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I've heard good things about the show (even if the fans who insist it will be a hit because of Veronica Mars confuse me...Veronica Mars wasn't a hit), but that article does it no favors. As mentioned in the comments, it sounds like a warmed-over Warm Bodies. And this just makes me roll my eyes


“We were calling the show ‘ZILFS,'”
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The end of the world is officially near:



And to think some of you thought my 'Beth Grey: Cognitive Walker', was not funny or very unrealistic. I feel vindicated. But I maintain that my series would be better. Perhaps HBO or Showtime could pick it up because it would be heavy on the zombie on zombie and zombie on normal people sex. CW I see you got the inside joke of Grey as the last name. The hot young blonde who everybody loves because she is dark and twisty inside. Showtime, HBO call me, here is my series pitch again. Call me I have the first five episodes penned and I hate my current job. For gods sake she wins a Miss Southern Kosher Pickle beauty pageant in the third episode.


I pay tribute to you Emily Kinney the best way I can. Through the axiom: Tragedy plus time equals comedy (satire).


In loving memory of Beth Greene: An Showtime, HBO announcement.


In order to capitalize on the rising fame of Emily Kinney after her less than appropriate exit from the Walking Dead TV series. The CW has announced that she will be starring in a Zombie series titled. Beth Grey: Cognitive Walker. In this new series Emily will play a young southern woman of white trash origins, who was accidentally bitten by her black cognitive walker boyfriend when they are discovered having rapey lovemaking sex. The CW described rapey lovemaking sex as, when you are having consensual sex with someone usually a man who is deemed inferior. However upon discovery you cry rape to save your honor and or virtue. Along with the inappropriate eating of live humans, especially young children, this rapey sex versus rapey lovemaking sex will be a central theme. With the show being set in the deep south and its history of not being able to distinguish between the two.


Emily's character Beth Grey, after awakening from the dead, realizes how wrong she was for accusing her black cognitive walker boyfriend of rape, thus causing his untimely second death. She also realizes that she is a full blown cognitive walker herself with all the desires of a dead person and an extremely hot southern woman with blonde hair. She vows to only eat guinea pigs and other small rodents, to quench her appetite for living flesh. As she sets out to change the negative stereotypes of cognitive walkers and ease the fears of the living, through the magic of her singing voice and her vagina of course. All while being pursued by her never dead ex boyfriend, a meth using cop, who feels betrayed by her on so many levels.


The CW sees this show as a cross between 'My Name is Earl', 'Nashville' and 'the Fugitive'. And the CW knows this show is not for everyone, it will not be for the shrinking ovaries, stale eggs crowd. They can find their entertainment and or solace in Law and Order: SVU reruns and women's self help books titled “Your OK! But that young blonde beautiful hot bitch has to die!” This show will be for the young and hip, who can appreciate that our young beautiful protagonists will encounter people from all walks of life and with her specialness, she will change them all. She will even have the power to change their Kinsey scale rating, because beautiful hot young blondes are good like that. The CW believes Emily Kinney is the perfect woman for this series. For as one executive put it, "On Emily's worst day. She is all that and a ham sandwich. And on her best day she is all that and a slightly toasted, warm ham sandwich with cheese. Who just happens to have a very inviting singing voice.”

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Article about Morgan and a deleted Morgan scene (from "Clear") here:


Also might be the first time I've seen anyone blame Beth's death on Daryl. They do make a point...

Edited by BrokenRemote

Also might be the first time I've seen anyone blame Beth's death on Daryl. They do make a point...

It's possible Daryl could also be blamed for the prison plague...not just because he licked his fingers before shaking hands with Patrick, but right before that is when Patrick thanks Daryl for "that deer you brought back yesterday". The first sickie we saw was outside the fence---a walker---but then we see a sick wild hog outside in the woods. Daryl may have brought back an infected deer.

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It's possible Daryl could also be blamed for the prison plague...not just because he licked his fingers before shaking hands with Patrick, but right before that is when Patrick thanks Daryl for "that deer you brought back yesterday". The first sickie we saw was outside the fence---a walker---but then we see a sick wild hog outside in the woods. Daryl may have brought back an infected deer.

Hmm... Taking this to the Daryl thread.

Personally i'm excited for iZombie.  I'm a Veronica Mars/Rob Thomas fan though so I have reason to be hopeful.

I agree. The description sounds completely ridiculous but Rob Thomas is a great writer.  One of the things that drives me nuts about Walking Dead is that the dialogue can seem forced and the characters change to move the plot.  Rob Thomas is a genius when it comes to dialogue and character development.


I will say this.  Rob Thomas would never, ever, EVER write a character like Beth, unless she's zombie chow.

The Walking Dead Post Mortem:

Reveals the Real 'Reason Why I'm Not Alive'


The reason why I’m not alive is everyone circles around Rick.

So true. Rick's the worst leader, but they all flock around and don't question him. He's why most of their group if not all are dead. Yet they still follow him.

Edited by Artsda
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So true. Rick's the worst leader, but they all flock around and don't question him. He's why most of their group if not all are dead. Yet they still follow him.


People have questioned Rick over and over. He's also given in to what they want over and over. Many of their deaths were on them, or other people, not Rick.

I agree. The description sounds completely ridiculous but Rob Thomas is a great writer.  One of the things that drives me nuts about Walking Dead is that the dialogue can seem forced and the characters change to move the plot.  Rob Thomas is a genius when it comes to dialogue and character development.


I will say this.  Rob Thomas would never, ever, EVER write a character like Beth, unless she's zombie chow.


Even Thomas' best work (Veronica Mars season 1) had some horribly written characters, to the point where the actors were confused and had no idea what they were supposed to be doing. In some cases, like Logan, his bad writing was salvaged almost entirely by the popularity of the actor in the role. Then there's repulsive Sheriff Lamb, who sucked up way too much airtime. I'm actually surprised at just how many dud characters they had now that I jog my memory.


Thomas is good at the snappy quips and some relationships (I always enjoyed Veronica's relationship with her father), but struggles with material underneath. I think he's lucky that the first season or two of Veronica Mars are his most remembered work - the movie was a mess, and many of his other projects are also very uneven. 


I like the promos for this show, but I'm wary, because I have my limit of Whedon-esque generic quirky adorable-but-vulnerable female character who always has the best dialogue and knows how to break your heart on cue.

Edited by Pete Martell
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Rick's owns wife death is on Rick. All get led back to him and choices he made, like with Hershal.


I don't agree for a second that Rick is the worse leader. He has been their best hope. He has saved his people time and time again when another leader like Shane or Phillip would have abandoned them to certain death.


This does not mean that Rick is perfect, but he is their best hope. People die in the Zombie Apocalypse for all sorts of reasons, period. Most of them are unpredictable and the result of decisions where all the factors were not known at the time. In any case, I don't see how either Lori or Hershel's deaths are on Rick, no matter what his actions or decisions. 

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Coming late to this party, but I read a couple issues of the iZombie comic book and they were pretty good. It sounds like all the changes Rob Thomas has made to the story are bad, however - taking an original idea and making a boring procedural out of it. In other words, it will probably be a hit, and I probably won't like it.


Not really blaming anybody for anybody's death, it's the apocalypse and people die. The show tends to kill characters who aren't working out, and save characters about whom it will be easy to write entertaining scripts. They killed Tyreese, as Coleman said, because the Tyreese story had been told, and the job of 2nd in command is not open. They could have killed Daryl and promoted Tyreese, but they are really interested to see what Daryl does next since he wasn't in the comic, and also fans would riot if they killed him.

(Is it wrong that sometimes I want to see them kill off Daryl just because fans shouldn't have that big of a hold over a show?)


There are about 10 reasons I'd like to see the character go (sorry, Norman), so you aren't wrong. 


I don't think it would have as big an impact as it once would have, but of course it would still lose many fans.

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(these seem to be the only versions of these on Youtube)






(Gimple seems to be turning into Peter Macnicol...)





Sonequa Martin Green interview (before last night's episode)


Edited by Pete Martell

‘The Walking Dead’ mid-season premiere gets solid ratings with 15.6 million viewers
Sunday’s audiences still makes the AMC show the most-watched series show so far this year on cable.
BY DAVID HINCKLEY  NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Monday, February 9, 2015, 3:51 PM



‘Better Call Saul’ Debut Ratings Break Cable Records, ‘Walking Dead’ Returns Steady
by Dominic Patten February 9, 2015 12:12pm

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Silly USA Today article in which we are assured we are not the only ones who notice that Daryl has gone Full Emo.


PS, since it's a recap of last night's episode there are spoilers, if for some reason you're watching on a delay.

The actors who play Sasha and Abraham will be in my town (Indy) this weekend for a comic com. Someone should tell Abe that there is a wonderful dolphin exhibit at the zoo.

On second thought, maybe not.

I noticed someone from Walking Dead will be at Philadelphia Comic Con, which is not too far from me. But it's Father Gabriel. Oh, well.

Edited by BrokenRemote

Meant to (sic) that and got distracted.  Damn kids.  


Actually, there are thousands of unemployed editors out there.  I left print journalism for other reasons years ago, but of all the people I went to j-school with 20 years ago, TWO are still in the business.  A lot of the people I worked with at large city dailies are also doing something else now too.  No more jobs.  The guys in the offices don't think people care about or even notice all the errors.  And we all get a little more illiterate as a result.

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