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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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Oooof, going against the tide here. I thought the ep had some nice "oh, wow!" moments (liked Cisco's doppelganger reveal, Arrow looked different, Supergirl, Barry's phone) but I can't get over how Barry just kidnapped his doppelganger and took over his life. Iris' father freakin' died! Granted Joe and Barry 2.0 weren't on good terms, but Barry wasn't her husband. This, after they keep hammering that the Earth 2 folks are different. I get that he would be very interested in finding out more after Iris said she and Earth 2 Barry are married, but c'mon! Again, Barry thinks only of himself. 


Also, wow, Danielle was bad as Killer Frost. It's like the mannerisms and mouth twitches she tries to keep in check as Caitlin got loose. Boring character put in costume, still boring.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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This episode was 



Everyone did a good job of playing their alter egos, Iris was written as the HBIC she should be written as for E1, like seriously, she was da bomb. It's great that she and Barry didn't have to jump through hoops and get to be married on E2. Killer Frost/Deadstorm were really enjoyable as well but can they stop killing him off? Robbie isn't that busy that they have to kill him off every time he appears. And I wish they would showcase their powers in more then fireballs and icicle blasts. E2 Cisco was also a BOSS...until Zoom appeared. Those CC villains would be so better off with Zoom not running the place. 


We get another look into the multi-verse: Supergirl, another Arrow, Legion of Superheroes, the original Flash series which was also really cool. I wish Arrow got to explore a different Earth.

Umm I think that's SA.. the suit is the new S4 suit.

It can also potentially be the LoT Arrow or Connor Hawke(since he will be appearing).

I was more intrigued by the western looking guy with the gun..

Being the Arrow took about 25 years off of Robert Queen, haha.

don't think that's Robert Queen.


As for the man in the iron mask, someone over on the flash board suggested it may be Wally.. The man does look black.



Edited by foreverevolving

Yea I think they were definitely establishing that those images (including Kara on Supergirl on CBS) are all different Earths.  Remember that Harry has said repeatedly that "this" is Earth 2 to him so I don't think they are going to bat an eye at saying the supes on CBS are in the Flarrowverse but on a different Earth. 


However, since they have also established that EVERYONE has a doppleganger, we know the following:


- Aquaman could show up

- Diana / Hal / Bruce could all show up

- Martian Manhunter and the Supes could show up

  • Love 1

I think we were seeing all the different Earth's, so that was Earth 1 Green Arrow. Then we saw Earth -insert number- where Supergirl is. 


They did give us Earth 2 Captain Cold was Mayor and Deadshot was a horrible shot and now also dead. I don't see why we can't just hear the names of some of the other characters. 


I didn't mind that Earth 2 Joseph died, he was still kind of sexist. He was mad at Bartholomew for making Iris a cop rather than Iris just wanting to be a cop. So he still annoyed. At least if we stayed on Earth 2 Iris would have more screen time. 


Jay is completely useless. Why is he still around? What does he add? 


I actually liked Killer Frost better than Caitlin. The acting was still lacking but at least she actually was pro-active. Earth 2 Iris and Earth 2 Caitlin had so much more to do than their Earth 1 counterparts. 

  • Love 1

Apparently Geoff Johns is eying up the CW for the Titans show that TNT passed on.




Just give it to a different production company, for the love of the gods of Kobol.

Hell, give it to Bryan Q. Miller. He just wrote the Justice League vs. Teen Titans animated movie.

If they do the Titans on the CW I won't be happy unless it's a part of the Flarrowverse.  There's no reason why they couldn't just say that no knows Starfire is an alien.  Any rumors about her would be written off as either a meta human or one of the ones that was where they were without the particle accelerator's explosion.  Just drop them in a city on the east coast and we'll al just ignore them most of the time.  They don't need to be crossover material, just in the same 'verse. 


Oooof, going against the tide here. I thought the ep had some nice "oh, wow!" moments (liked Cisco's doppelganger reveal, Arrow looked different, Supergirl, Barry's phone) but I can't get over how Barry just kidnapped his doppelganger and took over his life. Iris' father freakin' died! Granted Joe and Barry 2.0 weren't on good terms, but Barry wasn't her husband. This, after they keep hammering that the Earth 2 folks are different. I get that he would be very interested in finding out more after Iris said she and Earth 2 Barry are married, but c'mon! Again, Barry thinks only of himself. 


Also, wow, Danielle was bad as Killer Frost. It's like the mannerisms and mouth twitches she tries to keep in check as Caitlin got loose. Boring character put in costume, still boring.

Ha!  I was complaining about Barry being extremely self centered for what he did to his double.  It's one thing to take his place to get intel, but his wife's father was dying and in his final moments, this Joe basically gave his blessing but because Earth1Barry couldn't think past, me, me, me, he stole that moment from Earth2 Barry and robbed Iris of seeing her father and husband actually get along for once.  It was entertaining but another one of those really terrible things no one ever calls out Barry for doing. 


Umm I think that's SA.. the suit is the new S4 suit.

It can also potentially be the LoT Arrow or Connor Hawke(since he will be appearing).

I was more intrigued by the western looking guy with the gun..

I'm sure it wasn't Oliver, my guess would be future Green Arrow and I agree that dude with the gun is Jonah Hex, so both would kind of be cheating since neither are actually other universes, but just different times.


don't think that's Robert Queen.


As for the man in the iron mask, someone over on the flash board suggested it may be Wally.. The man does look black.





Maybe it's Dig. DR did say they would keep playing with the helmet.

If it's Dig, it's not really an improvement.


Did anyone figure out what the weird symbol on the right side of the screen meant?  (It was almost at the end of the second wormhole sequence.)  Like a circle with a square in it and a diagonal line and something else that I can't describe. 

  • Love 1

It was tongue in cheek, only not completely. To be frank, I'm not banking on an improvement.

Sometimes it pays to maintain low expectations.  That said, I thought that was what I was doing BEFORE they ever showed the first helmet.   The helmet we are speculating about looks like something the man in the iron mask would have been forced to wear. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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In addition, Warner Bros. moved an untitled DC Comics film, rumored to be a big-screen version of the Flash, from March 23, 2018, to March 16, 2018. That gives it a week before Fox releases an untitled animated movie and Sony debuts a film version of “Peter Rabbit.”

Steven Spielberg’s ‘Ready Player One’ Pushed Back to Avoid ‘Star Wars: Episode VIII’

FEBRUARY 9, 2016 | 12:01PM PT  Brent Lang


Edited by tv echo

This article breaks down who was spotted on The Flash episode "Welcome to Earth-2" (2015 Supergirl, Diggle as the Green Arrow, 1990 Flash, Gorilla Grodd, Jonah Hex, and maybe one-armed Oliver Queen) ...


'The Flash' Shows Supergirl, Jonah Hex, Confirms 1990 Series As Continuity
Eric Francisco  February 10, 2016




However, this article is identifying the same image as "a goatee-wearing Green Arrow"...


Posted: 11 hours ago  Anthony Couto



Edited by tv echo

This article breaks down who was spotted on The Flash episode "Welcome to Earth-2" (2015 Supergirl, Diggle as the Green Arrow, 1990 Flash, Gorilla Grodd, Jonah Hex, and maybe one-armed Oliver Queen) ...


'The Flash' Shows Supergirl, Jonah Hex, Confirms 1990 Series As Continuity

Eric Francisco  February 10, 2016




However, this article is identifying the same image as "a goatee-wearing Green Arrow"...



Posted: 11 hours ago  Anthony Couto



See, I didn't see Diggle in the image, but I honestly wouldn't know who that's supposed to be other than a Green Arrow.

I kind of expected Barry to out himself to Earth 2 Iris when it was just him, her, and Joe and save Joe's life.  I'm still not sure how I feel about the fact that Earth 2 Joe essentially died because our Barry wasn't focused on his mission (you know rescuing Harry's daughter).  But since I would also bet money that the writers did not mean for it to come off looking like it was directly Barry's fault (as opposed to indirectly because his presence was the reason they were there either way and he was supposed to be gathering information - not hanging out with sexy cop Iris) - I am trying to let it slide a bit.


Of course, no matter what they meant - Barry still comes off looking like a total ass when he tells Harry that he has to be there for Earth 2 Iris because family matters so damn much when he's on Earth 2 to rescue Harry's daughter!!!!  And Earth 2 Barry could probably be there for his wife too you know. Barry totally deserves to be Zoom's prisoner, but I still like the episode.


The one thing I wonder about Barry is that while Oliver gets away with a lot - he does usually get called on his bad behavior.  I wonder if Barry will this time.

Edited by nksarmi
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Barry was pissing me off in that episode with his "They are my family". No, Barry they are Earth 2 Barry's family and you denied him time to spend with his wife when she really need him. He was supposed to be there as a team to help save Harry's daughter and when something comes up that doesn't involve him in the slightest he drops his team to go do what he wants.  Ever think of anyone other than yourself Barry? 


Then we had Iris undressing in front of man she thinks is her husband but is really a stranger. How is this making Barry look like a hero?

  • Love 14

The one thing I wonder about Barry is that while Oliver gets away with a lot - he does usually get called on his bad behavior.  I wonder if Barry will this time.

Not as long as AK is guiding the show is my guess.


I'm very pleased to have WM instead of AK on Arrow.

  • Love 4

I saw the FLASH and my first thought was I wanna stay on EARTH 2!! But then I realized as the show progressed that as much as I was enjoying some of the characters, it's still the FLASH with their wonky writing, BA being selfish with no one calling him on it & plotty holes.


Things I want to keep about E2 - Iris is finally written as a badass & Joe sings. Also loved having Deadshot around. Zoom actually seemed threatening.


It was a very fun episode, and it definitely was one of the best of the seasons - the problem is at the end of the day it still was not that exciting or interesting once you removed all the fancy costumes or doppelganger moments. So even if we stayed in E2, I'd probably still get bored midway through an episode. Which is exactly what happened.

  • Love 1

I wonder if they might have Barry stop by and see Supergirl on the way home from Earth 2.  All they'd have to do was have Cisco pop through in Earth 1 by himself and have Barry follow a short time after with some vague comment about getting side tracked for a moment.  They could say time works differently when zipping in and out of universes. 


That's assuming that they close the last portal once Barry and Cisco returned. 

  • Love 2

Oh he did? I can't remember if they shared scenes


So it's blurry, but Grant and Melissa did share not only a scene together, but a shot...with other people, but still. 




(I spent way too much time making this; I shouldn't have, but whatever, here you guys go). 

  • Love 5

Only Arrow-related portions of this interview with CL are quoted below...


Posted: 1 hour ago  Scott Huver

CBR News: You were involved a very shadowy storyline for a long time on "Arrow." What's it been like to bring Sara into an entirely new context?
Caity Lotz: It was a little confusing at first, actually, because the first two episodes are kind of different for Sara than all the other episodes. They're like less normal Sara, I felt like. When I first got the script, I was like, "Wait, where are we going with the character? This is just a totally different direction or what?" And they were like "No, no, no. It's still the same." It felt like it was almost written for a different character, and they're like, "It's still the same Sara. We want to keep it that way."
So there was a little figuring out for me, I think, in the first two episodes -- but those first two were all about setting everything up, too. I really get moving, more into the season, There's some really cool Sara stuff. But yeah, it was weird at first. I was like, "Oh, my God!" I just let her have fun.
*  *  *
Physicality has always been a part of your role. Are you having fun playing with that and taking it in a new direction?
This has been challenging, because I do more fighting and bigger fighting than on anything else I've ever worked on -- even versus "Arrow." "Arrow" is more contained and hyper-realistic, whereas "Legends" is more cinematic, like movie fighting -- big giant kicks and flips and stuff like that. It's more challenging, shooting a huge fight scene with swords, which I'm looking forward to, if I can be awake for it! But it's cool. It's definitely a challenge. It really pushes me to get better.
*  *  *
How much room do you have to return to "Arrow?"
I would imagine tons. I mean, Sara's dad, Sara's sister, ex boyfriends, friends -- there's so many [reasons to go back]. That is her past, that is her life outside of on the ship and "Legends." I definitely think she could pop back in there.
*  *  *
You and Katie Cassidy work really well together.
I feel like we're really sisters. We hang out a lot, so there's definitely some real sister stuff that happens. Hopefully, we get to do more of it.
  • Love 2

LoT was great tonight, a good, if possibly temporary, cure for my Arrow-related depression after this week's episode. No Vandal Savage, which was great. I'm going to try to just focus on enjoying the show for however long we have it, even if it's just this season. My concern about the ratings has kind of had me a little depressed about the show during this last week. Hopefully they won't keep falling, but even if they do, I'm going to try to not let it affect my enjoyment of the show.

  • Love 3

Since they said they were designing the show as a serial of sorts and have mentioned that VS would be a one season villain - I think we will at least get closure for the season and I plan on buying he DVDs lol.  I HOPE they come up with another plan for next season and the network at least gives them 13 or 14 episodes to play with.  I don't mind waiting until January again, but I definitely want to see Sara, Rip, Snart, and Ray (and really Rory too) together some more - at the very least.  I love Stein as well, but if they HAVE to shrink the team - Stein fit in really well on Flash as well.

Edited by nksarmi
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FLASH is also the most simplistic of the 3 shows - for all of its reliance on "science", in the end it is generally BA running & BA winning. Even when BA loses, its not his fault (per the show) and he is always able to fix it. He nearly destroyed the universe and got a FLASH day w/ a coffee named after him. There are some complex & complicated relationships on Flash, but in the end those are pushed under the rug or resolved in a few episodes. ARROW & LoT try to deal more with messier side of life. There is no easy solution to just run faster.


So long as LoT keeps up with the other FLARROWverse show's ratings I think it will be fine. They might restructure it, I definitely see some stricter budgets coming - but I think it will survive for another season.

  • Love 8

Short interview with RA from this weekend's Dallas ComicCon...


DCC's Fan Days: 'The Flash's Robbie Amell Talks Firestorm, 'Tomorrow People,' More
By Sandy Perez  9 hours ago

The star might appear on a different show than his cousin, Stephen Amell (Arrow), but since the stories are tied, they see each other often. Robbie Amell shared that he and Stephen have a “super secret project” they’ll be revealing soon. March 22, to be exact! To know what it is, stay tuned to their Facebook pages!
Edited by tv echo
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