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S02.E07: Chapter Twenty: Tales From the Darkside

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On 11/29/2017 at 11:49 PM, methodwriter85 said:

Honestly, I have to agree with people that the Josie really doesn't seem to have much going on. I don't know, this episode was basically her showcase after a long time being sidelined, and I wasn't feeling it. She also seemed to have about two facial expressions. I liked Val a lot better for the five minutes she was allowed to speak while she was dating Archie.

Agree. Part of it, for me was that there needed to be some sort of build up to what happened in Josie’s section. There was alot of plot dumping that could’ve easily been solved with a scene (or mention) in previous episodes such as Chuck’s arrival/rehab and Cheryl getting that music contact for /possibly being obsessed with Josie. 


(On a shallow note, Chuck is gorgeous. That smile! *swoon* and I love Cheryl because I usually love bitchy mean girls with layers on teen shows plus her styling is just so... idk the word but I covet it all.)


I’m ready for this Black Hood stuff to be over. I absolutely do not care about it at all and that is what’s dragging the season down to me. It’s completely unnecessary. Archie’s dad could’ve got shot by a random robber, Veronica could still be dealing with her novella-esque parents, Jughead the Serpent stuff and Betty, well, her mom is a batshit crazy overly critical woman who sent her sister away because Polly is having her cousin’s baby. See? All that plus the usual teen friendship/relationship stuff is more than enough to sustain a season without this Black Hood and his nonsense (especially since he’s committing a very big sin of his own : MURDER). 

Edited by kissedbyarose
  • Love 4

 and for whatever reason I was sure Josie's parents were divorced? 

i thought they were still together, but living in different cities?



 I wonder if we're going to see more of Cheryl trying to keep her from them.


already did, likely she is the one who sent the note to Val and Melody.

Edited by HeroLeague

Sorry, Tony Todd.  I'm sure you are the nicest guy on the planet, but if I was ever stuck on the side of the road with a flat and you should up to offer me a ride?  Yeah, it could be broad daylight and I still would just take my chances hoofing it!  Can't trust the Candyman!

Weird episode, for sure.  I get what they were going for and I kind of respect, but it didn't quite work for me.  There were moments I liked, but others that were slow and honestly, almost everyone kind of came off dumb or obnoxious here.  It's saying something when Archie of all people came off looking like the smart one out of everyone.

First, while I get that Jughead is still probably off his game over FP being locked up, but to take what Penny said at face value (even though FP himself warned him about her), and not even check first before agreeing to her "request", just really makes him come off like a short-sighted dolt.  And now he's pretty much got himself under her thumb now (and, hell, Archie was on the tape too, so that's just an extra bonus right there), and that's probably going to cause some major shit going forward.  You're usually better then this, buddy!

Meanwhile, naturally Betty goes off the deep end and automatically assumes that Keller is the Black Hood, even though the evidence is circumstantial at best and even Veronica offer more realistic options like he's having an affair.  And, of course, she easily ends up getting busted when she's snooping, so it's a good thing he wasn't the Black Hood or she's probably be locked in the basement right now.  At least Veronica tried to sway her and was proven right, but she admittedly didn't do herself too many favors by her obvious attempts to question the status of his marriage.  Kind of surprised they didn't go the root of him thinking she was flirting with him.  Really, I kind of feel bad for Kevin here, because both of his friends were basically going behind his back.  As for Keller, he really doesn't seem to be the BH and while he still might suck at his job and his a cheater, at least he's not only still a decent father but apparently a pretty jacked one!

Hey, Josie finally gets a main arc!  Sure, it involves her getting close to Chuck (remember him?!), only to suddenly think he's back to his creeping ways, deal with her overprotective mother, get dumped by the rest of the Pussycats after they find out about her solo attempt, and it turns out her new BFF, Cheryl, might totally be stalking her, but hey, progress?

Black Hood is now threatening a "reckoning" on Riverdale.  I'll be more scared by it when his bodycount gets better then 2 out 5, and his 3 misses were all gunshots at close range. 

Again, not my favorite, but I'm guessing this was mainly an one time thing, and things will go back to normal (well, normal for this show) next week.

  • Love 2

Wait did I miss something in my sleep-deprived stupor? How do we know Cheryl is the stalker?

We see her sketching her and Josie in the same style as the picture that was left with the pig heart.

I'm of two minds about Cheryl as a stalker: to be fair, she's always been portrayed as a Loony Toon whose lack of good relationships and familial stability have left her rocking madly about like a jack in the box on a rusty spring. And speculations that she's going to be gay or bi/date Toni are so far just that--TPTB haven't confirmed anything officially. So it's not like, so far, that they're being as insensitive about LBQT characters as they are about POC ones. 

On the other hand, the trappings of her wackiness--teddy bears, notes, constantly at Josie's side offering advice, arranging studio time (while making sure the other Pussycats will be PISSED when they find out) and that note/heart used to sever the budding relationship with Chuck certainly scream Romantic Obsession. I can't think of a context where that wouldn't be considered a classic "LOVE ME OR ELSE" version of stalking somebody. I can't think of what other road they'd take it down.

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, Snookums said:

We see her sketching her and Josie in the same style as the picture that was left with the pig heart.

I'm of two minds about Cheryl as a stalker: to be fair, she's always been portrayed as a Loony Toon whose lack of good relationships and familial stability have left her rocking madly about like a jack in the box on a rusty spring. And speculations that she's going to be gay or bi/date Toni are so far just that--TPTB haven't confirmed anything officially. So it's not like, so far, that they're being as insensitive about LBQT characters as they are about POC ones. 

On the other hand, the trappings of her wackiness--teddy bears, notes, constantly at Josie's side offering advice, arranging studio time (while making sure the other Pussycats will be PISSED when they find out) and that note/heart used to sever the budding relationship with Chuck certainly scream Romantic Obsession. I can't think of a context where that wouldn't be considered a classic "LOVE ME OR ELSE" version of stalking somebody. I can't think of what other road they'd take it down.

It could change. As much as they make Cheryl a lonely toon at times, they always seem to pull back on it. Or have in the past. I think they don’t want to make her so crazy she can’t return, MP is a main character, so.. we shall see.

Im just not a fan if they take it in the other way. Sorry I don’t want Riverdale to become a lifetime movie. I think they could have done better for the Cheryl character. If they wanted her to like Josie, I’m all for it- I just hate that they chose to do a stalker beginning to it. Like nothing about that is romantic at all to me. And yeah that’s probably how we were supposed to feel.

 And I don’t know. As someone who really believes Cheryl is their favorite character, this really just left a bad taste in my mouth. 

This whole episode kind of did but I know I’ve said that a thousand times- I did like that the core four got their friendship moments and there were some nice moments but then they all got ruined by moments I really didn’t like, so..

Josies story was.. okay? I didn’t write much about it because It’s hard to feel for a character who is a main character and yet we know nothing about her, and even in her starring episode segment, it mostly ended up being about other people. I was mostly focused on Chuck returning, the real creepy janitor foreshadowing, right? They focused a lot of screen time on him and if there’s nothing there and we don’t circle back, I’ll be confused, to her mom who apparently gets creepy letters from randoms or something all the time toJosies whole story adding up to ending up being about Cheryl’s stalker like crush on her. It didn’t develop much for her as a character. But yeah.. I agree that’s on the writers. If I didn’t follow social media, press stuff, i would never assume Josie is a main character. But then again I say the same thing a lot about Cheryl and Kevin. 

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I agree that that they're a little too all over the map with the Cheryl Blossom character.

I thought Veronica's reaction to Sheriff Keller's shirtless weightlifting was funny - liked her comment "Look out, Archie Andrews".  What a scream.

Penny blackmailing Jughead into delivering drugs, yikes.  I know this show wants to be dark and all, but I hope there's a few happy endings for Jughead and some of the other characters.

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I was mostly focused on Chuck returning, the real creepy janitor foreshadowing, right? They focused a lot of screen time on him and if there’s nothing there and we don’t circle back, I’ll be confused

Before the Cheryl reveal, I genuinely thought the janitor was going to be the stalker. 

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Before the Cheryl reveal, I genuinely thought the janitor was going to be the stalker. 

Me too. They spent quite a lot of time on him and the way he interacted with Josie was odd. If it ends up being just to throw people off, I have to admit I’ll be kind of annoyed. As I said he had more of a presence than Josie in her first (possibly only) solo story.

  • Love 1
21 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Me too. They spent quite a lot of time on him and the way he interacted with Josie was odd. If it ends up being just to throw people off, I have to admit I’ll be kind of annoyed. As I said he had more of a presence than Josie in her first (possibly only) solo story.

True. I'm debating if he has a connection to Black Hood now. I don't think he IS the Black Hood (because that would piss me right off that some random guy was introduced halfway through the Black Hood arc), but maybe they're leading toward him working for the Black Hood. After all, there has to be a way the Black Hood seems to know all, so I suspect he might have a couple of inside people. 

  • Love 4

I think the janitor was just a big red herring. We'll probably never see him again. They were clearly going for some kind of homage to classic horror. So they had Candyman as the creepy truck driver who picks up some idiot kid on an isolated road and of course has something in his truck that the boy can't look at. They you have the "secret admirer" stalker, so you have to have a creepy janitor who washes the floors at all kinds of random times and places so he can be creepy in the background. And let's not forget the "I think he's the killer, oh, wait, he's just screwing someone in secret" with Sheriff Keller.

The focus on Josie made me realize why they haven't focused on Josie. She's just not that interesting. I'd rather the main Pussycat be Val. I like Val and want to see more of her. The most interesting thing about Josie is her mom. Love her mom! And she has a really nice voice, so have her in the background singing.

I loved Betty and Veronica's story. I don't care if it was silly. I don't care if Betty is a hypocrite. It was fun to watch them interacting. Veronica and Kevin were great too. They have such a nice bond. Archie and Jug were just eyerollingly stupid. I am not liking the SSS storyline at all. They didn't give me a good enough reason to believe Jug would be this deep into the gang. He was the cynical, smart one out of the boys. I could see Archie falling into the trap, he's adorably gullible, but I just don't get it with Jug, especially since he has a strong group of friends, he has an adoring girlfriend, he has a better life now then when the show started. I would have believed it at the start of the show, when he and Archie weren't talking, before he was seeing Betty. But not now.

  • Love 8
On 11/30/2017 at 0:37 PM, WhosThatGirl said:

Eh. I really didn’t like this episode. Some parts were okay but as a whole not my feel. But then it’s reallt odd how distance the characters are from the first season, and like I’ve said in a hundred and thousand posts the timeline has only been a few weeks. 

Im sure if I quit the show many of you will be happy to not have to read my posts complaining and what not.. and I’m sorry for that but I’m one of the few who thought season 1 was kind of really well done. I thought all the elements fit good last season and this season I’m not really here for what they’re doing. 

Maybe Pretty little liars burnt me out on watching teenagers get mentally and emotionally abused but like I said in another post at least they had some fun and each other. A lot of the characters on this show seem to be having to be alone while facing everything and that’s not my cup of tea. At least not for a whole bunch of episodes or a whole season. It’s not fun. I’m not into it. 

Plus every single one of the characters is now being ruined by this season. Seriously they have even started to ruin Cheryl last night.  I mean.. I’m all for Cheryl being bi/gay but the way the show is going about is such a bad idea. It really is. Making her a stalker? That turns me off of this show quite a lot.

I just feel like I’m becoming real disappointed with each new episode. 

Don't be sorry. I've lost hope in these characters but I didn't think the show would jump the proverbial shark this early into its run. There was SO much potential with these characters and this universe and this--PLL land--is where they decide to go with it? This is the kind of story a series would take on in its later years when they've already well developed the characters, are bored of them and exhausted other options. I don't get it, and more importantly, don't believe any of it, and only watch for the nostalgia of Archie.

Edited by anonymiss
On 11/29/2017 at 9:10 PM, CletusMusashi said:

"Candyman, Candyman, Candyman."

Beetlejuice is three times; Candyman is five ;)

On 11/29/2017 at 10:47 PM, AzureOwl said:

Why so certain it was drugs? Did you not see what was written on the side of that crate?

The Serpents are a gang. It was drugs, or maybe weapons.

The focus on Josie made me realize why they haven't focused on Josie. She's just not that interesting. I'd rather the main Pussycat be Val.

Well, that’s ironic. Val is a somnambulant charisma vacuum.

Edited by Bugs Meany
  • Love 4

So I guess last episode’s interaction is all we’re going to get as far as fallout from Betty having Archie dump Jug for her.  Why even write that story line if you’re just going to spend one fourth of one episode on dealing with it.  I know it’s a little off from the whole nerdy writer thing, but if they’re going to keep Jug doing this whole bad boy thing then they really need to get Cole Sprouse to put on some muscle.  He looks like he would be less use in a fight than Betty. 


This deal with the lawyer is still so, soooo stupid.  She’s the lawyer for the Serpents!  FP is a Serpent!! The other Serpents sent Jug to her! Not only should she already be representing him, but all this strongly suggests that the Serpents set Jug up for all this crap.   

"they messed up that pretty face of his"

-Legit gasped.  So glad it was a lie. 


Hahaha Archie’s idea about living in new York as struggling broke artists is absolutely the most stupid thing he’s ever said.  Dude is about 20-30 years too late with that plan.  Pop’s is less dated than that idea. 


How absurd is it that the Mayor is safer at the four seasons? Does she not have some kind of security detail?  Josie’s behavior is pretty nonsensical, her mom tells her to come home right away, the very next night she stays after at school then goes out with a guy and doesn’t even bother to check her phone? 

Cheryl is a friend no one needs.  She is way controlling, even before the reveal. 


Why does this show cram so much plot into it’s episodes?  And yet it still manages to leave so much out. 


Sheriff Keller has a wife?! Have we had literally one mention of this?

 No V! No hitting on your friends parents!! ‘Archie Andrews watch your back’?! Stop That At Once Young Lady!  That Sheriff Keller keeps his office locked is literally the most responsible we’ve seen him do.  Though, given the season one break in he should really have a better lock at this point.  Also, Betty, you had your own murder wall of crazy last season, stop casting stones you glass house living psycho.  Also; ‘here’s my log book’ bc the adults fully realize that Betty can and will not be stopped by reasonable discourse or the rules of her parents.   


The kids from Stranger Things could run circles around the kids from Riverdale.  Every episode of this show feels like a clip show.

Edited by kmcarte
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, kmcarte said:

So I guess last episode’s interaction is all we’re going to get as far as fallout from Betty having Archie dump Jug for her.  Why even write that story line if you’re just going to spend one fourth of one episode on dealing with it.  I know it’s a little off from the whole nerdy writer thing, but if they’re going to keep Jug doing this whole bad boy thing then they really need to get Cole Sprouse to put on some muscle.  He looks like he would be less use in a fight than Betty. 


This deal with the lawyer is still so, soooo stupid.  She’s the lawyer for the Serpents!  FP is a Serpent!! The other Serpents sent Jug to her! Not only should she already be representing him, but all this strongly suggests that the Serpents set Jug up for all this crap.   

"they messed up that pretty face of his"

-Legit gasped.  So glad it was a lie. 


Hahaha Archie’s idea about living in new York as struggling broke artists is absolutely the most stupid thing he’s ever said.  Dude is about 20-30 years too late with that plan.  Pop’s is less dated than that idea. 


How absurd is it that the Mayor is safer at the four seasons? Does she not have some kind of security detail?  Josie’s behavior is pretty nonsensical, her mom tells her to come home right away, the very next night she stays after at school then goes out with a guy and doesn’t even bother to check her phone? 

Cheryl is a friend no one needs.  She is way controlling, even before the reveal. 


Why does this show cram so much plot into it’s episodes?  And yet it still manages to leave so much out. 


Sheriff Keller has a wife?! Have we had literally one mention of this?

 No V! No hitting on your friends parents!! ‘Archie Andrews watch your back’?! Stop That At Once Young Lady!  That Sheriff Keller keeps his office locked is literally the most responsible we’ve seen him do.  Though, given the season one break in he should really have a better lock at this point.  Also, Betty, you had your own murder wall of crazy last season, stop casting stones you glass house living psycho.  Also; ‘here’s my log book’ bc the adults fully realize that Betty can and will not be stopped by reasonable discourse or the rules of her parents.   


The kids from Stranger Things could run circles around the kids from Riverdale.  Every episode of this show feels like a clip show.

This. As I said though last season they all(except Archie but he was living on a different show most of the time then) seemed much smarter. 

6 hours ago, kmcarte said:

Hahaha Archie’s idea about living in new York as struggling broke artists is absolutely the most stupid thing he’s ever said.  Dude is about 20-30 years too late with that plan.  Pop’s is less dated than that idea. 

In the East Village at that! C’mon writers. 

  • Love 1

Kevin's one of my consistent favorites on the show, and he didn't disappoint in this episode. They use him in the right doses. I loved that he had the gall to pull out that game with Veronica of all people, and that he slept on the floor at a sleepover at his own damn house so V could have the bed. Obviously they didn't show how that came to be - maybe V helped herself to it vs. a gesture from Kevin - but I was into it.

I just don't understand how these kids are always out at all hours of the night when they (a) all live with parents who exert a certain level of control, except for Jughead, (b) there's a serial killer on the hunt and they're clearly in his crosshairs (unlike some rando kid at school), (c) they're only sophomores in high school, and (d) it's a small town, so it doesn't take much for someone to see them and rat them out to their parents. This isn't a deal breaker by any means, but it's just odd and only done to enable more questionable hijinks.

I know that kids have that feeling of invincibility, but why oh why could Sheriff Keller and Mayor McCoy, two highly visible people that no doubt the BH keeps tabs on, not suspend their affair during the BH's 48 hour call for no sinning? Is this supposed to be another case of how Betty, a high school reporter, can get more info and solve more mysteries than the omniscient BH?

I like the idea of redeeming Chuck, because as awful as he was in s1, those were actions and mindsets and behaviors a young person can learn from and move away from with conscious effort. I was just sorry to see him shit on by Cheryl's framing, and I hope he doesn't see being a good guy as pointless if people are always going to think you're a bad guy anyway.

Cheryl, you need to get a hold of yourself.  Maybe if she sublimates some of her craziness by lifting weights in the Kellers' basement?

Archie did hit the nail on the head once this episode.  When he said to Jughead, "I have this stupid idea that after high school, we go to New York, and I'm a musician and you're a writer." Yep. Very stupid, Archiekins.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, kmcarte said:

 No V! No hitting on your friends parents!! ‘Archie Andrews watch your back’?! Stop That At Once Young Lady! 

I don't think she was hitting on Sheriff Keller, I think she was just surprised - that he was into fitness, and was actually a person at his "advanced" age.

I wonder what he thought about being physically compared with a high school student (Archie).  My guess is he was probably amused.

12 hours ago, sweetandsour said:

Is this supposed to be another case of how Betty, a high school reporter, can get more info and solve more mysteries than the omniscient BH?

Haha, now I wish Betty had spent a semester at Rosewood high. A would have been found and handled in a matter of weeks. But given what a terrible shot BH seems to be, maybe he did take a swing at killing the adulterers but once again failed. BH has the worst batting average of any serial killer in the history of ever so I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow morning the maid finds a small bullet hole in the door to the room two down from theirs. haha

8 hours ago, rmontro said:

I don't think she was hitting on Sheriff Keller, I think she was just surprised - that he was into fitness, and was actually a person at his "advanced" age.

I wonder what he thought about being physically compared with a high school student (Archie).  My guess is he was probably amused.

It's possible.  I certainly don't mean to suggest that she was actually making a play for the sheriff, just that she was being teasingly flirtatious.  Personally I would have never said anything like that to a friends parent, as a teenager or now.   I tend to be pretty compartmentalized though, I've never had a crush on a teacher or a boss or anything like that. 


To me it was more funny to hear that Veronica is so assured that her boyfriend is a renowned total beefcake to the point that even the Sheriff would be aware of it.   

  • Love 2
On ‎11‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 9:43 PM, tennisgurl said:

I liked the whole "Anthology of Terror" gimmick this week, it was a good way to get a lot of plot in, and give more of the cast some time to shine. Of course, I`m a fan of those kinds of stories, so this was kind of made for me. I also enjoyed the retro vibe of those kinds of stories, and it works really well for this show, which is basically set in an alternate retro 2017. 


I really liked this aspect of the show. They are really capturing the pulp feel of a number of genres and the stylings are interesting even if the show occasionally lags. 

I'm OK with Chuck not being the worst person in the world but I think I'd want a little more redemption. We see him helping an old lady across the street, thr next episode at the cat shelter feeding abandoned kittens. Some resume of decency. They have 22 episodes.

  • Love 3
On ‎11‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 11:32 PM, kissedbyarose said:


I’m ready for this Black Hood stuff to be over. I absolutely do not care about it at all and that is what’s dragging the season down to me. It’s completely unnecessary. Archie’s dad could’ve got shot by a random robber, Veronica could still be dealing with her novella-esque parents, Jughead the Serpent stuff and Betty, well, her mom is a batshit crazy overly critical woman who sent her sister away because Polly is having her cousin’s baby. See? All that plus the usual teen friendship/relationship stuff is more than enough to sustain a season without this Black Hood and his nonsense (especially since he’s committing a very big sin of his own : MURDER). 

Actually it is probably keeping me here. It adds an interesting savor to all of the other things, most of which are still happening (or may happen later in the season, like Polly's story) and it also gives them a chance to work with the visual aspects, as befits a comic book show. It also gives people something to talk about besides their love triangles.

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Dee said:

Why does Chuck need to go to great lengths to redeem himself? He suffered the proper consequences for his crimes. In fact, he's suffered way more than many of his peers for way less.

He needs to know, in his bones, that he was wrong and he needs to do better in the future. 

Just because someone is punished doesn't mean they understand why they were punished, particularly with the batshit way Betty handled it. He could easily think he was a victim and be plotting revenge against all women.

  • Love 2
53 minutes ago, Sonoma said:

The only thing is, this show tends to skip plot/character points and just keep it moving. It's something that I have just come to accept about the show.

Look at the Jughead/Betty reunion after such an emotionally charged episode with the breakup that broke the internet. Just like that, they're sitting comfortably together on the couch and canoodling the next morning. The conversation and reunion scene fans were waiting for never happened, unless they plan to address it in a flashback or future conversation. 

As long as they keep moving forward with Chuck I'm fine with him not having to prove himself. Just like other characters have not had to prove themselves to keep their storylines moving. But I do see your point.

It does occur to me that this leaves a bunch of storylines open for both Betty and Chuck, many of which aren't particularly pleasant. 

Even though this show had a season and we are now in another season it hasn't been around very long and is still banking things against future storylines.

I really liked the Candyman saying he thought Archie was Jason Blossom. Never can tell on these roads....

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, kmcarte said:

To me it was more funny to hear that Veronica is so assured that her boyfriend is a renowned total beefcake to the point that even the Sheriff would be aware of it.   

Yeah, there were a lot of humorous facets to that incident.  And I agree she was being (mildly) flirtatious.  

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, rmontro said:

And I agree she was being (mildly) flirtatious.  

I agree. I just can't decide if she was doing it on purpose, or if she just doesn't really know how to relate to men any other way. Because I didn't get the impression she was aware of how flirty she was coming off, which was what made Sherriff's reaction to her even more hilarious. That scene was just gold. 

On 11/29/2017 at 11:00 PM, thefreeair said:

I don't typically get invested in ships as I find it limiting to watch a show from a perspective where interactions between two characters make or break the experience. Plus, I'm fickle enough to take interest in all the options. 

BUT. I ship Cheryl with Crazy. I want her and Crazy to stay together forever and ever and have whimsically disturbed brain-children that run amok through Riverdale, delightfully warping everything they touch. I will DIE if these two are ever separated. OTP!

Who is Crazy?

6 hours ago, Sonoma said:

Look at the Jughead/Betty reunion after such an emotionally charged episode with the breakup that broke the internet. Just like that, they're sitting comfortably together on the couch and canoodling the next morning. The conversation and reunion scene fans were waiting for never happened, unless they plan to address it in a flashback or future conversation. 


yeah, that's what I mean when I say every episode feels like a clip show. The closest I can remember to an 'in between moment' is when we saw Jughead and Archie hanging out in his room playing video games.  It's stuff like that  that makes the rest of the scenes work for me.   It really bugs me that they keep skipping them.  I'm honestly not sold on the idea that, if you take away all the bat shittery they team up to deal with, any of these people are actually friends.  (a show that did a decent job of this would be The OC, a show that did too much of it would be Gossip Girl.)  I think that Riverdale might be a little over-plotted for my tastes.

2 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I agree. I just can't decide if she was doing it on purpose, or if she just doesn't really know how to relate to men any other way. Because I didn't get the impression she was aware of how flirty she was coming off, which was what made Sherriff's reaction to her even more hilarious. That scene was just gold. 

Veronica is kind of like a Fembot.  She doesn't really have another setting.  

5 minutes ago, Nancypants said:

Who is Crazy?

Haha, Cheryl.  Cheryl is hella crazy :)

  • Love 1

Yup. The show has a problem getting A to Z. And the pairings, romantic or friendship otherwise suffer.

Bughead deserves more. I’m not saying this show has to be all about if that pairing or that ship but something big happened in one episode that caused a lot of other things to happen and instead of a actual conversation and reunion we just get them back together with no resolution. And I doubt we will get one. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I agree. I just can't decide if she was doing it on purpose, or if she just doesn't really know how to relate to men any other way. Because I didn't get the impression she was aware of how flirty she was coming off, which was what made Sherriff's reaction to her even more hilarious. That scene was just gold. 

It seemed kind of like she was just thinking aloud:  "Wow, you work out.  Look out, Archie Andrews".

I'm sure it was all very harmless, but the sheriff has now been seen as messing around.  Maybe we should come up with a name for this pairing:  Veller?  Sheronica? 


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