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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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2 hours ago, juppschmitz said:

JA: "We just found out that it wasn't in Hell." - JP: "Did we?"

He had to explain it to him. FFS. *eyeroll*

It's not Jared's fault the scripts suck and that they make no sense.  I haven't watched the last 3 episodes because this season has me more pissed off than anybody should get at a fictional show.

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10 minutes ago, Bobcatkitten said:

They shoot out of order so I get not understanding a specific scene when they haven't shot another one yet and are just trying to remember the overall episode. 

Yes, I'm sure this is the reason - I was just saying that Jensen seemed to be the only one who remembered at that moment. I don't blame anyone for not paying close attention to the nonsense that passes for story at this point.

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5 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

Legends of Tomorrow mentions Supernatural in its latest episode (including which SPN character is the "hall pass" from Waverider Captain Sara), see article here


I don't know this character, but I'm gonna go ahead and say she has good taste. :)

  • Love 6
18 hours ago, catrox14 said:

I've long said on the Arrow forum that Sara and Dean would be a good match. Ship name Dera? Sardean? Yes SarDean it is!

When I used to watch Arrow back in the day, Sara was my favorite character. And when I tried Legends, again I mostly tuned in for her and the Prison Break bros. Heh. Yes, Dean and Sara would totally pair well.

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14 hours ago, Casseiopeia said:

I probably will get seriously shot down for this!! But I am surprised at a time when every "celebrity" that seems to exist are doing charity promotions due to Covid 19 that Jensen would be promoting his merchandise.  I guess he is a business man and other people probably rely on income that he can generate - but still leaves a slightly bad taste in my mouth something I absolutely never thought I would feel about anything Jensen did.

13 minutes ago, Icarus said:

I probably will get seriously shot down for this!! But I am surprised at a time when every "celebrity" that seems to exist are doing charity promotions due to Covid 19 that Jensen would be promoting his merchandise.  I guess he is a business man and other people probably rely on income that he can generate - but still leaves a slightly bad taste in my mouth something I absolutely never thought I would feel about anything Jensen did.

People are still free to just not buy anything. I'd rather this then the tone-deaf tweets/instagrams from lots of celebrities right now bitching about quarantine in their lofty manions. Or stuff like "you get Netflix and food delivered, no problem", bitching about people demonstrating for their jobs because they need money to even get food somewhere. So this ranks as relatively mild for me.

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35 minutes ago, Icarus said:

I probably will get seriously shot down for this!! But I am surprised at a time when every "celebrity" that seems to exist are doing charity promotions due to Covid 19 that Jensen would be promoting his merchandise.  I guess he is a business man and other people probably rely on income that he can generate - but still leaves a slightly bad taste in my mouth something I absolutely never thought I would feel about anything Jensen did.

TBF, he's not really promoting it.  Its a picture on the FBBC merchandise website that fans found an posted else where.  Jensen himself made no tweets about it or posted it on any of his social media.  Even the FBBC social media doesn't have that picture promoted.  

  • Love 11
9 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

TBF, he's not really promoting it.  Its a picture on the FBBC merchandise website that fans found an posted else where.  Jensen himself made no tweets about it or posted it on any of his social media.  Even the FBBC social media doesn't have that picture promoted.  

Exactly this. The reason it's on Twitter (and here) is because fans found it on the site and are talking/tweeting about it. Jensen had nothing to do with it.

That said, the businesses forced to close still need to generate what income they can if they are to remain viable and still exist for their employees when it's all said and done. IMO there is nothing wrong with it, even he had tweeted it.

15 minutes ago, PAForrest said:

JJ is getting tall! The twins are adorable. 😊

I still find it amazing how the twins are mini-mes of their mom and dad, and JJ, IMO, is a perfect blend of the two of them. They are all adorable. I love 'big sister' JJ.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • Love 13
1 minute ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Many of the cast (and other celebs) are doing virtual events with Creation. Some have part of the proceeds going to Random Acts, but they are still working and being paid for it. Are they taking heat for it?

FBBC is still paying their employees (as per Gino) so I have no problem if or any other business feel the need to generate income or advertise during all this.


  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

FBBC is still paying their employees (as per Gino) so I have no problem if or any other business feel the need to generate income or advertise during all this.


100% agree.

I work for a company that wholesales safety supplies & PPE so I have been fortunate enough to keep working thus far. I have received more than my share of side-eye leaving/returning to my apartment from those who have no idea what I do.

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9 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

FBBC is still paying their employees (as per Gino) so I have no problem if or any other business feel the need to generate income or advertise during all this.


Exactly this. FBBC is a small business with employees who cannot work right now. This small business is not generating its usual income - or any income - for obvious reasons. It has been encouraged since day one for people to purchase from small businesses when and where they can during the shutdowns. And if FBBC is trying to continue to pay their employees, that is a huge financial hit - an admirable one, but a hit nonetheless.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, ILoveReading said:

TBF, he's not really promoting it.  Its a picture on the FBBC merchandise website that fans found an posted else where.  Jensen himself made no tweets about it or posted it on any of his social media.  Even the FBBC social media doesn't have that picture promoted.  

I'm really sorry then, it makes all the difference and I should have checked!  It is all over facebook and Twitter so assumed incorrectly that it came directly from Jensen, my faith in him is restored!  (Joke)

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1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Exactly this. The reason it's on Twitter (and here) is because fans found it on the site and are talking/tweeting about it. Jensen had nothing to do with it.

That said, the businesses forced to close still need to generate what income they can if they are to remain viable and still exist for their employees when it's all said and done. IMO there is nothing wrong with it, even he had tweeted it.

I still find it amazing how the twins are mini-mes of their mom and dad, and JJ, IMO, is a perfect blend of the two of them. They are all adorable. I love 'big sister' JJ.

IDK about anyone else, but new pics of Jensen just send me right now and lift my spirits immensely.

And for some reason and quite often, the brewery ones especially. 

And JJ is radiant in that pic. 

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, Casseiopeia said:

Sheltering in place....


I remember seeing somewhere recently on one of Genevieve's posts Jared saying that he was trying to put on weight (or maybe he said beef up, not quite sure of the actual words) well if this picture is anything to go by he is certainly succeeding!

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5 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Did he get more added on to his tattoo?  It seems to wrap into the crook of his elbow now.

This is so wonderfully cute and Jensen's expression at the end cannot fail to make you smile.  I do wonder when he got that tattoo as we have only been seeing it since lockdown but I guess neither he nor Jared expose their arms much in Supernatural so it must have been done sometime before lockdown. I think I saw somewhere a comment that it was a FBBC tattoo?

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Did he get more added on to his tattoo?  It seems to wrap into the crook of his elbow now.

Its a new tattoo, for the twins.  It's an arrow going through a Zeppelin knot.   He showed it to someone at the brewery.  But he never posted a full picture of it.  Probably because someone went and had his custom design for JJ done. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ILoveReading said:

Its a new tattoo, for the twins.  It's an arrow going through a Zeppelin knot.   He showed it to someone at the brewery.  But he never posted a full picture of it.  Probably because someone went and had his custom design for JJ done. 

I remember him getting the Arrow/Zeppelin addition, but I didnt think it wrapped around/down that far. 

Someone copied his Jaybird design? That's messed up.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Someone copied his Jaybird design? That's messed up.

Tattoos can be copyrighted, so in theory they can sue for infringement.  But I think it would be the tattoo artist who would be the owner, not the one wearing the art.  Plus, there's fair use, as long as it's not being sold/used commercially....(Ah, my long-ago days as copyright permissions manager at a publishing house were so simple in comparison...)  

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4 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I remember him getting the Arrow/Zeppelin addition, but I didnt think it wrapped around/down that far. 

This is why I thought it was a new one, it seems much further down than I remember. 

In the picture of Danneel hoovering the window sill it looks like she has a tattoo on the whole underside of her arm from wrist to elbow but I don't think she has such a large tattoo - is it possibly just a transfer?

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