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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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1 hour ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Good for her that she's not such a lapdog to his whims that she doesn't drop everything going on in her life to nurse him back to health after he pointedly left her and crowed like the cock on the walk how nice it was to be free. 

I was worried watching the scenes of Matt talking to Amy that she was going to offer to go with him.  I think he expected her to.  Thank god she didn't.  He doesn't deserve it, for all the reasons you outlined, Zoloftblob

Matt is so used to having someone be there for him and take his shit while they do it.   I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't try to find someone to move in and play nursemaid sooner rather than later.  And it will be a matter of time before he starts picking and finding fault with that person, too.  As much as I think that Jeremy deserves the job, I wouldn't wish it on him.  It would be an even worse waste of his youth than his current lifestyle is, and I doubt the payoff he would anticipate for doing it would ever materialize. 

Actually, maybe I would wish it on him.  Let the playa get played ... he thinks he's so smart.  The obvious scheme to get the farm handed to him on a silver platter at the expense of his siblings offends me that much.

  • Love 6

Actually, maybe I would wish it on him.  Let the playa get played ... he thinks he's so smart.  The obvious scheme to get the farm handed to him on a silver platter at the expense of his siblings offends me that much.

See the funny thing is.... I think Jeremy would never see the ax fall until it was too late. But I also think Jeremy is such a mincing baby asshole, he's never gonna do anything simply because Daddy asks. He's too self involved to understand that dad wants his ass kissed and he's too self involved to do anything other than please himself.

The worst part is that Zach/Molly are clearly more devoted to family, and how they're obligated as children to look after their folks, and Matt and Amy to a lesser extent are going to screw them over because Jer is the Golden Boy.

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

But I also think Jeremy is such a mincing baby asshole, he's never gonna do anything simply because Daddy asks. He's too self involved to understand that dad wants his ass kissed and he's too self involved to do anything other than please himself.

I have been wondering why Jeremy was not kissing Matt's butt night and day given his goal.  I guess you have summed up the problem. He's just too damn selfish to do it.  Jeremy is not going to kneel down and pucker up until Matt starts crapping hundred dollar bills for Jeremy to scoop up while he's down there.  There's just not enough instant gratification in it for him, otherwise. 

Our Jeremy, he's a schemer.  But not a planner.  And there's a big difference. 

  • Love 7

Living to the age he has, even when leavened for whatever reality show hyperbole Matt is employing, to whine about no one being there for him simply shows that everyone around him is now old enough to realize just how he views them.  As means for his own gratification when all is said and done. He is such a selfish self-involved ass.  

The kind of sad in a removed kind of way is that I think Amy can see through his shit but in true dire situations, she would be there for the father of her children.  And I think the three younger children all make allowances for their father in ways that acknowledge a less than stellar parenting but manage to shift blame in some way to a manageable extent.  Both the two children who have avoided these latest filmings seem to place the onus on the show itself.  So the sad thing for me is that Matt will never truly actually face the consequences of his own personality in regards to his children.  Again, in dire circumstances, those three will be there for their unappreciative and demanding father while  the favored himbo is probably taking shirtless selfies in front of some marriage confession sweat lodge and uploading them to a meme generator for his so profound and insightful blog. 

I think Zach has his mother's personality and overall is rather empathetic and forgiving.  But a small part of me was laughing because being an adult now I think part of the reason Zach went was to get paid by the production company.  I mean, I think he does love his father and cares for his well being but I also bet while sitting in the waiting room he was taking out his phone to check the direct deposit from TLC.  I think part of Matt's growing bitterness stems also from the fact that everyone is now a free agent in terms of the show.  I think that has to annoy him to some extent.  The parents did apparently do a good and responsible job in making sure their kids were not just some ancillary interest to completely exploit.  But I also bet every time off camera something that the show provided was touted by Matt as being due to him.  Being due to his grand thinking and his generosity.  He seems like such a petty person.

  • Love 4

Did anyone else notice that Jacob was there in the Molly announcement scene but was hidden from the camera in the most bizarre way? The only reason I even noticed is because I recognized his girlfriend from social media and she was sitting right next to Amy. Right next to her was someone behind the most strategically placed flowers in reality tv history and wearing a hoodie. I had to rewind and check, but I'm sure it was him. Interesting how his girlfriend was front and center though (although she didn't say a word). I wonder how hard it must be for him to want to take part in these big family moments (if I recall, him and Molly were close as kids), yet the conflict of having to put up with the much despised TLC cameras. I kind of respect the way he goes about it ✊?

Oddj and Jerk on the other hand ?. Really? They couldn't make it to Molly's college graduation because of an important speaking arrangement? Oddj couldn't have attended that alone and Jerk go to the graduation? Kind of a Jerk move on his party, once again his nickname suits him perfectly. 

  • Love 9
29 minutes ago, IndianPaintbrush said:

Molly's vocal fry drives me crazy.  But good for her for staying in Spokane instead of moving closer to her parents. Who would want to be around that shizz?

Ug....that vocal fry.   I had to mute the TV it was so bad.   Stop it, girls.   Stop it.  It's not sexy and it is ruining your vocal chords.  Stop.

  • Love 6

i hear you on the vocal fry.  So very annoying.  And no, it's not sexy, or mature, or anything attractive.  Use your natural voice, girls!  You are RUINING your vocal cords!  I can't wait to see what happens when this generation grows older and their voices lower naturally with age.  Can't imagine what they will sound like.

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Why would Amy be required or expected to accompany Matt or take care of him. HE left her, HE is divorcing her.  That means they are no longer each others' personal responsibility. Business partners, yes, but he lost all rights to leaning on her personally the day he moved out, and definitely the day he filed for divorce.  

They are still too much in each others lives. Living so close to each other is going to prohibit both of them from moving on. It's too easy to just take a little ride over to the other's place to see what's going on. How are they ever going to have any privacy? What's going to happen if/when they start dating and have a serious relationship with someone else? The better solution would have been to sell the farm, so they both can really go their separate ways (tough shit for Jer, there still would be plenty cash inheritance when the parents die so he can do what ever the hell he wants with the money). They should only see each other for the kids milestones... birthdays, marriages,  babies being born, special holidays. That's it.  Isn't that what NORMAL divorced people do?

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 4

I liked this finale a lot. It seemed pretty genuine and I liked the emotions.  For the first time in a long time we got to see Amy's softer side.  

I don't think Matt was trying to get someone to go with him anywhere. Amy and Zach said Matt likes to be independent and doesn't want to bother anyone. I believe it.

It appears that the divorce has cleared the acrimony. Thank goodness.  Now that Amy has no reason to be bitter, I hope Matt haters can accept that and let Matt and Amy be happy being apart. He's not making her miserable.

I do think Jer needs to get on board and do EVERYTHING to assist with the farm while Matt recovers. If you want your parents to hand you a million dollar asset, don't give a pathetic, "I'll do what I can."  You step up and take the responsibility.  You say, No worries. I got this.  Instill some confidence in what you can do.  Don't just say you'll cut grass 3 times a year. PLEASE.  It's not like he has a heavy schedule, kids or a disability. 

I'm curious about Ron and Honey.  Wasn't that them at the graduation? Did Molly say they came from CA? What happened? I thought they lived near the farm. They were there for lunch with Matt when he announced the separation. They didn't look well last night.  Anyone know what happened?

Ron and Grannie moved to California several years ago, when they stopped being on the show.

I think if Matt had asked Amy would have gone but instead he chose to fish around and try to make everyone feel guilty. BTW according to Matt's Facebook his friends took turns flying down and spending a few days with him in rehab so he wasn't alone.

It was wonderful to see Zach and Tori step up and be the mature, responsible ones last night. Tori does indeed bring out the best in Zach. Interesting that Zach who has a job found time for his dad but Jer who does nothing was too busy buying love gifts for his wife.

  • Love 2

Is it just me or was anyone else wondering how real Odd's "injury" at the party is? She's wearing something that would indicate she separated her shoulder or needed to hold her arm still. Only she was moving it all around decorating for the party.

Matt, on what planet beside yours would your ex-wife spend 12 hours in the car with you after you divorce her? Or take care of you after your operation. If I was legitimately worried about my neck, the first thing I'd do is stop driving that Mule. It makes me think you might want to end up with the "paralyzation." It just seems to me that Matt enjoys the poor sick dwarf role.

Can Molly or Tory please explain to Jerk and Odd how to dress during the THs? I'm so tired of them looking so unkempt.

Maybe this one is just me, but why was Sully in the car headed to Molly's graduation? Why wasn't he boarded?

I noticed Matt was drinking a Pepsi at Molly's party but there was a big bottle of Grey Goose noticeably present on the county in Matt's house. Thanks camera men for that little subtle jab.

  • Love 2

Oddj and Jerk on the other hand ?. Really? They couldn't make it to Molly's college graduation because of an important speaking arrangement? Oddj couldn't have attended that alone and Jerk go to the graduation? Kind of a Jerk move on his party, once again his nickname suits him perfectly. 

You know, this really doesn't shock me.  Particularly when I couple it with how Jeremy isn't all that interested in actually working on the farm.I find it increasingly hilarious how what Jer and Auj do for a living and why they must live in Bend when they clearly and constantly and publically insist that they want to be "living on the farm". I mean, yes, it's technically no one's business but the blog can be done at the farm, if Audrey is presenting herself as a speaker, that's a job where her base doesn't matter. If Jeremy is still pursuing wedding photography (I doubt it based on the lack of well, actual work he seems to put in) that can also be pursued while living on the farm.

I think there's two things going on. First, I think Jeremy has married the female version of Matt. Audrey wears the pants in that family. My guess is that Audrey wanted to try Los Angeles and Jeremy went along, and when she didn't like it, he was fine moving back to Oregon. She picked Bend because she likes Bend for the skiing and lifestyle and because it suits her view of herself. She's the driving force behind the marital blog and the whole presentation. She controls who Jeremy isfriends with, who he sees, and even how he wears his hair. It's about control.

Second, while I don't think Jeremy is a great thinker, I do think he's learned how to manipulate his family and there's actually signs of it in even the earliest episodes. He's always been allowed to be very untouchable with how he's presented on the show. it's very rare for Jeremy to be chided for poor behavior or pressed to do anything other than be an irresponsible teen. While Zach gets near constant, even now, lectures on how he'll need to man up and get a job and how he needs to stop being an underconfident pathetic little waste who might every once in a while manage a task (its actually quite condescending how Zach is treated like a mentally challenged child at times) Jeremy, who has no ambition and no drive just like Zach, is personable and good at sports so he is praised and allowed to do as he pleases. He's always been allowed to play, and he's smart enough to realize that certain things, like living ten minutes from home, or having a baby, will dramatically alter his comfortable fun lifestyle. It's very easy when it's a three hour drive to say you're too busy to run to the farm for chores.

MegD - Per Auj's instragram, she dislocated her shoulder after she gave Jeremy a motorcycle for his birthday and they promptly had an accident. That said it's noticeable if you look thru her blog that she is constantly getting injured - spent season after season on the track team walking on crutches, moved with Jer to Los Angeles and promptly broke her foot moving in. It begins to look odd. But maybe she's accident prone.

  • Love 5

I hate to sound catty, but with all the drinking Auj has done in recent episodes, there may be a reason for her accident-proneness.  In the episode where she was shopping for a wedding gown with her friend, I think she had an adult beverage in her hand in every scene.  Or talking about drinking.

Seemed a bit much.

  • Love 4

More like a form of Munchausens. She's realized by being hurt  she is the center of attention and can manipulate those around her. Remember how she whined when they moved to LA and Jer " abandoned" her in an apt no one thought to turn the utilities on in ? She cried and "nearly went to the  dark side". When in fact she had a car and was able to get to a hotel.

  • Love 6

Yes, that's when she broke her foot. I'm not sure the blog entry is still available but it was hilarious. And it wasn't just no utilities - she had no furniture (despite how their U-Haul was unpacked the night before and clearly had furniture in it) and no phone, no food, no way to leave.... she made it sound as though she was left in miserable pain on a bare floor with no food or water and no car.... but then she's merrily describing how later the same day she's driving to an airport hotel in the car that she doesn't have and theoretically can't drive anyway since she's in such miserable pain that Satan almost took her until God whispered to her that He was always there!

  • Love 11
5 hours ago, Willowsmom said:

It was wonderful to see Zach and Tori step up and be the mature, responsible ones last night. Tori does indeed bring out the best in Zach. Interesting that Zach who has a job found time for his dad but Jer who does nothing was too busy buying love gifts for his wife.

Tori is a nice person.  It was sweet of her to bring Matt's favorite snack of salami and cheese on the road trip.  I don't picture Auj being that thoughtful. I wonder if Auj will begin to resent Tori in the future and start labeling her as sucking up to the in-laws. 

  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Tori is a nice person.  It was sweet of her to bring Matt's favorite snack of salami and cheese on the road trip.  I don't picture Auj being that thoughtful. I wonder if Auj will begin to resent Tori in the future and start labeling her as sucking up to the in-laws. 

I think she already is resenting Tori.

  • Love 3

I knew a girl in grad school and she always had "accidents" that required crutches, ace bandages, and slings, etc.. Especially when she wasn't the center of attention. She even carried an epi pen for her self-diagnosed allergies (apparently she could not eat eggs, milk or nuts (both tree and peanuts) without stopping breathing out in public but her favorite food was cheese pizza and peanut butter cookies and milk back in the dorms. She loved ordering things that obviously had eggs, milk or nuts in them and then act shocked when the food arrived. Sorry but you knew chicken in peanut sauce contained nuts.) She also had her mom, who was a nurse, install a Picc line for daily infusions of saline. But it was

I just wonder how much of her injuries are Odd's drinking problem, being a klutz and how much of it is for the attention. Because that would garner a bunch of attention on Molly's day. She was just moving that arm around a lot.

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Ok I'm on my phone and having a hard time with quotes (or maybe I'm just pulling an Oddj and had to much to drink), but Zoloft, your previous post was spot on. Jeremy is used to being pampered and praised for being the golden child and in his mind, now he can do no wrong. In reality, all he is is a huge hipster, selfish brat. He was a brat for not being in Tori's surprise party, a brat for not attending Molly's graduation and a brat for not being there for Matt during his surgery, and that's just what we've seen in the last two episodes. He seems to have found his selfish other half in Oddj though and that's the closest I'll get to giving that pair a compliment.

On the other hand, I've said this before and I'll say it again, but, even though Zach is definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed, at least he tries and he can recognize his flaws or what's important. And Tori also brings that out in him even more so I won't snark on them...Much.

That being said, MegD, you mentioned Sully accompanying them on the road trip and I noticed the same. Ok let me do a disclaimer here, I had a dog for 14 years who was my best friend, my companion and just overall the love of my life. That dog passed away last year and I was heart broken and devastated beyond words. However (huge however), I knew my limits with that dog. I knew that even though he meant everything to me, he was a dog and not everyone would feel as excited as me to have a big, hairy, sloberly, clumsy dog stampeding around after me. If I went to visit friends or family for the weekend, I left him behind. I feel like Tori's relationship with that dog is borderline obsessive. Ok and now I feel bad for mentioning this because I really can't hate on someone who clearly has such strong love for their dog. Also...Sully is definitely my favorite Roloff. And I think he has way better hair than Oddj and Jerk (hope they read this!). 

  • Love 7

I agree about Sully. While I understand completely the love for a dog, you also have to respect that the dog is a dog. While it's true that some people won't always appreciate your dog friend tagging along, it is also true that the dog is also probably happier to stay behind. Going to graduation, for example, he spent six hours in the car with Matt eating salami and cheese in front of him and then waited in a strange hotel room or something by himself while they all went to graduation. Or the time he went with them to visit Jernauj (I'm referring to them in one word now) and had to stay in the garage and then get yelled at for scratching the door couldn't have been fun. Both times he would've been better off at home with a friend or neighbor feeding or at a boarding kennel with people taking care of him in a dog-friendly place.

Other news from this episode: Matt and Amy are reunited with the daughter they forgot they had and that other kid from the intro hides behind a flower arrangement!

Lol at @ Jernauj thinking taking care of Matt post-op means cutting the grass a few more times! They're as good at caring of aging parents as they are at saving marriages.

As for Matt and Amy still living on the farm together, I'm sure part of I is the show and maybe pumpkin season to a lesser extent. The show especially is a lot of money they'd both be giving up. But, they have spent a lot of time there and I wonder if their living arrangements are just their way of easing into the next phase in their lives. Matt probably just wants all the profit from the farm he can get, but I can see Amy being reluctant to just drop the whole life she'd built there. Matt or no Matt, she's spent more than half her life on the farm and raised four kids there. For her at least, I can see her reasons for staying as partly vindictive towards Matt, partly sentimental and partly fearful of having to figure out life somewhere else.

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6 minutes ago, sucker4reality said:

I agree about Sully. While I understand completely the love for a dog, you also have to respect that the dog is a dog. While it's true that some people won't always appreciate your dog friend tagging along, it is also true that the dog is also probably happier to stay behind.

Sorry but Sully is probably happier wherever Tori is find a pet sitter to  and most hotels will find a pet sitter  . I had a bulldog that would do anything to go in the car and be with us. I didn't go where he wasn't welcome.

  • Love 2

No, I disagree. An animal that is happy doesn't scratch the hell out of a door because it's so freaked out from being put in a room alone without it's owner. The door scratching at Jer's is an indicator that Sully has some separation anxiety.

That said, I also wonder if Tory has the problem of all big dog owners - its not as easy to get a dog sitter, or for a friend to be ok with watching the dog for a few days. My mother had an akita who she treated very similarly to how Tory treats Sully, and it did the poor dog no favors because since he never learned how to handle being separated from his owner, he would always freak out, and Mom had difficulty finding him a place to stay when she did need to not take him.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Willowsmom said:

Sorry but Sully is probably happier wherever Tori is find a pet sitter to  and most hotels will find a pet sitter  . I had a bulldog that would do anything to go in the car and be with us. I didn't go where he wasn't welcome.

Of course he wants to be with them, but sometimes you have to go places where you can't take the dog, like graduations or the house of your douche-y brother who told you you could bring him and then made you leave him in the garage. Sully can't forsee that (to be fair, Zach and Tori couldn't either af Jernauj's place).

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IMHO, Aujer was at fault for not saying no to bringing Sully.

Also. That salamie and cheese in the car with Sully hovering was just like the cat meandering among the cake and cupcakes on the counter. Yuk, and I have a dog and did have 2 cats. I know of what I speak.

When I have something waiting to be eaten, I either put things covered in the refrigerator if necessary or in the microwave while I wait for company. Of course, if you actually spend time grooming your animals you have less chance of fur flying. I have a baby gate and my dog is not allowed in the kitchen. The cats were happy in the bedroom.

  • Love 1

I think most pet owners know their limits. Also, I agree that Tori is actually making it harder on Sully by creating this kind of dependence. My dog loved coming with me anywhere I went, but, realistically he couldn't come to most places and my dog knew it because when he saw me doing my "going out" ritual, he wouldn't flinge unless he saw me physically grabbing his leash or saying the magic "let's go" words. And sure enough, cue the excitement and jumping around and following me at the heels until we were out of the house. But if I left without him because...You know...Life, school, work, shopping, he would just snooze away in a corner without even saying bye to me. We had boundaries and he knew it. I wonder if Sully has those same boundaries. Like someone mentioned above, from the time he scratched Jerk's door, I'm going to go ahead and agree that those are from separation anxiety issues. 

I wouldn't be surprised if those scratches on Jer(k)'s door were not from Sully, but instead something production came up with so the episode would have some sort of drama. That episode, actually the entirety of the season, was about as exciting as Ben Stein reading a children's book.  You'd be an idiot to take a dog who scratched up doors with you to hotels or anywhere that is not your own place. 

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We watched Molly's graduation episode last night.  I was touched at how genuinely glad Molly was to see Matt.  When he arrived at the restaurant, she gave him a huge hug, and kept rubbing his back.  Then, when he sat across from her at the table (and next to Amy), Molly reached out and was holding and stroking Matt's hand.  I sense that girl and her dad have a really sweet relationship.  All she ever did when she was talking to Amy (online or in person) was to eat while she was talking (not even giving her mother her undivided attention).

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On 7/26/2016 at 9:59 PM, Calibabydolly said:

I wonder why her boyfriend was not on camera at the party? Didn't Matt even mention him by name once? I have to assume Molly will not be on the show much at all if she works in Washington. Possibly this is her plan and we will never hear about her boyfriend.

I think we saw a glimpse of him when she stood up to make her announcement.  But it was quick!

On 7/28/2016 at 7:33 AM, ZoloftBlob said:

No, I disagree. An animal that is happy doesn't scratch the hell out of a door because it's so freaked out from being put in a room alone without it's owner. The door scratching at Jer's is an indicator that Sully has some separation anxiety.

I'd bet a billion dollars on this too.  And it's likely the reason why Tori takes him everywhere because she's probably had her apartment/house torn up a few times and can no longer trust him to be alone.  There are some dogs you can't even crate because if they have anxiety that  bad they will rip the crate the shreds just to get out. 

But then I guess, what do they do while they're both at work or need to go to the store? Who knows....

8 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Unless Sully is a service dog, he didn't attend the graduation ceremony so he must be left alone sometimes.  I hope he wasn't in the van all that time.

Most better hotels will either find or provide a pet sitter so Sully didn't have to be alone.

Edited by Willowsmom

I had a dog with severe separation issues.  He had been abused for years before his owners tired of stomping on his feet every day, and decided to just put him to sleep (he was about 7 years old at the time).  I won't get into how it came to be, but I convinced his owners to let me take him instead.  With lots of love and togetherness, he turned into a wonderful dog, but he stuck to me like glue for the rest of his life.  He was inconsolable if I was out of his sight for even a minute.  He lived very happlily for 12 more years!!  I had to have him put to sleep 4 days before last Christmas.

If Sully has this problem, there are dog trainers that can help him.  He's a beautiful boy though, and I would dogsit for him in a heartbeat.

  • Love 8
On 7/20/2016 at 3:40 PM, jumper sage said:


It grossed me out!  I have had cats and none of them walked on counters or funiture that wasn't "theirs"..

Jeremy saying happy birthday - how else would he get the camera on him when the focus of the episode arrived?

I just don't get how Amy is all about "making the cake," as if she's a talented baker/decorator; then she puts out something that looks like a box mix which was made by a 10-year old.

  • Love 4

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