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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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That's interesting.  And it sounds like they really have killed Karolsen, at least for the time being.


“We felt like we were pursuing that relationship more because we felt like we had to than any of us was really, truly feeling it,” he said. “It was interesting because we brought in some new writers in the middle of the season, to get some fresh blood going, and even they — coming at it fresh — sort of felt like we weren’t quite sure how we were going to make [the relationship] happen. We realized that the best scenes between them were just the nice, sweet scenes when they were just being friends.”

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Ugg, KC really could not find another job. I was really pulling for her for that. Lol. 

I guess I was expecting her to be on LoT because of Sara, even though Sara's far better off without Laurel dragging her down. Although KC is probably more desperate now so she won't be throwing shade at CL in every scene. She wants to be relevant on these shows now and she needs CL for that.

Edited by Sakura12
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13 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

That's interesting.  And it sounds like they really have killed Karolsen, at least for the time being.

That makes sense to me tbh. I felt like the James/Kara romance was hinted at far too soon in s1. They easily could have gone at least another season before it turned romantic. There was potential there but the idea of feelings between them happened too quickly, IMO, and came across as forced or shoehorned in. 

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59 minutes ago, FurryFury said:



43 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

Ugg, KC really could not find another job. I was really pulling for her for that. Lol. 

I guess I was expecting her to be on LoT because of Sara, even though Sara's far better off without Laurel dragging her down. Although KC is probably more desperate now so she won't be throwing shade at CL in every scene. She wants to be relevant on these shows now and she needs CL for that.

Ok, i have no idea what you people are talking about?  Is there something in the Wentworth picture/link that I'm missing?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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2 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:


Ok, i have no idea what you people are taling about?  Is there somethingin the Wentworth picture/link that I'm missing?

Yeah, it's a slideshow, there are 7 frames, each with a question/answer from Guggie. One of them is he's VERRRY EXCITED for how they'll bring KC to LoT. But no specifics.

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Here's the quote from that link:


On "Legends of Tomorrow" Wentworth and John will be members of the Legion of Doom. Katie is a far more interesting question because we actually have a story for Katie on “Legends of Tomorrow” that I am super excited about. It could be the thing I’m most excited about. But it’s early, and we’re not ready to spoil what that’s going to be. I think it could be really, really awesome.

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4 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I also just noticed that all 4 DCTV shows have been promoting some sort of a reset. Reviewers are calling SG a soft reboot. The Flash has Flashpoint. Arrow's back to basics. And LOT showrunners had talked about relaunching it as more lighthearted and fun.

Maybe it's a Berlanti thing? Because Blindspot kinda had a reboot/reset too.

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I'm not too excited for Legends at the moment. The Legion of Doom is fun in theory but the idea of the villains being characters we've already dealt with on The Flash and Arrow doesn't necessarily appeal to me, particularly since most of them grated on me by the time they were done. I've been pretty vocal about disliking Malcolm post season one, but Reverse Flash is just eh to me after The Flash brought in another speedster as their second big bad, and I never really understood Damian Dark's appeal. I mean, McDonough is a good actor for sure but on Arrow he'd pop up for like one scene and then be gone until the next episode.

I do think it will be cool to see how the core team act when they see Snart because there's a chance for conflicting emotions there and seeing the team wonder about what they should do going up against their former friend, even if there is some weird timeline confusion going on. Sara should just take out Malcolm and Damien at the first possible opportunity because of what they have done to her/the Lances.

Edited by manbearpig
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Unlike last year, LOT isn't going to be dealing with their big bad most of the time. They want it more episodic and less HUGE so that it feels natural if we are having bar fights and seducing nurses. Having past big bad's team up feels very comic book or even Saturday morning Cartoon. Has Malcolm even filmed anything yet? 

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The article is mostly explaining why Supergirl is girl not woman (thanks Miley for stirring it all up again) but the end paragraphs caught my eye.



“For us, the strongest feminist thing about this show is Kara herself, and just as a character, what Kara does week in and week out, and the challenges she’s presented with and how she overcomes them both physically and emotionally, that, to me, is the biggest statement toward having a powerful female on television, is by not talking about it, but actually showing a powerful female on television,” said Kreisberg.

He continued, “That’s the biggest feminist statement that we could make, especially when you compare it to our other shows, like Flash and Arrow — there’s nothing she goes up against that they don’t go up against, and she’s just as valorous and just as competent and just as emotional and just as flawed and just as strong as any of the other male heroes that we’ve created. That, to me, is the best example of being pro-woman, that this show can make as a statement week in and week out.”


For one, he phrased his praise wrong.  Saying there is nothing she goes up again that they don't go up against implies that he's defending his boys rather than Supergirl.  (Should have been there is nothing they go up against that she doesn't as well)  And my second point is that I don' t think she's as flawed as the boys.  At least not yet, lol. 

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1 minute ago, EmeraldArcher said:

For those of you who watched The Flash, is the erasure of Sara likely to be permanent?  My rage-quitting the entire fucking universe depends on the answer.

Yeah, the way it was explained on the show - it seems permanent. All the changes Barry made to the timeline in Central City are permanent, so I don't see why that wouldn't be too. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Yep, they said Barry has to live with the differences in this new timeline and can't try to change it back. And of course his whole team forgave him because he cried about it. Even Cisco who lost his brother in this timeline. 

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They did say there would be lingering after-effects of Flashpoint. Baby-Sara-no-more is just one of them.

The fact that so many of us here predicted this happening shows how terrible and predictable these writers really are. All of them. I really wish I had a gif of Abed from Community screaming LAAAAAAME!

Edited by Guest
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It's gross, as has been pointed out be people more eloquent. I have so many curse words I would like to write but will refrain. I'm going to skip out on The Flash because I can't deal with Barry and his crying and his instant forgiveness by everyone. With Arrow spoilers putting my desire to watch at an all time low, I feel like I'm breaking up with the FlArrowverse. Well, at least I really liked Supergirl last night, and I have no real beef with LOT. No real need to watch but I don't hate it. Yet. 

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It's rich coming from Barry that he want's everyone to just move on, when it was his refusal to move on from his mother's death that caused everything to happen. Once again he faces no real consequences while everyone else does and forgives him. I hope Caitlin becomes Killer Frost and she freezes Barry, since cold is the one thing that can stop him. 

Erasing Baby Sara wasn't even necessary. The writers wanted to do it for comics. I don't even know why they couldn't keep Sara and have the Diggle's have a second kid. 

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14 minutes ago, TrueMyth said:

Did they tell us how Felicity was affected by Flashpoint?  Any other effects on Arrow?

I think her knowing about Flashpoint is how she's affected because they only showed one change, and that was that Diggle has a son and not a daughter. If there's anything else, they didn't show it tonight. 

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I'm done.  I think I'm out completely.  I was explaining it to my husband and couldn't stop crying and raging.  I'm just so offended on behalf of women.  Baby Sara was erased, so she won't even be mourned. I've been a faithful viewer and have watched every single Arrow episode live and watched all the other shows, I've bought the Funkos, and I've promoted the show to friends, family, students, and strangers. I've put up with weak plots, declining stunts, a dumb-ass regressing hero, and Laurel Lance (Ugh forever!). For them to completely and unnecessarily erase a female in order to replace her with a male is my breaking point. I'm done.

In order to comply with the purpose of this thread, I offer this comparison between Arrow and The Flash: They are both just too fucking stupid and I'm erasing them both from my life. 

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I'm sure we're supposed to accept that only the changes shown are what was changed, but how am I supposed to trust that? Two seasons of The Flash are now negated. Sure, I hoped Mayo would be gone because of Flashpoint, but it looks like that's not happening. Why should I not believe that everything on all these shows that I've spent between 2 and 4 years watching is not all now moot? Everything I saw and experienced with Baby Sara is now gone. FUCK THAT.

Barry and the writers hard on's for shitty comic story lines. I take that back. I'm fine with shitty comic book story lines; I like comic books. But you damn well better walk through the story and make sure every plot point makes sense and not only go for "gotcha" moments. 

Edited by calliope1975
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FYI-I put this in the spoilers thread but Barry was in Flashpoint for 3 months.  He came to see Felicity the day after he got back which would have been 2 months prior to 5.01 assuming Arrow had their real time jump. If anything else has changed they didn't reveal it.

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Frakking Barry and his selfishness!! Why couldn't you just have wiped your own existence instead of messing up everyone else's?! I'm really glad I quit that show. But I hate how it has already affected Arrow and how, apparently, it might keep changing it.

Honestly, though, HOW did flashpoint manage to change the winning sperm in Diggle's arsenal that penetrated Lyla's ovum? I'm so confused. Like, the relationships that got affected because of FP, okay, fine, I can see how that might get altered. But that FP would have a significant impact on Diggle and Lyla having sex that resulted in Connor instead of Sara is just super weird. And stupid. And so ill-thought a plot point. I guess since boys are given more importance in Barry's world, his interference with the timeline impacted even the fertilization process and caused boy sperms to swim faster, too?

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