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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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With Avengers: Infinity War, the MCU adds insult to DC's injury


No one wants to kick DC heroes when they're down. But the release of Avengers: Infinity War provides the most extreme example of just how far the Marvel Cinematic Universe has come in the past 10 years. 

We've gone from Iron Man referencing MySpace unironically to a formerly B-list hero becoming even bigger than the biggest of superhero team-ups and, now, to a legitimate culmination of the MCU's space and Earth-based conflicts.

Meanwhile, the DC universe kind of appeared on screen, then made money even while being savaged by fans and critics, and seemed to get its act back together with Wonder Woman only to commit its worst injustice yet with Justice League. There have been some keen moments, gorgeous stills and amazing not-mustaches, to be sure. But if a film combining the Justice League, Suicide Squad and who knows who else (maybe Blackhawk?) was announced tomorrow, its hype would pale in comparison to Infinity War. And there are three big reasons why.
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The more heroes, the greater the villain
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And Justice League exacerbated matters by deciding one villain and a glorified boss fight was too much -- they just needed a mini-boss defeated by a quick-time event. It was a joyous QTE, but Steppenwolf stood for nothing beyond collecting stuff. He served no greater ideological master. (Yes, there was a reference to Darkseid. But that isn't the same as Darkseid being being in the movie.) So the heroes travel along listlessly from one charmless scene to the next.
*  *  *
No one wants to watch humorless rocks for 3 hours
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Batman v Superman obviously had no interest in presenting warm characters. And Justice League was so lost it's impossible to know what the intent was beyond salvaging intellectual property. So it should in turn surprise no one that Infinity War is likely to drum up more business in its first US weekend then Justice League did in its whole run. The 10 years of history the MCU has built up certainly helps, but so should the 80 years of Superman and the 75th anniversary of Batman and Wonder Woman.
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Marvel lets Iron Man be Iron Man
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That expectation has been hammered into audiences over 10 years, so when Infinity War goes into peak character whirlwind, juggling 8 million characters, we at least know that even though he's all bearded, Cap is going to be Cap. Tony's in space but he's still Tony. 

Meanwhile, in Justice League, Batman's more quippy because... Superman died? Wonder Woman's way less proactive because... reasons? Superman actually becomes Superman at the end because... replacement director Joss Whedon had a quip quota? Just rewatch the first Man of Steel trailer, which managed to stick closer to its hero than any DCEU material outside Wonder Woman.
*  *  *
Knock it as shallow or simple, but that combination of humor, effective villainy and consistent character treatment is a hallmark of Marvel's success. The DCEU certainly doesn't have to emulate that to succeed. After all, this is a time when an R-rated sophomoric superhero flick, a horror twist on coming-of-age tales and a Jumanji sequel can find wild success. And so can a 20-plus-hero cacophony filled with gems, unpronounceable locations and a decade of intricate lore. But all those movies have one thing in common: The heroes found their strengths and stayed true to them.

Edited by tv echo

Unrounded finals for last week:


Here were the FINALS for last week's CW shows:

The Flash ...................... 0.631
Supernatural ................. 0.469
The 100 ........................ 0.439
RIverdale ...................... 0.408
The Originals ................ 0.402
Supergirl ....................... 0.382
Arrow ............................ 0.261
iZombie ......................... 0.209
Dynasty ......................... 0.158
Life Sentence ................ 0.109

Source: RJK @ SpottedRatings.com

5 hours ago, Trini said:

James on Supergirl, Cisco on Flash; which guy will be crying on Arrow this week??

Wouldn't be Surpised if it's Oliver. Everyone but his wife , his kid and father figure turned their backs on him when he did nothing wrong and he's facing long jail time and in a Courpt As He'll City 


Last night's ratings (preliminary)


Unrounded preliminary and half-hours:


The Flash .......................... 0.606 ... (0.607 ... 0.604)
The 100 ............................. 0.351 ... (0.385 ... 0.317)

Source:  RJK @ SpottedRatings.com

Edited by Starfish35

CW Live + 7 ratings for the week of April 16 (week 30).  Source.

  • The Flash 1.31, 3.427M
  • Supergirl 0.91, 2.942M
  • Supernatural 0.89, 2.362M
  • Black Lightning 0.88, 2.506M
  • Riverdale 0.74, 1.929M
  • The Originals 0.69, 1.641M
  • Arrow 0.66, 1.739M
  • Jane the Virgin 0.53, 1.196M
  • iZombie 0.50, 1.360M
  • Dynasty 0.24, 0.837M
1 hour ago, Velocity23 said:

I love to hear about BTS things from Arrowverse shows. This one implies Grant is not strange to diva behaviour on set:

He doesn't actually say anything, though. Besides, one unprofessional rando who was only there for a few days(?) opinion doesn't a diva make.

2 minutes ago, JJ928 said:

I haven't liked Grant since he showed his ass during season 1 of The Flash, so I believe it. Poor Candice has to work with that potato face.

What happened?? Spill? Why do I not know anything!!!!!???

I know Candice loves rice and bought a rice cooker! I never get the good goss! 

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@Mellowyellow During season 1, he (and AJK) rt'd an article about the flash. In it they praised Grant & the shows writing, but had a whole paragraph dedicated to how awful Candice was, and how the role should be recast with a better actress. After fans reacted, telling him to remove it he finally did (AJK didn't remove it and never acknowledge the angry fans), and I believe he sent a fan a dm ( I remember seeing a screenshot) saying he had only read half the article and it was the half about him. Well, that's bs because the part where they really gassed him up was after the part they trashed Iris/Candice. This is just one of the many thing that insect did, I can't stand him.

Also, the author of the article edited it and removed that part, after fans dragged him. His comments were not constructive at all, it read like a reddit troll hating on an actress for not being like their comics.

Edited by JJ928
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Matt's Inside Line: Scoop on Legends, Walking Dead, Lucifer, Supernatural, NCIS, Once, Code Black, H50 and More
By Matt Webb Mitovich / May 2 2018, 11:47 AM PDT


Any word on how Constantine will fit into Legends of Tomorrow next season? —Greg
The more pressing question may be how he fits into the Waverider, if at all. “I don’t know if I want to see John Constantine actually having to live on the ship, because he seems a little cooler than that,” says Legends EP Phil Klemmer. “I like the idea that he’s a bit of a lone wolf, so we’ll have to figure out where exactly he’s going to live. Like, what would his room even look like? I think he’s a bit too cool for school [to live on the Waverider], in a good way.”
*  *  *
Anything leftover to share about The Flash’s final episodes? –Anthony
In previewing the May 8 episode, titled “Harry and the Harrisons,” EP Todd Helbing explained that whereas The Council of Wells was “all about intelligence and being the smartest people in the universe,” The Council of Harrisons that Cisco rounds up to boost his colleague’s spirits “are ‘an emo version’ of the Council, so they teach Harry that there’s emotional intelligence that perhaps he should tap into.” And yes, this new council means new, fun performances by Tom Cavanagh. “Oh my God, it’s hilarious,” Helbing said with a hearty laugh. “There’s one in particular that he came up with that all of us loved.”
*  *  *
Will it be addressed on Supergirl that the Legion ring that’s been in the Fortress of Solitude since Season 1 is like the ring Mon-El wears? –Jen
I hand-delivered your Q to Chris Wood while I was on set for the filming of Episode 20, and he said, “I don’t know if the connection is made…. It hasn’t been yet!”

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Here is an interview with Avengers: Infinity War screenwriters, Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely - they also tease Avengers 4 (WARNING: SPOILERS)...

Your Burning Questions About “Avengers: Infinity War,” Answered
May 2, 2018   Adam B. Vary

Edited by tv echo

'DC Streaming Service, DC Universe, Promises A New Approach'


“The ultimate DC membership is coming,” reads a new section of the DC Comics website. DC Universe is an upcoming digital streaming service geared toward comic book fans that will host original shows like Young Justice: Outsiders, Titans and Harley Quinn.

“DC Universe is a first-of-its kind, immersive digital experience designed just for DC fans,” the description explains. What “immersive digital experience” means remains to be seen, but, it implies we’ll be seeing more than TV shows. “One of the many incredible things your membership will include is unlimited access to the following exclusive original series,” the statement continues. Then, interested parties are directed to brand new Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts to keep up with news about DC Universe. “There’s plenty more to come,” the page concludes.

Two live-action shows are confirmed for the DC Universe lineup, but not yet mentioned on the DC Universe website: Metropolis and Swamp Thing. Newsweek learned today Swamp Thing is set for 2019 and follows a scientist in Louisiana. Abby Arcane is investigating a deadly virus when she discovers its mystical secrets and learns the love of her life might not be dead after all. Metropolis, announced in January and currently being redeveloped, follows Lois Lane and Lex Luthor and will go into production later this year. 


La-La Land Records Announces “Superman IV” and “Crisis on Earth-X” Soundtracks
May 2, 2018


La-La Land Records also announced the upcoming release of the “Crisis on Earth-X” crossover which took place on The CW between “Supergirl,” The Flash,” “Arrow,” and “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” in November 2017.

The “Crisis on Earth-X” soundtrack, composed by Blake Neely, Nathaniel Blume, Daniel Chan, and Sherri Chung, which is also limited to 3000 units, will be released on May 22, 2018.

Edited by tv echo
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This interview with Kevin Feige was done before Avengers: Infinity War came out, so there are no movie spoilers. However, he did say some interesting stuff (warning: he does talk about a few future films, which could be considered spoilers, and I do quote one sequel comment below, but it's so obvious that it's going to happen)...

Kevin Feige on the ‘Avengers 4′ Title, Marvel Reshoots, Comic-Con, ‘Black Panther 2′, and More


When do you think that it’s safe to announce that Infinity War Part 2 will be called Infinity Gauntlet?
: That is definitely not what it is called.

Definitely not?
: Definitely not called that. When we announce the title I am not sure, but as I’ve probably said to you, it’s gotten completely blown out of proportion. It will just be a name and the reason to hold it back was to keep the attention on Infinity War. That backfired a little bit because now everyone thinks what’s the name of the next one gonna be? But it was really just to keep the focus [on Infinity War]. We did not want to call it Part One and Part Two. Although it will be quite evident that the films obviously connect, as all our films do, but this in particular connects very directly. And then we changed the Part One and Part Two, we said let’s just keep this Infinity War and we’ll talk about the next movie later. We had done things in the past that had taken attention off of whatever the film at hand is because we talked about this. For instance, Infinity War announcing before Ultron came out, and it worked out, it was fine, but it felt like let’s keep the attention on the film at hand.
*  *  *
Do you think that you guys are gonna get to the place where you release four movies a year?
: I think it depends. It depends on what happens with big corporate deals, it depends on how we’re feeling as a studio to grow. We always intended to just do two a year until we got to a natural place where it felt like not doing three meant we were holding things back or preventing work from being done. Totally comfortable with three a year, which we’ve been doing for a few years now. If it ever gets to four, it would only be for very good reasons.
*  *  *
Speaking of Comic-Con, are you already thinking about what you’re gonna do at Hall H this year?
: We’re not going to Hall H this year. It will be an off year.

Well, that answers that.
: Yeah, which is what we did after Avengers 1 and what we’ve done every few years. I’ve just done press all day and no one’s asked that. There will be a tenth anniversary presence at Comic Con but …

So that means the Saturday night slot is open for someone else to come in?
: Correct.
*  *  *
Is Ryan [Coogler] definitely coming back and when do you think a [Black Panther] sequel will be moving forward with some sort of announcements?
: We definitely want Ryan to come back and that’s actively being worked out right now. When it will be? A lot of it will be when Ryan wants to and not rushing anything, but I think we have an idea of when it will be. But, again, not going to announce any post-Avengers 4 movies until hopefully after Avengers 4, which is another reason we’re not going to Comic-Con.

Edited by tv echo

Arrow portion is quoted in the Spoilers thread...

Spoiler Room: Scoop on Westworld, The Flash, The Blacklist, and more
NATALIE ABRAMS May 03, 2018 at 12:15 PM EDT


What do you have on The Flash finale? — Jamison
The ultimate showdown between Team Flash and The Thinker is upon us, but it won’t go down the way you’re expecting. “It’s an Inception-inspired episode,” executive producer Todd Helbing says of the hour, which will feature two major cliffhangers — one reveals the Mystery Girl’s identity, while the other introduces a new threat. “Most people that are familiar with comics will probably be able to deduce who the big bad is for next season,” Helbing says. Guess we’ll need to, ahem, put on our thinking caps!
*  *  *
Any word on how James will react to Lena’s big secret on Supergirl? — Carson
The fact that Lena has been hiding Sam’s true nature as Reign won’t be lost on James, but it made lead to a better understanding between them, especially since he’s hiding a Guardian-sized secret of his own. “It’s not prudent to keep secrets from your lover, period,” Mehcad Brooks says. “But I think that people would understand once you come clean, and we both come clean about secrets we’re keeping from each other — that actually brings us closer together.”

Edited by tv echo


This trailer for Jamie Foxx's Robin Hood movie seems a lot like a Green Arrow movie
Sam Barsanti   Today 11:43am


DC’s Green Arrow already has a long-running TV show on The CW, but the hood-wearing, left-leaning vigilante has yet to make a big screen appearance—until now. Alright, this trailer for Robin Hood isn’t really a Green Arrow movie, but move the action from merry olde England to a modern coastal city and the differences would be indistinguishable. Green Arrow stories have always been pretty clearly based on Robin Hood, as the character’s original appearance even included a traditional archer hat, but the emphasis put on hoods and cool trick shots with the bow in this trailer feels a whole lot like The CW’s Arrow. All this version of Robin Hood needs to do is attach a boxing glove to one of his arrows and he’ll be ready to join a 12th-century Justice League.

Robin Hood (2018 Movie) Teaser Trailer – Taron Egerton, Jamie Foxx, Jamie Dornan
Published on May 3, 2018, by Lionsgate Movies


Robin Hood – In theaters November 21, 2018. Starring Taron Egerton, Jamie Foxx, Ben Mendelsohn, Eve Hewson, Tim Minchin, and Jamie Dornan.

Edited by tv echo
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More articles comparing the new Robin Hood movie to The CW's Arrow...

New Robin Hood Trailer Hits Starring Taron Egerton, And It Will Make You Think Of Arrow
May. 03.18 – by Joseph Jammer Medina


The trailer dropped earlier today for the new take on the character, and against all my instincts, I clicked that linked and watched it. And the verdict is…I don’t hate it. For starters, I really enjoy that they’re running with the “noble-born Robin Hood” angle. In this day of superheroes, having there be more of an alter ego angle with this really helps to make the character feel a bit like Oliver Queen in the CW’s Arrow and Batman.

Posted on May 3, 2018, 9:40 pm By Billy D


Summit Entertainment and Lionsgate seem to be on a role lately trying to tap the dark and gritty market. This time around they figured that a younger, hipper, grittier take on Robin Hood was in order, starring Taron Egerton from Kingsman and Jamie Dornan from 50 Shades of Grey.
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What’s more is that the token black character role is fulfilled by none other than Jamie Foxx. Foxx works as the trainer and handler for Robin Hood, helping him stick to the shadows and utilize the bow like Oliver Queen from CW’s Arrow.

Edited by tv echo

Was Arrow Twist Too Flash-Like? TV's Best Lucifer? 13 Reasons Mom Dons Wiig? Grey's Misdirect? And More Qs!
By Vlada Gelman, Matt Webb Mitovich, Michael Ausiello, Kimberly Roots, Andy Swift, Ryan Schwartz, Dave Nemetz, Rebecca Iannucci and Charlie Mason / May 4 2018, 10:55 AM PDT


2 | Did the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. debating Yo-Yo’s murder of Ruby sadly remind you of Arrow‘s OTA/NTA squabbles?
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11 | To echo a TVLine reader: Isn’t The Flash‘s DeVoe using an awful lot of tech, considering he thinks technology is ruining the world? Also, once this is all over, can we please keep Marlize?
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21 | As nifty as Arrow‘s Tommy twist was, wasn’t it a bit too similar to how The Flash got Barry exonerated, by crashing his own trial with a lookalike?

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Chance & Natalie discussed the latest eps of Supergirl, Flash and Arrow in this article...

Superhero Insider: A Worldkiller, Mystery Girl, and more deliver surprises

In their weekly podcast this week, Kyle & Natalie mostly discussed, in detail and with major spoilers, Avengers: Infinity War. They also speculated about the movie's ending. Natalie gave the movie two thumbs up. Kyle also gave a very positive review of the movie. They then briefly discussed the latest episodes of Supergirl, Flash and Arrow...

Entertainment Weekly - SPOILER ALERT! Superhero Insider Spoils Avengers: Infinity War
May 4, 2018  Kyle Anderson & Natalie Abrams

Edited by tv echo

I think it was that Secret Spoils twitter account, the one that gave away all those spoilers for the crossover, and for the Alex/Maggie breakup.  It was deleted, and then it came back, and now it looks like it's deleted again.  

Edited by Starfish35
2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

If it is true that half the cast is leaving Ill be interested to see what S4 of SG looks like and who they bring in to replace some of them

I can say that I would be less inclined to watch Supergirl if some of those cast members mentioned were actually leaving. Getting rid of almost all the main males is a pretty risky and potentially stupid idea, especially since they don't bother giving anything to the male cast member not included in that list. 

AoS actually referenced Infinity War in a significant way! I was actually surprised, and given the timeline, these last 5 episodes seem to be taking place at the same time as Infinity War, which now makes me wonder if 


Mack disappears via the snap, since 508's flash forward had YoYo saying that Mack was gone. I'd think Simmons as well, but she and Fitz still have to have a kid.


Warning: SPOILERS...

Report: Joe Russo Gave the Infinity War Answers You've Been Waiting for... to a Bunch of Teens
Charles Pulliam-Moore   May 4, 2018

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