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I'm working on my rewatch, and I'm on season 2 right now. I'm not sure why I remembered it so positively, because it kinda sucks. Fuck season 2, the absurd amount of time spent on Charlie being obsessed with Claire and jealous of Locke, and Ana Lucia being Kate while she's too busy being the belle of the island.

New order (as of seeing seasons 1&2 recently)


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I just finished season 5, and the worst moment from my absolute favorite character has got to be Juliet deciding that the hydrogen bomb should be detonated because of her insecurities with Sawyer. The writing there just felt so lazy. It just frustrates me because Juliet is usually never this irrational, especially under pressure. She's always been so collected, whether it was rejecting Jack's claim that she asked him to kill Ben, or shooting Pickett to help Sawyer and Kate escape, or fuck, even getting left behind as the freighter blew up. Even though she was drinking, it wasn't like she was in a jagged crying fit and completely useless when they became unstuck in time.


Basically, it felt like the writers were just really keying into the worst aspects of Juliet's character construct as the other woman, and I think they sort of lost sight of her characterization in that respect from season 3 to later seasons. Whereas so much of her overall character motive was deeply rooted in returning home to her sister, instead we sort of get these cheap love entanglement reasons, showing a recurring theme of her being an other woman to Kate, to Harper, to the 815ers (well, Other woman, but that's just wordplay), even to Ben ("[she] look just like her"). It's frustrating because it's so reductive of Juliet's character arc and it never resolves her primary story of wanting to return home to be with her sister and nephew. And as much as I loved the entire time travel stuff with the Left Behinders and Sawyer/Juliet, it kind of saddens me that we more or less had to give up that aspect of her characterization in order to focus on these other stories. I just like to pretend now that she somehow made peace with never returning to her rightful home (and even that's a pretty tragic ending in itself!) because she managed to start a new life in Dharmaville and made the choice to be happy with Sawyer and company.


And since this is also about best moments, one of my favorite Juliet moments is (of course) her fight with Ben after she finds out he has a tumor. Not only are EM and ME playing off each other so well, but it reminds me of how EM said she felt like beneath Juliet's cool exterior was actually this very angry and hurt and broken woman. I love how it just completely breaks to the surface and she's both furious at him, yet she's so emotionally broken by Ben's cancer news and how it relates back to her sister that she's leaning into him for comfort and regardless of his feelings for Juliet, Ben still tells her she absolutely cannot go home. It's also a shame how much they dropped in terms of Juliet's dynamic with Ben (they don't really have a scene together after season 4, do they?) because it was pretty interesting, though I could also see how it didn't really fit anymore in the show's long term plans with each character.

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I know what you mean about the bomb.. I would say it was related to EM going to V so she needed to be gotten rid of somehow. I do love how that season ends with the boom and the end credit being black text with white rather than white text with black.

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I've a feeling she received the V offer after the writers decided to kill off Juliet, otherwise I doubt she would have been looking for lead role jobs while working simultaneously on Lost. I remember when the news came that she was cast in a role on V, they did a lot to suggest she wasn't necessarily the lead role (even though she was!) so they could avoid spoiling her death in the finale. Then, through the summer they continued to suggest she would still be back in more of a recurring role. It was a fun time to live through all this back and forth!


But yeah, I'm more frustrated by the reasons behind her changing her mind than the actual bomb stuff that unfolds. Plus, who doesn't love Jack getting hit on the head and knocked out by a flying toolbox? I also happen to remember the loads of speculation behind the meaning of the inverted title card (Did the bomb go off? Is this like a flash?), so that was fun. Plus it created pretty much the best/worst theory about infertility on the island: Juliet helped create the reason she ends up going to the island in 2001. Best because it's kind of science fiction awesomeness, worst because then she never goes home!

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I'll play.

Least favorite characters? Dogan, the other Other with the John Lennon glasses, Charlie (sorry), Mr. Eko (really sorry), and Zoe. The others and Zoe because they felt pointless to me by season six, and I felt that they were taking away valuable time from the characters I genuinely cared about. Charlie just annoyed the hell out of me, Mr. Eko bored the hell out of me.

Favorite characters? Juliet, Jack (I love him for the snark he induced across the fandom and also just because I do love him), Locke because he was so instrumental in it all, Sayid because he was the sane one, and Widmore and Ben because they were magnificent assholes. Honestly, unlike many, I have a hard time picking out favorites, I genuinely liked most of these characters because they were so flawed.

I'll skip to least fave romances. Sayid and Nadia, because he felt guilt about their relationship and it seemed like that was its primary foundation. Sayid and Shannon because well, I would not buy him putting up with her. And I say that as someone that liked Shannon. The triangle, I like Kate more now, but both men brought out the worst in her and vice versa. I kind of shipped her with Sayid. Charlie and Claire because I could not stand him.

Fave would be relationships/actual relationships? Jin and Sun as the show went on. Bernard and Rose. I wish we had seen more of Eloise and Widmore. Juliet and Sawyer. I like the dramatic romance of Desmond and Penny, but in real life I would probably side eye her for being with him after leaving for so long.

My season rankings: 1, 4, 5, 6, 3, and 2. I do love the show overall and each season has its' merits. One was the best planned I think and the characters seemed new and fresh, we weren't on Kate's and Jack's sixth flashback at that point. Four was great because it was short, tight, felt cinematic, had a very cohesive season wide plot, and I loved how many groups were running around the island interacting. Five was just fun for me, because it felt like it was the point were the show just decided it was going to be completely insane. Six, I actually liked, but I far preferred the sideways world to the island stuff, so I can't rate it as high. Three was messy to me in a bad way. Too much going on with no answers. Two, the same, and I hated the beginning of the season when episodes would overlap, like we saw Kate, Locke, and Jack going into the hatch in 5 different episodes. I didn't mind Desmond or the Tailies, but it was around this point when I was getting tired of the main character's flashbacks. In fairness to 2, it did air at a weird time in my life so it was hard to pay attention to it during the time, and on rewatch, I did enjoy it. I love all the seasons, but this was the one I loved the least, if that makes sense.

I think I missed a few, but I might come back to this later. Overall, I loved Lost and I miss this bonkers mess of a show so much.

Edited by Janet Snakehole
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Oh really? I didn't know that.. I do remember the 'she will be in Lost a lot still' comments and being pissed when she wasn't. SO PISSED! Especially when V turned out to be so bad.


I do like things like that, like with Miles and Hurley having the time travel conversation and just being really confused :P

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I just re-watched Lost again and it does makes more sense being able to watch it straight through without all the in-between season waiting.  One of the complaints was Sayid ending up with Shannon but even that made more sense.  He had a positive history with her and he didn't feel she was too good for him.  With Nadia, it was completely different to the point that he pushed her towards his brother and she was not at all pleased with what he did to help his brother out of the mess he made.  With Shannon, he was loved just as he was so it seemed right that he would choose her in the end.   

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Don't get me wrong. I really loved the characters of Jack and Juliet. And I also found the whole Jack&Kate and Sawyer&Juliet thing interesting...Bear with me.

In the end, Kate and Sawyer were different people, coz, they had evolved and matured on their own. Sawyer isn't shy of commitments or responsibilities anymore, and Kate learns to stay.

It's better this way, coz, now, they can have a good second chance at each other. All that connection, chemistry and history between them were there for a reason.

I don't hate Juiet and Sawyer, or Jack and Kate. They probably loved each other in their own way and they had their run.

However, even in their three years of absence, I can't think of a couple better suited to each other than Kate and Sawyer.

Heck, they even have their own music theme.

I am just a die hard Skate fan.

Now, what I'd like us to discuss, are the following:

1)Didn't Kate and Sawyer have the most chemistry in the show? (They even have their own love theme). How come no other couple had this much connection/chemistry? Does it have something to do with Kate, or Sawyer, or does it have to do with Josh and Evangeline?

2)Why wasn't there enough "hints" towards Kate and Sawyer in season 6, like there was in the other seasons?

3)Why didn't it work between Kate and Jack in their three years off the island together?

4)Why did Kate declare her love to Jack only when she understood she was never gonna see him again (The End)?

5)If Sawyer hadn't jumped in season 4, and all of them had made it back, then who would Kate have chosen- Jack or Sawyer?

6)If it had been Sawyer instead of Jack who was gonna die in the end, would Kate have made her teary love declaration the same way?

7)Since Jack and Kate didn't work, Juliet realised she and Sawyer weren't meant to be, Sawyer and Kate had excellent chemistry, and they both survive the island together in the end, does this mean Sawyer and Kate have a second chance at each other?

8)Despite the chemistry between Sawyer and Kate throughout the 6 seasons, and Juliet and Jack both admitting to "losing" Sawyer and Kate, and Jack and Juliet being married in Flash Sideways, why is it that Juliet and Sawyer awaken each other?

Does marriage not matter? Does the chemistry between Kate and Sawyer not matter at all?

9)Is Kate and Sawyer surviving together off the island, a "hint" they are gonna end up together?

10) In the episode "Recon" I guess, when Sawyer picks up Kate's old dress in the cage, is it another hint towards Kate-Sawyer?

11) Did Kate ever have feelings for Sawyer at all, or was the chemistry between her and Sawyer just a waste?

12) Can the season 6 finale be interpreted in any way so that Kate and Sawyer do end up together? Any hints in that direction?

13) Were there really any hints towards Kate and Sawyer, in the ENTIRE show? Was there really any chemistry, or connection between them at all? Or were it all just wishful thinking from the viewer's perspective?

14) Was there any residual feelings/feelings between Kate and Sawyer in season 6? Any feelings at all between them in the other seasons? If not, then why does Cassidy tell Kate that her heart was broken by Sawyer and only Aaron could fix it?

15) Kate and Sawye have a lot in common- shady past, outcasts, killed a man, regrets, etc. They have a connection, and some excellent chemistry. They also have Cassidy and Clementine in common, and in the end, even Claire and Aaron. Can it mean, in any way, that Sawyer and Kate will slowly find each other(like they always do), need each other and get together romantically, once the mourning period is over?

They may after all be involved in the raising of Clementine and Aaron. Claire needs help with Aaron and Sawyer needs help with Clementine, and Kate knows both the kids.

While I appreciate your enthusiasm, your Skate wishes simply don't make it so.  But that is why you have fan fiction ;).  There is nothing to suggest that Sawyer and Kate were somehow the canon endgame couple.  The finale was all Jate and Suliet in that respect.  


Jack and Kate had amazing chemistry too.  I don't understand why Skaters think that their couple was the only couple with chemistry.  Sawyer and Juliet had amazing chemistry, Des and Penny, Sun and Jin ….


I can argue that Jate even had greater chemistry than Skate because theirs went beyond the sexual or playful (which was 95% of Skate).  Jack and Kate's chemistry jumped off the screen in scenes like "We have to go back!" in TTLG, or trying to resuscitate Charlie, or "I will come back here for you" in TMFT or even the scene of them being intimate in the hallway in SNBH.  Jack and Kate were a beautiful team.  


It is very much implied and understood by the audience that Kate said I love you to Jack off-screen.  Just as we know they were lovers, even though we didn't see it happen on screen.  They were living together and were planning to get married, after all.   Why the writers waited for her to say it?  It makes for a bigger impact in the finale and strings along a segment of the audience to keep them invested in the Sawyer and Kate relationship.  


Jack and Kate didn't work out together off the island because he was not meant to be home.  His guilt was eating him from the inside out and he was meant to return to the island, the same for Hurley. Why do you think Hurley and Jack were seeing visions of Charlie and Christian.  And eventually, Kate starts to see visions of Claire.  Don't you see that?  Jack and Kate were very much in love and happy together until Jack started seeing visions of Christian (because of the island).


As for Sawyer and Kate being together after leaving the island, that was specifically addressed in The Lost Encyclopedia (written in collaboration with Cuse and Lindelof and the studio) and it specifically says that they were friends and nothing else.  


Lindelof and Cuse definitively ended Skate story on the island.  "The End".  

Edited by DeliaJones
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I'll read that later but will say I don't agree that Sawyer wanted Kate when she came back to the island as stated in it's first sentence.


And maybe we cant start a fic thread here "How Lost should have worked: the fanfic"

I don't think Sawyer "wanted" Kate either when she returned.  But, I think he was hit with a rush of unexpected emotions.  He probably thought she was likely dead or never expected to see her again.  If anything, I think he felt a wave of nostalgia at seeing a woman he cared for deeply and with whom he shared a very BRIEF, but intense relationship.  Then again, all the relationships were pretty intense on the island.  My point is that while he may have felt conflicted, I think that given time, it would have worn off.  And proof of this is Sawyer's grief when he loses Juliet. That horrible accident solidifies what he knew to be true and deep in his heart, that Juliet was the love of his life and their reunion in the sideways simply underscores that.  

Edited by DeliaJones
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I just wanted to come back to this to chime in and agree about enjoying Kate more around the female characters! One friendship I forgot about from back in season 1 was the Kate/Sun friendship, which I remember loving when I first watched the show. I also especially loved the possibility of a friendship between Juliet and Kate, especially given how close EL and EM were on the show and that they apparently still keep in touch with one another in real life. In one of the S5 interviews, EM said she and EL thought that if the situation were different, Juliet and Kate would definitely have been friends.


On that note, I think Lost never quite succeeded in creating varied relationships between female characters, and I have my own critique about Lost's potrayal of women on the show. At the very least, I thought Kate and Cassidy had quite a nice friendship, even though I was kind of... blah about her suggestion that Kate kept Aaron because Sawyer broke her heart. And that just comes from a lot of my own frustrations that so much of Kate's character is rooted in her status as a love interest. It's like the writers tried harder to sell her as such, instead of focusing first on her character as a person, and it really came to the detriment of the kinds of storylines she was given and how her character could and should have had a more dynamic and interesting portrayal on the show.

I agree with all of this.  I always thought that the writers sold out Kate when it came to the triangle.  Albeit, I think they tried to course correct this by giving Kate her independent motherhood arc that would eventually parallel Jack's man of science/man of faith arc.  


And I agree with the Cassidy and Sawyer broke her heart suggestion, which never panned out to be proven true on screen.   It was just a little red herring to bait the Skate shippers to stick with the show because in the narrative, Sawyer and Kate were done and over back in season 4.  The writers just couldn't let the fan base in on that news yet.  


While Kate was a tomboy with loads of sex appeal for the guys.  She was also a girl's girl as shown in how quickly she bonded with Claire and Sun.  Oh, how I wish they could have stopped the quadrangle mess and allowed Kate and Juliet to become friends.  And to allow Jack and Sawyer to bond more.  That would have been so much more satisfying. 

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While Kate was a tomboy with loads of sex appeal for the guys.  She was also a girl's girl as shown in how quickly she bonded with Claire and Sun.  Oh, how I wish they could have stopped the quadrangle mess and allowed Kate and Juliet to become friends.  And to allow Jack and Sawyer to bond more.  That would have been so much more satisfying.

This times a thousand. I actually liked some of the scenes with Kate and Juliet in Season Five in Dharmaville, like when they were trying to save young Ben. I actually thought EL did a better job as an actress of selling friendships with women than romance. Maybe that is because I remember reading that she was just as frustrated with the triangle stuff as many viewers were.

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The writers have said that they have deliberately left the four relationships of the quadrangle ambiguous, so as to satisfy all their fans and so they may interpret it in any way they want.

So, how do we interpret it, so that each of these four become the end game?

Where and when did they say that?  If anything, they stated that the couples would have resolution and they knew early on that Kate would end up with one of the guys.   And how was Jack and Juliet's relationship left ambiguous?  

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Oh my god---I swear that I just wrote something eerily similar in the 'relationships' thread before seeing this post.Same wavelength :) 


I actually didn't like Sawyer when I first saw the show. I have an admitted bias against the 'bad boy' jerks whose awful behavior is merrily excused by fans and the other characters because said jerk is attractive, amusingly snarky, and sometimes deigns to act like a decent human being (especially towards the women he just happens to be attracted to!) (Meanwhile, the comparative decent guys who at least try to do the right thing tend to be raked over the coals mercilessly for every little misstep!)


After rewatching episodes from later seasons, though, I have to say that my opinion of Sawyer has dramatically improved. I love how they managed to show such growth and improvement in his character by the end of S4 and throughout S5 *without* magically erasing his flaws or rendering the original character unrecognizable. I love how his flaws could be channeled into strengths when in a different context and a happier person. 


And I kind of adore Sideways Sawyer as well---I would very very happily watch a spin-off with Sawyer and Miles as detectives :) 


Oh my god---I swear that I just wrote something eerily similar in the 'relationships' thread before seeing this post.Same wavelength :) 


I actually didn't like Sawyer when I first saw the show. I have an admitted bias against the 'bad boy' jerks whose awful behavior is merrily excused by fans and the other characters because said jerk is attractive, amusingly snarky, and sometimes deigns to act like a decent human being (especially towards the women he just happens to be attracted to!) (Meanwhile, the comparative decent guys who at least try to do the right thing tend to be raked over the coals mercilessly for every little misstep!)


After rewatching episodes from later seasons, though, I have to say that my opinion of Sawyer has dramatically improved. I love how they managed to show such growth and improvement in his character by the end of S4 and throughout S5 *without* magically erasing his flaws or rendering the original character unrecognizable. I love how his flaws could be channeled into strengths when in a different context and a happier person. 


And I kind of adore Sideways Sawyer as well---I would very very happily watch a spin-off with Sawyer and Miles as detectives :) 

I swear that this could have been written by me (but I would not have done as a succinct a job).   I always felt that in the early part of the show Sawyer was more a caricature than a "real person" to me.  I felt that he was written in a very stereotypical way and it was if the creators had a checklist when it came to him.


1.  Good looking

2.  Grumpy

3. Sarcastic

4. Brooding

5.  Charming, but slightly pervy

6.  Witty


Perhaps it was Josh Holloway's performance that definitely improved as the series wore on.  In the beginning I was rather indifferent to his character and didn't really pay him mind.  But I grew to really like him as the show progressed.  But, if I have to be honest, I think I would loved him earlier on if it wasn't for the Sawyer fans.  I was always troubled how they whitewashed and defended every single terrible thing he did and would go on the offensive with his rival, Jack.  Jack never caught a break from the Lost audience.  

Edited by DeliaJones
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I was never a big Sawyer fan, but after rewatching I think it's more that I just really disliked the Sawyer/Kate stuff for a variety of reasons. (No offense to the many who adored them, of course---it's just my own weird opinion!) I actually did like Sawyer around most other characters and think he showed a lot of growth over the course of the series without magically growing right out of the traits that made him Sawyer in the first place. Sawyer shaking Jack's hand and thanking him for everything at the end of S6 is one of my favorite small moments of the series. And this time around I grew to enjoy the Sawyer/Juliet stuff a lot more. Juliet was always kind of bland an generic to me (like most females on this show!) and hard to grasp, but this time around I liked her more. I kept in mind analyses I've read about her as a smart, introverted, somewhat insecure young woman (stemming in part from moving around all the time, unhappy parents, dominated by her controlling ex and then later manipulated and controlled by Ben and others, etc) whose quest is to seize back her strength and power---sometimes in ethically questionable ways, and, by the end, as a braver heroine who has let herself trust and love again. When I watched with that in the back of my head, I enjoyed her scenes so much more. 


Kate's quest is to learn not to 'run', I guess, and was she was touched and altered by her attachment to Aaron, but beyond that I'm curious about what others would describe as her primary personality traits, issues, goals etc. 





Heh---the episode where Charlie died is, sadly, the only time I genuinely enjoyed his character! 

OMG.  I thought that I was the only one that did not like Charlie.  And I never bought into his relationship with Claire.  I found him overbearing and controlling when it came to her and Aaron. 


Anyway, Kate has always had a deep and pure capacity/need to help people.  This defining trait is one she shares with Jack and I think is what draws them together at first.  I also think that is why the reference of her being Jack's nurse is a recurring theme.  I also believe that she is fiercely loyal to the people she loves.  And, that is why we see her time and time again stand Jack's side, even when she thinks he's wrong.  

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It's been over three years since Dom leveled these accusations against Fox (and on Twitter, no less??!!) and there have been no facts to substantiate it.  Fox is certainly a partier and whatever is marriage arrangement is, is none of my business, nor do I care - that's personal.  But, from what I have read and heard in the hollywood gossip circles is that Fox hitting women is certainly not true.  Whether his drinking ends up with him getting in trouble in the future, that remains to be seen.  


And notice how Monaghan has never uttered a word about it since the all debacle. Meanwhile, Monaghan, himself, has been less than kind to the ladies and there is proof of him being abusive and misogynistic on texts and twitter.  And the fact that he would call Evangeline Lilly a cheater on twitter is further example of his pettiness.  


Clearly, he feels that Lilly and Fox have hurt him and he wants his revenge.  

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I was over Jin/Sun and their insanely repetitive storylines as early as S2. 


Desmond and Penny just don't do it for me like they do for everyone else---primarily because I hold the UO of being kind of eh on Desmond and because Penny was just another generic, undefined character for me. I totally get why people adore The Constant, though :) 


The freighter folk were generally awesome---more so for me than the majority of our original Losties. 


The most I ever liked Sawyer was when he was a cop in S6's sideways-verse. 


Speaking of liking characters at odd times: PrisonerJack interacting with Juliet in S3 are some of the very best scenes for his character of the whole series for me. I didn't really "'ship" Jack and Juliet, but I like their interactions a lot, which seems unpopular.


I get why many consider S3 the nadir of the series and have gone through stages where I probably agree, but there's just so much to love about it for me---especially once you fast forward through the cage sex between Kate and Sawyer (who I hold the UO of despising as a couple for reasons already ranted about elsewhere---I just think they tap into each other's worst selves.) I find The Others stuff interesting, we get some great scenes/episodes for both Ben and Locke this season, Juliet has really grown on me, and the last handful of S3 episodes are arguably the high point of the entire series for me. 


I thought the crazed Claire of Season 6 was more interesting than when she's 'normal.' I actually found her almost as much a waste of screentime as Charlie...ALMOST! 



I still absolutely love the finale and most of S6 in general. Even more unpopularly: I think the first two seasons are the worst, or at least the ones I'm less likely to want to rewatch. 

It's official, you are my long lost twin.  I agree with almost everything you have said!  I happen to like Sawyer a little more - I think.  But I agree with the whole Penny and Des thing.  I loved the little I saw, but that was it … it was not enough.  Certainly they did wonders with the few minutes of screen time they had.  But, let's see if the entire Lost audience would love them as much if Kate was thrown in as a wrench and created a love triangle.  Also, Jack/ Kate and Sawyer/Juliet will always be more significant for me as couples.  We journeyed with them.  


Except, I do love the first 2 seasons ;)

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Yeah, I hold the UO of preferring S4-S6 over S1-S3 overall...by a weirdly large margin, in fact! I've already confessed my love for S6, and I think S4 is actually the best season of the series. 





Ha! I totally get it, but I ended up seeing a lot of chemistry and connection between them. And, weirdly enough, I never wanted nor expected Kate/Sawyer to end up together. I'm odd. :) 

The only thing I disagree with is your statement that you are odd.  There are SO many people that loved Jack and Kate together, knew that they were meant to be and saw PLENTY of chemistry and connection between them.  I don't understand how and why Sawyer/Kate shippers think that "their" couple has a monopoly on "chemistry".

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Always thought that was dumb too. Um, no, she took him because his mother up and left and what the hell else was she supposed to do? So in my mind that was more about Cassidy herself projecting her feelings about Sawyer and his magical powers over women, wether the writers intended it that way or not.

At this point, the writers were desperate and began to throw breadcrumbs to keep the Sawyer/Kate shippers alive with hope.  As usual, Kate says nothing to acknowledge that she agrees with Cassidy.   Yet in that very same season we hear Kate tell Jack "I have always been with you", while holding Aaron.  Really Kate?  Your heart didn't look too broken over Sawyer in that moment.  


That conversation between Cassidy and Kate was a perfect example of trying to retcon the Sawyer/Kate relationship.  Because there is never any payoff for it.  Did Kate's heart look broken when she was running half naked around the house she shared with Jack?  No wonder Jack began to drink and pop pills when it ended, he was living the life.  


But, yes, as the show played out.  It did seem like it was Cassidy projecting, regardless of whether Cuse and Lindelof were spinning it in interviews to be something else, because they did NOT show us that Kate's heart was broken.  

Edited by DeliaJones
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I didn't realize how hard these would be to answer :) 


1) Who were your 5-7 favorite characters?


(In no particular order): Ben and...hmmm. Maybe Libby?! Miles? Faraday when he wasn't being overly twitchy? I mean, I care about a lot of these characters, but they all have such highs and lows for me that it's hard to come up with ones I consistently and completely liked. 


I do know that in the newly invented category of Characters Most Fans Hate Who You Can't Help But Like Anyway, I'll be at my own little table for one in listing Jack and Kate :) 

I also like Juliet FAR more than I used to. 


2) Who were your 5-7 LEAST favorite characters?


Charlie, Claire...but this one is really tough to answer for similar reasons. At times they all drove me kind of crazy, despite/because how invested I was in most of their stories.  


3) How would you rank the seasons from favorite to least favorite?


S5, S6, S4, S3, S2 and S1...possibly. Maybe. It changes with ridiculous frequency :) 


4) What were your 10(ish!) favorite episodes?


What sadist came up with these questions?! Oh, right.,..it was me :) The Pilot and finale both get spots on this list, as do The Man Behind the Curtain, Le Fleur, and roughly 100 or so others. 


5) What were your favorite actual/would-be romantic relationships?


Jack/Kate (if it's any consolation, I hate myself for loving them---really, I do!), Juliet/Sawyer, Libby/Hurley, Daniel/Charlotte. And, oh, I kind of liked Juliet with Goodwin! I have odd taste :) 


6) What were your LEAST favorite romantic relationships?


Charlie/Claire, Kate/Sawyer...probably a bunch that I've managed to repress by now :) 


I could have at least semi-liked Jack/Juliet, and the "crack ships" of Kate/Sayid, Sawyer/Shannon, Kate/Hurley...just thinking outside the box here!


I'm oddly 'meh' on Desmond/Penny.   


7) What were your favorite friendships/frenemyships/non-romantic relationships?


Please note that at least half of these are more about their rich potential than what we got in reality:  Jack/Locke, Locke/Ben, Sawyer/Jack, Kate/Juliet, Miles/Sawyer, Kate/Shannon, Jack/Boone, Sayid/Boone, Sawyer/Sayid   

Well, I just joined your table.  Jack is easily my favorite character and I am a little too tired to go into the lengthy explanation of why.  And I also loved Kate.

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I know it was frustrating and gave very little answers and relied more on the absence of information to drive the plot forward, even if it didn't plain old make sense. And yet... I have an immense fondness for it.



I love the moments that you list--those were great. But I think the worst part about the mini-arc is that it didn't lead anywhere. We were teased with information about the mysterious Others and given even more mysteries (the Sheriff, "we're here to watch," etc.) and all for nothing, in my opinion. As the season went on, the Others became less and less important and by the fourth season, if I am recalling correctly, ceased to be a major player at all in the story. So disappointing.


And I completely agree with the poster about Sun and Jin. Their story was so repetitive.

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Just having a good time reading through this thread. I often feel as though I want to re-watch the whole show, but though I've started two or three times (I bought the complete show DVD's when they first came out), I never seem to get beyond the first season, and so much time goes by before I try again that I feel as though I have to start from the beginning again. It's a vicious circle!


I didn't start watching the show in real-time until season three, which was particularly unfortunate as we were living in Hawaii (military family) when it first began, and my daughter, who was in high school at the time actually had friends who would sometimes go hang out on the outskirts of the Lost beach when they were filming. That was before it ever really took off...maybe even before it first aired, I'm not sure...she never had much of an interest in it, so never went along, and the whole show was very peripheral to us while we were living there (during the first two seasons).


Sometime during the summer before the third season aired (we were living in Connecticut by then), we had gone to Blockbuster looking for something else, which they were out of, so picked up the first season of Lost on a whim and got immediately hooked. The second season came out about 3 weeks later, and we inhaled that over two days of marathon watching, then waited for season three to air on TV, which it did within a few weeks after that. My daughter started college after that, and her interest in the show rather petered out, though she caught up with the other seasons in time to watch the finale, which she ended up hating. I didn't like it either, though I do wonder whether it would all come together a bit more for me if I could ever find the ambition to re-watch the entire show.


As far as characters, Locke was my early, all consuming favorite, though he became harder to like in later seasons, particularly by the time he even ceased to be himself. I think that eventually Michael Emerson became my favorite by the sheer brilliance of his acting. It was fascinating how tightly he could walk that line between coming off as a conniving liar in one moment, then making you believe his innocence in the next.


The romantic relationships and triangles never bothered me nearly as much as they seemed to irritate most people. Not really sure why. But then again, I always really liked Kate, and could easily understand how it might be hard to choose between Jack and Sawyer.


I really do need to do a re-watch someday, though...I'm finding it so hard to even remember whole chunks of the plot at this remove. It probably doesn't help that I would often open a bottle of wine to enjoy while watching, and would more often than not end up all but killing it by the time the show was over.



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I watched LOST for the first time a few weeks ago. I’d seen part of the first season when it was onair, but I was in college at the time and couldn’t keep up with it. I believe it’s better I waited to watch the show all at once.


1) Who were your 5-7 favorite characters?
Sayid, Sawyer, Eko, and Sun were my favorite characters. Hurley and Juliet became favorites, too, but not at first. Shannon, Miles. I also liked Eloise and Rebecca; wish there’d been more of those two characters.


2) Who were your 5-7 LEAST favorite characters?

Ben, Boone, and Ana Lucia. Jack got on my nerves so much throughout the first half of the series, but I liked him during some moments. Locke really grew on me during the second season/the hatch; he creeped me out in season 1, tbh. I was never a fan of Daniel Faraday either, but that was more to do with the actor way of speaking, I think.


3) How would you rank the seasons from favorite to least favorite?

4 > 5 > 1> > 3 > 2 > 6


6 - I enjoyed the flash-sideways half of it, but I lost all interest in the man in black/false Locke plot after the flashback episode with his and Jacob’s “mother.” Just a really, really bad episode. Plus, the trend of a new mystery group coming onto the show, only to treat the 815 characters like prisoners/scum and give nothing but ambiguous “answers” finally got on my nerves when it appeared twice this season (first with temple group and then when Widmore came to the island). Before that, we had the Dharma Initiative in season 5, the Others in season 2-3, and the freight-crew in 4.
2 - This season felt a little bloated, like there were too many episodes. I wasn’t surprised they decided to have less episodes in later seasons.
4 - Just the best, imo. I loved everything that was happening, both in the flash forwards and in the present.


4) What were your 10(ish!) favorite episodes?

I just went through Wikipedia and wrote down all the episodes I remember having a strong reaction to:


“Outlaws,” “…In Translation,” “Numbers,” “Do Not Harm,” “Born to Run,” “Abandoned,” “The Long Con,” “The Whole Truth,” “The Cost of Living,” “Enter 77,” “Left Behind,” “Eggtown,” “Ji Yeon,” the first two episode of season 5, “He’s Our You,” “Whatever Happened, Happened,” “The Candidate,” “The End”


5) What were your favorite actual/would-be romantic relationships?
6) What were your LEAST favorite romantic relationships?

Jin/Sun was the only one I rooted for, although not during the first season. Actually, that relationship reminds me quite a lot of Carlos/Gabrielle on Desperate Housewives, where the husband at first is depicted as an irredeemable dick, but becomes a teddy bear after the first season. Their death scene hit me harder than any of the others because of that shot of their hands drifting apart in the water. Besides that, I didn’t really like or hate any of them. I thought Jack/Ana Lucia went well together. As far as the Jack/Kate/Sawyer/Juliet thing, I didn’t have a preference. (Except maybe Jack/Sawyer, lol, but that wasn’t canon.)


7) What were your favorite friendships/frenemyships/non-romantic relationships?

Sawyer/Hurley, Hurley/Sayid, Jack/Sawyer, Sun/Kate, Mr. Eko/Ana Lucia, and Jack/Locke. I liked most of Eloise/Desmond’s interactions, too. For some reason, Sayid and Mikhail had a lot of chemistry together, even though they were only onscreen with each in one episode, I think?

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Hi! I've just started re-waching LOST again, and I have to agree with several posters upthread.

While I'm a JATE & (SULIET to some degree), both couples brought out the best on one another.

However, I always thought Sawyer & Jack had the best chemistry - next to Rose & Bernard. I've only been known to slash one show, but I definitely could see it happening with Jack & Sawyer.

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Hi! I've just started re-waching LOST again, and I have to agree with several posters upthread.

While I'm a JATE & (SULIET to some degree), both couples brought out the best on one another.

However, I always thought Sawyer & Jack had the best chemistry - next to Rose & Bernard. I've only been known to slash one show, but I definitely could see it happening with Jack & Sawyer.

I always loved the chemistry between Jack and Sawyer too.  I really regret that the writers allowed the the triangle crap to go on for so long because it would have been great to see them team up more.  I will always be a fan of Jack and Kate's chemistry though.  I thought they always had the best scenes together whether romantic or not.  Their relationship was unique.  

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Just finished binge watching lost. Its interesting reading everyones post here. When you binge watch a show after it airs you get a whole other prespective than the people who watch it live. You dont get online opinions, actor interviews or writer/creator input to influence your viewing of the show. You just have to go with what you see onscreen and your organic impressions.


IMO i thought it was pretty obvious Jack and Kate were the endgame couple(the couple of the show) I mean Kate jumping Sawyers bones while crying over thefact that jack didnt react to her embarrsingly flirting and seemingly had replaced her with Juliet is a pretty good indication that Skate was not the shows OTP. I cannot imagine if the roles were reversed that happening (her jumping Jack bc Sawyer wasn't paying her attention). Sawyer even said it best in Eggtown, as soon as Kate was on the outs with Jack she'd be right back with him. When after their first kiss and after Kate screwed up the plan Jack was standoffish and distant and Kate attached herself to  Sawyer and as soon as Jack started paying her attention and being friendly with her again she was right back by his side. After Jack knows Skate slept together and doesnt play into her flirty games, and he stays polite with Kate but again standoffish she  attaches herself to Sawyer and the moment Jack tells her he loves her she goes right back by Jacks side. Sawyer had her number and for some reason he was okay with what Kate was doing.


I definilty get why people liked one over the other, it all had to do with preference.I thought they both had great chemistry. Skate had more of a hot lusty playful chemistry. While Jate had more of a sweet, loving, gentle chemistry. Skate focused more on the physical, while Jate focused more on the emotional. Sawyer was the dude you had a wild weekend  with, while Jack was the guy you introduce to your parents. Which one you like more depends on what you are looking for in OTP.


Sun and Jin I was suprised at how much I ended up loving them, because in the beginning....Did not like them at all, I also thought they were testing Michael and Sun in the beginning.


Shannon and Sayid, not a fan. And him ending up with her in the afterlife instead of Nadia, yeah whatever.

Edited by aprilbabe
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I just started rewatching various episodes, and I'm surprising myself by really liking S3 this time around. Granted, it's kind of a mess, but there are so many amazing moments, and those last several episodes of the season is arguably the strongest stretch of the whole series for me. And for some reason I really like the Jack/Juliet dynamic this season. I actually think Jack is more likable and entertaining around Juliet than...well, than he is around almost anyone else :) Plus, Ben is finally BEN this season...no more of that Henry Gale nonsense. The Others stuff was still pretty intriguing and suspenseful back then. And somehow know that Charlie dies at the end of this season makes him a LITTLE less insufferable for me now than he used to be...which isn't saying much, but still! 


Meanwhile, I can't get into S1 and S2 at all anymore.I know that many still love that first season the best, but somehow knowing everything that happens (and doesn't happen!) throughout the rest of the series has really marred by enjoyment of it. S2, meanwhile, is the most boring and meandering season for me by far. S3 is an inconsistent mess, but the highs are REALLY high, and even some of the lows are weirdly interesting for me now. S2, though, is just more of a yawn for me. Plus, I have trouble getting past S1 and S2's egregious lack of Ben :) 

Edited by amensisterfriend
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The amazing rate that Jin learned English. And the fact that Sun had no accent by like Season 4 (when they had been on the island for about 3-4 months).

It took him a few years to get fluent.  Which is realistic since he was surrounded by english speakers the whole time. So I'd imagine living in a society were everyone speaks it 24/7 you would pick it up well within that time. As for Sun's accent I never noticed her losing it.


I've been doing a random rewatch of season 4/5 (I was home sick with a cold). So what happened to the rest of the redshirts from the plane?


The other (forgot his name) told Sawyer and Juilet that there were about 20 of them on the beach when they starting throwing flaming arrows. We know three were killed while with Daniel, Miles and Charolette. A few lets like 5 or 6 were killed on the beach. Taking away main/ recurring characters (7 people) that leaves three people uncounted for. Assuming that they were with Rose and Bernard what happened to that group during the flashes. And then following up when or why did Rose and Benard decide to set up a camp?

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1) Who were your 5-7 favorite characters?


1. Hurley

2. Sawyer

3. Richard

4. Juliet

5. Miles


honorable mention: Ben


2) Who were your 5-7 LEAST favorite characters?


1. Locke: I couldn't stand him past season 1 and was happy when Ben finally killed him

2. Eko: I hated him and fastforward all of his season on rewatches

3. Nicki and Polo

4. Alana: seriously what was her purpose?

5. Kate


3) How would you rank the seasons from favorite to least favorite?


1. five:I love a good time travel story

2. four: well written and acted

3. six: while I didn't like the flashsideways stuff, island brings it up.

4. one: where it begun

5. three: picks up as it goes on

6. two: not bad by any means, just not particularly exciting either.


4) What were your 10(ish!) favorite episodes?

Not sure I can limit to 10 but I'll try


1. Lafluer

2. Ab atento (sp)

3. the lie

4. beginning of the end

5. shape of things to come

6. the man behind the curtain

7. some like it hoth

8. everyone hates hugo

9. the constant

10. There is no place like home

5) What were your favorite actual/would-be romantic relationships?


Juliet and sawyer! I really wish we got to see  more of it and well that she lived ;)

Rose and Benard: seriously a stable loving couple is nice to see.

6) What were your LEAST favorite romantic relationships?


Sayid and Shannon, that relationship didn't make any sense.

7) What were your favorite friendships/frenemyships/non-romantic relationships?

Sawyer and miles: kind of a fun one, we get to see a little of.

Miles and Hurley: fun what we got to see.

Actually now that I think about it Hurley and Sawyer with anyone and of course including each other.

Edited by blueray
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I've never been a Sawyer fan (though I do see the appeal!), but I think I'd be more into Sawyer/Juliet if 1) we had seen even a little more of them and 2) I 'got' Juliet more than I do. I'm still so clueless about Juliet---and not in an intriguing, 'wow, they made her so complex and enigmatic!' way, but in a 'huh? Who the hell is she supposed to be? Did they bother defining her at all?!' kind of way. She seems all smirky and smug and too-cool-for-the-room the vats majority of the time, but I gather from flashbacks that she was once passive, shy and insecure and both strengthened and hardened by the events on the island...? I would love to hear other people's analysis of her! I want to love her as much as most do, but I just can't connect or warm up to her at all. Pretty much the only time I loved her was when we learned that she adores the book Carrie :) 

Edited by amensisterfriend
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I've been doing a random rewatch of season 4/5 (I was home sick with a cold). So what happened to the rest of the redshirts from the plane?

The other (forgot his name) told Sawyer and Juilet that there were about 20 of them on the beach when they starting throwing flaming arrows. We know three were killed while with Daniel, Miles and Charolette. A few lets like 5 or 6 were killed on the beach. Taking away main/ recurring characters (7 people) that leaves three people uncounted for. Assuming that they were with Rose and Bernard what happened to that group during the flashes. And then following up when or why did Rose and Benard decide to set up a camp?

I think assuming whatever one likes in this situation. I assume, if they weren't all killed at the beach, that they weren't with Rose and Bernard at all (those two scampered off alone) and were killed by some Others (or other Others) or the monster or tripping and hitting their heads. Rose and Bernard probably hunkered down somewhere during the flashes and managed to remain incognito. I think they explain in season six when they're accidentally found that they set up camp just trying to get on with their lives, living peacefully hoping that none of the lunatics on the island would run into them.

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Why was baby Aaron at the church? He didn't die as a baby.

This is why I never liked the flash sideways thing. It didn't make sense for those that did survive the series. I feel like Sawyer, Kate, Claire, Miles, etc would have had a life after that then meant something.  They would have had a long time to develop other romantic relationships, have families and jobs. While the island was important to them they all would have had a life after that (minus Hurley who would have spent a lot more time on the Island). Aaron would have his whole life to remember and being a baby wasn't the most important part hopefully.

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I started binge watching this show a few weeks ago. Just finished season 3 and poor Charlie drowned to death that was so sad.  Now Im on season 4 and there are 4 new characters in the mix Dan, Frank, Charlotte and Miles, the episodes always in on a cliffhanger there is no way I could have watched this show when it originally aired I wouldnt have been able to handle the constant suspense.  John Locke is getting weirder and weirder Im over him Ben and Im over invisible Jacob too lol

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I never made it through to the end of the series - did Sawyer EVER call anyone by their actual name? LOL.

There was an episode where he had to call everyone by their real names because he lost a bet. I can't remember if it was the golf or the poker.


This makes me want to watch it again. I do love Sawyer.

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It was ping pong he was playing with Hurley!!!<br /><br />I actually loved Sawyer's nicknames. Does this say something about me as a person???<br /><br />Also - if anyone even mentions Lost my Kate hate comes roaring back, like an out of control fire.

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This is why I never liked the flash sideways thing. It didn't make sense for those that did survive the series. I feel like Sawyer, Kate, Claire, Miles, etc would have had a life after that then meant something.  They would have had a long time to develop other romantic relationships, have families and jobs. While the island was important to them they all would have had a life after that (minus Hurley who would have spent a lot more time on the Island). Aaron would have his whole life to remember and being a baby wasn't the most important part hopefully.


Yeah, this is so true. I can't imagine that Kate didn't have kids of her own.

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I never made it through to the end of the series - did Sawyer EVER call anyone by their actual name? LOL.

He does, especially in later seasons, mostly when there is something serious going on. He ironically seems to call Hurley "Hugo" a few times :).

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This is really pushing it (not to mention lame haha), but I've always fanwanked that Aaron was a baby because the people on the island only knew him as a baby, so they saw him in that form in the afterlife.

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I've been getting rid of some blu-rays and I couldn't decide if Lost would be in that list. I decided to see if I was still interested in the show. I put in Season 5's "LaFleur" because I loved Sawyer and Juliet together. I ended up finishing the season and starting Season 6. So no, I will not be getting rid of Lost. It's too damn good.

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Hadn't watched the show since it ended and started re watching it via netflix. It's amazing how bored I was with Jin and Sun in the beginning. But, as the seasons progressed, they became my favorites. And, IMO the most well developed characters of the series. Especially, winsome Sun turning into BadAss Sun. I still hate that they killed them off two seconds after they reunited. Just stupid, really stupid.

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