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Season Three and Beyond: FFwSB

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good show all around. wasn't interested in the clips at the end but the only real gripe i have is: what the hell was with the video of the lion attacking the donkey? was that real, because it looked it. are there donkeys in africa now , where was this and why did they have to sicken me with this?!

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I am still thinking about the piece they did on Tom Steyer. I had not heard anything about him other than his impeachment campaign, so it was news to me that he had a cult following. It appears, though, that he is not only running the impeachment campaign. He's also registering voters and supporting campaigns of Democratic candidates in 30 critical districts. I really wish Full Frontal had actually done something other than showing up at the convention and giving us a "he's the flip side of Trump! a wealthy guy with a vanity campaign that's all about himself!" narrative. I don't know what I think about him, I haven't thought a lot about him, but what they did seems, the more I look into it, to be more of a convenient story they made up than an actual reflection of what he's up to. And that annoys me. I want to trust the show to at least not misinform me. They can pick what they talk about and make it funny. But don't make it actively misleading for the sake of a convenient hook.


There are a lot of stories that don't require nuance right now, so if they don't want to do the research and give it nuance, stick to those.

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Loved seeing the show back. And I loved how Samantha ripped into both Republicans and the Liberally Biased Mainstream Media™ for doing their best Claude Rains from Casablanca impressions about Drumpf's appeasement to Putin and Russia. No one on late night, it seems, does a better job at verbally eviscerating better than Samantha.

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8 minutes ago, Victor the Crab said:

Loved seeing the show back. And I loved how Samantha ripped into both Republicans and the Liberally Biased Mainstream Media™ for doing their best Claude Rains from Casablanca impressions about Drumpf's appeasement to Putin and Russia.

I really liked this segment because literally anyone paying attention to anything could have written the script for the press conference. I liked all the clips she showed because I found all the media response to be disingenuous and largely shirking their duty for holding government officials accountable. 

I liked the piece on Roe too. I tend to think that it won't, but it's morel likely that severe limitations would be placed on abortions (as is the case in Idaho). The concern is highly credible, and I certainly would vote Kavanaugh down if only as a precautionary measure. Calling people hysterical about this issue is just condescending. As Sam also pointed out, I'm also concerned about him saying a sitting president can't be indicted. 

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"Putin is so wee he sailed to Helsinki on a lettuce leaf." Classic.

I'm really getting a kick out of the protesters in London. I had no idea the crowd was that big until I saw the segment on The Daily Show. Good on them.

Edited by iMonrey
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1 hour ago, Victor the Crab said:

Loved seeing the show back. And I loved how Samantha ripped into both Republicans and the Liberally Biased Mainstream Media™ for doing their best Claude Rains from Casablanca impressions about Drumpf's appeasement to Putin and Russia.

I really liked this segment because literally anyone paying attention to anything could have written the script for the press conference.

I know!  I've been asking all week WTF people though Special Agent 45 was going to say.   I get that the Repubs  have to pretend to be surprised that SA 45 would side with Putin over the US, but how can any mainstream political commentator or reporter say anything other than "Welp, today POTUS said exactly what he's been saying all along, except this time his overlord was standing right next to him rather than pull the strings from off stage".  For all the scathing commentary on the Late Night Gabfest circuit, Sam is the only one I've heard say, "well, duh!".  Good on her.  Again. As always.

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Good show last night! The opening was a great but of parody, the second act was a solid mix of funny and thoughtful, and most importantly while the interview/third act was very shcticky, the schtick was funny and they didn't lose the content despite all the layers of parody and gimmicks. I think a big part of it is that Masha Gessen is great at going along with the bit without giving into the urge to show she gets the joke by trying to be funny herself and never forgets what she is there to say, but there does seem to be some improvement and I hope that they keep doing a better job of booking/coaching/editing/whatever and making sure they don't overwhelm the point with every joke they can think of.

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Why was there an hourglass in the spot Dana Loesch filmed for the NRA? Was anyone else flashing back to the Wicked Witch of the West? 



I mean - damn. She's actually threatening people.

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Huh. Nixon used the term "witch hunt" and "the press is the enemy" too. I know about Watergate of course, but never really saw footage from back then. (Frost/Nixon great movie btw). It was interesting to me that Fox News was created to avoid a second Watergate scenario. That's one long con. 

3 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Why was there an hourglass in the spot Dana Loesch filmed for the NRA?

Because the 'time was up' for the 'liberal media'. Wow she's so fake. 

4 hours ago, wknt3 said:

Good show last night! The opening was a great but of parody, the second act was a solid mix of funny and thoughtful, and most importantly while the interview/third act was very shcticky, the schtick was funny and they didn't lose the content despite all the layers of parody and gimmicks.

Do people know Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee well enough to get the parody? 

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

Why was there an hourglass in the spot Dana Loesch filmed for the NRA? Was anyone else flashing back to the Wicked Witch of the West? 



I mean - damn. She's actually threatening people.

Well, now that you mention it...XD

Samantha always brings up interesting points and juxtapositions on her show, like Nixon's Watergate scandal and Drumpf's current scandals. Wish she had brought up how Watergate really wasn't necessary because the Democrats were in complete disarray at the time and that they ended up nominating George McGovern for president, which resulted in Nixon's massive landslide win in November. Yet Watergate, through the help of Fox News two decades later, put us on the path where we now have a seventysomething toddler in the White House, who makes Nixon look like George Washington by comparison.

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I liked what they were doing about metoo tonight, and I like Terry Crews. But the bee thing????

I don't like the field pieces where they go and mock some dumbass cranks like they did with the "ipod planet". It just feels like a waste of time to me. I didn't like it when The Daily Show did it, either. Focus on something that's actually important.

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God the CNN commentator about the guns was a freaking a moron. Yes the 3D printer costs several thousand dollars but you don’t freaking need to buy a new printer every time you make a gun. 

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9 hours ago, biakbiak said:

God the CNN commentator about the guns was a freaking a moron. Yes the 3D printer costs several thousand dollars but you don’t freaking need to buy a new printer every time you make a gun. 

I wouldn't even say you need one that is that expensive. It's the materials that are the real cost. 

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The fact remains, it's prohibitively expensive to make a gun with a 3D printer, especially when actual guns are so prevalent in our country and so easily attainable. I suppose the benefit of having them be made of something untraceable and undetectable to standard scanners might make them seem like an attractive option, but really, how worked up am I supposed to get about this?  We already have a serious gun violence problem nobody is doing anything about, this seems like a distraction.

Has anyone else heard about this Q thing? I assume they are not the same collective depicted in Star Trek. 

12 billion dollars for farmers affected by Trump's tariffs? I hadn't heard about that either.  

"I'm Terry Crews. You know me because I'm Terry f'ing Crews!" LOL.


I don't like the field pieces where they go and mock some dumbass cranks like they did with the "ipod planet". It just feels like a waste of time to me. I didn't like it when The Daily Show did it, either. Focus on something that's actually important.

I agree. I suppose there's something to be said about lighter fare to balance against the incessant drumbeat of horror we're subjected to these days but it did feel like a waste of time to me.

Edited by iMonrey
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39 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

We already have a serious gun violence problem nobody is doing anything about, this seems like a distraction.

I think there is a larger context of what kind of information can be released to the public domain. 

I don't think there's suddenly going to be a criminal syndicate that 3d prints guns since it's so easy to get them anyway. 

I think the point was that no one who can do anything about guns is doing anything about it and this is just another example. 

It is conceivable that someone who can't get a gun can use this avenue now. But how likely. 

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

Has anyone else heard about this Q thing? I assume they are not the same collective depicted in Star Trek. 

If you're talking about Q-Anon, it's been all over the media in the last two days, since the rally.  Which is infuriating since they need to be allowed to crawl back under their rocks instead of getting tons of free publicity.

11 hours ago, possibilities said:

I don't like the field pieces where they go and mock some dumbass cranks like they did with the "ipod planet". It just feels like a waste of time to me. I didn't like it when The Daily Show did it, either. Focus on something that's actually important.

2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I agree. I suppose there's something to be said about lighter fare to balance against the incessant drumbeat of horror we're subjected to these days but it did feel like a waste of time to me.

I agree also.  Like there aren't a metric fuckton of topics that Samantha could address.  If she did a daily show, I think it'd be different and maybe a nice break, but since she's on once a week, and sporadic weeks at that, I'd like to see her use her time to better purpose.  Not to mention that the piece actually bored the shit out of me. 

I wonder what the studio audience thought about being there, since 90% of the show was pre-taped.

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On 8/2/2018 at 9:53 AM, iMonrey said:

it's prohibitively expensive to make a gun with a 3D printer, especially when actual guns are so prevalen

Today. As had been demonstrated time and time and again  technology gets cheaper and the the gap between introduction and becoming affordable is accelerating.

Edited by biakbiak
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I honestly don't understand how anyone can be serious saying ANYONE is a unicorn on a unicorn riding over a rainbow. I don't get how Spicer wasn't joking. However, it was awesome that the show made that costume and was able to parade it in front of Spicer and the others. Love seeing the video of Spicer's face.

I love all the correspondents. Individually and as a whole I prefer them to TDS's.

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I love all the correspondents. Individually and as a whole I prefer them to TDS's.

Agreed. The correspondents on TDS are so bad it's the main reason I don't watch it regularly anymore, and when I do I usually change the channel after the first segment. I don't know why they've gone so far downhill. I absolutely adore Amy Hoggart.

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5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

The correspondents on TDS are so bad it's the main reason I don't watch it regularly anymore

Of course the good ones--Samantha, John, Stephen, Jordan--all got shows of their own.

5 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I honestly don't understand how anyone can be serious saying ANYONE is a unicorn on a unicorn riding over a rainbow.

Isn't a unicorn a goddamn imaginary horse with a fucking horn in the middle of his head?  Who the hell is actually spending money to read this drivel?

I hope they paid Ashley a shit-ton of money to wear that Drumpf t-shirt.  But it was soooo wonderful how well the FF team trolled Spicer. 

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Am I out of line in thinking Melissa McCarthy spoofing on "Spicey" might have made his "comeback" possible? SNL could've had a cast member play Spicer. Hell, Kate McKinnon would've been good, since she does everybody these days (I kid because I love). But Lorne outsourced the gig, and Melissa's portrayal was a hit. And now he can sell his book, and people might be, "Well, he wasn't outright evil!" Bright side: we get to see correspondents rip on him, and the spectacle that is two people playing the president astride a unicorn. Sean, what the fucking fuck were you on when you wrote this?!?

I think the TDS folks have the edge, on account that Sam doesn't always breaks out her B-Squad (not derogatory; just trying to find a marketable nickname). But when they show up, they represent so well.

Space Force? Well, if the president offers to lead that personally, maybe I'd give it a chance. But he'd have to dress up like that chorus.

Edited by Lantern7
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Full props to Team Samantha for expertly trolling Sean Spicer during his book tour. And for wearing that mutant unicorn outfit. The only thing missing that would have made it an outright classic was if someone came up wearing a shrub costume to represent Spicer hiding from the press and the world.

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I really, really hope that some of Sam's fans do what her team did: show up at Spicer's book events and ask awkward-but-totally-fair questions. If I lived in the US, I would!

Edited by purist
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13 hours ago, meowmommy said:

I hope they paid Ashley a shit-ton of money to wear that Drumpf t-shirt.

"It burns." :D


13 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Am I out of line in thinking Melissa McCarthy spoofing on "Spicey" might have made his "comeback" possible? SNL could've had a cast member play Spicer. Hell, Kate McKinnon would've been good, since she does everybody these days (I kid because I love). But Lorne outsourced the gig, and Melissa's portrayal was a hit. And now he can sell his book, and people might be, "Well, he wasn't outright evil!"

I'm not sure. However, Melissa was the best person to portray him. I'm giggling right now picturing her as Spicy. I don't think Kate would have been as good or memorable. But it's possible that this and his appearance on the Oscars made him more palatable, esp compared to Sarah Sanders. Spicer has more of a lovable bumbler about him -- again, compared to what we have now. 

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iMonrey: FYI, Amy Hoggart's father was Simon Hoggart, a widely read, very popular, very witty political columnist for the Guardian for many years, one of the greats of 20th century British journalism (for decades he wrote the Parliamentary sketch, the slot now occupied by John Crace); her grandfather was Richard Hoggart, who was famously an expert witness opposing censorship in the LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER trial in 1960. Richard Hoggart has a building named after him at Goldsmith University.

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15 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

think the TDS folks have the edge, on account that Sam doesn't always breaks out her B-Squad (not derogatory; just trying to find a marketable nickname). But when they show up, they represent so well.

Killer Bees?

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Who the hell is actually spending money to read this drivel?

I have to believe most of the people at the book signing are there simply to see a real live celebrity and would show up no matter who it was. They are simply sycophants to celebrity itself. I mean, who the hell else would go to a Sean Spicer book signing?

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Actually, there is a new episode next week on the 22nd: "Looking back on the not-so-good old days of rampant workplace harassment and how little things have improved since then in a special #MeToo episode."

Then the break until 9/12. They did announce after the close that a new episode would be on next week.

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3 minutes ago, atlantaloves said:

It was a good show even though it was just old clips of Mrs. Bee talking about what total pigs men are. I enjoyed it. 

I was just a little underwhelmed that Sam went with a clip show, when this week was a veritable plethora of riches in terms of available material.  MeToo is important, but damn, it felt lazy.

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I was largely checked out when I figured out this was an infomercial for her game. The show aired the night before the New York primary. It's captured the national news and is a good example of what's going on in the democratic party. I would have thought that might warrant some attention. 

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