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S11.E06: Quack! Quack! Quack!

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1 hour ago, Bellalisa said:

Wasn't Will giving Jen the death stare in the doctor's office? They called it something else. Some type of stare. He was mad at being told what to do so he stared Jen down. And maybe she said Oh Okay the stare down- well I'll stare you down right back. He had a really strange look on his face- not one we have seen too often. He was mad and staring down his mother. 

I saw that too!!!  He was really mad and crossed his arms and shook his head like no way was he going to do anymore! The nurse joked him out of it and he then cooperated.  I think both Will and Miss Zoey are a handful! 

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Most of us know a kid like Will who gets ramped up at the drop of a hat but they rarely end up in prison, to my knowledge.

Yeah, but they can make their parents and anybody else living in the household's life a living hell. Nobody said he was going to grow up to be a psycopath or an axe murderer, just a disrespectful spoiled brat, that's all. If Bill and Jen get a handle on it now, it won't be a problem at all. If they continue to let his behavior slide it won't be pretty. 

  • Love 12

@BusyOctober, I noticed Bill's stepmom basically treating Zoey like an infant. She also carried Will out of the hotel room in Scotland (or England). She either wants the camera time, or just likes to baby the kids. Bill's father also carried Zoey from the SUV to the hospital. My daughter is not a little person, but at ten years old could easily pass for seven. It was very important to us that people did not pick her up and carried her around. It does send a message to other kids that the child is younger, or not as able. Or maybe they do it because Jen can't easily carry them around, and Bill resorts to put them on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I cracked up during the geneticist consult when Will sat on Jen's lap. It was cute, but man, he must weight as much as his mother. 

  • Love 5

Our daughter started karate at age five and all her instructors have been the same regarding respect and discipline. The latest instructor made the parents learn how to tie the belt properly, the kids were also taught, but let's face it the kids sometimes need help. Belt comes off instructor takes it away until the end If they pull a stunt like talking during class, horsing around, any antics, they have to sit out that class. BUT they must remain in the classroom. Tardiness is unacceptable, but we don't have a camera crew with us. Our daughter's swim instructor is a slave driver, but in a good way. Some parents think he is too intense for the kids' age, but we are OK with our daughter learning discipline.  We won't be here for her forever, she must learn socially acceptable behavior. @sharwoods, I'm so happy and impressed with your son's improvement. I love it when poor prognoses are wrong. I'm going to keep hoping the kids' behavior is an aberration due to the cameras.

Edited by SMama
  • Love 7
On 10/24/2017 at 10:53 PM, mythoughtis said:

I really enjoyed this episode. It’s nice to see the kids getting to do kid activities, such as the duck.  Nice to see the family together.  The genetist(?) was very emotional about the impact this show is having on his patients and their families. 

Can you imagine the expense involved for average families to visit doctors several hundred miles away( and probably out of network for insurance)?

You were close. It's "geneticist".

Edited by BW Manilowe
To add a quotation mark I forgot.
  • Love 1
23 hours ago, flyingdi said:

In the beginning of the show it states that Bill is 40 inches tall and Jen is 32 inches tall.  If that is correct Will is already taller than mom.

I see Will as an independent, rambunctious and energetic child prone to moodiness.  However, I see no evidence so far of him being violent or mean.  He's a charmer when he wants to be.

Favorite scene of the night- grandpa getting Zoey out of the car.  "Are we at the airport?". These kids travel a lot!  It was cute.

In the opening of the show, Bill says he's 4 feet tall; Jen says she's 3 feet, 2 inches tall. And I think they even have the measurements onscreen in the opening of the newest episodes. Anyway, their being 4 feet (48 inches) & 3 feet, 2 inches tall (38 inches), respectively, is a bit different than their being 40 inches & 32 inches.

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, Emily Thrace said:

I don't think Will has a mean bone in his body, he actually really sweet and loving. He gets angry and expresses it in a physical way its not uncommon in kids his age. (My cousins boy reacted to his sister taking away something he was playing with by hitting her last time they were here. He's only a little younger than Will)  Will is a little less controlled in his reactions but he has BIG reactions to everything. I think he is a bit behind his peers but watching the old episodes it actually remarkable how far he has come. Considering his rough beginnings and even just his own natural enthusiasm I think he's actually doing quite well and a lot of that is a credit to his parents. Will is a  kid who would have struggled with self control even if he had the best possible start in life and he certainly hasn't had that.   I also wonder if the move to the US set him back a bit too since the Chinese culture would handle Will's issues differently. 

I also don't think being authoritative is the best approach for Will. With and impulsive kid like that simply saying "Stop That" is only going to work for about half a minute. Empathy works though and explaining to Will that he needs not to "Chop" because he might hurt somebody would probably work better. 

I also don't think the kids are completely undisciplined by any means. In fact the one thing Bill and Jen are really consistent for is putting the kids in timeout if they lash out physically. There not perfectly consistent every time but I suspect no parent ever is.  Kids needs change and every situation is different being inflexible causes its own problems.  


Yes this might actually be one of my favorite things about her.  I also love that Bill and Jen embrace that. So many little girls get taught that fighting for yourself isn't "Nice".  One thing you can say about Bill and Jen is they appreciate and embrace their kids for who they are.

Another thing to consider with Will is when he had the tubes put in his ears, besides the usual reason(s) for that they were also trying to fix a hearing deficit they discovered he had (which did seem to be cleared up by that--at least I remember Jen saying the ear tubes helped with his hearing deficit).

Apparently (at least I thought they said in the new eps) Zoey had ear tubes placed too, which we didn't see in the show--maybe partly because they were placed while the show was stuck in that long legal limbo it was in & maybe partly because the producers might've thought showing Zoey's procedure would be redundant since we  already saw when Will went to the Delaware hospital for that sort of soon after he arrived in Houston/the US (he went for an MRI, to have his ear tubes placed, & to have his tonsils & adenoids removed... all in 1 hospital admission). Anyway, as far as I know, Zoey didn't need the ear tubes in an attempt to fix a hearing deficit; she just needed them for the "usual" reason(s) a kid needs ear tubes.

  • Love 1

I think Will and Zoey are thriving. Yes, Will seems to be a little behind his peers but I would've been shocked if he was not with his background. I used to teach elementary school, pre-k, kindergarten, and 2nd grade so I have experience around a lot of children this age. 

I do want to say that you would be surprised how quickly children grow and learn and advance in such a short time with the proper care. 

I've seen it so many times. Despite working constantly with a child and having their parents working with them, it seemed like they were making no progress. I would think they they're never going to get it. But then one day, they just get it all at once, it seems.

Children this age, and especially those with delays, require an incredible amount of patience and persistence from those caring for them. Progress can seem incredibly slow at times, if not completely stagnant. But I promise, if you stick with them, and don't give up, you will eventually see growth. 

I think Bill and Jenn have this patience and persistence thing down pat, and we will see the children really flourishing in the years to come.

Now, are Bill and Jenn perfect parents? Do they discipline perfectly in every situation? Of course not, but luckily perfection is not required to raise healthy, well adjusted children.

If anything the camera crew and notoriety from the show, are the only things I could see having a negative impact on them. But it could also end up being a positive for them, and I only say this because of their unique situation.

While I'm sure they will have to deal with bullying in the future, I feel that shows like these help people to see that little people are just human beings like anyone else just with medical issues and a short stature. People that have seen the shows or shows like it will be less uncomfortable and fearful around them because of the education provided. Also, having a bit of celebrity about them could make them more popular with their peers instead of being the outcast because other kids are too afraid or too uncomfortable with someone so different to befriend them.

That's JMHO though. In every other case of putting children on reality shows, I would always vote that it is harmful and shouldn't be done. The unique cases of the Kleins, I believe, could be an exception to the rule though. Of course, YMMV. 

  • Love 10
On 10/26/2017 at 6:22 PM, BW Manilowe said:

Another thing to consider with Will is when he had the tubes put in his ears, besides the usual reason(s) for that they were also trying to fix a hearing deficit they discovered he had (which did seem to be cleared up by that--at least I remember Jen saying the ear tubes helped with his hearing deficit).

Apparently (at least I thought they said in the new eps) Zoey had ear tubes placed too, which we didn't see in the show--maybe partly because they were placed while the show was stuck in that long legal limbo it was in & maybe partly because the producers might've thought showing Zoey's procedure would be redundant since we  already saw when Will went to the Delaware hospital for that sort of soon after he arrived in Houston/the US (he went for an MRI, to have his ear tubes placed, & to have his tonsils & adenoids removed... all in 1 hospital admission). Anyway, as far as I know, Zoey didn't need the ear tubes in an attempt to fix a hearing deficit; she just needed them for the "usual" reason(s) a kid needs ear tubes.

About TLC not wanting to show us something because it could be redundant, I don't think that would matter to them. They seem to love redundancy. lol 

Also, in regards to the tubes in the ears, children that have had to get tubes usually do have a speech issue because during their peak time of learning to speak, they couldn't hear properly. Fortunately, with tubes and ongoing speech therapy, they should be just fine in the future.

Also, the speech delays could be another reason they seem further behind their peers than they actually are. I mean they are behind, at least Will is for sure, but this could make it seem even worse than it is. 

  • Love 2
On 10/25/2017 at 4:58 PM, AZChristian said:

I have a friend (sadly, no longer with us) who was a paraplegic.  She gave birth to two sons.  Those kids were trained from the time they were tiny that they needed to be either be (a) sitting across Mom's knees in the wheelchair, or (2) as they got older, they were to always walk with one hand on the armrest or handle of her wheelchair.  If kids are trained with consistency (NO exceptions), they don't have to be physically restrained.  This is even more crucial when the parent(s) have physical challenges that limit their own mobility.  If a child can/will not follow rules, the parents need to find a way (withholding privileges, not going shopping with Mom/Dad) to teach them that until they DO, they will not get to have nearly as much fun.  There is NO EXCUSE for the Kleins' kids to be in an area to touch valuable artifacts or walk (and stand) beyond a rope in a museum, much less running away from them near Buckingham Palace.  

I think the family is great - but I am concerned for the safety of the kids as well as the safety of valuable items nearby.

I agree with your entire post. I just wanted to add that I had 3 children in 36 months. Grocery shopping became a bit challenging because how do you for a baby carrier and two toddlers in a cart and then have room for groceries?  My older two were taught very young to walk and hold on to the side of the cart. They are now 15 and 13. I still catch them doing it occasionally when they shop with me!

  • Love 10
18 hours ago, AmandaUnbidden said:

People that have seen the shows or shows like it will be less uncomfortable and fearful around them because of the education provided. Also, having a bit of celebrity about them could make them more popular with their peers instead of being the outcast because other kids are too afraid or too uncomfortable with someone so different to befriend them.

That's JMHO though. In every other case of putting children on reality shows, I would always vote that it is harmful and shouldn't be done. The unique cases of the Kleins, I believe, could be an exception to the rule though. Of course, YMMV. 

I don't agree with this opinion at all. I think that little people children will suffer the same repercussions of being on a reality show that all other children will. In my opinion, reality TV is great for the parents, but very harmful to their children, whether they are little people or not.

Edited by Libby
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Libby said:

I don't agree with this opinion at all. I think that little people children will suffer the same repercussions of being on a reality show that all other children will. In my opinion, reality TV is great for the parents, but very harmful to their children, whether they are little people or not.

I'm afraid that you're probably right. I was just thinking that maybe there could be some upsides in this particular case because if I had to choose the least harmful reality show for a child to be on, it would be this one.

But even though the parents seem to be presenting themselves fairly well, with the exception of some of Bill's antics (which I don't see as too terrible but can see how others feel differently), and seem to do their best to guard some of their childrens' privacy, it is still a reality show at the end of the day. 

I guess I, like others, tend to forget how weird it must be for children to grow up spending their whole lives with a camera crew in their faces. I know they don't film constantly, but still. I wonder what it does to their sense of self and sense of the world to think that that is normal.

I just hope The Klein children will be an exception. I will say that I think that if Will and Zoey start showing signs that the show is having a negative impact on them, I really think Jen and Bill will pull the plug.

I just don't see them as fame whores at all, and really think they did the show to educate, and maybe to have some extra funds set aside for Will and Zoey's medical care, and just their general care if, god forbid, anything happened to Jen and Bill. 

Edited by AmandaUnbidden
  • Love 3

I saw it on next week's preview already. SPOILER! I don't know how to do the spoiler thing.

Will says that a kid in karate class called him a baby. Jen immediately writes it off to Will being a little person. In my opinion, she should have told Will that when he runs around and squeals, he comes across as much younger than he is. They need to teach him that he's not only little, but that he acts very young for his age.

Edited by Libby
  • Love 13
45 minutes ago, Libby said:

I saw it on next week's preview already. SPOILER! I don't know how to do the spoiler thing.

Will says that a kid in karate class called him a baby. Jen immediately writes it off to Will being a little person. In my opinion, she should have told Will that when he runs around and squeals, he comes across as much younger than he is. They need to teach him.

I agree it has little to do with him being a little person and has everything to do with his immature behavior.  I am sure some of the other kids in his karate class or at school have younger siblings who behave just like Will.  Will’s running around wildly while waving his belt  and squealing indicate the behavior of a much younger child.  His comprehension skills are lacking along with any sense of understanding of a situation where boundaries/rules apply.  He has been in karate for a couple of years yet doesn’t follow the basic rules.  The rest of the class looked confused as to why this was allowed.  He should understand and obey them by now but Bill is happy with him getting exercise...I am sure the instructor wishes the camera would just go away so he could teach his class and all of the participants fairly and properly.     

On another topic, some posters have commented that when filming is no longer in Will or Zoey’s best interests Jen and Bill would be intelligent enough to know the signs and quit the show.  What signs?

Jen and Bill started filming this show when they were a couple and children were not on the horizon.  Their goal was to educate the audience about little people and it was solely based on their lives without children.  

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 5

Will seems to have trouble with self-control, as you can see from his behavior in the various doctors' offices. Jen kept having to rein him in. My brother was the class clown in school - brilliant, but he was always speaking out of turn, making jokes and cracking the other kids up. He knew it was wrong - would get him in trouble, yet he was unable to control himself. Jen is very aware of Will's lack of self-control, and she is gentle but firm with him. This may have to do with his background, medical issues, etc. Or he may just be Will, a charming, funny, slightly immature little boy.


Somehow my brother attained a Ph.D. in Astrophysics.

  • Love 11
13 hours ago, Libby said:

They need to teach him that he's not only little, but that he acts very young for his age.

I'm not sure that lecturing a kid at that age is likely to bring forth a change in behavior, especially one with the exuberance of Will. Kids at that age don't have conscious impulse control - I can't imagine him pulling himself up short and thinking "hmm, maybe I had better tone it down so I fit in better".  As CousinAmy said, her brother know his behavior would get him in trouble but was was unable to control himself. 

And, again, we know Will's early days in China may have a big influence on his development.  Can't pigeon hole a kid who was physically (malnutrition, hearing loss) and and possibly mentally stunted from the get go.

  • Love 5

One thing is for sure. If they just tell him that he's called a baby because he's short and don't even try to point out that he acts younger than the other kids, he definately won't change his behavior at karate class.

I don't see the harm in trying to talk to him about it. I'm not saying lecture him for an hour. Just tell him that when he runs around, screams, and plays with his belt, it makes him seem like a younger kid and that he should try to act like the other kids in the class. It might help and it might not, but it's worth a try to point it out. 

  • Love 12

He started those lessons a few years ago. When they are that young, it's not really about the skills, it's more to teach them to show respect and practice discipline. I wonder if the teachers are going easy on him? 

He does seems to listen when Jen is firm with him, for example in the doctors' offices. I think he needs gentle correction, plus time and maturity.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Libby said:

One thing is for sure. If they just tell him that he's called a baby because he's short and don't even try to point out that he acts younger than the other kids, he definately won't change his behavior at karate class.

I don't see the harm in trying to talk to him about it. I'm not saying lecture him for an hour. Just tell him that when he runs around, screams, and plays with his belt, it makes him seem like a younger kid and that he should try to act like the other kids in the class. It might help and it might not, but it's worth a try to point it out. 

I agree with you, Libby.  There are - and will be - continuous scenarios where a child has to be taught acceptable behavior in specific situations.  The nanny featured on a former TV series was awesome about correcting behavior.  You stop it immediately, and put the child in time out.  You tell them how long they will be there (usually 1 minute for each year of age).  When the time is up, you get down on the child's eye level and discuss why they were being put in time out, and how that will be the result any time they behave inappropriately - only with a longer time out.

In the karate scenario, Will should be told up-front what the expectations are for his behavior, and that if he misbehaves, he will be taken home immediately.  Then follow through.  Upon arriving home, he should be told, "Notice how the other children were behaving.  No one was running around, squealing, and waving their belt around.  They were all quietly listening to the sensei.  This is what children of your age do.  That is what we expect you to do, as well."

As I have stated multiple times before, my concern is for safety - for the kids, for those around them, and for valuable items in their vicinity.  Accidents happen - but damage due to misbehavior is a whole different thing.  The kids are only going to get bigger and stronger.  Behaviors need to be taught now.  At 7 and 5, they are old enough to understand.  Even given any challenges they may have faced in their orphanages, they are no longer there.  Training may be more difficult, but is no less necessary.

  • Love 11
On 26/10/2017 at 7:20 AM, Foghorn Leghorn said:
On 26/10/2017 at 5:39 AM, Bellalisa said:

Wasn't Will giving Jen the death stare in the doctor's office? They called it something else. Some type of stare. He was mad at being told what to do so he stared Jen down. And maybe she said Oh Okay the stare down- well I'll stare you down right back. He had a really strange look on his face- not one we have seen too often. He was mad and staring down his mother. 

I saw that too!!!  He was really mad and crossed his arms and shook his head like no way was he going to do anymore! The nurse joked him out of it and he then cooperated.  I think both Will and Miss Zoey are a handful! 

I fear for Jen if that is indeed anger. Just knocking her down could do damage. He is a rough and tumble boy and needs some stronger discipline and manners. 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, floridamom said:

Personally, I wouldn't want my child in a class that I was paying for with a student like Will in it. I think his behavior takes away from the lessons for the other kids. Why didn't the sensei call Will out for misbehaving durint the class?

I agree, I wouldn't want to pay for that either. I'm not very familiar with karate, but someone else mentioned that not keeping your belt on is a no-no. Yet when Will took his off, all I saw was one of the teachers putting the belt back on him. Why didn't he have to sit out for awhile (or whatever the correction would be)? 

Seems to me that Will & Zoey get very personalized attention from the instructors in any class they attend (at least when it's being filmed). That's not fair to all the other kids in the class. If the instructors can't/won't conduct the class as they normally would, then in fairness to the other kids & parents, they should refuse the request to have the class filmed.

Edited by Sasha888
  • Love 6
54 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

If the instructors can't/won't conduct the class as they normally would, then in fairness to the other kids & parents, they should refuse the request to have the class filmed.

I would guess, for legal reasons, that any of the classes filmed, all the kids we see participating have had parents who have signed releases to allow their children's participation.  So those parents who don't want the children to appear on camera have already pulled their kids from those classes being filmed.  

  • Love 3
44 minutes ago, LegalParrot81 said:

I would guess, for legal reasons, that any of the classes filmed, all the kids we see participating have had parents who have signed releases to allow their children's participation.  So those parents who don't want the children to appear on camera have already pulled their kids from those classes being filmed.  

I'm sure that's true, and you probably know a lot more about the legalities of the situation than I would. I was just speaking about the "fairness" of the situation...for instance if I paid for the class, even if I had signed a release, I'd still expect my child to get the same amount of attention. Now if they don't have the parents pay...for instance if they said "We're going to film an extra, free class for a TV show, your child can join in if you want", then the other parents really have no gripe because it's a free class anyway. But if they paid...then their child deserves the same amount of attention as Will.

  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

But if they paid...then their child deserves the same amount of attention as Will.

True, but since we do not see an entire class, rather only see what TPTB decide we should see, none of us have any actual, hands on knowledge of exactly how much time the instructor spent with any of the other students verses what was spent with Will.  

  • Love 5

I understand the filmed class could have been a 'special one'. My comment was referring to the regular scheduled weekly classes. A student such as Will disrupting the class holds the other students back. Perhaps he should be in a class with younger ones whose level Will compares to....I understand karate classes are 'belt-based' according to the student's skill level and not age grouped...but you know what I'm referring to regarding Will's behavior and regular classes and how they affect the other students.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, floridamom said:

Perhaps he should be in a class with younger ones whose level Will compares to....I understand karate classes are 'belt-based' according to the student's skill level and not age grouped...but you know what I'm referring to regarding Will's behavior and regular classes and how they affect the other students.

And he should be told that when HIS behavior matches that of the older students, he will be moved up to the appropriate class for his age.  That, again, focuses on him learning to control his own behavior.  If another adult whom he respects (the sensei) reinforces the expectation of behavior, Will be more likely to change the behavior, if he can.  If he can't, then he definitely needs to be in a class with other students who are his emotional age, rather than his chronological age.

  • Love 5

Bill is a big part of the problem. We saw the instructors retie Will's belt 3 times. A normal parent would call their child over and tell him not to take the belt off again. Instead Bill was making stupid jokes about Will taking his belt off. Poor Will doesn't stand a chance of improving when his father thinks that his bad behavior is hilarious. Bill has no shame and is very rude and unfair to people that have to deal with his kids.

Edited by Libby
  • Love 11

If it was a special class created for the purpose of filming, and the parents were made aware Will was going to be the main focus, then I give a pass. However if what we saw was indicative of how things usually go, then yeah, as a parent I'd be pretty pissed. Especially if the reason the instructor had to keep stopping was due to Will's behavior and refusal to keep his belt on.


12 hours ago, viewer said:


 The screaming is very annoying. 

I like Will, but goddamn, that high-pitched screeching grates my last nerve. For a kid who was nearly seven at the time of filming, he should be way beyond that sort of thing at this point. 

  • Love 11

I think it's obvious that Will is delayed. We, as the viewers, don't know how severely but you can definitely see it. I don't think his behavior is the way it is because he is purposefully misbehaving. He is operating at a younger age level and deserves some compassion and patience from those around him, not ridicule and punishment. 

If you saw a two year old, running around and shrieking like Will, you wouldn't suggest the parents sit the two year old down and give him a good talking to, would you? No, because the two year old would not be able to understand on the level you wanted him to.

Will is like this. Now with love and care and patience, Will may catch up to his peers or near his peers in time but right now, this is where he is, and the people who care for him should meet him at that level.

I feel that those observing from afar, like us, should maybe hold off on so much judgment when we don't know all the facts. We don't know just how delayed Will is or what he is capable of actually understanding. I think some compassion and understanding for the family and Will is much needed. 

  • Love 12
32 minutes ago, AmandaUnbidden said:

I feel that those observing from afar, like us, should maybe hold off on so much judgment when we don't know all the facts. We don't know just how delayed Will is or what he is capable of actually understanding. I think some compassion and understanding for the family and Will is much needed. 

Well one thing is certain - he is exuberant about life, period. I also wonder if he doesn't push every button possible when he sees the cameras come out as he knows Jen and Bill aren't going to want to show their angry parent side. I know my kids knew when to act up and all I could do was march them out of wherever we were. Jen and Bill don't have that luxury; filming is filming.

  • Love 2
On 31 October, 2017 at 7:33 AM, Libby said:

Bill is a big part of the problem. We saw the instructors retie Will's belt 3 times. A normal parent would call their child over and tell him not to take the belt off again. Instead Bill was making stupid jokes about Will taking his belt off. Poor Will doesn't stand a chance of improving when his father thinks that his bad behavior is hilarious. Bill has no shame and is very rude and unfair to people that have to deal with his kids.

I truly think Bill is embarrassed and jokes out of nervousness. I think he's so aware that everything he does will be scrutinized, that he tries to make light of Will's antics so he doesn't have to deal with it publicly.

  • Love 2
On 31 October, 2017 at 2:24 AM, floridamom said:

I understand the filmed class could have been a 'special one'. My comment was referring to the regular scheduled weekly classes. A student such as Will disrupting the class holds the other students back. Perhaps he should be in a class with younger ones whose level Will compares to....I understand karate classes are 'belt-based' according to the student's skill level and not age grouped...but you know what I'm referring to regarding Will's behavior and regular classes and how they affect the other students.

There's no way an instructor would put with that behaviour during a regular class. I really believe this was strictly for the show.

  • Love 2
On 25 October, 2017 at 7:02 AM, Bellalisa said:

I hate the fact that when the get their height checked, which was basically nothing the kids did except stand there, they get a BIG - High Five! GREAT JOB! The kids know they did nothing- the adults get really over the top with praise. It's weird when you compare to other times when they actually did something difficult or painful - they get the same GREAT JOB over the top praise that they got for doing nothing but standing still for 5 seconds?

Now you are making me feel like a crap parent. I always got excited when I'd see how much my kids have grown. And yes, their involvement in sports, and eating healthy, was simply the stepping stones to growing up big and strong. There was always excitement when comparing the September height to the following June.

  • Love 4
On 25 October, 2017 at 1:58 PM, AZChristian said:

There is NO EXCUSE for the Kleins' kids to be in an area to touch valuable artifacts or walk (and stand) beyond a rope in a museum, much less running away from them near Buckingham Palace.  

I think the family is great - but I am concerned for the safety of the kids as well as the safety of valuable items nearby.

I'm sorry, but that whole trip was scripted for the show. If TLC weren't lapping it up, and filming, there's no way Jen or the grandparent would have stood for it. I believe the whole scenario was discussed with there British docents in advance, because if that was you or me - we would have been escorted out and away. Pronto.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Chalby said:

I truly think Bill is embarrassed and jokes out of nervousness. I think he's so aware that everything he does will be scrutinized, that he tries to make light of Will's antics so he doesn't have to deal with it publicly.

I don't think that Bill is embarrassed or worried about public scrutiny. If he was, he wouldn't display his family on nationwide TV.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Chalby said:

I'm sorry, but that whole trip was scripted for the show. If TLC weren't lapping it up, and filming, there's no way Jen or the grandparent would have stood for it. I believe the whole scenario was discussed with there British docents in advance, because if that was you or me - we would have been escorted out and away. Pronto.

I have a hard time believing that docents - British or not - would allow a scenario where a young child would intentionally be permitted (or scripted) to push over a valuable artifact or wander around behind ropes on a castle tour.  The docents we encountered in the UK are, however, extremely calm; their reactions to Will and Zoe are about the most riled I've ever seen one.  

And I also have a hard time believing that parents who know their children's every foible is dissected ad nauseum - and who are producers of the show on which they appear - would follow a script that - again, intentionally - opens them and the kids up to criticism.


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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

I have a hard time believing that docents - British or not - would allow a scenario where a young child would intentionally be permitted (or scripted) to push over a valuable artifact or wander around behind ropes on a castle tour.  The docents we encountered in the UK are, however, extremely calm; their reactions to Will and Zoe are about the most riled I've ever seen one.  

And I also have a hard time believing that parents who know their children's every foible is dissected ad nauseum - and who are producers of the show on which they appear - would follow a script that - again, intentionally - opens them and the kids up to criticism.


I agree and also want to add another reason.  I am not sure the kids would listen to the producers telling them what to do any more than they listen to their parents!  The kids are left to wander and do whatever they want.   All kids and adults need boundaries/rules in society.  All I can hear is Jen’s laugh or Bill’s joke when they do misbehave while they make excuses why they are not being parents with regard to discipline!

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On 10/31/2017 at 7:33 AM, Libby said:

Bill is a big part of the problem. We saw the instructors retie Will's belt 3 times. A normal parent would call their child over and tell him not to take the belt off again. Instead Bill was making stupid jokes about Will taking his belt off. Poor Will doesn't stand a chance of improving when his father thinks that his bad behavior is hilarious. Bill has no shame and is very rude and unfair to people that have to deal with his kids.

Long time lurker, first time poster! Hello folks! 

As a secondary school teacher, I can absolutely confirm that parents like Bill "undo" all of the hard work teachers put in each day to teach students imperative social skills and appropriate behavior in a classroom, during a fire drill or at a pep rally.

I understand Will is only in elementary school, but stay with me. I have taught grades 7-10 and am still waiting for certain students to get with the program and adhere to basic expectations. I pretty much know why students of ALL AGES act/speak the way they do, as do their peers in school. It's because that is how they are allowed to act at home...and their peers know that. You should hear what my students say about the "kids who make poor choices" - they are just as boggled in the mind as their adult teachers are! 

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On 10/30/2017 at 11:42 AM, AZChristian said:

In the karate scenario, Will should be told up-front what the expectations are for his behavior, and that if he misbehaves, he will be taken home immediately.  Then follow through.  Upon arriving home, he should be told, "Notice how the other children were behaving.  No one was running around, squealing, and waving their belt around.  They were all quietly listening to the sensei.  This is what children of your age do.  That is what we expect you to do, as well."

Will's behavior in karate class is rediculous. Why should the other children have to put up with that? I'm surprised some of the parents of the other kids haven't spoken up about it. Maybe they have, who knows. I would think the instructors would have a talk with Jen and Bill to tell them if Will doesn't stop disrupting the class, he will have to go, and leave the door open for a time when he has matured. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Will's behavior in karate class is rediculous. Why should the other children have to put up with that? I'm surprised some of the parents of the other kids haven't spoken up about it. Maybe they have, who knows. I would think the instructors would have a talk with Jen and Bill to tell them if Will doesn't stop disrupting the class, he will have to go, and leave the door open for a time when he has matured.

At this point, the bolded may be a moot point since they've moved to Florida (even though that hasn't been on the show yet) & I think we're still seeing activities shot in Houston. If they('ve) re-enroll(ed) Will in karate/martial arts in the Tampa/St. Pete area, then all concerned might have something to talk about.

34 minutes ago, BW Manilowe said:

At this point, the bolded may be a moot point since they've moved to Florida (even though that hasn't been on the show yet) & I think we're still seeing activities shot in Houston. If they('ve) re-enroll(ed) Will in karate/martial arts in the Tampa/St. Pete area, then all concerned might have something to talk about.

I get that they are in Fl. now. I'm referring to when they were still in Houston which is what we are still being shown and why Will was allowed to disrupt his class then with no consequences. 

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