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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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So I'm putting this here too since it has all the dctv shows on the list.


I always thought DCTV would be better if they all had 18-20 eps, to cut some of the filler. Cutting one episode from each seems like an odd choice. Now I am wondering if the seasons will have 22, but the crossover will make up for that 1 episde. So instead of the crossover being ep 8 of each show, it totally stands alone.

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Spoilertv has the premiere dates....but it has 3 shows on Monday come midseason which means Arrow would end April 15th.....and there is no way TheCW will have 3 shows on Monday. 

The Big 3 would technically have 21 episodes to dedicate to just themelves so lets see if cutting 1 episode helps. Probably not though.

6 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Spoilertv has the premiere dates....but it has 3 shows on Monday come midseason which means Arrow would end April 15th.....and there is no way TheCW will have 3 shows on Monday. 

I just saw it. Looks like LOT starts a week earlier than Arrow, then 100 takes it's spot in April while Arrow is winding down. Don't see a conflict with that.


Edit: I just noticed the conflict w/izombie. I thought that was going on another night.

Edited by JJ928
1 minute ago, JJ928 said:

I just saw it. Looks like LOT starts a week earlier then Arrow, then 100 takes it's spot in April while Arrow is winding down. Don't see a conflict with that.


They have iZombie and The 100 premiering April 22nd. And then Roswell premiering April 29th. Both are Mondays.

1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

They have iZombie and The 100 premiering April 22nd. And then Roswell premiering April 29th. Both are Mondays.

Yeah, I just noticed that. I thought they said izombie was going to Fridays at upfronts? Could be a typo. I remember the 100 & Arrow pairing up.

I imagine they're gonna want to give Roswell and 8 pm slot, since it's a new show. I think there's just a mistake on that list regarding one of the shows. Also, maybe Legends gets a few eps added their order, like they did one year. CW can still manipulate the schedule some.

1 minute ago, ruby24 said:

So they cut it down to 22 for the DC shows, huh? I wonder why just the one episode?

Probably the shuffle that extra money around for contracts.

Looks like Spoilertv are also the ones who published the episode counts but they say it could change at any time.

I assume some of those dates are wrong, and will be altered at some point. No way does iZombie and The 100 premiere on the same night, and then Roswell the following week. Even if Arrow went on a two week break, unless they move Arrow to another night, then there's probably some miscommunications with the premiere dates with the midseason shows. 

3 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

It's surprising to me that Supergirl still has 22, because I know they're going to be starting late, because MB is on Broadway through August. That's got to schedule in there somewhere, right?

It seems like production's going to be very tight for the first bit of the season, since they say Supergirl will still be premiering in October. I know production will eventually catch up, but those first few episodes are going to be a little tight with post production, in particular. Though I think they'll be fine if they start in August and MB goes straight from Broadway to the show. I mean, Supergirl just finished filming its finale a few weeks ago and the finale airs in less than a month, so turnaround time can usually be tight. The only thing it'll mess up is the crossover, I think. 

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I wish Legends got more than 16 episodes. It's too much fun to end so early.

Why does Riverdale get 23? I'd prefer it to be shorter. Rather surprised Supernatural's only getting 20.

If Legends really premieres earlier on Oct 1st (the first show to premiere on CW?), it's probably going to end really early, or have a really long mid-season hiatus. Both scenarios suck.

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

It's surprising to me that Supergirl still has 22, because I know they're going to be starting late, because MB is on Broadway through August. That's got to schedule in there somewhere, right?

Melissa will probably be flying back and forth between Vancouver/New York, it looks like it's about a 5hr flight. She'll be getting most of her sleep on the flights back and forth lol.

2 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

Yeah, I don't know about that. When you're on stage, don't you have to do 1-2 shows every day during the week? I don't see how she could commute in that case.

Yeah, she’ll probably be doing 8 shows a week, especially for such a limited run. I can’t imagine she’d take off too much time and if she does it would likely be announced. 

4 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

Yeah, I don't know about that. When you're on stage, don't you have to do 1-2 shows every day during the week? I don't see how she could commute in that case.


This is Melissas schedule for all of her play dates (doesnt change for June/August). She will most likely film SG everyday but Sun/Wed/Sat. She would probably film really early or really late. 

16 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Melissa will probably be flying back and forth between Vancouver/New York, it looks like it's about a 5hr flight. She'll be getting most of her sleep on the flights back and forth lol.

I don't bet on her filming while she's doing her show. That's a long commute (7'ish hours including not just the plane trip in itself but also the commuting time to get to the airport). They'll most definitely either delay production until August until MB's done, or start filming (still a little later) but hold off on Melissa's scenes until she can get to Vancouver to film. If we don't believe kenpursuit's rumours, Jeremy's going to be in New York doing his own sets of shows with his wife in the middle of July. I also assume Chris will be with Melissa for the majority of her shows as well. So, even though they'll delay filming, everyone else doing the pre-production will be hard at work in July to get ahead as much as possible. 

I guess it also depends on how Supergirl ends off for the finale. Since Melissa was cast in the play before they finished filming the finale, they could have altered the ending so that there's a way to have Kara offscreen for the first couple of episodes (not likely), or have her with a limited role while focusing on other characters. They've done it with The Flash and Arrow this past season, so they could do it with Supergirl as well.

ETA: Actually, she might have been cast around the time of them finishing filming, so I'm not sure if they could have altered the Supergirl finale

Edited by Lady Calypso
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On 5/26/2018 at 1:39 PM, scarynikki12 said:

This response to the current debate on the duration of Oliver's time in Supermax is more appropriate here, since it's about the crossover.

What did Amell say about Arrow/Oliver with regard to the crossover?  The show/character sets it up or leads into the story?  If I'm remembering right, then it could be that he meets Kate in the Supermax* and then she asks him for help just before crossover time.  They can easily write Kate as being in the prison undercover and that's how she meets Oliver.

He's the lead, and don't think they want Oliver to far away from the action/main plot, so I'm guessing he's in prison for 3 Season 7 episodes at most. He'll be out before the crossover, definitely.

Amell said that Arrow is the key to bringing in Batwoman; but I wonder if Batwoman will actually be the representation of 'Batman' on Earth-1 -- as in, instead of Batman in this universe, it's Batwoman. So they can have a twist, and all that.

The main reason for this theory is that while Arrow has referenced Bruce Wayne, Supergirl has actually had a more direct reference to Batman (and Gotham) as someone who exists and works with Superman. So if they don't want to have 2 Batmans in their multiverse they could do it that way. (Assuming of course that the showrunners pay attention to those throwaway easter eggs...)

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Oh I agree that they won't keep Oliver in prison more than a handful of episodes at most.  I'm just wondering if the way Oliver/Arrow is key to bringing in Batwoman is if he meets Kate before he gets out.  That's the simplest way to do introduce her into the verse.  It would be a condensed version of when Barry brought Kara to Earth Prime and introduced her to everyone in that year's crossover.  That doesn't mean they will, of course, but it would be better than her showing up out of the blue and everyone agreeing to help this stranger with no preexisting ties to anyone. 

Another way they can do it is to have Kate be Oliver's cousin rather than Bruce's.  They've already stolen so much of the Batverse for their own use that it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. 

I do agree that Kate will be the Arrowverse representation of Batman.  I really think they tried to get the ok to use Bats from the WB brass, and that's why they let Oliver reference Bruce Wayne at the beginning of the season, but WB held firm in their refusal and Batwoman was offered up instead (by Berlanti or WB I don't know cause it could go either way).  So, since they get to play with Kate instead of Bruce, they'll use as many general Bat references as possible.  Batwoman is awesome but she's not an icon so they'll be able to get away with it. 

The only thing that has me concerned is that they'll drop the ball on Gotham.  I think they'll take the casting and story for Kate seriously, so I think that will be fine.  But Gotham is different.  Gotham is it's own character and these shows love to recycle the sets for all their shows with barely an effort to make them look different.  My hope is that they'll spend their prep time finding new places in Vancouver for the outdoor shots and spend money on new sets for the indoor shots.  What I'm going to think about until shooting starts is the knowledge that they've been dying to play with the Batverse this whole time.  They based Arrow and Oliver Queen off of Batman more than Green Arrow and have repurposed Bat stories and villains over and over since the pilot.  Surely this means they're ready to give Gotham her due, right?

2 hours ago, lurker22 said:

I wish Legends got more than 16 episodes. It's too much fun to end so early.

Why does Riverdale get 23? I'd prefer it to be shorter. Rather surprised Supernatural's only getting 20.

If Legends really premieres earlier on Oct 1st (the first show to premiere on CW?), it's probably going to end really early, or have a really long mid-season hiatus. Both scenarios suck.

I don't buy the Legends episode number. I doubt these numbers from spoilertv are accurate. Everyone was wrong last year about Legends episode order.

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1 hour ago, scarynikki12 said:

Oh I agree that they won't keep Oliver in prison more than a handful of episodes at most.  I'm just wondering if the way Oliver/Arrow is key to bringing in Batwoman is if he meets Kate before he gets out.  That's the simplest way to do introduce her into the verse.  It would be a condensed version of when Barry brought Kara to Earth Prime and introduced her to everyone in that year's crossover.  That doesn't mean they will, of course, but it would be better than her showing up out of the blue and everyone agreeing to help this stranger with no preexisting ties to anyone. 

Yeah, that's plausible; I just wonder how they'd set that up on Arrow. Maybe connected to Roy coming back? Did he do any vigilanting in Gotham while he was away? On the other hand, they've done characters 'showing up out of the blue to help' before (Citezen Cold and The Ray, anyone?), so it could go either way!



Another way they can do it is to have Kate be Oliver's cousin rather than Bruce's.  They've already stolen so much of the Batverse for their own use that it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. 

They better NOT. Not after they finally got the okay to use the Bat-family.



The only thing that has me concerned is that they'll drop the ball on Gotham.  I think they'll take the casting and story for Kate seriously, so I think that will be fine.  But Gotham is different.  Gotham is it's own character and these shows love to recycle the sets for all their shows with barely an effort to make them look different.  My hope is that they'll spend their prep time finding new places in Vancouver for the outdoor shots and spend money on new sets for the indoor shots.  What I'm going to think about until shooting starts is the knowledge that they've been dying to play with the Batverse this whole time.  They based Arrow and Oliver Queen off of Batman more than Green Arrow and have repurposed Bat stories and villains over and over since the pilot.  Surely this means they're ready to give Gotham her due, right?

I'm a bit worried about this too. Besides new locations/sets, they could do heavy CGI, too.

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11 hours ago, lurker22 said:

I wish Legends got more than 16 episodes. It's too much fun to end so early.

Why does Riverdale get 23? I'd prefer it to be shorter. Rather surprised Supernatural's only getting 20.

If Legends really premieres earlier on Oct 1st (the first show to premiere on CW?), it's probably going to end really early, or have a really long mid-season hiatus. Both scenarios suck.


Shows get really expensive as they age.  It's not just the actors that get raises but any of the long term crew.  So it makes sense they'd get more episodes cut.

Maybe the Arrowverse will never officially go off the air, it will just get it's episode cut bit by bit until it fades awaaaayy.

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Christchurch Armageddon, June 2-4, 2018 (NZ)
Paul Blackthorne, Echo Kellum, Katrina Law, David Nykl, Keiynan Lonsdale, Katie McGrath and Mehcad Brooks


Saturday 2nd June
11am - The Flash/Legends of Tomorrow panel with Keiynan Lonsdale
11.45am - Arrow panel with Paul Blackthorne, David Nykl & Echo Kellum
1.15pm - Arrow/Spartacus panel with Katrina Law
2pm - Supergirl/True Blood panel with Mehcad Brooks
*  *  *
Sunday 3rd June
11.45am - The Flash/Legends of Tomorrow panel with Keiynan Lonsdale
12.30pm - Arrow/Dresden Files panel with Paul Blackthorne
1.15pm - Merlin/Supergirl panel with Katie McGrath
* *  *
Monday 4th June
11am - Arrow panel with Katrina Law, Paul Blackthorne, David Nykl & Echo Kellum
Noon - Supergirl and the Luthors panel with Katie McGrath, John Shea & Mehcad Brooks

Edited by tv echo
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Black Lightning needs to join the Arrowverse, so that Jefferson and Oliver can swap notes. Also, I find Cress' description of his show as a "family drama with superpowers sprinkled on top" interesting, considering how Arrow gets criticized in certain corners for not being (enough of) a "comic book show"...

'Black Lightning': Family, father define show
Hal Boedeker   May 23, 2018


“Jefferson Pierce is this guy who is still looking to do all the things that Black Lightning is doing, but from an educational vantage point,” [Cress] Williams said. “Historically, alter egos have little or no ties, or try to have no ties. But he has a family, he has children, he has a wife he wants to get back together with. So he’s riddled with family ties.”
*  *  *
“He is targeting a neighborhood,” Williams said. “A lot of time superheroes are dealing more with the macro. He’s dealing with micro.”
*  *  *
“I’m not a twentysomething playing fortysomething character. I’m fortysomething playing fortysomething,” Williams said. “I appreciate it because I feel like we’ve almost forgotten the comic book base, the people who have been reading the comic books since the 1970s.” (Black Lightning first appeared in 1977.)

“I love that he gets tired, because I’m tired right now,” Williams said. “The more human a character is, the more flawed the character is, the more interesting it is to play. Historically any actor will tell you they love playing the villain more than the hero, because the villains have more character traits to play. I love that in this case it’s not the case. Black Lightning, aka Jefferson Pierce, has so many wrinkles and character traits.”
*  *  *
“He’s kind of like the father I hope to be — my oldest is 13,” he said. “Jefferson Pierce is a great role model. He’s such a great father. That filters down and makes him a great principal and mentor.”
*  *  *
“One of the recurring things I’ve seen at the few conventions I’ve gone to, I see people coming up as families,” Williams said. “In our show, we say we’re a family drama with superpowers sprinkled on top. I love that it feels like our show is bringing families together around the television, and I really dig that. That’s something that is not happening as regularly as it used to. TV becomes kind of a segregated place, where kids go watch their show, parents watch their show. It’s great that this is a show that has enough for everybody, and so it brings everybody together to watch it.”

Edited by tv echo
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Cress Williams Is OK With A Black Lightning-Arrowverse Crossover, Eventually
Eric Joseph   May 27, 2018


Regardless of whatever roadblocks may be encountered, a lover of these various series such as myself had to ask Cress Williams the burning question when I caught up with him at Motor City Comic Con last weekend. Basically, I was wondering if the desire for a crossover was even there, or if he wishes for his show to remain a standalone forever.

Here’s what he said:

“I wouldn’t say forever. We’re going into our second season and I really want to make sure that we explore all the possibilities of our world first. We’ve introduced the characters. I want to see Jennifer come into her own. I even want to see Anissa go through some ups and downs, and bring in some other characters.

“Our show is so different than anything in the Arrowverse and I don’t wanna compromise that. Logistically, we shoot in Atlanta when everyone else shoots in Vancouver, and I’m not excited about hopping on a plane in the middle of a season to have to fly all the way to Vancouver to film and fly all the way back to Atlanta. I don’t know how all of that works.”
*  *  *
“It would be great, maybe, down the line when our world’s fully established. I would love for somebody to come visit us.”
*  *  *
Assuming that Cress and the showrunners get to check off a good amount of their boxes in the coming year, I threw out the possibility of things coming together in season 3, to which he said, “yeah,” so fingers remain crossed. As usual, we’ll keep you posted on all Black Lightning and Arrowverse happenings regardless of whether the dream is made reality.

Cress Williams Reveals What He Wants To See In Black Lightning Season 2
By Eric Joseph  May 25, 2018


That said, it shouldn’t come as a surprise when lead actor Cress Williams began listing off what he hopes to see in season 2 during our discussion last weekend at Motor City Comic Con:

They discovered what really resonates with people is the family aspect, and the aspect of tackling real life social issues. Those are the two things I really, really enjoy, so we’re gonna continue doing that.”
*  *  *
As he continued, I began to get the impression we could see some shorter arcs in the next year, as Williams discussed that while teasing the tone:

I think we’re gonna get darker, I think we’re gonna be more serialized where it might not be be one overarching season, but, like, little mini-vignettes. But I really want to see it continue to be dark, tackling real issues, and through the daughters…because they’re very different human beings, how they view their powers. I want to show the light side of having powers, but also the dark side of having powers.”

Edited by tv echo
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Out @ WB Talks LGBTQ Visibility:


This week's DC All Access takes a long hard look at the importance of representation on television and in the DCU as we dive into the recent diversity panel held on the Warner Bros. lot and featuring cast members and creative talent from all across the Arrowverse. We talk to Caity Lotz, Echo Kellum, Nafessa Williams, Keiynan Lonsdale and Creative Executive Renee Reiff about this vital topic, the role each of them are playing in bringing it to the forefront and what message they hope to get across to fans.

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EW's choice to play Batwoman in the next Arrowverse crossover - I can't say that I agree (even though I like Keri Russell)...

What should Keri Russell do after The Americans?


Well, in case the former Felicity star needs some help picking her next job, EW is here to help! EW’s Chancellor Agard and Darren Franich have pulled together a list of dream roles they’d love to see Russell take on now that The Americans has come to an end. Read on below for our wild ideas, which include a caped crusader, a host, and a ruthless right-wing lawyer.
*  *  *
Batwoman on Arrow — or any other superhero

Let’s not forget that Russell already voiced Wonder Woman in a 2009 animated movie. I think it’s high time she went live action! I know this will never happen, but I would love to see her play Batwoman. In the comics, Kate Kane has a military background, and Russell’s previous work on The Americans proves she could definitely play a badass military type. Plus, if there’s anyone who could both out-brood and intimidate Stephen Amell’s Oliver Queen (a.k.a. the Green Arrow), it’s definitely Russell. But, if Russell can’t make it up to Vancouver, I’m willing to settle for just any superhero because it’s time that Russell got that superhero money! (Do you think Damon Lindelof has finished casting his Watchmen pilot? That’s both superhero and HBO money!)  —C.A.

Edited by tv echo

I don’t know how coordinated Keri is but the thought does intrigue me. Don’t think they’ll consider her but she has the talent to be sure. 

Are there any CW favorites who may be eligible for the role? I’m wondering if they’ll just hire a network favorite for the part. As long as she’s talented and can do basic choreography I’ll be happy. No one from the Vampire Diaries verse please.

My guess is they’ll have Kate cast before Comic Con so they can do a big announcement and give the actress enough time to prepare for the crossover. 

  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

Are there any CW favorites who may be eligible for the role? I’m wondering if they’ll just hire a network favorite for the part. As long as she’s talented and can do basic choreography I’ll be happy. No one from the Vampire Diaries verse please.

My guess is they’ll have Kate cast before Comic Con so they can do a big announcement and give the actress enough time to prepare for the crossover. 

Yeah, I agree, both that they’ll probably go with a CW actress and that they’ll make the announcement at Comic Con.

 I personally still do like the idea of Adrianne Palicki though.  If only she wasn’t doing The Orville.

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I have a feeling they're gonna cast younger than those actresses. They'll probably get someone in their 20s, especially if they'll be testing her to see if they can spin her off. It's the CW, I definitely expect them to put looks & age before talent, if it were a dude then it wouldn't matter.

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Keri Russell is 42 and I think that knocks her out of the running not just because of the age but because of the physicality the role requires if it's gone to be longer term. SA has been complaining about his back for more than a year now.

I really like the idea of Adrianne Palicki, especially if they're thinking of a spin-off after Arrow is gone .  She's shown she can play a superhero on AoS and she has the acting chops and presence to anchor a show.

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I love Gina Torres, but she’s committed to the Suits spin-off, and she’s also 49, so likely quite a bit older than they would be considering. 

Here’s a couple of dream-casting lists that I’ve run across.  

Entertainment Weekly: Who should play Batwoman in the Arrowverse?

Geeks: The Hero We Deserve: 10 Actresses Who Could Play Batwoman in the Arrowverse

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