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Clyde spies on Jordan and Ben. What will he discover?


Is anyone else suspecting and/or perversely wishing for a Flowers in the Attic thing here? At least it would make both characters a little bit more interesting! 


I'm getting this sinking feeling that we're still supposed to sympathize with Abby here, which...no. Just no. 




Eve 'fires' Daniel only to ask him out on a date.


NO! The quickest way for me to stop liking Eve will be to have her swooning over Pigpen (tm a PTV-er far more clever than I am) I'll take some consolation in knowing that even the hint of romance between Pigpen and Eve will make Jen even more miserable than usual---if such a thing is even possible. 


Is Victor popping up at all this week?! He is, as always, my primary motivation for tuning in ;) 

Edited by mstaken
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Personally, I think Sami does much better without Marlena and Roman. She sure as hell doesn't need them "rushing to support her in her time of need".  We all know how that will turn out.   To add onto what I said before - with parents like them, who needs enemies?

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Support Sami in her time of need?? Well Mar sure wasn't being very supportive when she learned what Sami, Kate, and Gaby did to Nick. So the only support I'm gonna expect from Mar is a lecture and how she told her so when it comes to EJ. She'll probably want Sami to take part in one of her experiments.

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There is a spoiler that Eric warns Sami her revenge will go to far.


I think Sami outs EJ's cheating at the Gala, but that is just the beginning.  Whatever Kate and Sami are up to, it leads to Kristen trying to kill Sami, but instead EJ gets killed.  Kristen is on the run again, EJ is dead, and Chad is the only child Stefano has left.  Poor Chad.


Roman and Marlena support Sami?  Someone should point out to these two idiots that Sami can take care of herself, and they suck at it.

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I hope they don't kill (or even "kill") EJ, because then Sami would feel guilt and remorse instead of satisfaction and vindication.  I want her to come out of this gloriously on top and EJ and Abigail to feel humiliated, embarrassed, stupid, and alone.

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From this week's SOD


Sami leaves EJ in jail!


Sami forces EJ to sign over Dimera Enterprises to her and the mansion is now hers. She also wants to keep EJ away from Johnny and Sydney.


Already furious with Sami over her stunt, EJ is furthered angered to learn Sami has been working with Kate to bring down his family.


Will thinks Sami may have gone too far with her revenge and thinks of how EJ most recently helped his family by getting Gabi a lighter sentence.


Lucas also is worried about Sami and Kate's actions and thinks they allow themselves to be fueled by their emotions which gets them into trouble. Sami begins to question what she's done and thinks about Stefano possibly retaliating, but she is driven by her desire to make EJ pay for cheating on her.


EJ's luck could change if Chad or Kristen were to surface because even though the family sometimes may fight, the Dimeras have each other's back.

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Dammit, why does EJ have to find out? It would be so much better if he was blindsided. 


I'm confused how can EJ sign over the company to Sami and the house is hers. Didn't EJ give everything back to Stefano in order to turn over evidence so that Sami doesn't go to prison?

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Will thinks Sami may have gone too far with her revenge and thinks of how EJ most recently helped his family by getting Gabi a lighter sentence.


Shut the fuck up Will you useless sack of bones.


I worry that Sami and Kate are revealing themselves to soon.

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Cripes, Will... no one cares about Gabi anymore. Out of sight, out of mind.


I hope to hell that Sami tells Will that EJ was holding onto the River evidence AND the evidence of Will shooting EJ as some sort of 'just in case' situation. Maybe then Will might see that a few good deeds was merely a means of 'playing nice' until he didn't have to anymore.

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I wonder how much will be revealed at the Gala?


EJ said something about Kristen screwing up DE, and Stefano not paying as much attention as he should be.


I've loved Kate and Sami so far, but I'm worried the writers will do what they always do.  Stefano will show up, know everything, have all the power, and everyone will have to do what he wants.

Edited by TigerLynx
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Spoilers so far for the week of July 14th: Will and Sonny are taken aback by Sami's revelation and Abigail and Eve get into a serious argument in public. I guess Abby is going to go toe to toe with Eve, LOL. They are really trying hard to keep Abby playing in the big leagues, though I guess it's not OOC for Abby to have an altercation with her mother's adversary. Another fight like the one with Chloe in the HTS? I hope that Eve gets some potshots in since it seems like the affair with EJ should be revealed by then. I wonder if Abby gets into it with Eve over Jack or her 'stealing' Daniel from Jen. I guess Abby would actually have to remember who Jack is. I strongly suspect that Ben/Ollie will be related to Eve. If the affair has been revealed by this point, why would Abby want to call attention to herself by having a public argument? It seems like she will still come off self-righteous and it will be nice to have someone like Eve who is not biased to either EJ or Abby to point out that Abby AND EJ are in the wrong morally. I wonder if Abby will burst into tears and run home to Mama Jen.

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I don't understand why Abby feels the need to fight Jenn's battles when she can't even fight her own. She just has to stick her nose where it doesn't belong. This lawsuit is gonna be a ridiculous story 'cause I don't see anything wrong with what Eve is doing, but since it bothers Jenn the Queen of Self-Righteousness the whole town has to be involved and see Eve as the evil one. They'll probably get Victor involved since Meddling Maggie knows now and she's gonna blab to him.


Writers are trying to so hard to make Abby relevant since the thing with Sami and EJ blew up in their faces. Probably thought everybody would be cheering for Abby for her affair. Now they seen they need to put Abby with someone they are set on writing as evil so that fans can get behind her so that Abby can become a leading lady. Don't think it'll work cause I'll never back Abby even if she went head to head with Nicole who I absolutely can't stand. That's probably who'll Abby will be in a story next when she's done with Eve and then they'll move her on to Kate.

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Just because three generations of Horton women call Eve a bitch, doesn't mean the audience will side with them. Eve is not coming off negatively to me for wanting her share from a legitimate agreement TO PROVIDE FOR HER CHILD's EDUCATION. Maybe if Jen was married to Jack at the time of his death and not hopping onto Dr. Pigpen before his body was cold I would feel differently. Anyway, to stay on topic, I think they want Abby to be seen as innocent and rootable all of a sudden and the best way is to make her spar with someone 'bad'. The sex with EJ is just like the thing with Austin. We're probably meant to forget about it after it's over. It's so funny that someone like Nicole gets their sins thrown in their face repeatedly, but Abby's are innocently forgotten.

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I don't know if it's because Eve is so commandingly tall, but I figure a fight between her and Abigail is going to look a little odd. Eve looks like she could take Abigail down in 5 seconds.

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I don't know if it's because Eve is so commandingly tall, but I figure a fight between her and Abigail is going to look a little odd. Eve looks like she could take Abigail down in 5 seconds.


That's sort of the downside about Kassie DePaiva. She's tall and then they put her in heels which put her at about 6 feet (if not more) and so she tends to dwarf her female rivals (she is often taller than male co-stars as well) and that results in a sort of 'bully' appearance. Like... 'pick on someone your own size!' And then there is the fact that she is a seasoned cat-fight actor... she knows how to do the soap opera slaps and catfights but good, so when she gets into it with someone, it really is going to look like an unfair advantage.


But... hell, I don't care. She's fabulous. I'm kind of enjoying the cat and mouse at the moment, her being vastly amused by Jennifer's histrionics and I can't even imagine she'd take Abigail remotely seriously. For me, it would be infinitely funny if Eve could never remember Abigail's name. "Who are you again?"

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But... hell, I don't care. She's fabulous. I'm kind of enjoying the cat and mouse at the moment, her being vastly amused by Jennifer's histrionics and I can't even imagine she'd take Abigail remotely seriously. For me, it would be infinitely funny if Eve could never remember Abigail's name. "Who are you again?"


Even better, when Abigail goes after her, Eve should just pick her up by the scruff of her neck, hold her dangling in the air while her fists flail and her legs kick.  And then walk over and gingerly drop her in the nearest trashcan. 

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Maybe if Abigail looked younger I might feel bad that she always finds herself in over her head in arguments with other women (as in, usually the other lady simply turns out to actually be right in her defense of herself), but since she look her actual age of mid-twenties, I can't help but shake my head.

Maybe if Abigail looked younger I might feel bad that she always finds herself in over her head in arguments with other women (as in, usually the other lady simply turns out to actually be right in her defense of herself), but since she look her actual age of mid-twenties, I can't help but shake my head.

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AS does look good in the video.


I can't imagine any scenario where I would want Sami to forgive EJ, and get back together with him.  However, Sami's revenge is so entertaining, and AS seems to be enjoying this so much, it gives me even more reason to want Sami to destroy EJ.  This SL is so much better than seeing one of the women on this show cry over some idiot worthless cheating man.


Jordan should be taking notes.


After Sami lets EJ and the boring twit know she knows, Sami and Kate should head to the Cheatin Heart and dance on the bar.

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That video is perfection!  What a relief for Sami to being able to stop pretending to be the happy bride and turn into the Avenging Fury.


And what fun for us!


This all might surprise Marlena so much her face cracks, and poor Roman might be so astonished he could spit those dentures clear across the room.

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Sami under false pretenses goes to the Horton house to show Jennifer and Abby the wedding pictures.  In between the pictures are the pictures of Abby and EJ.  Jennifer is shocked claiming they are fake, but Sami makes a guilt ridden Abby confess it is true.  Sami warns this is only the beginning she is going to show the world Abby is not a angel and makes sure Jennifer knows that she will not be quiet.

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Sami under false pretenses goes to the Horton house to show Jennifer and Abby the wedding pictures.  In between the pictures are the pictures of Abby and EJ.  Jennifer is shocked claiming they are fake, but Sami makes a guilt ridden Abby confess it is true.  Sami warns this is only the beginning she is going to show the world Abby is not a angel and makes sure Jennifer knows that she will not be quiet.



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So glad Jen isn't the only one who gets to find out about this. It will be like Barney and Marshall's Slap Bet-Jen and Abs will crap themselves not knowing what Sami is going to cook up. I hope Sami still does something at the Gala, even if they are expecting Sami to just spread the news. Ocular proof will be the best. How else will Ben and Eve find out? I'm so excited about this, especially since Jen thinks Abby is God's gift to mankind. I think I'm looking forward to Abby's reaction the most because now she will have to stand on her own two feet as an adult without Mommy to shield her. Abby acts like a grownup, but I don't think she is equipped to deal with public censure. I don't think people will be taking it easy on her especially because of the Eve spoiler and the fact that EJ is in jail. I do wonder how Miss Thang dares argue with Eve in public after this. Hopefully she gets shamed just like she did to Chloe. Karma is a b***h, LOL.

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Other spoilers I heard is that

Alison Sweeney is going to be directing some episodes of General Hospital, so I guess it's one of the reasons she's leaving DOOL. I don't watch GH so whatever, just switching networks I guess.


The secret that Jordan & Ben is that Clyde abused them and their mother. Whatever. Ooh is this what we've been waiting for? They got beat and ran away changed their identities and stole money from him. Clyde take Ollie and Stanky Sue back to Deliverance and make them squeal like a pig.


Theresa hits John over the head with an object when John threatens to put a stop to the relationship. SMDH. John is in a coma and Brady blames himself for it as he thinks he did it but doesn't know that Theresa did it because as usual the dumbass is passed out from drinking. Theresa remains silent and doesn't say anything and lets Brady think that he did it.


So much for Brady & Theresa. Brady is just a fucking dumbass and Theresa is just hopeless, you think this stupid bitch would learn and at least try to grow the hell up. Why it's so hard for me to root for her.

Edited by ShadowSixx
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The secret that Jordan & Ben is that Clyde abused them and their mother. Whatever. Ooh is this what we've been waiting for? They got beat and ran away changed their identities and stole money from him.

I called this months ago - I think we all did.  IMO, the storyline might have been compelling, but the writers screwed it up in the following ways:

  • Taking too long to reveal this.  I was waiting for something spectacular after a freaking year.
  • Bringing Kate in on it - the real Kate wouldn't waste 5 minutes on Jordan and Rafe
  • Having shitty actors - Jordan is just okay and Ben is laughably bad. I would rather watch Clyde than them.
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SOD confirmed AS going to GH to direct.


Doesn't Abby know about Sami and Kate doing what they did to Nick? Let Abby sing like a canary too. Sami's in to spot to attack others considering the amount of crimes she's committed this year.


Also it will be fun when EJ informs Sami why he was at the Horton cabin with Abby to begin with. In order to save Sami's ass from her murderous ways. He shouldn't even have bothered, let Sami go to jail for killing all these people. He needs to never save her again. And he also does it for his children so they have a mother, when she goes and puts him in jail without a thought to the kids.


Way to make EJ look like the better parent.

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It’s funny, because through the whole thing she is trying to keep her wits about her, and it’s really difficult, because she has a loyalty to her family.  She is trying to get grounded and find herself and take responsibility for it and move forward.



So for Abigail at this moment she just wants it to be over.  She is thinking, “I can’t really come out with it and so now it’s weighing heavily on me.  I just want it to be tied up in a bow.”


OK wow. This is not what I'm seeing on my screen at all. Abby isn't feeling guilty she's just worried about getting caught. And the fact that KM thinks Abby is trying to take responsibility for what she's done is just...no.



So Abigail just wants her affair with EJ to be over with?


Well sort of, but I think she does want EJ … and it’s not over.  That kind of chemistry lives on, and is always there, and present for you. You tell yourself whatever you can to be able to move on, even though circumstances can keep you apart.  EJ married someone else and it’s crushing her.  But what she has to tell herself to get through it is, “It’s not right …”


Wasn't KM JUST saying in a previous interview that Abby is moving on from EJ and is really into Ben?


Newsflash KM, Abby was EJ's side girl. That's it. Just because he was having shower sex with her doesn't mean he had any real feelings for her, and even if he did it obviously wasn't enough for him to dump Sami. KM really thinks Sami is keeping the star crossed lovers EJ and Abby apart.



Where you sad when you found out James Scott was leaving the show?  Or, did you know about it ahead of time?


I did know about it for awhile.  James pulled me aside in my dressing room and told me.  I feel really privileged to have worked with him towards the end of his run.  We both felt like we left it all out there, and it was great.


KM is sad about JS leaving and the affair story coming to an end because now Abby will no longer get to have scenes with big time front burner characters like EJ and Sami.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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I agree LeftPhalange.  Against my better judgement, I read KM's interview and it's all kinds of crazytalk.  The part where she says Sami asked Abby to be her maid of honor because Sami sees them as "kindred spirits" and "girlfriends" is nuts. Sami asked Abigal to be in her wedding to torture her and get revenge.  How does KM not see that?  Did KM go on the same Spirit Quest as James Scott because I think she's been having some hallucinations too.

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Eileen Davidson returns Friday July 25.


Brady and John get into a fight and Theresa hits John over the head and he winds up in the hospital.


Kristen......sorry to say I'm not happy to see her again.  The show has so much going for it right now and I'm afraid a return visit to Krazy Kristen Land is just going to be an unneeded distraction.


I'm hoping that while Jawn is hospitalized, the docs can do something about his Irritable Bowel Syndrome while he's there.  It would certainly clear the air in Salem if they could.

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Next Week Spoilers


  • Jenn visits EJ and scolds him for seducing Abby & EJ lets her have her say
  • Jenn reacts to Eve & Dan and loses it
  • Will sides with Abby and gets in an argument with Sami
  • Caroline gets to Sami which causes Sami to have a meltdown but she's still against the world.
  • Brady has a heart to heart with Maggie
  • Ben tells Abby his secret. Abby sees something real with Ben but doesn't know how to get EJ out of her system.
  • Ciara & Chase wants Aidan to spend the holidays with Hope.
  • Aidan has the right moves cause he causes another person's heart to flutter in Kayla.
  • Paige & JJ's date is doomed.
  • Eric has another meeting with the bishop on what he must do to save his name and Nicole is the only one who can save the day.
  • Eric & Nicole feel the temptation.
  • Kate cannot hide her true feelings
  • Rafe is caught off guard
  • Jordan is spooked by Clyde
  • Theresa is scared silly
  • Dan doesn't have a good update about John
  • Loved ones are concerned for John


About time they get Kayla involved but looks like it might be a little too late. They should have gotten her involved in this story early on.


Will is an ass, I can't stand him and so want Sonny to dump his ass.


Great my Nicole vacation is over.


Jenn sit the fuck down, nobody seduced your bitchy daughter and hope Eve does take Dan just so Eve's head will explode.


What feelings? I don't understand how Abby can have feelings for EJ. This chick is just too confusing.

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Thanks, Shadow!  And I agree - Sonny can do better.

Abigail and Jenn, on the other hand, can not.  They both need to do a crossover to The Walking Dead and not come back.

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  • Jenn visits EJ and scolds him for seducing Abby & EJ lets her have her say
  • Will sides with Abby and gets in an argument with Sami
  • Caroline gets to Sami which causes Sami to have a meltdown but she's still against the world.


These suck.  Does this show want to survive Sami's departure?  It seems like they are cutting their own throat.  Haven't they ever heard of the phenomenon where viewers get polarized and come down more on the underdogs side when they perceive that a character is unanimously unfairly blamed or let completely off the hook.  I know that is how I react. 


So if they manage to turn Sami into the only rootable character by not giving her any support at all when she is the wronged party, what the hell are they going to do when she leaves?

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Jenn visits EJ and scolds him for seducing Abby & EJ lets her have her say





Jenn reacts to Eve & Dan and loses it





Will sides with Abby and gets in an argument with Sami


Will is a disgraceful son. Ungrateful piece of shit.

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What holidays?  Christmas?  Isn't it a little early?


I think it's probably the Holy Horton Hoohah Holiday.  You know, the one where they hang ornaments on Abigail's Holy Horton.....oh, I'd better stop now.....

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I think Abigail has feelings for EJ (though I don't think they're being reciprocated because now that EJ is in jail and is in the doghouse with Sami, he could go to Abigail, which he's not doing), and since KM does play Abigail as a bit of a weirdo when it comes to trying get her points across to EJ, I'm fine with her saying Abigail does have feelings for him. Macking on EJ does seem to be the part of the storyline that most interests her, not the wrestling with guilt or

inner conflict....



I don't get the "kindred spirits" or whatever about Sami though. That does make KM look  pretty dumb. Maybe she read only her sections and forgot to read the rest of the script? Either that, or the head brass, if they're feeding her lines to say in interviews or tried to convince her to do this storyline by lying to her that her character wouldn't look bad, are punking her big-time.



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This week's SOD has an article about Abby moving on (I thought she had already,LOL).  Apparently Jen-Jen visits EJ in jail and gives him a tongue lashing and he allows her to vent (I'm guessing he sits there and just takes it).  Jennifer doesn't want EJ to have any further contact with her daughter (not hard to do since he's in jail).


KM says Abby wants to take responsibility for her actions,but the Horton's will always stand by their family.


Ben makes a big confession about his past and Abby is shocked, but since Ben can look past her brokenness to who she really is, she wants to do the same for him.


KM says she is intrigued by the new pairing and loves the psychology of the story.  KM:“Abigail is so deeply hurt by someone that she feels so much chemistry for, a man she had so much love and passion for.” She goes on to say that Ben makes Abby feel safe which is the opposite of her past relationships with men.  She feels like Ben can see who Abby could be without her mistakes.


Abby works to gain a new perspective on what happened with EJ. KM: “She knows she was wrong and wants to move forward.” Abby's experiences with Chad and EJ have shaken her whole foundation.  She tries to convince herself that she no longer has feelings for EJ, but she's lying to herself.


I'm confused about what the writers want to do with the story.  The writing currently seems to be saying that EJ and Abby were just sex and that it's basically all EJ's fault for taking advantage of Abby.  My personal view is that Abby still has feelings for EJ and I said as much in the Discussion thread.  However, if the show is moving forward with Ben and Abby, the first option is the way to go and right now Abby's behaviour supports that so KM is contradicting things or talking about future events.


I knew the Hortons would side with Abby so that is not news.  I didn't see EJabby as a love relationship so I don't gets what that's about.  I can maybe understand the use of the word passion because of all the sex they had, but passion to me denotes a greater intimacy and it would describe a relationship where the two parties were unable to stay away from each other, which I don't think EJabby was because EJ was able to call time on it relatively quickly after it started.  I can believe that Abby would feel love and passion for EJ, however the reverse would not hold for me.


I don't really see Abby as broken after this.  She hasn't been allowed to have a total breakdown or be ostracised by her family and the Salem community.  She was always concerned about her reputation and although she eventually proclaimed to feel so much guilt, even now, she doesn't seem to be weighed down by it.  Nicole after losing Daniel Rafael is who I'd describe as broken.


Okay, Ben makes Abby feel safe but she hardly knows him.  And Abby chooses to have relationships with unsuitable men, so she really shouldn't be surprised when they can't offer stability.


Talking about Abby still having feelings for EJ, it may be true, but it was a weird note to end the article on.  You would think KM would tout RSW and Ben more rather than mention Abby's feelings for EJ.  If the interview was conducted recently, it's strange for the interviewer or KM to do that since JS is long gone.  It just seems like Abby is still going to be hung up on EJ a while, which is more then I anticipated to be honest.  With Chad coming along they need to build up Ben.

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Another nonsensical interview. A boring one too since KM didn't say any new ridiculous stuff or give us any phrases like "Stockholm Syndrome." Abby is a mess of a character and I'm completely over KM's acting and interviews.

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There wasn't even really an SL.  Just a few scenes here or there that made no sense.  Which is probably one of the reasons the interviews make no sense.  Sami and Kate teaming up and scheming is what makes this SL interesting.  I don't know what the writers are trying to do, but the boring twit doesn't have the personality or the history to go up against Sami, or handle EJ.  Someone needs to make the writers learn the history of the show and the characters.


Said about Sami when she was a teenager:


Vivian about Sami:  "She is so much more advanced than when I was her age."


Stefano about Sami to Kristen:  "I wish my own children were as good at going after and getting what they want as Samantha Brady is."

Edited by TigerLynx
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