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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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Entertainment Weekly has the new Doctor Who on the cover of its SDCC preview issue (on sale now)...

Doctor Who star Jodie Whittaker is simply 'brilliant' on the cover of EW's Comic-Con preview issue
July 12, 2018 at 03:00 PM EDT


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Entertainment Weekly - Superhero Insider: Comic-Con Preview
July 13, 2018   Kyle Anderson & Chance Agard

Some Arrowverse tidbits from this podcast...

-- Kyle and Chance talked about the Emmy noms for some of Marvel's and FX's TV dramas (like The Defenders and Legion). They both don't understand why Arrow once again didn't get an Emmy nom for stunt work. They thought that, although Arrow can run "hot and cold", the show's stunts have included some innovative work that's never been seen on TV before.

-- They reminisced briefly about the Arrow cast having fun at past SDCCs.

-- They promoted the new EW issue that includes their SDCC preview.

-- Out of all the Arrowverse shows, Chance thought that The Flash will be the one with the most to reveal at SDCC due to the way that show ended last season. He noted that all of the Arrowverse shows ended their last season with big cast changes. Kyle was excited about the new cast for LoT next season. He also thought that there are a lot of questions surrounding Arrow as well, with the new showrunner taking over. 

-- Chance hasn't liked Oliver in past seasons but understood that he had to go through all that character development in order to get to the present day Oliver. He felt the same way about Laurel in that he disliked S1 Laurel, but then when she went through her addiction storyline, he understood her better. (Chance's fave character has always been Thea.)

Edited by tv echo

There's more to this interview than what I've quoted...

Batman writer Tom King on post-wedding plans, Heroes in Crisis, and more


ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Batman #50 ends with Catwoman leaving Batman at the altar. What’s next for him in the next 50 issues of your planned 100-issue run? 
My job as a Batman writer is to show you something you’ve never seen before. A Batman who has been left at the altar, who was that close to happiness, and then to have it yanked away from him, that’s something you haven’t seen before. The next bunch of issues are exploring that pain and exploring him trying to get back from that pain. That’s the emotional part of it. You’re gonna see the original Robin comes back, sort of like your best friend living on your couch when your girlfriend leaves you.

The plot part of it is that it’s revealed at the end of the issue that this marriage and happiness that Batman had achieved was being manipulated by Bane, and it was all in some way a setup to break him. That’s going to play out over the next 50 issues. So we’re halfway through what I hope to be an epic story of the Batman’s heart being broken and perhaps rebuilt and perhaps broken again.

So, we’re far from done with the question of whether or not Batman can be happy?
100 percent, yeah. If you look back at the very first issue, it looks like Batman’s going to die and he asks Alfred, “Would my parents be proud of me?” This sort of idea that he was living his life for his parents, for their pride, I liked to think that him finding happiness is him [learning] how to live his life for himself. We’re halfway through that journey. It’s a long story, a long journey. It could have a happy ending or a sad ending. You’re halfway through the movie now. You’re in the middle of Empire Strikes Back and Vader just showed up and took Han’s gun.

Your Batman run has featured big names so far — Superman, Wonder Woman, and Swamp Thing, to name a few. Who can we expect to see in the next 50 issues? 
Nightwing plays a huge role, so it’s a reunion of the original Batman and Robin that generations grew up with. Dick comes back into the cave, and it’s the two of them in the night again. Then after that, we’re going to do some huge villains. We’re going to turn KGBeast into the scariest villain in the DC Universe, and then we’ve got Penguin, Riddler, Joker, and it’s all of course leading back to Bane.
*  *  *
Batman #51 hits stands July 18. DC’s Tom King San Diego Comic-Con panel will be held Saturday, July 21 at 5:30 p.m. in Room 6DE.

Edited by tv echo

Just when you thought the DC/Marvel wedding debacles' post-mortems were done...

Batman and X-Men Gold deliver a double dose of wedding disappointment
Oliver Sava   July 13, 2018


Superheroes are having rotten luck at the altar this summer wedding season, but the actual events in the pages of Batman #50 and X-Men Gold #30 aren’t as dramatic as the stories surrounding their releases. Both issues were spoiled ahead of time by The New York Times, their twists revealed in the articles’ headlines. People didn’t really care that much about Kitty Pryde ditching Colossus at the altar and Rogue and Gambit getting married instead, but spoiling the wedding of Batman and Catwoman four days before the issue’s release ignited a blaze of outrage from fans and retailers. The Times didn’t change the title or the piece, but it did recognize the frustration and anger it caused, opening lines of communication between readers, writers, and editors on the topic of spoiling entertainment.

John Cunningham, DC’s senior vice president of sales, explained the decision in a post on a comics retailer Facebook group, citing expectations that the twist would be spoiled on Monday anyway, so DC wanted to get ahead of the game and control the flow of information. Yes, these big stories are going to be spoiled ahead of time on Reddit or Twitter or comic gossip sites, but leaks aren’t going to get published in The New York Times and go out to millions of people that are actively avoiding those other outlets for this specific reason. Marvel likely felt the same way about the X-wedding, but it also wanted to use the reach of the Times to let people know about Mr. & Mrs. X. the new series that follows Rogue and Gambit through the early days of their marriage.

Both of these stories represent some of the worst habits of superhero comics: unfair treatment of creators and sacrificing the content of a comic to get the big publicity push. The handling of Mr. & Mrs. X in particular could have a significantly detrimental effect on the future series and its creators. As a woman writing superhero comics, Kelly Thompson has had to deal with a lot of online harassment, with the low sales numbers of her comics (in single issues) often used as ammo. Marvel is setting her up for failure with the roll-out for Mr. & Mrs. X, which was solicited as “X-Classified” with no creative team or story information. Retailers learned the details about the series with The New York Times article, a whole two weeks before the cut-off date for orders of the first issue.
*  *  *
Retailers had concerns about the Bat-wedding spoilers hurting sales, but they had already placed their orders, all but guaranteeing that Batman #50 will be the best-selling comic of this month. But what about how the spoiler changes the impact of the story? Batman writer Tom King expressed his disappointment with the Times’ piece on Twitter, and the article made him a target for fans angry about a comic they hadn’t read yet and a news story King had no control over. Their ire was misdirected but not unfounded, people don’t want to be spoiled about media because they want to be taken on the journey intended by the entertainment’s creators. A twist is there to surprise the readers, and if they see it coming along the way, it’s a discovery they make while engaging with the story. Those people mad about being spoiled are carrying those emotions into their reading of this book, and the story now has to work against the reader’s displeasure to sell the development.
*  *  *
King’s run on Batman is focused on the question of whether Bruce Wayne can be happy and still function as Batman, and the answer, over and over again, is no. This theme doesn’t allow much room for humor, an essential element in keeping a superhero narrative engaging over a long period of time. That’s a pity, because King’s Batman is at its best when he doesn’t take himself too seriously and recognizes the opportunities for fun when writing a story about a guy that dresses up like a giant bat.
*  *  *
Selina leaving Bruce on their wedding day hits harder because the past year of stories has done such a good job breaking down what makes their relationship so exciting and fresh. The downside is now we lose that and go back to a less interesting status quo. Weddings represent new beginnings, and I hoped that this would be the start of a new era for the Bat-family, one that now includes a feline matriarch. King and his collaborators made a great case for why these characters should be together, but their justification for pulling them apart is the typical tragic superhero dilemma of pain being a driving force for heroism.
*  *  *
Batman dies if Bruce Wayne is happy, and the world needs Batman. There’s an extra twist at the end of this issue that reveals some very deliberate manipulation of events surrounding the wedding, but it forces the reader to believe that the headstrong Selina would let other people sway her mind and derail her plans for the future. That doesn’t jive with the characterization we’ve seen from her earlier in this story, and while characters can always have hidden anxieties and fears, it’s hard to buy Selina taking the words of someone like the Joker to heart.

Edited by tv echo
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7 hours ago, tv echo said:

The next bunch of issues are exploring that pain and exploring him trying to get back from that pain. That’s the emotional part of it.

Fridging is something we haven't seen before?  Has he been paying attention?  This is the same thing just emotional rather than physical.

7 hours ago, tv echo said:

If you look back at the very first issue, it looks like Batman’s going to die and he asks Alfred, “Would my parents be proud of me?” This sort of idea that he was living his life for his parents, for their pride, I liked to think that him finding happiness is him [learning] how to live his life for himself. We’re halfway through that journey. It’s a long story, a long journey. It could have a happy ending or a sad ending.

This is the Arrow TV show, Tom.

Edited by statsgirl
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DC TV Watch: 7 Burning Questions for 'Legends of Tomorrow' Season 4
JULY 14, 2018 8:15am PT by Sydney Bucksbaum


Will Beebo return? | The blue God of Fuzzy Adorableness was the ultimate scene-stealer in season three, and his giant return to take on Mallus in the epic finale fight was a series highlight. As the unofficial mascot of Legends of Tomorrow, he absolutely must return in some capacity in season four.

What did the Legends team screw up now?
Will Damien Darhk return? 
How will Amaya remain a member of the team?
Did Rip Hunter really die?
How will Constantine's presence on the Waverider shake things up for the team? 
What other new characters will join the Legends team? 
Will Beebo return? 

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10 Best DC Characters Who Deserve Their Own Movie
By CHRIS KILLIAN - July 15, 2018


No. 3 is Green Arrow. The character has proven to be a hit on the CW, so it’s time to transition the character to the big screen! Honestly, the fact that Oliver has his own CW "arrow-verse" centered around him is further proof of his popularity, so it's kind of baffling that Hollywood hasn't utilized this yet.


Edited by tv echo
1 hour ago, tv echo said:

Another quiz...

Answer 10 Questions And We'll Tell You Which "Arrowverse" Character You Are
July 13, 2018  OrHolz

I got Felicity Smoak but it wasn't too hard to weight that answer in my favor, lol.  

I think I liked him better in Justice League (the animated series) than in YJ, but I’d need to do a rewatch to be sure (such a hardship).

In Legends, I think it was partially the actor (a large part), and partially them changing his origins so drastically in order to tie him to the Hawks.  That was a mistake.  As was how they handled the Hawks.  I think I’m in the minority that didn’t actually think Ciara Renee was that terrible of an actress, but making so much of her character revolve around that reincarnated soulmates storyline just dragged her right down. 

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6 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

 I think I’m in the minority that didn’t actually think Ciara Renee was that terrible of an actress, but making so much of her character revolve around that reincarnated soulmates storyline just dragged her right down

Yeah, I agree. I liked her enough on Flash and liked her in the crossover when she was just skeptical about that stuff. It's really just Hawkman (and the endless restatement of "x months ago, I was a barista") that really brought her potential down.

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Yeah I have no problem with Ciara and it sucks that they gave her what couldve been such a great character but wrote her so bad. They really should've held off on introducing Hawkman. I do wish we could at least see her pop up here and there, mainly for crossovers. 

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Hawkman sucked ass but Kendra, and Ciara, were great.  LOT set it up for her to be the one to finally take down Savage and I wish they'd followed through.  At that point they knew they weren't bringing her back so let her have the hero moment.  Instead the character is permanently stuck with Carter, which is a terrible fate. 

I miss Kendra and I'd love to see her again.

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10 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

If Graces sources are correct, BoP will feature Harley. Black Canary, Huntress, Lady Shiva, and Cassandra Cain. Barbara will not be in the film and it will center around everyone saving Cassandra from her father.

Huh. The story could work but it shouldn’t be called Birds of Prey. Maybe they’ll be references to Babs and she’ll be on another mission offscreen? That’s a way to do it without her and keep the name. 

5 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

Huh. The story could work but it shouldn’t be called Birds of Prey. Maybe they’ll be references to Babs and she’ll be on another mission offscreen? That’s a way to do it without her and keep the name. 

Since Babs hasn't been introduced into the movieverse yet, I'm not sure that would make sense either. Unless this is coming out after Batgirl.

Edited by lemotomato

I’m thinking more along the lines of Babs being off on a mission and that’s the plot of her solo movie. 

At a minimum they should reference Babs because you don’t have the Birds without her. You can have individual missions but if she’s not even referenced then we have a problem. 

2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

If Graces sources are correct, BoP will feature Harley. Black Canary, Huntress, Lady Shiva, and Cassandra Cain. Barbara will not be in the film and it will center around everyone saving Cassandra from her father.

Interesting.  I haven’t read anything about the movie for a couple of months, but that’s quite different from what I’d read before, mainly that Batgirl was the only character other than Harley that was nearly certain to be in it, and that DC planned to use it to introduce her before her solo movie, similar to how Wonder Woman was introduced in BvS before her solo film.

Some quick googling brought up this post on Comicbook.com:


Despite rumblings that Batgirl would be featured in the film opposite Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and Poison Ivy, that doesn't appear to be true, according to known Hollywood insider Umberto Gonzalez. 

Over the weekend, Batman-News.com sent out a tweet featuring an article about Birds of Prey potentially being R-rated, along with a couple of "interesting facts" regarding what Robbie said about the film. "1) Fans fell in love with Harley in a PG-13 movie, some will be left out now," the tweet read. "2) Batgirl has the potential to inspire young girls just like Wonder Woman. Why put her in a R-rated movie?"

This is where Gonzalez jumped in to clear things up. He responded to the tweet with a message of his own, saying that Batgirl wasn't actually going to be in the movie.

"Well, that is quite easy to answer because BATGIRL is NOT in BIRDS OF PREY," wrote Gonzalez.

This threw some folks off, considering the rumors about Batgirl's appearance had been swirling around for some time, and came from reputable sources. Batman-News said that this would be "big news if true," noting that "Variety said" Batgirl would be in the film.

Again, Gonzalez presented a defense.

"They didn't say that on the record, rather [Variety reporter] Justin [Kroll] tweeted," Gonzalez replied. "Was decided recently no Batgirl. Attention to detail, I didn't say Barbara Gordon, I said Batgirl."

Ah, there is the kicker. Gonzalez is saying that the potential for Barbara to show up in Birds of Prey still exists, but she won't be donning the Batgirl suit. This could mean that the character might be appearing as The Oracle, her other alter ego, or she could simply be Barbara Gordon, no extra names or costumes.


Shethority Website Launches Tomorrow
BY CRYSTAL  JUL 16, 2018


Shethority came into being by the force of the ladies of CW’s DC shows – Arrow, The Flash, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl. Some of the powerful women making up this driving force include: Caity Lotz, Emily Bett Rickards,  Danielle Panabaker, Candice Patton, Melissa Benoist, Chyler Leigh, Maisie Richardson-Sellers, Katie Cassidy, Juliana Harkavy, and Tala Ashe. I mean, WOW! So many kickass women in one place and they want to connect with YOU, to hear your stories! 
*  *  *
Shethority.com will be the site, so follow @shethority on Twitter to be in the know when it’s live. Until then, check out the Shethority YouTube Channel to learn more about this awesome movement!

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7 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Given that, I wonder if the new police officer on Arrow is Renee Montoya and Koonami will be Lady Shiva, as per how Arrow has always been used throughout the years.

I honestly have big doubts. Because the starting date of filming of the movie is January 2019. 

5 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

I honestly have big doubts. Because the starting date of filming of the movie is January 2019. 

Ultimately I do too, since it's so close. It's just the pattern of using Arrow to spring board characters for shows/movies, along with the possible similarities in the characters (except that the new cop is supposed to be white IIRC) just made me cringe.

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