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S05.E05: Buddy's Big Secret

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At least in some states, you need FAR fewer credits than a hairdresser to become an addiction counselor. It also pays like crap.

"Addiction counselor" can mean about a thousand different things. As someone said, you can call yourself that and have no formal education or licensing at all. One hospital I worked in had "techs" on their substance abuse treatment unit who were required to have a high school diploma. They made a fairly low hourly wage and were responsible for a variety of patient care tasks but weren't doing "counseling" or providing any sort of medical care. They were vital to the functioning of the unit though - they took vital signs, gathered intake information, searched incoming patients' luggage and gifts visitors brought; supervised group activities, etc. The unit preferred to hire people for this job who had personal experience with addiction but a solid history of recovery because they "got it."

You can get advanced substance abuse treatment certifications in social work, psychology, nursing and a bunch of other disciplines. Usually there is some sort of standardized written test and often there is a requirement for providing a certain number of hours of patient care in a treatment setting, as well as clinical supervision from another professional who already has the credential. Those positions require more formal education and are higher paid. Interventionists often fall into this category. 

You can also be an MD or a PhD and specialize in addiction treatment. That requires a lot of education, and in medicine it requires residency and likely a fellowship. 

Tal has a master's - in psychology, I'm guessing. Buddy, without getting an undergraduate degree - could really only be an entry level staffer. Not without value, but not much in the way of salary.

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2 hours ago, Dot said:

Do you mean at the Skinny episode? I think that was Todd.

Yeah, that was Todd. Buddy, however, told Kerryn, the alcoholic in recovery, to go get a drink. He wasn't referring to iced tea. I wonder how he feels about that little slice of cruelty now?

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I know this bunch aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed, but I find it hard to believe Heather didn’t know or at least have an idea what was going on unless this is a fake relationship or the broke up way longer then they are letting on.  The only other thing I can think of is I don’t know Heather’s custody situation, but maybe her claiming to have no idea what was going on during the episode is so her ex can’t claim she knowingly had a drug addict around her kids...although it does portray her as incredibly stupid since we have all been saying Buddy has a problem.  

Does anyone know how long these seasons tape for because I don’t understand how these fools have so much time to be at Shitneys beck n call.  Also since Buddys parents and friend appear in this episode do they get compensated? As far as the reunion, I was more disgusted how Buddy treated the host and thought back then he was on drugs or drunk....he has a nasty side if you ask me ymmv.

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On ‎2‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 6:55 PM, cynicat said:

Heather isn't the sharpest crayon in the box.  Just saying.

As for Buddy not being able to afford cocaine, how much does he get paid for being on this show?  I'm just happy he's getting sober, although I'm still not over his calling that comedian the C-word.  I don't think he was addicted to anything then, he was just a jerk.

I was floored that Whitney completely made Buddy's problem into hers.  How does this affect ME?...I didn't notice, I'll never forgive myself...I should have been able to fix him.  Way to turn around his issue and try to make people feel sorry for poor you instead of him. 

I do have to give Whitney props for being a good friend to Ashley when she was having a meltdown.  She kept a level head, made Ashley feel better, and surprisingly didn't turn it around to herself.  I also didn't mind the uterus blessing ceremony.  Again, it made Ashley feel supported and loved regardless of how weird it was and she clearly needed to hear all of that.  It was sweet when each person told her how they would be there to help.

Addicts are sneaky as fuck. Meg Ryan had no idea that Dennis Quaid had a million dollar coke habit. One of my sisters blew through 90K of my Dad's money before we caught on. People can hide drug abuse like they can hide extramarital affairs. 

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Addicts are sneaky as fuck. Meg Ryan had no idea that Dennis Quaid had a million dollar coke habit. One of my sisters blew through 90K of my Dad's money before we caught on. People can hide drug abuse like they can hide extramarital affairs. 

It also helps if the people around the addict don't want to see the truth. Denial really is an incredible thing.

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Shitney is probably the worst friend anyone would ever have. She has no idea what's going on in their lives unless it relates to her, finally notices Buddy isn't around and then goes and insists it must be about another woman as if she's actually jealous. Given what we saw in season 1 about it, I can believe Shitney wouldn't think excessive drinking is a problem, but looking at the clear decline in Buddy's health from then but this episode was some next level self-centered unawareness. His parents weren't going to tell her. They clearly know that Shitney is one of Buddy's biggest problems and would prefer if he was not around her at all. And now she has yet another animal that she can't care for.

I shouldn't be surprised by that because it seems that Shitney treats pets as disposable. Went out and got a pig with her mother to keep as a pet without the concept of what would happen when the pig grows up and is an adult fully grown pig - that can't comfortably live in a suburban neighborhood  - and then pulls this game of convincing her mother to give it to a rescue. This is the same woman who just last episode tried to give her mother another pet? What an overgrown toddler.

Then the pregnant one lets out more of her story and I have to wonder if there's a responsible human being anywhere in Greensboro. Careless about protection, gets pregnant by accident on the third date with no idea how to afford or care for a baby, and just is like "Oops, well, this is my life now." Perhaps I expect too much from people who clearly do not care about taking care of any aspect of their own health. Shitney, the pregnant one, Buddy, all eating and drinking themselves into early graves. It's really sad when someone is so fat they have to say that they're 9 months pregnant because no one could tell by looking at them. And yes, do shovel in more ice cream when you're morbidly obese and pregnant. Double fist those milkshakes. No even remotely near Shitney is capable of making anything approaching a good decision.

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Cherenkov, I agree with almost everything you said. However, Vietnamese Pot Bellied pigs are not truly farm animals and when full grown usually weigh about the same as a mid size dog. A lot of breeders raise them in their houses and they are probably self selected to be docile and good pets. In my opinion it is far more cruel to re-home one of these to a farm after it has been accustomed to being amongst people. Not saying that there haven't been stories about pet pigs who were bought from unscrupulous people who grew to 300 lbs. but those were not the same breed. (Full disclosure: I do not raise them, do not have one as a pet, but at one time researched Pot Bellied pigs before deciding against bringing one into my life.)

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Went out and got a pig with her mother to keep as a pet without the concept of what would happen when the pig grows up and is an adult fully grown pig - that can't comfortably live in a suburban neighborhood  - and then pulls this game of convincing her mother to give it to a rescue.

Whitney didn't get Babs the pig. Babs said she always wanted one and took Whitney with her when she went to pick it up. But Babs arranged that on her own. Whitney did try to give her mother a cat, which Babs refused.


Vietnamese Pot Bellied pigs are not truly farm animals and when full grown usually weigh about the same as a mid size dog.

FWIW, my first husband, George Clooney, had a pot bellied pig for years. It finally died of old age but pre-Amal, he described it as his longest-lasting relationship. 

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George Clooney, had a pot bellied pig for years. It finally died of old age but pre-Amal, he described it as his longest-lasting relationship. 

They are supposed to be affectionate and sweet animals. I just couldn't get beyond the high pitched squeal made when alarmed, that petting one was like caressing a hairbrush, the fact that it would have difficulty walking on the flooring in my house, and, that I couldn't find a kennel that would board it when I travelled. So, yeah, right decision for us. But Babs wanted Mr. Piggy and incorporated him into the household. I think the first step should have been consulting with an animal behaviorist. (Which we did for our problem child Jack Russell Terrier and he died in my arms at 18 years 8 months.) And, if Whitney can't take care of herself she shouldn't be sticking her nose into her mother's business much less making arrangements to move Mr. Piggy to a farm before even discussing it with the pet's owner.)

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8 hours ago, Me from ME said:

They are supposed to be affectionate and sweet animals. I just couldn't get beyond the high pitched squeal made when alarmed, that petting one was like caressing a hairbrush, the fact that it would have difficulty walking on the flooring in my house, and, that I couldn't find a kennel that would board it when I travelled. So, yeah, right decision for us. But Babs wanted Mr. Piggy and incorporated him into the household. I think the first step should have been consulting with an animal behaviorist. (Which we did for our problem child Jack Russell Terrier and he died in my arms at 18 years 8 months.) And, if Whitney can't take care of herself she shouldn't be sticking her nose into her mother's business much less making arrangements to move Mr. Piggy to a farm before even discussing it with the pet's owner.)

And remember how Twit thought Babs had brought her there to buy a pig for HER (Twit)??? Once again, the most self-absorbed person in the room. Those little piggies dodged a bullet that Babs was the one taking a piglet home and NOT Twit. OMG, can you imagine!!! 

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On 3/6/2018 at 7:50 AM, Me from ME said:

Cherenkov, I agree with almost everything you said. However, Vietnamese Pot Bellied pigs are not truly farm animals and when full grown usually weigh about the same as a mid size dog. A lot of breeders raise them in their houses and they are probably self selected to be docile and good pets. In my opinion it is far more cruel to re-home one of these to a farm after it has been accustomed to being amongst people. Not saying that there haven't been stories about pet pigs who were bought from unscrupulous people who grew to 300 lbs. but those were not the same breed. (Full disclosure: I do not raise them, do not have one as a pet, but at one time researched Pot Bellied pigs before deciding against bringing one into my life.)

Point taken, but the pig on the show is clearly not a Vietnamese pot bellied "size of a mid size dog" pig. Babs referred to it weighing 150 pounds, which is quite a bit larger than most large dogs. I think of a mid-size dog as being around 40-50 pounds and a very large dog in the 80-100 pound range. The pig they got on the show was a breed not intended to be a pet.

On 3/6/2018 at 9:57 AM, Elizzikra said:

Whitney didn't get Babs the pig. Babs said she always wanted one and took Whitney with her when she went to pick it up. But Babs arranged that on her own. Whitney did try to give her mother a cat, which Babs refused.

FWIW, my first husband, George Clooney, had a pot bellied pig for years. It finally died of old age but pre-Amal, he described it as his longest-lasting relationship. 

Thanks for the correction. My memory was faulty because I had thought the pig farm was Whitney's idea due to Babs wanting another pet, but I missed the part where Babs always wanted a pet pig.

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but the pig on the show is clearly not a Vietnamese pot bellied "size of a mid size dog" pig

Ummm. If you rewatch the clip where Babs and Twit go to the pig farm you will hear the breeder say that he was a Mini Potbellied Pig; Now, I have no doubt that Babs may have said that he was 150 lb but then she said she was driving at 85 mph, it is also possible that the breeder was not being truthful. However, I still think it was NOT a farm animal that they took home. And, sadly, when rehomed to a farm it has died. We don't know why and I doubt we will ever really know the truth.

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And, sadly, when rehomed to a farm it has died. 

Technically we don't know that. I can't think of what else it could be but we don't actually know that Mr. Piggy has left us.


you will hear the breeder say that he was a Mini Potbellied Pig

My daughter really wanted a mini-pig so we did some research. From what we learned, there is really no such thing. Unscrupulous breeders will try to pass off pigs as "mini-pigs" but they aren't particularly bred to be small - they are starved and their growth is stunted. There's a pig who's popular on the internet - Esther the Wonder Pig. She was purchased as a "mini pig" and grew so much that her original owners had to rehome her. She's well over 600 pounds now. 

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On 3/8/2018 at 10:33 PM, Elizzikra said:

Technically we don't know that. I can't think of what else it could be but we don't actually know that Mr. Piggy has left us.

My daughter really wanted a mini-pig so we did some research. From what we learned, there is really no such thing. Unscrupulous breeders will try to pass off pigs as "mini-pigs" but they aren't particularly bred to be small - they are starved and their growth is stunted. There's a pig who's popular on the internet - Esther the Wonder Pig. She was purchased as a "mini pig" and grew so much that her original owners had to rehome her. She's well over 600 pounds now. 

Even for the breeds that don't get super large,  they get up to 300 pounds and you're supposed to consider yourself lucky if yours is around 110.

That's way bigger than a mid size dog. That's full grown great dane or rottweiler weight. Mid size dog is like 35-60 pounds full grown.

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Mid size dog is like 35-60 pounds full grown.


I guess it all depends where you get your information. http://www.petpigeducation.com/pig-breeds.html describes several breeds of swine and at least two say the weight is 50-60 lb when grown.  So I stand by my original statement. Some can be larger.  But those bred to be pets are selectively bred to be docile and on the smaller side of the spectrum.

It was I who mentioned irresponsible breeders who may sell a baby pig as being a small species and later said pet grows to 300 lb and still enjoys sitting on the couch. And I also considered a Pot Bellied pig as a pet and did my due diligence going so far as to visit a home to meet the litter as well s the fully mature sow.  And there is no way that pig weighed more than 60 lb.

With that said, I am out of any further porcine discussion.

Edited by Me from ME
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On 2/1/2018 at 8:01 PM, Pachengala said:

Too bad I’ve lost touch with all my old party friends! 

That's also big in Portland; it’s legal, unlike blow. You can definitely find a strain and/or dosage that helps you sleep, without the munchies side effects. A knowledgeable budtender should be able to get the right product for you based upon your parameters. My lab/shepherd mix lived until 17 and I credit THC for making those last years pain-free for her. Natural medicine FTW! 

I'm in Colorado and it's legal here too.  I have Trigeminal Neuralgia, its a facial nerve pain disease.  It's incredibly painful.  I was on antiseizure medication which made me feel nauseous all the time but helped me to have less attacks.  After doing some research I decided to give CBD/Hemp Oil a try since they use that for people that have seizures and since I was on the same meds maybe it could help me.  Well I've been taking it twice a day since June and it works much better than the medication and there's no side effects at all, it also helps me sleep better. 

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45 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

I'm in Colorado and it's legal here too.  I have Trigeminal Neuralgia, its a facial nerve pain disease.  It's incredibly painful.  I was on antiseizure medication which made me feel nauseous all the time but helped me to have less attacks.  After doing some research I decided to give CBD/Hemp Oil a try since they use that for people that have seizures and since I was on the same meds maybe it could help me.  Well I've been taking it twice a day since June and it works much better than the medication and there's no side effects at all, it also helps me sleep better. 

I'm glad you're feeling better and able to sleep. It's interesting about the anti-seizure use. Personally, drugs (pharmaceutical) are my last resort.

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23 minutes ago, mybuddyspence said:

I'm glad you're feeling better and able to sleep. It's interesting about the anti-seizure use. Personally, drugs (pharmaceutical) are my last resort.

Thanks MYBUDDYSPENCE  it's really helped alot.  I hate pharmaceuticals too and avoid them at all costs if I can.

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On 2/2/2018 at 6:21 PM, AUJulia said:

Me either but I've never so much as smoked weed. However, I do know some 20-something guys who use heroin and coke together. I don't really ask why. 

Isn’t that what is (or used to be) known as a “speedball”? I had a relative die of an overdose of this. I think some people use both to try to balance the high/low. 

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