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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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Now I feel like I need to put my name in there somewhere because it sounds exciting



My name is Becky and I got a standard reply :(

Paul Bettany said my name too! (And pronunced it correctly!)

My sister got a standard reply though. She was really bummed that she didn't get Sebastian Stan.

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   Paul Bettany said my name too! (And pronunced it correctly!)

My sister got a standard reply though. She was really bummed that she didn't get Sebastian Stan.

Hah!  I got Sebastian Stan but was Disappointed that I didn't get Chris Evans.


I picked honestly the first time (Team Capt all the way) but the 2nd time I picked Team Iron Man just to see the different response.  In both tweets it was Sebastian Stan, saying my name.  I actually thought the Team Iron Man tweet was funnier, he basically says my name, shakes his head in disappointment and then says he's got a headache. 


ETA: I have to say I'm quite pleasantly surprised by Marvel/Disney's marketing for Civil War.  It reminds me of Deadpool's marketing strategy which was perfect for that movie/character

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I chose  #TeamIronMan to see what happens and got the standard message (My name was just in a banner) from Chad Boseman. 


This is a fun marketing gimmick to get people looking forward to the movie. 

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Probably the bio dad. Basing this on earlier speculation that he was sick and that's why he left Central City so quickly.

From the minute he peaced out so quickly after getting out of jail, I figure his days were numbered on the show. I even speculated about him dying over ice cream that episode. And have been worried something eerily tragic might befall Mr. Allen that got Mr. Leary. I was tweeting about the ice cream tragedy earlier this season long before the clip below.


As some people have mentioned the actor has gone out tragically over ice cream before. Maybe it was because of my age or connection to DC as a coming of age show right when I was coming of age but I found Mitch's death to be one of the saddest & unexpected deaths I've watched on TV. For me it was very tragic & heartwrenching, because it came out of nowhere and just felt so random. Like anyone could die at anytime for any reason, which is the truth, but somehow watching it just hurt a little more ~ especially considering the character had found happiness. I realize some people find it hysterical that's how Dawson's Dad died ~ for me it's more tragic than funny.

Edited by kismet
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The problem with killing Barry's bio-dad is that it pretty much has no impact on the show except to give Barry a reason to cry for the eleventy-billionth time.   It's the same with Caitlin this season who was written so badly this season that she was either there to be upset her husband/boyfriend died or to assist Wells in the lab. 


They might as well be wearing red shirts.

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I don't even watch Flash anymore, only if I'm bored and there's nothing else on.  However, I'd much prefer they kill off Henry instead of Jo, I love JLM


I love Jesse Martin as well and if we could have killed off Earth 1 Joe and kept longue singer Earth 2 Joe that hates Barry - I would have been all about that!  But the Joe / Barry relationship really does stifle everything else in the show.  Maybe they could just dial it back a notch or two?

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I have the feeling that if Henry does die, it will be so that they can reinforce how much Barry needs Joe.  Poor Iris is an afterthought when Joe is done with her two brothers.


Add me to preferring Earth2 Joe on the show now, and he can bring Earth2 Iris with him.


ETA:  I was thinking about the Earth 2 Joe, Iris and Barry compared to the Earth 1 versions.  Earth2 Iris is a very strong character, a cop who takes charge while Earth2 Joe is a lounge singer and civilian and Earth2 Barry is a nice guy but a geek who lets others take the lead.


On Earth1, Joe is a cop and a leader and Barry is the star of the show.  Iris is strong and smart too but there's really no room for her on Earth1, especially with Wells and Cisco taking so much of the story.

Edited by statsgirl
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This is funny...


Captain America: Civil War: Ant-Man introduces himself to Cap's team in hilarious new clip from Jimmy Kimmel
Jack Shepherd @JackJShepherd 21 hours  ago


And on the more 'serious' DC side...


Warner Bros Teases DC Films, Fantastic Beasts and More at CinemaCon!


Ben Affleck will star in and direct a solo Batman film, in his apparent master plan to rule DC’s Gotham
By David Betancourt April 12 at 11:14 PM

Edited by tv echo
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I noticed that Wendy Stanzler directed last night's episode of AoS.  She's directed several Arrow episodes in the past.  So another person who's getting work in both DC and Marvel universes.

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I love Jesse Martin as well and if we could have killed off Earth 1 Joe and kept longue singer Earth 2 Joe that hates Barry - I would have been all about that!  But the Joe / Barry relationship really does stifle everything else in the show.  Maybe they could just dial it back a notch or two?

I really wish we could keep singer JLM. Earth 2 really was such a cooler place to be :/


Frankly, I don't really care who they kill on Flash. I know they won't get rid of any of my top 3 choices (Cisco, Caitlin & Wells), so I've decided I'm just gonna have to roll with it. I think Joe & Iris are safe, so there is at least a silver lining there. But even if they were to go, I could deal with it.

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John Ostrander: They Grow Up So Fast
John Ostrander April 12, 2016

I’ve been watching DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow over on the CW. Among the characters that have been appearing on the show are Firestorm and Hawkman and Hawkgirl. Well, not so much Hawkman any more, maybe. I didn’t create those three characters but I certainly played with them a lot and, for a while, left my sticky fingerprints all over them. So it’s interesting watching manifestations of them in other media.

I’ll be experiencing that big time come August when the Suicide Squad movie hits the multiplexes. I created Amanda Waller and I defined characters like Deadshot and Captain Boomerang and it will be exciting to see how they translate for the screen. I hope.

None of the character portrayals will translate directly from the comics to movies or TV. I’m okay with that; none of them have so far. Different media have different needs. That’s why they’re called adaptations. The material is adapted from whatever the source was. My only question about any given adaptation is – how true is it to its roots? Did they get the essence of the character or the concept right? If you’re going to do Captain XYZ Man, there should be a resemblance to what makes up Captain XYZ Man. Right?
*  *  *
Amanda has appeared several times, including the TV show Arrow, lots of animated series, the Green Lantern movie, video games, the TV series Smallville, and probably more. I may need to double check my royalty statements. Any number of actresses have portrayed her and voiced her. She doesn’t always look the same. In Arrow and some of the comics, she’s built like a model. However, in all the variations I’ve seen there have been certain aspects that are kept – she’s female, black, and she’s ruthless as hell.
*  *  *
All that said, I (mostly) enjoy seeing the variations and permutations of these characters. It’s like watching your kids grow up and moving away and seeing what they become. It’s not always what you expected but, hopefully, you can still see your DNA in them.

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By Nick Spake, Flickreel Features Editor   April 11, 2016

If Warner Bros. wants to DCEU to endure, they could certainly learn a thing or two from another superhero universe. No, I’m not talking about the Marvel Cinematic Universe, although BvS might have been a better film with Joss Whedon, Jon Favreau, or the Russo Brothers behind the camera. I’m talking about the slew of DC shows on the CW Network: Arrow, The Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow. All three of these series are part of the same continuity and regularly crossover. They’ve even had crossovers with DC programs on other networks, such as CBS’s Supergirl and NBC’s Constantine. Where the Arrowverse continues to hit bull’s-eyes, the DC movies keep missing the mark.

But how could a couple shows on the CW possibly be more epic than a multi-million dollar film where Batman and Superman beat the living hell out of each other? Well, here are five reasons why:
*  *  *
The Arrowverse, however, took its time establishing its characters and world. When Arrow kicked things off in 2012, the creators didn’t focus too heavily on universe building. They just wanted to tell a good standalone story. By the end of season one, they had figured out what worked and what didn’t work. Because of this, they were able to go into season two with a much clearer vision. In 2015, the showrunners took everything they learned from Arrow and applied it to their follow-up show, The Flash. In 2016, several characters from both of these shows were brought together in Legends of Tomorrow. The Arrowverse has naturally grown over the years while the DCEU feels like its taking steroids to catch up with its competitors.
*  *  *
When Man of Steel came out, many people complained that Superman was too gloomy and the film’s tone was totally humorless. Rather than learning their lesson, Warner Bros. and Zack Snyder just made the same mistakes in BvS. Superman barely even smiled and the same could be said about the audience. To be fair, fans don’t always know what’s best. Everyone initially protested casting Ben Affleck as Batman, but he ended up being one of the best aspects of the film. If the Arrowverse has proven anything, though, it’s that fan feedback can be quite helpful.

While Arrow started strong, the first several episodes were far from perfect. Oliver Queen’s inner monologue was pointless, several characters served little purpose, and the romance could also feel forced. As season one went on, the showrunners took these complaints into consideration. Outside of the opening to every episode, Oliver never narrates anymore. Arrow’s less interesting characters were either killed off or given more to do later on. The biggest improvement the show made, though, was in the love story department.

Nobody was really rooting for Oliver to end up with Laurel Lance, who would eventually become Black Canary. Usually when a show decides to get two characters together, the creators stick to their guns no matter what. The people behind Arrow realized that Oliver and Laurel just weren’t right for each other, however. Instead, Oliver had much better chemistry with Emily Bett Rickards’s Felicity Smoak, a guest star who later became a series regular. While Oliver and Felicity’s will-they-won’t-they romance could get tiresome in season three, at least we cared if they ultimately lived happily ever after. In the DCEU, we really don’t care what happens because the filmmakers obviously don’t care what the fan’s think.
*  *  *
In the Arrowverse, the main characters are infinitely more diverse. Much like Batman/Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen/The Green Arrow is a rich playboy by day and a hard-hitting vigilante by night. Like Superman/Cark Kent, Barry Allen/The Flash is a mild-mannered nerd who secretly fights crime with superhuman speed and enhanced strength. Oliver and Barry aren’t one-dimensional characters either. Although Oliver is a complicated, tortured soul, he can also be funny at times. Barry is a wisecracking young man, but also has plenty of inner demons. They perfectly compliment one another, which is why their crossover episodes are always a blast.

Currently in its first season, Legends of Tomorrow hasn’t been quite as successful as Arrow or The Flash. The story can admittedly be kind muddled and all over the place, but the show’s appeal lies in its diverse ensemble. While Legends of Tomorrow arguably has one too many characters, they all have fleshed out personalities and everybody brings something unique to the table. The cast has great chemistry, at times even calling to mind Firefly or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Even if Legends of Tomorrow is still finding its voice, the showrunners know how ensemble pieces function, which is more than can be said about Zack Snyder.
*  *  *
Felicity Smoak > All of the other characters in the Arrowverse >>> All of the characters in the DC Extended Universe

His 5 bullet points:

1.  The Arrowverse Doesn’t Feel Rushed
2.  The Arrowverse Listens to Fan Feedback
3.  The Arrowverse Has More Diverse Characters
4.  The Arrowverse Isn’t Afraid to Embrace Its Comic Book Roots
5.  The Arrowverse Has Felicity Smoak


ETA: Other articles by Nick Spake...


August 19, 2015


July 16, 2015

Edited by tv echo
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Is this the first new episode post Flash crossover?

No, it's the second new Supergirl episode after the Flash crossover.


ETA: Sorry, my mistake.  It is the first new episode.

Edited by tv echo
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No, it's the second new Supergirl episode after the Flash crossover.

Is it? World's Finest ended with zombie people, right where myriad picked up. I'm pretty sure it's the first.

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It's the first. The crossover was episode 18, and this one was 19. 


I actually really enjoyed this episode - lack of Winn and James helped a lot, and there was a lot of Max Lord whom I'm starting to seriously enjoy, and also Alex and Hank were back. If the show got rid of James and Winn (especially James) and the whole Kara-as-assistant shtick it could become something pretty fun. Well, and better villains are needed, too. Non and Indigo are complete non-entities.

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I thought it was a good episode. The only thing that bothered me was the lame explanation for Myriad affecting Superman. And I'm also afraid I already know what Kara's bright idea is and if it's what I think it is it's really dumb and cheesy.

But it also made it painfully obvious how little the show actually needs James. I don't know what they're going to do about that.

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I stopped watching Supergirl, caught up for the Flash crossover and what I saw didn't inspire me to continue watching Supergirl. I'm not surprised they didn't retain the Flash viewers.  It's still way too cheesy for my tastes. That ep while fun was full of cheese. 

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They probably should've made that a stronger episode if they wanted to retain the viewers. I do like aspects of the show, I like the Alex/Kara relationship and Kara/Cat relationship. I like Martian Manhunter and I thought Melissa Benoist did a great job playing Red Kryptonite Kara. It's the other parts of the show that are not holding my interest. 

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Natalie Portman is out of Thor 3 and I'm glad because Jane Foster as a crap character and Jane/Thor was a black-hole of Chemistry.


However, there's rumors, that the new girl (Tessa Thompson) maybe his new LI and the new female lead.  I'm hoping this is wrong because they've had Sif waiting in the wings for 2 movies now.  Move Lady Sif up to a better position in the movie and make her the LI.  They hinted at feelings in Thor, they were going to explore the Love Triangle in Thor 2 but couldn't because Jamie Alexander got hurt doing a stunt, now's the time!


Of course (sadly) I'm guessing JA's commitment to Blindspot will impact her availability for Thor: Ragnarok but, I was really hoping we'd get more Lady Sif. 

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Natalie Portman is out of Thor 3 and I'm glad because Jane Foster as a crap character and Jane/Thor was a black-hole of Chemistry.


Yeah, not broken up about it at all. It's weird that Thor movies generally do really well with female characters (I mean, other than Jane it's Sif, Frigga, Darcy - much better than, say, Iron Man or even Cap), but they've just missed big time with the love interest. 


However, there's rumors, that the new girl (Tessa Thompson) maybe his new LI and the new female lead.


Wait. Tessa Thompson? Please tell me it's not Veronica Mars Tessa Thompson, because that would be a joke. Jeez, you have Sif, who kicks so much ass and you go for somebody else?! Seriously?

Edited by FurryFury
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I think it's the same Tessa Thompson.

It will be weird not having him with Jane. I always liked her, personally. She's not my favorite MCU female character - that is and probably always will be Peggy Carter. But I liked her, and I liked her and Thor together.

Edited by Starfish35
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Too bad it's not a Telegram chat because I have so many appropriate stickers to use for these news.


I know they aren't popular around here, but I love Thor movies (they have lots of humor, more female characters and don't feel as superhero comic-y to me as the others), so this is something I'm seriously bummed about.

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Wait. Tessa Thompson? Please tell me it's not Veronica Mars Tessa Thompson, because that would be a joke. Jeez, you have Sif, who kick so much ass and you go for somebody else?! Seriously?


It is. 


I loved Sif and Darcy and Chris Hemsworth looks like he could be the God of Thunder but the movies were just kind of boring. I'll see them because I will pretty much see anything Marvel releases. 

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I'll see them because I will pretty much see anything Marvel releases.

I won't, honestly. I have no interest in either Doctor Strange or Black Panther. I know it sounds strange but I am just not into the magic stuff.

Edited by Starfish35
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I wondered why Marvel would make Ant-Man one of its stand alone movies, then I ended up loving it. So I will give Doctor Strange a chance. The trailer was giving me Inception/Matrix flashbacks. 

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I like magic, I'm just sure there will be zero logic and rules to it, thus negating the point. Magic has to have some rules, but I don't think any on-screen story has even got it. Even in literature, few stories do.

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Yeah, not broken up about it at all. It's weird that Thor movies generally do really well with female characters (I mean, other than Jane it's Sif, Frigga, Darcy - much better than, say, Iron Man or even Cap), but they've just missed big time with the love interest. 

Wait. Tessa Thompson? Please tell me it's not Veronica Mars Tessa Thompson, because that would be a joke. Jeez, you have Sif, who kicks so much ass and you go for somebody else?! Seriously?

Have you seen Creed? She was good there. Much better than she was on Veronica Mars.

Edited by Chaser
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I wondered why Marvel would make Ant-Man one of its stand alone movies, then I ended up loving it. So I will give Doctor Strange a chance. The trailer was giving me Inception/Matrix flashbacks.

Well, I was skeptical about Ant-Man, and ended up enjoying it, but Ant-Man wasn't magic. *shrug* I just don't really care for magic. There's been a few exceptions, and there's times when shows I'm watching for other reasons (such as Arrow) have magic in them. But magic-focused stuff generally tends to get a hard pass from me.

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Have you seen Creed? She was good there. Much better than she was on Veronica Mars.

No, not really interested in this kind of stuff. Still, the third movie is way too late to bring a new female lead, especially when you have an established one already. Doesn't make any sense.

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Well, I was skeptical about Ant-Man, and ended up enjoying it, but Ant-Man wasn't magic. *shrug* I just don't really care for magic. There's been a few exceptions, and there's times when shows I'm watching for other reasons (such as Arrow) have magic in them. But magic-focused stuff generally tends to get a hard pass from me.

Ant-Man at least had the comedy aspect going for it, as did GOTG, so while they contained characters that were C/D list comic book characters they were enjoyable to watch because they were fun popcorn movies. This just looks...not that, and while I don't always have to have funny comic book movies it does help that they at least look like they would be enjoyable to watch which is something Doctor Strange is apparently going to have to hard-sell me on.

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It's the first. The crossover was episode 18, and this one was 19. 


I actually really enjoyed this episode - lack of Winn and James helped a lot, and there was a lot of Max Lord whom I'm starting to seriously enjoy, and also Alex and Hank were back. If the show got rid of James and Winn (especially James) and the whole Kara-as-assistant shtick it could become something pretty fun. Well, and better villains are needed, too. Non and Indigo are complete non-entities.


I've come to like Winn, but I'm kind of ready just to bring Cat in on it - maybe not the DEO but I think a lot of comedy could be had from breaking news scenes and Cat looking at Kara and saying something like "Don't you have somewhere to be?"


ETA: But yea, they can lose James.  I'm sorry.  I want to like him - I really do.  But I don't and I don't want him with Kara.  He's a nice enough guy but can he please just go back to the Daily Planet and maybe just guest star every now and then?

Edited by nksarmi
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I just watched Justice League War on Netflix last night. It wasn't perfect, but I'm pretty sure that that's what I wanted from a Batman / Superman movie. Not whatever Snyder did.

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I've come to like Winn, but I'm kind of ready just to bring Cat in on it - maybe not the DEO but I think a lot of comedy could be had from breaking news scenes and Cat looking at Kara and saying something like "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

ETA: But yea, they can lose James. I'm sorry. I want to like him - I really do. But I don't and I don't want him with Kara. He's a nice enough guy but can he please just go back to the Daily Planet and maybe just guest star every now and then?

This is where I am, exactly. Winn is fine now that all the awkward unrequited crush stuff is over and done. But this episode made me realize that I just want James gone. And I feel terrible about that, but there it is.

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This is where I am, exactly. Winn is fine now that all the awkward unrequited crush stuff is over and done. But this episode made me realize that I just want James gone. And I feel terrible about that, but there it is.


I still think there's hope for James -- because, yes, they managed to fix the situation with Winn.  I want him to stay, but there will need to be some re-tooling in Season 2. However, it looks like TPTB are committed to doing the "will-they-won't they" with him and Kara.


It just sucks because I like the actor, and I think the character could have a place on the show, but he's boring dead weight right now.

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I won't, honestly. I have no interest in either Doctor Strange or Black Panther. I know it sounds strange but I am just not into the magic stuff.


My son loves Black Panther so I'm there for that one - not so sure about Dr. Strange.  Then again, I had my doubts about Ant Man and ended up loving it - like a lot!

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