trump's newspaper ad from years back, where he called for the death penalty for the Central Park Five--who were later exonerated!

And if I recall correctly, he still thought they were guilty and that the DNA was a lie/made up evidence.

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What on earth was Meghan wearing today? I didn't see her walk out, but sitting down it looked like giant striped skirt and with her hair tied back. Really? 

Gosh, she just does not have the figure for that skirt or hairstyle.

Edited by OnTime
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4 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

I haven't watched the show yet.  What's the vibe between Joy and Meghan after last week's big dust up?

Joy is a professional and will keep it that way with Meghan.  I did notice at some point, Joy was making a point and she told her that it was not a personal attack on her. 

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9 minutes ago, Haleth said:

So Meghan thinks it's perfectly fine for Pence to sit stone faced while the North and South Korean athletes enter the stadium, but when Adam Rippon declines to meet the VP he's being disrespectful and politicizing the Olympics. Right.

Meghan is full of hot air.

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Sherri has done some learning while being off the View.  She made some good points during the MeToo discussion about what exactly she as a parent of a teen son can do to ensure her son doesn't violate a female.. and it makes me wonder how parents of sons and daughters are handling all of this.

However, she lost me on the Fifty Shades discussion where some of the old Sherri came out... and I don't think she realizes that some men probably might Metoo her for her behaviors in the past.

I will say the movie 9 1/2 Weeks is a better representation of the Metoo movement from the 1980s.

Meghan.... no words.

Edited by JAYJAY1979
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Loved Sherri giving MM that face, lol. 

Joy telling MM  everything isn't personal,  loved it!

Ok Meghan,  your inlaws arnt saying Trump is ordained by God , BUT evangelicals have said it and you know it. And leave the Clintons out of this . We have enough problems with the current president.  No need to break your back to reach for the Clintons.

I'm now following Bernie Behar on instagram. 

Thank you Sunny, for bring up the central park 5.

Edited by imjagain
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37 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

It sounded like Whoopi was saying the woman who accused Asari Aziz of sexual misconduct gave up the right to say no when she went to his place. That is a horrible message for women to hear.  

But typical of Whoopi. She said the same thing about the women who said that they didn't know how they would be treated when they became playboy bunnies. (I think this was right before the whole Weinstein article and outpouring of women coming forward). She said that "they knew" what they were getting into. Says the person who was never in that situation EVER.

ETA: It's Aziz Ansari.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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7 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

This morning was an example of Whoopi blathering on & making absolutely no sense, but saying it with such emphasis.  She was cutting everyone off to make some stupid nonsensical point.  Whoopi, STFU!!!

Whoopie is the same woman that defended Bill Cosby vehemently and attacked anybody who said anything, in opposition, of him, namely, Rosie O'Donnell.

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16 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

Whoopie is the same woman that defended Bill Cosby vehemently and attacked anybody who said anything, in opposition, of him, namely, Rosie O'Donnell.

This !

And we can't forget her "Rape-Rape" comment.

Whoopi can spare me her woke bs, regarding women  being victims of sexual abuse. Because her defense of Polanski was all ever needed to hear from her.

Edited by imjagain
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1 hour ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Of course Meghan tried to divert to Hillary, but Sherri did a good job by pointing out nobody ever acted like Hillary was “ordained by God” (Sherri’s exact quote).

I don't understand what Hillary and Bill Clinton had to do with the conversation and why Meggie had to bring them up. Sherri is right - nobody ever painted Hillary as some figure sent to us from God. 


27 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

It sounded like Whoopi was saying the woman who accused Asari Aziz of sexual misconduct gave up the right to say no when she went to his place. That is a horrible message for women to hear.  

I really didn't like Whoopi's message during that segment. And she kept saying there is no such thing as nonverbal cues. The whole time in my head I was screaming, "yes there are, Whoopi!" 

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7 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

I really didn't like Whoopi's message during that segment. And she kept saying there is no such thing as nonverbal cues. The whole time in my head I was screaming, "yes there are, Whoopi!" 

She was trying to say once you start with foreplay you can't back out.  But she was afraid of getting bleeped by the censors.

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4 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

I don't understand what Hillary and Bill Clinton had to do with the conversation and why Meggie had to bring them up. Sherri is right - nobody ever painted Hillary as some figure sent to us from God. 


I really didn't like Whoopi's message during that segment. And she kept saying there is no such thing as nonverbal cues. The whole time in my head I was screaming, "yes there are, Whoopi!" 


She drives me crazy when she gets on her soap box about no verbal cues bs. The truth is if the #metoo movement wasn't as huge as it is, I know we'd still be hearing her defend men like the ones mentioned above. It's who she is. And that's why I have no  desire to hear her make her word salad about something she has never seemed to care about.

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4 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

She was trying to say once you start with foreplay you can't back out.  But she was afraid of getting bleeped by the censors.

I must've missed that part but even so, who says a woman can't back out once foreplay starts? That's still not a very positive message.

4 minutes ago, imjagain said:

She drives me crazy when she gets on her soap box about no verbal cues bs.

Yup. She's said it numerous times on the show. Maybe it doesn't exist for her, but to act as if the same is true for all women seems a bit unfair on her part.

Edited by Alexis2291
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1 minute ago, Alexis2291 said:

I must've missed that part but even so, who says a woman can't back out once foreplay starts? That's still not a very positive message.

She was talking in code. I forget the exact words or phrases she was using.  One of the other cohosts cut her off.

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4 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

I must've missed that part but even so, who says a woman can't back out once foreplay starts? That's still not a very positive message.

She dominated the conversation. I actually wanted to hear from the other ladies, even Megan.  They have all had experiences with men, but, Whoopie knows everything and everybody has to shut the hell up.

Edited by Apprentice79
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Sherri, I just asked for one thing. For some Trial & Error info and I didn't get it. I'll forgive you if you share something tomorrow.


34 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

This morning was an example of Whoopi blathering on & making absolutely no sense, but saying it with such emphasis.  She was cutting everyone off to make some stupid nonsensical point.  Whoopi, STFU!!!

The funny part is that Sherri had a valid point in how it's hard for parents to teach their kids and for the kids as well in this environment. Every kept saying consent, consent, consent, which is fine, but they seemed to have missed her point completely.

57 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Sherri has done some learning while being off the View.  She made some good points during the MeToo discussion about what exactly she as a parent of a teen son can do to ensure her son doesn't violate a female.. and it makes me wonder how parents of sons and daughters are handling all of this.

However, she lost me on the Fifty Shades discussion where some of the old Sherri came out... and I don't think she realizes that some men probably might Metoo her for her behaviors in the past.

I will say the movie 9 1/2 Weeks is a better representation of the Metoo movement from the 1980s.

Meghan.... no words.

I kind of give her a pass here. Her point was that Fifty Shades is escapism and even though I think the movie is creepy and glamourizes abuse, there's still consent here. I don't like porn either, but I'd wager that it's similar to that.

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On 2/11/2018 at 10:46 AM, Apprentice79 said:

Why is Sherry back? Yuck.. I am in no mood to see her fool ass, shaking her ass, like she is hot stuff.. 

Well your prediction was right.  She did make an ass out of herself.  I hate when she drags poor Jeffrey into her stories.  Just raise your son respectfully.  This will be hard as Jeffrey has seen his mom being oversexualized.  She, herself, called herself a ho.  Did like when she was giving it to Megan though.

46 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

It sounded like Whoopi was saying the woman who accused Asari Aziz of sexual misconduct gave up the right to say no when she went to his place. That is a horrible message for women to hear.  

She is quite inarticulate.  I took it to mean this:  She met him on social media; she met him at a bar; she agreed to go to his apartment; she engaged in some sex and didn't want to engage in other sex.  I was raised to say NO.  I was raised to get up and walk out.  Frankly I would not have gone to his apartment on the first meeting.  That's just me.  I would absolutely agree on what can and can't happen too.  Women have got to get used to standing up at the start and not waffling their way through an encounter.  How many times have we women been on a date and within 5 minutes said, "Oh hell no".  We use nonverbal cues all the time.  Examples include different languages, raising toddlers, and other examples here.  The story with the actor would be difficult and her voice would have worked better.  Don't get me wrong, Whoopi is never right these comments are my own and my circle of women family and friends also thought the girl should have just said NO.  We are Italian and have had a lifetime of advice.  As my dad once said, "You never want to be dead right".

Now onto Megan - I kept yelling at the TV for her to SHUT THE FUCK UP, over and over.  God she is annoying as hell.  If Pence can't attend a sporting event whose only purpose is to drop political lines and let athletes compete then he should not have gone.  Mr. Hollierthanthou.

Edited by jumper sage
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2 minutes ago, WhitneyWhit said:

And I have a lot of issues with the woman who accused Asari Aziz but saying that a woman loses the right to say no because she goes to a man's house is a new level of stupid.

And then she implied that the young lady went back to his place because he's famous. Once again, an unfair assumption. 

EDIT: Actually I think she said that's what she thinks outright but I'll have to re-watch the clip.

Edited by Alexis2291
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