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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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3 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Wonder how long her contact is and if she'd really leave. That would make things interesting if she left and Flash went on. 

Im pretty sure it would mirror Grants. But I dont think she would leave, maybe get her episodes cut in half but not leave.

  • Love 1

Not to go all conspiracy theory here, but I wouldn't say that for sure... She's been acting strange lately and it's similar to what KC did in season 4... A lot of this was pointed out to me but so far the weird things she's done are:

  • Posting a picture of her packing her things into moving boxes
  • Changing her bio and taking out "Iris West Allen" which was pretty much a constant for the past few years
  • Unfollowing the Flash account on both twitter and instagram
  • Talking about if the writers killed Iris off she'd be fine with it
  • Saying that her bucket list for what she wants for Iris has been checked

But yeah to me it does sound like Candice has lost a bit of enthusiasm for the show... She's also the 2nd actress in DCTV to ask the fans to write to the producers to give Iris more of a story... The first actress was KC and we all know what happened there.

Granted this could all mean nothing and I really don't think Candice would leave unless she found another role, but we also thought everything KC was doing was just a coincidence... Nothing is 100% and anything can happen is all I'm saying

Edited by WindofChange
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37 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

Nah, she's not leaving. She was also talking in these interviews about the 2024 newspaper article they have to get to and how the next step is for Barry and Iris to have a baby. 

She's just being glib I think.

Yeah, that quote was in the context of her wanting to 'suit up' and she finally got to do it. She's got a good gig as a leading lady.

  • Love 1

Warning: rest of article contains movie spoilers...

4 Things You Need To Know About "Love, Simon"
March 15, 2018   Kate Aurthur


Greg Berlanti — television's most prolific producer — has methodically and purposefully revolutionized how LGBT people are portrayed in popular culture. Among many other characters he's created or overseen, there was Jack (Kerr Smith) on Dawson's Creek, a gay high schooler who enacted network television's first passionate kiss between men; Dirty Sexy Money's Carmelita, Candis Cayne's transgender character who had an affair with a rich politician (Billy Baldwin); and, currently, Chyler Lee's Alex Danvers, a kick-ass lesbian secret agent who happens to be Supergirl's sister. Berlanti, 45, who grew up in a New York City suburb, went to Northwestern University, and was eventually hired by Kevin Williamson to work on Dawson's Creek, has not been able to pioneer representation in the same way for film.
*  *  *
TV, though, is what takes up most of Berlanti's time. He has 11 shows currently (Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, Black Lightning, Blindspot, Deception, Riverdale) or soon to be (You, Titans, Sabrina) on the air, along with four pilots his company, Berlanti Productions, is producing. ...

Berlanti is reluctant to talk about which shows get the bulk of his attention, because they're often ones that need his help. "Sometimes I'm hesitant to say the shows I'm working on more, because I don't want to be, like, 'Oh, there are problems on this show!'" he said. Certainly he has had to become more actively involved in running The Flash and Supergirl after a Variety investigation exposed multiple sexual harassment allegations against executive producer Andrew Kreisberg, who was suspended and then fired by Warner Bros. Berlanti has said he did not know about Kreisberg, and has now instituted a number of changes at his company to ensure such things don't happen again. He's hired a head of production, Karyn Smith-Forge, to oversee Berlanti Productions shows on a closer level; instituted yearly performance reviews that will include anonymous feedback for top-level executives; and has begun conducting exit interviews with fired staffers.

Adapting to change is not new for Berlanti. A few years ago, he instituted a target that half of the directors of the company's superhero shows should be women or people of color, a particularly ambitious objective for genre television. Berlanti said, "We committed to ourselves — before there was a movement, and before people were doing it — let's build our own list." The final tallies aren't yet in for this year's five superhero shows, but he thinks they've met, or are close to, the 50% goal. And the company's four pilots are being directed by women or directors of color.
*  *  *
Berlanti estimates that "every four or five years" he looks for his next passion project — something that feels "like falling in love with somebody." It can be a TV show he creates himself, or, as in the case of Love, Simon, a film to direct.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 1

I really don't understand why Peyton List keeps getting cast over and over again (The Tomorrow People, The Flash, Blood & Oil, Frequency, Gotham). I don't think she's that great an actress. I really don't like her current portrayal of Poison Ivy on Gotham. I only hope this casting news means that she'll be gone from Gotham after this season...

Peyton List To Star In Fox Drama Pilot Based On ‘Gone Baby Gone’ Book
by Nellie Andreeva •  March 15, 2018 


EXCLUSIVE: Peyton List (Frequency) has been tapped as the female lead opposite Joseph Morgan in Fox’s untitled drama pilot based on the best-selling book Gone Baby Gone by Dennis Lehane. Laysla De Oliveira also has been cast as a series regular in the project, from 20th Century Fox TV and Miramax, which was behind the 2007 movie adaptation directed by Ben Affleck.

Written by Black Sails co-creator Robert Levine and directed by Phillip Noyce, the untitled project centers on private detectives Patrick Kenzie (Joseph Morgan) and Angela Gennaro (List) who, armed with their wits, their street knowledge and an undeniable chemistry, right wrongs the law can’t in the working-class Boston borough of Dorchester.

In the 2007 movie, Angela was played by Michelle Monagham.

Edited by tv echo
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There's also an interesting poll at the end of this article (I've quoted current poll results below)...

by Erik Amaya | March 15, 2018


Poll: Which comics-to-TV decision was the biggest blunder?

  5%  'Smallville' maintaining the “no tights, no flights” rule
  3%  Three sequential villainous speedsters in 'The Flash'
  2%  Saddling John Constantine with a sidekick
27%  'Marvel’s Inhumans'
13%  The realization of 'Iron Fist'
11%  'Heroes' season 2 reboot
  4%  'Heroes Reborn'
  5%  'Arrow' giving fans “Olicity” in season 4
  3%  'Legends of Tomorrow' using Vandal Savage for its s1 big bad
  6%  James Olson as a romantic lead for 'Supergirl'
  9%  Pulling the plug on 'Young Justice' after season 2
  5%  'Arrow' killing Laurel Lance
  3%  The WB pulling 'Birds Of Prey'
  2%  The initial monster-of-the-week format of 'Smallville'
  2%  Something else! (Tell us in the comments.)


Edited by tv echo

How The Women Of Arrowverse Have Redefined The Space Females Occupy In Genre TV
By Areeba Abid on March 15, 2018


The interlocked world of Arrowverse brings together The CW's most popular shows: The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow. This superhero universe includes female characters who have smashed sexist depictions of men gallantly protecting the weaker womenfolk. Yes, that means these badass women tear slits into their fancy dresses and pummel hooded creepers when the time calls for it. Not all of these phenomenal women are known for their physical prowess, though. Arrowverse also includes behind-the-scenes brainiacs who have salvaged countless missions. These unsung divas have certainly earned their stripes, y'all.

However, not everything in Arrowverse is perfect. Despite its attempt to shine a light on empowering female bonds, some of its shows have faltered. Even though these friendships aren't perfect, they strive to cultivate love and sisterhood in all its glory. Fortunately, for viewers, Arrowverse has also blossomed in its honest portrayal of same-sex relationships and brought attention to a grievously underrepresented community.
*  *  *
Arrowverse also contains female characters who rely on their intellect to get out of perilous circumstances. The Flash's Iris West is no damsel in distress. She fears neither death nor danger. Instead, Iris investigates an issue, tries to figure out a solution, and keeps fighting the good fight. Similarly, Arrow's Felicity Smoak uses her brain as a superpower. Seriously, this girl is no slouch. Felicity holds her own on Team Arrow and always calls out Oliver's flimsy excuses when necessary. In fact, both Iris and Felicity are wicked smart insiders whose deductive skills usually make their missions better and more successful. They also serve as the heart and conscience for their male counterparts.
*  *  *
Arrowverse’s focus on female friendships is a work in progress, however. ...

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I am intrigued as to why S4 was called out for it's Olicityness.

Olicity was in S2, S3, S4, S5 and now S6. It's been there freaking all this time people why have a problem with it in S4?

My guess - that's the season in which Laurel/BC was killed.

  • Love 1

Last night's ratings.  Apparently this is a new series low for Gotham, up against basketball.  Also interesting to note that last night's Arrow rerun only got slightly less viewers than Wednesday night's Life Sentence original episode.


Edited by Starfish35
Updated with finals

That's too bad about Gotham, minus Peyton List I'm enjoying this season. However it looks like we might get a 4th recast of Ivy if they get picked up for another season. 

With the Infinity War trailer

"I'm Peter" 

"Dr. Strange"

"Oh, were use are made up names, I'm Spider-Man" 

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 9

Oh my God, that trailer! My brain cannot comprehend such awesome and yet terrifying imagines! Its looks so epic, but...I am just not ready to see my beloved MCU characters getting killed off. I thought I might be ready, but I am not, Not even a little bit. And yet, I am so ready for this movie, and to see all this unfold. My brain and my heart are very confused. 

"Lets talk about this plan of yours. I think its good...except it sucks." Tony is just SHOOK ;) 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

I would say "TAKE MY MONEY!" but I bought my ticket already.  I guess I can say "YOU HAVE MY MONEY!" but it doesn't work the same way.

They're on sale already?  Shit, must go buy now!

That trailer, I'm going to be a wreck when this movie comes out. I'm happy that Gamora got the voice over her history with Thanos makes her and (Nebula) so important to this movie.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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EW's shot-by-shot analysis of new trailer...

New Avengers: Infinity War trailer: Decoding all the references and revelations

And here's the official movie poster...


Edited by tv echo
  • Love 3

Wow.  I like it.

ETA: I think they got one thing wrong.  From other spoilers I've read (possibly on this thread?)I think it's actually Bruce in the Hulkbuster armor, in an attempt not to have to let the Hulk out again.

Edited by Starfish35

Sorry to interrupt the discussion about Infinity War, but is Peyton List the actress who played Roger's young second wife on Mad Men? If so, I thought she was good in that role. 

Unrelated, what's Tougher Mudder? Sounds like a grizzly old cowboy to me, but I'm guessing I'm wrong. 

29 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Sorry to interrupt the discussion about Infinity War, but is Peyton List the actress who played Roger's young second wife on Mad Men? If so, I thought she was good in that role. 

Yes. but that role didn't require much acting. She's also Lisa Snart from the Flash. 

1 minute ago, Morrigan2575 said:

No shit?! I checked IMDb and he wasn't listed in the movie, that's why I was totally confused.

He is in the second row of names.  I think this is the first real confirmation - there were rumors he was in talks a year or so ago, but then nothing ever seemed to come of it.  I saw some spec he might be playing a member of the Black Order - but that seems to be driven by the fact that we don't know who is playing any of those characters yet, not any real knowledge.   

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

He is in the second row of names.  I think this is the first real confirmation - there were rumors he was in talks a year or so ago, but then nothing ever seemed to come of it.  I saw some spec he might be playing a member of the Black Order - but that seems to be driven by the fact that we don't know who is playing any of those characters yet, not any real knowledge.   

Wow, they kept that one super secret until the (almost) end.  Props to Marvel for keeping that a secret, I hope he plays a good character with all this secrecy

  • Love 1

Do We Eye an X-Files Blunder? How Is Timeless Charging Phone? Is This Is Us' 'Her' a Fake-Out? And More TV Qs!
By Vlada Gelman, Matt Webb Mitovich, Michael Ausiello, Kimberly Roots, Andy Swift, Dave Nemetz, Ryan Schwartz and Charlie Mason / March 16 2018, 10:38 AM PDT


1 | If Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s Deke is so afraid of nature (with all its “branchy things” and “floors covered in worms”), why did he hug a tree upon first arriving in our time? Also, why has he not recognized his grandparents’ names?
*  *  *
9 | Was it a bit icky that Legends of Tomorrow‘s plot revolved around the vengeful ghost of Elvis Presley’s stillborn twin brother? Also, has an actor portraying Elvis ever looked less like Elvis?
*  *  *
12 | We “get” that The Flash this week was about Iris-as-speedster, but yet again with this show we have to ask: Can we at least get a line justifying why, for example, Killer Frost wasn’t enlisted to fight the fires? Or why Cisco didn’t breach to save pinned-down Iris ASAP?

13 | Why did Black Lightning‘s Jefferson and Anissa poke around the morgue using their bare hands, begging for a fingerprint to be found on one of the body bags?
*  *  *
18 | Did Gotham — even by Gotham standards! — needlessly cross a line by showing Sofia pulverize Lee’s hand with a hammer? Also, regarding The Riddler’s Riddle: Doesn’t the bespectacled Ed Nygma actually have four eyes?

Edited by tv echo
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Greg Berlanti, master of Vancouver’s TV universe


As it stands, Berlanti is at the helm of a production powerhouse pumping tens of millions of dollars into the province and employing thousands of workers. Of 18 series listed as currently being in production in B.C., five list him as executive producer (a sixth Berlanti show has already wrapped filming). One of Hollywood’s most prolific TV producers, Berlanti was in town to talk about Love, Simon – his first feature-film directing gig in eight years. But looming over the same-sex teen romance is his ever-growing clout in B.C.production.

Berlanti’s impact on the city began in 2012, with Toronto-born Stephen Amell playing the lead in Arrow – an archery-inclined vigilante upholding justice in the fictional Star City, played by Vancouver.

Then came The Flash (casting Grant Gustin as the titular high-speed hero), also ripped from the pages of the comics Berlanti adored as a youth,followed in brisk succession by DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl (starring Marissa Benoist as the woman of steel). Berlanti also serves as executive producer on the Vancouver-shot Riverdale, an edgy adaptation of the long-running comic-book series revolving around perpetual teenager Archie Andrews, and holds the same duties on the Riverdale spinoff The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. The shows air in the U.S. on the CW Network, as well as on Canadian broadcasters.

And just as Hollywood keeps finding new ways to launch lucrative superhero stories on the big screen (Avengers: Infinity War, the 19th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, lands in theatres next month), Berlanti is not ruling out the possibility of more superhero TV shows setting up shop in Vancouver in the near future. “I think that would be everyone’s hope, at the studio, the network and, truthfully, at DC – to find ways to keep the universe vital and interesting,” he said.

Of course, one benefit of basing a TV series on a comic book is an abundance of source material. Now in its sixth season, Arrow has taken multiple plotline twists and turns, but loyal viewers have stuck with the show and Berlanti says he has no plans to wrap it up anytime soon. “I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve,” said Berlanti, peacefully sitting in a lotus position on a couch.“Things I think could enliven and keep the concept fresh. We’ll see. When we started this universe, it wasn’t a universe. It was one show. We just wanted to make it good and now we have got multiple shows and we still just want to keep them good.”

While Berlanti remains humble about the TV growth industry he’s launched in Vancouver, the numbers don’t lie. A 2017 industry study on the economic impact of Arrow by Motion Picture Association - Canada reveals that employment figures for the first five seasons of Arrow is equivalent to that supporting the production of more than 3,000 homes in B.C. Season four alone of the series spent $72-million in the province. Not surprisingly, Vancouver film commissioner David Shepheard is a fan of Berlanti’s work and says his shows are calling cards for promoting B.C. as an ideal locale for film and TV production.
*  *  *
For his part, Berlanti simply wants to tell engaging stories. Back in 2012, finances dictated that B.C. was the optimal place to shoot Arrow, about a billionaire’s son discovered on a desert island several years after he vanished in the sinking of his family yacht. Oliver Queen returns to his hometown of Star City with a bow and arrow, a murderous attitude, a list of corrupt figures (provided by his deceased father) and an ominous catchphrase: “You have failed this city.” It rarely ends well for those he says it to.
*  *  *
In many ways, Berlanti is something of an outlier in the superhero-as-entertainment genre: At the same time his DC-inspired TV shows are prospering, there has been no shortage in recent years of big-screen superhero-movie flops, like Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Suicide Squad and Justice League. While there’s no guaranteed secret to success, Berlanti says his superhero approach involves keeping it real.

“For us, it’s always about the characters,” he said. “We always imagine, ’What is the person going through, even if they don’t have a supersuit? Even if they don’t have a power or ability? The other part is just casting. If you cast the right actors, they inspire you and they inspire the audience. It’s more than 50 per cent of the challenge, I think – casting somebody you just want to watch in those situations.”

Edited by tv echo
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 Berlanti is not ruling out the possibility of more superhero TV shows setting up shop in Vancouver in the near future. “I think that would be everyone’s hope, at the studio, the network and, truthfully, at DC – to find ways to keep the universe vital and interesting,” he said.

Of course, one benefit of basing a TV series on a comic book is an abundance of source material. Now in its sixth season, Arrow has taken multiple plotline twists and turns, but loyal viewers have stuck with the show and Berlanti says he has no plans to wrap it up anytime soon. “I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve,” said Berlanti, peacefully sitting in a lotus position on a couch.“Things I think could enliven and keep the concept fresh. We’ll see. When we started this universe, it wasn’t a universe. It was one show. We just wanted to make it good and now we have got multiple shows and we still just want to keep them good.”



First, I'm really surprised "they", including the network, are even looking at expanding the superhero show line up.  Remember when the network acted like Supergirl being at CBS was the right fit because the CW was already too crowded with DC shows?  

It also really makes me seriously consider the idea that the network has been doing a kind of backdoor test run of a NTA spin-off.  I kept dismissing the notion (even when I considered it) because the CW couldn't possibly be open for another show, but maybe?  That said, I feel like the test failed... but will they?

The alternative would be to keep the two teams separate but get back to friendly terms.  I would be more open to that than an actual full reconciliation.   

  • Love 2

Yeah, I could live with that, even though I'd probably resent any time that was spent on the B-Team. I just don't want to ever see the two teams reunited. And really, is there anyone who'd want to see them reunited? It seems like the majority of fans are completely done with NoTA, and if you're one of the elusive NoTA fans, wouldn't you prefer them to have their own team where they didn't have to listen t that big meanie Oliver Queen? I'm not sure how reunited the teams would satisfy anyone at this point, and the writers should think about that.

On another note, I never considered the economic impact that Arrow (and the other Arrowverse shows) have on the Vancouver/B.C. economy, but that's really impressive. I've seen so many people discuss whether S7 should be the show's last. I lean towards no, as long as Stephen, David and Emily are willing to stick around, but realizing how many jobs are impacted made me realize how cavalier fans can be when we discuss issues like that. 

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, Trini said:

Make it happen, Berlanti!

They always talk about how the spin offs need to be something different from the ones they already have on air and well...having a 3-female lead show is certainly different. Especially when it can be a perfect blend of Supergirl meets Arrow. 

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