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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

 The way that TheCWs ratings are going, they'll be non-existent in 2 years.

I wonder when Nielsen will be forced to finally change their tactics and start including other forms of viewing in their ratings. 

Nielsen claims they're including social media stuff in their ratings now, though I'm personally kinda doubtful - Riverdale, for instance, had at least four times the number of tweets this week as Flash, but that doesn't seem to be reflected in the live numbers for either show.

In terms of other forms of viewing - studios don't really need Nielsen for that. They get exact sales numbers from Amazon/iTunes/Google, and they can tell precisely how many devices are streaming episodes from network websites/apps. I think the much larger question is just how much longer Nielsen can survive - several networks (not just the CW) have basically said that they find Nielsen numbers either inaccurate (Fox, NBC) or irrelevant (the CW, MSNBC) or both (CNN, ABC Family), and networks now have the option of pointing to social media numbers to sell post-view/second run episodes to advertisers/potential distribution platforms.

  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, Miss Dee said:

Riverdale has not...pulled a Legends this season, if you know what I mean. The second season has been unfocused and the characters are barely making sense episode to episode, which is a killer for serialized storytelling.

The crazy thing is that the show is run by the same guy who writes the comics...which aren't bad but the show on the other hand....

2 hours ago, JJ928 said:

It's Jessica Jones day, anyone else watching?

I want to watch, but I have a weird OCD thing with Netflix Marvel shows, in that I feel the need to watch them in order so I don't miss any information from the previous shows. Unfortunately, I'm still trying to watch Luke Cage, but I can't seem to get through it. So that means I've missed Iron Fist, The Defenders, and The Punisher. However, since I love Jessica Jones, it'll give me the motivation to go back and suffer my way through the shows that I've missed. So I won't get to JJ for a while.

Ouch on Life Sentence's ratings. I simply think it didn't help not only to throw it in a March timeslot, but to pair it against one of the most opposite shows on The CW. Riverdale is not one to be paired with Life Sentence. There were so many better choices to pair this show with. Legends, for example, might have helped raise the ratings.

Personally, I stopped watching Riverdale this season because not only was it way too dark for me, but it's gotten more boring and less inconsistent with its characters. 

I don't think you really need to watch all the other Netflix Marvel shows to understand any of the shows. For Jessica Jones you probably only need to watch the Defenders if any of them and I'm not even sure that has that much to do with the second season. Luke Cage besides an unnamed mention has nothing do with JJ, same with Iron Fist and The Punisher. 

  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

I don't think you really need to watch all the other Netflix Marvel shows to understand any of the shows. For Jessica Jones you probably only need to watch the Defenders if any of them and I'm not even sure that has that much to do with the second season. Luke Cage besides an unnamed mention has nothing do with JJ, same with Iron Fist and The Punisher. 

I mean, that's good to know and have it put in my brain. Season 1 of JJ is the best thing I had seen at the time so I've really been looking forward to season 2. I've also wanted to watch The Punisher. I guess I'll see what happens this weekend! 

  • Love 1

Half-hours from the regular source. That seems like a rather large half-hour drop for Riverdale?


Riverdale ............................ 0.437 ... (0.470 ... 0.404)
Life Sentence ..................... 0.266 ... (0.282 ... 0.250)

Edited by Starfish35

Warning: spoilers below...

Avengers: Infinity War battles across 15 new EW covers
ANTHONY BREZNICAN March 08, 2018 AT 08:43 AM EST


For this week’s EW issue dedicated to Avengers: Infinity War, we have 22 heroes, 15 different covers, and one big, bad villain at the center — Thanos, the Mad Titan.

When combined, the full range of covers form the Avengers symbol spread out across a cosmic background.
*  *  *
The makers of Avengers: Infinity War say this film (out April 27, with a sequel due next year) will mark a turning point — and they have made ominous rumblings that some of the heroes may see their stories end here.


Behind the scenes of Avengers: Infinity War as new heroes unite — and others will end
ANTHONY BREZNICAN March 08, 2018 AT 12:30 PM EST


Thor and Captain America are standing on an African savanna beside a sparkling river, back-to-back for the first time in ages, each reunited with his old friend while wielding new weapons. Cap’s red-white-and-blue shield is gone, replaced by a pair of vibranium gauntlets (courtesy of Black Panther’s genius little sister, Shuri), while Thor swings a mystical ax known as Stormbreaker, a supersized upgrade from his demolished hammer, Mjolnir.

The skyline of Wakanda’s capital city stands in the distance, and Cap and Thor are among hundreds of tribal warriors from throughout the nation, gathered at the river’s edge to join the heroes in facing down a horde of synthetic-alien demons known as the Outriders.
*  *  *
For instance, on the other side of the river, Sebastian Stan’s Bucky Barnes, the former Winter Soldier now known to his Wakandan friends as “White Wolf,” is laying waste to Outriders while Rocket — in the form of Sean Gunn, wielding a puppet stand-in — distracts him with some offers he can easily refuse.

“How much for the gun?” the furry dealmaker asks, admiring the firepower clutched by Bucky’s mechanical limb.

“It’s not for sale.”

“Okay, how much for the arm? The arm?” Rocket persists. (He has a weird thing about prosthetics.)
*  *  *
Evans suggests that when they bump into each other, they do what friends often do after being apart for a while: assess each other’s haircuts. In some ways, they’ve swapped styles. Thor has gotten a clean-cut trim, while Cap is sporting the ragged locks and beard.

“I’ll be like, ‘Short hair now? Good choice,’” Evans says, while miming a right hook against an invisible Outrider.

“And I’ll go, ‘Yours too. The beard. Very ­rugged,’” Hemsworth says. They’re still workshopping it as they go back in front of the cameras. But before they can complete their takes, lightning crackles nearby, followed by curtains of stinging rain that send the whole production stampeding for cover. EW’s Day 1 on the set comes to an abrupt and muddy end.

Maybe that exchange between Cap and Thor will make it in, maybe it won’t. The thing about Infinity War is, you can’t really be sure what will survive.
*  *  *
Between Feige and the Russos, Downey says the cast feels their alter egos are in capable hands. “We’re going to pull out the stops, and stop exploring conventions, and look to do stuff where we go, ‘Oh, but if we do that, that’s very, very definitive.’ Well, great, let’s get definitive for a change!” Downey says. “We’re like a family now. Ten years later, we’re hanging out and having lunch, and kind of wondering when the draft is going to come in. Which one of us bites it and when?”

That’s not an exaggeration, according to Infinity War’s screenwriters, Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, who co-wrote all three Captain America movies. Some heroes may simply get to ride off into the sunset. Others may sacrifice themselves or fall in battle. “It’s safe to say we will say farewell to people,” McFeely promises.
*  *  *
“He’s from a planet called Titan that’s no longer inhabited because of things that he thought he could help prevent, and he was not allowed to do that,” Feige says. “What he feared most happened, and the planet and everybody on it basically went extinct. He vowed not to let that happen again. He thinks he sees the universe going down the tubes. He thinks he sees life expanding outward unchecked. That will bring ruin, he believes, to the universe and to that life.”
*  *  *
Since Thanos is a glass-half-full guy, he sees his mission as saving half the universe. But to do that, he wants to kill off the other half.
*  *  *
“He’s on a hunt,” Joe Russo says. “We’re using a bit of a ’90s heist genre component. Thanos is on a smash-and-grab, and everybody’s trying to catch up the whole movie.”

Doctor Strange has the green Time Stone, Benicio del Toro’s the Collector has the red Reality Stone, and the intergalactic police force Nova Corps has the purple Power Stone, while Tom Hiddleston’s Loki has snatched the blue Space Stone. The yellow Mind Stone is embedded in the forehead of Paul Bettany’s Vision and was the key component to bringing him to life. It’s doubtful he can survive long without it.
*  *  *
EW’s Day 2 on Infinity War took us into the woods on the same equestrian ranch, doubling as Wakandan jungle. Cap, Black Panther, Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow, and Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk are protecting an ailing Vision, who collapses in agony as Thanos and his gauntlet of space gems draws near.

“Vision is a living MacGuffin,” Anthony Russo says. “Obviously, that raises the stakes because Vision’s life is in danger, and his life is in conflict with Thanos’ goals, so something’s got to give.”
*  *  *
“Cap makes the decision to bring [Vision] here to Wakanda,” Anthony Russo says. “Earth is making its last stand to keep the stone from Thanos. It’s the best place to make your last stand.”
*  *  *
This is all new for Okoye, Danai Gurira’s head of the Dora Milaje, Wakanda’s special forces. She just got used to opening up to ­foreigners; now she’s fighting alongside talking raccoons and aliens. “Change is scary,” the actress says. “But I think the learning curve is to become a citizen of the world versus a citizen of Wakanda.”
*  *  *
“They’re fractured at the start of the movie,” Joe Russo says. “It was always the intent, in a larger arc, to split the Avengers up before the greatest threat that they’ve ever seen. Thanos is a virtually indestructible character, which makes him an extremely difficult character to fight.”

Anthony Russo adds: “In the face of this, it’s like, ‘Can you overcome the divisions that have developed between you to face a common cause?’ That’s really the question.”

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Starfish35 said:

Half-hours from the regular source. That seems like a rather large half-hour drop for Riverdale?


I'll never understand why so many people always seem to switch out at the half hour marks. I did have a lot of glitches in the recording that I'm pretty sure were not on my end.  So that might have helped/hurt this week

This particular episode was brought to us by the move Love Simon.  They actually showed clips of it in the episode as part of the episode.  And then TALKED about it later and related it to their lives.  It wasn't badly done and they kept it to the side characters but it could be a part of what will keep Riverdale on the CW's list of hits.  

Edited by BkWurm1
1 hour ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I don't know if I want to see what they'll post for Arrow? If they post anything? 

I'm more curious to see if The Flash posts anything. 

Supergirl, of course, posted something and also retweeted Melissa's Instagram post:

Oh! The official Arrow Writers Room twitter actually posted something:

So, surprise, surprise, we're just waiting on The Flash.

  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Maybe the Flash account will just post a picture of a lightning rod.

My first thought is that they'd post a picture of Iris and Barry. #wearetheflash

By the way, not a knock on Candice or Iris; more of a knock on their overall treatment of women. 

  • Love 4

AoS EP says its 100th ep is a "love letter to the fans" - just hope it's a lot better than Arrow's "love letter to the fans" (100th episode)...

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 100th episode serves as love letter to the fans
NATALIE ABRAMS March 08, 2018 AT 06:20 PM EST


“In many ways, it’s a love letter to our fans who have stayed with us through five seasons,” says executive producer and head of Marvel TV Jeph Loeb, “and gives out a number of secrets that maybe even they haven’t thought were secrets, and moves the story ahead in a way that’s quite remarkable. But more than anything else, it’s really a celebration of the family that is Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Edited by tv echo

Ha, I do have a little more trust in Jed and Mo but have absolutely no trust in Jeph Loeb. I'm looking forward to it tonight, but have some fears, since apparently they are bringing a lot of things back for just this one episode, plus Deke is still around for some reason. Fingers crossed for an impromptu FitzSimmons wedding though.

Interview with Arrowverse casting director, David Rapaport...

‘Riverdale’ CD David Rapaport Talks Discovering New Talent for TV
By Elyse Roth | Posted March 9, 2018, 9 a.m.

  • Love 1



Few notes on the ratings...

  • First of all I'm surprised LoT fell below Arrow this week I'm even more surprised Roy brought in like 200k viewers! Pleasantly surprised with that dedication considering the last episode was awful
  • The fact that Arrow is only 700k viewers behind Flash shows how far Flash has fallen this season, not a good look for that show at all considering it started off at a much higher point in terms of live viewers
  • I really hoped better for Black Lightning and I feel like it should've been given a chance by starting in the fall at an 8pm slot. Hope WB decides to pour money into it like they did Riverdale this summer
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, lemotomato said:

SPN is going to catch up with Flash at this rate.

SPN will be the last show standing.

It's amazing when you look at those tables, so much of the CW is DC comics. Monday and Tuesday nights are all DC. Wednesday and Thursday nights are 50% DC.

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Legends took a sudden dive in viewers this week for reasons I have yet to understand.  It had 1.5 million viewers the week before, and until now had been running between 1.4-1.5 million viewers.  Not sure what happened there.

It did take a big dive. I know, for me, I can't watch LOT live on Monday because it's on at the same time as Lucifer. Tuesday at 9 worked so much better for me. I know Lucifer isn't the cause for that drop, but maybe another show came back or premiered in the same slot?

9 minutes ago, JJ928 said:

It did take a big dive. I know, for me, I can't watch LOT live on Monday because it's on at the same time as Lucifer. Tuesday at 9 worked so much better for me. I know Lucifer isn't the cause for that drop, but maybe another show came back or premiered in the same slot?

The only change in broadcast competition was that it was the Bachelor season finale.  But I wouldn't have thought that there was that much overlap between the Legends and The Bachelor audience.  Lol.  But what do I know? :)

iZombie also dropped about the same percentage in viewers, but whether that's because its lead-in was down or because the CW was down overall that night....*shrug*  I have no idea.  

Edited by Starfish35
1 hour ago, Starfish35 said:

Yeah maybe. I certainly don't have any better theories. :)  Everyone likes to watch a good train wreck, I suppose; even I heard about that, though I didn't watch it. 

College basketball is ramping up for March Madness and NBA is winding to the playoffs as well

1 hour ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Me, too! I can't pinpoint exactly why it's gotten boring. Tom Welling's character isn't doing much for him but the previous dynamics don't seem to be there. 

I don't know what happened last season was good.  Then this season seems like a different show. 

1 hour ago, Sakura12 said:

Lucifer has become so boring for me, so I was happy to have Legends on Monday and watch Lucifer later so I can skip the parts I don't care about. 

Heh. I started watching Lucifer for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I'm working my way slowly through it, though. I'm almost halfway into season 2 at this point. I really like Tom Welling (despite never having watched Smallville, though I'm making it a priority to watch at some point in my life), so that's pretty much why I decided to start watching it. 

  • Love 1
16 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Heh. I started watching Lucifer for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I'm working my way slowly through it, though. I'm almost halfway into season 2 at this point. I really like Tom Welling (despite never having watched Smallville, though I'm making it a priority to watch at some point in my life), so that's pretty much why I decided to start watching it. 

Have you watched anything with Tom Welling though? Cause while he's pretty to look at, heads up, he's not that great as an actor ha. 

5 minutes ago, Mary0360 said:

Have you watched anything with Tom Welling though? Cause while he's pretty to look at, heads up, he's not that great as an actor ha. 

The first thing I saw Tom Welling in, it was the Cheaper By the Dozen films. Which....is basically all that I've seen him in. Not that he's actually done that much work. I just hadn't gotten into anything in the superhero genre when Smallville was airing; it was The Avengers that got me addicted to superhero stuff (fun fact: have only seen The Dark Knight once, and not in its entirety). 

4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

The first thing I saw Tom Welling in, it was the Cheaper By the Dozen films. Which....is basically all that I've seen him in. Not that he's actually done that much work. I just hadn't gotten into anything in the superhero genre when Smallville was airing; it was The Avengers that got me addicted to superhero stuff (fun fact: have only seen The Dark Knight once, and not in its entirety). 

He's fine enough in Smallville because the role doesn't require him to stretch his acting legs too much, but he's pretty wooden. However, a lot of the cast around him are strong. Some are terrible. Kristin Kreuk, for instance, to me is like the most painful parts of all four Bird actresses from Arrowverse rolled into one Mary Sue written character, who the show treats like a saint even when she does stuff that kind of makes her an asshole.  But her and Tom Welling had good chemistry at least so despite the mopey angst that weren't as painful to watch together as Oliver and Laurel were. 


If if you are going to watch Smallville O think you have to watch not expecting too much but enjoying it for the campiness it is. 

  • Love 2

@Mellowyellow, you alive after another impromptu outdoor wedding?

AoS had a pretty good 100th episode, not perfect, but an excellent final 15-20 minutes. And, no, AoS, just because you give me a cool reveal about Deke, that doesn't mean I'm going to start liking him.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, way2interested said:

@Mellowyellow, you alive after another impromptu outdoor wedding?

AoS had a pretty good 100th episode, not perfect, but an excellent final 15-20 minutes. And, no, AoS, just because you give me a cool reveal about Deke, that doesn't mean I'm going to start liking him.

Haha I KNEW they were going to have a decent 100th ep since I like all their characters so there was not much they could do to upset me!

I think I was just stunned they let those two be happy! I was 90% sure they'd get a 100th ep wedding.

The reveal about Deke was pretty cool. I didn't mind Deke so I'm happy. 

It was a "love letter to the fans" I'll give them that! 

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Haha I KNEW they were going to have a decent 100th ep since I like all their characters so there was not much they could do to upset me!

I think I was just stunned they let those two be happy! I was 90% sure they'd get a 100th ep wedding.

The reveal about Deke was pretty cool. I didn't mind Deke so I'm happy. 

It was a "love letter to the fans" I'll give them that! 

I'm watching now SQUEEEE!! My Fitz-Simmons Shipping heart is Happy!! I love them!!

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