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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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Damn, reading that transcript really hammers home how good the dialogue used to be, and how shallow and superficial Ron and his dialogue writers are in comparison (not to mention that a scene like that would have been chopped up into 10 different parts had it even happened).  God, I hate feeling nostalgic for Guza.


The last bit from Lulu was from a Ron episode. That was a rare "the scenes will be more than 2 minutes" episode

Yeah, well, Looloo was WRONG.  Laura wanted that house and to make roots a YEAR before she was born. So just shut it, LooLoo.


And I won't get into the whole Luke "being forced to be domesticated" bullshit.


Hah! But I was right, too! It wuz jealousy!


Ha, yeah, I was going to say that you were right, partly. Like I said in the episode thread I think it's less lusting for adventure per se and more a fear (and jealousy) and not being an adventurer/conperson makes you "not a real Spencer".


And yes she was wrong about the house, Laura, etc., but she was getting the bitterLuke (and Tracy) version.

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Damn, reading that transcript really hammers home how good the dialogue used to be, and how shallow and superficial Ron and his dialogue writers are in comparison (not to mention that a scene like that would have been chopped up into 10 different parts had it even happened). God, I hate feeling nostalgic for Guza.

Makes me feel icky but it's happening more and more often. I've just reached my upper limit on the unremitting diet of shallow camp

  • Love 4

I've felt that way for a while, and I feel terrible about it. I feel Ron and co. brought GH back to a lot of its pre-Guza heart, at least early on, and brought back characters and families and traditions (the Nurses Ball, cheesiness and all) that I'd given up on seeing featured ever again. But oh my God, the day to day quality of dialogue and character has plummeted. It wasn't as bad before the OLTL feud began in 2013, but it was still a sharp drop.

  • Love 7

The most RANDOM scene that was part of a dream episode that solidified my love for Robin/Patrick back in the day and why I'll most likely never like him with anyone else because no one brings out his snark like she can.

Starts at 7:40.

Robin: Sucks to be dumped, doesn't it?

Patrick: Are you old enough to be in here?

Robin: Carly can't say no to any guy, so the fact that she said no to you...

Patrick: This is your business, why?

Robin: I mean, it was inevitable that you'd end up alone...

Patrick: That's very sweet of you to care, Dr. Scorpio

Robin: I don't. Really.

  • Love 7

Lucky didn't adopt Jake. Jake was born during his marriage to Liz and he thought he was the father for almost a year. He didn't find out about Jason until around the time that Emily was murdered at the Black and White engagment party to Nikolas.


Then he agreed to keep quiet about Jake's paternity to keep him safe from Jason's enemies and because he loved Jake. At the time, there was talk of him adopting Cameron but nothing ever came out of it.

  • Love 1

I've felt that way for a while, and I feel terrible about it. I feel Ron and co. brought GH back to a lot of its pre-Guza heart, at least early on, and brought back characters and families and traditions (the Nurses Ball, cheesiness and all) that I'd given up on seeing featured ever again. But oh my God, the day to day quality of dialogue and character has plummeted. It wasn't as bad before the OLTL feud began in 2013, but it was still a sharp drop.

I'm responding to this in the TFGH thread.

I knew the stuff about hiding it from Jason


Jason knew Jake was his. He and Liz decided together that it was best for Jake to remain Lucky's son to the world, though of course it was the worst kept secret in PC. There were some nice scenes where Jason thanked Lucky for keeping Jake safe. And, sadly, some barfy scenes where Lucky thanks Jason for letting him take care of Jake. Because Jason is always the most noble of men.


Every so often there was a mention of Lucky officially adopting the boys, but the show never got around to it. However, Lucky considers all of them his sons, and they consider him their father.

  • Love 9

Lucky didn't need to adopt Jake. He was Liz's husband at the time of Jake's birth and the child of a married woman is automatically considered the legal child of her husband, unless she explicitly says otherwise, which obviously Liz did not. Lucky would be listed as the father on Jake's birth certificate. Jason is actually the one who never had any legal rights to him.


As for Lucky apparently never legally adopting Cam...that's more writer stupidity. It makes no sense. Lucky was devoted to that boy well before Jake existed. In fact, I thought for a while that they'd tried to correct that by slipping in a quick retcon that the adoption did happen - weren't they calling the kid Cam Spencer for a while? Did I make that up?

  • Love 6
LOL that they used dark-haired twins to resemble Nik when Lulu needed her stem cell transplant

They didn't do that on purpose. I think I read they picked those babies because they had blue eyes, I believe. When they first got them, they didn't have much hair yet.

Really? Double LOL then that they ended up with brown hair! They were adorable no matter what.

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I also love dark haired Lulu's reaction to Tony in this clip.  He always played well with little kids, no matter how much he complains.  LOL

(go to about 1:49)


Those babies were so freakin' awesome -- and I loved her, Tony's and Jonathan's relationships especially.


When one of the twins was just barely older than that, she (they?) started to call Jonathan "Gucky."  And Tony and Jonathan would totally roll with it.  She'd even try to follow Jonathan around the set.


Yeah, no one can ever tell me that Luke didn't enjoy being a family man and dad to those 2 kids.

Edited by Francie
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and didn't she also defend her home after Lulu was born


Rivals of Sonny literally blew into the house.  Laura was upstairs with Lulu, Sonny, Luke and Lucky were in the living room.  Laura heard gunfire, put Lulu in the closet, grabbed the shot gun and when she got downstairs saw one of the goons ready to shoot Luke (again, in the back) and off'ed him.

Edited by LegalParrot81
  • Love 3

Rivals of Sonny literally blew into the house.  Laura was upstairs with Lulu, Sonny, Luke and Lucky were in the living room.  Laura heard gunfire, put Lulu in the closet, grabbed the shot gun and when she got downstairs saw one of the goons ready to shot Luke (again, in the back) and off'ed him.


Thanks! I knew I wasn't misremembering! I remember from TWoP, someone (maybe you?) posted that clip--how Laura was singing a lullaby to Lulu when all that imploded.

Yeah, I recall that was referred to as the Lullabye Shootout for sometime. And, also, if I recall, it was one of the earliest, if not the first, Sonny related shoot outs in Port Charles. You had Brenda in the shower, Robin/Stone on the streets where he panicked afterwards about getting his blood on Robin because he knew he was HIV+ (or had it gone into full blown AIDS by then?) and it was a major issue between Luke and Laura for awhile.


Basically, you had Laura side-eying Sonny a lot but letting Luke have his fun with his 'dangerous friend' but when that relationship invaded her house where her kids were and resulted in her having to pull the trigger to kill someone to protect her family... she was kind of done with Luke paling around Sonny.


Luke wanted to help Sonny take out Joe Scully who was responsible for the shoot-out if I remember correctly and so they were estranged there for a bit.


Laura was not some broken bird, Guza. She took care of business but she didn't crave danger or being surrounded by dangerous people. She wanted a life and, frankly, I never could blame her for that after everything she had been through.


Also? Luke couldn't either.

  • Love 7

I thought Robin tested negative first, before she finally tested positive? Because Alan told her she was HIV+ very shortly before Stone died, didn't he?




Yes. But there was that whole you need to retest, and it was after the second one that she was HIV+, so now I stand corrected about when Stone got full blown AIDS.  But he didn't have it when he got his blood on Robin, though.

Paul was somewhat shady but was also being forced into certain things by the cartel in the early 90s story (which also included Faison - ugh). Apparently, they were threatening his young daughter's safety or health in some way (I think her never-seen mom had died a long time before or something - the kid showed up once so we'd feel bad for Paul, and presumably lives on somewhere, offscreen), and so forced him into doing bad things, including marrying Tracy to get access to ELQ.

Jenny was this environmental activist college aged girl who was Bill Eckerts sister. But she had the clothes and hair of a much older soccer mom and was dull, dull, dull. And yet Paul and Ned wanted her, and even Mac at one point flirted with her.

The tensions between Tracy, Paul, Jenny and Ned were quite interesting. And the Jenny actress was fine, she was just woefully miscast in the role.

This is what soapcentral has to say


The affair between Tracy and Scotty fizzled out and Tracy became involved with the new CEO of ELQ, Paul Hornsby. He was a member of a cartel run by Cesar Faison and Paul was ordered to marry Tracy to gain access to her money. Paul was in love with Jenny Eckert but the cartel threatened the life of Paul's daughter so he complied and married Tracy.


Tracy began to see that Paul really loved Jenny. However, Tracy refused to give him a divorce, especially after learning about his involvement with the cartel and his true motivations behind marrying her. Determined to hang on to Paul, Tracy announced at Ned and Jenny's engagement party that she was pregnant. Shocked, Jenny married Ned. Tracy and Paul bonded during her pregnancy. Baby Dillon was born premature but healthy, and Ned and Jenny were named his godparents. Although Tracy tried to make her marriage work, the love Jenny and Paul was too great and the planned to divorce their respective spouses so they could be together. However, Tracy tried to keep Paul in the marriage.


Paul and Jenny were able to turn the tables on Tracy after she accidently hit Jenny with her car. Tracy thought that Jenny was dead and fled the scene after phoning the police to report a hit-and-run. Jenny knew Tracy had hit her and she used the information to coerce Tracy into granting Paul his divorce. Edward learned the truth of Tracy's hit-and-run and kicked her out of the house. Tracy left Port Charles with baby Dillon in tow.


Can anyone provide some background info on Paul, please? I know nothing accept he's Dillon's father. Also was he liked/hated/not cared about either way, much by fans? Thanks!

All I can add to what Melgaypet and SlovakPrincess have already said, Paul Hornsby came on in 1991, when the show was in newbie overhaul and ratings freefall mode.  After bringing on the Eckerts, Mac Scorpio, and Dominique, they brought in Paul Hornsby.  You were supposed to be faked out that he was a bad guy for a hot minute, and then have sympathy for him because he was doing all the bad things he was doing because his young daughter had been poisoned and would be killed if Paul didn't cooperate.


I think the audience was a bit 'meh' about him, but a lot of that may have had to do with the newbie overload.  And he liked Jenny Eckert, and she was a major dud, so there wasn't much a OTP type response from the audience.  But he, as a stand alone character, generated some sympathy with the audience.  He could act and was good looking, and I think he could have settled in better if they hadn't attached Jenny to him like an albatross. 


Many of his scenes with Jane Elliot were, from what I recall, really good.  Paul didn't want to hurt Tracy, and he seemed pained about leading her on.  Tracy was ever so much Tracy.  A lot more bad ass and a walking illustration of "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." 

Edited by Francie
  • Love 1

OK. Somehow I missed Jason's 10 minute walk of pain through the carnival so I went back and watched it. That shite was hilarious!

It made me realize that Ido not miss Guza. I miss his script and breakdown writers like crazy and I miss having a HW who knew how to write capers and adventures and romance but his obsession with SBu and the mob was awful and overwhelming - the Balkan story? Terrible in every way.

Having said that, RC is still worse. The best thing he's done is reduce the mob focus but that really isn't enough because he's replaced it with Fluke and Jeromes and Franco And stripped it of friendship, romance and heart.

I really wish somebody would just let him reboot Passions or whatever it is he's dying to do that's full of camp and ridiculousness

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 5

Speaking of Guza, is his fixation on Jason the reason that Diego Alcazar was written so inconsistently? I figured it had to do with him being Lorenzo's son, despite TK's popularity (given the absurd lengths Guza went to vilify him for things that it would've given a pass to Sonny or Jason for). I'd imagine, if he was the son of Sonny or Jason, he would have been written better. As it was, he started off hitting on Courtney (because, as the actor admitted, the writers thought it would be "hilarious") as some faux Zander type and then was shifting his motives and characterization with each passing arc.

Lorenzo and Diego both seemed to suffer from Guza's tunnel vision on Jason.

Lorenzo suffered because TK got extremely popular and had amazing chemistry with TB's Carly. I think Diego was a misfire from the get-go, and it certainly didn't help that he was Courtney's foster kid and there was like four years between the character ages. They didn't really know what to do with him. See: Zombie!Diego.

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