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S01.E09: outfoX


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The team develops a risky plan to help mutants who are in Sentinel Services custody. Reed reveals details to Andy and Lauren about the Struckers' family history that could prove to be a game-changer.

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Jesus Christ, Amy Acker took the whole "get out" scene over the top. Like...woman, calm down. You've literally dealt with those things before. I get her worry, but that scene was just so bad. I actually said "Shut up, Caitlin!" out loud. Actually, the whole escape scene was so overdramatic. 

I kind of like how Lauren was willing to use their sibling power to bring down the building, only for Andy to stop her. Now that was the only surprising twist of the episode. 

I honestly thought that Jace and Esme were working together, which was how Jace had a "feeling" about the mutants' plan and why Esme was acting like Shady McShaderson all episode. I'm not sure what Esme's purpose is. I mean, first, she's lurking outside of Lorna's room, seeing into her dreams. Then she's putting herself right in the middle of the mission. Then she's reading Lorna's mind in order to make Lorna feel bad for her. I'm just not sure why Esme is so determined to get in the building. It can't just be "for her family". Maybe I missed something; maybe it's comics-related that I'm unaware about.

The ending to this finale saved things. I wasn't truly interested until Lauren and Andy got captured. 

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Finally . . . score one for Johnny Law. Johnny Justice? Johnny Sentinel? You know what I mean.

Really, really, really hoping that if the series lasts a while, the writers don't "go there" with Andrew and Lauren. Not even in the same timezone. I know that canon can be changed and this ain't cable TV . . . but damn, the siblings looked so blissed out when powering up. And the first time kinda wrecked them mentally, at least in academics.

How funny is it that squid-like robots are way more menacing than giant robots?

Not much else to comment about, save for Lorna needing a bedroom free of metal. Also: does Clarice have to "hold" the portal to keep it open? If so, how can she enter?

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That ending was super (heh) intense. I really felt those screams of terror from the mutants running from Sentinal Services and their creepy spiders. I didn't expect Andy to be the one to tell Lauren that they shouldn't use their powers because it could kill people, that was a bit of a surprise. I admit, I`m worried about the kids. They seemed rather out of it when they used their powers together, and while I dont think they'll purposefully go evil, power like that can be corrupted pretty easily, especially for kids so young going through so much. 

Esme is definitely shady, but I have no clue what her game is. Is he working for Sentibal Services? Some other group? Maybe she`s with the *Hellfire Club or some other group of actual mutant extremists or something? There is definitely something going on there. 

Lorna should really sleep in a wooden bedroom. Also, although we dont see it much, I like her interactions with the Struckers. She always seems kind of amused by them and their family hijinks. 

Still sure that Reed is going to manifest powers at some point. But what will they be? I also liked the brief conversation between Johnny and Marcos about Pulse. 

*Hellfire club reference! Hell yes! 

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21 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Jesus Christ, Amy Acker took the whole "get out" scene over the top. Like...woman, calm down. You've literally dealt with those things before. I get her worry, but that scene was just so bad. I actually said "Shut up, Caitlin!" out loud. Actually, the whole escape scene was so overdramatic. 


Co-signed. I like Amy Acker well enough but her acting was so overblown, which I realize may be a silly thing to say consider what Caitlin was dealing with but Acker was just so Dramatic about it.

22 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I honestly thought that Jace and Esme were working together, which was how Jace had a "feeling" about the mutants' plan and why Esme was acting like Shady McShaderson all episode. I'm not sure what Esme's purpose is. I mean, first, she's lurking outside of Lorna's room, seeing into her dreams. Then she's putting herself right in the middle of the mission. Then she's reading Lorna's mind in order to make Lorna feel bad for her. I'm just not sure why Esme is so determined to get in the building. It can't just be "for her family". Maybe I missed something; maybe it's comics-related that I'm unaware about.


I think Esme is actually being pretty honest about her motives. I think it's just that she's like Dreamer, willing to use shady methods to accomplish her goals.

8 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Really, really, really hoping that if the series lasts a while, the writers don't "go there" with Andrew and Lauren. Not even in the same timezone. I know that canon can be changed and this ain't cable TV . . . but damn, the siblings looked so blissed out when powering up. And the first time kinda wrecked them mentally, at least in academics.


THANK YOU. There was a lot said in done in this episode that made me think it's only a matter of time before we see incest shippers/fic/gifs/etc.

10 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Also: does Clarice have to "hold" the portal to keep it open? If so, how can she enter?


She seems to jump through them just as they're closing.

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Good episode, the siblings being the highlight. They really do seem blissed out when their powers merge and they said that they feel like one person. This is probably why their great grandparents ended up engaging in incest. I would like the season to end with them coming to the siblings' rescue. Andy being the one to stop them from killing everyone was a great twist totally destroying the speculation that he is the more dangerous of the two. I didn't think that collar would hold Lorna and don't think that it would hold Andy and Lauren.

 I noticed that when Caitlin threw the bag at Reed and he caught it with excellent reflexes, she said that she didn't know that he could do that and he responded neither did he. It is probably his powers starting to reemerge. It will be interesting to find out what he can do. He must be very powerful also.

At first I thought that Esme was a mole, now I just think that she is willing to whatever it takes to free her family from Trask.

Jace honing in on the mutants just as they were attempting a rescue seemed way to coincidental. Also,I think that Clarisse should have been able to get them out with a portal.

Edited by SimoneS
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38 minutes ago, slf said:

THANK YOU. There was a lot said in done in this episode that made me think it's only a matter of time before we see incest shippers/fic/gifs/etc.


Yeah... you may want to avoid the #struckercest tag.

I love that Lauren is feeling the power rush even more so than Andy. I would have personally gone berserk on the building as soon as Clarice and Sonia were out, but you do you, Andy. I can't believe they captured them all.

Good lord, I sure hope Esme is a mole for either Trask or Jace boy because everything she does is so ridiculously shady I am honestly surprised they didn't have Dreamer do a full number on her to figure out what's her game. Also, are we sure Esme was just eavesdropping on Lorna's nightmare instead of actively causing it? Her tapping onto Polaris memories to adjust her approach and convince her to go ahead with the mission didn't seem born out of sincere anguish or desperation, to the point I am not even sure we are supposed to be buying there IS a family to rescue here? Could be a ruse, could be Skyler's shitty acting.

Marcus visibly rolling his eyes when Esme interrupts them is my default reaction to the character.

The bedtime scene - nightmare aside - was hilarious, what with Marcus sleeping thought most of Lorna's rampage, even when she bumps into him! A light sleeper he ain't. I wish we could get more slice-of-life moments from these two (and Sonia and Clarice and John) instead of spending so much time with the Struckers. :/

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This episode was really slow and not one of my favorites, but I know they’re finally trying to build up for what’s about to come. I’m just hoping the show doesn’t get cancelled before we get the payoff.

They keep talking about it, so I’m guessing/hoping Reed is going to get his powers back. He’s probably going to be able to save his kids with them...

Hellfire Club mention!

So these kids are a weird incestuous ticking time bomb? Creepy. At least they held back and didn’t kill everyone. I think the plot twist with them getting caught is for the best. It makes things more interesting if we get to see what it’s like on the inside of SS.

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5 hours ago, neptunewaves said:

I love that Lauren is feeling the power rush even more so than Andy. I would have personally gone berserk on the building as soon as Clarice and Sonia were out, but you do you, Andy. I can't believe they captured them all.

It says something that originally Andy was all for using their "wonder twin" powers together while Lauren was hesitant but it was also Andy that was able to say, "Okay, using that on the base of the building might kill people so let's not." It might be an interesting twist if Lauren was the one we should have been worried about all this time despite the fact that Andy seems to be the one that needed to be constantly calmed down while solo.

Also I totally called the two being able to combine their powers since they were siblings. While it's not always common (the Guthrie siblings from the comics all have different powers but they don't all complement each other) it seems like when siblings have powers that are the same (Northstar & Aurora) or complete opposites (The M Twins aka Claudette & Nicole) they can combine them.

4 hours ago, bow said:

So these kids are a weird incestuous ticking time bomb?

The original Fenris were twins while Andy and Lauren aren't. They also seem to have had a normal upbringing until their powers manifested. My hope is they'll just be close but not go that route. 

5 hours ago, neptunewaves said:

Also, are we sure Esme was just eavesdropping on Lorna's nightmare instead of actively causing it? Her tapping onto Polaris memories to adjust her approach and convince her to go ahead with the mission didn't seem born out of sincere anguish or desperation, to the point I am not even sure we are supposed to be buying there IS a family to rescue here? Could be a ruse, could be Skyler's shitty acting.

I don't think her family is in there either, as some other people have suggested. What she's really after though remains a mystery. When she said they needed to trust her and that freeing the prisoners would result in them fighting with the Underground I feel like that was a signal.

Telepaths are generally seen as untrustworthy in the comics because they sort of just do what they want (even if they are trustworthy.) So I think she's playing that angle. I don't think she's "evil" -- I do think she has other plans which probably are just causing chaos without regard to any human life.


Of course that would also fit with Emma Frost's motivations originally. She didn't care about humans at all but unlike Magneto, who would just fight you, she was very willing to manipulate people in order to achieve her cause using her telepathic powers. She only really fought when she had to. If Esme is her clone like she is in the comics, I could totally see her just using the mutants to free her people so then the imprisoned mutants could go ahead and dispatch everyone else inside. I don't, however, think she's completely bad because she could have done a lot of damage already and forced them to do what she wanted. Also it can't be a coincidence that we have Esme present, a drug that boosts powers and a mention of the Hellfire Club.

Edited by FiveByFive
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I don't understand the choices they made.  Maybe I zoned out for a little, but how was it determined who was going to be the team they sent in?   Why didn't they send in Polaris, who appears to be the most powerful, or Eclipse, who is also fairly powerful?  What about Thunderbird, who could have actually tracked those missing "family" of Esme?  What happened to the Invisible Guy who got shot?  Isn't he healed by now?  His power would have been useful.

Instead, they send in Dreamer, who was a decent choice since she can hold her own and deal with guards, with two inexperienced kids and a thoroughly useless Clarice.  I just don't know what they are doing with her, and Jamie Chung's terrible acting isn't helping.  She's portraying Clarice as bitchy and ineffective.  "Have YOU ever tried teleporting into a solid wall????"  Whatever.   I didn't think that's how her portal worked.  She opens it and they can see into the place it is taking them.  If she opened a portal and sees a solid wall, then why not just open another one???   She did see where they started from outside, why couldn't she have opened a portal back to the start?  The part about her saying "there's too many hallways" makes no sense.  Really really tired of "I Can't" Clarice.

Amy Acker was also over the top horrible at the end.  "Reed!  We have to go!  OMGOMGOMGOMG!"  What did she think that two regular humans were going to be able to do?  Unless Reed was going to Strucker out and manifest his latent powers.

Why couldn't Lauren use her telekinetic shields?  She could have blocked the sentinel robot crawler, or blocked the hallway or something   If Polaris had been there she'd have been able to disarm al the guards all at once.

Edited by blackwing
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Very good episode.  Agree that the vibe with the Strucker twins and that whole "becoming one" thing is creepy.  LOL, Acker was really over-the-top at the end as well.

Hellfire Club mention...I believe Fox was planning to do that show originally before scrapping it for The Gifted.  Maybe some of the story elements for that are being transferred over.

How much time has passed on the show so far?  Because Lorna hasn't looked pregnant at all.  I forget that she is sometimes.

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48 minutes ago, blackwing said:

I don't understand the choices they made.  Maybe I zoned out for a little, but how was it determined who was going to be the team they sent in?   Why didn't they send in Polaris, who appears to be the most powerful, or Eclipse, who is also fairly powerful?  What about Thunderbird, who could have actually tracked those missing "family" of Esme?  What happened to the Invisible Guy who got shot?  Isn't he healed by now?  His power would have been useful.

From what Thunderbird said, it was somehow the only option that worked. I guess because they needed Polaris, Eclipse, and other mutants at the lab to break in; plus, it was only knocking out the power in the building. I know they needed Blink to actually get in, but I don't know why Dreamer needed to be there. I guess to mindwipe the guards they run into? 

I questioned more about Jace's "intuition" about the mutants breaking into the power plant.

50 minutes ago, blackwing said:

I didn't think that's how her portal worked.  She opens it and they can see into the place it is taking them.  If she opened a portal and sees a solid wall, then why not just open another one???   She did see where they started from outside, why couldn't she have opened a portal back to the start?  The part about her saying "there's too many hallways" makes no sense.  Really really tired of "I Can't" Clarice.

Yeah, that made no sense. They've already established that Blink can use her portals to get to any place she's seen before, if she knows where she's going and not just jumping blindly through portals. So why not portal them all outside when they were running through the halls? That made zero sense to me. If she had said "there's no time because the guards are coming and I literally can't use my power under pressure", then it would still be dumb, but less than "I can't because there are too many hallways!". But even the former excuse is like...why bring her along, then? I guess to be able to get them all out, but it's still dumb. 

12 minutes ago, benteen said:

How much time has passed on the show so far?  Because Lorna hasn't looked pregnant at all.  I forget that she is sometimes.

It feels like it's been a while, but honestly, I'm not so sure that more than a month has passed. But they haven't stated the time frame, so best answer I could give is Lorna is still in her first trimester. 

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I believe they needed dreamer because she pulled memories from the other guard and sort of knew how to navigate in the facility. Remember when she was trying to figure out which way to go but said it was hazy because he'd only been there a few times? Plus she sort of knew some security codes from him. Not sure how her powers work but apparently she has to access the memories actively and can't draw a map. She is still my least favorite character but I did like that she tried to slow down the guards so the kids could get away. 

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This  show just depresses me.  Yes.. the twins were maximum ick. The fact that the girl was all like "it feels good" didn't help. This character turn doesn't help me because, and maybe this dates me, I say "wonder twin powers activate" when they activate and it is distracting.  I think they just jumped the shark with these two characters in a way it will be hard to come back from.  Amy Acker's freaking out didn't bother me that bad.  But yes, it was too much.  Just me or does this show do the same thing constantly. It is wash, rinse, repeat.  Someone gets captured and they have to get them out.  They risk themselves to get them back and -- they do.

Sentinel Services needs a raise.  Ever seen a quazi gov't agency working THIS hard?   I mean put them in charge of health care... stuff would get done. 

Johnny is the worst leader ever. I also have no idea how he came up with that plan and every single mission he picks the same people. Esme is as shady as heck and she gets first billing on the Varsity team.  Also, Skyler Samuels is a horrible actress. We think Esme is shady as heck because Skyler wasn't subtle at all. And it makes me sad that Polaris never once considered that Esme could be messing with her mind. She seemed smarter than that.  Get rid of the blue effects. She would look better if she just took like a constipated pose or put her finger to her head. 

Clarice is the worst. I can't stand looking at her eyes. Just have some accident and have her eyes come out normal. That is my main objection to her. But her character should never go on missions because she is bad at  controlling her powers. 

Edited by BooBear
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1 hour ago, BooBear said:


Sentinel Services needs a raise.  Ever seen a quazi gov't agency working THIS hard?   I mean put them in charge of health care... stuff would get done. 


Sure in a way they are like the DEA. chasing down all types of intoxicants. Most mutants, that we have seen have been harmless but they are being  hunted as if they all were homo superior and thinking might as well crush the sapiens since we won the genetic lottery. We have seen that  they are using that back story for them, the Sentinel Service Agents to have  that world view.

Edited by Raja
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Andy whose power is tearing things apart has never torn so much as a hangnail off a human being. Not so strange he's the one to back off. It is unclear whether Lauren even realizes she has the ability to squeeze the carotid artery, leaving the target unconscious in seconds (or irrevocably dead in, say, four minutes.) Simply compressing the neck work too, if aiming is hard for her. I don't know if Lauren is being written as deeply inhibited or just not written, left without any real agency because she's an innocent. 

About incest, it's not clear whether Reed has connected the dots. Also not clear whether John/Thunderbird, who sometimes has super hearing and should have had the sense to listen to grand-dad Otto every second he was talking, has either. But then, it's not clear why he has to be reminded by newbie Esme that the Struckers are "heavy hitters." As to incest overtones in the sibs? Visually, the wind in the hair and the moony expressions read as sexual excitement. If the writers don't want to go there, though there is always a simple cure. They need merely write it like any platonic relationship, and it will be convincing...if they give Lauren and Andy romantic lives with someone else. Andy's dialogue insinuating Lauren was sexually active can backfire, coming across as sexual jealousy/possessiveness if they don't show Lauren actually active. I'm not sure they aren't too committed to virginity as virtue to write Lauren as sexual. There is an over contempt for Andy the character, not just on the part of the other characters, but I think the show tends to share it. So, it seems highly unlikely Andy will get a love life. But then, the writers may intend the incest subtext, and won't write significant others for the sibs on purpose, even as they maintain plausible deniability.

I'm not sure who Emma Frost is, but if Esme is supposed to be a clone, she's after clones, as noted above I think. 

Andy making a significant choice was more dramatic than this show usually is. But then Lauren choosing to trash the building and kill everyone in it would be a significant choice too, except one the show couldn't easily walk back from.

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13 hours ago, blackwing said:

I didn't think that's how her portal worked.  She opens it and they can see into the place it is taking them.  If she opened a portal and sees a solid wall, then why not just open another one???   She did see where they started from outside, why couldn't she have opened a portal back to the start?  The part about her saying "there's too many hallways" makes no sense.  Really really tired of "I Can't" Clarice.


She can see the place the portal is taking her if it's a place she's familiar with. She demonstrated for Marcus what happens when she opens a portal to an unknown place when she tossed the dog's chew toy through one- it cut the damn thing in half. (According to her comics backstory the first time she opened a portal she blacked out and woke up covered in blood. So blinking blind seems to be a really bad idea.) The hallways comment I can't explain.

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On 12/4/2017 at 7:02 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Jesus Christ, Amy Acker took the whole "get out" scene over the top. Like...woman, calm down. You've literally dealt with those things before. I get her worry, but that scene was just so bad. I actually said "Shut up, Caitlin!" out loud. Actually, the whole escape scene was so overdramatic. 



What makes it hilarious is that you could get plastered  on having a drinking game each time the Strucker clan reunites /leaving each other when time is of the essence and fucking  Sentinel Services is on their tail seconds away AND YET they are hugging or kissing or telling each other how much they love each other.  

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On 12/4/2017 at 8:36 PM, neptunewaves said:

Also, are we sure Esme was just eavesdropping on Lorna's nightmare instead of actively causing it? Her tapping onto Polaris memories to adjust her approach and convince her to go ahead with the mission didn't seem born out of sincere anguish or desperation, to the point I am not even sure we are supposed to be buying there IS a family to rescue here? Could be a ruse, could be Skyler's shitty acting.


I too thought that Esme was manipulating Lorna's dream. Lurking outside her bedroom at the same time Lorna was having her nightmare and then the next day, Lorna approves a massive assault. Too shady to be coincidental. I'm surprised the teams planned the assault so quickly.  They usually make meticulous plans that cover any surprises. The job was too rushed.

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Reed consoling Caitlin while he was supposed to watch the security cameras made me angry at the both of them.

There are like a hundred mutants hanging around that place and they decided to bring 4 mutants and 2 humans to take out the substation and didn't think to bring anyone else to play look out. Neither of the invisible guys were used. The main assault had 4 mutants and ... a hundred mutants hanging out somewhere else doing something off screen.

This show seemed to have such potential in the first few episodes but all the characters bounce from one stupidity to the next. 

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3 hours ago, wayne67 said:

There are like a hundred mutants hanging around that place and they decided to bring 4 mutants and 2 humans to take out the substation and didn't think to bring anyone else to play look out. Neither of the invisible guys were used. The main assault had 4 mutants and ... a hundred mutants hanging out somewhere else doing something off screen.

This show seemed to have such potential in the first few episodes but all the characters bounce from one stupidity to the next. 

They have a lot of mutants, but those mutants are reluctant to fight - it was already established in one of the early episodes when the core crew planned to recover Lorna.

Reed's consoling of the wife had zero effect on the safety of the mission. By then the four mutants were already captured. 

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8 hours ago, Finis Terre said:

They have a lot of mutants, but those mutants are reluctant to fight - it was already established in one of the early episodes when the core crew planned to recover Lorna.

Reed's consoling of the wife had zero effect on the safety of the mission. By then the four mutants were already captured. 

I don't think that all the mutants are reluctant to fight, there was the invisible guy that got shot last time that seemed to have no problem fighting to free Lorna, there was the teenagers that Lorna was training, there were the other half a dozen mutants they recently saved that could have at least played scout.

Johnny also said that the other mutants would be leading the assault against the lab but we never saw them.

As for Reed consoling his wife, I think you misunderstood me, I didn't mean at the end where she was freaking out and trying to save them with her awesome powers of whining but when they were supposed to be watching the cameras in the middle of the mission and they just got sidetracked with their conversation and started hugging and all I could think was shouldn't you be paying attention to your children?

Also attacking the sub station directly seemed weird, couldn't they have just taken down the power lines to the grid ? 

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1 hour ago, wayne67 said:

I don't think that all the mutants are reluctant to fight, there was the invisible guy that got shot last time that seemed to have no problem fighting to free Lorna, there was the teenagers that Lorna was training, there were the other half a dozen mutants they recently saved that could have at least played scout.


It doesn't matter what we think: the show established early on that very few mutants are ready to fight. This might change soon, of course.


As for Reed consoling his wife, I think you misunderstood me, I didn't mean at the end where she was freaking out and trying to save them with her awesome powers of whining but when they were supposed to be watching the cameras in the middle of the mission and they just got sidetracked with their conversation and started hugging and all I could think was shouldn't you be paying attention to your children?

Also attacking the sub station directly seemed weird, couldn't they have just taken down the power lines to the grid ? 

Their conversation before the capture wasn't exactly about consoling and, again, had zero effect on the proceedings. 

As to Caitlin's reaction, the heightened drama is perfectly understandable - at this point in the show she knows about health risks connected with doing mutant stuff (the kid she's treated at the compound) and the experiments on mutants (Chloe). 

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If Esme isn't a mole of some kind, she's clearly got her own agenda.  It definitely looked like it was hinting that she was the one who effected Lorna's dream, so that she would be more gung-ho about taking on Trask Industries.  And pretty much every moment where she was pushing hard to go save the prisoners was shown and acted in a way that came off highly suspicious.  Something's clearly up.

For the most part, I enjoyed Lauren and Andy's relationship and thought it was surprisingly realistic in a lot of ways, but this was the first time where it suddenly got kind of creepy.  Not sure if it was the dialogue or the actors, but they started having a chemistry that.... well, characters that are siblings really, really shouldn't be having.  Hopefully it won't turn out that the Struckers are related to the Lannisters in any way!

At long last, Jace finally gets a victory as he figured out the plan to take out the power plant, so now Clarissa, Dreamer, and Andy/Lauren have all been captured. Uh oh!  This is certainly a bad development for them.  And, again, I can't help but notice that three of them are regulars while one is only recurring.  Bye bye, Dreamer?

Will always love Amy Acker, but she was way over-the-top at the end.  And while it was probably too late no matter what, Caitlin kind of sucked at her job since as soon as she saw Sentinel Services, all she could do was incoherently scream to get out of there, until Reed had to be the one to tell him "Sentinel Services are here!  Bounce!"  Yeah, they probably are going to need to no longer let her be in the surveillance position anymore, because when the shit goes down, she falls apart.

I usually can take or leave him, but Marcos was actually kind of my favorite tonight, due to some of his reactions and lines.

Reed is so going to get his powers back, right?  Hopefully they'll be better then just growing fangs and having a lust for blood!

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Is it my imagination, or is Andy growing like a weed?  Nice twist with his rejection of the wonder twin takedown in the Trask building.

Jace. Here's the thing. In theory, a protagonist is only as good as the antagonist.  In another show, Jace would be the top-notch agent who always gets his perp. Here he just bugs me. Dinah Madani he is not. I don't know what it is about him, but I want him to go away. Forever.

What is John's power, exactly?  Everything??

Reed Strucker went on busts?  What is this, France?  Prosecutors don't go on busts.

A few episodes ago, I defended Caitlin/Kate's POV and actions, but she lost me in that final sequence. She's been through this before and she's a nurse. I know this is a good example of why medical professionals are not supposed to be too involved with their own family's care, but her gobsmacked, panicked reactions felt regressive and lacking in creativity on the writers' part.

The one failing of the premise of this show is that is has dozens of mutants but only the actors with regular speaking roles can ever go on missions. Truly, if they coordinated well, Sentinel Services wouldn't stand a chance, but lalala everyone else is afraid, handwave, handwave.

I am looking forward to seeing the mutants prevail over Trask.

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Getting some seriously creepy incest vibes off those Strucker kids. Not sure if it's chemistry or just that Lauren always looks like she's pouting or throwing a sex face. Either way, Eugh.

This show is starting to lose me. I really wish that they hadn't made Lorna pregnant as I feel it's only limiting her at this point.

i like Esme in scream queens but here, not so much. She just seems to be everywhere. She better end up being a big bad evil as otherwise this plot is just dull.

As much as they try to disguise Clarice as snarky all she really does is whine and complain about what she can't do. I thought the potential accidental romance with Blair Redford might go somewhere but nope. It's a snore. 

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21 hours ago, Chas411 said:

Getting some seriously creepy incest vibes off those Strucker kids. Not sure if it's chemistry or just that Lauren always looks like she's pouting or throwing a sex face. Either way, Eugh.


That is the intention  I get after telling us the story of their great grandparents

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Show made it totally obvious Esme has plans of her own.

Nice Hellfire Club shoutout.  Since the Hellfire Club show was passed on, I'm assuming some ideas maybe were worked into this?

I really wish there weren't so many background/extras at the undeground/hq.  It crosses into the unbelievable territory that only the same few characters, especially the Struckers who are so new to the mutant phenomenon-not counting Reed's work-are the ones going on missions.  We've seen how Lorna trains the kids, send them on an actual mission already...

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