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S30.E12: Boxed In


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This season is never going to end, is it? I get that higher stakes should be the reward for grueling competition, but Redemption House sucks. So do most of the players. Seriously, I get the hate for Aneesa, but I don't get the all-consuming rage some of the younger ladies have against her. I don't love her that much, but I kinda want her to win the grand prize after going 0-for-2 in the Presidio. She's the winner this season deserves.

Better yet . . . keep doing Redemption House until they hit the episode ceiling. Then they can pull crosses to determine how much they get. "Johnny, you pulled $400,000. Congratulations, and good job not indicating that production told you that in advance." One minute later: "Dario, you're at negative-$40,000, which means you owe us money. Looks like you won't be getting Ashley anything nice in the foreseeable future."

And shut up, Veronica. You won in the pre-elimination era, you eked out two team wins, and you would've gotten a fourth title if you and the other mean girls pretended to treat Tonya like a human being. "Pave the way," my entire ass.

We're never losing Tony, are we? Get. A. Job. I'm tired of looking and seeing him. I hated how he went kamikaze on Darrell.

Seriously, how long is this damn season? It's drowning in twists right now. Even Jeff Probst would call it excessive, and he probably wants to tuck immunity idols under the heads of the alpha males he adores as they sleep.

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Tori is just so extra and annoying all of the time. There is something trashy and aggravating about Brittni. I can't explain exactly what it is but I just can't stand her. 

I knew Veronica would win. Aneesa seems to care way more about Veronica than Veronica cares about Aneesa. I wish they hadn't revealed the redemption house at the elimination. I want old Veronica to come back (I never thought I'd say that!!) and knock these new kids down some pegs. But without a clique she doesn't have much.

I'm glad Cara recognizes that her fate in the game is based on her performance and on her. She's changed through her years on the show but she's nowhere near as entitled as a lot of them. She's actual friends with CT outside of the house,   I don't think any other woman has been (save Diem, obviously) so it makes sense he has her back. Plus, she's actually good at competitions and he knows how she operates. I really hope neither is going but even if they are, they have a decent chance of coming back. Though, I'm still waiting on a special twist to allow Darrell back...

  • Love 5
32 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

Tori is just so extra and annoying all of the time. There is something trashy and aggravating about Brittni. I can't explain exactly what it is but I just can't stand her. 

I knew Veronica would win. Aneesa seems to care way more about Veronica than Veronica cares about Aneesa. I wish they hadn't revealed the redemption house at the elimination. I want old Veronica to come back (I never thought I'd say that!!) and knock these new kids down some pegs. But without a clique she doesn't have much.

I'm glad Cara recognizes that her fate in the game is based on her performance and on her. She's changed through her years on the show but she's nowhere near as entitled as a lot of them. She's actual friends with CT outside of the house,   I don't think any other woman has been (save Diem, obviously) so it makes sense he has her back. Plus, she's actually good at competitions and he knows how she operates. I really hope neither is going but even if they are, they have a decent chance of coming back. Though, I'm still waiting on a special twist to allow Darrell back...

That’s what I like about Cara. Even girls like V and Aneesa have pulled that entitled card, nd now we see underderserving girls like Kailah pull that. 


Cara/CT have known each other for a long time. I think Cara went to the same school as CT’s brother. 

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I think Cara is incredibly entitled. Now that she's won a challenge she acts completely different IMO. Can't stand her or (especially) Camila.


Im happy to have Veronica back and was happy she won but Kailah wasn't wrong. Girls like Jemmye and Veronica have skated by this whole season while Kailah has had to go into eliminations several times. Also either Kailah is getting a FANTASTIC edit or these girls really just hate her for no reason. I find myself siding with her in most situations this season. Jemmye is still good for a one-liner but she is bugging the shit out of me this season. Also that Britni girl is the WORST.

  • Love 3

Jemmye is good at some of the talking heads because she's good at cutting through bullshit but then she gets a little delusional or hung up on stuff. Then I just can't with her. She really is the weakest girl and she really has been coasting through.

Veronica should also be way more upset with Aneesa for not putting her on a team. Aneesa really screwed her. Maybe back in the day Veronica was a beast on challenges but she has been gone for a long while and it wasn't until this elimination that you felt she really gave it her all. So if Kailah is too young to remember Veronica who hasn't been around for a while I don't mind her going, "lady I don't even know you!" Especially when everyone keeps telling Kailah she needs to prove herself when she has on this challenge already. Not that I'm a fan of Kailah. I just don't get why she's supposedly the worst person there when you have Camilla running around being super racist.

  • Love 7

Good episode for Veronica. She slayed the Presidio and was MVP during the puzzle.

In theory I don't mind people wanting her to "prove herself" (even though she's won or placed near the top in most of the main challenges), but I would be pissed to be barred from competing in a challenge where every other female except Jenna sucked at, and then be penalized for it. It's directly contrary to the argument of needing to "prove herself" when she specifically wasn't given that chance. 

Camila continues to be completely disgusting. I know Cara is a bigger threat, but it'd be smart to toss Camila into Redemption since she's less likely to make it back seeking revenge. (Although who knows. I still think Camila is the luckiest person on the planet to beat Laurel last season. Still bitter about it.)

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Tori is just so extra and annoying all of the time. There is something trashy and aggravating about Brittni. I can't explain exactly what it is but I just can't stand her. 

I knew Veronica would win. Aneesa seems to care way more about Veronica than Veronica cares about Aneesa. I wish they hadn't revealed the redemption house at the elimination. I want old Veronica to come back (I never thought I'd say that!!) and knock these new kids down some pegs. But without a clique she doesn't have much.

I'm glad Cara recognizes that her fate in the game is based on her performance and on her. She's changed through her years on the show but she's nowhere near as entitled as a lot of them. She's actual friends with CT outside of the house,   I don't think any other woman has been (save Diem, obviously) so it makes sense he has her back. Plus, she's actually good at competitions and he knows how she operates. I really hope neither is going but even if they are, they have a decent chance of coming back. Though, I'm still waiting on a special twist to allow Darrell back...

I am glad I am not alone... I keep waiting for some twist that brings Darrell back. I still get mad when I think about freaking Tony winning that battle. So stupid.  

  • Love 6

Please oh please let it be Camilla that gets the immediate trip to the Redemption House.  Maybe Aneesa will just drown her in the pool then.  Camilla is just wretched.  If she wins this season I will puke.  Also I am concerned about the amount of Britni (or whatever) footage.... I will puke if she wins as well. She just bugs. So thirsty. 

  • Love 5

Kudos to Dario for admitting that he’d been skating by and that he’d have to show he should be there. Jemmye is another one who is just coasting. Jenna should’ve sent her out in the purge. 

I like Kailah and Jenna. If they were smarter at playing the game they would be unstoppable.

It’s always fun to see Camila get frustrated because people won’t listen to her when she’s working as a pair or on a team. It’s also fun to see John on a losing team. When will BMP realize that requiring glass to be broken on challenges is not a good idea?

The house as a whole wanted to put Jordan into elimination after his comment about Jemmye, and he was put in. I got the same impression about Camila after her rant so here’s their chance to put her in the elimination or the redemption house but it seems like they’ve all forgotten about it.

Cara, STFU with your elitist “they’re all at the bottom of the totem pole” about the team who won. Between the five of them they’ve won I believe eight eliminations this challenge. Like them or not, they’ve proven themselves (according to the criteria of entitled vets) and IMO deserve to have the power they currently have.

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I was cringing when TJ said they'll be locked in a "pitch black" room, and then will have to shatter glass with a weapon to go outside. Who thought that was a good idea?

They heavily hinted that CT would be thrown into the Redemption House, but with this show I just can't believe anyone will target a vet until I see it.  If it's not CT+John, and Cara+Camilla, I'll be disappointed again.

  • Love 2

At least they gave the Challengers goggles for the paint scraping / glass breaking part. But they probably should have had gloves. And long sleeves and long paints. Hell, put them in underarmour branded coveralls! They were lucky that there wasn't as much bleeding as there was. 

Either Jordan is really lucky or he's figured out that the top of the Double Cross Thingy has a different paint job or a scratch at the top or something. Pulling the double cross that many times is just crazy. 

  • Love 1

Jemmye is good at some of the talking heads because she's good at cutting through bullshit but then she gets a little delusional or hung up on stuff. Then I just can't with her. She really is the weakest girl and she really has been coasting through.

Veronica should also be way more upset with Aneesa for not putting her on a team. Aneesa really screwed her. Maybe back in the day Veronica was a beast on challenges but she has been gone for a long while and it wasn't until this elimination that you felt she really gave it her all. So if Kailah is too young to remember Veronica who hasn't been around for a while I don't mind her going, "lady I don't even know you!" Especially when everyone keeps telling Kailah she needs to prove herself when she has on this challenge already. Not that I'm a fan of Kailah. I just don't get why she's supposedly the worst person there when you have Camilla running around being super racist.

They were together in Canada like one month ago.

On ‎10‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 11:21 PM, CheetaraThunder said:

Man, I totally see that CT really only likes/trusts Cara, for the females. Every other female in the past seasons, he is fucking ruthless when talking about them or voting them in.

Kailah...just stop. You want to know why the girls don’t fuck with you. It’s because your social skills are just not good...like your brain.

Yeah, I'm noticing it and not liking it much.

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It is funny with editing, cause a veronica did an AMA with reddit recently and she said about CT, that he was one of the only guys that was still nice and respectful towards her and wasn’t always spotting sexist remarks like Johnny and Jordan. So, I think the way they edit these episodes is funny.


Cara does need to tone down with the attitude a little bit, but still a fan of hers. Really, anyone would be ? better winner then Camila and Johnny.

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And now we're not even hiding the fact there's going to be another redemption house, lol.  At least Dario can get his beauty rest while staying there.  Dario seems like he had one shit to give, and that shit is gone.  I kind of love him for it.

C.T to Camila : "Get off the paaaazzle so we can see the paaaazzle".  LMAO.  I also loved the shot of T.J laughing at team pink.  Camila continues to be the worst, yet everyone has a problem with Kailah?  Social skills or not, at least Kailah isn't an outward racist.  Psh.

Veronica was definitely the MVP this episode, but why is giving a challenge your all such an epiphany?  That made me chuckle. 

I predict it will be CT/Cara that get sent to redemption house, but they'll slaughter everyone in the redemption challenge and be back for blood. 

  • Love 4

I'm usually pretty high while I watch this show, and I try not to think about whether the rules or the scoring make any sense.  But for the life of me, I can't understand the purpose of lying about the prize total, and I can't stop wondering.  How does it affect gameplay, or the viewer's experience?  Has this ever been "articulated" (using the term very loosely, here) by TJ?

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Al Herkimer said:

I'm usually pretty high while I watch this show, and I try not to think about whether the rules or the scoring make any sense.  But for the life of me, I can't understand the purpose of lying about the prize total, and I can't stop wondering.  How does it affect gameplay, or the viewer's experience?  Has this ever been "articulated" (using the term very loosely, here) by TJ?

It has not been articulated at all, but my hope is that they were waiting until it was the core group of alliances, you know once they get rid of all the "riff raff" on the periphery like Tony, Hunter, etc., to announce it and then see how those in the alliances turn on each other to secure the big win.  But you never know with this show; sometimes the game play they decide to go with just doesn't make any sense.

Also, I think I need to join you in being high to watch.

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