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S03.E04: Be the Penny

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I don't think I realized how much I missed Penny until this episode. I have enjoyed this season, but this episode felt like an episode from my favorite season, season 2: sharply written, quickly paced, a lot of dark humor and good character interactions. Alice was more likeable than she been all season and I even liked that perverted fanboy shipper, Hyman.

And, yes, Penny, Margo does get shit done.

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Penny was always grouchy in life but I loved that astral Penny who the alive humans could not see or hear was even grouchier. His annoyance at everyone was hilarious. Can't blame a guy for being mad that no one was crying after he died. The fake out with Alice talking about her dad was predictable but still funny for for Penny's reaction when she said he used to give her piggyback rides.

Heh and of course Penny manages to find Hyman, the one person who can see and hear him, but OF COURSE Penny is still a dick to him. Never change, Penny.

It was also a nice change of pace to have everything told from Penny's point of view as he popped back and forth between all the different locations, leaving us to fill in the blanks a little bit.

Mr. EB has resolved to use the phrase "the duck's nuts" more often.

  • Love 6

I really feel like this has been the strongest season yet. The show has always had a hard time blending their humor with their horror but so far they've been striking just the right balance this year. I loved the breakaway to a title card reading "3 hours later" while Penny was trying to "be the penny." And the thing with Margo's gollum was both horrifying and hysterical somehow. I don't know what they're going to do about Penny now that they've burned his body.

I didn't really understand why he couldn't just project himself into one of their minds, like he did back in Season 1 when Quentin was trapped in the dream curse.

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

I really feel like this has been the strongest season yet. The show has always had a hard time blending their humor with their horror but so far they've been striking just the right balance this year. I loved the breakaway to a title card reading "3 hours later" while Penny was trying to "be the penny."

I was dying throughout that whole scene. And then when he was trying to talk through the asshole dad ghost, and the asshole dad ghost wouldn't say his name because he didn't believe that it could be anyone's actual name! Penny is always great, but Penny as a snarky ghost trying to deal with the spirit world is even better. 

This season has been great so far, no bad episodes yet. All the characters are gelling, the story is interesting, and its hitting that sweet spot between fantasy, drama, and comedy. 

  • Love 10

"I guess I always thought someday we were gonna bang" "Me too girl. Me too."

I think my neighbors might have heard me when I laughed at that. I really like this episode. And I agree even Alice was more bearable in this one. 

Sad that they didn't really mourn Penny....he has a point that he's saved their lives and i expected a little more. I did like how he was still trying to warn Eliot and went back to check on him. Very curious about how they are going to save him Without a body AND get him out of the library contract. 

We aren't supposed to think the canabals ate Glynis right? There are multiple library locations correct? I liked her and she seemed sympathetic to Penny.

"Oh hey Penny". Heh. 

  • Love 5

Sad that they didn't really mourn Penny....he has a point that he's saved their lives and i expected a little more

I'm sure Kady did and they were all in shock. But the fact of the matter is, Penny is/was openly hostile towards almost all of them except for Kady (and even her sometimes). So their reactions weren't entirely unexpected.

  • Love 6

So Alice and Quentin are over and now the writers are propping Quentin and Julia. I know this from the very subtle "let's all ship Jentin" monologue from our favourite sexist, homophobic spirit, Hymen. I do not and will never ship Quentin/Julia although I do respect the idea that too much has happened between Alice and Quentin for them to work. But I loathe the idea of Quentin and Julia for a number of reasons, including but not exclusive to Julia being the worst and Quentin's crush on her being a product of his immaturity. Frankly, they're both past that or at least should be.

Also, just when I think I know where I stand on this "shipping" thing, Quentin and Elliot have a scene together and I remember that I could watch a show that's just entirely Quentin and Elliot forever and forever whether they hook up again or not.


  • Love 5
3 hours ago, AudienceofOne said:

Also, just when I think I know where I stand on this "shipping" thing, Quentin and Elliot have a scene together and I remember that I could watch a show that's just entirely Quentin and Elliot forever and forever whether they hook up again or not.

Me too girl. Me too. 


(It just hit me last night; I should go find some fanfic. :)

Edited by festivus
  • Love 5
7 hours ago, AudienceofOne said:

Also, just when I think I know where I stand on this "shipping" thing, Quentin and Elliot have a scene together and I remember that I could watch a show that's just entirely Quentin and Elliot forever and forever whether they hook up again or not.


3 hours ago, festivus said:

Me too girl. Me too. 


Me three! Especially love Eliot, but he and Q are my favorite pairing to ship, and I'm not even into slash fanfic. They just have the most incredible chemistry together!

  • Love 6

Let me be clear: I don't care much about who is with who on the show romantically, I prefer the friendships. I liked Quentin and Alice in the books, I never cared much one way or the other in the show. I'd rather they didn't go with Quentin/Julia because I like the friendship there. Also don't really want Quentin/Eliot, that's what fanfic is for. I do like the way the actor that plays Eliot looks at Quentin sometimes, he is really good at showing the feelings there. So that leaves Quentin/Alice which if they are going to have Quentin with anyone I think it should be Alice. But I also don't care if it's over either.  


As to the episode, I felt kinda bad for Penny that nobody was really mourning him poor thing. But he was just as bitchy in the astral plane as he always was, so yeah. At least he has a nice suit on.


Speaking of fanfic, I already found a Quentin/Eliot one set after they find the truth key. That was quick, lol. I <3 fanfic writers.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, doram said:

That's usually the other way around. All the stuff that has happened between Alice & Quentin - his infidelity, her literal death, him bringing her back to life, they being drawn back together with this Lamprey thing - are supposed to show that their relationship can weather all odds. I'll be disappointed if they switch to Quentin/Julia for most of the reasons you've mentioned (I don't think Julia is as bad as she was in season 1 (and even then there was a reason because she was basically acting out a script that Jane Chatwin had put on her) but I agree that Quentin's feelings for her are supposed to be something he's grown out of, and it's way past the A-starts-pining-when-B-stops point) and I'm also not interested in Quentin/Elliot because I think they work better as friends.

Call me slightly old-fashioned, but I'd love to watch a show that invests in the relationships it sets up, rather than random bed-hopping. I like little nods like how, there was this point in season 1 when someone (Margo?) pointed out that on paper, Alice and Penny would actually make a very compatible couple. I like that the attraction Elliot has for Quentin isn't disguised as platonic affection. And I like how Kady and Julia seem to have a partnership that isn't quite romantic, but isn't entirely friendly either. But I'm not interested in seeing any of those dynamics turn into romance - unless some character has died/left the show for good. 

Revolving-door-of-shipping that most shows are plagued with usually gives me whiplash. 

As much as I ship Eliot & Quentin, I actually agree with you. The "unrequited love/lust" dynamic, especially when there IS a really good chemistry between the characters can be really potent, and I'm all for not allowing it to develop on screen and enabling each viewer to conjure up his or her own scenario within whatever parameters they see fit. I kind of love that the differences in their sexual orientation makes it not so inevitable that the writers will eventually cave and have them become a "thing", especially if it smacks of trying to drum up enthusiasm whenever ratings start to flag, because that's almost invariably a mistake.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, festivus said:

Let me be clear: I don't care much about who is with who on the show romantically, I prefer the friendships. I liked Quentin and Alice in the books, I never cared much one way or the other in the show. I'd rather they didn't go with Quentin/Julia because I like the friendship there. Also don't really want Quentin/Eliot, that's what fanfic is for. I do like the way the actor that plays Eliot looks at Quentin sometimes, he is really good at showing the feelings there. So that leaves Quentin/Alice which if they are going to have Quentin with anyone I think it should be Alice. But I also don't care if it's over either.  

This. Like I said, I love Quentin and Elliot's chemistry whether they "go there" or not. I don't need them to. They love each other and I love them together so it doesn't need to be romantic or sexual.  I personally love Quentin and Alice but I thought the last few episodes were very clearly stating they were over. Alice in particular sounds very tired of the whole thing. 

  • Love 2

Yeah, I was pretty surprised when Hyman brought up Quentin and Julia and said that Quentin's always loved her, as I really thought those feelings had turned platonic once he and Alice fell in love with each other. His attraction to Julia seemed more a crush than anything else, easily moved on from once he experienced a real romantic relationship. And since it was just a crush, it doesn't make sense for it to come back now that he and Alice aren't together.

But, we were also hearing all this from the idiot and pervert Hyman, so...I'm not sure it was meant so much as an encouragement to Quentin/Julia shippers as a slam on them. (On a related note, I also appreciated, in this #MeToo environment, Penny's attitude towards Hyman - he was sincerely disgusted at the idea of using their abilities to perv on naked women, he wouldn't let Hyman watch Julia taking a bath, etc. Penny's certainly not someone who's uptight about sex, but he understands what's right and wrong and will check another guy instead of going along.)

Although I don't at all favor a Quentin/Julia pairing, I must say - knowing that it sounds completely contradictory to what I wrote above - that I had been thinking while watching this season that we're seeing Julia as she was before her life got knocked off its axis in S1 and that as such I could see why Quentin loved her (mostly in a best-friends, with a crush thrown in) before and has remained a loyal friend since. S3 Julia seems like she has gotten back to herself after all her trials and travails, and that herself is pretty awesome. So in a way I didn't mind the referencing of Quentin's love for Julia, although I would have preferred that it have been cast in the best-friends light I view it in. But again, it was Hyman the idiot talking. No way that dude understands any sort of dynamic beyond "man woman bang bang"; he'd be utterly lost with what doram pointed out about the relationships of Quentin and Elliot, and Julia and Kady, too.

  • Love 4
23 minutes ago, Terrafamilia said:

So the magical housekeeping/serving in the McAlistair mansion was actually being done by fairies rather than some battery powered spells? Curiouser and curiouser.

"I have wooden toes!"

I was a bit confused about that. I wasn't sure if they were saying it was the fairies doing the housekeeping or if the fairies were there coincidentally to spy on the "quest".

  • Love 1

Fen has wooden toes. To get out of Fairyland she had to give them up (same as Margo who gave up an eye). They were replaced by wood the way Quentin had his shoulder replaced by the centaur doctor. We had a glimpse of her foot in one of the previous eps this season. When Elliot and family were running away from the cannibals Fen yelled out at them to slow up, complaining about her wooden toes, but the others wouldn't.

The group didn't see anything doing the housework but when Penny looked at it, from his astral vantage point, he saw shimmery light - even in the library. Then Julia picked up the key and there were the fairies. We do know someone is keeping an eye on things. Someone who possesses people to spur Julia on. Whether it is a fairy or not is too soon to say. There just may also be a point to all the seemingly pointless things the fairy queen has Margo do as well. Maybe.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, AudienceofOne said:

I was a bit confused about that. I wasn't sure if they were saying it was the fairies doing the housekeeping or if the fairies were there coincidentally to spy on the "quest".

I honestly had no idea what the fairies were meant to represent there. It took me until the second watch-through to even verify that they WERE fairies. So much goes on in this show, and I mostly feel as though it's geared toward viewers with a slightly newer-vintage brain than mine.

As far as Quentin's feelings for Julia, I can again call on my old brain to verify that "crushes" within platonic circumstances can, indeed, outlast pretty much anything else life throws at you. I have one of those in my past and though it was never anything that could possibly have worked out, even 40 years on, after 33 years of marriage to someone else, and even though I've only been around him a handful of times since then, he's the one who most often fills my dreams. Maybe at this point my subconscious just sees the whole thing as symbolic of futile dreams in general, but, whatever the underlying meaning, that's still the image I get.

  • Love 1

I definitely think we're meant to believe the fairies are the housekeepers, presumably against their will. 1) The lights Penny saw were the right height, and there were two lights and two fairies. 2) Dean Fogg said that Irene was calling every day asking about new leads on magic; if the magic trapping the fairies is wearing off, she's probably worried about vengeful fairies getting loose. And 3) the ghost of Lance had spoken the "truth that could bury their family" which I'm betting involves decades of misused magic.

  • Love 1

I remembered  what turned out to be the Margolem scene from some trailer and had been waiting for it, because I thought it was Margo and she was getting her eye back. Drats. Though Margo does rock her eyepatches. 

Such a great episode. It just worked, for me, on all levels.  I love this show (glad I took a chance after swearing off SyFy channel after they canceled Being Human). 

"I just pretend she respects me" is both hilarious and deeply sad. 

I liked Hyman, he was so stone age silly. He made an amusing foil for Penny's constant negativity and sarcasm. 

Penny isn't someone that most people would be sad was dead in a real life situation. He's caustic and complains endlessly about what people are thinking (mostly Quentin) which is tiresome.

I'm actually liking Julia these days, maybe it helps that she hasn't committed arborcide or left someone else to die recently. 

Edited by wayne67
  • Love 2
On 2/1/2018 at 1:03 PM, iMonrey said:

I really feel like this has been the strongest season yet. The show has always had a hard time blending their humor with their horror but so far they've been striking just the right balance this year. I loved the breakaway to a title card reading "3 hours later" while Penny was trying to "be the penny." And the thing with Margo's gollum was both horrifying and hysterical somehow. I don't know what they're going to do about Penny now that they've burned his body.

I didn't really understand why he couldn't just project himself into one of their minds, like he did back in Season 1 when Quentin was trapped in the dream curse.

His telepathic abilities (like Freddy Kreugering into your dreams) are magic based. His travelling is innate. So, he doesn't have telepathy right now, but he still can travel, like other magical creatures are still magical. He specifically says to Kady before he dies that the background noise is gone (hearing other's thoughts).

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