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S30.E17: One In A Million

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Anyone but Camilla. Or, make it extra dirty and tell her she would've won but her behavior disqualifies her...oops, you get nothing.

I've talked shit about Tori being annoying but I'm over it completely with all the ways she attempted to fuck Camilla over during this final - you go, girl!

I still hope the 5 minute penalty means Derrick beat Jordan, somehow.

Edited by Rebecca
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Fuck this.

Seriously, I wasn't into cumulative finals because the potential to rig the outcome was there. Now we have BMP keeping the finalists in the dark, and they could just give the wins to whomever they want, based on fan reactions prior to the reunion being filmed. If a third party turned up announcing Camila got the best time, and she would be denied the win, I wouldn't be shocked. I'd be happy, since I don't want her with a buck-fifty in her pocket let alone six figures, but I wouldn't be shocked.

And yes, the show shouldn't be ripping off Survivor this blatantly. I know the "Redemption Island" was take from the endgame format (not to mention a safety net for Rob and Russell), but Redemption House was pushing it already. And I reckon my "TJ is Poor Man's Jeff Probst" thing has added merit. Because I feel that he is.

Im hoping this is it for CT no matter the result. Like I've said, I feel he walks a tightrope every season, and I don't him relapsing. Ditto for Derrick. I'm also good with Jordan winning, even with the cockiness. Don't want Camila to win because she's Camila. If Tori wins, she could buy so much soap to wash her mouth with. Serious potty mouth on her.

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Was Derek always so useless? It's been a while and I don't remember what type of competitor he was.

I feel like it's Jordan->Derek->CT. I think Derek's inability to do puzzles will add more time verses Jordans 5 minute penalty. 

The girls seem harder to determine but Cara is for sure last. Being saddled with Derek for most of the competition.

2 hours ago, Lola82 said:

My money is on Jordan and Tori winning this. I'm fine with that but I'd love for one of the dads to win the money. 

Best moment was when Derrick was doing a standard post challenge interview after the smoke house and Camilla freaks out and starts crying. His awkward reaction had me cracking up. High fives and backs out of there.

He was trying so hard not to tell her the truth about herself. She's annoying as hell any time she has to work with someone who won't do things her way so might as well stay out her way.

I laughed so hard at the dog climbing up the mountain with Jordan and then there's Camilla having a freakout because her rope was stuck. A DOG climbed the hill. You'll be fine. The random stray dogs were the best part of the finale.

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I think a reason Derricks weakness re puzzles never showed is because a lot of his challenges, he was on teams. It’s easy when it’s not just two people who have to work on a puzzle, when there’s five or four other team members there too. 

I still want CT to win. I hate Jordan. 

The dogs were the best. Also Derricks post interview with Camilla and him trying to compliment her but also not sure how to defuse the situation. 

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Unfortunately for me, I think Jordan won, but I'm hoping CT somehow pulled out the win because I really don't want to hear Jordan talking about this win for years to come.


I would love Cara to win, but I wouldn't be surprised if Tori won instead. Their times seem like they will be very close. Camila has to be in third after freaking out on the cliff and getting screwed over by Tori.


I don't like this type of final where they have to work in pairs rather than individuals and it's timed. I prefer the type of final where they just go through different types of tasks and whoever gets to the end first, wins. What's worst is that we'll have to wait until the very end of the reunion to see who wins.

If not for the 5-minute penalty from the double cross, it should be Jordan and Camilla.

Jordan had big advantage in the cardio-oriented stages and he figured out the puzzles pretty quickly.

Camilla also seemed to out run the other girls but the mountain climb freak out may have brought her back to the others and with the 5-minute penalty, maybe fall behind one of the other girls.


I think Norway was more beautiful then the desolate Aregentine mountains that they are in in this Challenge.

I've noticed a lot of random stray dogs popping up over the past few seasons (notably, there seemed to be a lot near the "shelter" last season), but this was the first time I've seen them run a final!  Ha!  One looked like she had a collar on though, so I'm wondering if those dogs weren't so stray after all.  Anyway, props to CT for enjoying running with his "buddy", while Jordan is all 'EFF YOU, DOG".  Ugh.  But, this is also the first time I think I've noticed any interaction with stray dogs from the cast.  In other seasons, the camera just seemed to focus on them for a second, like they're just part of the background :(

Annnnnd...I was more amused by the quick dog cameos than I was this entire final, as you can probably tell.  I'm rooting for the two underdogs, Derek and Tori, to come out the winners in the end. 

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Those of you using season passes on your DVRs, beware that your DVRs may not be set to record the 11/14/17 reunion episode.  It's labeled differently so my Tivo wasn't set to record it and I had to manually set up the recording.

The program guide describes it as Finale Part 1 so I don't know if that means they're going to stretch the finale over 2 weeks, though the Champions vs. Pros thing is suppose to premier on 11/21/17 so maybe it's just one episode for the reunion.

Edited by scrb
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It seems pretty obvious that if the results aren’t altered, that Jordan and Camilla won. Jordan especially. 5 minutes are not making up for him winning almost every leg of the final. 


I was surprised to see how poorly Cara did on the running. She’s muscular, but not to the level of Zach or CT, where the altitude effects them more. 


I can’t stand Camilla and hate that she more than likely won the largest prize in the show’s history. But you can’t deny that she is a great competitor in the challenges, and probably surpassed Cara on the all-time list of Challenge competitors. 


Jordan can be a dick, but he is probably the best all-around threat. Would love to see a final between Bananas,Darrell, and him(based purely on competition and not likability). As they are the 3 best in finals, IMO. CT is the best at everything else, but his smoking and bulk hurt him in endurance competitions. 

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On 11/9/2017 at 1:41 PM, Al Herkimer said:

And then maybe he could teach Tony how to do that.

I had to read that twice before it clicked. Very good!! 

On 11/8/2017 at 11:55 AM, Rascotes said:

It's pulling me down!

I just watched this episode. The rope was lying slack on the rock next to her, nothing was pulling her at all. I hope she won't be back again. 

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