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Season 15 Last Chance Kitchen


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1 minute ago, cooksdelight said:

Brother relished in Tu not finding what he needed, he literally laughed at him behind his back. In my opinion. :)

Yeah, it wasn't that he didn't help him - obviously it's fine not to help someone else in a competition.  It's that he was so pleased at himself and mocking in not helping him.   Just say, "It's back there somewhere," or don't say anything at all!  Brother was enjoying making a fool of Tu by sneering with the other contestants.  All after the two stated how they'd grown to be close friends. 

I just didn't care for what it showed about his character.

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3 minutes ago, Special K said:

Yeah, it wasn't that he didn't help him - obviously it's fine not to help someone else in a competition.  It's that he was so pleased at himself and mocking in not helping him.   Just say, "It's back there somewhere," or don't say anything at all!  Brother was enjoying making a fool of Tu by sneering with the other contestants.  All after the two stated how they'd grown to be close friends. 

I just didn't care for what it showed about his character.

Agreed.  Brother's little "act" (if that's what he's claiming now) was totally skeevy.

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Asking someone "where is x" in a brand new kitchen (LCK) shouldn't be a trick question.   Brother's behavior was that of a real dick.  His "by the rabbit" remark was okay (even though he apparently KNEW exactly where the wrap was), but then to go get the wrap, and use it.....and stick it on HIS station, (which is NOT where it belonged).....and then NOT mention it.....was a total DICK move.

No skin off my nose, but judging by the reaction(s) here, Brother lost huge credibility with fans, many of whom actually seek out the restaurants of the chefs they see on this program.  The only one to lose here was Brother.  Tu merely beat himself in the challenge, which of course had nothing to do with the plastic wrap. 

Let me ask you, if Brother showed up in your kitchen, looking for a job, would you hire him after seeing that behavior?  I wouldn't hire him as a hostess.  He's a dick.

Edited per CooksDelight note directly below my post.  I DID mean Brother, thanks, CD.

Edited by Blonde Gator
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1 minute ago, spiderpig said:

Wasn't it Tu who went out of his way to help a fellow chef in an early episode of TC?

I'm done with Brother.  Jerk.

Yeah, Spidey, I mentioned that before.  I think Ep 1, at the festival thing, he gave (?)Mustache Joe his big pot, and put his stuff in a tray on the induction burner, overcooking it.  And also helped Bruce w/ mis en place in another challenge, IIRC.

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5 minutes ago, Figster said:

If Tu couldn't find plastic wrap, that was his problem, no one else's.  Tu lost all on his own.  Brother owed him nothing, nada.  I think even Tu realized that later after the heat of the competition was over, and he's past it.  :-)

Yeah, I only watched it once but Tu was sort of running around "hey have you seen the wrap"; he didn't exactly pull Brother aside and quiz him, so Brother threw out a snarky remark.   I think if Tom hadn't pointed out the wrap, Tu wouldn't have thought anything about Brother's remark; I really think that at the end of the ep, Tu thought the wrap was on Brother's station the whole time (hence his being upset), which it wasn't.   I also think that by the time Brother got the wrap, Tu was already jerry-rigging his dish.

I don't think what Brother said was so awful either. 

  • Love 3

I agree with Figster 100%.

Some observations taken from their social media:

1. It's the same kitchen that they cooked in all season. 

2. Brother only got the wrap when putting his sauce in squirt bottles during plating. 

3. Last Chance Kitchen has a different team behind it, encouraging chefs and the peanut gallery to ham it up and be more sassy and openly competitive ( as per Brooke).

4. On Twitter, Tu realized what actually happened and that "at the end of the day, Brother won."

5. Also on Twitter, when asked if Tom would have changed his decision based on Brother not telling Tu where the wrap was, he said, "doubtful."

I loved Brother all season. I am not changing my mind now. 

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On 1/12/2018 at 9:24 AM, Ellee said:

Is LCK taped immediately after the show? The next day?  Just curious. 


I'm 90% sure that all the LCK's are all filmed in the same day (or two or three) right before they re-enter the show. Except for this season's, of course, where it was done in two sessions, the first starting from the returning vets and going to the return of LeeAnn and Claudette to coincide with the filming date of the right episode where they re-entered. There is presumably another several-day LCK session before the finale. It doesn't make much sense for all the chefs to fly out to wherever and back every two/three days for LCK. Especially the eliminated ones, don't know why they'd fly back and hang around just to watch on stools (or, just not go home). Most of the time, it appears the eliminees are wearing the same clothes from one LCK to the next. Plus, the cost of firing up the studio for just a 10-minute bit isn't cost-effective. They could easily film 3 or 4 a day.

think that in most "normal" seasons, they call back all the eliminated chefs for a week of LCK in between the last episode at the main location and the finale, which is a filmed couple of weeks/months later. They bring them in one at a time, do a challenge, then bring in the next one, who has no clue who they're facing or what they're up against. Stagger the arrivals in boot order, expect to get 3 or maybe 4 done in a day, so the 5th chef out doesn't arrive until the morning of day 2 or whatever. 


As far as Wrap-gate, I think Tu completely misunderstood and thought Brother had it on his table the whole time. I believe Brother has cleared up that he only found the wrap with a few minutes left as he was plating. And that it was in the same place it always is in that kitchen. That is the same normal TC kitchen, just decorated differently for LCK (another reason why all the LCKs are probably filmed consecutively, when the main kitchen isn't being used). 

  • Love 2

Who won?

Brother. It was a really bad episode - they had 10 minutes to cook anything they wanted (as a nod to Tanya really wanting to do the speed round in the Olympics challenge). Brother (with his chest puffed) suggested 10 minutes because he thought it would throw Tanya off her game and she agreed to it. I hope his ego was slightly put in check because he struggled with the time and seemed to realize it was totally self-inflicted.

Edited by hendersonrocks

I liked Tonya initially but she devolved into someone with such a huge chip on her shoulder that simply could not relax and enjoy what the TC opportunity could bring her.  The more time she spent around quality peers, the more insecure she got.  The more insecure she got, the more delusional boastful she became.

it was slightly masked with Claudette since Claudette was herself such a loathsome individual.  However after the quickfire of LCK she made the comment of starting a quick cook restaurant and how she felt how great it was going to go now....huh?   Based on what?  She just made a crappy salmon onion dish and got booted.  She also made a stupid comment about when she cut the salmon open she “noticed”it was undercooked so she put it back on the stove.  WTF?

Why doesn’t she tell us one more time that she cooked in France (a zillion years ago)?  Her skills are diminished running a brunch shop....by her own admission she doesn’t cook a variety of foods anymore.  She should be humble and ask for help or information but instead she is combative and deluded.  Meh.  Her place might be great but not sure her actual attitude on this show was a benefit for her.

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And Tonya made a comment about how she liked the flavors of her sauce and how she got “her onion flavor” in it right?  I didn’t mishear that?  Did she intentionally say that later in the talking head to make it seem like that’s what she was going for?  More delusional pride.  

She also should have told Brother to F off with the 10 minutes.  I would have said no because I was unfamiliar with the kitchen and he had already cooked in there.  It would be ok with me if he felt 10 minutes was good for him but why would I put myself at an unfair disadvantage?

Tonya says the words of someone pioneering for gender and race but hopefully this is a wake up call that she actually needs to check herself.  She seems to be riding on her past accomplishments, which is ok and impressive in it’s own right.  But she looks like a fool to keep trotting them out and not seeing who she is now in comparison to others.  At least in the context of being on this show.

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, Wings said:

I knew there was no way Tom would have given her the win unless Brother had screwed up.  Her attitude is not what makes a winner no matter how good you are.  I am off to google her restaurant.  I know nothing about it but I have a hunch her employees are not too keen on her. 

It hasn't opened yet, this article says she will be running a kitchen for the first time.  I missed the fact that she competed on Top Chef Mexico, I wonder if that experience influenced her behavior on this show.

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19 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

It hasn't opened yet, this article says she will be running a kitchen for the first time.  I missed the fact that she competed on Top Chef Mexico, I wonder if that experience influenced her behavior on this show.

Ah ha.  Time will tell if she is capable of retaining staff.  I predict she will have a large turn over!  

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

I thought she said earlier that she had a restaurant, or someone said she had one....??? She’s never run a kitchen before? That’s evident after last night!

I thought she said that too but it appears her highest position was Chef de Cuisine and she appears to have left that position abruptly based on other articles, though that is fairly common in the restaurant world when a change is made so who knows the specific reason.

Edited by biakbiak

I realize that most of you have moved on (maybe I should too, sigh).

I will now continue my defence of Brother Luck. He has maintained his stance that the editing made him look bad. He states that the "it's near the rabbit" comment was his response to something else, not Tu's request for the plastic wrap. The editors put the comment there to create drama and that we all "drank the koolaid". 

 He says that he and Tu were going back and forth with trash talk the entire time. Brother did offer to tell Tu where the wrap was, but Tu had moved on. No hiding. No sabotage. He can't say more due to a waiver and/or nda that he signed.

I really want to believe him (still not sure about Tu's talking head at the end). For what it's worth, even Claudette said that it was much ado about nothing.

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46 minutes ago, LeighLeigh said:

. He states that the "it's near the rabbit" comment was his response to something else, not Tu's request for the plastic wrap. The editors put the comment there to create drama and that we all "drank the koolaid". 

They why did he keep repeating it, and laughing? I don’t believe for one minute the editors made him look bad. He did that all by himself and now that the backlash has started, he’s spinning a web. Just my opinion, of course. :)

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13 minutes ago, Darian said:

Brother Luck can say what he wants, but he looked guilty as hell during his episode with Tu.  Not buying his damage control, but so far he is less odious than Claudette, so while I couldn't stand either, I fractionally preferred he stay over Claudette. Now that he knocked her out, he can go. 

And a few comments made about the issue in the episode with Tanya seem to indicate it wasn't solely editing.

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2 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

I thought she said earlier that she had a restaurant, or someone said she had one....??? She’s never run a kitchen before? That’s evident after last night!

I think Claudette was hoping if she kept her distance and pretended she hadn't tasted the food, she would be safe from criticism; WRONG! Being EC, everything in the kitchen is her responsibility; save Chris diving on a grenade unnecessarily! Good guys usually finish last and I was surprised they took Claudette out! There was so much animus to her throwing people under the bus! That's no BOSS! If she owns a restaurant, I feel for her staff! ;-(

5 minutes ago, hendersonrocks said:

You know, it is possible to share an opinion about someone from a TV show that is less than positive and still not think they are a monster. 

True, but hyperbole gets a reaction! lol! ;-)

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The editors a.k.a. Magic Elves certainly do their editing tricks --- but they CAN'T play editing games with what they DON'T have. This has been talked about regarding previous seasons both here and elsewhere. Meaning, if cheftestants didn't say the things they did or did not act the way they did the editors would not have the material to play with in the first place. Even in Talking Heads, even if the interviewer asked "leading questions" or pushed them to say something, if the cheftestant refused to take the bait or did not answer the Magical Elves would not have the material to manipulate. So – Brother Luck did say those things, and showed the body language and behavior he showed....  This is the 15th season - all these cheftestants must have seen at least some past seasons and known that they have to assume that anything they say or do whether in the "house" or in the kitchen WILL be recorded if any camera or mike is within a thousand miles of them.

Edited by chiaros
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5 hours ago, LeighLeigh said:

 He says that he and Tu were going back and forth with trash talk the entire time. Brother did offer to tell Tu where the wrap was, but Tu had moved on. No hiding. No sabotage. He can't say more due to a waiver and/or nda that he signed.

Heh, I never saw it as anything more than this.  He didn't hide the wrap, he just didn't leave his station to help Tu look for it (which,,why should he? it's a timed competition).  He may or may not have made snarky comment about the wrap.  It was never a big deal to me.  Yes, Tu was upset at the end of the episode, which I put down to 1) having lost and 2) Tom making it seem as if Brother was hiding the wrap (which we, the viewers, know was not the case).  Considering the big hug Tu gave Brother at the end of this episode, I'm thinking Tu doesn't think it is a big deal anymore.

Anyway, I was impressed with both Brother and Claudette with what they made.  I'm not a Claudette fan so goodbye to her!

FWIW I don't think Brother will make it back to the competition. 

One thing about the editing - the editors can indeed move scenes around.  So yes, Brother said "it's near the rabbit" but if that was in response to "where's the rosemary" or whatever and they placed it after "where's the wrap"; that is an editing trick to create drama for the viewers. 

This happened in Marcel's season, where he was roundly laughed at for asking Ilan if he wanted to see his knives and it came out much later that Ilan broached the "show me your knives" first.  So yes, Marcel said it, but without showing the full context/interaction, it gives a different impression.

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10 hours ago, holly4755 said:

I thought that the magic elves were just used in set ups and moving the contestants around, housing them and that sort of logistics, the editing was up to the producers. 

 Magical Elves is responsible for literally everything, from Tom and Padma's et al salaries, to casting, to challenges to editing etc. they provide the finished product and than Bravo airs it.

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10 hours ago, holly4755 said:

I thought that the magic elves were just used in set ups and moving the contestants around, housing them and that sort of logistics, the editing was up to the producers. 

They are the producers; Magical Elves is the production company of Top Chef (and quite a few other reality shows, but this is the only one I've watched).

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