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S10.E06: All Aboard the Shady Express

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I always feel like Porsha gets a pass on alot of things because her emotional maturity always seems about ten years behind her real age.  Porsha is older then Ashley and the same age as Robin from Potomac and yet she just seems so much younger then them and I don't mean that as a compliment.

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1 hour ago, qtpye said:

I always feel like Porsha gets a pass on alot of things because her emotional maturity always seems about ten years behind her real age.  Porsha is older then Ashley and the same age as Robin from Potomac and yet she just seems so much younger then them and I don't mean that as a compliment.

I agree.  Porsha is a month older than me and I get real annoyed when they always make excuses for her on the show "because she's so young and doesn't know better".  Please!  She knows better, she just doesn't care because everyone, from her family to her husband to her friends, coddles her all the damn time.  It allows her to continue not taking responsibility for anything that she does.

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12 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

Not only was Porsha in the wrong country, she also called Kim’s daughter Brielle “Your ho daughter” to Kim & Kroy and no one said a word. LOL

I thought I heard that wrong! Thanks for confirming she did say ho daughter! I'm now crying laughing!!!

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On ‎12‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 1:50 AM, bichonblitz said:

I think Kenya is trying to hold her shit together and stay low key this season because she doesn't want her new husband to see how batshit crazy she really is. It's just a matter of time before the real Kenya rear's it's ugly head. Watch out, Mark!

Lord knows I'm not a Kenya fan, but I hope her marriage works out and that she finds happiness.  She's been kind of endearing this season; perhaps because of her grandmother's death; but I feel for her this season.  I'm hoping being in love softens her. 

And while I've been a Nene fan in the past, she's really making me dislike her this season.  I can't stand the way she's being so judgmental towards Porsha when Nene herself has been the worst when it comes to badmouthing and hitting below the belt.  Her argument that she didn't say that Porsha should be fired is so stupid.  She's on the air saying that they should get rid of her.  Doesn't she know that "getting rid of her" and "firing her" are one and the same.  Her big mouth just irritates me to no end this season.  Also, her butt just keeps getting wider and wider. 

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8 hours ago, swankie said:

And while I've been a Nene fan in the past, she's really making me dislike her this season.  I can't stand the way she's being so judgmental towards Porsha when Nene herself has been the worst when it comes to badmouthing and hitting below the belt.  Her argument that she didn't say that Porsha should be fired is so stupid.  She's on the air saying that they should get rid of her.  Doesn't she know that "getting rid of her" and "firing her" are one and the same.  Her big mouth just irritates me to no end this season.  Also, her butt just keeps getting wider and wider. 

Totally agree! she thinks if she yells louder than anybody and just denies, denies, denies, she can get away with saying what ever she wants. So far that has worked for her, which to me is infuriating. 

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22 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

I agree.  Porsha is a month older than me and I get real annoyed when they always make excuses for her on the show "because she's so young and doesn't know better".  Please!  She knows better, she just doesn't care because everyone, from her family to her husband to her friends, coddles her all the damn time.  It allows her to continue not taking responsibility for anything that she does.

I said this 2 years ago in Porsha's thread and I still feel this way.


My irritation with Porsha has less to do with her and more to do with her family that let her get to be this age and be a pretty idiot. I think they were all so certain that she was going to be a trophy wife that they never challenged her to use her brain.

Vicki on Orange County and Ramona from New York are selfish and emotionally immature too, but they've both managed to stay employed and keep their homes. They've never had garbage financial issues that Porsha has. Mama Joyce is a leech and a user, but she worked and taught Kandi that. She taught Kandi to have a work ethic and the importance of duty and responsibility. Cynthia's business was literally being a beautiful woman, but she's not a spoiled immature idiot.

Porsha is a pretty woman from a prominent family, but she was spoiled rotten. Her mom, Fina Fauxowles, doesn't seem to have instilled in Porsha any sense of duty or responsibility. The problem with Porsha is that no one ever made her pick a thing, do it, and stick with it. They've let her flit from thing to thing and come back to their loving arms when things didn't work out or she quit or she got bored. She threw away a relationship with Kandi for nothing. And Porsha is still trying to have a career in the entertainment industry. She shouldn't be beefing with anyone. She should understand that many people found her treatment of Kandi so abhorrent that they would want her off the show. Porsha should take her lumps and move on.

And that's the other thing about Porsha, she doesn't have the money or connections to actually be a dilettante. She acts like she's Paris Hilton. She's not even Perez Hilton. She's Po'sha Hylton. Who's Po'sha Hylton? Exactly. And this bitch needs to work and not burn bridges.

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3 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Porsha is a pretty woman from a prominent family, but she was spoiled rotten. Her mom, Fina Fauxowles, doesn't seem to have instilled in Porsha any sense of duty or responsibility. The problem with Porsha is that no one ever made her pick a thing, do it, and stick with it. They've let her flit from thing to thing and come back to their loving arms when things didn't work out or she quit or she got bored. She threw away a relationship with Kandi for nothing. And Porsha is still trying to have a career in the entertainment industry. She shouldn't be beefing with anyone. She should understand that many people found her treatment of Kandi so abhorrent that they would want her off the show. Porsha should take her lumps and move on..

I had totally forgotten about Porsha trying to get Kandi's help to get into showbiz, only to show up to rehearsal late and not try very hard.

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3 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:

I had totally forgotten about Porsha trying to get Kandi's help to get into showbiz, only to show up to rehearsal late and not try very hard.

I just find it so telling that Porsha was on Star once playing..."celebrity." Rickey Smiley has been on twice playing himself. Miss Lawrence was on Empire once and impressed Lee Daniels enough that Miss Lawrence is a regular cast member on Star. Porsha is clearly not winning people over with her talent, but she thinks she could afford to be disrespectful of Kandi's time during A Mother's Love and openly slanderous last year. She didn't even have a Ryan Murphy in her corner like Nene used to. If you've seen any of the interviews the Glee cast did where Nene was mentioned, they talk about her showing up on time, being polite, and having the entire script practically memorized. She knew better than to blow an opportunity.

Lee Daniels ain't calling Porsha. Neither is Tyler Perry or Oprah or Ava DuVernay or Shonda. And Porsha has no understanding that her shenanigans last season have probably cost her work. No one wants anyone who is duplicitous and likely to stab you in the back around. Why would you take a chance on Porsha? 

And this week Porsha said she wanted to see Xscape in concert. You know she meant for free. The actual nerve of this woman. If I had been Kandi, I would have busted up into the most sarcastic laughter of my entire life. Call me a rapist, give me a half-assed apology, and then ask for free concert tickets. Fuq this idiot ingrate.

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2 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

I had totally forgotten about Porsha trying to get Kandi's help to get into showbiz, only to show up to rehearsal late and not try very hard.

Can you believe that fool had the nerve to complain about not having a dressing room!

1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

I just find it so telling that Porsha was on Star once playing..."celebrity." Rickey Smiley has been on twice playing himself. Miss Lawrence was on Empire once and impressed Lee Daniels enough that Miss Lawrence is a regular cast member on Star. Porsha is clearly not winning people over with her talent, but she thinks she could afford to be disrespectful of Kandi's time during A Mother's Love and openly slanderous last year. She didn't even have a Ryan Murphy in her corner like Nene used to. If you've seen any of the interviews the Glee cast did where Nene was mentioned, they talk about her showing up on time, being polite, and having the entire script practically memorized. She knew better than to blow an opportunity.

Lee Daniels ain't calling Porsha. Neither is Tyler Perry or Oprah or Ava DuVernay or Shonda. And Porsha has no understanding that her shenanigans last season have probably cost her work. No one wants anyone who is duplicitous and likely to stab you in the back around. Why would you take a chance on Porsha? 

And this week Porsha said she wanted to see Xscape in concert. You know she meant for free. The actual nerve of this woman. If I had been Kandi, I would have busted up into the most sarcastic laughter of my entire life. Call me a rapist, give me a half-assed apology, and then ask for free concert tickets. Fuq this idiot ingrate.


Kandi might not be perfect, but she is very generous with her friends and family.  She gave Porsha a shot and was repaid with allegations that could have landed her and Todd in jail.  This was worse than Kim Z not paying for Tardy.


5 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I said this 2 years ago in Porsha's thread and I still feel this way.

Vicki on Orange County and Ramona from New York are selfish and emotionally immature too, but they've both managed to stay employed and keep their homes. They've never had garbage financial issues that Porsha has. Mama Joyce is a leech and a user, but she worked and taught Kandi that. She taught Kandi to have a work ethic and the importance of duty and responsibility. Cynthia's business was literally being a beautiful woman, but she's not a spoiled immature idiot.

Porsha is a pretty woman from a prominent family, but she was spoiled rotten. Her mom, Fina Fauxowles, doesn't seem to have instilled in Porsha any sense of duty or responsibility. The problem with Porsha is that no one ever made her pick a thing, do it, and stick with it. They've let her flit from thing to thing and come back to their loving arms when things didn't work out or she quit or she got bored. She threw away a relationship with Kandi for nothing. And Porsha is still trying to have a career in the entertainment industry. She shouldn't be beefing with anyone. She should understand that many people found her treatment of Kandi so abhorrent that they would want her off the show. Porsha should take her lumps and move on.

And that's the other thing about Porsha, she doesn't have the money or connections to actually be a dilettante. She acts like she's Paris Hilton. She's not even Perez Hilton. She's Po'sha Hylton. Who's Po'sha Hylton? Exactly. And this bitch needs to work and not burn bridges.

Porsha's mom always seemed nice, but totally clueless to me.  I'm now kinda believing the story about her eating a pizza with her feet up on Kordell's new white couch.  I think Porsha would have stayed a submissive trophy wife, but she thought this show was her ticket to stardom.  I'm not saying that she should have stayed in a bad relationship, but the girl has been very fortunate with life opportunities and she seems clueless about her good fortune.

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44 minutes ago, qtpye said:

Can you believe that fool had the nerve to complain about not having a dressing room!

Kandi might not be perfect, but she is very generous with her friends and family.  She gave Porsha a shot and was repaid with allegations that could have landed her and Todd in jail.  This was worse than Kim Z not paying for Tardy.

Kandi even had the general decency to give $5,000 to Porsha for Celebrity Apprentice because it was for charity. To me, that means Kandi has more than earned a heartfelt apology from Porsha and an actual acknowledgement by Porsha that many people thought what she did was reprehensible and warranted Porsha's ouster.

44 minutes ago, qtpye said:

Porsha's mom always seemed nice, but totally clueless to me.  I'm now kinda believing the story about her eating a pizza with her feet up on Kordell's new white couch.  I think Porsha would have stayed a submissive trophy wife, but she thought this show was her ticket to stardom.  I'm not saying that she should have stayed in a bad relationship, but the girl has been very fortunate with life opportunities and she seems clueless about her good fortune.

This reminded me of this girl I worked with. I invited her out to a happy hour once. She told me she'd need to get singles otherwise she couldn't come. I said the bartender would just give her change. I didn't understand and needed her to explain it to me. It turned out that she never paid for drinks. Bartenders would comp her or guys would buy her drinks all night. It took a female bartender to tell her to tip years later.* She was still pretty perplexed that other women didn't have men buying them drinks nonstop.

*She hadn't paid for a drink ever. She was 27.

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On 12/15/2017 at 0:14 AM, swankie said:

And while I've been a Nene fan in the past, she's really making me dislike her this season.  I can't stand the way she's being so judgmental towards Porsha when Nene herself has been the worst when it comes to badmouthing and hitting below the belt.  Her argument that she didn't say that Porsha should be fired is so stupid.  She's on the air saying that they should get rid of her.  Doesn't she know that "getting rid of her" and "firing her" are one and the same.  Her big mouth just irritates me to no end this season.  Also, her butt just keeps getting wider and wider. 

That's not quite what she's saying. What she said was she wasn't going around calling for Porsha to be fired, but that she was asked a direct question about who should not come back and she merely responded. The implication is that absent being asked she would have never offered up an opinion at all.

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On ‎12‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 9:32 PM, Rlb8031 said:

That's not quite what she's saying. What she said was she wasn't going around calling for Porsha to be fired, but that she was asked a direct question about who should not come back and she merely responded. The implication is that absent being asked she would have never offered up an opinion at all.

I'm of a mind, I don't care if Nene said it in her sleep, I can see where Porsha's coming from! Nene thinks she can play semantics with all concerned so sure she can deflect responsibility for what she said on WWHL! ;-)

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On 12/14/2017 at 7:46 AM, cooksdelight said:

Not only was Porsha in the wrong country, she also called Kim’s daughter Brielle “Your ho daughter” to Kim & Kroy and no one said a word. LOL

My Momma would've murdered anyone who said a bad thing about me to her face - that was HER terrritory, Goddamnit!  ;-)


On 12/15/2017 at 11:05 AM, HunterHunted said:

I just find it so telling that Porsha was on Star once playing..."celebrity." Rickey Smiley has been on twice playing himself. Miss Lawrence was on Empire once and impressed Lee Daniels enough that Miss Lawrence is a regular cast member on Star. Porsha is clearly not winning people over with her talent, but she thinks she could afford to be disrespectful of Kandi's time during A Mother's Love and openly slanderous last year. She didn't even have a Ryan Murphy in her corner like Nene used to. If you've seen any of the interviews the Glee cast did where Nene was mentioned, they talk about her showing up on time, being polite, and having the entire script practically memorized. She knew better than to blow an opportunity.

Lee Daniels ain't calling Porsha. Neither is Tyler Perry or Oprah or Ava DuVernay or Shonda. And Porsha has no understanding that her shenanigans last season have probably cost her work. No one wants anyone who is duplicitous and likely to stab you in the back around. Why would you take a chance on Porsha? 

And this week Porsha said she wanted to see Xscape in concert. You know she meant for free. The actual nerve of this woman. If I had been Kandi, I would have busted up into the most sarcastic laughter of my entire life. Call me a rapist, give me a half-assed apology, and then ask for free concert tickets. Fuq this idiot ingrate.


Hey Porsha, Ryan Murphy collects grotesques - go ask Nene and her failed careers.

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I can't with Nene, she gets so insane and ghetto when she's in an argument, yet never even manages to articulate what it is that Porsha did or didn't do that has her so pissed off. She's her own worst enemy, bc Porsha may or may not be at fault for their falling out, but us viewers have no idae, b/c Nene never actually manages to explain her side of the story! So regardless of what happened, Porsha's the one who ends up looking like the sane and reasonable one. 

Nene really could use some therapy to learn to express herself without acting like a total wackjob. b/c it's not cute, especially not at her age. 

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14 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

I can't with Nene, she gets so insane and ghetto when she's in an argument, yet never even manages to articulate what it is that Porsha did or didn't do that has her so pissed off. She's her own worst enemy, bc Porsha may or may not be at fault for their falling out, but us viewers have no idae, b/c Nene never actually manages to explain her side of the story! So regardless of what happened, Porsha's the one who ends up looking like the sane and reasonable one. 

Nene really could use some therapy to learn to express herself without acting like a total wackjob. b/c it's not cute, especially not at her age. 

It's simple Nene.

"Your accusation of false rape charges on a person who has done nothing but try to help your career were so horrible that I fully thought you deserved to be kicked off the show."  "Your partner in crime in these very false accusations is no longer her, so why are you"?  "Of course that is really more a questions for the producers then you".

That  is why she is so tongue tied, she knows she can't bite the hand that feeds her.

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5 hours ago, qtpye said:

It's simple Nene.

"Your accusation of false rape charges on a person who has done nothing but try to help your career were so horrible that I fully thought you deserved to be kicked off the show."  "Your partner in crime in these very false accusations is no longer her, so why are you"?  "Of course that is really more a questions for the producers then you".

That  is why she is so tongue tied, she knows she can't bite the hand that feeds her.

no no, there's more to it, Nene wouldn't be that psycho-angry at something Porsha did to Kandi (not directly to Nene). And she'd had issues w/Porsha before that. 

Nene actually DID finally sort of explain it in her talking head this episode, when she said that she and Porsha used to talk every day when Porsha was first going through her divorce w/Kordell and having a hard time, and Nene felt like she was there for Porsha, but once Porsha got past that hard time, she no longer needed Nene and didn't have time for her (Nene felt). Nene basically felt like Porsha is all take and no give, from what I gather.

Honestly, I get that, I get why Nene would be annoyed with that and pissed off, I'm the same way. I just wouldn't get that psycho about it. I'd just be like, "OK, lesson learned, not fucking with Porsha anymore." 

That's the thing that frustrates me about Nene, is I feel like, once she finally takes a second to actually explain her side of the story in all her feuds, I usually get where she's coming from, but she takes so long to do it and never does so before becoming completely unhinged, screaming over the other person, hands in face, psycho threats of rape, strangulation, etc. calling people all sorts of disgusting names, low-class bullshit and generally acting like she belongs on animal planet, not bravo, that it almost negates what the other person did bc her behavior makes it so that they're basically even, with the way they've treated each other. 

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On ‎12‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 10:32 PM, Rlb8031 said:

That's not quite what she's saying. What she said was she wasn't going around calling for Porsha to be fired, but that she was asked a direct question about who should not come back and she merely responded. The implication is that absent being asked she would have never offered up an opinion at all.

To me it doesn't matter if it was an answer to a question or not.  The bottom line is Nene said that they should get rid of Porsha.  She brays so damned loud every time Porsha brings it up she doesn't give Porsha a chance to say when Nene said it.  Porsha never said Nene called the show to get her fired.  She said that Nene said  ON THE AIR that they needed to get rid of Porsha.  And that's exactly what happened.  And then the moose gets up and has to be held back from going after Porsha.  This after having the nerve to give Porsha advice on how to hold her temper.  And then she also has the nerve to say she didn't try to choke Kim just because it wasn't done on the air.  Nene can lose me with this bullshit.  She needed a storyline so she chose to go after Porsha because she knew nobody else wants to film with Porsha and Nene really does want her off the show.

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On 12/11/2017 at 2:13 PM, ZaldamoWilder said:


Lol!!  Right?   Thank you for summarizing.  I started quoting and quoting.  Then I was like man, this won't end today lol.   Yes to ALL this.  Except:   When the fight first happened?  Yeah I thought Cynthia was the aggressor because I saw her put her hands on Porsha first.   But in the clip zoeysmom posted - really get in there and Zapruder that shit - I want you to watch very closely Porsha's body language right around the 0:08/0:07 mark.   3 times she asks is this how you really want it to be? (just before striking out, inarticulate people have a pattern of repeating the words they were just saying, demonstrating the switch from verbal to physical engagement).   She punctuates that question by flicking her wrist downward, pointing her finger so closely to the end of Cynthia's nose that you can't see her fingernail tip anymore.    So while she didn't physically put her hands on Cynthia first, she absolutely began the physical aggression.    You know that game little kids play in the car to get you to lose your shit?  Where one of em has their finger circling the circumference of the other's face, neener neener neerner'ing the whole time but saying "I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you....."  we all know what happens next right?   The one being annoyed does something to shut it down but the adult always checks who?  The aggressor "I told you to keep your hands to yourself".   We can argue technicalities all day long (I think we did at one point lol) but here's what we know, Your Honor (1) Porsha didn't come over there to apologize (she said as much when she told Cyn she didn't feel like she did anything (2) she called her a bitch one more time for good measure (after misinterpreting the (unjustified, as it turns out) compliment Cynthia paid her about intelligence)) and (3) she refused to walk away from Cynthia after being asked to (I counted at least 4 requests).     You don't get away from me, I can't get up and get away from you and you put your finger in my face.    I've seen professional boxers go at it for less at the promo press conference.  


Hey, ZW!  I love all your posts, but this part really impressed me. I have officially changed my mind about who the aggressor was in that altercation. Please let me know if you ever put up a Go-Fund-Me to pay for law school. 

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15 hours ago, CaliCat said:

Hey, ZW!  I love all your posts, but this part really impressed me. I have officially changed my mind about who the aggressor was in that altercation. Please let me know if you ever put up a Go-Fund-Me to pay for law school. 

Hey bubbeleh!  aww, thank you love, thank you.  Wait, you went back and reZaprudere'd with me for real?   



I love that!!! Hee!!  

eh, feh.  Girl I wouldn'tve made a good attorney, one of the ear marks is processing information quickly enough to respond to it within seconds.   I am that dork who thinks of the perfect thing to say (to the bathroom mirror) hours later.   Lol.  But if ya'll want to contribute to some delinquency, I did quite recently develop an affinity for scratch off games.  

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On ‎12‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 1:45 PM, ZaldamoWilder said:

Hey bubbeleh!  aww, thank you love, thank you.  Wait, you went back and reZaprudere'd with me for real?   



I love that!!! Hee!!  

eh, feh.  Girl I wouldn'tve made a good attorney, one of the ear marks is processing information quickly enough to respond to it within seconds.   I am that dork who thinks of the perfect thing to say (to the bathroom mirror) hours later.   Lol.  But if ya'll want to contribute to some delinquency, I did quite recently develop an affinity for scratch off games.  

Is that a new haircut in your profile pic? SUPER  CUTE!!!!!!!

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